Mississippi Legislature
2006 Regular Session

Daily Action Report for 01/11/06

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House: Introductions

HB 680  Floral Transaction and Consumer Protection Act; enact.    Rotenberry
           01/11 (H) Referred To Public Utilities;Judiciary B
HB 681  Mortgage companies; allow to collect fee from borrower    Baker (74th)
        to lock in loan rate for more than 60 days.            
           01/11 (H) Referred To Banking and Financial Services
HB 682  Auto insurance; require proof of insurance to be          Fillingane
        provided to party not at fault in accident.            
           01/11 (H) Referred To Insurance
HB 683  Mississippi Agritourism Act; create.                      Holland
           01/11 (H) Referred To Agriculture;Tourism
HB 684  Mississippi Agritourism Act; create.                      Turner
           01/11 (H) Referred To Agriculture;Tourism
HB 685  Early Voting Act; create for not more than 28 days and    Reynolds
        ending seven days before an election.                  
           01/11 (H) Referred To Apportionment and Elections
HB 686  Alcoholic beverages; allow sale of wine at wholesale by   Moak
        private entities.                                      
           01/11 (H) Referred To Ways and Means
HB 687  Alcoholic beverages; authorize distribution by private    Moak
           01/11 (H) Referred To Ways and Means
HB 688  Home school students; authorize dual enrollment in        Robinson (84th)
        public schools.                                        
           01/11 (H) Referred To Education
HB 689  Income tax refund; designate contribution to go to        Robinson (84th)
        Mississippi Wildlife, Fisheries and Parks Foundation.  
           01/11 (H) Referred To Wildlife, Fisheries and Parks;Ways and Means
HB 690  Entering lands of another; exempt wildlife conservation   Robinson (84th)
        officers acting in official capacity from prosecution. 
           01/11 (H) Referred To Wildlife, Fisheries and Parks;Judiciary B
HB 691  Law Enforcement Officers Disability Benefits Trust        Robinson (84th)
        Fund; create.                                          
           01/11 (H) Referred To Appropriations
HB 692  Municipal law enforcement officers; establish due         Robinson (84th)
        process hearing procedures for terminations or         
           01/11 (H) Referred To Municipalities
HB 693  Certificates of title on boats; increase fee for the      Robinson (84th)
           01/11 (H) Referred To Wildlife, Fisheries and Parks
HB 694  New Capitol; place under general care and supervision     Robinson (84th)
        of Legislature.                                        
           01/11 (H) Referred To Public Property
HB 695  Ad valorem tax; impose on nonproducing mineral estates    Robinson (84th)
        held separately from surface estate.                   
           01/11 (H) Referred To Oil, Gas and Other Minerals;Ways and Means
HB 696  Nonprofit natural gas districts; not required to bear     Robinson (84th)
        cost of removal from highway right-of-way.             
           01/11 (H) Referred To Public Utilities;Transportation
HB 697  Snapping turtles; delete restrictions on hunting or       Robinson (84th)
        catching common snapping turtles.                      
           01/11 (H) Referred To Wildlife, Fisheries and Parks
HB 698  Wildlife; provide exception to hunter education and       Robinson (84th)
        provide apprentice license for children between 12 and 
           01/11 (H) Referred To Wildlife, Fisheries and Parks
HB 699  Cell phones; require MDITS approval of those chosen by    Robinson (84th)
        state agencies and lowest and best bids by local       
        governing authorities.                                 
           01/11 (H) Referred To Appropriations
HB 700  Post-release supervision; revise how factored into        Baker (74th)
        maximum time served by certain felons.                 
           01/11 (H) Referred To Corrections
HB 701  Tortfeasor; remedial action not to be considered          Guice
        admission of fault.                                    
           01/11 (H) Referred To Judiciary A
HB 702  DNA evidence; require preservation in capital cases.      Brown
           01/11 (H) Referred To Judiciary En Banc
HB 703  DNA; provide for testing for persons convicted of         Brown
        capital crimes.                                        
           01/11 (H) Referred To Judiciary En Banc
HB 704  Escape when jailed for contempt; create misdemeanor       Brown
           01/11 (H) Referred To Judiciary B;Corrections
HB 705  Public property; authorize DFA to transfer certain        Brown
        property to University of Mississippi Medical Center.  
           01/11 (H) Referred To Public Property
HB 706  Elections for state officers; change day of week to       Brown
           01/11 (H) Referred To Apportionment and Elections
