Mississippi Legislature

1999 Regular Session

Daily Action Report for 01/05/99

Instructions Next Day

Bill Status Menu

House: Introductions

HB   1  Fire Safety Education Division; create in State Fire      Stevens
        Marshal's Office.                                      
           Referred To Insurance;Appropriations
HB   2  Justice court; provide uniform assessment for             Maples
           Referred To Judiciary B
HB   3  Offenders housed in county jails; authorize to wash       Manning
        constables' cars.                                      
           Referred To Penitentiary
HB   4  Risk retention and risk purchasing groups; require        Stevens
        Commissioner of Insurance to collect certain fees from.
           Referred To Insurance
HB   5  Nonresident insurance agents; allow to countersign        Stevens
        certain policies and retain certain commissions.       
           Referred To Insurance
HB   6  Fraternal insurance societies; increase privilege tax     Stevens
        and change license renewal date.                       
           Referred To Insurance
HB   7  State Fire Marshal; authorize purchase of passenger       Stevens
           Referred To Insurance;Appropriations
HB   8  Public Records Act; exempt complaints and certain other   Stevens
        information filed with the Commissioner of Insurance.  
           Referred To Insurance;Judiciary B
HB   9  Workers' compensation; preexisting conditions do not      Formby
        have to be occupationally disabling for apportionment  
        to apply.                                              
           Referred To Insurance
HB  10  Workers' compensation; make certain medical information   Formby
        available to employers.                                
           Referred To Insurance
HB  11  Workers' compensation; define purpose to be impartially   Formby
           Referred To Insurance
HB  12  Workers' compensation; worker must give notice of         Formby
        injury before termination of employment.               
           Referred To Insurance
HB  13  Elections; place candidates' names on the ballot in       Formby
        alphabetical order.                                    
           Referred To Apportionment and Elections
HB  14  Average daily attendance; include expelled students in.   Formby
           Referred To Education;Appropriations
HB  15  Voting; require I.D. to be shown before an elector is     Formby
        allowed to vote.                                       
           Referred To Apportionment and Elections
HB  16  Death penalty; revise provisions relating to.             Formby
           Referred To Judiciary B
HB  17  Habitual offender; no plea bargaining for violent         Formby
           Referred To Judiciary B
HB  18  Workers' compensation; provide employer the right to      Formby
        require an autopsy in death cases.                     
           Referred To Insurance
HB  19  Constables; revise law enforcement training               Formby
           Referred To Judiciary B
HB  20  Bail; prohibit pending appeal of certain felony           Formby
           Referred To Judiciary B
HB  21  Controlled substances; felony to bring into state,        Formby
        county or municipal facility.                          
           Referred To Judiciary A
HB  22  Local Bridge Program; extend funding authority            Formby
        additional 5 years.                                    
           Referred To Transportation;Appropriations
HB  23  Headlights; require use during precipitation.             Martinson
           Referred To Transportation
HB  24  Ballots; allow copying by candidates after general or     Martinson
        primary elections.                                     
           Referred To Apportionment and Elections
HB  25  Radar; Pearl River Valley Water Supply District may       Martinson
           Referred To Transportation
HB  26  Driving records maintained by Department of Public        Horne
        Safety confidential.                                   
           Referred To Transportation
HB  27  Campaign contributions; delete exemption for reporting    Horne
        out-of-state contributors.                             
           Referred To Apportionment and Elections
HB  28  Motor vehicle insurance; insurer shall not offer          Clarke
        referral list of repair shops.                         
           Referred To Insurance
HB  29  Counties; authorize board of supervisors to employ        Martinson
        attorney as full-time county employee.                 
           Referred To County Affairs
HB  30  School social workers; allot funds under Minimum          Flaggs
        Education Program.                                     
           Referred To Education;Appropriations
HB  31  Teacher licensure; delete national examination as         Flaggs
           Referred To Education
HB  32  Kindergarten; mandate attendance under compulsory         Flaggs
        school attendance law.                                 
           Referred To Education
HB  33  Adverse possession; prohibit if owner pays taxes.         Taylor
           Referred To Judiciary A
HB  34  Wills; require probate within five years or               Taylor
           Referred To Judiciary A
HB  35  Motor vehicle violations; revise age for eligibility      Maples
        for defensive driving course.                          
           Referred To Transportation
HB  36  Crimes; create felony for failure to yield to law         Janus
        enforcement officer.                                   
           Referred To Judiciary B
HB  37  Retirement; retired PERS members may hold city or         Janus
        county office or position and receive retirement and   
           Referred To Appropriations
HB  38  Colleges and universities; prohibit selling of lists of   Guice
        students' names.                                       
           Referred To Universities and Colleges
HB  39  Cable television companies; place under jurisdiction of   Guice
        Public Service Commission.                             
           Referred To Public Utilities
HB  40  Highway weight restrictions; exempt certain vehicles      Guice
        hauling cranes.                                        
           Referred To Transportation
HB  41  Pawnbrokers; establish fee for audits.                    Guice
           Referred To Judiciary B
HB  42  Retirement; PERS members may increase employee's          Guice
        contribution rate and receive higher benefits.         
           Referred To Appropriations
HB  43  Property insurance; increase filing fee for direct        Stevens
        placement of policies.                                 
           Referred To Insurance
HB  44  Domestic insurance companies; require notification to     Stevens
        commissioner when changing officers or directors.      
           Referred To Insurance
HB  45  Domestic insurer management contracts; revise             Stevens
           Referred To Insurance
HB  46  Domestic insurance companies; prohibit from making        Stevens
        certain loans to any stockholder, officer or director  
        of the company.                                        
           Referred To Insurance
HB  47  Nonresident insurance agents; remove requirement of       Stevens
        utilizing services of a resident agent.                
           Referred To Insurance
HB  48  Home warranty associations; revise method of computing    Stevens
        net assets for licensing purposes.                     
           Referred To Insurance
HB  49  Home warranty associations; clarify method of financial   Stevens
        examinations by Commissioner of Insurance.             
           Referred To Insurance
HB  50  Domestic insurance company nonresident officers and       Stevens
        employees; repeal salary limitations.                  
           Referred To Insurance
HB  51  Retirement; increase benefits for PERS retirees by 3%.    Manning
           Referred To Appropriations
HB  52  Retirement; increase percentage used to calculate PERS    Manning
        benefits for years of service exceeding 25 years.      
           Referred To Appropriations
HB  53  Universities and colleges; prohibit opposite sex          Manning
        overnight visitation in campus dorms.                  
           Referred To Universities and Colleges
HB  54  Health insurance; premiums for retired state and school   Manning
        employees paid from PERS funds.                        
           Referred To Appropriations
HB  55  Retirement; 13th check paid to PERS retiree who dies      Manning
        between June 30 and December 1.                        
           Referred To Appropriations
HB  56  Appropriation; Department of Wildlife, Fisheries and      Manning
        Parks for repair of dam on Neshoba County Lake.        
           Referred To Appropriations
HB  57  ICF-MR patients; increase number of home leave days per   Manning
        year for.                                              
           Referred To Public Health and Welfare;Appropriations
HB  58  Suicide; prohibit assisted suicide.                       Barnett (92nd)
           Referred To Judiciary B
HB  59  Retirement; students employed at public universities to   Young
        teach class will receive PERS credit.                  
           Referred To Appropriations
HB  60  Hunting and fishing licenses; resident military           Taylor
        personnel on leave not required to procure.            
           Referred To Game and Fish
HB  61  Nursing homes; exempt construction of totally private     Johnson
        pay homes from CON process.                            
           Referred To Public Health and Welfare;Appropriations
HB  62  Alcoholic beverages; allow sale of wine at wholesale by   Moak
        private entities.                                      
           Referred To Ways and Means
HB  63  Department of Human Services; youth services division     Scott (80th)
        develop aftercare program for youth.                   
           Referred To Juvenile Justice;Appropriations
HB  64  Alternative DUI penalty; establish for persons under      Scott (80th)
           Referred To Judiciary A
HB  65  Nurse, school; may be either registered nurse or          Scott (80th)
        licensed practical nurse.                              
           Referred To Public Health and Welfare;Appropriations
HB  66  Weapons; felony to sell to minors.                        Scott (80th)
           Referred To Judiciary B
HB  67  Cop killer ammunition; prohibit use and enhance           Scott (80th)
           Referred To Judiciary B;Penitentiary
HB  68  Comprehensive Evaluation Report; require State            Scott (80th)
        Department of Education to prepare.                    
           Referred To Education;Apportionment and Elections
HB  69  Tobacco funds; place Fifty Million Dollars in trust       Scott (80th) *
        fund for children's health programs.                   
           Referred To Public Health and Welfare;Appropriations
HB  70  Tobacco settlement funds; create Public Health Care       Scott (80th) *
        Trust Fund.                                            
           Referred To Public Health and Welfare;Appropriations
HB  71  TANF recipients; transitional child care available when   Scott (80th)
        family income under 200% of poverty.                   
           Referred To Public Health and Welfare;Appropriations
HB  72  Welfare reform; mandate that child care and               Scott (80th)
        transportation be provided.                            
           Referred To Public Health and Welfare;Appropriations
HB  73  Welfare reform; any savings from shall be used for        Scott (80th)
        college assistance to TANF recipients.                 
           Referred To Public Health and Welfare;Appropriations
HB  74  Welfare; provide for a study of the effects of welfare    Scott (80th)
        reform on its recipients.                              
           Referred To Public Health and Welfare;Appropriations
HB  75  Law enforcement officer; not required to use personal     Scott (80th)
        leave for wound or injury incurred while in line of    
           Referred To Fees and Salaries of Public Officers
HB  76  School districts; provide for elected trustees and        Scott (80th) *
        appointed superintendents.                             
           Referred To Education;Apportionment and Elections
HB  77  Endowment funds for state colleges and universities;      Scott (80th)
        authorize State Treasurer to act as custodian.         
           Referred To Universities and Colleges
HB  78  State agencies; create One-Stop Information Center for    Scott (80th)
           Referred To Ways and Means
HB  79  Teacher licensure; require state-administered             Scott (80th)
        examination of achievement to predict success of       
        teacher in classroom.                                  
           Referred To Education;Appropriations
HB  80  Fondling; revise to apply to certain minors.              Scott (80th)
           Referred To Judiciary B
HB  81  Income tax credit; employer not receive until TANF        Scott (80th)
        recipient employed for six months.                     
           Referred To Public Health and Welfare
HB  82  Hospitals, teaching; establish five additional in the     Scott (80th)
        state to be operated by UMC.                           
           Referred To Public Health and Welfare;Appropriations
HB  83  TANF recipients; Employment Security Commission provide   Scott (80th)
        intensive job assistance to.                           
           Referred To Labor
HB  84  TANF recipients; state agencies set hiring goals for,     Scott (80th)
        and MESC provide job assistance to.                    
           Referred To Public Health and Welfare;Appropriations
HB  85  Graffiti; prohibit and provide penalties.                 Scott (80th)
           Referred To Judiciary B;Transportation
HB  86  Bail agents; revise notification procedures for           Stevens
        revocation or suspension of license.                   
           Referred To Judiciary B
HB  87  Litter; revise penalties, revoke licenses and publish     Livingston
        picture of violators.                                  
           Referred To Transportation
HB  88  Municipal annexation; mandatory election if 20% of        Formby
        electors sign the petition.                            
           Referred To Municipalities;County Affairs
HB  89  Punitive damages; limit award in financial injury         Formby
           Referred To Judiciary A
HB  90  Regional Correctional Facility; authorize in Tippah       McElwain
           Referred To Penitentiary;Appropriations
HB  91  Crime lab; establish salary of director and assistant     Ishee
           Referred To Fees and Salaries of Public Officers;Appropriations
HB  92  Deputy circuit clerks; authorize certain counties to      Clark
        pay allowance.                                         
           Referred To Fees and Salaries of Public Officers;County Affairs
HB  93  Mortgage or deed of trust; require cancellation upon      Taylor
        full payment.                                          
           Referred To Judiciary B
HB  94  Administrative Procedures Act; require agency             Smith (35th)
        consideration of impact on families by regulations and 
           Referred To Judiciary A
HB  95  Municipalities; authorize to refund utility deposits      Miles
        immediately to municipal utility customers.            
           Referred To Public Utilities
HB  96  Mineral interests; revise procedure for payment of        Ellzey
           Referred To Oil, Gas and Other Minerals;Ways and Means
HB  97  Nursing homes; limit time to bring tort claim against.    Nettles
           Referred To Judiciary A
HB  98  Motor vehicle towing charges; delete waiting period       Nettles
        before lien may attach.                                
           Referred To Transportation
HB  99  Civil liability of parents; revise for crimes of          Moore
           Referred To Juvenile Justice
HB 100  Lice; three occasions of student having need not be       Manning
        consecutive before Health Department may assist.       
           Referred To Public Health and Welfare
HB 101  Retirement advisory boards; expand by one; require one    Horne
        member of board be a retiree elected by retired firemen
        and policemen.                                         
           Referred To Appropriations
HB 102  Arrested students; require law enforcement to report to   Warren
        school officials.                                      
