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HB 641 Vocational education; clarify that state appropriations Warren are payments (not reimbursements) to high schools. 03/20 Vetoed HB 642 State Superintendent; authority to appoint designee to Warren serve on boards. 03/20 Vetoed
HB 43 U.S. Highway 84; designate segment in Jones County as Ellzey "Corporal James D. Slaton Memorial Highway". 03/20 Approved by Governor HB 417 MS Business Investment Act; extend repealer on MDA Ford authority to use bond proceeds to make loans for low to moderate income housing (RP). 03/20 Approved by Governor HB 433 Highway Patrol; delete date of repeal for certain Ford powers and duties. 03/20 Approved by Governor HB 478 Art Therapists Licensure Law; reenact and extend Ford repealer on (RP). 03/20 Approved by Governor HB 480 Yellow Creek Regional Project Board; extend repealer Ford (RP). 03/20 Approved by Governor HB 484 Community development block grants; extend repealer on Ford prohibition against grants for public water systems unless viable (RP). 03/20 Approved by Governor HB 562 Death certificates; medical amendments in court require Holland Medical Examiner and county medical examiner as defendants. 03/20 Approved by Governor HB 580 Mississippi Highway 4; designate portion in Prentiss McCoy County as "Hershel G. Jumper Memorial Highway". 03/20 Approved by Governor HB 682 State inmates housed in county jails; extend repealer Ford on authority of Commissioner of Corrections (RP). 03/20 Approved by Governor HB 703 Products of deer antlers; authorize sale, purchase, Nettles transportation and possession. 03/20 Approved by Governor HB 764 Ammunition; delete requirement for keeping records of McBride sales. 03/20 Approved by Governor HB 865 Beaver Control Program; increase county contribution; Stringer revise advisory board membership. 03/20 Approved by Governor HB 905 Drug and alcohol testing laboratories; conform statutes Moody to federal law. 03/20 Approved by Governor HB 952 Scenic streams; designate Chunky Creek/Chunky River as Nicholson eligible for nomination to scenic streams program. 03/20 Approved by Governor HB1084 Oyster shell fee; require commercial harvester not Ellington selling to Mississippi dealer to pay shell retention fee. 03/20 Approved by Governor HB1111 Speech-language pathologists and audiologists; extend Moody repealer and licensure law and revise certain provisions. 03/20 Approved by Governor HB1115 State designated highway system; renumber and combine Compretta certain routes on. 03/20 Approved by Governor HB1127 Sales Tax; divert tax collected on airport parking to Compretta special fund for support and development of airports. 03/20 Approved by Governor HB1129 State Tax Commission; authorize to retain portion of McCoy certain local and private taxes in order to defray costs of collection (STC). 03/20 Approved by Governor HB1206 Mississippi Youth Corrections Complex, Oakley Campus; Peranich authorize exchange of land with Hinds County. 03/20 Approved by Governor HB1267 Mississippi Transportation Commission and City of McBride Batesville; authorize to exchange certain real property in Panola County. 03/20 Approved by Governor HB1289 Port Gibson Battlefield; authorize transfer of certain Middleton property to Department of Archives and History. 03/20 Approved by Governor HB1300 Central health data registry system; create to maintain Holland certain medical information. 03/20 Approved by Governor HB1301 Community hospitals; hospital leased by another Moody hospital remains subject to community hospital laws. 03/20 Approved by Governor HB1319 Chiropractors; delete requirement for U.S. citizenship Moody for licensure. 03/20 Approved by Governor HB1372 Homestead exemption; remove county option to require McCoy annual renewal of (STC). 03/20 Approved by Governor HB1378 Rehabilitation services laws; update terminology, Moody revise various provisions and conform to federal law. 03/20 Approved by Governor HB1418 Corporation franchise tax; authorize administrative McCoy dissolution or revocation of certificate for failure to pay (STC). 03/20 Approved by Governor HB1435 Minority businesses, certification list; delete Morris prohibition against considering size of business or length of time in business (MDA). 03/20 Approved by Governor HB1446 Ayers Settlement Fund; extend date by which settlement Ford must be finalized to trigger creation of. 03/20 Approved by Governor HB1540 Public property; provide requirements for certain Peranich conveyances authorized by Legislature. 03/20 Approved by Governor HB1548 Election commissioners; certification of hours worked Reeves not required to be notarized. 03/20 Approved by Governor HB1594 Identification cards issued by Department of Public Compretta Safety; make certain technical corrections to law. 03/20 Approved by Governor HB1597 Rules of the road and accident reports; allow Compretta Department of Public Safety to charge fee for providing. 