Mississippi Legislature
2005 Regular Session

Daily Action Report for 03/24/05

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House: Introductions

HB1784  City of Cleveland; authorize to fix and collect fees      Capps
        for mosquito and pest control.                         
           03/24 (H) Referred To Local and Private Legislation
HB1785  West Rankin Utility Authority; clarify certain            Rogers (61st)
        boundaries and to eliminate chancery court approval to 
        amend certain boundaries.                              
           03/24 (H) Referred To Local and Private Legislation
HC 105  Mize Attendance Center Football Team; commend on          Eaton
        winning Class 1A State Championship.                   
           03/24 (H) Referred To Rules
HR  71  Greenwood Public School District Employees; commend on    Perkins
           03/24 (H) Referred To Rules
HR  72  Mississippi Valley State University employees; commend    Perkins
        on retirement.                                         
           03/24 (H) Referred To Rules
HR  73  Leflore County School District employees; commend on      Perkins
           03/24 (H) Referred To Rules

House: Double Referred Reports

HB1597  City of Pearl; authorize a food and beverage tax in a     Rogers (61st)
        certain area of the city.                              
           03/24 (H) DR - TSDPCS: WM To LP
HB1768  Leflore County; authorize to impose tourism tax.          Perkins
           03/24 (H) DR - TSDP: WM To LP
HB1770  City of Meridian; authorize food and beverage tax;        Young
        authorize bonds; construction of Arts and Entertainment
           03/24 (H) DR - TSDP: WM To LP

House: Committee Reports

HB  90  Agricultural leases of prison land; revise lease term     Mayo
        and authorize auction for.                             
           03/24 (H) Conference Report Filed
HB 738  State agencies; revise certain provisions regarding       Rogers (61st)
        payments by credit cards to agencies.                  
           03/24 (H) Conference Report Filed
HB1597  City of Pearl; authorize a food and beverage tax in a     Rogers (61st)
        certain area of the city.                              
           03/24 (H) Title Suff Do Pass Comm Sub
HB1768  Leflore County; authorize to impose tourism tax.          Perkins
           03/24 (H) Title Suff Do Pass
HB1770  City of Meridian; authorize food and beverage tax;        Young
        authorize bonds; construction of Arts and Entertainment
           03/24 (H) Title Suff Do Pass
HC 101  Charlie Capps; commend dedicated service upon             McCoy
           03/24 (H) Title Suff Do Be Adopted
SB2736  Highway Commission; limit amount spent annually on        Doxey
        certain agreements to advance highway construction.    
           03/24 (H) Conference Report Filed

House: Floor Actions

HB 191  State and School Employees Health Insurance Plan;         Formby
        require certain prior participation and delete         
        provisions covering life insurance.                    
           03/24 (H) Decline to Concur/Invite Conf
HB1317  Health insurance; require reimbursement for services of   Formby
        marriage and family therapists.                        
           03/24 (H) Conferees Named Formby,Buck,Fillingane
HC 101  Charlie Capps; commend dedicated service upon             McCoy
           03/24 (H) Adopted
           03/24 (H) Immediate Release
           03/24 (H) Transmitted To Senate
HR  31  Dr. Robert T. Ragan; commend on being named recipient     Capps
        of William John Gies Award.                            
           03/24 (H) Adopted
           03/24 (H) Immediate Release
HR  33  Columbia Primary School; commend academic                 Carlton
           03/24 (H) Adopted
           03/24 (H) Immediate Release
HR  34  Amy Rogers; commend upon being named a recipient of the   Carlton
        2004 Milken Family Foundation National Educator Award. 
           03/24 (H) Adopted
           03/24 (H) Immediate Release
HR  51  David N. McDonald; commend on selection as Ageless        Compretta
           03/24 (H) Adopted
           03/24 (H) Immediate Release
HR  52  Durwin Carpenter; commend outstanding coaching career.    Howell
           03/24 (H) Adopted
           03/24 (H) Immediate Release
HR  53  Horace C. Holmes; commend upon retirement as President    Moak
        of Southwest Mississippi Community College.            
           03/24 (H) Adopted
           03/24 (H) Immediate Release
HR  54  Major Randy Spears; commend upon "Top 40 Under 40"        Dedeaux
           03/24 (H) Adopted
           03/24 (H) Immediate Release
HR  55  Tara Smith; commend on being selected Miss Rankin         Weathersby
        County 2005.                                           
           03/24 (H) Adopted
           03/24 (H) Immediate Release
HR  56  Falkner High School Lady Eagles Basketball Team;          Ward
        commend on winning Class 1A State Championship.        
           03/24 (H) Adopted
           03/24 (H) Immediate Release
HR  57  Falkner High School Cheerleaders; commend on winning 1A   Ward
        State Championship.                                    
           03/24 (H) Adopted
           03/24 (H) Immediate Release
HR  58  Pillow Academy Lady Mustangs Basketball Team; commend     Howell
        on winning MPSA 3A Championship.                       
           03/24 (H) Adopted
           03/24 (H) Immediate Release
SB2486  DFA; negotiate parking spaces for employees in certain    Mettetal
        buildings/limit allowances in state construction       
           03/24 (H) Conferees Named Weathersby,Martinson,Gadd
SB2514  MS Wireless Communication Commission; create.             King
           03/24 (H) Conferees Named Ellis,Myers,Brown
SB2591  Coastal wetlands; revise fee schedule for permits of      Dawkins
        coastal wetlands construction projects.                
           03/24 (H) Conferees Named Frierson,Janus,Simpson
SB2608  Public property; authorize Dept. of Mental Health to      Jackson (32nd)
        sell certain property in Meridian, MS.                 
           03/24 (H) Conferees Named Weathersby,Ishee,Snowden
SB2699  Wild hogs; allow the use of bait to trap when there is    Posey
        no open season on turkey or deer.                      
           03/24 (H) Conferees Named Robinson (84th),Hudson,Green
SB2861  Trapping; allow pelts to be sold after the close of       Posey
        trapping season.                                       
           03/24 (H) Conferees Named Robinson (84th),Hudson,Vince
SB2898  Wildlife; provide that bucks with less than 4 points      Posey
        may be taken by youth less than 16 years old.          
           03/24 (H) Conferees Named Robinson (84th),Hudson,Parker
SB2917  Hunting safety; increase penalty for not wearing hunter   Posey
           03/24 (H) Conferees Named Robinson (84th),Hudson,Middleton
SB3137  MS Coast Coliseum Commission; authorize to sell,          Gollott
        exchange or lease its surplus real property.           
           03/24 (H) Passed
           03/24 (H) Immediate Release
           03/24 (H) Transmitted To Senate