           Referred To Juvenile Justice
HB 103  Highway Patrol officers; increase salaries.               Warren
           Referred To Fees and Salaries of Public Officers;Appropriations
HB 104  Court of Appeals; revise method of electing judges.       Perkins
           Referred To Judiciary A;Apportionment and Elections
HB 105  State universities and community/junior colleges;         Capps
        authorize to offer certain courses.                    
           Referred To Universities and Colleges;Ways and Means
HB 106  Correctional facilities; counties to provide all law      Moak
        enforcement personnel for regional facility.           
           Referred To Penitentiary;County Affairs
HB 107  Northwest Misissippi State Hospital; Department of        Morris
        Mental Health acquire former hospital to operate.      
           Referred To Public Health and Welfare;Ways and Means
HB 108  Notaries public; increase maximum fees allowed for        Moak
           Referred To Fees and Salaries of Public Officers
HB 109  Tobacco settlement funds; create Health Care and State    King
        Veterans Homes Trust Funds.                            
           Referred To Public Health and Welfare;Appropriations
HB 110  License tags; Tax Commission establish hot line for       Dedeaux
        reporting out-of-state tag violators.                  
           Referred To Ways and Means
HB 111  Civil Rights Commission; create.                          Blackmon
           Referred To Judiciary A;Appropriations
HB 112  Juror qualifications; revise.                             Blackmon
           Referred To Judiciary B
HB 113  Youth court; create uniform system in county courts.      Blackmon
           Referred To Juvenile Justice;Appropriations
HB 114  Criminal statutes; provide for separate volumes.          Blackmon
           Referred To Judiciary A
HB 115  Education; create alternative program for at-risk         Blackmon
           Referred To Juvenile Justice;Appropriations
HB 116  Original sentence; judge may modify for certain           Blackmon
           Referred To Judiciary B
HB 117  Garbage fees; not to be a lien on property if garbage     Ellzey
        collection is performed by private contractors.        
           Referred To County Affairs;Municipalities
HB 118  Medical documents; prohibit health care providers from    Moak
        charging excessive rates.                              
           Referred To Public Health and Welfare;Judiciary A
HB 119  Disinterment of buried human bodies; define persons       Moak
        having right of consent to.                            
           Referred To Public Health and Welfare
HB 120  Retirement; remove members from PERS for certain          Moak
        criminal convictions.                                  
           Referred To Appropriations
HB 121  Surplus school property; authorize districts to sell at   Miles
        auction without first receiving competitive bids.      
           Referred To Education
HB 122  Health insurance; PERS members may prepay costs of        Moak
        before retirement.                                     
           Referred To Appropriations
HB 123  Salvage motor vehicles; provide for issuance of           Moak
        certificates of title.                                 
           Referred To Transportation
HB 124  Mississippi Code; provide set to office of                Moak
        superintendent of each public school district.         
           Referred To Appropriations
HB 125  Commission on Judicial Performance; revise membership.    Morris
           Referred To Judiciary A
HB 126  Universities; allow enhanced degree-granting branch       Ishee
        campuses in certain areas.                             
           Referred To Universities and Colleges;Appropriations
HB 127  Court of Appeals; provide office operating allowance      Moak
        for certain judges.                                    
           Referred To Judiciary A;Appropriations
HB 128  Alcohol Boating Safety Act; authorize drawing blood of    Janus
        certain persons.                                       
           Referred To Judiciary A;Game and Fish
HB 129  Home Economics; delete repealer on statutes requiring     Scott (17th)
        high schools to teach.                                 
           Referred To Education
HB 130  Institutions of Higher Learning; board may sell certain   Capps
        land of Delta State University.                        
           Referred To Public Buildings, Grounds and Lands
HB 131  State and U.S. flags; require to be displayed on all      Janus
        public buildings.                                      
           Referred To Public Buildings, Grounds and Lands;Appropriations
HB 132  County road and bridge funds; establish allocation        Perkins
           Referred To County Affairs
HB 133  Minimum Education Program; include percentage of local    Perkins
        gaming revenue earmarked for education in "other local 
        revenue sources".                                      
           Referred To Education;Ways and Means
HB 134  Schools; require African-American history course and      Perkins
        drug education programs.                               
           Referred To Education
HB 135  County assessment records; three years to bring into      Manning
           Referred To Ways and Means
HB 136  Nepotism; revise prohibition.                             Johnson
           Referred To Judiciary A
HB 137  Sky rockets; prohibit possession and sale of certain.     Moak
           Referred To Judiciary B
HB 138  Schools; scoliosis screening required in.                 Moak
           Referred To Education;Appropriations
HB 139  State employees; increase salaries of.                    Moak
           Referred To Fees and Salaries of Public Officers;Appropriations
HB 140  Community and junior colleges; increase salaries of       Moak
        academic faculty.                                      
           Referred To Universities and Colleges;Appropriations
HB 141  Killing cattle; increase penalty.                         Moak
           Referred To Judiciary B
HB 142  Hunting and fishing; allow on floodwaters adjacent to     Moak
        natural banks of public waterways.                     
           Referred To Conservation and Water Resources
HB 143  Poultry processors; provide penalties on loans to         Moak
        processors who hire illegal immigrants.                
           Referred To Ways and Means
HB 144  Health insurance; senior status judges continue to        Moak
        receive state insurance coverage.                      
           Referred To Insurance;Appropriations
HB 145  Funerals; out-of-state directors may conduct if their     Flaggs *
        state grants reciprocity.                              
           Referred To Public Health and Welfare
HB 146  Judges; revise qualifications for senior judge            Ishee
        designation and provide insurance.                     
           Referred To Judiciary A;Appropriations
HB 147  Paternity; allow use of cheek swab testing.               Ishee
           Referred To Judiciary A
HB 148  Restitution programs; authorize to include offenders      Moak
        convicted of nonviolent felony offenses.               
           Referred To Penitentiary
HB 149  Restitution programs; delete provision which only         Moak
        allows Mississippi residents to be placed in.          
           Referred To Penitentiary
HB 150  Unaccepted Trade Practices Act; clarify awarding of       Smith (39th)
        attorney fees.                                         
           Referred To Judiciary A
HB 151  Drug testing; require for all elected officials.          Nettles
           Referred To Judiciary A
HB 152  Boxing; promoter must be licensed to stage a match or     Broomfield
        show on pay-per-view or closed circuit.                
           Referred To Ways and Means
HB 153  Mississippi Athletic Commission; increase chairman's      Broomfield
           Referred To Fees and Salaries of Public Officers
HB 154  County prosecuting attorney; increase salary in certain   Jennings
           Referred To Fees and Salaries of Public Officers;County Affairs
HB 155  Medical Examiner; sheriff may employ as deputy.           Stevens
           Referred To County Affairs;Judiciary A
HB 156  Life, health and accident nonresident agents; revise      Stevens
        written examination waivers.                           
           Referred To Insurance
HB 157  Criminal investigators; provide arrest powers.            Endt
           Referred To Judiciary A;Appropriations
HB 158  Education Enhancement Fund; allocate funds to fully       Guice
        fund tuition assistance programs.                      
           Referred To Education;Appropriations
HB 159  Children's Health Insurance Program; revise.              Scott (80th)
           Referred To Public Health and Welfare;Appropriations
HB 160  Liens; require lender to release within 60 days after     Ellis
        loan is paid off.                                      
           Referred To Banks and Banking
HB 161  School boards; elect in all school districts.             Moore
           Referred To Education;Apportionment and Elections
HB 162  Schools; establish opening and closing dates of           Moore
        scholastic year.                                       
           Referred To Education
HB 163  Circuit judges and chancellors; set election on the       Endt
        same date as first primary for congressmen.            
           Referred To Apportionment and Elections
HB 164  Motor vehicle operator; unlawful not to stop vehicle      Endt
        when pursued by law enforcement vehicle.               
           Referred To Transportation
HB 165  Credit cards; reduce late payment charge on delinquent    Endt
           Referred To Banks and Banking
HB 166  Highway system; add highway in Jackson County.            Endt
           Referred To Transportation
HB 167  Four-lane highway program; add segment of highway in      Endt
        Jackson County.                                        
           Referred To Transportation
HB 168  Ad valorem taxes; revise manner in which delinquent       Endt
        taxes on land are collected.                           
           Referred To Ways and Means
HB 169  Retirement; allow purchase of PERS credit for work by     Endt
        students at public junior colleges or IHLs.            
           Referred To Appropriations
HB 170  Distinctive license tag; Purple Heart recipient issued    Endt
        free of charge.                                        
           Referred To Ways and Means
HB 171  Self defense; revise and provide immunity.                Robertson
           Referred To Judiciary B
HB 172  Crimes; make cruelty to animals a felony.                 Robertson
           Referred To Judiciary B
HB 173  County budget; revise time for publication.               Robertson
           Referred To County Affairs
HB 174  Uninsured motorist coverage; equal to or higher than      Moak
        liability limits.                                      
           Referred To Insurance
HB 175  Nursing home beds; certificate of need for conversion     Horne
        of personal care beds in Lauderdale County.            
           Referred To Public Health and Welfare;Appropriations
HB 176  Teachers; require in-service staff development workshop   Flaggs
        in sensitivity training.                               
           Referred To Education
HB 177  Teachers; require SDE to develop fringe benefits          Flaggs
        package of preventive care measures.                   
           Referred To Education;Appropriations
HB 178  Vehicle weight limits; provide exception for animal       Ellzey
        feed transporters.                                     
           Referred To Transportation
HB 179  Four-lane highways; MDOT erect signs indicating           Davis
           Referred To Transportation
HB 180  Alzheimer's disease; authorize nursing beds for           Scott (80th)
        patients with.                                         
           Referred To Public Health and Welfare;Appropriations
HB 181  Medicaid; expand eligibility to persons under 19 to       Scott (80th)
        185% of poverty level.                                 
           Referred To Public Health and Welfare;Appropriations
HB 182  Medicaid; eligibility shall be determined annually for    Scott (80th)
        all persons.                                           
           Referred To Public Health and Welfare;Appropriations
HB 183  Medicaid providers; conduct study of reimbursement        Scott (80th)
        levels to determine effect on managed care program     
           Referred To Public Health and Welfare;Appropriations
HB 184  Primary health care providers; conduct study to           Scott (80th)
        determine if shortage serving Medicaid recipients.     
           Referred To Public Health and Welfare;Appropriations
HB 185  House Arrest Program; expand to include juvenile          Scott (80th)
           Referred To Juvenile Justice
HB 186  African-American teachers; require Mississippi Teacher    Flaggs
        Center to study recruitment of.                        
           Referred To Education
HB 187  Mentoring program; require Department of Education to     Flaggs
        develop for students.                                  
           Referred To Education;Appropriations
HB 188  Summer School Enrichment Program; authorize school        Flaggs
        districts to provide.                                  
           Referred To Education
HB 189  State employees and teachers health insurance; state      Janus
        pay cost for retirees.                                 
           Referred To Insurance;Appropriations
HB 190  Vote fraud; establish penalty for.                        Moore
           Referred To Apportionment and Elections
HB 191  DUI; require designation on driver's license for          Moore
           Referred To Judiciary A
HB 192  Mississippi Home Corporation; prohibit lending for        Endt
        apartment acquisition or construction.                 
           Referred To Ways and Means
HB 193  Disability retirement; benefits reduced if retiree is     Endt
        able to perform job offered by employer.               
           Referred To Appropriations
HB 194  Ad valorem taxes; revise exemption for certain            Endt
        leasehold interests to exclude taxes for school        
        district purposes.                                     
           Referred To Ways and Means
HB 195  Ad valorem taxes; repeal exemption for certain            Endt
        leasehold interests.                                   
           Referred To Ways and Means
HB 196  School districts; pilot program requiring pupils to       Scott (80th)
        read a minimum of four books per school year.          
           Referred To Education
HB 197  Schools; require all students to wear uniforms in         Scott (80th)
        districts selected for participation in a pilot        
           Referred To Education
HB 198  Firearms; require registration.                           Scott (80th)
           Referred To Judiciary B
HB 199  Ammunition; require ID for purchase.                      Scott (80th)
           Referred To Judiciary B
HB 200  Statewide curfew; establish for minors under 18.          Scott (80th)
           Referred To Juvenile Justice
HB 201  Stalking; revise penalties.                               Scott (80th)
           Referred To Judiciary B
HB 202  Parental visitation sessions; require in public           Scott (80th)
           Referred To Education
HB 203  School in-service training; require two days for          Scott (80th)
        behavior management techniques.                        
           Referred To Education
HB 204  Personal leave for state employees; eliminate first day   Scott (80th)
        of illness requirement.                                
           Referred To Fees and Salaries of Public Officers
HB 205  Age of consent; conform abduction statute.                Scott (80th)
           Referred To Judiciary B
HB 206  Divorce; equitable distribution of marital property.      Scott (80th)
           Referred To Judiciary A
HB 207  Parental visitation sessions; require in public           Scott (80th)
           Referred To Education
HB 208  Implied Consent; persons convicted to attend alcohol      Scott (80th)
        and/or drug program.                                   