HB 707  Gambling; provide that certain activities are illegal.    Ellington
           01/11 (H) Referred To Gaming
HB 708  Individual on-site wastewater disposal systems; require   Mims *
        Health Department inspection and approval before       
        operation of.                                          
           01/11 (H) Referred To Public Health and Human Services;Conservation and Water Re
HB 709  Highway patrol officers; require to perform escort        Mims
        services for over-sized vehicles.                      
           01/11 (H) Referred To Transportation
HB 710  Animal cruelty; revise certain provisions.                Smith (39th)
           01/11 (H) Referred To Agriculture;Judiciary B
HB 711  Homeland security; revise certain laws related to.        Smith (39th)
           01/11 (H) Referred To Judiciary B;Appropriations
HB 712  Municipal annexation; require approval by majority of     Ellington
        electors in territory to be annexed.                   
           01/11 (H) Referred To Municipalities;Apportionment and Elections
HB 713  Charitable organizations; revise amount such              Rogers (14th)
        organizations may receive before filing financial      
           01/11 (H) Referred To Judiciary B
HB 714  Mississippi Athletic Commission; exempt certain events    Ellington
        from regulation.                                       
           01/11 (H) Referred To Ways and Means
HB 715  Elected officials; provide that salary increases are      Ellington
        effective next term of office.                         
           01/11 (H) Referred To Fees and Salaries of Public Officers
HB 716  Contractors; revise time when payment is required.        Upshaw
           01/11 (H) Referred To Judiciary B
HB 717  Income tax; exclude certain amounts received by a         Rotenberry
        missionary living abroad from gross income.            
           01/11 (H) Referred To Ways and Means
HB 718  Crime victims; provide notification of release of         Clarke
           01/11 (H) Referred To Corrections
HB 719  Bail agents; revise definitions and license               Rogers (61st)
           01/11 (H) Referred To Judiciary B
HB 720  Bail agents; revise certain license requirements.         Rogers (61st)
           01/11 (H) Referred To Judiciary B
HB 721  Bail agents; revise definitions.                          Rogers (61st)
           01/11 (H) Referred To Judiciary B
HB 722  Jury Patriot Act; delay implementation.                   Horne
           01/11 (H) Referred To Judiciary A
HB 723  Partisan elections; abolish and provide for               Barnett
           01/11 (H) Referred To Apportionment and Elections
HB 724  MAEP funding; delete repealer on additional funding for   Jennings
        high growth districts.                                 
           01/11 (H) Referred To Education;Appropriations
HB 725  Driver's license; increase minimum age; require schools   Martinson
        to provide driver education in order to graduate.      
           01/11 (H) Referred To Transportation;Education
HB 726  Bonds; mandate election on issuing county or municipal    Horne
           01/11 (H) Referred To Apportionment and Elections;Ways and Means
HB 727  Mississippi Motor Vehicle Safety Inspection Law;          Horne
           01/11 (H) Referred To Transportation
HB 728  Municipal annexation; require election on question of.    Horne
           01/11 (H) Referred To Municipalities;Apportionment and Elections
HB 729  Annexed territory; prohibit municipality from levying     Horne
        ad valorem taxes until services are provided.          
           01/11 (H) Referred To Municipalities;Ways and Means
HB 730  Cigarettes; increase excise tax on and earmark revenue    Whittington
        from increase for Medicaid.                            
           01/11 (H) Referred To Ways and Means
HB 731  County grand jury; allow to remand cases to justice or    Mims
        municipal court to be tried as misdemeanors.           
           01/11 (H) Referred To Judiciary B
HB 732  Driver safety course; require for operators of ATV's      Martinson
        and motorcycles.                                       
           01/11 (H) Referred To Transportation
HB 733  Crime victims; notify when criminal offender is           Whittington
           01/11 (H) Referred To Corrections
HB 734  Health insurance policies; require coverage for           Whittington
        colorectal cancer examinations.                        
           01/11 (H) Referred To Insurance
HB 735  Drunk driving; provide for 6-hour holding period after    Akins
           01/11 (H) Referred To Judiciary A
HB 736  Amateur radio antenna structures; require counties and    Masterson
        municipalities to provide reasonable accommodations    
           01/11 (H) Referred To Public Utilities
HB 737  Contract workers; revise certain provisions to provide    Baker (74th)