House: Referred Other House

SC 587  Suspend rules/draft/intro/passage; authorize g.o. bonds   Robertson
        for a portion of the unfunded actuarial liability of   
           03/24 (H) Referred To Rules
SC 588  Commend Hillcrest Christian School Cougars Girls Fast     White
        Pitch Softball Team.                                   
           03/24 (H) Referred To Rules
SC 589  Commend Coach Woody Barnett, National Cross-Country       Kirby
        Coach of the Year.                                     
           03/24 (H) Referred To Rules
SC 590  Suspend rules for requesting, drafting etc.; revise per   Jordan
        diem for Vice President of Yazoo-Mississippi Delta     
        Levee Board.                                           
           03/24 (H) Referred To Rules
SC 591  Commend Gloria Williams, GEO Group, Inc., (North          Carmichael
        America) "Employee of the Year" for 2004.              
           03/24 (H) Referred To Rules
SC 593  Commend Coahoma County High School "Red Panthers" Boys    Jackson (11th)
        Basketball Team, State 2A Champions.                   
           03/24 (H) Referred To Rules
SC 594  Commend life of Dr. Katharine Rea.                        Dawkins
           03/24 (H) Referred To Rules
SC 595  Commend Newton High School "Lady Tigers" Girls            Burton
        Basketball Team for State Championship.                
           03/24 (H) Referred To Rules
SC 596  Commend Charlie Capps for dedicated legislative and       Little
        public service.                                        
           03/24 (H) Referred To Rules
SC 597  Commend Auburn Quarterback Jason Campbell.                Thames
           03/24 (H) Referred To Rules
SC 598  Commend Choctaw Central "Lady Warriors" Girls             Williamson
        Basketball Team for second consecutive State           
           03/24 (H) Referred To Rules

House: Measures That Have Died

HB 977  Municipalities; authorize to contribute equipment or      Mayo
        personnel to a local school district.                  
           03/24 (H) Died On Calendar

Senate: Introductions

SB3146  City of Vicksburg; increase benefits under Disability     Chaney
        and Relief Fund for Firemen and Policemen.             
           03/24 (S) Referred To Local and Private;Finance
SB3147  Lafayette County; authorize annual contributions to the   Tollison
        Oxford-Lafayette County Economic Development           
        Foundation through FY 2007.                            
           03/24 (S) Referred To Local and Private
SC 599  Commend Patricia Ann Banyard for public service.          Frazier
           03/24 (S) Referred To Rules
SR  45  Commend Auburn Quarterback Jason Campbell.                Thames
           03/24 (S) Referred To Rules
SR  46  Commend Coach Durwin Carpenter, Pillow Academy Girls      Huggins
        Basketball Team.                                       
           03/24 (S) Referred To Rules
SR  47  Commend Pillow Academy Lady Mustangs Basketball Team on   Huggins
        winning MPSA Overall Championship.                     
           03/24 (S) Referred To Rules