           Referred To Judiciary A
HB 209  Sales tax, local; authorize counties to levy.             Johnson
           Referred To Ways and Means
HB 210  Justice court judges; bring under the nonpartisan         Moak
        Judicial Election Act.                                 
           Referred To Apportionment and Elections
HB 211  Political committees; require to identify contributors.   Moak
           Referred To Apportionment and Elections
HB 212  Campaign Finance Report; prescribe penalty for failure    Moak
        to file timely.                                        
           Referred To Apportionment and Elections
HB 213  Elected offices; incease filing fees for certain.         Moak
           Referred To Apportionment and Elections
HB 214  Absentee ballots; revise method of receiving, mailing,    Moak
        examining and counting.                                
           Referred To Apportionment and Elections
HB 215  Teachers, retired; may be employed as teachers in         Morris
        certain districts and receive retirement benefits.     
           Referred To Education;Appropriations
HB 216  Check cashers; provide for license fees and application   Guice
           Referred To Banks and Banking
HB 217  Contractors; make certain exceptions apply only to        Guice
        Mississippi contractors.                               
           Referred To Judiciary B
HB 218  Attempted murder; create offense.                         Blackmon
           Referred To Judiciary B
HB 219  Workers' compensation; prohibit retaliatory discharge     Blackmon
        of employees who file claim.                           
           Referred To Insurance
HB 220  State Personnel Board; copies of proposed rules to        Endt
        committee chairmen, Lieutenant Governor and Governor.  
           Referred To Fees and Salaries of Public Officers
HB 221  Property and Casualty Insurance; require buy-back         Guice
        provision for deductibles.                             
           Referred To Insurance
HB 222  Insurance agents; revise the definitions to include       Ketchings
        certain individuals or corporations.                   
           Referred To Insurance
HB 223  Ad valorem tax; create 10% cap on increase in assessed    Ellzey
        value of agricultural property and commercial poultry  
           Referred To Ways and Means
HB 224  Mississippi Telecommunication Conference and Training     Ellzey
        Center Act; repeal hotel and motel occupancy tax.      
           Referred To Ways and Means
HB 225  Income tax; authorize deductions for completing certain   Moak
        education levels.                                      
           Referred To Ways and Means
HB 226  Sixteenth section land; authorize sale of to certain      Moak
        armed Services veterans.                               
           Referred To Education
HB 227  Appropriation; Bureau of Narcotics for cases against      Moak
        purchasers and sellers of illegal drugs.               
           Referred To Appropriations
HB 228  Alcoholic beverage licenses; require to purchase          Moak
        certain liability insurance.                           
           Referred To Ways and Means
HB 229  Unemployment compensation; exempt certain nonprofit       Perkins
           Referred To Labor
HB 230  Banks and financial institutions; allow borrower to       Perkins
        select attorney to handle loan closing.                
           Referred To Banks and Banking
HB 231  Speeding tickets; authorize defensive driving course in   Moak
        lieu of fines for certain violations.                  
           Referred To Transportation
HB 232  Bonds; issue for grants to restore existing or former     Morris
        historical schools.                                    
           Referred To Ways and Means
HB 233  Mississippi Business Incubator Assistance Act; create     Morris
        and fund program with bond issue.                      
           Referred To Ways and Means
HB 234  Highway property; MDOT offer reward for persons           Miles
        convicted of damaging.                                 
           Referred To Transportation
HB 235  Bonds; issue general obligation bonds for renovation of   Ishee
        Beauvoir Visitor Center.                               
           Referred To Ways and Means
HB 236  Open primary; establish.                                  Ishee
           Referred To Apportionment and Elections
HB 237  School districts; authorize child whose residence         Johnson
        changes to complete school year in district of choice. 
           Referred To Education
HB 238  Distinctive license tag decal; authorize issuance to      Janus
        commemorate tricentennial at Biloxi.                   
           Referred To Ways and Means
HB 239  Appropriation; Archives and History for restoration of    Janus
        Mississippi monument at Gettysburg.                    
           Referred To Appropriations
HB 240  Teachers' salaries; increase to southeastern average.     Moak
           Referred To Education;Appropriations
HB 241  Gaming; prohibit the cashing of AFDC or TANF checks at    Janus
           Referred To Ways and Means
HB 242  Conservation officers; clarify authority to administer    Janus
        D.U.I. tests.                                          
           Referred To Judiciary A
HB 243  Supervisors; authorize to hold in contempt persons        Perkins
        violating board orders.                                
           Referred To County Affairs
HB 244  Board of Supervisors; minutes of meetings may be          Perkins
        approved at subsequent meeting.                        
           Referred To County Affairs
HB 245  Real estate brokers and bankers; prohibit requiring use   Perkins
        of certain attorneys in real estate transactions.      
           Referred To Banks and Banking
HB 246  Education; revise various provisions.                     Flaggs
           Referred To Education;Appropriations
HB 247  School districts; not required to enroll persons unable   Manning
        to graduate by age twenty-one.                         
           Referred To Education
HB 248  Crimes; prohibit destruction of memorial to traffic       Manning
           Referred To Judiciary B
HB 249  Education Accountability and Assessment Support Center;   Manning
           Referred To Education;Appropriations
HB 250  Vehicle weight limit; make exception for certain          Manning
        logging vehicles transporting equipment.               
           Referred To Transportation
HB 251  Hunter orange; may be removed while hunting from a tree   Manning
           Referred To Game and Fish
HB 252  Rural Fire Truck Fund; increase monies in the fund for    Manning
        continuation of program.                               
           Referred To Insurance;Appropriations
HB 253  Speed limit on state highways; Transportation             Manning
        Commission not to reduce below 60.                     
           Referred To Transportation
HB 254  Sixteenth and lieu lands; authorize sale to homeowners.   Manning
           Referred To Education
HB 255  School employees; authorize payment for all unused        Manning
        leave upon retirement.                                 
           Referred To Education
HB 256  School boards; delete authority to designate person       Johnson
        other than superintendent for selection of             
           Referred To Education
HB 257  School districts; require annual report to State Board    Johnson
        of Education on renovation and repair needs.           
           Referred To Education
HB 258  Weapons; allow DAs and legal assistants to carry          Moak
        concealed weapons.                                     
           Referred To Judiciary B
HB 259  Harassing or threatening telephone calls; revise          Moak
           Referred To Judiciary B
HB 260  Malicious mischief; revise penalty.                       Moak
           Referred To Judiciary B
HB 261  Crimes; felony to possess weapon where alcohol is         Moak
           Referred To Judiciary B
HB 262  Workers' compensation; death claims shall include         Moak
        interest for beneficiaries.                            
           Referred To Insurance
HB 263  Distinctive license tag; authorize to be issued for       Moak
        nonresident universities.                              
           Referred To Ways and Means
HB 264  Motor vehicle liability insurance coverage; raise         Moak
        statutory minimum.                                     
           Referred To Insurance
HB 265  Justice courts; assistant county attorney to attend       Moak
        criminal cases.                                        
           Referred To Judiciary B
HB 266  Insurance companies; write all lines of insurance         Moak
           Referred To Insurance
HB 267  Child custody; remove maternal presumption in divorce     Moak
           Referred To Judiciary A
HB 268  Distinctive license tag; authorize issuance in support    Moak
        of veterans' monument.                                 
           Referred To Ways and Means
HB 269  Commissioner of Insurance; exclude certain religious      Moak
        publications from jurisdiction of.                     
           Referred To Insurance
HB 270  Health insurance; prohibit insurers from cancelling       Moak
        because insured bought second policy.                  
           Referred To Insurance
HB 271  Dairy show; hold in Brookhaven in Lincoln County.         Moak
           Referred To Agriculture
HB 272  State buildings; increase number of women's rest rooms.   Moak
           Referred To Public Buildings, Grounds and Lands;Appropriations
HB 273  Municipalities; authorize to establish a reserve fund.    Jennings
           Referred To Municipalities
HB 274  Ad valorem taxes, motor vehicles; provide exemption for   Jennings
        enlisted members of national guard and reserves.       
           Referred To Ways and Means
HB 275  Motor vehicle; unlawful to ride in portion not designed   Martinson
        for passengers.                                        
           Referred To Transportation
HB 276  Self defense; revise and provide immunity.                Robertson
           Referred To Judiciary B
HB 277  Circuit courts; provide additional judge for 15th         Frierson
           Referred To Judiciary A;Appropriations
HB 278  Wills; provisions affecting spouse void upon              Miles
        dissolution of marriage.                               
           Referred To Judiciary A
HB 279  Biddle guard; require to be used in any vehicle which     Ellzey
        is used to transport offenders.                        
           Referred To Penitentiary
HB 280  Military license tag; allow widows to retain.             Ishee
           Referred To Ways and Means
HB 281  Property and casualty insurance; no cancellation for      Nettles
        claims not fault of insured.                           
           Referred To Insurance
HB 282  Health insurance; treatment of mental illness; require    Nettles
        minimum benefits for.                                  
           Referred To Insurance
HB 283  Appropriation; to the Veterans Affairs Board for          Ishee
        patient care in state veterans homes.                  
           Referred To Appropriations
HB 284  State service employees; increase annual compensation     Manning
           Referred To Fees and Salaries of Public Officers;Appropriations
HB 285  Census; create Joint Legislative Committee on the         Blackmon
           Referred To Rules
HB 286  Income tax; provide a credit for ad valorem taxes paid    Ellzey
        on poultry houses.                                     
           Referred To Ways and Means
HB 287  Sales tax; exempt sale or transfer of motor vehicle       Moak
        between siblings.                                      
           Referred To Ways and Means
HB 288  Sales tax; exempt sales of certain home medical           Ishee
        equipment and supplies.                                
           Referred To Ways and Means
HB 289  Sales tax; create diversion to counties.                  Perkins
           Referred To Ways and Means
HB 290  Sales tax; create diversion to counties and cap ad        Young
        valorem tax millage rate.                              
           Referred To Ways and Means
HB 291  Sales tax; exempt sales to certain community and          Perkins
        recreational centers.                                  
           Referred To Ways and Means
HB 292  Sales tax; reduce rate imposed on retail sales of         Manning
        previously titled private carriers of passengers and   
        light carriers of property.                            
           Referred To Ways and Means
HB 293  Sales tax; exempt sales of tangible personal property     Manning
        or services to certain churches.                       
           Referred To Ways and Means
HB 294  Hate crimes; expand scope and provide civil cause of      Blackmon
           Referred To Judiciary A
HB 295  Sales tax and use tax; exempt delivery and freight        Davis
        charges from.                                          
           Referred To Ways and Means
HB 296  Sales tax; reduce rate on retail sales of motorcycles.    Moore
           Referred To Ways and Means
HB 297  Juvenile offenders; authorize drug testing, treatment     Scott (80th)
        and counseling.                                        
           Referred To Juvenile Justice
HB 298  Appropriation; Division of Medicaid for state match for   Scott (80th)
        State Children's Health Insurance Program.             
           Referred To Appropriations
HB 299  Sales tax; increase diversion to municipalities from      Young
        18.5% to 20.5%.                                        
           Referred To Ways and Means
HB 300  Sales and ad valorem taxes; increase sales tax            Young
        diversion to municipalities and cap ad valorem tax.    
           Referred To Ways and Means
HB 301  Sales and ad valorem taxes; increase sales tax            Young
        diversions to cities, create diversion to counties, cap
        city and county ad valorem taxes.                      
           Referred To Ways and Means
HB 302  Domestic violence; DHS enforce standards to help          Scott (80th)
        protect TANF recipients who are victims of.            
           Referred To Public Health and Welfare;Appropriations
HB 303  Sales tax; exempt Dixie Youth Baseball from.              Taylor
           Referred To Ways and Means
HB 304  Sales tax and use tax; exempt finance charges from.       Formby
           Referred To Ways and Means
HB 305  Sales tax; reduce on sales of food.                       Green (96th)
           Referred To Ways and Means
HB 306  Income tax; provide credit for contributions to school    Smith (35th)
        tuition oganizations.                                  
           Referred To Education;Ways and Means
HB 307  Sales tax; pay county percentage of sales tax generated   Nettles
        from business activities in county but outside cities. 
           Referred To Ways and Means
HB 308  Water heaters; decrease temperature requirements for      Young
        certain hot water supply storage tanks and heaters.    
           Referred To Insurance
HB 309  Vacation rights of state employees; increase for          Scott (80th)
        persons having 25 years service.                       
           Referred To Fees and Salaries of Public Officers
HB 310  Public construction; inform contractors of requirement    Scott (80th)
        regarding hiring of state residents.                   
           Referred To Appropriations
HB 311  Appropriation; State Department of Education for          Scott (80th)
        Support Our Students (S.O.S.) program.                 
           Referred To Appropriations
HB 312  Income tax; allow deductions for completing certain       Moak
        educational levels and bring forward various tax       
           Referred To Ways and Means;Appropriations
HB 313  Election contest; clarify that Legislature has            Blackmon
        exclusive jurisdiction over contest regarding seat of  
           Referred To Judiciary A
HB 314  Ad valorem taxes; revise rate of interest on land         Moak
        redeemed from tax sale.                                
