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HB 796 State Tax Commission; authorize seal to be of a raised McCoy or engraved design or printed (STC). 01/16 (H) Referred To Ways and Means HB 797 Residential builders; revise penalty imposed for late McCoy payment of license fee. 01/16 (H) Referred To Judiciary B HB 798 Alcohol; require applicant for license to submit McCoy fingerprints to State Tax Commission for criminal record check by Department of Public Safety/FBI (STC). 01/16 (H) Referred To Ways and Means HB 799 District attorneys and assistants; increase salaries. McCoy 01/16 (H) Referred To Fees and Salaries of Public Officers;Appropriations HB 800 Internet service providers; require PSC to regulate. Miles 01/16 (H) Referred To Public Utilities HB 801 Congressional elections; postpone qualifying deadline Miles and primaries. 01/16 (H) Referred To Apportionment and Elections HB 802 Assessments; allow counties discretion to fund certain Maples projects using misdemeanor assessments. 01/16 (H) Referred To County Affairs HB 803 Sixteenth section lands; revise re-leasing provisions Frierson for agricultural lands that are to be reclassified. 01/16 (H) Referred To Education HB 804 Counties and municipalities; authorize to consolidate. Denny 01/16 (H) Referred To Municipalities;County Affairs HB 805 Local Governments Capital Improvements Revolving Loan Denny Program; revise meaning of "capital improvements" for purposes of. 01/16 (H) Referred To Ways and Means HB 806 Telephone solicitations; prohibit for subscribers who Denny notify Public Service Commission. 01/16 (H) Referred To Public Utilities HB 807 Income tax; provide credit for taxpayer paying home Denny security expenses for primary residence. 01/16 (H) Referred To Ways and Means HB 808 Elections; persons convicted of any felony may not Denny vote. 01/16 (H) Referred To Apportionment and Elections HB 809 Sales tax; exempt sales of tangible personal property Denny or services to Daughters of the American Revolution. 01/16 (H) Referred To Ways and Means HB 810 Gaming license fee; increase and use for drug Warren enforcement purposes. 01/16 (H) Referred To Ways and Means HB 811 Litter law; litter blown from uncovered bed of a pickup Martinson truck to constitute violation. 01/16 (H) Referred To Transportation HB 812 Distinctive license tag; authorize for Knights of Janus Columbus. 01/16 (H) Referred To Ways and Means HB 813 Court costs; business filing for collection of debt in Pierce justice court pay at conclusion of hearing. 01/16 (H) Referred To Judiciary B HB 814 Garbage, liter, rubbish; identifying documents prima Hamilton facie evidence of violation. 01/16 (H) Referred To Judiciary B HB 815 Medicaid and CHIP; require presumptive eligibility to Espy be implemented statewide by July 1, 2002. 01/16 (H) Referred To Public Health and Welfare;Appropriations HB 816 Music therapists; allow reimbursement from certain Zuber health insurance policies. 01/16 (H) Referred To Insurance HB 817 Distinctive license tag; establish to promote autism Zuber awareness. 01/16 (H) Referred To Ways and Means HB 818 Cellular phones; create misdemeanor offense for causing Smith (27th) accident while using. 01/16 (H) Referred To Judiciary B HB 819 Soil and Water Conservation Commission; certain Shows information collected not available for public inspection. 01/16 (H) Referred To Agriculture HB 820 Elder death review teams; authorize counties to Moak establish. 01/16 (H) Referred To Public Health and Welfare HB 821 Nursing homes; allow resident or resident's kin or Moak guardian to monitor resident's room with electronic device. 01/16 (H) Referred To Public Health and Welfare HB 822 Crimes; create offense of fleeing or eluding a law Flaggs enforcement officer in a motor vehicle. 01/16 (H) Referred To Judiciary B HB 823 New Capitol; parking spaces reserved for legislators on Flaggs grounds reserved on year-round basis. 01/16 (H) Referred To Public Buildings, Grounds and Lands HB 824 Court action; prohibit expenditure of funds in Columbus Smith (39th) 16th Section lands case. 01/16 (H) Referred To Appropriations HB 825 Financial institutions; not allowed to use deceased Guice customer's funds to repay its loan to customer. 01/16 (H) Referred To Banks and Banking HB 826 State highway system; add segment of Old U.S. Highway Weathersby 49 in Rankin County. 01/16 (H) Referred To Transportation HB 827 Industries for the Blind; require agencies and Weathersby governing authorities to purchase from. 01/16 (H) Referred To Appropriations HB 828 Marriage license; delete waiting period and blood test Cummings requirement. 01/16 (H) Referred To Judiciary A HB 829 Distinctive motor vehicle license tag; authorize for Whittington supporters of Mississippi agriculture. 01/16 (H) Referred To Ways and Means HB 830 Wildlife; prohibit transportation of live wild hogs Ward within the state. 