03/20 Approved by Governor HB1639 Regional economic development alliances; provide Ford certain authority to counties in, provide tax incentives to certain businesses in. 03/20 Approved by Governor HB1663 Water systems; cost of fire protection may be included Ellis in rate structure. 03/20 Approved by Governor SB2209 Codes of student conduct; extend repealer on provisions Harden recognizing teachers' right to remove students. 03/20 Approved by Governor SB2321 Display of United States flag and daily Pledge of Little Allegiance; require in all public school classrooms. 03/20 Approved by Governor SB2361 Community Service Revolving Fund; extend repealer. Smith 03/20 Approved by Governor SB2381 Appropriation; MS Veterans' Home Purchase Bd; Add'l Gordon FY2002. 03/20 Approved by Governor SB2389 Oil and gas severance taxes; clarify deposit of state's Gordon share. 03/20 Approved by Governor SB2434 U.S. Highway 61; designate a segment in Coahoma County Furniss as "Veterans' Memorial Drive." 03/20 Approved by Governor SB2666 Physical Therapy Board; create to license physical Huggins therapists, and transfer current licensure powers from Board of Health. 03/20 Approved by Governor SB2695 School boards investment of surplus funds; same as Tollison investment of 16th section principal funds. 03/20 Approved by Governor SB2820 Public Service Commission; extend repealer (RP). Robertson 03/20 Approved by Governor SB2983 Corrections; revise allocation of funds in the Inmate Smith Welfare Fund. 03/20 Approved by Governor SB2998 UCC Article 9 Secured Transactions; conform transition Carlton dates, technical corrections. 03/20 Approved by Governor SB3060 Community mental health center transfer funds may be Huggins used for Medicaid match for mental health or home/community services; authorize. 03/20 Approved by Governor SB3070 Appropriation; Veterans Memorial Stadium Commission; Gordon Additional, FY2002. 03/20 Approved by Governor SB3071 Appropriation; Tax Commission; Additional, FY2002. Gordon 03/20 Approved by Governor SB3073 Appropriation; State Treasurer - MPACT Program; Gordon Additional, FY2002. 03/20 Approved by Governor SB3074 Appropriation; Bd. of Pharmacy; Additional, FY2002. Gordon 03/20 Approved by Governor SB3075 Appropriation; Office of State Aid Road Construction; Gordon Additional, FY2002. 03/20 Approved by Governor SB3076 Appropriation; Secretary of State; Additional, FY2002 . Gordon 03/20 Approved by Governor SB3078 Appropriation; Supreme Court - Trial Judges; Additional Gordon FY2002. 03/20 Approved by Governor SB3079 Appropriation; Bd. of Public Contractors; Additional Gordon FY2002. 03/20 Approved by Governor SB3080 Appropriation; Public Service Commission; Additional Gordon FY2002. 03/20 Approved by Governor SB3081 Appropriation; MEMA - Tornado and Flooding Disasters in Gordon November, 2001; Additional FY2002. 03/20 Approved by Governor SB3098 Appropriation; State Treasurer - NAST Annual Gordon Conference; Additional FY2002. 03/20 Approved by Governor SB3112 Appropriation; Real Estate Commission; Additional Gordon FY2002. 03/20 Approved by Governor
HB1859 Town of Leakesville; authorize expansion of water Pierce distribution system outside corporate limits. 03/20 (H) Referred To Local and Private Legislation HB1860 Jackson County; decrease membership of Jackson County Hamilton Emergency Communications District Board of Commissioners. 03/20 (H) Referred To Local and Private Legislation HB1861 Tate County; authorize to expend county funds to Baker support E911 service. 03/20 (H) Referred To Local and Private Legislation HB1862 Hinds County; may be self-insurer under Workers Robinson (63rd) Compensation Law. 03/20 (H) Referred To Local and Private Legislation HB1863 City of Southaven; authorize to establish municipal tax Jennings rebate program. 03/20 (H) Referred To Local and Private Legislation HB1864 City of Horn Lake; authorize to levy hotel and motel Mayo tax for tourism. 03/20 (H) Referred To Local and Private Legislation;Ways and Means HB1865 City of Columbia; may levy sales tax on hotels, motels Moore (100th) and restaurants. 03/20 (H) Referred To Local and Private Legislation;Ways and Means HB1866 City of Pontotoc; may levy sales tax on hotels, motels Montgomery (15th) and restaurants for tourism. 03/20 (H) Referred To Local and Private Legislation;Ways and Means HB1867 Perry County; authorize contribution to Pearl River Pierce Valley Opportunity, Inc. 03/20 (H) Referred To Local and Private Legislation HB1868 Hancock County; authorize contribution to Mississippi Dedeaux Contract Procurement Center. 03/20 (H) Referred To Local and Private Legislation HB1869 Aberdeen-Monroe County Hospital; authorize board of Markham trustees to approve management contract for personal care facility. 