Mississippi Legislature
2001 Regular Session

Daily Action Report for 02/06/01

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House: Floor Actions

HB  47  Counties; authorize to donate money to certain            Pierce
        organizations and for certain purposes.                
           02/06 (H) Transmitted To Senate
HB  51  Public school classroom; authorize brief period of        Fillingane
        quiet reflection.                                      
           02/06 (H) Passed
HB  52  Vocational apprenticeship program; authorize school       Lott
        districts to establish.                                
           02/06 (H) Committee Substitute Adopted
           02/06 (H) Passed
HB  58  Adult entertainment business; prohibit establishment on   Fleming
        sixteenth section land or lieu land.                   
           02/06 (H) Passed
           02/06 (H) Motion to Reconsider Entered
HB 196  Massage therapists; provide for registration of.          Fredericks
           02/06 (H) Committee Substitute Adopted
           02/06 (H) Amended
           02/06 (H) Passed As Amended
HB 217  Mississippi Highway 613; designate segment in Jackson     Hamilton
        County as "Bruce Wayne Evans Memorial Highway."        
           02/06 (H) Transmitted To Senate
HB 298  Public schools; require all instruction to be delivered   Reeves
        in English language.                                   
           02/06 (H) Committee Substitute Adopted
           02/06 (H) Passed
HB 300  Compulsory school law; include students who turn 17       Warren
        during school year.                                    
           02/06 (H) Passed
HB 306  Tax assessors and collectors; revise salary scale.        Reeves
           02/06 (H) Committee Substitute Adopted
           02/06 (H) Tabled Subject To Call
           02/06 (H) Amended
           02/06 (H) Passed As Amended
           02/06 (H) Motion to Reconsider Entered
HB 329  Counties; authorize board of supervisors to employ        Martinson
        attorney as full-time county employee.                 
           02/06 (H) Transmitted To Senate
HB 385  Insurance contracts of school districts; place under      Taylor
        the public bid requirements.                           
           02/06 (H) Amended
           02/06 (H) Passed As Amended
HB 396  Honorary high school diploma; award to WWII and Korean    Clark
        Conflict veterans.                                     
           02/06 (H) Committee Substitute Adopted
           02/06 (H) Passed
HB 413  School districts with added territory; authorize          Robinson (84th)
        automatic student transfers.                           
           02/06 (H) Committee Substitute Adopted
           02/06 (H) Passed
HB 502  Handicap parking violation; charge dismissed upon proof   Morris
        to court of valid windshield placard.                  
           02/06 (H) Transmitted To Senate
HB 520  Mississippi Board of Optometry; extend repealer.          Ford
           02/06 (H) Amended
           02/06 (H) Passed As Amended
HB 527  School Employment Procedures Law; require                 Blackmon
        nonreemployment of licensed employees to be based on   
        good cause.                                            
           02/06 (H) Amended
           02/06 (H) Passed As Amended
HB 529  U.S. Highway 51; designate portion in City of Winona as   Howell
        "Mortimer Barry Memorial Highway."                     
           02/06 (H) Transmitted To Senate
HB 666  County patrol officers; increase maximum compensation     Stevens
        in certain counties.                                   
           02/06 (H) Transmitted To Senate
HB 681  Cemeteries; provide cause of action to enforce care and   Ellis
        maintenance of.                                        
           02/06 (H) Amendment Failed
           02/06 (H) Passed
HB 701  Justice court; require certain deputy clerks to obtain    Gibbs
           02/06 (H) Transmitted To Senate
HB 727  Coastal wetlands; delete incorrect reference in law       Ellington
        authorizing performance bond for conducting activities 
           02/06 (H) Passed
HB 728  Commercial fishing vessels; repeal duplicate law          Ellington
        requiring vessel operating at night to display lights. 
           02/06 (H) Passed
HB 734  Crabbing license; revise certain fees and provide fees    Ellington
        for a captain's license.                               
           02/06 (H) Amended
           02/06 (H) Passed As Amended
HB 766  School guidance counselors; define comprehensive          Weathersby
        services to be provided in public schools.             
           02/06 (H) Passed
HB 778  Municipalities; increase penalties and revise notice      Reeves
        requirement for a municipality cleaning private        
           02/06 (H) Amended
           02/06 (H) Passed As Amended
HB 818  Statewide scientific information; remove deadline for     Ellington
        strategic plan for statewide scientific information    
        management system.                                     