Senate: Committee Reports

HB  90  Agricultural leases of prison land; revise lease term     Mayo
        and authorize auction for.                             
           03/24 (S) Conference Report Filed
HB 738  State agencies; revise certain provisions regarding       Rogers (61st)
        payments by credit cards to agencies.                  
           03/24 (S) Conference Report Filed
SB2736  Highway Commission; limit amount spent annually on        Doxey
        certain agreements to advance highway construction.    
           03/24 (S) Conference Report Filed
SN  17  Cecil Lealon Watkins, Picayune, Mississippi,              GOVERNOR
        Mississippi Department of Information Technology       
        Services, five-year term ending June 30, 2009.         
           03/24 (S) Do Advise and Consent
SN  20  George Vaughn Marler, Sr., Morton, Mississippi,           GOVERNOR
        Mississippi State Board of Contractors, unexpired term 
        ending June 30, 2008, representing building            
           03/24 (S) Do Advise and Consent
SN  26  Derek Nicholas Gibbs, Madison, Mississippi, Department    GOVERNOR
        of Information Technology Services, unexpired term     
        ending June 30, 2008.                                  
           03/24 (S) Do Advise and Consent
SN  27  John Michael (Hairston) Hairston, Gulfport,               GOVERNOR
        Mississippi, Mississippi Department of Information     
        Technology Services, unexpired term ending June 30,    
        2007, vice Angela Griffin.                             
           03/24 (S) Do Advise and Consent
SN  30  Arthur Wallace (Bubba) Lang, III, Gulfport,               GOVERNOR
        Mississippi, Board of Funeral Services as Funeral      
        Director, unexpired term ending June 30, 2006,         
        representing Second Supreme Court District.            
           03/24 (S) Do Advise and Consent
SN  55  Hugh Hogue, Clinton, Mississippi, Mississippi Real        GOVERNOR
        Estate Appraisal Licensing and Certification Board,    
        four-year term ending July 1, 2008.                    
           03/24 (S) Do Advise and Consent
SN  75  Danny Ray Patterson, Corinth, Mississippi, Board of       GOVERNOR
        Funeral Services as Funeral Director, unexpired term   
        ending June 30, 2006, representing Third Supreme Court 
           03/24 (S) Do Return to Governor
SN  85  Norris Lee (N. L.) Carson, Carthage, Mississippi,         GOVERNOR
        Mississippi State Board of Contractors, five-year term 
        ending June 30, 2009, representing road contractors.   
           03/24 (S) Do Advise and Consent
SN  87  Madison Hampton (Hamp) Smith, Tupelo, Mississippi,        GOVERNOR
        Mississippi State Board of Contractors, unexpired term 
        ending June 30, 2008, representing electrical          
           03/24 (S) Do Advise and Consent
SN  93  James Herman (Jimmy) Clayton, Indianola, Mississippi,     GOVERNOR
        State Board of Banking Review, unexpired term ending   
        March 23, 2009, representing state chartered banks,    
        vice Harry Walker.                                     
           03/24 (S) Do Advise and Consent
SN  96  Billy Ellington (Bill) Graves, Jr., Grenada,              GOVERNOR
        Mississippi, Board of Animal Health, unexpired term    
        ending July 31, 2007, representing Mississippi         
        Independent Meat Packers Association.                  
           03/24 (S) Do Advise and Consent
SN  97  Gregory Alan Howell, Brookhaven, Mississippi, licensed    GOVERNOR
        veterinarian to the Board of Animal Health, unexpired  
        term ending July 31, 2007.                             
           03/24 (S) Do Advise and Consent
SN 101  James B. (Jim) Anderson, Jr., Brandon, Mississippi,       GOVERNOR
        Board of Animal Health, unexpired term ending July 31, 
        2005, representing beef cattle breeders and producers. 
           03/24 (S) Do Advise and Consent
SN 103  John Kane Ditto, Jr., Jackson, Mississippi, Board of      ARCHIVES AND HISTORY BD
        Trustees of the Department of Archives and History,    
        term expires on January 1, 2008, vice Dr. Van Burnham. 
           03/24 (S) Do Advise and Consent
SN 106  Gary Carter Murphree, Houston, Mississippi, Real Estate   GOVERNOR
        Commission, four-year term beginning July 1, 2005 and  
        ending June 30, 2009, representing First Congressional 
           03/24 (S) Do Advise and Consent
SN 107  John Marion Dean, Jr., Leland, Mississippi, Real Estate   GOVERNOR
        Commission, four year term beginning July 1, 2005 and  
        ending June 30, 2009, representing Second Congressional
           03/24 (S) Do Advise and Consent
SN 112  Lonnie Calvin Carlton, Jackson, Mississippi, Veterans     GOVERNOR
        Home Purchase Board, four-year term ending June 30,    
        2008, a veteran of the Vietnam War, with background in 
        banking representing Fourth Congressional District.    
           03/24 (S) Do Advise and Consent
SN 115  H. Austin Jones, Moorhead, Mississippi, Board of Animal   GOVERNOR
        Health, unexpired term ending July 31, 2008,           
        representing catfish breeders and producers.           
           03/24 (S) Do Advise and Consent
SN 116  Sam Forbert, Jr., Meridian, Mississippi, Veterans Home    GOVERNOR
        Purchase Board as a veteran of World War II with a     
        background in insurance, four-year term ending June 30,
        2008, representing Third Congressional District.       
           03/24 (S) Do Advise and Consent
SN 121  Clifton Louis (Clif) Marshall, Hattiesburg,               GOVERNOR
        Mississippi, Veterans Home Purchase Board as a veteran 
        of the Vietnam War, four-year term ending June 30,     
        2008, representing the Fifth Congressional District.   
           03/24 (S) Do Advise and Consent