03/20 (H) Referred To Local and Private Legislation HB1870 Hazlehurst; authorize to levy hotel and restaurant tax. Holloway 03/20 (H) Referred To Local and Private Legislation;Ways and Means HC 110 Commend Miss Alice Sanford on winning Miss Farm Bureau, Ellzey Mississippi. 03/20 (H) Referred To Rules HC 111 Commend Donald Bell upon his election to the Society of Grist America Foresters National Council. 03/20 (H) Referred To Rules HC 112 Commend Collins High School Tigers Football team on Warren winning State Class 3A Championship. 03/20 (H) Referred To Rules HR 39 Commend Mr. Jim Kelly. Ford 03/20 (H) Referred To Rules HR 40 Commending Pontotoc High School Cross-Country Team on Montgomery (15th) winning State Class 3A Championship. 03/20 (H) Referred To Rules
HB 251 Social security numbers; state agencies take steps to Mayo prevent inadvertent disclosure. 03/20 (H) Conferees Named Reeves,Hamilton,Zuber HB 446 Justice court judges; bring under the Nonpartisan Moak Judicial Election Act. 03/20 (H) Conferees Named Reynolds,Smith (27th),Blackmon HB 590 Prison Overcrowding Emergency Powers Act; extend Ford repealer (RP). 03/20 (H) Conferees Named Malone,Ward,Moore (100th) HB 591 Agricultural leases of prison lands to private Ford entities; extend repealer. 03/20 (H) Conferees Named Malone,Huddleston,Coleman (29th) HB 592 Payments by certain offenders to Department of Ford Corrections for Community Service Revolving Fund; extend repealer (RP). 03/20 (H) Conferees Named Malone,Mitchell,Ishee HB 636 Offenders; create the interstate compact for adult McBride offender supervision. 03/20 (H) Conferees Named Woods,Banks,Malone HB 639 Teachers; include classroom instruction in military in Warren computing years of teaching experience. 03/20 (H) Veto Referred To Education HB 641 Vocational education; clarify that state appropriations Warren are payments (not reimbursements) to high schools. 03/20 (H) Veto Referred To Education HB 642 State Superintendent; authority to appoint designee to Warren serve on boards. 03/20 (H) Veto Referred To Education HB 669 Comprehensive Health Insurance Risk Pool Association; Stevens increase assessment on member insurers. 03/20 (H) Conferees Named Stevens,Montgomery (74th),Robinson (63rd) HB 683 Health insurance policies; require provisions for the Stevens prompt payment of clean claims. 03/20 (H) Conferees Named Stevens,Montgomery (74th),Robinson (63rd) HB 778 Special Needs Prison Program; reenact and extend Ford repealer (RP). 03/20 (H) Conferees Named Malone,Pierce,Ward HB 793 State highway system; add segments in certain counties. Rotenberry 03/20 (H) Decline to Concur/Invite Conf HB 798 Alcohol; require applicant for license to submit McCoy fingerprints to State Tax Commission for criminal record check by Department of Public Safety/FBI (STC). 03/20 (H) Concurred in Amend From Senate HB 912 Traffic offense; first-time violation not entered on Mitchell record upon attending safe-driver school. 03/20 (H) Decline to Concur/Invite Conf HB 944 Mississippi Customer Energy Assistance Program (CEAP) Ellis * Fund; create. 03/20 (H) Conferees Named Ellis,Myers,Shows HB 968 Highway system; add segment of Mississippi 42 in Hudson Jefferson Davis County. 03/20 (H) Decline to Concur/Invite Conf HB 974 Juvenile detention centers; provide minimum standards Flaggs for. 03/20 (H) Conferees Named Flaggs,Jennings,Hines HB 998 Paid educational leave for state health care Young professionals; revise various provisions. 03/20 (H) Conferees Named Young,Davis,West HB1121 Corrections; rename the Division of Community Services Malone of the Department of Corrections. 03/20 (H) Conferees Named Malone,Coleman (29th),Fredericks HB1384 State Parole Board; extend repealer. Malone 03/20 (H) Conferees Named Malone,Ward,Moore (60th) HB1419 Highway system; designate portions of MS 304 in Tunica Henderson County as "Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., Memorial Highway." 03/20 (H) Decline to Concur/Invite Conf HB1480 Abortions; prohibit use of public funds for. Wells-Smith 03/20 (H) Conferees Named Moody,Fredericks,Wells-Smith HB1522 Mortgage Consumer Protection Law; reenact and extend Guice repealer on, and revise certain provisions. 03/20 (H) Concurred in Amend From Senate 03/20 (H) Motion to Reconsider Entered HB1579 Unemployment compensation; include certain Indian Moss tribes as employing units. 03/20 (H) Decline to Concur/Invite Conf HB1612 Community College Board; establish study on funding of Brown community colleges. 03/20 (H) Conferees Named Young,Davis,Creel HB1667 1987 Four-lane Highway Program and Casino Roads Compretta * Programs; revise construction priorities (MDOT). 03/20 (H) Decline to Concur/Invite Conf HB1777 Appropriation; Public Employees' Retirement Read System-administrative expenses; maintenance and operation of building. 