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SB3120 Sales tax; clarify taxation of mobile Minor telecommunications services. 03/15 (H) Returned For Concurrence SB3121 Mississippi Business Investment Act; increase amount of Minor bonds that may be issued for. 03/15 (H) Returned For Concurrence SB3126 Appropriation; Finance & Admin. Consol. Gordon 03/15 (H) Returned For Concurrence SB3127 Appropriation; Gaming Commission. Gordon 03/15 (H) Returned For Concurrence SB3128 Appropriation; Information Technology Services. Gordon 03/15 (H) Returned For Concurrence SB3129 Appropriation; Personnel Bd. Gordon 03/15 (H) Returned For Concurrence SB3130 Appropriation; Tax Commission. Gordon 03/15 (H) Returned For Concurrence SB3131 Appropriation; Ethics Comm. Gordon 03/15 (H) Returned For Concurrence SB3132 Appropriation; Judicial Performance Comm. Gordon 03/15 (H) Returned For Concurrence SB3133 Appropriation; Dept. of Audit. Gordon 03/15 (H) Returned For Concurrence SB3134 Appropriation; Governor's Office and Mansion. Gordon 03/15 (H) Returned For Concurrence SB3135 Appropriation; Fire Fighters Memorial Burn Center; Gordon FY2003. 03/15 (H) Transmitted To Senate SB3136 Appropriation; Secretary of State. Gordon 03/15 (H) Returned For Concurrence SB3137 Appropriation; Treasurers Office. Gordon 03/15 (H) Returned For Concurrence SB3138 Appropriation; Debt Service-Bank Ser. Charge. Gordon 03/15 (H) Returned For Concurrence SB3139 Appropriation; Jr. Colleges - Admin. Gordon 03/15 (H) Returned For Concurrence SB3140 Appropriation; Jr. Colleges - Support. Gordon 03/15 (H) Returned For Concurrence SB3141 Appropriation; IHL - General Support. Gordon 03/15 (H) Returned For Concurrence SB3142 Appropriation; IHL - Subsidiary Programs - Consol. Gordon 03/15 (H) Returned For Concurrence SB3143 Appropriation; Student Financial Aid. Gordon 03/15 (H) Returned For Concurrence SB3144 Appropriation; Univ. Med. Cen. - Consol. Gordon 03/15 (H) Returned For Concurrence SB3145 Appropriation; IHL - University Research Center and Gordon Maintenance. 03/15 (H) Returned For Concurrence SB3146 Appropriation; Mississippi Development Authority. Gordon 03/15 (H) Returned For Concurrence SB3147 Appropriation; Agriculture & Commerce - Support and Gordon Grain Div. 03/15 (H) Returned For Concurrence SB3148 Appropriation; Egg Marketing Bd. Gordon 03/15 (H) Returned For Concurrence SB3149 Appropriation; Farmers Central Market. Gordon 03/15 (H) Returned For Concurrence SB3150 Appropriation; Plant Industry Div. Gordon 03/15 (H) Returned For Concurrence SB3151 Appropriation; Animal Health Board. Gordon 03/15 (H) Returned For Concurrence SB3152 Appropriation; Veterinary Diagnostic Lab. Bd. Gordon 03/15 (H) Returned For Concurrence SB3153 Appropriation; Fair and Coliseum Comm. - Support. Gordon 03/15 (H) Returned For Concurrence SB3154 Appropriation; Fair Comm. - Dixie Natl Livestock Show. Gordon 03/15 (H) Returned For Concurrence SB3155 Appropriation; Alcorn State-Agricultural Programs. Gordon 03/15 (H) Returned For Concurrence SB3156 Appropriation; IHL - MSU -Agriculture & Forestry Exp. Gordon Station. 03/15 (H) Returned For Concurrence SB3157 Appropriation; College of Veterinary Medicine. Gordon 03/15 (H) Returned For Concurrence SB3158 Appropriation; IHL - MSU -Cooperative Extension Gordon Service. 03/15 (H) Returned For Concurrence SB3159 Appropriation; Forest & Wildlife Research. Gordon 03/15 (H) Returned For Concurrence SB3160 Appropriation; Emergency Management Agency. Gordon 03/15 (H) Returned For Concurrence SB3161 Appropriation; Military Dept.