01/16 (H) Referred To Game and Fish HB 831 Emergency lights; allow volunteer fire fighters to use Ward flashing or strobe lights. 01/16 (H) Referred To Transportation HB 832 Commissioners of Election; report residual votes and Reynolds revise statement of votes cast at election. 01/16 (H) Referred To Apportionment and Elections HB 833 Elections; establish standards to be used when Reynolds examining ballots that have been rejected by automatic vote counting devices. 01/16 (H) Referred To Apportionment and Elections HB 834 Highway system; add segment of highway in Coahoma Mayo County. 01/16 (H) Referred To Transportation HB 835 Lawsuits; prohibit out-of-state actions when no Mayo Mississippi contacts exist. 01/16 (H) Referred To Judiciary A HB 836 DNA testing; authorize for post-conviction proceedings. Watson 01/16 (H) Referred To Judiciary B;Appropriations HB 837 Medicaid and CHIP; expand eligibility to include Espy parents and caretaker relatives of certain children. 01/16 (H) Referred To Public Health and Welfare;Appropriations HB 838 Ad valorem taxes; delete school boards' authority to Denny increase without referendum approval. 01/16 (H) Referred To Education;Ways and Means HB 839 County industrial development authorities; clarify Smith (39th) certain powers and duties regarding industrial sites. 01/16 (H) Referred To Ways and Means HB 840 Tort Claims Fund and Workers' Compensation Capps Self-Insurance Fund; combine into one fund. 01/16 (H) Referred To Appropriations HB 841 Professional licenses; suspend for default on state Howell educational loans or service conditional scholarships. 01/16 (H) Referred To Education HB 842 School bus parking areas on private land; authorize Eads counties to maintain for school bus operators. 01/16 (H) Referred To County Affairs HB 843 Medicaid; SSA disabled persons with certain income Pierce eligible for until become Medicare-eligible. 01/16 (H) Referred To Public Health and Welfare;Appropriations HB 844 Gun permits; require for certain guards and other McBride personnel authorized to carry concealed weapons. 01/16 (H) Referred To Judiciary B HB 845 Mississippi Justice Information Center; clarify duties McBride regarding expunction. 01/16 (H) Referred To Judiciary B HB 846 Board of Medical Licensure; require applicants for Barnett (92nd) license to be fingerprinted. 01/16 (H) Referred To Public Health and Welfare HB 847 CPR; require as part of health curriculum for high Barnett (92nd) school graduation. 01/16 (H) Referred To Education HB 848 Campaign finance; strengthen laws regarding. Horne 01/16 (H) Referred To Apportionment and Elections HB 849 Automobile insurance; require certain decrease in rates Horne and certain notice to the public. 01/16 (H) Referred To Insurance HB 850 Motor vehicle insurers; prohibit from recommending Robinson (63rd) particular repair shops. 01/16 (H) Referred To Insurance HB 851 Life insurance; interest shall be paid from date Montgomery (74th) insurer receives proof of death until claim paid. 01/16 (H) Referred To Insurance HB 852 Crimes; enhanced penalty for drug offenses when Rogers children or elderly present. 01/16 (H) Referred To Judiciary A HB 853 Family masters; restrict appointment and jurisdiction. Reeves 01/16 (H) Referred To Judiciary A HB 854 Separation of Powers Act; create. Howell 01/16 (H) Referred To Judiciary A HB 855 Fairness in Litigation Act; create. Howell 01/16 (H) Referred To Judiciary A HB 856 Class Action Improvements Act; create. Howell 01/16 (H) Referred To Judiciary A HB 857 Punitive damages; authorize use of portion to defray Howell costs. 01/16 (H) Referred To Judiciary A HB 858 Highway Patrol Retirement System; revise cost of living Stringer benefit. 01/16 (H) Referred To Appropriations HB 859 Massage therapy; extend time on grandfather exemption Moody in law requiring registration. 01/16 (H) Referred To Public Health and Welfare HB 860 Deer hunting; allow over bait in certain counties. Stringer 01/16 (H) Referred To Game and Fish HB 861 Highway 18 in Jasper County; designate portion as "Tom Stringer Royce Green Memorial Highway." 01/16 (H) Referred To Transportation HB 862 Boards of supervisors; may bury livestock which have Stringer died as a result of an emergency situation. 01/16 (H) Referred To County Affairs HB 863 Deferred compensation plan; require public employers to Stringer match first $25 of employee's monthly contribution. 01/16 (H) Referred To Appropriations HB 864 Sales tax; pay counties percentage of sales tax Stringer generated from business activities outside cities. 01/16 (H) Referred To Ways and Means HB 865 Beaver Control Program; increase county contribution; Stringer revise advisory board membership. 