03/20 (H) Decline to Concur/Invite Conf HB1783 Appropriation; Mississippi Department of Read Transportation. 03/20 (H) Decline to Concur/Invite Conf HB1785 Appropriation; State Forestry Commission. Henderson 03/20 (H) Decline to Concur/Invite Conf HB1786 Appropriation; State Board of Registration for Henderson Foresters. 03/20 (H) Decline to Concur/Invite Conf HB1787 Appropriation; State Department of Health-support. Stevens 03/20 (H) Decline to Concur/Invite Conf HB1788 Appropriation; Beauvoir Shrine. Denny 03/20 (H) Decline to Concur/Invite Conf HB1789 Appropriation; Department of Environmental Quality. Denny 03/20 (H) Decline to Concur/Invite Conf HB1790 Appropriation; Mississippi River Parkway Commission. Denny 03/20 (H) Decline to Concur/Invite Conf HB1791 Appropriation; Grand Gulf Military Monument Commission. Green 03/20 (H) Decline to Concur/Invite Conf HB1792 Appropriation; Soil and Water Conservation Commission. Green 03/20 (H) Decline to Concur/Invite Conf HB1793 Appropriation; Department of Wildlife, Fisheries and Green Parks. 03/20 (H) Decline to Concur/Invite Conf HB1797 Appropriation; Department of Archives and History. Flaggs 03/20 (H) Decline to Concur/Invite Conf HB1798 Appropriation; Arts Commission. Flaggs 03/20 (H) Decline to Concur/Invite Conf HB1799 Appropriation; expenses of Legislature, monthly Flaggs expense, Legislative Budget Office, PEER Committee. 03/20 (H) Decline to Concur/Invite Conf HB1800 Appropriation; benefit payments to retirants under the Flaggs former Teachers' Retirement System. 03/20 (H) Decline to Concur/Invite Conf HB1802 Appropriation; pay interest on Chickasaw School Fund. Warren 03/20 (H) Decline to Concur/Invite Conf HB1804 Appropriation; Schools for the Blind and the Deaf. Warren 03/20 (H) Decline to Concur/Invite Conf HB1805 Appropriation; Mississippi Authority for Educational Warren Television. 03/20 (H) Decline to Concur/Invite Conf HB1806 Appropriation; Library Commission. Warren 03/20 (H) Decline to Concur/Invite Conf HB1807 Appropriation; Attorney General - support. Watson 03/20 (H) Decline to Concur/Invite Conf HB1808 Appropriation; District Attorneys and staff. Watson 03/20 (H) Decline to Concur/Invite Conf HB1809 Appropriation; Insurance Department. Watson 03/20 (H) Decline to Concur/Invite Conf HB1810 Appropriation; State Fire Academy. Watson 03/20 (H) Decline to Concur/Invite Conf HB1811 Appropriation; Supreme Court Services. Watson 03/20 (H) Decline to Concur/Invite Conf HB1812 Appropriation; Office of Capital Defense Counsel. Watson 03/20 (H) Decline to Concur/Invite Conf HB1813 Appropriation; Office of Capital Post-Conviction Watson Counsel. 03/20 (H) Decline to Concur/Invite Conf JR 1 Joint Resolution; Reapportion Mississippi House of Reynolds Representatives. 03/20 (H) Committee Substitute Adopted 03/20 (H) Amendment Failed 03/20 (H) Adopted 03/20 (H) Motion to Reconsider Entered SB2273 Bonds; issue g.o. bonds to fund the acquisition of Deer Gollott Island. 03/20 (H) Returned For Concurrence SB3113 Income tax; place 3% tax on gaming winnings paid by Minor unlicensed gaming establishment to be collected by the gaming establishment (STC). 03/20 (H) Returned For Concurrence SB3187 Ad valorem tax exemption; allow for property totally Browning destroyed by a tornado during the 2001 calendar year. 03/20 (H) Returned For Concurrence
HB 35 Jackson County and cities within the county; authorize Zuber to provide mutual governmental services. 03/20 (H) Enrolled Bill Signed HB 264 School boards; establish meeting attendance Eads requirements for members. 03/20 (H) Enrolled Bill Signed HB 282 Ocean Springs; authorize to reconstitute the municipal Zuber park commission. 03/20 (H) Enrolled Bill Signed HB 396 City of Columbus; provide for minimum monthly benefits Chism for retired firemen and policemen. 03/20 (H) Enrolled Bill Signed HB 431 State Grand Jury Act; extend repealer (RP). Ford 03/20 (H) Enrolled Bill Signed HB 935 Public water; require systems providing corrosion McBride control treatment to properly maintain them. 03/20 (H) Enrolled Bill Signed HB1213 Emergency Management Agency; transfer funds in FY02 Capps appropriation among various categories. 03/20 (H) Enrolled Bill Signed HB1331 Tidelands Fund; funds appropriated for projects not Creel paid to recipient entities until entities have made expenditures. 03/20 (H) Enrolled Bill Signed HB1682 DeSoto County; authorize to allow use of a county Robertson building for a medical clinic. 03/20 (H) Enrolled Bill Signed HB1686 Lafayette County; contribute to youth baseball Eads association. 03/20 (H) Enrolled Bill Signed HB1711 Itawamba County; authorize to contribute to the Miles Regional Rehabilitation Center. 03/20 (H) Enrolled Bill Signed HB1712 Forrest County; authorize to contribute to certain Davis organizations. 