           02/06 (H) Passed
HB 822  Immunity; provide to certain church-operated medical      Flaggs
        clinics and to legislative "doctors of the day".       
           02/06 (H) Committee Substitute Adopted
           02/06 (H) Passed
HB 862  Gig fishing; require gig fisherman license for            Ellington
        commercial fishing.                                    
           02/06 (H) Passed
           02/06 (H) Motion to Reconsider Entered
HB 873  Domestic abuse; revise orders of protection.              Watson
           02/06 (H) Transmitted To Senate
HB 885  State universities and colleges; authorize to offer       Peranich
        limited gaming-related courses if located in county    
        where gaming is legal.                                 
           02/06 (H) Transmitted To Senate
HB 886  Mississippi Highway 25; designate portion as "Military    Eakes
        Order of the Purple Heart Drive".                      
           02/06 (H) Transmitted To Senate
HB 944  Identification cards issued by Department of Public       Compretta
        Safety; revise age requirement (DPS).                  
           02/06 (H) Transmitted To Senate
HB 947  Department of Public Safety; revise qualifications of     Compretta
        Director of Driver License Examining Bureau (DPS).     
           02/06 (H) Transmitted To Senate
HB 971  Bail agents; increase commission.                         Rogers
           02/06 (H) Transmitted To Senate
HB 972  Bail agents; revise prohibited activities to allow        Rogers
        securing bonds with out-of-state property.             
           02/06 (H) Transmitted To Senate
HB 990  Circuit clerks; filing fee accrues to clerk at time of    Smith (39th)
           02/06 (H) Transmitted To Senate
HB1022  Early hearing detection and intervention program for      Moody
        newborns, infants and toddlers; make technical         
        amendments to.                                         
           02/06 (H) Passed
HB1029  Pearl River Basin Development District; make certain      Ellington
        clarifying amendments to law.                          
           02/06 (H) Committee Substitute Adopted
           02/06 (H) Amended
           02/06 (H) Passed As Amended
           02/06 (H) Motion to Reconsider Entered
HB1048  Sixteenth section lands; grant Secretary of State         Rogers
        timber authority if local board member has conflict.   
           02/06 (H) Passed
HB1106  Commission on Judicial Performance; revise                Watson
           02/06 (H) Committee Substitute Adopted
           02/06 (H) Amendment Failed
           02/06 (H) Passed
HB1121  White lights; authorize use on rear of vehicle if         Compretta
        manufacturer meets certain design requirements.        
           02/06 (H) Transmitted To Senate
HB1129  Municipalities; authorize to recover costs incurred in    Zuber
        fee collection.                                        
           02/06 (H) Passed
HB1144  Eggs; containers shall bear the words "use by date"       Stevens
        followed by the appropriate date.                      
           02/06 (H) Transmitted To Senate
HB1181  Highway 35 in Panola County; designate portion as         Morris
        "Waverly Wray Memorial Highway."                       
           02/06 (H) Transmitted To Senate
HB1189  Pesticides; prohibit use or possession of certain         Cummings
        products containing strychnine.                        
           02/06 (H) Transmitted To Senate
HB1206  Court reporters; revise bond.                             Watson
           02/06 (H) Passed
HB1218  Municipalities; authorize municipalities to expend        Robinson (63rd)
        matching funds for any state, federal or private       
           02/06 (H) Amended
           02/06 (H) Passed As Amended
HB1224  Occupational Therapy Licensure Act; amendments to.        Moody
           02/06 (H) Passed
HB1260  Drainage districts; authorize transfer of authority       Eaton
        from certain dissolved districts to the county soil and
        water conservation districts.                          
           02/06 (H) Passed
HB1277  Highway weight restrictions; exempt rear axle of          Robinson (84th)
        knuckle boom log loaders from tire loading limitations.
           02/06 (H) Transmitted To Senate
HB1284  Conservation officers; prohibit from leasing or           Hudson
        negotiating the lease of land to hunting clubs or      
        individuals while employed as.                         
           02/06 (H) Transmitted To Senate
HB1311  Secured transactions; revise UCC Article 9 (NCCUSL).      Watson
           02/06 (H) Motion to Reconsider Entered
HB1313  Railroad property; prescribe certain conduct as           Hamilton
           02/06 (H) Transmitted To Senate
HB1338  Dams or low-water control structures; allow counties to   Capps
        construct on lakes in county.                          
           02/06 (H) Committee Substitute Adopted
           02/06 (H) Set Aside-Pend Ruling of Chair
           02/06 (H) Amended
           02/06 (H) Passed As Amended
