HB1848 Forrest County; authorize to contribute to Hattiesburg Davis (102nd) Downtown Association, Inc. Referred To Local and Private Legislation HB1849 Forrest County; authorize to contribute to Neighborhood Davis (102nd) Education Services. Referred To Local and Private Legislation HB1850 Forrest County; authorize to contribute to Hattiesburg Davis (102nd) Little League Baseball Association. Referred To Local and Private Legislation HB1851 Forrest County; authorize to contribute to the Pine Davis (102nd) Belt Boys and Girls Club. Referred To Local and Private Legislation HB1852 Forrest County; authorize to contribute to Forrest Davis (102nd) County Agricultural High School. Referred To Local and Private Legislation HB1853 Forrest County; authorize to contribute to the Dale Davis (102nd) Robertson Celebrity Golf Tournament. Referred To Local and Private Legislation HB1854 Forrest County; authorize to contribute to certain Davis (102nd) child abuse centers. Referred To Local and Private Legislation HB1855 Bonds; issue g. o. bonds for additional funding of Eaton Forest Resource Development Fund, retire bonds with timber severance tax revenue. Referred To Ways and Means HB1856 Sales tax; exempt sales of motor vehicles between Moak siblings; distinctive license tags; issue of state university tags. Referred To Ways and Means HB1857 City of Hollandale; authorize to construct a Straughter correctional facility. Referred To Local and Private Legislation;Penitentiary HB1858 Humphreys County; garbage collection fees may be Bailey enforced by sale of property furnished services. Referred To Local and Private Legislation HB1859 Bonds; issue general obligation bonds for the Holden construction and development of golf course at certain location in state. Referred To Ways and Means HC 93 Commend Kari Litton, Miss Mississippi. Foster Referred To Rules HR 15 Commend public service career of Will Green Poindexter. Ellzey Referred To Rules
HB1751 Lauderdale County; authorize to create tourism Young commission and levy tourism tax on hotel and motel room rentals in the county. DR - TSDP: WM To LP HB1812 Bonds; issue general obligation bonds for the purchase Compretta of Mississippi College of Law property. DR - TSDPCS: PB To WM DR - TSDPCS: WM To PB SB2056 Health care facilities; authorize CON for private pay Bean nursing home in Lamar County. DR - TSDPAA: PH To AP SB2213 Medicaid home- and community-based services program; Burton expand statewide. DR - TSDP: PH To AP SB2231 Universities; tuition payments for needy students. Gollott DR - TSDP: UC To AP SB2527 Commission on Volunteer Service; technical amendments Ferris relating thereto. DR - TSDP: UC To AP SB2579 Medicaid assistance program; provide for eligibility, Bean hearings, opposition to issuance of CON. DR - TSDPAA: PH To AP SB2584 Veteran Affairs Board; authorize additional vehicles. Furniss DR - TSDP: MA To AP SB2649 Public school finance; implement MS Adequate Education Bryan Funding formula. DR - TSDPAA: ED To AP SB2879 Corrections; Direct DOC to contract for regional Stogner facilities in certain counties. DR - TSDPAA: PE To AP SB2958 State Personnel Board's powers and duties; clarify and Gordon extend repealer. DR - TSDPAA: FS To AP
HB1410 Bonds; issue general obligation bonds for Greenville Cameron Higher Education Center. Title Suff Do Pass Comm Sub HB1751 Lauderdale County; authorize to create tourism Young commission and levy tourism tax on hotel and motel room rentals in the county. Title Suff Do Pass HB1812 Bonds; issue general obligation bonds for the purchase Compretta of Mississippi College of Law property. Title Suff Do Pass Comm Sub HB1840 Bonds; issue general obligation bonds for certain ETV Chaney capital improvements. Title Suff Do Pass Comm Sub HB1841 Bonds; issue general obligation bonds for repair, Williams renovation and new construction work at state penitentiary. Title Suff Do Pass HB1843 Bonds; issue general obligation bonds for certain IHL Williams capital improvements and community/junior college capital improvements. Title Suff Do Pass HB1845 Bonds; issue general obligation bonds for Mississippi Williams Trade Mart capital improvements. Title Suff Do Pass Comm Sub SB2520 New Capitol receptionist; Legislature employ. Gordon Title Suff Do Pass SB2700 Spinal cord and traumatic brain injury treatment Thames program, technical amendments to; create Registry. Title Suff Do Pass SB2710 Wildlife; clarify game status of white-tailed deer; Posey classify opossum as fur-bearing animal. Title Suff Do Pass SB2929 Wildlife; authorize commission to set special youth Posey hunt for deer. Title Suff Do Pass SB2930 Hunting; allow handicapped nonresidents to take doe in Hawks special hunts on U.S. Corps of Engineers land at Arkabutla Lake. Title Suff Do Pass SB2941 Wildlife; require residency period for lifetime hunting Posey license. Title Suff Do Pass As Amended SB2946 Wildlife; strictly regulate possession of wild animals Posey inherently dangerous to humans. Title Suff Do Pass As Amended