03/20 (H) Enrolled Bill Signed HB1746 Smithville; authorize extension of territorial police Markham jurisdiction. 03/20 (H) Enrolled Bill Signed HB1747 Marshall County; authorize expenditure for matching Woods funds for programs sponsored by the Institute of Community Services, Inc. 03/20 (H) Enrolled Bill Signed HR 35 Commend Mrs. Annie M. Lynch on selection as statewide Weathersby honoree for Mississippi Ageless Heroes. 03/20 (H) Enrolled Bill Signed HR 36 Commend Ms. Dora Jean Whatley on selection as statewide Weathersby honoree for Mississippi Ageless Heroes. 03/20 (H) Enrolled Bill Signed HR 37 Commend accomplishments of Natchez High School Choir. Ketchings 03/20 (H) Enrolled Bill Signed SC 590 Suspend rules requesting the drafting, introduction, Little consideration and passage of a bill; DHS; extend repealer. 03/20 (H) Enrolled Bill Signed SC 591 DSU Coach Lloyd Clark; commend career. Carlton 03/20 (H) Enrolled Bill Signed SC 592 "Komen Week in Mississippi" proclaim in honor of Little Central Mississippi Chapter of Komen Breast Cancer Foundation. 03/20 (H) Enrolled Bill Signed
SC 596 Charles Edward Weems, Sr.; commend for contributions as Gollott a pioneer in the seafood industry and service to state and community. 03/20 (S) Referred To Rules SC 597 Eugene C. Tullos; commend for documenting history of Thames Smith County. 03/20 (S) Referred To Rules SC 598 Former Mississippi Highway Commissioner and WWII combat Little veteran Hershel Jumper; commend life and express sympathy of Legislature. 03/20 (S) Referred To Rules SC 599 Willie "Joe" Yung; commend and memorialize the life of. Furniss 03/20 (S) Referred To Rules SR 41 Star Wallin; commend for Prudential Spirit of Community Farris Award. 03/20 (S) Referred To Rules
JR 201 Mississippi State Senate; redistrict. Bryan 03/20 (S) Title Suff Adopted Comm Sub SB3206 Hazlehurst; levy a hotel/motel and restaurant tax. Posey 03/20 (S) Title Suff Do Pass Comm Sub SN 58 A. J. Pitts, Mooreville, Mississippi, MS Gaming GOVERNOR Commission, for a four-year term of office commencing on October 1, 2001 and ending September 30, 2005. 03/20 (S) Do Advise and Consent SN 71 Larry Keith Gregory, Jackson, Mississippi, as Executive MS GAMING COMMISSION Director of the Mississippi Gaming Commission, effective December 11, 2001. 03/20 (S) Do Advise and Consent
HB 581 Bonds; issue general obligation bonds to provide funds McCoy for Small Municipalities and Limited Population Counties Fund. 03/20 (S) Returned For Concurrence HB1266 Ad valorem tax; provide that certain exemptions under Reynolds Mississippi Business Financing Act require approval by local taxing authority before becoming effective. 03/20 (S) Returned For Concurrence HB1716 Appropriation; reappropriation; DFA - Bureau of Capps Building; FY02. 03/20 (S) Returned For Concurrence HB1739 Ad valorem taxation; revise manner of determining true Moak value of aquaculture. 03/20 (S) Transmitted To House HB1745 Bonds; increase amount of bonds that may be issued to Smith (39th) provide funds for the Building Fund for the Arts. 03/20 (S) Returned For Concurrence HB1756 Appropriation; Department of Marine Resources. Green 03/20 (S) Returned For Concurrence HB1757 Appropriation; Pat Harrison Waterway District. Read 03/20 (S) Returned For Concurrence HB1758 Appropriation; Pearl River Basin Development District. Read 03/20 (S) Returned For Concurrence HB1759 Appropriation; Pearl River Valley Water Supply Read District. 03/20 (S) Returned For Concurrence HB1760 Appropriation; Tombigbee River Valley Water Management Read District. 03/20 (S) Returned For Concurrence HB1761 Appropriation; Yellow Creek State Inland Port Read Authority. 03/20 (S) Returned For Concurrence HB1762 Appropriation; Board of Agricultural Aviation. Read 03/20 (S) Returned For Concurrence HB1763 Appropriation; Athletic Commission. Read 03/20 (S) Returned For Concurrence HB1764 Appropriation; Auctioneers Commission. Read 03/20 (S) Returned For Concurrence HB1765 Appropriation; Board of Cosmetology. Read 03/20 (S) Returned For Concurrence HB1766 Appropriation; Board of Psychology. Read 03/20 (S) Returned For Concurrence HB1767 Appropriation; Board of Examiners for Social Workers Read and Marriage and Family Therapists. 03/20 (S) Returned For Concurrence HB1768 Appropriation; Coast Coliseum Commission. Read 03/20 (S) Returned For Concurrence HB1769 Appropriation; State Board of Barber Examiners. Read 03/20 (S) Returned For Concurrence HB1770 Appropriation; State Board of Registration for Read Professional Engineers and Land Surveyors. 03/20 (S) Returned For Concurrence HB1771 Appropriation; Mississippi State Port Authority at Read Gulfport. 03/20 (S) Returned For Concurrence HB1772 Appropriation; State Board of Medical Licensure. Read 03/20 (S) Returned For Concurrence HB1773 Appropriation; State Board of Nursing Home Read Administrators. 