HB1351  Vehicle impounded under DUI law; local governmental       Rushing
        entities not required to store.                        
           02/06 (H) Transmitted To Senate
HB1371  Offenders; authorize to work for any nonprofit            Malone
           02/06 (H) Amended
           02/06 (H) Passed As Amended
HB1409  Vehicles with projecting loads; clarify provisions        Compretta *
        relating to operation at night (MDOT).                 
           02/06 (H) Transmitted To Senate
HB1428  Research-based reading instruction; require Department    Martinson
        of Education to implement as pilot program.            
           02/06 (H) Committee Substitute Adopted
           02/06 (H) Amended
           02/06 (H) Passed As Amended
HB1448  Junior ROTC; provide state support for public high        Brown
        school programs.                                       
           02/06 (H) Committee Substitute Adopted
           02/06 (H) Amended
           02/06 (H) Passed As Amended
HB1452  Freight Rail Service Project Revolving Loan  Fund;        Green
        authorize grants to counties.                          
           02/06 (H) Transmitted To Senate
HC  12  Commend Mr. Hunter Webb, Sr., on his long and             Horne
        fulfilling life.                                       
           02/06 (H) Transmitted To Senate
HC  17  Amend constitution; bail prohibited for trafficking in    McBride
        controlled substances.                                 
           02/06 (H) Committee Substitute Adopted
           02/06 (H) Adopted
HC  35  Commend life of Mayme Edna Curtis.                        Espy
           02/06 (H) Transmitted To Senate
HC  36  Commend the life of Billy Douglas Lancaster.              Horne
           02/06 (H) Transmitted To Senate
HC  37  Commend Sandy Grisham upon being named Northwest's        Eads
        Humanities Teacher for 2000.                           
           02/06 (H) Transmitted To Senate
HC  40  Commend Delta State University Football Team.             Capps
           02/06 (H) Transmitted To Senate
HC  42  Commend Raymond Davis.                                    Horne
           02/06 (H) Transmitted To Senate
HC  58  Commend Romeo Sullivan on his outstanding career in       Davis
        country radio and music industry.                      
           02/06 (H) Transmitted To Senate
HC  59  Commend Coach M.K. Turk of The University of Southern     Davis
           02/06 (H) Transmitted To Senate
HC  60  Commend Mr. Obra L. Quave.                                Davis
           02/06 (H) Transmitted To Senate
HC  61  Commend Martha Layton Richardson Tatum on receiving       Watson
        2001 Arts Patron Award.                                
           02/06 (H) Transmitted To Senate
HC  62  Commend Southaven High School Softball Team.              Jennings
           02/06 (H) Transmitted To Senate
HC  63  Commend Southaven High School Lady Chargers Volleyball    Jennings
           02/06 (H) Transmitted To Senate
HC  64  Commend Southaven Baseball Team.                          Jennings
           02/06 (H) Transmitted To Senate
HC  65  Commend Southaven High School Dance Team on winning       Jennings
        state championship.                                    
           02/06 (H) Transmitted To Senate
HC  66  Commend Judge Neal Biggers.                               Eads
           02/06 (H) Transmitted To Senate
HC  67  Commend Lester Senter on being named a 2001 Artist's      Brown
        Achievement Award Winner.                              
           02/06 (H) Transmitted To Senate
HC  68  Commend Abie "Boogaloo" Ames on receiving Artist's        Bailey
        Achievement Award.                                     
           02/06 (H) Transmitted To Senate
HC  69  Commend Meridian Community College Soccer Team for        Snowden
        winning 2000 National Championship.                    
           02/06 (H) Transmitted To Senate
HC  70  Commend Pierce Street Elementary School.                  Scott (17th)
           02/06 (H) Transmitted To Senate
HC  71  Commend Dr. Thomas J. Army on receiving Presidential      Bailey
        Rank Award.                                            
           02/06 (H) Transmitted To Senate
HC  72  Commend Josh Bright.                                      McBride
           02/06 (H) Transmitted To Senate
HC  73  Commend Archie Tucker on being selected Mississippi's     Bailey
        2000 Parent of the Year.                               
           02/06 (H) Transmitted To Senate
HC  74  Commend Michael McLaughlin.                               Read
           02/06 (H) Transmitted To Senate
SC 522  Senator and Representative Kenneth Williams; commend      Scoper
           02/06 (H) Transmitted To Senate
SC 547  Habitat for Humanity; commend for service in              Nunnelee
           02/06 (H) Transmitted To Senate
SC 548  Eddie Beck; commend on retirement.                        White (29th)
           02/06 (H) Transmitted To Senate
SC 549  Dr. Rod Paige, Sr.; commend appointment as Education      Harvey
           02/06 (H) Transmitted To Senate