01/16 (H) Referred To Game and Fish;County Affairs HB 866 Agricultural Aviation Licensing Law; revise. Holland 01/16 (H) Referred To Agriculture HB 867 State and School Employees Life and Health Insurance; Stringer allow certain retirees to enroll in the plan. 01/16 (H) Referred To Insurance;Appropriations HB 868 Medicaid; provide reimbursement for full body casts for Fillingane certain adults with spina bifida. 01/16 (H) Referred To Public Health and Welfare;Appropriations HB 869 State Forestry Commission; make Commissioner of Eaton Agriculture ex officio member and increase other membership. 01/16 (H) Referred To Agriculture HB 870 Food service employees; require physical exam and blood Eaton test, and verifying health certificate every four years. 01/16 (H) Referred To Public Health and Welfare HB 871 Resisting arrest; clarify application to fleeing in Eaton motor vehicle. 01/16 (H) Referred To Judiciary B HB 872 Medicaid; mental health services provided by licensed McCoy professional counselors are reimbursable under. 01/16 (H) Referred To Public Health and Welfare;Appropriations HB 873 Electric utilities; require establishment of farm Eaton residential meters. 01/16 (H) Referred To Public Utilities HB 874 Ambulance service; establish grant program for certain Eaton rural counties to assist in contracting for. 01/16 (H) Referred To Appropriations HB 875 Bomb threat, weapons and explosives; include chemical, Denny biological or other weapons of mass destruction. 01/16 (H) Referred To Judiciary B HB 876 Auto insurance; prohibit use of after-market crash Stevens parts without obtaining written consent. 01/16 (H) Referred To Insurance HB 877 Auto insurers; pay prevailing market rate as determined Stevens by survey of repair shops. 01/16 (H) Referred To Insurance HB 878 Factory built homes; require dealers to obtain a bond Stevens before certain deliveries. 01/16 (H) Referred To Insurance HB 879 Auto rental companies; authorize Commissioner of Stevens Insurance to issue limited license for sale of insurance. 01/16 (H) Referred To Insurance HB 880 Health insurance; require reimbursement for services of Stevens marriage and family therapists. 01/16 (H) Referred To Insurance HB 881 Judges; appointed judges will serve remainder of Watson predecessor's term. 01/16 (H) Referred To Judiciary A HB 882 Justice court judges; place under Nonpartisan Judicial Watson Election Act. 01/16 (H) Referred To Apportionment and Elections;Judiciary B HB 883 Estates; revise amount for payment of indebtedness. Watson 01/16 (H) Referred To Judiciary A HB 884 Court reporters; revise bond. Watson 01/16 (H) Referred To Judiciary A HB 885 Mississippi Bar; extend repealer. Watson 01/16 (H) Referred To Judiciary A HB 886 Implied consent; revise blood alcohol level and revise Watson sentence for third offense. 01/16 (H) Referred To Judiciary A HB 887 Elected state and district officials; increase Watson salaries. 01/16 (H) Referred To Fees and Salaries of Public Officers;Appropriations HC 52 Amend Constitution; raise educational requirements for Watson justice court judges and extend terms. 01/16 (H) Referred To Constitution HC 53 Amend Constitution; authorize counties and Denny municipalities to consolidate. 01/16 (H) Referred To Municipalities;Constitution HC 54 Amend Constitution; restore suffrage to persons Harrison convicted of certain offenses upon completing sentences. 01/16 (H) Referred To Constitution HR 7 Commend Dr. Angelos E. Halaris for development of Stevens international research mentor program. 01/16 (H) Referred To Rules HR 8 Commend Dr. Preston Hughes upon LEAP Center being Stevens declared a national "Point of Light". 01/16 (H) Referred To Rules
HB 400 DHS; provide for board, and terms for executive Moody director and office directors. 01/16 (H) DR - TSDPCS: PH To AP
HC 28 Ayers case; endorse and agree to fund settlement Ford agreement. 01/16 (H) Adopted 01/16 (H) Transmitted To Senate
SB2389 Oil and gas severance taxes; clarify deposit of state's Gordon share. 01/16 (S) Referred To Appropriations SB2390 Hepatitis in prisons; create interagency council to Smith develop policy to prevent and treat. 01/16 (S) Referred To Corrections SB2391 Disaster Assistance Trust Fund; increase maximum amount Furniss which may be transferred from the Working Cash-Stabilization Reserve Fund. 01/16 (S) Referred To Appropriations SB2392 Highways; create the Four-Lane Highway Maintenance Furniss Account and fund with gaming fee increase. 01/16 (S) Referred To Highways and Transportation;Appropriations SB2393 MS Emergency Management Agency; create local government Furniss assistance program and provide funding through surcharge. 01/16 (S) Referred To Veterans and Military Affairs;Appropriations SB2394 Welfare; provide for a study of the effects of welfare Farris reform on its recipients. 