           Referred To Ways and Means
HB 315  Appropriation; MTAG and MESG Tuition Assistance           Guice
        Programs; additional for FY1999.                       
           Referred To Appropriations
HB 316  Conservation Officers' Retirement System; create.         Livingston
           Referred To Appropriations
HB 317  Local system bridge program; extend funding.              Green (34th)
           Referred To Transportation;Appropriations
HB 318  County audits; require board of supervisors to contract   Guice
        with CPA to conduct.                                   
           Referred To County Affairs
HB 319  Controlled substances; allow prescription of meridia      Warren
        without restrictions.                                  
           Referred To Judiciary A
HB 320  Child support; increase fee payor may receive for         Warren
        complying with wage withholding order.                 
           Referred To Judiciary A
HB 321  Transfer-On-Death of Interest in Real Property and        Simmons
        Nonregistered Personal Property Act; create.           
           Referred To Judiciary A
HB 322  Highway Patrol Officers; increase salaries.               Cameron
           Referred To Fees and Salaries of Public Officers;Appropriations
HB 323  Teachers; establish performance pay plan.                 Cameron
           Referred To Education;Appropriations
HB 324  Income tax; revise method of determining net business     Cameron
        income of certain manufacturers.                       
           Referred To Ways and Means
HB 325  Marriage; provide for covenant marriage.                  Cameron
           Referred To Judiciary A
HB 326  Teachers; establish World Class Teachers Program.         Cameron
           Referred To Education;Appropriations
HB 327  Sentencing options; authorize courts to impose hard       Cameron
           Referred To Judiciary B
HB 328  Radar; cities may not use on federal or state highways.   Cameron
           Referred To Transportation
HB 329  Automobile liability insurance coverage; require before   Cameron
        receiving tag.                                         
           Referred To Insurance
HB 330  Trains; require minimum number of crew.                   Gibbs
           Referred To Transportation
HB 331  Juvenile offender program; establish.                     Gibbs
           Referred To Juvenile Justice;Appropriations
HB 332  Landscape Architectural Practice; reenact and remove      Stevens
           Referred To Judiciary A
HB 333  Rural Fire Truck Program; authorize fourth round of       Stevens
        fire trucks.                                           
           Referred To Insurance;Appropriations
HB 334  Timber; MDOT remove timber on right-of-way of I-59.       Frierson
           Referred To Transportation
HB 335  Homestead exemption; increase reimbursement of tax        Robertson
        losses to counties and fund increase from tobacco      
        litigation monies.                                     
           Referred To Appropriations
HB 336  State Veterans Affairs Board; revise certain              Rogers
        appointments by.                                       
           Referred To Military Affairs
HB 337  Elections; provide for appointment of a nominee when      Cummings
        vacancy occurs before primary.                         
           Referred To Apportionment and Elections
HB 338  Radar; reduce population requirement of cities within     Weathersby
        which police officers may use.                         
           Referred To Transportation
HB 339  Motor vehicle liability insurance; require proof of       Weathersby
        before receiving motor vehicle license tag.            
           Referred To Insurance
HB 340  Radar; authorize sheriff and deputies to use on county    Weathersby
        roads in counties over 80,000.                         
           Referred To Transportation
HB 341  State highway system; add segment of old U.S. 49 in       Weathersby
        Rankin County.                                         
           Referred To Transportation
HB 342  Weights and measures; revise permit fees and certain      Weathersby
           Referred To Agriculture
HB 343  Appropriation; Mississippi National Guard for             Rogers
        construction of two armories.                          
           Referred To Appropriations
HB 344  Soil and Water Conservation Commission; certain           Holland
        information collected by not available for public      
           Referred To Agriculture
HB 345  Income tax; provide a credit for a portion of certain     Holland
        conservation equipment.                                
           Referred To Ways and Means
HB 346  Foresters Registration Law; revise.                       Holland
           Referred To Agriculture
HB 347  Insurance companies; prohibit discrimination on basis     Holland
        of genetic information in writing health benefit plans.
           Referred To Insurance
HB 348  Veterans' Homes; not to deny admission based on Post      Holland
        Tramatic Stress Syndrome.                              
           Referred To Military Affairs
HB 349  Statewide Public Defenders Act; revise and expand study   Blackmon
        and extend repealer.                                   
           Referred To Judiciary B;Appropriations
HB 350  Municipal annexation; mandatory election if 20% of        Holland
        electors sign the petition.                            
           Referred To Municipalities;County Affairs
HB 351  Garbage fees; lessee not liable upon failure of           Holland
        property owner to pay.                                 
           Referred To County Affairs;Municipalities
HB 352  Law enforcement officers; exempt part-time, reserve,      Holland
        auxillary and volunteer from training.                 
           Referred To Judiciary B
HB 353  Municipal annexation; require election in both            Holland
        municipality and territory to be annexed if petition   
           Referred To Municipalities;County Affairs
HB 354  Transportation Commission; abolish.                       Cameron
           Referred To Transportation;Appropriations
HB 355  Youth Challenge Program; authorize National Guard to      Weathersby
        award adult high school diploma to certain graduates.  
           Referred To Juvenile Justice;Education
HB 356  MTAG and MESG Tuition Assistance Programs; reinstate      King
        residency requirements.                                
           Referred To Universities and Colleges;Appropriations
HB 357  Criminal investigators for district attorneys; increase   Manning
        maximum allowable salary.                              
           Referred To Fees and Salaries of Public Officers;Appropriations
HB 358  College tuition; classify members of Mississippi          Rogers
        National Guard as residents for in-state tuition.      
           Referred To Universities and Colleges
HB 359  Bail agents; revise licensing and continuing education    Rogers
           Referred To Judiciary B
HB 360  Suspension or expulsion; clarify authority regarding      King
        student whose presence is detrimental to educational   
           Referred To Education
HB 361  Mississippi Human Relations Act; establish.               Gibbs
           Referred To Fees and Salaries of Public Officers;Appropriations
HB 362  Right to sue; prohibit suit in automobile case if         Cameron
        person does not have driver's license and insurance.   
           Referred To Transportation;Insurance
HB 363  Community water system; revise definition of under        Guice
        Municipal and Domestic Water and Wastewater System     
        Operator's Certification Act.                          
           Referred To Public Health and Welfare
HB 364  Franchisees; prohibit franchisor from forcing             Miles
        acceptance of products not ordered or desired.         
           Referred To Transportation
HB 365  Circuit court; clerk or deputy to be present whenever     Shows
        court is in session.                                   
           Referred To Judiciary A
HB 366  State Fiscal Officer; approve or disapprove certain IHL   Bowles
        withdrawals from State Treasury (PEER).                
           Referred To Appropriations
HB 367  Camp Shelby; require State Auditor to audit timber fund   Bowles
           Referred To Military Affairs
HB 368  Agency rules; create joint legislative committee to       Bowles
           Referred To Judiciary A;Appropriations
HB 369  Public employees; prohibit from recommending or           Taylor
        endorsing purchases.                                   
           Referred To Judiciary A
HB 370  Irreconcilable differences; thirteenth ground for         Taylor
           Referred To Judiciary A
HB 371  Social worker licenses; issue to certain social workers   Taylor
        and social services designees.                         
           Referred To Public Health and Welfare
HB 372  Retirement; certain unused personal leave shall           Taylor
        increase average compensation for.                     
           Referred To Appropriations
HB 373  Resident hunting and fishng licenses; allow certain       Taylor
        nonresidents to purchase.                              
           Referred To Game and Fish
HB 374  Waste tire fee; exempt certain tire sales from.           Taylor
           Referred To Conservation and Water Resources
HB 375  Assault; revise enhanced penalty coverage to include      Warren
           Referred To Judiciary B
HB 376  Medicaid; prohibit expansion of capitated managed care    Broomfield
        program into additional counties.                      
           Referred To Public Health and Welfare;Appropriations
HB 377  Civil service commission; require certain                 Broomfield
        municipalities to adopt.                               
           Referred To Municipalities
HB 378  Mayor pro tempore; alderman elected from at large shall   Broomfield
        serve as.                                              
           Referred To Municipalities
HB 379  Motor vehicle; unlawful for minor to ride in portion      Broomfield
        not designed for passengers.                           
           Referred To Transportation
HB 380  Motor vehicle license tag; authorize purchase by use of   Guice
        credit card.                                           
           Referred To Ways and Means
HB 381  Timber; require Transportation Commission and Forestry    Dedeaux
        Commission to remove along U.S. 49 south of            
           Referred To Transportation
HB 382  Coroners; require additional training.                    Dedeaux
           Referred To County Affairs
HB 383  School boards; elect in all school districts.             Broomfield
           Referred To Education;Apportionment and Elections
HB 384  Cemetery merchandise; establish bond requirements for     Taylor
        pre-need sale.                                         
           Referred To Insurance
HB 385  Doctrine of adverse possession; repeal.                   Taylor
           Referred To Judiciary B
HB 386  Judges, justice court; authorize additional               Taylor
        compensation while serving for disabled or suspended   
           Referred To Fees and Salaries of Public Officers;County Affairs
HB 387  Garnishment; revise compensation of garnishee.            Taylor
           Referred To Judiciary A
HB 388  Universal health insurance; provide access through plan   Evans
        of Mississippi Health Finance Authority Board.         
           Referred To Insurance;Appropriations
HB 389  State Commission on Human Rights; create.                 Evans
           Referred To Penitentiary;Appropriations
HB 390  Mississippi Department of Labor; establish and create     Evans
        elected position of Commissioner of Labor.             
           Referred To Labor;Appropriations
HB 391  Business Improvements Districts Act; repeal.              Evans
           Referred To Municipalities
HB 392  School bonds; majority approval required when district    Evans
        has no outstanding indebtedness.                       
           Referred To Education;Ways and Means
HB 393  Bail; revise qualification bond for bail agents.          Rogers
           Referred To Judiciary B
HB 394  Retired teachers; may draw retirement benefits and be     Dedeaux
        reemployed as teachers.                                
           Referred To Education;Appropriations
HB 395  Nonproducing mineral estates; provide for redemption by   Dedeaux
        surface owner of land.                                 
           Referred To Oil, Gas and Other Minerals
HB 396  Child support; nonjudicial method for enforcement.        Ketchings
           Referred To Judiciary A
HB 397  Sales tax; increase diversion into Motor Vehicle Ad       Johnson
        Valorem Tax Reduction Fund.                            
           Referred To Ways and Means
HB 398  Crimes; revise penalty for manslaughter.                  Blackmon
           Referred To Judiciary B
HB 399  Skiboats; observer not needed if boat equipped with       Morris
        rearview mirror.                                       
           Referred To Game and Fish
HB 400  Medicaid; create Mississippi Health Care Authority to     Evans
        administer, and expand eligibility.                    
           Referred To Public Health and Welfare;Appropriations
HB 401  Medicaid; provide for facilitation to federal funding     Evans
        under block grant program.                             
           Referred To Public Health and Welfare;Appropriations
HB 402  Personal care homes; create program of assistance         Evans
        payments for certain residents of.                     
           Referred To Public Health and Welfare;Appropriations
HB 403  Medicaid; allow disabled workers to purchase coverage.    Evans
           Referred To Public Health and Welfare;Appropriations
HB 404  Tree surgery work; revise definition under professional   Janus
        services licensing requirements.                       
           Referred To Agriculture
HB 405  Uninsured motorists; prohibit from collecting the first   Janus
        $10,000 in property damage and bodily injury.          
           Referred To Insurance
HB 406  State employees; establish employee incentive program     Bowles
        and agency productivity program.                       
           Referred To Fees and Salaries of Public Officers;Appropriations
HB 407  Retirement; prohibit PERS retiree from being reemployed   Bowles
        by PERS employer.                                      
           Referred To Appropriations
HB 408  State aid roads; provide supplemental funds in support    Bowles
           Referred To Transportation;Appropriations
HB 409  State aid roads; provide supplemental funds in support    Bowles
           Referred To Transportation;Appropriations
HB 410  State Personnel Board; report to legislative committees   Bowles
        on certain salary increases.                           
           Referred To Fees and Salaries of Public Officers
HB 411  Automobile insurance; prohibit increase or cancellation   Bowles
        when insured not at fault.                             
           Referred To Insurance
HB 412  Municipal bypasses; replaced State Highway 15 in          Bowles
        Chickasaw County maintained by state.                  
           Referred To Transportation
HB 413  Constitution; delete requirement for explanatory          Bowles
        statement of proposed amendment on ballot.             
           Referred To Apportionment and Elections
HB 414  Driver's license; judge may suspend in lieu of            Bowles
        conviction for certain traffic violations.             
           Referred To Transportation
HB 415  Mississippi Home Corporation; subject to state            Bowles
        administrative regulations and require  Bond Commission
        approval before issuing bonds.                         
           Referred To Ways and Means
HB 416  Wildlife, Fisheries and Parks; proposed rules to be       Bowles
        submitted to Legislature.                              