- Support. Gordon 03/15 (H) Returned For Concurrence SB3162 Appropriation; Tenn-Tom Waterway Develop. Dist. Gordon 03/15 (H) Returned For Concurrence SB3163 Appropriation; Dept. of Corrections - Support and Gordon Reimb. Local Confinement. 03/15 (H) Returned For Concurrence SB3164 Appropriation; Bureau of Narcotics. Gordon 03/15 (H) Returned For Concurrence SB3165 Appropriation; Dept. Public Safety - Consol. Gordon 03/15 (H) Returned For Concurrence SB3166 Appropriation; Veterans Affairs Bd. Gordon 03/15 (H) Returned For Concurrence SB3167 Appropriation; Dept. of Mental Health. Gordon 03/15 (H) Returned For Concurrence SB3168 Appropriation; Banking and Consumer Finance. Gordon 03/15 (H) Returned For Concurrence SB3169 Appropriation; Employment Security Comm. Gordon 03/15 (H) Returned For Concurrence SB3170 Appropriation; Mississippi Board of Registered Gordon Professional Geologists. 03/15 (H) Returned For Concurrence SB3171 Appropriation; Motor Vehicle Comm. Gordon 03/15 (H) Returned For Concurrence SB3172 Appropriation; Bd. of Public Accountancy. Gordon 03/15 (H) Returned For Concurrence SB3173 Appropriation; Veterinary Exam. Bd. Gordon 03/15 (H) Returned For Concurrence SB3174 Appropriation; MS Workers Compensation Comm. Gordon 03/15 (H) Returned For Concurrence SB3175 Appropriation; Bd. of Architecture. Gordon 03/15 (H) Returned For Concurrence SB3176 Appropriation; Chiropractic Examiners Board. Gordon 03/15 (H) Returned For Concurrence SB3177 Appropriation; Dental Examiners Bd. Gordon 03/15 (H) Returned For Concurrence SB3178 Appropriation; Funeral Services Bd. Gordon 03/15 (H) Returned For Concurrence SB3179 Appropriation; Board of Massage Therapy; FY2003. Gordon 03/15 (H) Returned For Concurrence SB3180 Appropriation; Pharmacy Bd. Gordon 03/15 (H) Returned For Concurrence SB3181 Appropriation; Prof. Counselors Licensing Bd. Gordon 03/15 (H) Returned For Concurrence SB3182 Appropriation; Public Contractors Bd. Gordon 03/15 (H) Returned For Concurrence SB3183 Appropriation; Office of State Aid Road Construction. Gordon 03/15 (H) Returned For Concurrence SB3197 Bonds; issue bonds for IHL, state agency and Minor community/junior college capital improvements. 03/15 (H) Returned For Concurrence
SB3202 Scott County; authorize the levy of a tourist tax on Burton hotel and motel rooms. 03/15 (H) Referred To Local and Private Legislation;Ways and Means SC 589 Suspend rules for further consideration of Senate Bill Posey 2588; County patrol officers; increase salary in certain counties. 03/15 (H) Referred To Rules SC 591 DSU Coach Lloyd Clark; commend career. Carlton 03/15 (H) Referred To Rules SC 592 "Komen Week in Mississippi" proclaim in honor of Little Central Mississippi Chapter of Komen Breast Cancer Foundation. 03/15 (H) Referred To Rules
SB2386 Highway Patrol; extend police powers. Turner 03/15 (H) Died On Calendar SB2417 Copyrighted musical composition; prohibit providing, Smith publishing or selling without consent of the owner. 03/15 (H) Died On Calendar