03/20 (S) Returned For Concurrence HB1774 Appropriation; Board of Nursing. Read 03/20 (S) Returned For Concurrence HB1775 Appropriation; Oil and Gas Board. Read 03/20 (S) Returned For Concurrence HB1776 Appropriation; Board of Optometry. Read 03/20 (S) Returned For Concurrence HB1778 Appropriation; Veterans' Home Purchase Board. Read 03/20 (S) Returned For Concurrence HB1779 Appropriation; Mississippi Public Service Commission. Read 03/20 (S) Returned For Concurrence HB1780 Appropriation; Public Utilities Staff. Read 03/20 (S) Returned For Concurrence HB1781 Appropriation; Real Estate Appraiser Licensing and Read Certification Board. 03/20 (S) Returned For Concurrence HB1782 Appropriation; Real Estate Commission. Read 03/20 (S) Returned For Concurrence HB1784 Appropriation; Veterans Memorial Stadium Commission. Read 03/20 (S) Returned For Concurrence HB1794 Appropriation; Governors Office - Division of Medicaid. Holland 03/20 (S) Reconsidered 03/20 (S) Amended 03/20 (S) Passed As Amended 03/20 (S) Motion to Reconsider Entered HB1796 Appropriation; Rehabilitation Services - Consolidated. Moody 03/20 (S) Returned For Concurrence HB1830 Bonds; issue bonds to provide funds for the Water McCoy Pollution Control Revolving Fund. 03/20 (S) Transmitted To House HB1834 MS Business Investment Act, Major Economic Impact Act Morris and Emerging Crops Funds; increase amount of bonds authorized for. 03/20 (S) Returned For Concurrence HB1835 Bonds; issue bonds for IHL, state agency and Smith (39th) community/junior college capital improvements. 03/20 (S) Returned For Concurrence HB1836 Mississippi Land, Water and Timber Resources Fund; McCoy issue bonds to provide funds for, revise powers and duties of board. 03/20 (S) Returned For Concurrence HB1837 Bonds; issue bonds to provide additional funds for the Smith (39th) Mississippi Community Heritage Preservation Grant Fund. 03/20 (S) Returned For Concurrence JR 201 Mississippi State Senate; redistrict. Bryan 03/20 (S) Committee Substitute Adopted 03/20 (S) Amended 03/20 (S) Adopted As Amended SB2058 1987 Four-Lane Highway Program; authorize additional Dearing federal funds to be used in lieu of state funds. 03/20 (S) Decline to Concur/Invite Conf SB2095 Textbook orders for visually and hearing impaired Hyde-Smith students; SDE shall place prior to beginning of fiscal year. 03/20 (S) Decline to Concur/Invite Conf SB2138 Parole Board; remove mandate that Parole Board review Smith all cases denying parole; require central registry. 03/20 (S) Decline to Concur/Invite Conf SB2179 Highways 19 and 15; designate portions as "Veterans Carmichael Highway" and "WWII Veterans Highway". 03/20 (S) Decline to Concur/Invite Conf SB2182 Driver's license; revise fee for duplicate license, ID Turner card, license issued to alien (MDPS). 03/20 (S) Decline to Concur/Invite Conf SB2223 School employees criminal history record check Harden requirement; delete repealer. 03/20 (S) Decline to Concur/Invite Conf SB2225 Enrollment in Kindergarten or Grade 1; prescribe Harden evidence of date of birth required for. 03/20 (S) Decline to Concur/Invite Conf SB2249 Physical education classes K-9; express legislative Harden intent. 03/20 (S) Decline to Concur/Invite Conf SB2284 Office of Compulsory School Attendance Enforcement in Harden State Department of Education; extend repealer. 03/20 (S) Decline to Concur/Invite Conf SB2298 County court; add a judge to Rankin County. Ross 03/20 (S) Decline to Concur/Invite Conf SB2328 State Auditor; file with Legislature report containing Thames state agency emergency procedures. 03/20 (S) Decline to Concur/Invite Conf SB2351 Corrections; state offenders serving sentence in county Smith jails; extend repealer. 03/20 (S) Decline to Concur/Invite Conf SB2370 Nontraditional teacher preparation and licensure; Harden provide for and qualify for scholarship incentive programs. 03/20 (S) Decline to Concur/Invite Conf SB2412 Health insurance; require plans to provide uniform Canon prescription identification cards. 03/20 (S) Decline to Concur/Invite Conf SB2428 Local emergency management directors; require training Furniss as a condition to retain position. 03/20 (S) Concurred in Amend From House SB2441 School guidance counselors; define authorized program Harden activities. 03/20 (S) Decline to Concur/Invite Conf SB2501 Motor vehicles; provide for various distinctive motor Minor vehicle license tags. 03/20 (S) Decline to Concur/Invite Conf SB2502 Public Purchasing Laws; exempt purchases made from Gollott cooperative purchasing agreements. 03/20 (S) Decline to Concur/Invite Conf SB2542 Yazoo-Mississippi Delta Levee Board; revise per diem Thames paid to board members. 03/20 (S) Decline to Concur/Invite Conf SB2557 Seizure and attachment; revise exemptions from Blackmon execution. 