           Referred To Fees and Salaries of Public Officers;Game and Fish
HB 417  Elected or appointed officials; must resign before        Bowles
        running for another office.                            
           Referred To Apportionment and Elections
HB 418  Mississippi Home Corporation; subject to state            Horne
        administrative regulations and require Bond Commission 
        approval before issuing bonds.                         
           Referred To Ways and Means
HB 419  Headlights; require use when windshield wipers            Bourdeaux
           Referred To Transportation
HB 420  Sales tax; exempt certain sales to governmental           Bourdeaux
        entities in neighboring states.                        
           Referred To Ways and Means
HB 421  Social security number; provide penalty for parents not   Bourdeaux
        providing when file birth certificate.                 
           Referred To Judiciary A
HB 422  Nursing homes; exempt certain from Medicaid assessment.   Bourdeaux
           Referred To Public Health and Welfare
HB 423  Nursing homes; Medicaid shall seek waiver to exempt       Bourdeaux
        certain from assessment.                               
           Referred To Public Health and Welfare
HB 424  Retirement system, highway patrol; allow credit for all   Bourdeaux
        active duty military service.                          
           Referred To Appropriations
HB 425  Income tax; no gain or loss recognized on exchange of     Bourdeaux
        property equal in value which is out of state.         
           Referred To Ways and Means
HB 426  Motor vehicle taxes; cash refund instead of credit when   Bourdeaux
        vehicle is sold or destroyed.                          
           Referred To Ways and Means
HB 427  Adoption; provide evaluation of prospective parents and   Bourdeaux
        waiting period.                                        
           Referred To Judiciary A
HB 428  Adoption; provide for evaluation of and waiting period    Bourdeaux
        for certain out-of-state adoption petitioners.         
           Referred To Judiciary A
HB 429  Torts; wrongful death damage award distributed            Bailey
        according to decedent's will.                          
           Referred To Judiciary A
HB 430  Freshwater fishing license; valid for twelve months       Bailey
        from date of issuance.                                 
           Referred To Game and Fish
HB 431  County units; supervisor civilly liable for               Hamilton
           Referred To County Affairs
HB 432  Podiatry; practitioners of shall be known as podiatric    Broomfield
           Referred To Public Health and Welfare
HB 433  Appropriation; PERS Board for study of providing one      Gadd
        health insurance program for all retired public        
           Referred To Appropriations
HB 434  Motorcycle temporary driving permit; operator not         Jennings
        required to be supervised when traveling to examining  
           Referred To Transportation
HB 435  Social workers; fund under Minimum Education Program.     Scott (17th)
           Referred To Education;Appropriations
HB 436  Motor vehicle inspection law; increase penalty for        Robertson
        certain violations.                                    
           Referred To Transportation
HB 437  School voucher program; require State Department of       Ketchings
        Education to establish.                                
           Referred To Education;Appropriations
HB 438  Income tax; provide credit for contributions to school    Ketchings
        tuition organizations and for extracurricular activity 
           Referred To Education;Ways and Means
HB 439  Nonresident hunting and fishing license penalties;        Ketchings
        increase for second offense.                           
           Referred To Game and Fish
HB 440  Sentencing; death penalty for crimes where firearm is     Ketchings
           Referred To Judiciary B
HB 441  Teen court program; authorize Adams County to             Ketchings
           Referred To Juvenile Justice
HB 442  Trial; allow 10-2 verdict in certain criminal cases.      Ketchings
           Referred To Judiciary B
HB 443  Income tax; exempt gain if used to purchase certain       Dedeaux
        state bonds and exempt such bonds from estate for      
        estate tax purposes.                                   
           Referred To Ways and Means
HB 444  County unit; revise question on election ballot for       Dedeaux
        returning to beat system.                              
           Referred To County Affairs
HB 445  High school football teams; restrict distance to          Dedeaux *
        regular season games.                                  
           Referred To Education
HB 446  Harrison County; authorize Harrison County to             Fredericks
        contribute funds to the George Ohr Arts and Cultural   
           Referred To Local and Private Legislation
HB 447  Harrison County; authorize Harrison County to             Fredericks
        contribute funds to Feed My Sheep, Incorporated.       
           Referred To Local and Private Legislation
HB 448  Harrison County; authorize Harrison County to             Fredericks
        contribute funds to the Gulf Coast Community Action    
           Referred To Local and Private Legislation
HB 449  Harrison County; authorize Harrison County to             Fredericks
        contribute funds to the South Mississippi Aids Task    
           Referred To Local and Private Legislation
HB 450  Harrison County; authorize Harrison County to             Fredericks
        contribute funds to the Mississippi Gulf Coast Multiple
        Sclerosis Society.                                     
           Referred To Local and Private Legislation
HB 451  Harrison County; authorize Harrison County to             Fredericks
        contribute funds to the South Mississippi Chapter of   
        the Alzheimer's Association.                           
           Referred To Local and Private Legislation
HB 452  Bail bonds; order may be set aside if clerk does not      Rogers
        provide required notice.                               
           Referred To Judiciary B
HB 453  Charitable bingo; prohibit persons under 18 years of      Morris
        age from playing bingo.                                
           Referred To Ways and Means
HB 454  Board of Examiners for Social Workers and Marriage and    Scott (17th)
        Family Therapists; reenact and repeal repealer.        
           Referred To Public Health and Welfare
HB 455  Voting; require I.D. to be shown before an elector is     Johnson
        allowed to vote.                                       
           Referred To Apportionment and Elections
HB 456  Comprehensive Health Insurance Risk Pool Association;     Evans
        revise eligibility requirements for health plan.       
           Referred To Insurance
HB 457  Employer and labor organizations; may agree to a          Evans
        "fair-share fee" in collective bargaining agreements.  
           Referred To Labor
HB 458  Fuel taxes; revise amount diverted to State Aid Road      Green (34th)
           Referred To Ways and Means
HB 459  Office of State Aid Road Construction; authorize          Green (34th)
        reimbursement of certain administrative expenses.      
           Referred To Transportation;Appropriations
HB 460  Driver's license; require passage of vision screening     Martinson
        exam upon renewal.                                     
           Referred To Transportation
HB 461  Driver's license; waive requirement for applicants with   Martinson
        out-of-state license.                                  
           Referred To Transportation
HB 462  Driver's license; suspend for 15-year-old who violates    Martinson
        restrictions on driving hours.                         
           Referred To Transportation
HB 463  Antique private trailer license plate; authorize          Martinson
           Referred To Ways and Means
HB 464  Prescription drugs; person eligible for Medicare with     Reynolds
        certain income shall receive under Medicaid.           
           Referred To Public Health and Welfare;Appropriations
HB 465  Oil and gas wells; authorize Oil and Gas Board to place   Moak
        lien at time of sale for future plugging purposes.     
           Referred To Oil, Gas and Other Minerals
HB 466  Domestic relations; clarify contempt and assess costs     Guice
        to party in contempt.                                  
           Referred To Judiciary A
HB 467  Transportation Department; require to use English         Manning
        system of measurements.                                
           Referred To Transportation
HB 468  Driveways; authorize counties to maintain for home        Taylor
        health care recipients.                                
           Referred To County Affairs
HB 469  Workers' compensation; allow claimant to choose lump      Taylor
        sum for permanent disability without penalty.          
           Referred To Insurance
HB 470  State agencies; cannot increase existing employees'       Taylor
        salaries with funds for additional positions not       
           Referred To Appropriations
HB 471  Teachers, assistant teachers and certain other school     McCoy
        employees; increase salaries.                          
           Referred To Education;Appropriations
HB 472  Retirement; revise calculation of PERS additional         Perry
        annual benefit.                                        
           Referred To Appropriations
HC   1  Amend Constitution; homeowner may purchase up to five     Manning
        acres of sixteenth section land.                       
           Referred To Constitution
HC   2  Amend Constitution; deny bail for certain crimes.         Manning
           Referred To Constitution;Judiciary B
HC   3  Amend Constitution; define state boundaries.              Janus
           Referred To Constitution
HC   4  Amend Constitution; limit terms of office of elected      Flaggs
           Referred To Constitution
HC   5  Amend Constitution; limit terms of members of the         Flaggs
           Referred To Constitution
HC   6  Amend Constitution; authorize sale of sixteenth section   Moak
        land to certain veterans.                              
           Referred To Constitution
HC   7  Amend Constitution; establish state boundaries.           Endt
           Referred To Constitution
HC   8  Constitutional Convention; rescind previous resolutions   Martinson
        calling for.                                           
           Referred To Rules
HC   9  Ten Commandments memorialized as underpinning of State    Smith (35th)
           Referred To Rules
HC  10  Commemorate 2000th anniversary of birth of Jesus          Smith (35th)
           Referred To Rules
HC  11  Amend Constitution; require majority vote only for bill   Formby
        reducing taxes.                                        
           Referred To Constitution
HC  12  Mississippi River bridge near Greenville; memorialize     Cameron
        Congress to provide funds to construct.                
           Referred To Rules
HC  13  Amend Constitution; delete requirement that legislative   Cameron
        bills be read.                                         
           Referred To Constitution
HC  14  Amend joint rules; local and private bills imposing tax   Cameron
        to contain referendum.                                 
           Referred To Rules
HC  15  Commend life and service of Mr. Dalton Lake Hyde as       Reynolds
        Election Commissioner.                                 
           Referred To Rules
HC  16  Amend Constitution; require 60% vote on certain           Guice
        initiative measures.                                   
           Referred To Constitution
HC  17  Commend Moss Point Monarchs Baseball Team.                Broomfield
           Referred To Rules
HC  18  Amend Constitution; homeowner may purchase up to five     Taylor
        acres of sixteenth section land.                       
           Referred To Constitution
HC  19  Amend Constitution; to provide for annual assessment on   Dedeaux
        certain nonproducing mineral estates.                  
           Referred To Constitution
HC  20  Amend Constitution; revise list of crimes for             Ketchings
           Referred To Constitution
HC  21  Memorialize Congress, the USDOT and Miss.                 Capps
        Transportation Commissioners to name the Great River   
        Bridge the Charles W. Dean Bridge.                     
           Referred To Rules
HC  22  Commend utility workers for dedication during outages     Ford
        caused by the Christmas Eve ice storm.                 
           Referred To Rules
HC  23  Joint session; hear address by the Governor on January    Horne
        12, 1999.                                              
           Referred To Rules
HR   1  Memorialize Congress to return a greater portion of the   Cameron
        federal unemployment tax to Mississippi.               
           Referred To Rules
HR   2  House Rules; amend to require waiting one day before      Bowles
        considering conference reports.                        
           Referred To Rules

Senate: Introductions

SB2001  Statutory rape; reinstate penalty.                        Nunnelee
           Referred To Judiciary
SB2002  Appropriation; DFA for World War II Memorial Campaign.    Hall
           Referred To Appropriations
SB2003  Juvenile Alternative Program; State Department of         Blackmon
        Education to establish as pilot program.               
           Referred To Juvenile Justice;Education
SB2004  Appropriation; Health Department for AIDS Drug            Blackmon
        Assistance Program and HIV prevention activities.      
           Referred To Appropriations
SB2005  Mississippi Student Summer Employment Program; create     Blackmon
        and provide income tax credit to employers who hire    
        students under.                                        
           Referred To Finance
SB2006  Income tax; provide credit for taxpayers expending        Blackmon
        funds for repair, restoration or preservation of       
        certain historic structures.                           
           Referred To Finance
SB2007  Sales tax; exempt finance charges from.                   Blackmon
           Referred To Finance
SB2008  Retirement; retired teacher be reemployed as teacher      Blackmon
        draw PERS benefits; PERS retiree may serve as elected  
        official and draw retirement.                          
           Referred To Finance
SB2009  Commission on Economic Status of Women; create.           Blackmon
           Referred To Fees, Salaries and Administration
SB2010  Public construction; inform contractors of requirement    Blackmon
        regarding hiring of state residents.                   
           Referred To Business and Financial Institutions
SB2011  Community development corporations; establish a grant     Blackmon
        program within DECD for.                               
           Referred To Economic Dev, Tourism and Parks
SB2012  MS Small Business Assistance Act; increase the amount     Blackmon
        that may be issued as grants for loans.                
           Referred To Finance
SB2013  State agencies; create One-Stop Information Center for    Blackmon
           Referred To Fees, Salaries and Administration
SB2014  Pre-vocational trade program for exceptional children     Blackmon
        Grades 6-9; establish and provide minimum program funds
           Referred To Education;Appropriations
SB2015  Teacher licensure; require state-administered             Blackmon
        examination of achievement to predict success of       
        teacher in classroom.                                  
           Referred To Education
SB2016  Judges; procedure to remove inadequate.                   Burton *
           Referred To Judiciary
SB2017  Health and life insurance companies; disclose medical     Burton *
        exam findings to policy applicants.                    
           Referred To Insurance
SB2018  Life insurance companies; provide reason for denial of.   Burton *
           Referred To Insurance
SB2019  Circuit clerks; increase pay for attendance upon court    Burton
           Referred To Fees, Salaries and Administration
SB2020  CPR classes; require in health curriculum Grades 9-12.    Burton *
           Referred To Education
SB2021  Driver's license reinstatement fee; increase subsequent   Burton *
        to DUI or drug offense.                                