House: Signed By The Speaker

HR   8  Commend Carmen Ronken.                                    Scott (17th)
           02/06 (H) Enrolled Bill Signed
HR   9  Commend West Lauderdale Baseball Team.                    Horne
           02/06 (H) Enrolled Bill Signed
HR  10  Commend West Lauderdale High School Girls Softball        Horne
           02/06 (H) Enrolled Bill Signed

Senate: Introductions

SB3061  Ad valorem taxation; exempt a portion of the assessed     Williamson
        value of egg houses, pullet houses and broiler houses. 
           02/06 (S) Referred To Finance
SB3062  Appropriation; Dept. of Edu. - pay high natural gas       Simmons
        bills for school districts; addl. FY2001.              
           02/06 (S) Referred To Appropriations
SB3063  Forrest County; authorize a contribution to the           King
        Pinebelt Association for Community Enhancement.        
           02/06 (S) Referred To Local and Private
SB3064  Forrest County; authorize a contribution to the           King
        Neighborhood Education Enhancement Development         
           02/06 (S) Referred To Local and Private
SB3065  Forrest County; authorize a contribution to the Forrest   King
        County Agricultural High School.                       
           02/06 (S) Referred To Local and Private
SB3066  Forrest County; authorize a contribution to the Big       King
        Brothers/Big Sisters of Southeast Mississippi.         
           02/06 (S) Referred To Local and Private
SB3067  Forrest County; authorize a contribution to the Boy       King
        Scouts of America.                                     
           02/06 (S) Referred To Local and Private
SB3068  Forrest County; authorize contribution to the             King
        Hattiesburg Little League Baseball Association.        
           02/06 (S) Referred To Local and Private
SB3069  Forrest County; authorize a contribution to the           King
        Salvation Army.                                        
           02/06 (S) Referred To Local and Private
SB3070  Forrest County; authorize contribution to the             King
        Hattiesburg Area Habitat for Humanity.                 
           02/06 (S) Referred To Local and Private
SB3071  Forrest County; authorize a contribution to the           King
        Salvation Army Boys and Girls Club.                    
           02/06 (S) Referred To Local and Private
SB3072  Forrest County; authorize a contribution to the Gulf      King
        Pines Girl Scout Council.                              
           02/06 (S) Referred To Local and Private
SB3073  Forrest County; authorize a contribution to the           King
        Association of Retarded Citizens.                      
           02/06 (S) Referred To Local and Private
SB3074  Appropriation; Real Estate Commission; Addl. FY2001.      Gordon
           02/06 (S) Referred To Appropriations
SB3075  Appropriation; Attorney General-Judgements &              Gordon
        Settlements; Addl. FY2001.                             
           02/06 (S) Referred To Appropriations
SB3076  Appropriation; IHL-Financial Aid Programs; Addl.          Gordon
           02/06 (S) Referred To Appropriations
SB3077  Approp.; Public Service Commission to pay high natural    Harden
        gas bills for elderly; add'l FY 2001.                  
           02/06 (S) Referred To Appropriations
SB3078  Ad valorem taxation; exempt homesteads located within     Cuevas
        one mile of a sanitary landfill.                       
           02/06 (S) Referred To Finance
SB3079  Adams County; create the Natchez-Adams County Economic    Dearing
        Development Authority.                                 
           02/06 (S) Referred To Local and Private
SB3080  City of Richland; extend repealer on prepared food and    Smith
        beverage tax and allow proceeds to be used for a soccer
           02/06 (S) Referred To Local and Private
SB3081  Taxation; income tax credit incentives for certain        Nunnelee
        activities at brownfield sites.                        