HB 908 Public property; DFA to assign certain property in City Peranich of Jackson to Library Commission for construction of new building. 03/15 (H) Enrolled Bill Signed HB 951 State toy; designate Teddy Bear as state toy. Holland 03/15 (H) Enrolled Bill Signed HB1551 Cell phones; prohibit local ordinances restricting use Ellis while driving. 03/15 (H) Enrolled Bill Signed HR 19 Commend Bologna Performing Arts Center on winning Capps Cultural Leadership Award. 03/15 (H) Enrolled Bill Signed HR 20 Commend Mrs. Carolyn King Bramlett on induction to Eads Mississippi Hall of Master Teachers. 03/15 (H) Enrolled Bill Signed HR 22 Commend Sally W. Carmichael on winning Arts Patron Brown Award for Excellence in the Arts. 03/15 (H) Enrolled Bill Signed HR 23 Commend Mrs. Annie Mae Wilson on being named a Stevens Mississippi Ageless Hero. 03/15 (H) Enrolled Bill Signed HR 24 Commend Trinity Episcopal Saint Football Team upon Ketchings winning MPSA State A Championship. 03/15 (H) Enrolled Bill Signed HR 25 Commend Cathedral High School Golf Team upon winning Ketchings State Class 2A Championship. 03/15 (H) Enrolled Bill Signed HR 26 Commend William Carey College Theatre on winning Watson Excellence in Arts Award for 2002. 03/15 (H) Enrolled Bill Signed HR 27 Commend achievements of Cassandra F. Wilson. Coleman (65th) 03/15 (H) Enrolled Bill Signed HR 28 Commend Judge Joe Brown for his many achievements. Coleman (65th) 03/15 (H) Enrolled Bill Signed HR 29 Commend Terrell Buckley and recognize March 16, 2002, Broomfield as "Terrell Buckley Day" in City of Pascagoula. 03/15 (H) Enrolled Bill Signed HR 30 Commend Reverend Bernard Farrell on service to St. Guice Alphonsus Catholic Church and wish success in St. Elizabeth Seton Parish. 03/15 (H) Enrolled Bill Signed HR 31 Commend JSU academicians who have provided 30 or more Clarke years of service. 03/15 (H) Enrolled Bill Signed HR 32 Commend Miss Katie Taylor as a Distinguished Finalist Martinson for Mississippi in the 2002 Prudential Spirit of Community Awards. 03/15 (H) Enrolled Bill Signed HR 33 Commend achievements of Andrew Albert Breland. Lott 03/15 (H) Enrolled Bill Signed HR 34 Commend Mrs. Beatrice "Bebe" Richardson upon retirement Stevens from UMC after 50 years of service in field of nursing. 03/15 (H) Enrolled Bill Signed SB2209 Codes of student conduct; extend repealer on provisions Harden recognizing teachers' right to remove students. 03/15 (H) Enrolled Bill Signed SB2321 Display of United States flag and daily Pledge of Little Allegiance; require in all public school classrooms. 03/15 (H) Enrolled Bill Signed SB2434 U.S. Highway 61; designate a segment in Coahoma County Furniss as "Veterans' Memorial Drive." 03/15 (H) Enrolled Bill Signed SB2983 Corrections; revise allocation of funds in the Inmate Smith Welfare Fund. 03/15 (H) Enrolled Bill Signed
SB3206 Hazlehurst; levy a hotel/motel and restaurant tax. Posey 03/15 (S) Referred To Local and Private;Finance SC 593 Suspend rules for drafting of a bill; create Long-Range Smith Capitol Complex Planning Commission. 03/15 (S) Referred To Rules SR 37 W. Guy Henderson; commend life of. White (29th) 03/15 (S) Referred To Rules SR 38 Clarence Webster III; commend for H.E.A.D.W.A.E. Award. Tollison 03/15 (S) Referred To Rules SR 39 Sheela Bhagat; commend for H.E.A.D.W.A.E. Award. Tollison 03/15 (S) Referred To Rules
HB 5 Public bid laws; prohibit addendum to bid Guice specifications within two working days of receipt of bids. 03/15 (S) Returned For Concurrence HB 35 Jackson County and cities within the county; authorize Zuber to provide mutual governmental services. 03/15 (S) Passed HB 282 Ocean Springs; authorize to reconstitute the municipal Zuber park commission. 03/15 (S) Passed HB 396 City of Columbus; provide for minimum monthly benefits Chism for retired firemen and policemen. 03/15 (S) Passed HB 446 Justice court judges; bring under the Nonpartisan Moak Judicial Election Act. 03/15 (S) Returned For Concurrence HB 833 Elections; establish standards to be used when Reynolds examining ballots that have been rejected by automatic vote counting devices. 