Senate: Floor Actions

HB 203  State Grand Jury Act; extend repealer.                    Warren
           03/24 (S) Conferees Named Ross,Doxey,Frazier
HB 369  Medical Malpractice Insurance Availability Act; extend    Warren
        repealer and add Pain Relief Act.                      
           03/24 (S) Conferees Named Kirby,Dawkins,Ross
HB 371  Model Business Corporation Act; reenact issuance of       Pierce
        rights and foreign corporation withdrawal (BLAG).      
           03/24 (S) Conferees Named Ross,Clarke,Robertson
HB1036  Adoptions; require certain out-of-state child-placing     Moore
        agencies to be licensed in this state.                 
           03/24 (S) Conferees Named Ross,White,Nunnelee
HB1056  Illegitimate children; revise conditions upon which       Gunn
        they may inherit from natural father.                  
           03/24 (S) Conferees Named Ross,Doxey,Michel
HB1132  State Fire Marshal; allow to inspect all sorority and     Formby
        fraternity houses on state property.                   
           03/24 (S) Conferees Named Kirby,Brown,King
HB1215  Deer; allow hunting over bait subject to rules and        Bentz
        regulations of Commission on Wildlife, Fisheries and   
           03/24 (S) Conferees Named Posey,Gollott,Jackson (32nd)
HB1268  Gaming; allow placement of cruise vessel or vessel on     Guice
        permanent structure and specify no inland gaming.      
           03/24 (S) Conferees Named Robertson,Hewes,Doxey
HB1317  Health insurance; require reimbursement for services of   Formby
        marriage and family therapists.                        
           03/24 (S) Conferees Named Kirby,King,Nunnelee
HC  82  Clinton High School Arrows Soccer Team; commend on        Gunn
        winning Class 5A State Championship.                   
           03/24 (S) Adopted
           03/24 (S) Immediate Release
           03/24 (S) Transmitted To House
HC  84  Army Private First Class James Diamond; commend life      Rogers (61st)
        and personal sacrifices of.                            
           03/24 (S) Adopted
           03/24 (S) Immediate Release
           03/24 (S) Transmitted To House
HC  90  Our Lady Academy Soccer Team; commend on winning MHSAA    Compretta
        Class 1A/2A/3A  State Championship.                    
           03/24 (S) Adopted
           03/24 (S) Immediate Release
           03/24 (S) Transmitted To House
HC  93  Simpson Academy Football Team; commend on outstanding     Rotenberry
        season and winning 2A State Championship.              
           03/24 (S) Adopted
           03/24 (S) Immediate Release
           03/24 (S) Transmitted To House
HC  94  S.C. Perkins, Jr.; commend upon being named MDOT -        Perkins
        Northern District 2005 Mississippi Litter Lawman of the
           03/24 (S) Adopted
           03/24 (S) Immediate Release
           03/24 (S) Transmitted To House
HC  95  Judge Mary Libby Payne; commend career and                Fillingane
        contributions to State of Mississippi.                 
           03/24 (S) Adopted
           03/24 (S) Immediate Release
           03/24 (S) Transmitted To House
SB2883  Abortion facilities; revise licensure categories.         Burton
           03/24 (S) Concurred in Amend From House
SC 587  Suspend rules/draft/intro/passage; authorize g.o. bonds   Robertson
        for a portion of the unfunded actuarial liability of   
           03/24 (S) Adopted
           03/24 (S) Immediate Release
           03/24 (S) Transmitted To House
SC 588  Commend Hillcrest Christian School Cougars Girls Fast     White
        Pitch Softball Team.                                   
           03/24 (S) Adopted
           03/24 (S) Immediate Release
           03/24 (S) Transmitted To House
SC 589  Commend Coach Woody Barnett, National Cross-Country       Kirby
        Coach of the Year.                                     
           03/24 (S) Adopted
           03/24 (S) Immediate Release
           03/24 (S) Transmitted To House
SC 590  Suspend rules for requesting, drafting etc.; revise per   Jordan
        diem for Vice President of Yazoo-Mississippi Delta     
        Levee Board.                                           
           03/24 (S) Adopted
           03/24 (S) Immediate Release
           03/24 (S) Transmitted To House
SC 591  Commend Gloria Williams, GEO Group, Inc., (North          Carmichael
        America) "Employee of the Year" for 2004.              
           03/24 (S) Adopted
           03/24 (S) Immediate Release
           03/24 (S) Transmitted To House
SC 593  Commend Coahoma County High School "Red Panthers" Boys    Jackson (11th)