           Referred To Judiciary
SB2022  Marriage licenses; require premarital tests for HIV.      Burton *
           Referred To Judiciary;Public Health and Welfare
SB2023  Justice court judges; include in Nonpartisan Judicial     Burton
        Election Act.                                          
           Referred To Elections
SB2024  Tax sales of mobile homes; require notice to secured      Burton
           Referred To Finance
SB2025  Motor vehicle headlamps; lighted when windshield wipers   Burton
           Referred To Highways and Transportation
SB2026  Housing authorities; uniform per diem compensation for    Burton
           Referred To Fees, Salaries and Administration
SB2027  Legal holiday; state offices may close Friday before      Hall
        holiday falling on Saturday.                           
           Referred To Fees, Salaries and Administration
SB2028  Public school classroom; brief period of quiet            Frazier
        reflection authorized.                                 
           Referred To Education
SB2029  Schools; require all students to wear uniforms.           Harvey
           Referred To Education
SB2030  Reduce general sales tax; from 7% to 5%.                  Smith
           Referred To Finance
SB2031  Products liability; seller not liable for certain         Ross
        manufacturing defects.                                 
           Referred To Judiciary
SB2032  State service employees; increase annual compensation     White (5th)
           Referred To Fees, Salaries and Administration;Appropriations
SB2033  Automobiles; increase number authorized for MS Board of   Hall
           Referred To Fees, Salaries and Administration;Appropriations
SB2034  Dispensing opticians; provide for licensure of.           Dearing
           Referred To Public Health and Welfare
SB2035  Judges; Supreme Court and Court of Appeals to be          Ross
           Referred To Judiciary;Elections
SB2036  Trucks; prohibit riding in open cargo area.               White (29th)
           Referred To Highways and Transportation
SB2037  Sales tax; exempt retail sales of unprepared foods.       Smith
           Referred To Finance
SB2038  Part-time Student Tuition Assistance Grant program;       Hall
           Referred To Universities and Colleges;Appropriations
SB2039  Auto insurance; require compulsory liability insurance.   Hall
           Referred To Insurance
SB2040  Safe school discipline plans; provide components to be    Hall
        met by local school districts.                         
           Referred To Education
SB2041  State agency automobiles; repeal specific authority for   Hall
        purchase and operation of.                             
           Referred To Fees, Salaries and Administration
SB2042  Purchase of passenger vehicles by state agencies;         Hall
        delete certain restrictions.                           
           Referred To Fees, Salaries and Administration
SB2043  Appropriations; enact one appropriation bill for all      Hall
        general fund agencies.                                 
           Referred To Fees, Salaries and Administration;Appropriations
SB2044  Bonds; issue g.o. bonds to complete construction of the   Bean
        Armed Forces Museum at Camp Shelby.                    
           Referred To Finance
SB2045  Driver's license; suspend for 15-year-old who violates    Hall
        restrictions of driving hours.                         
           Referred To Judiciary
SB2046  Home school students; authorized to participate in        Hall
        public school interscholastic activities.              
           Referred To Education
SB2047  Child abuse; protect child abuse reporters from           Hall
        retaliatory discharge or employment action.            
           Referred To Judiciary
SB2048  Ski boat; no observer when equipped with wide angle       Hall
           Referred To Wildlife and Fisheries
SB2049  Hate crimes; revise definition to include certain gang    Hall
           Referred To Judiciary
SB2050  Reapportionment; reduce the size of the Legislature.      Hall
           Referred To Elections
SB2051  Workers' Compensation/Employment Security Commissions;    Jordan (18th)
        appeal awards directly to Supreme Court.               
           Referred To Insurance;Judiciary
SB2052  Garbage fee; authorize exemption for disabled person.     Jordan (18th)
           Referred To County Affairs;Environment Prot, Cons and Water Res
SB2053  Early High School Graduation Scholarship program;         Jordan (18th)
           Referred To Universities and Colleges;Appropriations
SB2054  Ad valorem taxation; exempt certain motor vehicles used   Jordan (18th)
        to transport children for medical treatment.           
           Referred To Finance
SB2055  Sales tax; remove the sales tax on aircraft repairing     Hall
        and servicing.                                         
           Referred To Finance
SB2056  Highway designation; designate MS Highway 278 as Thomas   Gordon
        G. Abernethy Memorial Highway.                         
           Referred To Highways and Transportation
SB2057  Lobbying law; include public employees engaging in        Nunnelee
        lobbying activities.                                   
           Referred To Judiciary
SB2058  Post-conviction bail; clarify for child abuser.           Nunnelee
           Referred To Judiciary
SB2059  Wrongful death action; damages not awarded parent who     Nunnelee
        has abandoned a child.                                 
           Referred To Judiciary
SB2060  Child custody; court shall not prefer one parent over     Nunnelee
        the other.                                             
           Referred To Judiciary
SB2061  Conservation Officers' Retirement System; create.         Posey
           Referred To Finance
SB2062  Smoking; prohibit in state office buildings.              Nunnelee
           Referred To Judiciary
SB2063  Medicaid waiver for coverage of the chronically ill       Jordan (24th)
        with hypertension and diabetes; authorize.             
           Referred To Public Health and Welfare;Appropriations
SB2064  Emergency services under HMO contracts; prohibit prior    Jordan (24th)
           Referred To Public Health and Welfare
SB2065  Post-mastectomy care for women; require.                  Jordan (24th)
           Referred To Public Health and Welfare
SB2066  Dogs; offense if injury occurs while running at large.    Simmons
           Referred To Judiciary
SB2067  School boards; elect members in all school districts;     Simmons
        appoint all school superintendents.                    
           Referred To Education
SB2068  School districts; pilot program requiring pupils to       Simmons
        read a minimum of 4 books per school year.             
           Referred To Education
SB2069  Vacation rights of state employees; increase for          Simmons
        persons having 25 years service.                       
           Referred To Fees, Salaries and Administration
SB2070  Personal leave for state employees; eliminate first day   Simmons
        of illness requirement.                                
           Referred To Fees, Salaries and Administration
SB2071  Health care facilities; authorize CON for skilled         Ross
        nursing and Alzheimer's facility in Rankin County.     
           Referred To Public Health and Welfare;Appropriations
SB2072  Post-conviction relief; change statute of limitations.    Ross
           Referred To Judiciary
SB2073  Personal leave for state employees; eliminate first day   Gordon
        of illness requirement.                                
           Referred To Fees, Salaries and Administration
SB2074  Check Cashing Act; clarify maximum fee allowed for        White (5th)
        delayed deposit check.                                 
           Referred To Business and Financial Institutions
SB2075  Check cashing licensee; require to engage in all check    White (5th)
        cashing activities.                                    
           Referred To Business and Financial Institutions
SB2076  Mississippi Advisory Committee on Judicial Nominations;   Tollison
           Referred To Judiciary
SB2077  State Health Insurance Plan; allow certain retired        Tollison
        local employees to participate.                        
           Referred To Insurance
SB2078  School districts with added territory; provide for        Carter
        automatic student transfers.                           
           Referred To Education
SB2079  Flood control; additional cities to clear ditches and     Carter
        organize districts.                                    
           Referred To Municipalities
SB2080  Interchange; DOT construct on U.S. 45 at Meridian.        Carter
           Referred To Highways and Transportation
SB2081  School term; revise first day and last day for all        Nunnelee
           Referred To Education
SB2082  Private and legal investigators; regulate and license.    Hall
           Referred To Judiciary
SB2083  Sales tax; phase out tax on certain pollution control     Nunnelee
           Referred To Finance
SB2084  Medical procedures on minor by Dept of Health; require    Nunnelee
        parental consent.                                      
           Referred To Public Health and Welfare
SB2085  MS Clean Indoor Air Act; enact.                           Nunnelee
           Referred To Judiciary
SB2086  Teachers; create duty to inform students of               Nunnelee
        unlawfulness of certain conduct.                       
           Referred To Education
SB2087  Food handling establishment permits; displayed at         Nunnelee
        visible location.                                      
           Referred To Public Health and Welfare
SB2088  School-related fund-raising activities; provide certain   Nunnelee
        restrictions on.                                       
           Referred To Education
SB2089  School superintendents; appoint all superintendents       Nunnelee
        after 1/1/2000.                                        
           Referred To Education
SB2090  Justice court; amend service of process in emergencies.   Nunnelee
           Referred To Judiciary
SB2091  Year 2000 computer conversion; define agency              Burton
        responsibilities/provide tort immunity from claims     
        based on computer failures.                            
           Referred To Judiciary
SB2092  Child care; exempt from licensure schools that are        Nunnelee
        members of the Association of Christian Schools.       
           Referred To Public Health and Welfare;Education
SB2093  State passenger vehicles; authorize Department of         Kirby
        Insurance/State Fire Marshal to purchase.              
           Referred To Fees, Salaries and Administration;Appropriations
SB2094  Nursing facilities; require uniform nursing home          Bean
        preadmission screening for Medicaid reimbursement.     
           Referred To Public Health and Welfare;Appropriations
SB2095  M.T.A.G. scholarship program; increase tuition            Nunnelee
        assistance for freshman and sophomore students.        
           Referred To Universities and Colleges;Appropriations
SB2096  Persons eligible for Medicaid assistance; permit          Bean
        workers with disabilities to buy into Medicaid.        
           Referred To Public Health and Welfare;Appropriations
SB2097  Insurance companies; increase certain registration        Kirby
           Referred To Insurance
SB2098  Universities; allow enhanced degree-granting branch       Gollott
        campuses in certain areas.                             
           Referred To Universities and Colleges;Appropriations
SB2099  Students required to be assigned to alternative           Bean
        schools; revise categories of.                         
           Referred To Education
SB2100  Appropriation FY 2000; to MS National Guard for           Smith
        expenses of Armed Forces Museum.                       
           Referred To Appropriations
SB2101  State service employees; increase annual compensation     Jordan (18th)
           Referred To Fees, Salaries and Administration;Appropriations
SB2102  State vehicles; include all types of vehicles in the      Gordon
        authorization statute.                                 
           Referred To Fees, Salaries and Administration
SB2103  Procedures for determination of rights of an alleged      Bean
        father in adoption proceedings; revise repealers on.   
           Referred To Judiciary
SB2104  Nursing facilities; authorize CON for Town of Beaumont.   Bean
           Referred To Public Health and Welfare;Appropriations
SB2105  Appropriation; Univ. Medical Center, Alzheimer's          Bean
        research; FY00.                                        
           Referred To Appropriations
SB2106  Art for Public Facilities Act; create.                    Hall
           Referred To Finance
SB2107  Anti-litter law; place certain requirements on            White (29th)
        applicants for a driver's license.                     
           Referred To Highways and Transportation
SB2108  New Capitol Building; prohibit smoking in.                White (29th)
           Referred To Judiciary
SB2109  Labor organizations; prohibit from giving money to        White (29th)
        members to give to political activities.               
           Referred To Labor
SB2110  Sales tax exemption; Habitat for Humanity.                Nunnelee
           Referred To Finance
SB2111  Local government-CAP loans; include construction of       Nunnelee
        soccer, baseball or softball complexes.                
           Referred To Finance
SB2112  Elections; enact municipal open primary law.              Nunnelee
           Referred To Elections
SB2113  Income tax; revise certain provisions regarding gains     Nunnelee
        and losses and business deductions.                    
           Referred To Finance
SB2114  Medicaid reimbursement; authorize for implantable         Hall
        infusion pumps.                                        
           Referred To Public Health and Welfare;Appropriations
SB2115  Insurance regulatory laws; make technical amendments      Kirby
           Referred To Insurance;Finance
SB2116  Motor vehicles; restrict resale when repurchased under    Jackson
        lemon law.                                             
           Referred To Judiciary
SB2117  Adult care facilities; define assisted living             Burton
        facilities for licensure purposes.                     
           Referred To Public Health and Welfare;Appropriations
SB2118  Home school students; authorize dual enrollment in        Nunnelee
        public schools.                                        
           Referred To Education
SB2119  Domestic violence; DHS enforce standards to help          Simmons
        protect TANF recipients who are victims of.            
           Referred To Public Health and Welfare;JU,AP
SB2120  Driver's license; jail time not suspended for person      Nunnelee
        driving with suspended or revoked license.             
           Referred To Judiciary
SB2121  School curriculum; authorize program for character        Jordan (24th)
           Referred To Education
SB2122  School board elections; elect members in all school       Nunnelee
           Referred To Education
SB2123  Jerry Clower Coliseum; designate coliseum at State        Hall
        Fairgrounds as the.                                    
           Referred To Rules
SB2124  District attorneys; compensation shall equal salaries     Gordon
        of circuit court judges.                               
           Referred To Fees, Salaries and Administration;Appropriations
SB2125  Internet; prohibit computer seduction of minors.          Burton
           Referred To Juvenile Justice;Judiciary
SB2126  Medicaid; increase home leave days for ICFMR services     Bean
           Referred To Public Health and Welfare;Appropriations
SB2127  Remuneration of the Chairmen of Appropriations            Hall
        committees; provide for.                               