           02/06 (S) Referred To Environment Prot, Cons and Water Res;Finance
SB3082  Marshall County; authorize expenditure for matching       Minor
        funds for programs sponsored by the Institute of       
        Community Services, Inc.                               
           02/06 (S) Referred To Local and Private
SB3083  Appropriation; Dept. of Education-Min. Program & other    Gordon
        K-12 Programs; Addl. FY2001.                           
           02/06 (S) Referred To Appropriations
SC 552  Resolution; memorialize Congress to strengthen rules      Robertson
        regarding safety of natural gas & liquids pipeline     
           02/06 (S) Referred To Rules
SC 553  North Delta Academy Green Wave Football Team; commend.    Mettetal
           02/06 (S) Referred To Rules
SC 554  Actress Sela Ward; commend.                               Carmichael
           02/06 (S) Referred To Rules
SC 555  Congress; memorialize to take swift action to address     Simmons
        dramatic increase in the price of natural gas.         
           02/06 (S) Referred To Rules
SC 556  Dr. Rod Paige, Sr.; commend appointment as Education      Harvey
           02/06 (S) Referred To Rules
SC 557  George Berry; commend for Artist's Achievement Award.     Frazier
           02/06 (S) Referred To Rules
SC 558  Roy Oswalt; commend for 2000 Summer Olympics Gold         Hamilton
           02/06 (S) Referred To Rules
SC 559  Suspend rules; drafting, etc. of a bill to authorize      King
        Veterans Monument Trust Fund to defray costs of        
        dedication of Veterans Monument.                       
           02/06 (S) Referred To Rules
SC 560  Coach "Blackie" Blackwell; recognize for posthumos        Michel
        induction into Mississippi Sports Hall of Fame.        
           02/06 (S) Referred To Rules
SC 561  Marvin Terrell; commend upon induction into Mississippi   Michel
        Sports Hall of Fame.                                   
           02/06 (S) Referred To Rules
SC 562  Orsmond E. Jordan, Jr.; commend upon induction into       Michel
        Mississippi Sports Hall of Fame.                       
           02/06 (S) Referred To Rules
SC 563  Ken Lindsay; commend upon induction into Mississippi      Michel
        Sports Hall of Fame.                                   
           02/06 (S) Referred To Rules
SC 564  Larry Myricks; commend upon induction into MS Sports      Michel
        Hall of Fame.                                          
           02/06 (S) Referred To Rules
SC 565  Defensive lineman "Stonewall" Jackson Brumfield;          Michel
        commend upon induction into Mississippi Sports Hall of 
           02/06 (S) Referred To Rules
SN  72  Charles N. Brown, Starkville, Mississippi, to the Crime   GOVERNOR
        Stoppers Advisory Council, for the unexpired two-year  
        term of St. Ronnie Castille ending July 1, 2002.       
           02/06 (S) Referred To Judiciary
SN  73  Mary Long, Hernando, Mississippi, to the Mississippi      GOVERNOR
        State Board of Cosmetology, for a four-year term of    
        office ending on August 8, 2004, representing the 3rd  
        Supreme Court District.                                
           02/06 (S) Referred To Public Health and Welfare
SN  74  Mark Luke, Preston, Mississippi, to the Transportation    GOVERNOR
        Commission Appeals Board, for the (four) 4 year term of
        office ending June 30, 2004.                           
           02/06 (S) Referred To Highways and Transportation
SN  75  William T (Dale) Patterson, Jackson, Mississippi, to      GOVERNOR
        the Mississippi Prepaid Affordable College Tuition     
        Program, Board of Directors, for a five- year term of  
        office ending June 30, 2005, representing the Fourth   
        Congressional District.                                
           02/06 (S) Referred To Universities and Colleges
SR   7  Samuel Mockbee; commend for Lifetime Achievement Winner   Johnson (19th)
        of the Governor's Awards for Excellence in the Arts.   
           02/06 (S) Referred To Rules