03/15 (S) Returned For Concurrence HB 891 Healthcare Coordinating Council; create to establish Moody preventive health care plan. 03/15 (S) Motion to Reconsider Tabled 03/15 (S) Transmitted To House HB 906 Mississippi Dietetics Practice Act; reenact and delete Moody the repealer. 03/15 (S) Returned For Concurrence HB1000 Crime laboratory; delete provisions requiring funding Hamilton to be separate from Department of Public Safety. 03/15 (S) Returned For Concurrence HB1004 Wireless Radio Communications Program; require Ellis surcharge on Highway Patrol citations to fund (DPS). 03/15 (S) Motion to Reconsider Tabled 03/15 (S) Returned For Concurrence HB1204 Mental health facility; director may transfer Moody patient/resident to another facility. 03/15 (S) Motion to Reconsider Tabled 03/15 (S) Transmitted To House HB1302 School psychologists; persons under contract with Moody school districts may use certain titles. 03/15 (S) Motion to Reconsider Tabled 03/15 (S) Transmitted To House HB1537 Nursing home administration; revise certain licensure Moody requirements and increase exam and license fees. 03/15 (S) Returned For Concurrence HB1562 Construction contracts; revise retainage provisions and McBride require reporting of payment to subcontractors. 03/15 (S) Returned For Concurrence HB1682 DeSoto County; authorize to allow use of a county Robertson building for a medical clinic. 03/15 (S) Passed HB1686 Lafayette County; contribute to youth baseball Eads association. 03/15 (S) Passed HB1711 Itawamba County; authorize to contribute to the Miles Regional Rehabilitation Center. 03/15 (S) Passed HB1712 Forrest County; authorize to contribute to certain Davis organizations. 03/15 (S) Passed HB1746 Smithville; authorize extension of territorial police Markham jurisdiction. 03/15 (S) Passed HB1747 Marshall County; authorize expenditure for matching Woods funds for programs sponsored by the Institute of Community Services, Inc. 03/15 (S) Passed HC 32 Commend the life and accomplishments of James "Joe" Stevens Ferguson. 03/15 (S) Adopted 03/15 (S) Transmitted To House HC 33 Commend life of Lt. Col. Jerry Don "D.D." Dickerson. Stevens 03/15 (S) Adopted 03/15 (S) Transmitted To House HC 39 Commending Frances Coggins upon her retirement. Ford 03/15 (S) Adopted 03/15 (S) Transmitted To House HC 45 Commend East Central High School Softball Team. Hamilton 03/15 (S) Adopted 03/15 (S) Transmitted To House HC 50 Recognize and commend all troops serving out of the Eads country. 03/15 (S) Adopted 03/15 (S) Transmitted To House HC 76 Commend Coach Sam Richey on becoming Mississippi's Ford "winningest coach". 03/15 (S) Adopted 03/15 (S) Transmitted To House HC 78 Commend Clarksdale High School Wildcats Football team Mayo on winning State 4-A championship. 03/15 (S) Adopted 03/15 (S) Transmitted To House SB3202 Scott County; authorize the levy of a tourist tax on Burton hotel and motel rooms. 03/15 (S) Committee Substitute Adopted 03/15 (S) Passed 03/15 (S) Transmitted To House SC 589 Suspend rules for further consideration of Senate Bill Posey 2588; County patrol officers; increase salary in certain counties. 03/15 (S) Adopted 03/15 (S) Transmitted To House SC 591 DSU Coach Lloyd Clark; commend career. Carlton 03/15 (S) Adopted 03/15 (S) Transmitted To House SC 592 "Komen Week in Mississippi" proclaim in honor of Little Central Mississippi Chapter of Komen Breast Cancer Foundation. 03/15 (S) Adopted 03/15 (S) Transmitted To House SR 34 Vincent Castigliola, Jr.; commend upon receiving a Moffatt Carnegie Hero Fund Medal. 03/15 (S) Adopted SR 35 Mayor Eric "Red" Holmes; commend life and public Walls service. 03/15 (S) Adopted