           Referred To Fees, Salaries and Administration;Appropriations
SB2128  Television; authorize appearance of certain defendants    Smith
        by closed circuit.                                     
           Referred To Judiciary
SB2129  Mississippi Construction Education Program; establish.    Burton
           Referred To Education
SB2130  MS Telecommunications Marketing Act; create.              Browning
           Referred To Public Utilities;Finance
SB2131  State service jobs; MS graduates given preference for.    Burton
           Referred To Fees, Salaries and Administration
SB2132  MS Civil War Battlefield Commission; authorize expense    Gordon
        reimbursement for members.                             
           Referred To Rules;Appropriations
SB2133  Mammography coverage; require Medicare supplement         Blackmon
        insurance policies to include.                         
           Referred To Public Health and Welfare;Appropriations
SB2134  Assistant district attorneys; revise compensation of.     Gordon
           Referred To Fees, Salaries and Administration;Appropriations
SB2135  Criminal investigators; increase compensation for.        Gordon
           Referred To Fees, Salaries and Administration;Appropriations
SB2136  Oil & gas royalty owners; revise statutory interest       Hall
        grace period.                                          
           Referred To Oil, Gas and Other Minerals;Finance
SB2137  Elected judiciary; increase compensation for.             Jordan (18th)
           Referred To Fees, Salaries and Administration;Appropriations
SB2138  Unemployment compensation; define "employment" for        Nunnelee
        purposes of eligibility.                               
           Referred To Insurance;Judiciary
SB2139  Local Bridge Replacement and Rehabilitation Fund;         Lee
        increase # of eligible bridges & mandate funding       
        through 2003.                                          
           Referred To Highways and Transportation;Appropriations
SB2140  Salvage motor vehicles; provide for issuance of           Burton
        certificates of title.                                 
           Referred To Judiciary
SB2141  Child visitation; suspend licenses of persons not         Bean
        complying with orders for.                             
           Referred To Judiciary;Public Health and Welfare
SB2142  EBT system for food stamps; extend implementation         Bean
           Referred To Public Health and Welfare
SB2143  Medicaid assistance program; revise eligibility and       Bean
        services reimbursement.                                
           Referred To Public Health and Welfare
SB2144  Local Bridge Replacement and Rehabilitation Fund;         Smith
        mandate funding through 2003.                          
           Referred To Highways and Transportation;Appropriations
SB2145  Motor vehicle license tags; authorize a distinctive tag   Burton
        for Bronze Star Medal recipients.                      
           Referred To Finance
SB2146  Orthotics and prosthetics certification; define           Dearing
        certifying agency.                                     
           Referred To Public Health and Welfare
SB2147  Traffic offenses; revise the fine for speeding in a       Little *
        highway work zone (MDOT).                              
           Referred To Highways and Transportation
SB2148  Transportation Commission; delete certain expenditure     Little *
        restrictions (MDOT).                                   
           Referred To Highways and Transportation
SB2149  State Board of Medical Licensure to regulate physician    Simmons
        assistants; authorize.                                 
           Referred To Public Health and Welfare
SB2150  Managed health care plans; provide conditions relating    Bean
        to participating providers.                            
           Referred To Public Health and Welfare
SB2151  Mississippi Directory and Guide to Career and             Hall
        Educational Services; authorize DECD to publish and    
           Referred To Fees, Salaries and Administration
SB2152  Transfer-On-Death of Interest in Real Property and        Stogner
        Nonregistered Personal Property Act; create.           
           Referred To Judiciary
SB2153  Public lands; create the Metro Recreational Highway       Smith
        Authority to study use of land between the Pearl River 
        levee system.                                          
           Referred To Public Property
SB2154  Professional counseling services; included as coverage    Hall
        under State and Public School Employees Insurance Plan.
           Referred To Public Health and Welfare;Appropriations
SB2155  Sixteenth section school land rent escalation clauses;    Ferris
        authorize for certain capital improvements.            
           Referred To Education
SB2156  Assistance program for schools failing to meet            Ferris
        accreditation; provide accountability and incentive    
           Referred To Education
SB2157  Beginning Teacher Support Program; authorize school       Ferris
        districts to compensate mentor teachers participating  
           Referred To Education
SB2158  Master teacher certification; authorize payment of        Ferris
        fringe benefits and reimbursement of process cost paid 
        by local district.                                     
           Referred To Education;Appropriations
SB2159  Torts; revise joint and several liability.                Hawks
           Referred To Judiciary
SB2160  Torts; 50% contributory negligence bar.                   Hawks
           Referred To Judiciary
SB2161  Torts; abolish 15% appeal penalty.                        Hawks
           Referred To Judiciary
SB2162  Torts; statute of repose added to general statute of      Hawks
           Referred To Judiciary
SB2163  Torts; statute of repose applied to persons with          Hawks
        disabilities tolling statute.                          
           Referred To Judiciary
SB2164  Graves; require certain depth when burying dead human     Browning
           Referred To Judiciary
SB2165  Motor vehicle inspection law; municipal law enforcement   Little
        officers enforce.                                      
           Referred To Highways and Transportation;Judiciary
SB2166  School employees insurance plan; include life insurance   Little
        benefits under.                                        
           Referred To Education;Appropriations
SB2167  Teacher, public school; authorize criminal history        Little
        background checks for applicants.                      
           Referred To Education
SB2168  Excavations near underground utility facilities; remove   Minor
        repealer on laws regulating.                           
           Referred To Public Utilities
SB2169  CON for nursing facility beds in certain counties;        Bean
           Referred To Public Health and Welfare;Appropriations
SB2170  Chancery or circuit clerk; salary limitation applies to   Moffatt
        the office of the clerk.                               
           Referred To Fees, Salaries and Administration
SB2171  Bonds; issue bonds to construct an access road to the     Posey
        Grand Gulf Nuclear Facility.                           
           Referred To Finance
SB2172  Health services; provide right to reimbursement for       Bean
        services performed by licensed athletic trainers.      
           Referred To Public Health and Welfare
SB2173  Veterans Affairs Board; revise staffing requirements.     Furniss
           Referred To Veterans and Military Affairs;Appropriations
SB2174  Armed Forces Veterans license plates; revise              Furniss
        qualifications for obtaining.                          
           Referred To Veterans and Military Affairs;Finance
SB2175  Pearl Harbor Survivors license plates; eliminate fee      Furniss
        for purchase of.                                       
           Referred To Finance
SB2176  Public bid requirements and exceptions; clarify.          Burton
           Referred To Fees, Salaries and Administration
SB2177  Elected judiciary; increase the salary of.                Gordon
           Referred To Fees, Salaries and Administration;Appropriations
SB2178  Justice court clerks; establish the minimum salary to     Gordon
        be paid to.                                            
           Referred To Fees, Salaries and Administration;County Affairs
SB2179  Cardiac defibrillator; authorize use, require training,   Burton
        and provide civil immunity.                            
           Referred To Public Health and Welfare;Judiciary
SB2180  Medical records; provide free access for disability       Burton
        benefit applicants.                                    
           Referred To Public Health and Welfare
SB2181  Rural waterworks corporations; provide for the deposit    Stogner
        of money and the security thereof.                     
           Referred To Business and Financial Institutions
SB2182  Auto insurance; insurer cannot cancel policy if insured   Bean
        not at fault.                                          
           Referred To Insurance
SB2183  Salary of State Superintendent of Education; to be set    Ferris
        by the State Board of Education.                       
           Referred To Education;Fees, Salaries and Administration
SB2184  School Crisis Management Team Program; establish under    Ferris
        the Mississippi School Boards Association.             
           Referred To Education
SB2185  Assistant teachers; authorize persons holding GED to      Ferris
        serve as.                                              
           Referred To Education
SB2186  Salaries of teachers and assistant teachers; increase.    Ferris
           Referred To Education;Appropriations
SB2187  Minimum education program; allot funds for employing      Ferris
        school guidance counselors.                            
           Referred To Education;Appropriations
SB2188  Purchase of state-adopted textbooks by school             Ferris
        districts; exempt from public bid requirements.        
           Referred To Education
SB2189  School Safety Center and Grant Program; establish in      Ferris
        State Department of Education.                         
           Referred To Education
SB2190  Beginning Principal Support Pilot Program; establish      Ferris
        under School Executive Management Institute.           
           Referred To Education
SB2191  Assistant teacher funds; authorize any school district    Ferris
        to use funds to employ additional certified teachers in
        Grades K-3.                                            
           Referred To Education
SB2192  Nursing facility; allow 15 Medicaid beds at existing      Ferris
        facility in Vicksburg.                                 
           Referred To Public Health and Welfare;Appropriations
SB2193  Teacher licensure; establish probationary license for     Ferris
        critical teacher shortage areas.                       
           Referred To Education
SB2194  School attendance officers; authorized to transfer        Ferris
        unused leave and revise salary scale.                  
           Referred To Education;Appropriations
SB2195  Veterans' Home Purchase Board; revise maximum amount to   Furniss
        use for acquisition of homes.                          
           Referred To Veterans and Military Affairs;Finance
SB2196  Forrest County Industrial Park Commission; remove         Farris
        provision prohibiting use of eminent domain; increase  
        debt limitation.                                       
           Referred To Local and Private;Finance
SB2197  Elections; require voters to present I.D. prior to        Canon
           Referred To Elections
SB2198  Income tax; provide a credit for the cost of certain      Posey
        wildlife conservation projects.                        
           Referred To Finance;Wildlife and Fisheries
SB2199  Zoning; authorize establishment of zoning commissions     Ross
        in individual supervisors district.                    
           Referred To County Affairs;Judiciary
SB2200  Tobacco settlement funds; create Health Care and State    Furniss
        Veterans Homes Trust Funds.                            
           Referred To Finance
SB2201  Budget; require the Joint Legislative Budget Committee    Smith
        to make its final revenue estimate by the first Monday 
        in March.                                              
           Referred To Finance;Appropriations
SB2202  Retirement benefits; subject to child support orders.     White (29th)
           Referred To Finance;Judiciary
SB2203  Sex crime reports; to be confidential.                    White (29th)
           Referred To Judiciary
SB2204  Confederate historic structures; unlawful to destroy or   White (29th)
           Referred To Judiciary
SB2205  State employees; special leave without pay for adoptive   White (29th)
           Referred To Fees, Salaries and Administration
SB2206  HIV; establish crime of exposure.                         White (29th)
           Referred To Judiciary
SB2207  Child abuse; felony to falsify, destroy documents.        Ross
           Referred To Judiciary
SB2208  Child sex abuse; abusers to undergo chemical              Johnson (19th)
           Referred To Judiciary
SB2209  Brandon; impose court costs for police body armor.        Kirby
           Referred To Local and Private
SB2210  Reduce general sales tax; from 7% to 6%.                  Kirby
           Referred To Finance
SB2211  Local Bridge Replacement and Rehabilitation Fund;         Little
        increase # of eligible bridges & mandate funding       
        through 2008.                                          
           Referred To Highways and Transportation;Appropriations
SB2212  Bonds; limit general obligation bonded indebtedness of    Kirby
        the state to 60% of the tax revenue for certain fiscal 
           Referred To Finance
SB2213  School accreditation; school districts at Level 4 or 5    Nunnelee
        exempt from mandatory requirements.                    
           Referred To Education
SB2214  Income tax; allow credit for child adoption expenses.     Nunnelee
           Referred To Finance
SB2215  Wildlife; change name of Sandy Creek Wildlife             Dearing
        Management Area to Hayward Benton Drane, Sr., Wildlife 
        Management Area.                                       
           Referred To Wildlife and Fisheries
SB2216  Third-party payment of certified nurse practitioners;     Bean
           Referred To Public Health and Welfare
SB2217  Inmates; prohibit working within certain distance of a    Johnson (19th)
           Referred To Corrections
SB2218  Appropriation; DOFA for George E. Ohr Arts & Cultural     Gollott
        Center; FY2000.                                        
           Referred To Appropriations
SB2219  Sales tax; exempt sales of hearing aids.                  Minor
           Referred To Finance
SB2220  Economic Development Highway Act; include hospitals in    Minor
        the eligible projects.                                 
           Referred To Finance
SB2221  Manslaughter; mother's use of illegal drugs while         Furniss
           Referred To Judiciary
SB2222  Assault; enhanced penalty against sports officials.       Jordan (18th)
           Referred To Judiciary
SB2223  Circuit courts; provide additional Fifteenth District     Lee
           Referred To Judiciary
SB2224  Victim assistance coordinators; consider as state         Rayborn
        employee; revise hiring procedure.                     
           Referred To Judiciary
SB2225  Probation and parole officers; increase annual            Rayborn
        compensation by 10%.                                   
           Referred To Fees, Salaries and Administration;Appropriations
SB2226  Rural Fire Truck Acquisition Assistance Program;          Rayborn
        provide for appropriation.                             
           Referred To Insurance;Appropriations
SB2227  School curriculum; create Mississippi Public School       Dearing
        Laboratory Chemical Management Act.                    