Senate: Committee Reports

HB1119  Appropriation;  Arts Commission - Majesty of Spain        Capps
        Exhibition; Additional for FY2001.                     
           02/06 (S) Title Suff Do Pass
SB3059  Appropriation; DFA - Utilities; Addl. FY2001.             Gordon
           02/06 (S) Title Suff Do Pass
SB3074  Appropriation; Real Estate Commission; Addl. FY2001.      Gordon
           02/06 (S) Title Suff Do Pass
SB3075  Appropriation; Attorney General-Judgements &              Gordon
        Settlements; Addl. FY2001.                             
           02/06 (S) Title Suff Do Pass
SB3076  Appropriation; IHL-Financial Aid Programs; Addl.          Gordon
           02/06 (S) Title Suff Do Pass
SB3083  Appropriation; Dept. of Education-Min. Program & other    Gordon
        K-12 Programs; Addl. FY2001.                           
           02/06 (S) Title Suff Do Pass

Senate: Floor Actions

HB1119  Appropriation;  Arts Commission - Majesty of Spain        Capps
        Exhibition; Additional for FY2001.                     
           02/06 (S) Passed
SB2052  Local government-CAP loans; include construction,         Nunnelee
        repair or renovation of recreation and athletic        
           02/06 (S) Transmitted To House
SB2098  Victim assistance coordinators; classify as state         Gordon
           02/06 (S) Passed
SB2141  Bank holding companies; revise ownership restrictions     Posey
        on Mississippi bank stocks.                            
           02/06 (S) Passed
SB2203  School guidance counselors; define authorized program     Harden
           02/06 (S) Transmitted To House
SB2208  School boards; may use district funds to pay for field    Furniss
           02/06 (S) Passed
SB2213  Controlled substances; revise Schedules I, III and IV.    Huggins
           02/06 (S) Passed
SB2229  School Administrator Sabbatical Leave Program; extend     Harden
           02/06 (S) Transmitted To House
SB2317  Bail bonds; forfeiture order set aside in absence of      Minor
        required notice.                                       
           02/06 (S) Committee Substitute Adopted
           02/06 (S) Passed
SB2334  Nondriver's ID; revise age of eligibility.                Dearing
           02/06 (S) Passed
SB2335  Driver's license; revise qualifications of director of    Dearing
           02/06 (S) Committee Substitute Adopted
           02/06 (S) Passed
SB2362  Telephone solicitations; prohibit for subscribers who     Robertson
        notify PSC.                                            
           02/06 (S) Amendment Failed
           02/06 (S) Passed
SB2410  Juvenile Crime Prevention and Recidivism Reduction        Thames
        Programs; create.                                      
           02/06 (S) Passed
SB2452  Mississippi Business Corporation Act; revise.             Ross
           02/06 (S) Transmitted To House
SB2467  Motor vehicle window tint; revise certificate and label   Dearing
        requirements (DPS).                                    
           02/06 (S) Passed
SB2498  DNA; biological sample from all convicted felons.         Carlton
           02/06 (S) Committee Substitute Adopted
           02/06 (S) Passed
SB2504  Driver's license; revise penalty for falsification.       Dearing
           02/06 (S) Passed
SB2516  Hunting; clarify use of primitive weapon license.         Posey
           02/06 (S) Passed
SB2519  Bail bondsmen; allow out-of-state real property as        Minor
        security and prohibit legal advice.                    
           02/06 (S) Amended
           02/06 (S) Passed As Amended
SB2569  Corrections; revise house arrest and work center          Jackson
           02/06 (S) Committee Substitute Adopted
           02/06 (S) Passed
           02/06 (S) Motion to Reconsider Entered
SB2579  Indigents; extend appointment of counsel.                 Turner
           02/06 (S) Passed
SB2598  Impersonating officer or employee of state agency;        Huggins
        prohibit and prescribe criminal penalties for.         
           02/06 (S) Passed
SB2616  Fleeing or eluding; create offense.                       Walls
           02/06 (S) Committee Substitute Adopted
           02/06 (S) Passed
SB2620  Law Enforcement Officers Training Program; revise         Browning
        definition of part-time officer.                       
           02/06 (S) Passed
SB2625  Assault against DHS social worker; prescribe criminal     Huggins
           02/06 (S) Passed
SB2626  UCC; Article 9-Secured Transactions (NCCUSL).             Carlton
           02/06 (S) Committee Substitute Adopted
           02/06 (S) Amended
           02/06 (S) Passed As Amended
SB2653  Public works contracts; prohibit requirement that         Kirby
        bidder shall obtain insurance bonds from particular    
           02/06 (S) Committee Substitute Adopted
           02/06 (S) Passed
SB2668  Bail bondsmen; revise commission charged.                 Minor
           02/06 (S) Passed
SB2690  Ports; authorize county port commission to enter into     Robertson
        joint venture with private entities to construct and   
        operate port facilities.                               