        more information and oversight regarding those of state
           01/11 (H) Referred To Appropriations
HB 738  Youth Court Act; revise definition of designee.           Baker (74th)
           01/11 (H) Referred To Juvenile Justice
HB 739  Budget Reform Act of 2006; enact.                         Baker (74th)
           01/11 (H) Referred To Appropriations
HB 740  Automobile insurance; prohibit insurer from raising       Baker (74th)
        rates of insured in an accident who is not at fault.   
           01/11 (H) Referred To Insurance
HB 741  Motor vehicle liability insurance; require before         Baker (74th)
        issuing or renewing driver's license or motor vehicle  
        license tag.                                           
           01/11 (H) Referred To Insurance;Transportation
HB 742  Insurance companies; require those writing certain        Baker (74th)
        policies to maintain viable claims office in this      
           01/11 (H) Referred To Insurance
HB 743  Gaming; gaming commission to regulate race book and       Moak
        sports pool according to federal law.                  
           01/11 (H) Referred To Gaming
HB 744  Income Tax Credit for Port Facilities and Annual Impact   Warren
        Reports; extend repealer on.                           
           01/11 (H) Referred To Ways and Means
HB 745  Income tax; extend repealer on tax credit for certain     Warren
        employers sponsoring skills training for employees.    
           01/11 (H) Referred To Ways and Means
HB 746  Ad valorem taxation; limit increase in true value of      Compretta
        homestead property.                                    
           01/11 (H) Referred To Ways and Means
HB 747  Ad valorem taxation; limit increase in true value for     Compretta
        homestead property of persons 65 or older or totally   
           01/11 (H) Referred To Ways and Means
HB 748  Appropriation; Archives and History for expenses of       Bondurant
        Civil War Sites Commission.                            
           01/11 (H) Referred To Appropriations
HB 749  Residential health care facilities; require to have       Lane
        emergency generator to operate air conditioning during 
        power outage.                                          
           01/11 (H) Referred To Public Health and Human Services
HB 750  Mississippi School Teacher Sabbatical Program;            Lane
           01/11 (H) Referred To Education
HB 751  Mississippi School Administrator Sabbatical Program;      Lane
        delete repealer.                                       
           01/11 (H) Referred To Education
HB 752  School employers; revise procedures for making            Lane
           01/11 (H) Referred To Education
HB 753  Taxes; create program to reward reporting of unpaid       Carlton *
           01/11 (H) Referred To Ways and Means
HB 754  Child protection teams; mandate creation of.              Carlton
           01/11 (H) Referred To Public Health and Human Services
HB 755  Mississippi Occupational Diploma; authorize State Board   Carlton
        of Education to develop for certain students in        
        alternative schools.                                   
           01/11 (H) Referred To Education
HB 756  Sex offenders; prohibit living within five miles of       Carlton
        schools or certain other areas.                        
           01/11 (H) Referred To Judiciary B
HB 757  Youth court referees; replace with elected part-time      Carlton
        youth court judges.                                    
           01/11 (H) Referred To Juvenile Justice;Appropriations
HB 758  Continuing legal education; require certain public        Carlton
        defenders to receive hours relating to youth court     
           01/11 (H) Referred To Judiciary A
HB 759  School boards; authorize to pay costs for substitute      Carlton
        school bus drivers to get commercial license.          
           01/11 (H) Referred To Education;Appropriations
HB 760  IHL; establish nonvoting student advisory board member    Carlton
           01/11 (H) Referred To Universities and Colleges
HB 761  Child custody; require hearing for grandparents in loco   Carlton *
        parentis relationship.                                 
           01/11 (H) Referred To Judiciary A
HB 762  Bombs and explosives; revise law regarding placement      Janus
        and reporting.                                         
           01/11 (H) Referred To Judiciary B
HB 763  Responsible Alcohol Vendor Program; establish.            Janus
           01/11 (H) Referred To Ways and Means
HB 764  Food manufacturers and sellers; limit civil liability     Bondurant
        for weight gain.                                       
           01/11 (H) Referred To Judiciary A
HB 765  Concealed weapon permit; revise fee for reserve law       Bondurant
        enforcement officers.                                  
           01/11 (H) Referred To Judiciary B;Appropriations