        Basketball Team, State 2A Champions.                   
           03/24 (S) Adopted
           03/24 (S) Immediate Release
           03/24 (S) Transmitted To House
SC 594  Commend life of Dr. Katharine Rea.                        Dawkins
           03/24 (S) Adopted
           03/24 (S) Immediate Release
           03/24 (S) Transmitted To House
SC 595  Commend Newton High School "Lady Tigers" Girls            Burton
        Basketball Team for State Championship.                
           03/24 (S) Adopted
           03/24 (S) Immediate Release
           03/24 (S) Transmitted To House
SC 596  Commend Charlie Capps for dedicated legislative and       Little
        public service.                                        
           03/24 (S) Adopted
           03/24 (S) Immediate Release
           03/24 (S) Transmitted To House
SC 597  Commend Auburn Quarterback Jason Campbell.                Thames
           03/24 (S) Adopted
           03/24 (S) Immediate Release
           03/24 (S) Transmitted To House
SC 598  Commend Choctaw Central "Lady Warriors" Girls             Williamson
        Basketball Team for second consecutive State           
           03/24 (S) Adopted
           03/24 (S) Immediate Release
           03/24 (S) Transmitted To House
SN   1  Patricia Dale (Patti) Marshall, Ridgeland, Mississippi,   ATTORNEY GENERAL
        Mississippi Commission on the Status of Women, term    
        ending June 30, 2008.                                  
           03/24 (S) Appointment Confirmed
SN   3  Tina Ann Mabry, Decatur, Mississippi, Mississippi Board   GOVERNOR
        of Nursing as a RN/Clinical (Associate Degree),        
        unexpired term ending July 1, 2007.                    
           03/24 (S) Appointment Confirmed
SN   4  Darlene Jean Linsey, McComb, Mississippi, Mississippi     GOVERNOR
        Board of Nursing as a Nurse Educator, four-year term   
        ending June 30, 2008.                                  
           03/24 (S) Appointment Confirmed
SN   5  Dr. John Walter (Walt) Starr, Columbus, Mississippi,      GOVERNOR
        State Board of Dental Examiners, six-year term ending  
        June 30, 2010, representing Dental District One.       
           03/24 (S) Appointment Confirmed
SN   7  William Thomas (Tommy) O'Brien, III, Natchez,             GOVERNOR
        Mississippi, State Board of Dental Examiners, six-year 
        term ending June 30, 2010, representing Dental District
           03/24 (S) Appointment Confirmed
SN   8  Ann Cathey Brock, Jackson, Mississippi, Mississippi       GOVERNOR
        Authority for Educational Television, four-year term   
        ending July 1, 2008.                                   
           03/24 (S) Appointment Confirmed
SN   9  Shelby B. Drummond, Gautier, Mississippi, Mississippi     GOVERNOR
        Commission on Marine Resources, four-year term ending  
        July 1, 2008, representing Recreational Fisherman.     
           03/24 (S) Notified of Approval
SN  10  Dr. Randy Herschel Russell, Ridgeland, Mississippi,       GOVERNOR
        State Board of Health as a Medical Doctor, six-year    
        term ending July 1, 2010, representing Third           
        Congressional District.                                
           03/24 (S) Appointment Confirmed
SN  12  James Lauren (Larry) Calvert, Gulfport, Mississippi,      GOVERNOR
        State Board of Health as a Pharmacist, six-year term   
        ending July 1, 2010, representing Fourth Congressional 
           03/24 (S) Notified of Approval
SN  13  Debra Lyvonne Griffin, Belzoni, Mississippi, State        GOVERNOR
        Board of Health as a Hospital Administrator, six-year  
        term ending July 1, 2010, representing Second          
        Congressional District.                                
           03/24 (S) Notified of Approval
SN  14  Ellen P. Williams, Senatobia, Mississippi, State Board    GOVERNOR
        of Health as a Nursing Teacher, six-year term ending   
        July 1, 2010, representing First Congressional         
           03/24 (S) Notified of Approval
SN  15  Rebecca C. (Becky) Nelms, Brookhaven, Mississippi,        GOVERNOR
        Mississippi Board of Nursing as a RN/Clinical          
        (Associate Degree), unexpired term ending June 30,     
           03/24 (S) Appointment Confirmed
SN  16  Cathy Ann Williamson, Meridian, Mississippi,              GOVERNOR
        Mississippi Board of Nursing as a Nurse Practitioner,  
        four-year term ending June 30, 2008.                   
           03/24 (S) Appointment Confirmed