           02/06 (S) Committee Substitute Adopted
           02/06 (S) Amended
           02/06 (S) Passed As Amended
SB2709  Law enforcement officer; restrict issuance of arrest      Tollison
        warrant for under certain circumstances.               
           02/06 (S) Tabled Subject To Call
SB2720  Pawnshops; revise various provisions of licensure law.    Mettetal
           02/06 (S) Committee Substitute Adopted
           02/06 (S) Passed
SB2748  Bail bondsmen; revise continuing education required.      Minor
           02/06 (S) Passed
SB2767  Individual retirement accounts; exempt from seizure       Blackmon
        under execution and attachment.                        
           02/06 (S) Passed
SB2769  Agricultural pesticides; increase registration fee.       Stogner
           02/06 (S) Amended
           02/06 (S) Passed As Amended
SB2779  Animals; revise seizure when maltreated, neglected or     Farris
           02/06 (S) Committee Substitute Adopted
           02/06 (S) Passed
SB2792  School tax anticipation notes; may be sold at             Tollison
        negotiated sale.                                       
           02/06 (S) Passed
SB2796  Board of Mental Health; authorize negotiation for sale    Thames
        of Boswell Regional Center property.                   
           02/06 (S) Transmitted To House
SB2812  Tobacco tax laws; revise definition of wholesaler and     Tollison
        revise permit requirements.                            
           02/06 (S) Transmitted To House
SB2830  Bank intangible property tax credit; may be carried       Michel
        forward for ten years.                                 
           02/06 (S) Transmitted To House
SB2894  Contractors; allow to conduct business in other           Kirby
        jurisdictions without separate licenses or examinations
        in such jurisdictions.                                 
           02/06 (S) Passed
SB2895  Gangs; revise Mississippi Street Gang Act.                Farris
           02/06 (S) Passed
SB2903  Assignee; revise definition.                              Hewes
           02/06 (S) Passed
SB2910  Bail bonds; spouses of certain law enforcement not to     Horhn
           02/06 (S) Committee Substitute Adopted
           02/06 (S) Amended
           02/06 (S) Passed As Amended
SB2932  Local governments; may sell naming rights.                Chaney
           02/06 (S) Transmitted To House
SB2968  Appropriations; Department of Insurance; Addl. FY2001.    Gordon
           02/06 (S) Transmitted To House
SB2978  Usury statute; revise maximum charges for late            Mettetal
           02/06 (S) Committee Substitute Adopted
           02/06 (S) Failed
SB2987  Adoption; delete automatic repealer on determination of   Turner
        parental rights.                                       
           02/06 (S) Committee Substitute Adopted
           02/06 (S) Passed
SB2992  Muzzleloaders; allow use of scopes on.                    Posey
           02/06 (S) Passed
SB3010  Soil and water conservation; authorize commission to      Stogner
        purchase used heavy equipment at public auction.       
           02/06 (S) Transmitted To House
SB3012  Mississippi Development Authority; conduct a              Hewes
        feasibility study regarding the purchase of a rail line
        between Gulfport and Hattiesburg.                      
           02/06 (S) Committee Substitute Adopted
           02/06 (S) Amended
           02/06 (S) Passed As Amended
SB3029  Railroad rights-of-way; prohibit certain acts on.         Dearing
           02/06 (S) Committee Substitute Adopted
           02/06 (S) Amended
           02/06 (S) Passed As Amended
SB3049  Appropriation; Division of Plant Industry, Dept. of       Gordon
        Agriculture & Commerce; Addl. FY2001.                  
           02/06 (S) Transmitted To House
SB3050  Appropriation; State Treasurer; Addl. FY2001.             Gordon
           02/06 (S) Transmitted To House
SB3051  Appropriation; Veterans Affairs Bd.; Addl. FY2001.        Gordon
           02/06 (S) Transmitted To House
SB3055  Appropriation; Dept. of Educ.-Minimum Program &           Gordon
        Critical Needs Teacher Scholarships; Addl. FY2001.     
           02/06 (S) Transmitted To House
SB3056  Appropriation; Sec. of State - Reimburse counties for     Gordon
        flag vote; FY2002.                                     
           02/06 (S) Transmitted To House
SB3059  Appropriation; DFA - Utilities; Addl. FY2001.             Gordon
           02/06 (S) Passed
SB3074  Appropriation; Real Estate Commission; Addl. FY2001.      Gordon
           02/06 (S) Passed
SB3075  Appropriation; Attorney General-Judgements &              Gordon
        Settlements; Addl. FY2001.                             
           02/06 (S) Passed
SB3076  Appropriation; IHL-Financial Aid Programs; Addl.          Gordon
           02/06 (S) Passed
SB3083  Appropriation; Dept. of Education-Min. Program & other    Gordon
        K-12 Programs; Addl. FY2001.                           
           02/06 (S) Passed
SC 540  Court; amend circuit and chancery judge terms.            Turner
           02/06 (S) Adopted