HB 766  Punitive damages; 75% deposited into State General        Bondurant
           01/11 (H) Referred To Judiciary A;Appropriations
HB 767  Criminal investigators; provide additional for            Frierson
        Fifteenth Circuit Court District.                      
           01/11 (H) Referred To Judiciary A;Appropriations
HB 768  Coastal wetlands; allow Commission on Marine Resources    Frierson
        to extensions for processing permit applications.      
           01/11 (H) Referred To Marine Resources
HB 769  Oysters; allow designation of an alternate captain for    Frierson
        commercial oyster vessels.                             
           01/11 (H) Referred To Marine Resources
HB 770  Oysters; conform state law to federal regulatory          Frierson
           01/11 (H) Referred To Marine Resources
HB 771  Contractors, remodelers and rebuilders; revise certain    Broomfield
        provisions and licensing requirements.                 
           01/11 (H) Referred To Judiciary B
HB 772  Crime victims; notify when criminal offender is           Fleming
        released from Department of Corrections.               
           01/11 (H) Referred To Corrections
HB 773  Court rules of practice and procedure; statutes to        Baker (74th)
        control in case of conflict.                           
           01/11 (H) Referred To Judiciary A
HB 774  Mississippi Uniform Partnership Law; extend repealer.     Warren
           01/11 (H) Referred To Judiciary A
HB 775  Wastewater disposal systems; Health Department shall      Mims
        require repair where waste being discharged off        
           01/11 (H) Referred To Public Health and Human Services
HB 776  Sales tax; exclude meals provided by restaurants or       Hudson
        donated to certain charitable organizations from gross 
        proceeds of sales.                                     
           01/11 (H) Referred To Ways and Means
HB 777  Constables; authorize to check for DUI.                   Mims
           01/11 (H) Referred To Judiciary A
HB 778  Child protection/social worker standards and various      Warren
        other provisions; extend repealer on (RP).             
           01/11 (H) Referred To Public Health and Human Services;Judiciary B
HB 779  Prison Overcrowding Emergency Powers Act; extend          Warren
        repealer on (RP).                                      
           01/11 (H) Referred To Corrections
HB 780  Ambulatory surgical facilities definition; extend         Warren
           01/11 (H) Referred To Public Health and Human Services
HB 781  Levy of forest acreage tax; extend repealer.              Warren
           01/11 (H) Referred To Forestry
HB 782  Infant Mortality Task Force; extend repealer.             Warren
           01/11 (H) Referred To Public Health and Human Services
HB 783  Council on Obesity Prevention and Management; extend      Warren
           01/11 (H) Referred To Public Health and Human Services
HB 784  State employee parking arrangements; extend repealer on   Warren
        authority of DFA to contract for.                      
           01/11 (H) Referred To Public Property;Appropriations
HB 785  Task Force on Local Government Information Systems;       Warren
        extend repealer on (RP).                               
           01/11 (H) Referred To Appropriations
HB 786  Commissioners of Election; increase compensation for      Mims
        certain duties.                                        
           01/11 (H) Referred To County Affairs;Fees and Salaries of Public Officers
HB 787  Poll worker managers and clerks; increase per diem        Mims
           01/11 (H) Referred To County Affairs;Fees and Salaries of Public Officers
HB 788  Elections; persons convicted of a felony may not vote.    Mims
           01/11 (H) Referred To Apportionment and Elections
HB 789  Contractors; revise certain payment provisions.           Fillingane
           01/11 (H) Referred To Judiciary B
HB 790  Criminal entrustment of vehicle to person who is DUI;     Patterson
        establish crime.                                       
           01/11 (H) Referred To Judiciary A
HB 791  Sales tax; phase out on sales of certain food.            Snowden
           01/11 (H) Referred To Ways and Means
HB 792  Sales tax; reduce rate on sales of certain food and       Snowden
        revise diversion to municipalities.                    
           01/11 (H) Referred To Ways and Means
HB 793  Sales tax; reduce on sales of certain food and revise     Snowden
        diversion to municipalities.                           
           01/11 (H) Referred To Ways and Means
HB 794  Sales tax; reduce rate on sales of certain food and       Snowden
        revise certain diversions.                             
           01/11 (H) Referred To Ways and Means
HB 795  Sales tax; phase out on sales of certain food.            Snowden
           01/11 (H) Referred To Ways and Means