SN  18  Clelly Ray Farmer, Poplerville, Mississippi, Barber       GOVERNOR
        Examiners Board, four-year term ending July 1, 2008,   
        representing Fourth Congressional District.            
           03/24 (S) Appointment Confirmed
SN  19  Tommye Dale Favre, Gautier, Mississippi, Executive        GOVERNOR
        Director of Mississippi Employment Security Commission,
        term at will and pleasure of Governor.                 
           03/24 (S) Notified of Approval
SN  22  Jeffrey Clayton (Jeff) Short, Tupelo, Mississippi,        GOVERNOR
        Mississippi Real Estate Appraisal Licensing and        
        Certification Board, four-year term beginning January  
        1, 2005 and ending December 30, 2008, representing     
        First Congressional District.                          
           03/24 (S) Notified of Approval
SN  28  Richard Cecil Hackett, Nesbit, Mississippi, Board of      GOVERNOR
        Directors, Health Care Trust Fund and Health Care      
        Disposable Fund, five-year term ending  March 1, 2009, 
        representing First Congressional District.             
           03/24 (S) Appointment Confirmed
SN  29  Charles Adrian (Chuck) Jordan, Jr., Greenville,           GOVERNOR
        Mississippi, Board of Directors, Health Care Trust Fund
        and Health Care Disposable Fund, unexpired term ending 
        March 1, 2008, representing Second Congressional       
           03/24 (S) Appointment Confirmed
SN  31  Earnest Ted (Ted) Ray, Cleveland, Mississippi, Board of   GOVERNOR
        Funeral Services as Funeral Director, unexpired term   
        ending June 30, 2006, representing First Supreme Court 
           03/24 (S) Notified of Approval
SN  33  Jack G. Virden, Vicksburg, Mississippi, State Board of    GOVERNOR
        Rehabilitative Services, five-year term ending July 1, 
        2009, representing client of rehabilitation services as
        at-large member.                                       
           03/24 (S) Appointment Confirmed
SN  35  Haley Reeves Fisackerly, Jackson, Mississippi,            GOVERNOR
        Telecommunications Conference and Training Center      
        Commission, term concurrent with Governor, representing
        Second Congressional District.                         
           03/24 (S) Notified of Approval
SN  37  Howard Alsobrook McKissack, Pass Christian,               GOVERNOR
        Mississippi, Commission on Environmental Quality,      
        seven-year term ending June 30, 2011, representing     
        Fifth Congressional District.                          
           03/24 (S) Notified of Approval
SN  38  Michael Ray (Mike) Patterson, Boyle, Mississippi,         GOVERNOR
        Mississippi State Board of Chiropractic Examiners,     
        five-year term ending April 20, 2009.                  
           03/24 (S) Appointment Confirmed
SN  39  John Perry Sansing, Columbus, Mississippi, Educational    GOVERNOR
        Televison Authority, unexpired term ending June 30,    
           03/24 (S) Appointment Confirmed
SN  41  Raymond Liddell Long, Yazoo City, Mississippi, Barber     GOVERNOR
        Examiners Board, four-year term ending July 1, 2008,   
        representing Second Congressional District.            
           03/24 (S) Appointment Confirmed
SN  42  Bennie Lee Adkins, Union, Mississippi, Barber Examiners   GOVERNOR
        Board, unexpired term ending June 30, 2005,            
        representing Third Congressional District.             
           03/24 (S) Appointment Confirmed
SN  43  Levi Willard (Junior) Laird, Jr., Natchez, Mississippi,   GOVERNOR
        Barber Examiners Board, four-year term commencing July 
        1, 2004 and ending June 30, 2008, representing the     
        at-large seat.                                         
           03/24 (S) Appointment Confirmed
SN  45  Rhonda Gay Harper, Pass Christian, Mississippi, Dental    GOVERNOR
        Hygienist-At-Large of State Board of Dental Examiners, 
        unexpired term ending June 30, 2009.                   
           03/24 (S) Appointment Confirmed
SN  46  Dr. Alvin Lafayette Felts, Jr., Moss Point,               GOVERNOR
        Mississippi, State Board of Dental Examiners, unexpired
        term ending June 30, 2009, representing Dental         
        District Five.                                         
           03/24 (S) Appointment Confirmed
SN  47  Dr. Marion Lewis Grubbs, Jackson, Mississippi, State      GOVERNOR
        Board of Dental Examiners, unexpired term ending June  
        30, 2009, representing Dental District Four.           
           03/24 (S) Appointment Confirmed