Senate: Referred Other House

HB 439  Housing development revolving fund; extend repealer.      Ford
           02/06 (S) Referred To Finance
HB 443  Yellow Creek Regional Project Board; extend repealer      Ford
        for one year.                                          
           02/06 (S) Referred To Finance
HB 449  Community development block grants for water systems;     Ford
        extend repealer for one year.                          
           02/06 (S) Referred To Finance
HB 781  Mississippi Business Finance Corporation; reenact         McCoy
        authority to issue bonds for economic development and  
        make clarifications.                                   
           02/06 (S) Referred To Finance
HB1146  Magnolia Capital Corporation and Magnolia Venture         Morris
        Capital Corporation; provide for deposit of remaining  
        funds into State General Fund.                         
           02/06 (S) Referred To Finance
HB1352  Emerging Crops Fund; increase amount of bonds for and     Morris
        increase funds used for minority economic development  
        and surety bond program.                               
           02/06 (S) Referred To Finance
HB1467  Growth and Prosperity Act; clarify census data used to    Morris
        determine certain criteria under.                      
           02/06 (S) Referred To Finance
HB1482  Mississippi Small Business Assistance Act; authorize      Morris
        MDA to take over loan programs that are not active.    
           02/06 (S) Referred To Finance

Senate: Signed By The President

SB2285  Mississippi Coat of Arms; adopt.                          Chaney
           02/06 (S) Enrolled Bill Signed

Information pertaining to this report was last updated on 04/19/01 at 11:23.

End Of Document