HB 796  Sales tax; reduce rate on sales of certain food and       Snowden
        revise diversion to municipalities.                    
           01/11 (H) Referred To Ways and Means
HB 797  Sales tax; exempt sales of tangible personal property     Snowden
        and services to East Mississippi State Hospital        
           01/11 (H) Referred To Ways and Means
HB 798  Sales tax; provide for reduced tax on admissions to all   Snowden
        publicly owned facilities.                             
           01/11 (H) Referred To Ways and Means
HB 799  Sales tax; authorize exemption for retail sales of        Snowden
        certain articles of clothing during the first weekend  
        in August.                                             
           01/11 (H) Referred To Ways and Means
HB 800  Tax sales; require actual notice to owner and any         Snowden
        mortgagee, beneficiary or lienholder of record before  
        pending tax sale.                                      
           01/11 (H) Referred To Ways and Means
HB 801  Unemployment compensation; increase benefits over next    Franks
        four years.                                            
           01/11 (H) Referred To Labor;Appropriations
HB 802  Municipal annexation; require approval by majority of     Franks
        electors in territory to be annexed.                   
           01/11 (H) Referred To Municipalities;Apportionment and Elections
HB 803  Mississippi Council for Remote Sensing and Geographic     Franks
        Information; clarify membership.                       
           01/11 (H) Referred To Conservation and Water Resources
HB 804  Wills; revocation by divorce or annulment.                Franks
           01/11 (H) Referred To Judiciary A
HB 805  Insurance agents; require to disclose the amount of       Franks
        their commission to purchaser at time of sale.         
           01/11 (H) Referred To Insurance
HB 806  Elections; require voters to present identification       Snowden
        before voting.                                         
           01/11 (H) Referred To Apportionment and Elections
HB 807  Health insurers; require coverage for injuries            Franks
        resulting from participation in legal activities.      
           01/11 (H) Referred To Insurance
HB 808  Insurance rates; require roll back to insurance rates     Franks
        in effect on July 1, 2001.                             
           01/11 (H) Referred To Insurance
HB 809  School boards; authorize to increase per diem or salary   Franks
        of members of.                                         
           01/11 (H) Referred To Education
HB 810  Supreme Court; provide for four districts.                Franks
           01/11 (H) Referred To Judiciary A;Apportionment and Elections
HB 811  DUI; revise penalties for higher blood alcohol            Franks
           01/11 (H) Referred To Judiciary A
HB 812  Insurance Commissioner; provide full regulatory           Franks
        authority over persons selling insurance who are not   
           01/11 (H) Referred To Insurance
HB 813  Indictments; clarify sufficiency for larceny or           Beckett
           01/11 (H) Referred To Judiciary B
HB 814  Firearms; require to be secured in carrying case upon     Rogers (14th) *
        public roads during certain hunting seasons.           
           01/11 (H) Referred To Wildlife, Fisheries and Parks;Transportation
HB 815  Commission; establish to study the efficiency of the      Carlton
        administration of college tuition assistance programs. 
           01/11 (H) Referred To Universities and Colleges;Appropriations
HB 816  Income tax; increase amount of National Guard and         Rogers (61st)
        Reserve compensation excluded from gross income.       
           01/11 (H) Referred To Ways and Means
HB 817  Damages; cap noneconomic damages to $500,000.00 in all    Mims
        civil actions.                                         
           01/11 (H) Referred To Judiciary A
HB 818  Nursing homes; allow resident or resident's kin or        Moak
        guardian to monitor resident's room with electronic    
           01/11 (H) Referred To Public Health and Human Services
HB 819  Power of attorney; authorize in conveyance of             Snowden
           01/11 (H) Referred To Judiciary A
HB 820  Retirement; provide for creditable service in PERS for    Snowden
        service in Mississippi National Guard.                 
           01/11 (H) Referred To Appropriations
HB 821  Mississippi Collegiate Athletic Association Procedures    Snowden
        Act; create.                                           
           01/11 (H) Referred To Universities and Colleges
HB 822  Exemption from seizure under execution or attachment;     Snowden
        include income tax credits and checking accounts.      
           01/11 (H) Referred To Judiciary A
HB 823  State agencies; may hire attorneys directly without       Snowden