03/20 (S) Decline to Concur/Invite Conf SB2626 General Educational Development (GED) Testing program; Burton clarify authority of State Board for Community and Junior Colleges. 03/20 (S) Decline to Concur/Invite Conf SB2671 Baby drop-off bill; correct a technical error. Turner 03/20 (S) Decline to Concur/Invite Conf SB2676 Agricultural seed; remove repealer on duties of Stogner Department of Agriculture under ag seed law. 03/20 (S) Decline to Concur/Invite Conf SB2700 Parole board; extend repealer and remove mandate that Smith board review all cases denied parole. 03/20 (S) Decline to Concur/Invite Conf SB2833 Dairy shows; authorize at Tylertown in Walthall County. Stogner 03/20 (S) Concurred in Amend From House SB2854 State agencies; entitled to judicial review of Thames decisions by Employee Appeals Board. 03/20 (S) Decline to Concur/Invite Conf SB2858 Emerging Crops Fund; make funds available to certain Minor businesses, extend repealer on certain provisions. 03/20 (S) Decline to Concur/Invite Conf SB2864 Local school board election districts; authorize boards Harden to reapportion districts. 03/20 (S) Decline to Concur/Invite Conf SB2890 Light wine and beer laws; Alcoholic Beverage Control Minor agents may enforce. 03/20 (S) Decline to Concur/Invite Conf SB2922 Forestry; create Forestry Inventory and Strategic Little Planning Act of 2002. 03/20 (S) Decline to Concur/Invite Conf SB2927 Local Governments Capital Improvements Revolving Loan Minor Program; revise interest rates for loans made under (MDA). 03/20 (S) Decline to Concur/Invite Conf SB2930 Sales Tax Incentive Fund; revise indebtedness eligible Minor for incentive payments. 03/20 (S) Decline to Concur/Invite Conf SB2942 Traffic violators; sentence to driver education. Dearing 03/20 (S) Decline to Concur/Invite Conf SB2969 Mississippi Adequate Education Program (MAEP); Bryan prescribe state cost for FY2003. 03/20 (S) Decline to Concur/Invite Conf 03/20 (S) Motion to Reconsider Entered SB2970 Election contests; clarify the manner of selecting Bryan judges to hear. 03/20 (S) Decline to Concur/Invite Conf SB3055 Board of Bar Commissioners; extend repealer. Turner 03/20 (S) Decline to Concur/Invite Conf SB3087 Lafayette County; may contribute to the Lafayette Tollison County Youth Baseball Association. 03/20 (S) Concurred in Amend From House SB3096 Appropriation; Attorney General-Judgments, Settlements, Gordon Fees; Additional FY2002. 03/20 (S) Decline to Concur/Invite Conf SB3121 Mississippi Business Investment Act; increase amount of Minor bonds that may be issued for. 03/20 (S) Decline to Concur/Invite Conf SB3126 Appropriation; Finance & Admin. Consol. Gordon 03/20 (S) Decline to Concur/Invite Conf SB3127 Appropriation; Gaming Commission. Gordon 03/20 (S) Decline to Concur/Invite Conf SB3128 Appropriation; Information Technology Services. Gordon 03/20 (S) Decline to Concur/Invite Conf SB3129 Appropriation; Personnel Bd. Gordon 03/20 (S) Decline to Concur/Invite Conf SB3130 Appropriation; Tax Commission. Gordon 03/20 (S) Decline to Concur/Invite Conf SB3131 Appropriation; Ethics Comm. Gordon 03/20 (S) Decline to Concur/Invite Conf SB3132 Appropriation; Judicial Performance Comm. Gordon 03/20 (S) Decline to Concur/Invite Conf SB3133 Appropriation; Dept. of Audit. Gordon 03/20 (S) Decline to Concur/Invite Conf SB3134 Appropriation; Governor's Office and Mansion. Gordon 03/20 (S) Decline to Concur/Invite Conf SB3136 Appropriation; Secretary of State. Gordon 03/20 (S) Decline to Concur/Invite Conf SB3137 Appropriation; Treasurers Office. Gordon 03/20 (S) Decline to Concur/Invite Conf SB3138 Appropriation; Debt Service-Bank Ser. Charge. Gordon 03/20 (S) Decline to Concur/Invite Conf SB3139 Appropriation; Jr. Colleges - Admin. Gordon 03/20 (S) Decline to Concur/Invite Conf SB3140 Appropriation; Jr. Colleges - Support. Gordon 03/20 (S) Decline to Concur/Invite Conf SB3141 Appropriation; IHL - General Support. Gordon 03/20 (S) Decline to Concur/Invite Conf 03/20 (S) Motion to Reconsider Entered SB3142 Appropriation; IHL - Subsidiary Programs - Consol. Gordon 03/20 (S) Decline to Concur/Invite Conf SB3143 Appropriation; Student Financial Aid. Gordon 03/20 (S) Decline to Concur/Invite Conf SB3144 Appropriation; Univ. Med. Cen. - Consol. Gordon 03/20 (S) Decline to Concur/Invite Conf SB3145 Appropriation; IHL - University Research Center and Gordon Maintenance. 