SN  48  Jack Hagen Winstead, Lawrence, Mississippi, Mississippi   GOVERNOR
        Commission on Environmental Quality, unexpired term    
        ending June 30, 2009, representing Third Congressional 
        District, vice William A. Cofield.                     
           03/24 (S) Notified of Approval
SN  51  Edgar Richard Gollott, Sr., D'Iverville, Mississippi,     GOVERNOR
        Mississippi Commission on Marine Resources, four-year  
        term ending July 1, 2008, representing Commercial      
        Seafood Processors.                                    
           03/24 (S) Notified of Approval
SN  52  Oliver Anthony (Capt. O) Sahuque, Lakeshore,              GOVERNOR
        Mississippi, Mississippi Commission on Marine          
        Resources, four-year term ending July 1, 2008,         
        representing Commercial Fishermen.                     
           03/24 (S) Notified of Approval
SN  54  Janet Anita Mann, Jackson, Mississippi, Mississippi       GOVERNOR
        Telecommunications Conference and Training Center      
        Commission, term concurrent with Governor.             
           03/24 (S) Notified of Approval
SN  57  George Mike (Mike) Duke, Jackson, Mississippi,            LT. GOVERNOR
        Mississippi Industries for the Blind, term effective   
        immediately and ending June 30, 2007, representing     
        individual who is legally blind.                       
           03/24 (S) Appointment Confirmed
SN  59  Dana Sharp Stringer, Brandon, Mississippi, Mississippi    LT. GOVERNOR
        Telecom Conference and Training Center Commission, term
        begins immediately and concurrent with Lt. Governor.   
           03/24 (S) Notified of Approval
SN  64  Neva Elizabeth Greenwald, Jackson, Mississippi, State     GOVERNOR
        Board of Physical Therapy, four-year term ending June  
        30, 2008, representing a Physical Therapist from the   
        Third Congressional District.                          
           03/24 (S) Appointment Confirmed
SN  65  Gary DeWayne Self, Madison, Mississippi, Mississippi      GOVERNOR
        Board of Nursing, four-year term ending June  20, 2008,
        representing RN  at-large.                             
           03/24 (S) Appointment Confirmed
SN  66  Cassie N. (Cass) Pennington, Indianola, Mississippi,      GOVERNOR
        State Board of Health, unexpired term ending July 1,   
        2010, representing Second Congressional District, vice 
        Peyton Self.                                           
           03/24 (S) Notified of Approval
SN  68  Jesse Walton (J. W.) Burt, Magnolia, Mississippi, Board   GOVERNOR
        of Directors of the Health Care Trust Fund and Health  
        Care Disposable Fund, unexpired term  ending March 1,  
        2006, representing Fourth Congressional District.      
           03/24 (S) Appointment Confirmed
SN  69  Gloria Faye Dansby-Giles, Madison, Mississippi, Board     GOVERNOR
        of Examiners for Licensed Professional Counselors,     
        unexpired term ending  June 30, 2008, representing     
        Fourth Congressional District.                         
           03/24 (S) Appointment Confirmed
SN  74  Tommy Kerr Wells, Batesville, Mississippi, Board of       GOVERNOR
        Funeral Services as Funeral Services Director,         
        unexpired term ending June 30, 2005, representing Third
        Supreme Court District.                                
           03/24 (S) Notified of Approval
SN  76  Melvin Sidney (Rusty) Daniels, Jr., Laurel,               GOVERNOR
        Mississippi, Board of Funeral Services as Funeral      
        Services Director, unexpired term ending June 30, 2007,
        representing Second Supreme Court District.            
           03/24 (S) Notified of Approval
SN  77  Marcia Lynn Kidder, Senatobia, Mississippi, State Board   GOVERNOR
        of Physical Therapy as a Physical Therapist, unexpired 
        term ending July 1, 2007, representing First           
        Congressional  District.                               
           03/24 (S) Appointment Confirmed
SN  78  Bruce W. Brice, Sr., Natchez, Mississippi, Mississippi    GOVERNOR
        Leadership Council on Aging as a representative of a   
        community volunteer council, term at will and pleasure 
        of Governor.                                           
           03/24 (S) Appointment Confirmed
SN  84  George William (Coach) Edwards, Jr., Brandon,             GOVERNOR
        Mississippi, Mississippi State Board of Contractors,   
        unexpired term ending  June 30, 2007, representing     