           Referred To Education
SB2228  Insurance cancellation; ineffective without written       Dearing
           Referred To Insurance
SB2229  Auto insurance; insurer cannot cancel policy if insured   Dearing
        not at fault.                                          
           Referred To Insurance
SB2230  Motor vehicles; limitation of recovery in absence of      Dearing
        liability insurance.                                   
           Referred To Insurance;Judiciary
SB2231  Property insurance; prohibit cancellation due to claim    Dearing
        resulting from act of God.                             
           Referred To Insurance
SB2232  Community college districts; may waive out-of-state       Dearing
        tuition for students living within 50 miles of campus. 
           Referred To Universities and Colleges;Appropriations
SB2233  Rural fire truck acquisition assistance; authorize        Dearing
           Referred To Insurance;Appropriations
SB2234  Motor vehicle license tags; authorize issuance of         Dearing
        in-transit tags to motor vehicle dealers.              
           Referred To Finance
SB2235  Motor vehicles; authorize dealers to issue temporary      Dearing
        tags to buyers.                                        
           Referred To Finance
SB2236  Deputy sheriff for narcotics; fund from drug fines.       Dearing
           Referred To County Affairs
SB2237  Sales tax exemption; Ducks Unlimited fund-raising         Dearing
           Referred To Finance
SB2238  Ad valorem taxes for parks and recreation; cities may     Dearing
           Referred To Finance
SB2239  Parental rights; terminate for 6-month abandonment of     Dearing
        any age child.                                         
           Referred To Judiciary
SB2240  Motor vehicle towing; provide penalty for failure of      Dearing
        towing company to follow procedures regarding sale of  
        motor vehicle.                                         
           Referred To Judiciary
SB2241  Hospital dental procedures; require health insurance      Dearing
        coverage for certain.                                  
           Referred To Insurance
SB2242  Mississippi Code; provide 3 sets to each school           Dearing
           Referred To Fees, Salaries and Administration
SB2243  Sale of animals with hereditary or congenital defects;    Dearing
        provide cause of action against seller.                
           Referred To Judiciary;Agriculture
SB2244  Taxation; allow payment of motor vehicle taxes within     Dearing
        30 days of purchase without penalty.                   
           Referred To Finance
SB2245  Teacher certification; establish Commission on            Dearing
        Professional Educators' Standards and Practices.       
           Referred To Education
SB2246  Motor vehicles; larceny if not in youth court             Dearing
           Referred To Juvenile Justice;Judiciary
SB2247  Co-Lin Community College Bd of Trustees; provide          Dearing
        additional appointments from Adams County.             
           Referred To Education
SB2248  Speech and audiology professional licensure; exempt       Dearing
        services to school districts from certain regulations. 
           Referred To Education
SB2249  Medicaid; reimbursement program for special education     Dearing
        health related services.                               
           Referred To Public Health and Welfare;Appropriations
SB2250  Dental procedures under anesthesia; require health        Dearing
        insurance coverage for.                                
           Referred To Insurance;Public Health and Welfare
SB2251  Bonds; issue bonds for water pollution control            Dearing
        emergency loan program.                                
           Referred To Finance
SB2252  Road signs; MDOT must post signs indicating to            Dearing
        motorists when they are entering a dry county.         
           Referred To Highways and Transportation
SB2253  Radiological health license fees; increase.               Bean
           Referred To Public Health and Welfare
SB2254  School boards to use public bid procedures in selecting   Dearing
        insurance or fund-raising vendors; require.            
           Referred To Education
SB2255  Stay of CON proceedings pending appeal; authorize.        Bean
           Referred To Public Health and Welfare
SB2256  Youth Camp Advisory Council; reconstitute membership.     Bean
           Referred To Public Health and Welfare
SB2257  Child care facility licensure law; make technical         Bean
        amendments thereto.                                    
           Referred To Public Health and Welfare
SB2258  Child residential home licensure; clarify inspection      Bean
           Referred To Public Health and Welfare
SB2259  School attendance officers; authorized to transfer        Burton
        unused leave and revise salary scale.                  
           Referred To Education
SB2260  Torts; enact certain caps on damages and revise venue.    Hawks
           Referred To Judiciary
SB2261  Alcoholic beverages; package retailers may sell tobacco   Minor
           Referred To Finance
SC 501  Const; provide for alternative forms of county            Burton
           Referred To Constitution
SC 502  School districts; resolution encouraging training staff   Johnson (19th)
        member in CPR and Heimlich.                            
           Referred To Education
SC 503  Const. 69; require a balanced budget.                     Hall
           Referred To Constitution
SC 504  Const.; repeal Section 48 legislative privilege from      Hall
        arrest during session.                                 
           Referred To Constitution
SC 505  Conts. 254; gradually reduce the size of the              Hall
           Referred To Constitution
SC 506  Const. 73; Governor may veto parts of any bill.           Hall
           Referred To Constitution
SC 507  Const.; provide for alternative forms of county           Hall
           Referred To Constitution
SC 508  Const 252, etc; provide for statewide elections to        Nunnelee
        occur in even numbered years.                          
           Referred To Constitution
SC 509  Supreme Court; Const amendment to enact gubernatorial     Ross
           Referred To Constitution
SC 510  Amend Constitution; same gender marriages void.           Nunnelee
           Referred To Constitution
SC 511  Const. 70; require majority vote for passage of bill      Kirby
        reducing taxes.                                        
           Referred To Constitution
SC 512  Jerry Clower; commend the life and accomplishments of.    Hall
           Referred To Rules
SC 513  Jackson Prep's National Merit Semifinalists; commend.     Hall
           Referred To Rules
SC 514  1999 Regular Session; amend Joint Rules to shorten        Ross
        deadline schedule by 2 weeks.                          
           Referred To Rules
SN   1  Mr. N.L. Carson, Carthage, Mississippi, to serve as a     SECRETARY OF STATE
        member of the Mississippi Motor Vehicle Commission, for
        the four year term beginning July 1, 1998              
           Referred To Highways and Transportation
SN   2  Rodney E. Frothingham, Greenville, Mississippi, as a      GOVERNOR
        member of the Crime Stoppers Advisory Council, for the 
        unexpired term of office ending July 1, 2000           
           Referred To Judiciary
SN   3  Melvin E. Walker, Southaven, Mississippi, as a member     GOVERNOR
        of the State Board of Health, for the unexpired term of
        office ending July 1, 2002                             
           Referred To Public Health and Welfare
SN   4  Euvester Simpson, Cleveland, Mississippi, as a member     GOVERNOR
        of the Prison Industries Corporation, for the unexpired
        term of office ending May 5, 2002                      
           Referred To Corrections
SN   5  Mary Ann Henriquez, RN, MSN, Jackson, Mississippi, as a   GOVERNOR
        member of the State Board of Nursing Home              
        Administrators, for the unexpired term of office ending
        June 5, 2000                                           
           Referred To Public Health and Welfare
SN   6  Dave Fair, Oxford, Mississippi, as a member of the        GOVERNOR
        Mississippi Forestry Commission, for the unexpired term
        of office commencing July 15, 1998 and ending July 1,  
           Referred To Forestry
SN   7  Noel E. Daniels, Brandon, Mississippi, as Chairman of     GOVERNOR
        the Mississippi Motor Vehicle Commission, for the      
        unexpired of office that shall be concurrent with that 
        of the Governor                                        
           Referred To Highways and Transportation
SN   8  Arthur Lee Nored, Waynesboro, Mississippi, as a member    GOVERNOR
        of the State Parole Board, for the unexpired term of   
        office commencing August 1, 1998, and ending with that 
        of the Governor                                        
           Referred To Corrections
SN   9  Kenneth Doc Williams, Forest, Mississippi, as a member    GOVERNOR
        of the State Board of Animal Health, for the unexpired 
        term of office ending August 1, 1999                   
           Referred To Agriculture
SN  10  Kenneth Doc Williams, Forest, Mississippi, as a member    GOVERNOR
        of the State Board of Animal Health, for the four year 
        term of office commencing August 1, 1999               
           Referred To Agriculture
SN  11  Paul Douglas Jackson, MD, Greenville, Mississippi, as a   GOVERNOR
        member of the State Board of Medical Licensure, for the
        six year term of office ending July 1, 2004            
           Referred To Public Health and Welfare
SN  12  Kenneth Wayne Humphreys, Brandon, Mississippi, as a       GOVERNOR
        member of the Polygraph Examiners Board, for the       
        unexpired term of office ending July 1, 2001           
           Referred To Judiciary
SN  13  Lt. John Larry Waggoner, Jackson, Mississippi, as a       GOVERNOR
        member of the Polygraph Examiners Board, for the six   
        year term of office commencing July 1, 1999            
           Referred To Judiciary
SN  14  Beverly Anthony Bolton, Madison, Mississippi, as a        GOVERNOR
        member of the Mississippi Workers' Compensation        
        Commission, for the unexpired term of office commencing
        December 15, 1998, and ending January 1, 2001          
           Referred To Economic Dev, Tourism and Parks
SN  15  Mike Marsh, Brandon, Mississippi, as Chairman of the      GOVERNOR
        Mississippi Workers' Compensation Commission, for the  
        six year term of office commencing January 1, 1999     
           Referred To Economic Dev, Tourism and Parks
SN  16  Mack H. Brewer, Summit, Mississippi, as a member of the   GOVERNOR
        Mississippi Business Finance Corporation, for the six  
        year term of office commencing April 1, 1999           
           Referred To Finance
SN  17  David M. Ratcliff, Laurel, Mississippi, as a member of    GOVERNOR
        the Mississippi Business Finance Corporation, for the  
        six year term of office commencing April 1, 1999       
           Referred To Finance
SN  18  Thomas B. Wood, Tupelo, Mississippi, as a member of the   GOVERNOR
        Mississippi Board of Registration for Foresters, for   
        the five year term of office commencing June 30, 1999  
           Referred To Forestry
SN  19  Robert M. Morton, Greenwood, Mississippi, as a member     GOVERNOR
        of the State Board of Rehabilitation Services, for the 
        five year term of office commencing July 1, 1999       
           Referred To Public Health and Welfare
SN  20  William T. Buford, Brookhaven, Mississippi, as a member   GOVERNOR
        of the State Board of Mental Health, for the seven year
        term of office commencing July 1, 1999                 
           Referred To Public Health and Welfare
SN  21  Lenwood S. Sawyer, Jr., Gulfport, Mississippi, as a       GOVERNOR
        member of the Mississippi Real Estate Commission, for  
        the four year term of office commencing May 20, 1999   
           Referred To Business and Financial Institutions
SN  22  Dr. H.R. McWhirter, Pontotoc, Mississippi, as a member    GOVERNOR
        of the State Board of Animal Health, for the four year 
        term of office commencing August 1, 1999               
           Referred To Agriculture
SN  23  Maureen M. Clark, McComb, Mississippi, as a member of     GOVERNOR
        the Mississippi Hospital Equipment and Facilities      
        Authority, for the four year term of office commencing 
        June 30, 1999                                          
           Referred To Finance
SN  24  Hal Jones, DMD, Pass Christian, Mississippi, as a         GOVERNOR
        member of the State Board of Dental Examiners, for the 
        four year term of office commencing June 30, 1999      
           Referred To Public Health and Welfare
SN  25  James Wray Bush, Laurel, Mississippi, as a member of      GOVERNOR
        the State Board of Contractors, for the five year term 
        of office commencing May 28, 1999                      
           Referred To Business and Financial Institutions
SN  26  Ronnie Joe Crosswhite, Tupelo, Mississippi, as a member   GOVERNOR
        of the State Board of Pharmacy, for the five year term 
        of office commencing July 1, 1999                      
           Referred To Public Health and Welfare
SN  27  Geraline A. Holliman, Columbus, Mississippi, as a         GOVERNOR
        member of the Mississippi Real Estate Commission, for  
        the four year term of office commencing May 20, 1999   
           Referred To Business and Financial Institutions
SN  28  Edwin H. Roberts, Jr., Oxford, Mississippi, as a member   GOVERNOR
        of the Mississippi Commission on Wildlife, Fisheries,  
        and Parks, for the five year term of office commencing 
        July 1, 1999                                           
           Referred To Wildlife and Fisheries
SN  29  Juanita H. Gray, Greenville, Mississippi, as a member     GOVERNOR
        of the Mississippi Authority for Educational           
        Television, for the four year term of office commencing
        July 1, 1999                                           
           Referred To Education
SN  30  William B. Harper, D.O., Greenwood, Mississippi, as a     GOVERNOR
        member of the State Board of Medical Licensure, for the
        unexpired term of office ending June 30, 2002          
           Referred To Public Health and Welfare

Senate: Double Referred Reports

SB2211  Local Bridge Replacement and Rehabilitation Fund;         Little
        increase # of eligible bridges & mandate funding       
        through 2008.                                          
           DR - TSDPCS: HI To AP

Senate: Committee Reports

SC 512  Jerry Clower; commend the life and accomplishments of.    Hall
           Title Suff Do Be Adopted

Information pertaining to this report was last updated on 04/08/99 at 07:28.

End Of Document