03/20 (S) Decline to Concur/Invite Conf SB3146 Appropriation; Mississippi Development Authority. Gordon 03/20 (S) Decline to Concur/Invite Conf SB3147 Appropriation; Agriculture & Commerce - Support and Gordon Grain Div. 03/20 (S) Decline to Concur/Invite Conf SB3148 Appropriation; Egg Marketing Bd. Gordon 03/20 (S) Decline to Concur/Invite Conf SB3149 Appropriation; Farmers Central Market. Gordon 03/20 (S) Decline to Concur/Invite Conf SB3150 Appropriation; Plant Industry Div. Gordon 03/20 (S) Decline to Concur/Invite Conf SB3151 Appropriation; Animal Health Board. Gordon 03/20 (S) Decline to Concur/Invite Conf SB3152 Appropriation; Veterinary Diagnostic Lab. Bd. Gordon 03/20 (S) Decline to Concur/Invite Conf SB3153 Appropriation; Fair and Coliseum Comm. - Support. Gordon 03/20 (S) Decline to Concur/Invite Conf SB3154 Appropriation; Fair Comm. - Dixie Natl Livestock Show. Gordon 03/20 (S) Decline to Concur/Invite Conf SB3155 Appropriation; Alcorn State-Agricultural Programs. Gordon 03/20 (S) Decline to Concur/Invite Conf SB3156 Appropriation; IHL - MSU -Agriculture & Forestry Exp. Gordon Station. 03/20 (S) Decline to Concur/Invite Conf SB3157 Appropriation; College of Veterinary Medicine. Gordon 03/20 (S) Decline to Concur/Invite Conf SB3158 Appropriation; IHL - MSU -Cooperative Extension Gordon Service. 03/20 (S) Decline to Concur/Invite Conf SB3159 Appropriation; Forest & Wildlife Research. Gordon 03/20 (S) Decline to Concur/Invite Conf SB3160 Appropriation; Emergency Management Agency. Gordon 03/20 (S) Decline to Concur/Invite Conf SB3161 Appropriation; Military Dept.- Support. Gordon 03/20 (S) Decline to Concur/Invite Conf SB3162 Appropriation; Tenn-Tom Waterway Develop. Dist. Gordon 03/20 (S) Decline to Concur/Invite Conf SB3163 Appropriation; Dept. of Corrections - Support and Gordon Reimb. Local Confinement. 03/20 (S) Decline to Concur/Invite Conf 03/20 (S) Motion to Reconsider Entered SB3164 Appropriation; Bureau of Narcotics. Gordon 03/20 (S) Decline to Concur/Invite Conf SB3165 Appropriation; Dept. Public Safety - Consol. Gordon 03/20 (S) Decline to Concur/Invite Conf SB3166 Appropriation; Veterans Affairs Bd. Gordon 03/20 (S) Decline to Concur/Invite Conf SB3167 Appropriation; Dept. of Mental Health. Gordon 03/20 (S) Decline to Concur/Invite Conf SB3168 Appropriation; Banking and Consumer Finance. Gordon 03/20 (S) Decline to Concur/Invite Conf SB3169 Appropriation; Employment Security Comm. Gordon 03/20 (S) Decline to Concur/Invite Conf SB3170 Appropriation; Mississippi Board of Registered Gordon Professional Geologists. 03/20 (S) Decline to Concur/Invite Conf SB3171 Appropriation; Motor Vehicle Comm. Gordon 03/20 (S) Decline to Concur/Invite Conf SB3172 Appropriation; Bd. of Public Accountancy. Gordon 03/20 (S) Decline to Concur/Invite Conf SB3173 Appropriation; Veterinary Exam. Bd. Gordon 03/20 (S) Decline to Concur/Invite Conf SB3174 Appropriation; MS Workers Compensation Comm. Gordon 03/20 (S) Decline to Concur/Invite Conf SB3175 Appropriation; Bd. of Architecture. Gordon 03/20 (S) Decline to Concur/Invite Conf SB3176 Appropriation; Chiropractic Examiners Board. Gordon 03/20 (S) Decline to Concur/Invite Conf SB3177 Appropriation; Dental Examiners Bd. Gordon 03/20 (S) Decline to Concur/Invite Conf SB3178 Appropriation; Funeral Services Bd. Gordon 03/20 (S) Decline to Concur/Invite Conf SB3179 Appropriation; Board of Massage Therapy; FY2003. Gordon 03/20 (S) Decline to Concur/Invite Conf SB3180 Appropriation; Pharmacy Bd. Gordon 03/20 (S) Decline to Concur/Invite Conf SB3181 Appropriation; Prof. Counselors Licensing Bd. Gordon 03/20 (S) Decline to Concur/Invite Conf SB3182 Appropriation; Public Contractors Bd. Gordon 03/20 (S) Decline to Concur/Invite Conf SB3183 Appropriation; Office of State Aid Road Construction. Gordon 03/20 (S) Decline to Concur/Invite Conf SB3197 Bonds; issue bonds for IHL, state agency and Minor community/junior college capital improvements. 03/20 (S) Decline to Concur/Invite Conf SB3198 Appropriation; Department of Education for Minimum Little Program, additional for FY2002. 03/20 (S) Decline to Concur/Invite Conf SC 522 Appointments to IHL to be from new Mississippi Little congressional districts; amend Constitution to provide for. 03/20 (S) Decline to Concur/Invite Conf SC 543 Constitution 153; increase circuit and chancery judge Tollison terms. 03/20 (S) Decline to Concur/Invite Conf
SB3087 Lafayette County; may contribute to the Lafayette Tollison County Youth Baseball Association. 03/20 (S) Enrolled Bill Signed SB3114 Income taxation; revise net operating loss carryback Minor and carry forward provisions (STC). 03/20 (S) Enrolled Bill Signed SB3196 Income taxation; tax the unrelated business income of Minor certain tax exempt estates, trusts and organizations. 03/20 (S) Enrolled Bill Signed SC 590 Suspend rules requesting the drafting, introduction, Little consideration and passage of a bill; DHS; extend repealer. 03/20 (S) Enrolled Bill Signed SC 591 DSU Coach Lloyd Clark; commend career. Carlton 03/20 (S) Enrolled Bill Signed SC 592 "Komen Week in Mississippi" proclaim in honor of Little Central Mississippi Chapter of Komen Breast Cancer Foundation. 03/20 (S) Enrolled Bill Signed
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