HB 615 Tunica County; may contribute to ICS for Head Start Henderson class and vehicles. 03/15 (S) Referred To Local and Private HB1684 City of Vicksburg; increase minimum monthly benefits Masterson for retired firemen/policemen. 03/15 (S) Referred To Local and Private HB1685 City of Vicksburg; additional annual payment to retired Masterson firemen and policemen equal to 2-1/2% for each year in retirement. 03/15 (S) Referred To Local and Private HB1734 Attala County; authorize to contribute to Boys and Stevens Girls Clubs of Kosciusko. 03/15 (S) Referred To Local and Private HB1816 Tallahatchie County; authorize to pledge certain ad Reynolds valorem tax revenue to retire certain debt. 03/15 (S) Referred To Local and Private;Finance HB1847 Adams County; create the Natchez-Adams County Ketchings Development Authority. 03/15 (S) Referred To Local and Private HC 81 Commend life of Jimmy L. Dukes. Martinson 03/15 (S) Referred To Rules HC 82 Commend life of Mrs. Norma Williams Sullivan. Hudson 03/15 (S) Referred To Rules HC 83 Commend U.S. Special Forces Agent, MSG John Bolduc. Taylor 03/15 (S) Referred To Rules HC 85 Commend Ted W. Hillman upon serving on East Timor, Eaton Indonesia, peacekeeping mission. 03/15 (S) Referred To Rules HC 86 Commend the service of Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority. Coleman (65th) 03/15 (S) Referred To Rules HC 87 Commend Ms. Kay Sims upon selection as Instructor of Hamilton the Year. 03/15 (S) Referred To Rules HC 88 Commend Ms. Mary Ott Tremmel Davidson upon selection as Hamilton Instructor of the Year. 03/15 (S) Referred To Rules HC 89 Commend Ms. Gayle Greene-Aguirre upon selection as Hamilton Instructor of the Year. 03/15 (S) Referred To Rules HC 90 Commend life of World War II veteran William Andrew McCoy Cannon. 03/15 (S) Referred To Rules HC 91 Commend Mrs. Mary Ellen Davis for 50 years of service Formby to Housing Authority. 03/15 (S) Referred To Rules HC 92 Commend Reverend Bernard Farrell on service to St. Guice Alphonsus Catholic Church and wish success in St. Elizabeth Seton Parish. 03/15 (S) Referred To Rules HC 93 Commend Eva Roithmayr for community service. Hamilton 03/15 (S) Referred To Rules HC 94 Commend life of Eddie Russell. Moody 03/15 (S) Referred To Rules HC 95 Commend Dr. Olon Ray on retirement from the State Board Young for Community and Junior Colleges. 03/15 (S) Referred To Rules HC 96 Commend Great Southern National Bank on the celebration Robinson (84th) of 100 years of business. 03/15 (S) Referred To Rules HC 97 Commend Will Overstreet for outstanding football play Denny at University of Tennessee. 03/15 (S) Referred To Rules
HB 368 Criminal procedure; clarify expunction when Moak court-imposed conditions are completed or cases are dismissed. 03/15 (S) Died On Calendar HB1543 Conviction records; allow expunction for misdemeanors Bailey regardless of age of offender. 03/15 (S) Died On Calendar HB1559 Local Governments Capital Improvements Revolving Loan Morris Program; revise interest rates for loans made under (MDA). 03/15 (S) Died On Calendar
HB1663 Water systems; cost of fire protection may be included Ellis in rate structure. 03/15 (S) Enrolled Bill Signed
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