HB 548 Ad valorem tax; watercraft used in gaming operations Simpson not exempt from. Transmitted To Senate HB 684 Bonds; increase amount of state general obligation Morris bonds issued for the Mississippi Affordable Housing Development Fund. Amended Passed As Amended HB 854 Sales tax; exempt sales of certain medications for Williams production of fish, poultry and livestock. Passed HB 912 Bonds; issue general obligation bonds for State Moody Department of Mental Health capital improvements. Passed HB1714 Bonds; increase amount that may be issued under Local Williams Governments Capital Improvements Revolving Loan Program. (DECD). Motion to Recnsdr Tabled Lost HB1717 Sales tax; delete that imposed on the ginning of cotton Williams (STC). Passed HB1719 Sales tax; tax sales of certain agricultural equipment Williams at three percent (STC). Committee Substitute Adopted Passed HB1721 Bonds; increase amount that may be issued under Williams Economic Development Highway Act (DECD). Transmitted To Senate HB1731 Counties/fire protection districts; certain counties Henderson (9th) may increase tax levy on real and personal property. Committee Substitute Adopted Passed HB1733 Bonds; issue general obligation bonds to renovate old Evans National Guard Armory for children's museum, renovate Lynn Meadows Discovery Center. Committee Substitute Adopted Point of Order Raised Set Aside-Pend Ruling of Chair HB1734 Bonds; issue state general obligation bonds to Martinson construct Mississippi Craft Center. Passed HB1739 Mississippi Major Economic Impact Act; include certain Morris projects that produce and transmit electrical power. Committee Substitute Adopted Amended Passed As Amended HB1743 Sales tax; reduce on sales of certain home medical Williams equipment and supplies. Committee Substitute Adopted Passed HB1746 Sales tax; exempt federal and state employees on Guice certain hotel accommodation charges. Passed HB1751 Lauderdale County; authorize to create tourism Young commission and levy tourism tax on hotel and motel room rentals in the county. Passed HB1758 Appropriation; Department of Environmental Quality. Brown Motion to Reconsider Entered HB1763 Appropriation; Governors Office - Division of Medicaid. Holland Motion to Reconsider Tabled HB1768 Appropriation; Auctioneers Commission. Foster Motion to Reconsider Tabled HB1811 Sales tax; exempt admissions or tickets to hockey games Simpson between teams operated under a professional league franchise. Transmitted To Senate HB1812 Bonds; issue general obligation bonds for the purchase Compretta of Mississippi College of Law property. Read the Third Time HB1816 Income tax, corporation franchise tax; revise how Williams certain businesses determine, exempt certain equipment and fuel sales from sales tax. Committee Substitute Adopted Amended Passed As Amended HB1840 Bonds; issue general obligation bonds for certain ETV Chaney capital improvements. Read the Third Time HB1841 Bonds; issue general obligation bonds for repair, Williams renovation and new construction work at state penitentiary. Passed HB1843 Bonds; issue general obligation bonds for certain IHL Williams capital improvements and community/junior college capital improvements. Amended Passed As Amended Motion to Reconsider Entered HB1845 Bonds; issue general obligation bonds for Mississippi Williams Trade Mart capital improvements. Read the Third Time
SB3199 Appropriation; DFA - Natchez Bluff Stabilization Dearing Project; FY98. Referred To Appropriations SB3200 Appropriation; Mississippi Board of Registered Hall Professional Geologists; FY98. Referred To Appropriations SB3201 Insurance premium tax; apply to HMO's. Bryan Referred To Finance SB3202 Sales tax; reduce on sales of certain home medical Horhn equipment and supplies. Referred To Finance SB3203 Bonds; issue to construct a fish hatchery in North Gollott Mississippi. Referred To Finance SB3204 Bonds; issue for Department of Agriculture and Commerce Thames capital improvements. Referred To Finance SB3205 Amory; execute lease for golf course. Bryan Referred To Local and Private SB3206 Amory; contribute funds for masonic cemetery Bryan maintenance. Referred To Local and Private SB3207 Bonds; issue bonds for water pollution control Dearing emergency loan program. Referred To Finance SB3208 Income taxation; grant an income tax credit to Horhn businesses providing certain services to impoverished areas. Referred To Finance SB3209 Emerging Crops Fund; utilized to provide interest-free Horhn loan to tourism and film enterprises. Referred To Economic Dev, Tourism and Parks;Finance SB3210 Bonds; issue bonds for water pollution control Gunn emergency loan program. Referred To Finance SB3211 Corporate franchise tax; revise method by which Robertson multistate corporations determine gross receipts under franchise tax laws. Referred To Finance SB3212 Bonds; issue general obligation bonds for IHL, Bryan community colleges and Greenville Higher Education Center. Referred To Finance SC 566 Targeted business incentive programs; urge mitigation Horhn by Congress and other states. Referred To Rules SN 100 Richard W. Pipkin, Sr., Gautier, Mississippi, as a GOVERNOR member of the Mississippi Commission on Marine Resources, for the unexpired term of office ending July 1, 2000 Referred To Ports and Marine Resources SN 101 Alfred L. Holt, Bay St. Louis, Mississippi, as a member GOVERNOR of the Mississippi Commission on Marine Resources, for the unexpired term of office ending July 1, 2000 Referred To Ports and Marine Resources