        residential builders.                                  
           03/24 (S) Notified of Approval
SN  86  Ray Alton Sims, Hattiesburg, Mississippi, Mississippi     GOVERNOR
        State Board of Contractors, unexpired term ending June 
        30, 2007, representing water/sewer contractors.        
           03/24 (S) Notified of Approval
SN  88  Donald E. (Don) Halle, Gulfport, Mississippi,             GOVERNOR
        Mississippi State Board of Contractors, five-year term 
        ending June 30, 2009, representing residential         
           03/24 (S) Notified of Approval
SN  89  Peng (Peter) Lee, Oxford, Mississippi, Mississippi Home   GOVERNOR
        Inspector Regulatory Board, undefined term.            
           03/24 (S) Notified of Approval
SN  99  Alvin Edwin (Al) Gilless, Southaven, Mississippi,         GOVERNOR
        at-large seat on the Real  Estate Commission, unexpired
        term ending June 30, 2007, vice Lynette Magee.         
           03/24 (S) Notified of Approval
SN 102  Marcus Jones Martin, Laurel, Mississippi, State Board     GOVERNOR
        of Banking Review, unexpired term ending March 23,     
        2007, representing borrowers and depositors from the   
        Second Supreme Court District.                         
           03/24 (S) Notified of Approval
SN 105  Michael Lynn (Mike) O'Dell, Pontotoc, Mississippi,        GOVERNOR
        State Board of Mental Health as a licensed medical     
        doctor, unexpired term ending June 30, 2009.           
           03/24 (S) Notified of Return
SN 108  Larry Wendell Edwards, Jackson, Mississippi, Real         GOVERNOR
        Estate Commission, four-year term beginning July 1,    
        2005 and ending June 30, 2009, representing Third      
        Congressional District.                                
           03/24 (S) Notified of Approval
SN 109  Elvis Mark Cumbest, Moss Point, Mississippi, Real         GOVERNOR
        Estate Commission, four-year term beginning July 1,    
        2005 and ending June 30, 2009, representing Fourth     
        Congressional District.                                
           03/24 (S) Notified of Approval
SN 128  James Milton (Jimmy) Wheat, Moss Point, Mississippi,      GOVERNOR
        Board of Directors of the Health Care Trust Fund and   
        Health Care Expendable Fund, five-year term ending     
        March 1, 2010.                                         
           03/24 (S) Appointment Confirmed
SR  39  Commend Nancy Loome, Clinton School District "Parent of   White
        the Year."                                             
           03/24 (S) Adopted
           03/24 (S) Immediate Release
SR  40  Commend Todd Abernethy, SEC "Sixth Man of the Year."      Michel
           03/24 (S) Adopted
           03/24 (S) Immediate Release
SR  41  Commend William H. Jefferson upon retirement.             Thames
           03/24 (S) Adopted
           03/24 (S) Immediate Release
SR  42  Commend Jack Mallette, State Games of Mississippi Male    Carmichael
        Athlete of the Year.                                   
           03/24 (S) Adopted
           03/24 (S) Immediate Release
SR  43  Commend Deedra Sims, 2004 State Games of Mississippi      Carmichael
        Female Athlete of the Year.                            
           03/24 (S) Adopted
           03/24 (S) Immediate Release
SR  44  Commend The Links, Inc.                                   Harden
           03/24 (S) Adopted
           03/24 (S) Immediate Release

Senate: Referred Other House

HC 101  Charlie Capps; commend dedicated service upon             McCoy
           03/24 (S) Referred To Rules

Senate: Measures That Have Died

SB2080  Children's Health Insurance Program (CHIP); prohibit      Nunnelee
        plan from denying provider participation under certain 
           03/24 (S) Died On Calendar
SB2417  Uniform Controlled Substance Act; revise schedules in     Nunnelee
        conformity with federal law.                           
           03/24 (S) Died On Calendar
SB2639  Agriculture; remove repealer on commissioner's            Lee (35th)
        authority to regulate agricultural seeds.              
           03/24 (S) Died On Calendar
SB2828  Municipalities; authorize criminal penalties for          Harden
        failure to clean private property.                     
           03/24 (S) Died On Calendar
SB2887  Marine charter boats; require ecotourism charters to      Gollott
        meet same requirements as fishing charter boats.       
           03/24 (S) Died On Calendar

Information pertaining to this report was last updated on 04/04/05 at 13:58.

End Of Document