        approval of Attorney General.                          
           01/11 (H) Referred To Judiciary A;Appropriations
HB 824  Crimes; revise fondling.                                  Snowden
           01/11 (H) Referred To Judiciary B
HB 825  Time limitation on prosecutions; exempt RICO              Snowden
           01/11 (H) Referred To Judiciary B
HB 826  Mississippi Marketable Record Title Act; create.          Snowden
           01/11 (H) Referred To Judiciary A
HB 827  Mobile homes; clarify security interest in mobile home    Snowden
        if affixed to realty.                                  
           01/11 (H) Referred To Judiciary A;Transportation
HB 828  Insurance; authorize gaming commission to purchase        Moak
        insurance to cover gaming tax revenue loss due to      
        natural disasters.                                     
           01/11 (H) Referred To Gaming
HB 829  Hog and canine fighting; prohibit.                        Upshaw
           01/11 (H) Referred To Agriculture;Judiciary B
HB 830  Mississippi Hunting Resort Act; create.                   Mayo
           01/11 (H) Referred To Wildlife, Fisheries and Parks
HB 831  Sex offenders; conform registration law to "Jessica's     Martinson
           01/11 (H) Referred To Judiciary B
HB 832  Truancy; authorize courts to order parents to attend      Carlton
        school with their child as punishment.                 
           01/11 (H) Referred To Juvenile Justice;Judiciary A
HB 833  Justice court judges; authorize to carry concealed        Bondurant
           01/11 (H) Referred To Judiciary B;County Affairs
HB 834  State and United States flags; require to be displayed    Janus
        on all public buildings.                               
           01/11 (H) Referred To Public Property;Appropriations
HB 835  Civil War Battlefield Commission; revise various          Bondurant
        provisions regarding.                                  
           01/11 (H) Referred To Fees and Salaries of Public Officers;Appropriations
HB 836  Gasoline excise tax; eliminate evaporation deduction      Franks
        allowed distributors of gasoline.                      
           01/11 (H) Referred To Ways and Means
HB 837  Home repair fraud; require notice of to consumers.        Snowden
           01/11 (H) Referred To Judiciary B
HB 838  Sex offenders; expand employment positions to which sex   Snowden
        offender status notification is required.              
           01/11 (H) Referred To Judiciary B
HB 839  Grandparents visitation rights; provide in case where     Snowden
        child's parent is on active duty in military.          
           01/11 (H) Referred To Military Affairs;Judiciary A
HB 840  Child custody; change not allowed when a parent is on     Snowden
        active duty in the Armed Forces.                       
           01/11 (H) Referred To Military Affairs;Judiciary A
HB 841  Law enforcement; allow off-duty officers to use           Smith (39th)
        uniforms and equipment when providing security services
        in a private job.                                      
           01/11 (H) Referred To Labor;Judiciary A
HB 842  Law enforcement officers; authorize to wear uniform and   Chism
        carry firearms when off duty performing private job.   
           01/11 (H) Referred To Labor;Judiciary A
HC  35  Amend Constitution; Legislature shall not appropriate     Baker (74th)
        more than 98% of general fund revenue estimate for any 
        fiscal year.                                           
           01/11 (H) Referred To Constitution;Appropriations
HC  36  Amend Constitution; remove restrictions on persons        Flaggs *
        convicted of certain offenses holding office.          
           01/11 (H) Referred To Constitution
HC  37  Amend Constitution; authorize metropolitan government.    Snowden
           01/11 (H) Referred To Constitution
HC  38  Amend Constitution; place state elections in even year    Snowden
        with no presidential election.                         
           01/11 (H) Referred To Constitution;Apportionment and Elections
HC  39  Amend Constitution; Governor elected by majority of       Snowden
        popular vote; require runoff if no majority; abolish   
        electoral votes.                                       
           01/11 (H) Referred To Constitution;Apportionment and Elections
HR   8  Pledge of Allegiance; request the House of                Snowden
        Representatives of the State of Mississippi to recite  
           01/11 (H) Referred To Rules
HR   9  Law enforcement officers and fire fighters; create        Robinson (84th)
        House study committee to address loss of income due to 
        job-related injuries.                                  
           01/11 (H) Referred To Rules
HR  10  NEIGHBORS program; commend.                               Evans
           01/11 (H) Referred To Rules