HB 387 State offenders; extend date of repeal for housing in Ford county jails. DR - TSDP: CR To AP HB 690 Psychologist; may make mental exam of alleged felons. Moody DR - TSDP: PH To JU HB 734 Municipal utilities; authorize purchase of electric Miles equipment from surplus inventory of Federal Government and EPAs. DR - TSDPAA: PU To MU HB1536 Correctional facilities; authorize private federal Reynolds prisons to locate in counties. DR - TSDPAA: CR To FI SB2151 MS Business Incubator Assistance Act; create and Hall establish. DR - TSDPCS: EC To FI
HB 359 Pharmacy services; health plan may not charge higher Robinson (84th) copay for not using certain pharmacies. Title Suff Do Pass HB 572 Hearing impairment; require testing of newborn children Robertson in hospitals for. Title Suff Do Pass As Amended HB 689 Mental Health Department; certification of therapists Moody by shall be valid only in state mental health system. Title Suff Do Pass HB 815 Marriage and family therapists; license, and create Moody joint licensure board with social workers. Title Suff Do Pass As Amended HB 865 Water pollution control; authorize permit board to Ellington require applicants for permits to post financial security. Title Suff Do Pass As Amended HB1091 Water quality analysis fees; clarify payment of Ellington certain. Title Suff Do Pass As Amended HB1196 Public purchasing; increase amount that may be made by Moody public hospitals without advertising for bids. Title Suff Do Pass HB1205 Crime Stoppers Advisory Council; revise designation of Ford director. Title Suff Do Pass As Amended HB1268 Mississippi Veterans Monument Commission; amend board Huskey memberships and meeting requirements. Title Suff Do Pass As Amended HB1406 Justice court; judge must reside in district he seeks Perry to serve. Title Suff Do Pass HB1494 Abortion; prohibit partial-birth abortions. Peranich Title Suff Do Pass HB1605 Solid waste; revise authority for counties to pay for Ellington services and collect delinquent fees. Title Suff Do Pass As Amended HB1625 Health information; protect privacy of. Holden Title Suff Do Pass As Amended HB1657 Medical Licensure Board; clarify authority regarding Foster employment of executive officer. Title Suff Do Pass SB3084 Major Economic Impact Act; include certain projects Mettetal that produce and transmit electrical power. Title Suff Do Pass SB3105 Bonds; issue g.o. bonds for improvements to Lynn Hewes Meadows Discovery Center; Tupelo Museum; Children's Museum in Jackson. Title Suff Do Pass Comm Sub SB3188 Gaming tax; increase amount of temporary borrowings for Little certain highway programs. Title Suff Do Pass Comm Sub SB3196 Bonds; issue general obligation bonds for certain ETV Ferris capital improvements. Title Suff Do Pass SB3204 Bonds; issue for Department of Agriculture and Commerce Thames capital improvements. Title Suff Do Pass SB3211 Corporate franchise tax; revise method by which Robertson multistate corporations determine gross receipts under franchise tax laws. Title Suff Do Pass Comm Sub SB3212 Bonds; issue general obligation bonds for IHL, Bryan community colleges and Greenville Higher Education Center. Title Suff Do Pass Comm Sub
SB2165 Income taxation; increase the amount of the optional Bryan standard deduction and exemption for married individuals. Motion to Reconsider Entered Motion to Reconsider Tabled SB2870 Sales tax; exempt bad check service charges. Horhn Committee Substitute Adopted Passed SB3107 Appropriation; Interest from the Mississippi Fire Furniss Fighters Memorial Burn Center Fund. Passed SB3134 Appropriation; Jr. Colleges - Admin. Hall Passed SB3135 Appropriation; Jr. Colleges - Support. Hall Passed SB3154 Appropriation; Econ. & Comm. Develop. Support. Hall Amended Passed As Amended SB3155 Appropriation; Gaming Commission. Hall Passed SB3156 Appropriation; Information Technology Services. Hall Passed SB3157 Appropriation; Tenn-Tom Waterway Develop. Dist. Hall Passed SB3178 Bonds; issue general obligations bonds for capital Bryan improvements to Capitol Complex. Committee Substitute Adopted Amended Failed Motion to Reconsider Entered
HB 548 Ad valorem tax; watercraft used in gaming operations Simpson not exempt from. Referred To Finance HB1721 Bonds; increase amount that may be issued under Williams Economic Development Highway Act (DECD). Referred To Finance HB1811 Sales tax; exempt admissions or tickets to hockey games Simpson between teams operated under a professional league franchise. Referred To Finance HC 83 Clinton High School Arrows Soccer Team; commend on Montgomery winning state championship. Referred To Rules HC 84 Clinton Lady Arrows Soccer Team; commend on winning Montgomery state soccer championship. Referred To Rules HC 86 Commending Carolyn Bush Turner. Shows Referred To Rules
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