House: Committee Reports

HB 679  Health Awareness Day; designate third Thursday in         Holland
        January of each year as.                               
           01/11 (H) Title Suff Do Pass
HC  22  Dr. Harry C. Frye; commend upon being named "Family       Mims
        Physician of the Year".                                
           01/11 (H) Title Suff Do Be Adopted
SC 524  Commend Brookhaven's Dr. J. Kim Sessums for creating      Hyde-Smith
        bronze monument.                                       
           01/11 (H) Title Suff Do Be Adopted

House: Floor Actions

HB 212  Appropriation; Department of Public Safety to fully       Stringer
        fund Crime Laboratory.                                 
           01/11 (H) Transmitted To Senate
SB2310  Tobacco and sales tax; increase on cigarettes and         Little
        reduce the sales tax on certain food sold for human    
           01/11 (H) Amendment Failed
           01/11 (H) Passed
           01/11 (H) Motion to Reconsider Entered
SC 524  Commend Brookhaven's Dr. J. Kim Sessums for creating      Hyde-Smith
        bronze monument.                                       
           01/11 (H) Adopted
           01/11 (H) Immediate Release
           01/11 (H) Transmitted To Senate

House: Referred Other House

SC 502  Commend life of Mrs. Carroll Gartin, wife of three-term   Michel
        Lieutenant Governor.                                   
           01/11 (H) Referred To Rules
SC 503  Commend University of Mississippi Medical Center on       Little
        50th Anniversary.                                      
           01/11 (H) Referred To Rules
SC 504  Commend the life of Iraq casualty Mississippi National    Cuevas
        Guard 1st Lt. Robert C. Oneto-Sikorski.                
           01/11 (H) Referred To Rules
SC 513  Commend Kristian Dambrino, Miss Mississippi 2005.         Burton
           01/11 (H) Referred To Rules
SC 515  Commend the life of Iraq casualty Staff Sgt. Brian Lee    Brown
           01/11 (H) Referred To Rules
SC 516  Commend life of Iraq casualty U.S. Army Sergeant          Dearing
        Willard Todd Partridge.                                
           01/11 (H) Referred To Rules
SC 520  Designate "Mississippi Health Awareness Day."             White
           01/11 (H) Referred To Rules
SC 522  Commend the life of Iraq casualty Lance Corporal Roger    Gollott
        Wayne Deeds.                                           
           01/11 (H) Referred To Rules
SC 524  Commend Brookhaven's Dr. J. Kim Sessums for creating      Hyde-Smith
        bronze monument.                                       
           01/11 (H) Referred To Rules
SC 525  Commend the life of Iraq casualty Corporal Michael        Mettetal
        Brandon Presley.                                       
           01/11 (H) Referred To Rules
SC 527  Commend Dr. Stephen Handley; Mississippi's 2005           White
        Administrator of the Year.                             
           01/11 (H) Referred To Rules
SC 528  Commend Jerry Mitchell for 2005 John Chancellor Award     Dawkins
        for Excellence in Journalism.                          
           01/11 (H) Referred To Rules
SC 529  Commend Dr. Katrina Poe, "2005 Country Doctor of the      Jackson (15th)
           01/11 (H) Referred To Rules

Senate: Introductions

SB2461  Military Home Modification Grant Program; create.         Carmichael
           01/11 (S) Referred To Veterans and Military Affairs;Appropriations
SB2462  Agriculture; clarify surety bond requirements for         Hyde-Smith
        professional services regulated by commissioner.       
           01/11 (S) Referred To Agriculture
SB2463  Disaster Assistance Trust Fund; authorize use to          Carmichael
        reimburse local governments for cost of deployed       
           01/11 (S) Referred To Veterans and Military Affairs;Appropriations
SB2464  Ad valorem taxation; allow subsequent requests for        Robertson
        additions, expansions or replacements exemptions for   
        certain enterprises.                                   
           01/11 (S) Referred To Finance
SB2465  Justifiable force; provide immunity from civil suit.      White
           01/11 (S) Referred To Judiciary, Division A
SB2466  Auto liability insurance; require State Tax Commission    Kirby
        to implement motorist identification database program. 
           01/11 (S) Referred To Insurance;Finance
SB2467  District attorneys; increase office operating             Thames
           01/11 (S) Referred To Appropriations
SB2468  Master lease-purchase program; authorize DFA to develop   Tollison
        a master lease-purchase program for counties and       
           01/11 (S) Referred To Fees, Salaries and Administration
SB2469  Administration of unemployment compensation law by        Robertson
        Mississippi Department of Employment Security; make    
        technical amendments to.                               
           01/11 (S) Referred To Finance

Senate: Committee Reports

SB2043  Elections; set the qualifying deadline 60 days prior to   Burton
        the primary election.                                  
           01/11 (S) Title Suff Do Pass
SB2307  Campaign finance law; require certain candidates to       Burton
        file report electronically; increase allowable         
        corporate contribution.                                
           01/11 (S) Title Suff Do Pass Comm Sub
SN   3  Dr. Hank Mitchell Bounds, Pascagoula, Mississippi,        BOARD OF EDUCATION
        State Board of Education as the State Superintendent of
        Education, term effective August 1, 2005.              
           01/11 (S) Do Advise and Consent

Senate: Floor Actions

SB2049  Charter schools study commission; extend for one year.    Chaney
           01/11 (S) Passed
SB2086  Seat belt law; make primary offense, revise aggregate     Tollison
           01/11 (S) Reconsidered
           01/11 (S) Amended
           01/11 (S) Passed As Amended
SC 502  Commend life of Mrs. Carroll Gartin, wife of three-term   Michel
        Lieutenant Governor.                                   
           01/11 (S) Adopted
           01/11 (S) Immediate Release
           01/11 (S) Transmitted To House
SC 503  Commend University of Mississippi Medical Center on       Little
        50th Anniversary.                                      
           01/11 (S) Adopted
           01/11 (S) Immediate Release
           01/11 (S) Transmitted To House
SC 504  Commend the life of Iraq casualty Mississippi National    Cuevas
        Guard 1st Lt. Robert C. Oneto-Sikorski.                
           01/11 (S) Adopted
           01/11 (S) Immediate Release
           01/11 (S) Transmitted To House
SC 513  Commend Kristian Dambrino, Miss Mississippi 2005.         Burton
           01/11 (S) Adopted
           01/11 (S) Immediate Release
           01/11 (S) Transmitted To House
SC 515  Commend the life of Iraq casualty Staff Sgt. Brian Lee    Brown
           01/11 (S) Adopted
           01/11 (S) Immediate Release
           01/11 (S) Transmitted To House
SC 516  Commend life of Iraq casualty U.S. Army Sergeant          Dearing
        Willard Todd Partridge.                                
           01/11 (S) Adopted
           01/11 (S) Immediate Release
           01/11 (S) Transmitted To House
SC 520  Designate "Mississippi Health Awareness Day."             White
           01/11 (S) Adopted
           01/11 (S) Immediate Release
           01/11 (S) Transmitted To House
SC 522  Commend the life of Iraq casualty Lance Corporal Roger    Gollott
        Wayne Deeds.                                           
           01/11 (S) Adopted
           01/11 (S) Immediate Release
           01/11 (S) Transmitted To House
SC 524  Commend Brookhaven's Dr. J. Kim Sessums for creating      Hyde-Smith
        bronze monument.                                       
           01/11 (S) Adopted
           01/11 (S) Immediate Release
           01/11 (S) Transmitted To House
SC 525  Commend the life of Iraq casualty Corporal Michael        Mettetal
        Brandon Presley.                                       
           01/11 (S) Adopted
           01/11 (S) Immediate Release
           01/11 (S) Transmitted To House
SC 527  Commend Dr. Stephen Handley; Mississippi's 2005           White
        Administrator of the Year.                             
           01/11 (S) Adopted
           01/11 (S) Immediate Release
           01/11 (S) Transmitted To House
SC 528  Commend Jerry Mitchell for 2005 John Chancellor Award     Dawkins
        for Excellence in Journalism.                          
           01/11 (S) Adopted
           01/11 (S) Immediate Release
           01/11 (S) Transmitted To House
SC 529  Commend Dr. Katrina Poe, "2005 Country Doctor of the      Jackson (15th)
           01/11 (S) Adopted
           01/11 (S) Immediate Release
           01/11 (S) Transmitted To House
SR   2  Commend Griffin Norquist, Jr., for humanitarian           Thomas
           01/11 (S) Adopted
           01/11 (S) Immediate Release
SR   3  Commend gallant service of World War II veteran James     Carmichael
        Francis Risher of Meridian, Mississippi.               
           01/11 (S) Adopted
           01/11 (S) Immediate Release
SR   4  Commend Brookhaven's Dr. J. Kim Sessums for creating      Hyde-Smith
        bronze monument.                                       
           01/11 (S) Adopted
           01/11 (S) Immediate Release

Information pertaining to this report was last updated on 04/25/06 at 14:18.

End Of Document