01/16 (S) Referred To Public Health and Welfare SB2395 State income tax child care credit based on percentage Farris of federal credit; provide for. 01/16 (S) Referred To Finance SB2396 Auto insurers; must pay prevailing rate of repair shops Kirby in certain geographical area (Version 2). 01/16 (S) Referred To Insurance SB2397 Auto liability insurance; require insurers to furnish Farris to the State Tax Commission certain information regarding. 01/16 (S) Referred To Insurance;Finance SB2398 Beer; prohibit consumption on licensed premises after Furniss hours. 01/16 (S) Referred To Judiciary SB2399 Casino roads program; include a highway segment in Furniss Coahoma County. 01/16 (S) Referred To Highways and Transportation SB2400 Retirement system; allow credit for certain service as Furniss student high school bus driver. 01/16 (S) Referred To Finance SB2401 Contractors; clarify reciprocity on competency Kirby examination. 01/16 (S) Referred To Municipalities;County Affairs SB2402 School bus parking pads; allow counties to grade and Tollison gravel. 01/16 (S) Referred To County Affairs SB2403 Signs; revise the size restriction on certain signs. Dearing 01/16 (S) Referred To Highways and Transportation SB2404 Traffic signals; allow video evidence of running a red Jordan light. 01/16 (S) Referred To Judiciary SB2405 Constitutional rights; contractual waiver only Williamson effective if knowingly. 01/16 (S) Referred To Judiciary SB2406 Poultry processor; provide penalties on loans to Williamson processors who hire illegal immigrants. 01/16 (S) Referred To Finance SB2407 Sports officials; punish assault of. Williamson 01/16 (S) Referred To Judiciary SB2408 Correctional field officer; allow to keep side arm upon Smith * retirement. 01/16 (S) Referred To Corrections;Appropriations SB2409 Domestic violence; revise protective orders, protect Carlton confidentiality of shelter locations (MCADV). 01/16 (S) Referred To Judiciary SB2410 Highway width restrictions; exempt farm equipment Carlton dealers delivering farm equipment from. 01/16 (S) Referred To Highways and Transportation SB2411 Over-width farm equip.; authorize issuance of permits Carlton to dealers to deliver such equip. to customers w/o an escort. 01/16 (S) Referred To Highways and Transportation SB2412 Health insurance; require plans to provide uniform Canon prescription identification cards. 01/16 (S) Referred To Insurance SB2413 Child abuse; require multidisciplinary review teams. Carlton 01/16 (S) Referred To Judiciary SB2414 Appropriation; scholarships for USM's Summer Program Farris for Talented Youth, FY 2003. 01/16 (S) Referred To Appropriations SB2415 Appropriation; Human Services, expand Adolescent Farris Offender Program, FY03. 01/16 (S) Referred To Appropriations SB2416 Bingo operations; prohibit during church hours if Robertson located near church. 01/16 (S) Referred To Finance SB2417 Copyrighted musical composition; prohibit providing, Smith publishing or selling without consent of the owner. 01/16 (S) Referred To Judiciary SB2418 Chiropractic or adjustments/manipulation to human Huggins spine; illegal to perform without chiropractic license. 01/16 (S) Referred To Public Health and Welfare SB2419 Public funds; mandate minimum imprisonment for theft Ross of. 01/16 (S) Referred To Judiciary SB2420 Motor Vehicle Title Law; authorize Tax Commission to Minor set fees for issuing documents under. 01/16 (S) Referred To Finance SB2421 Law enforcement officers; allow municipal police to Jordan serve warrants outside city limits. 01/16 (S) Referred To Judiciary SB2422 MS Public Records Law; exempt personal information Smith * contained in files of MDOC and Parole Board. 01/16 (S) Referred To Judiciary SB2423 School attendance officers' authority and Cuevas responsibilities; transfer to local constables. 01/16 (S) Referred To Education;Appropriations SB2424 Marriage license; eliminate three-day waiting period Furniss for those over 21. 01/16 (S) Referred To Judiciary SB2425 State Veterans Affairs Board; may operate and maintain Furniss all state veterans homes. 01/16 (S) Referred To Veterans and Military Affairs;Appropriations SB2426 Alienation of affection; abolish tort of. Jackson * 01/16 (S) Referred To Judiciary SB2427 Municipalities; revise qualifying deadline for special Jordan elections. 01/16 (S) Referred To Elections SB2428 Local emergency management directors; require training Furniss as a condition to retain position. 01/16 (S) Referred To Veterans and Military Affairs SB2429 Counties; certain may promulgate additional health, Canon safety and welfare ordinances. 01/16 (S) Referred To Public Health and Welfare SB2430 Life insurance; require insurers to pay interest on Ross proceeds from date of death. 01/16 (S) Referred To Insurance SB2431 Bank examinations; revise security requirements for Mettetal overdrafts. 01/16 (S) Referred To Business and Financial Institutions SB2432 Corrections; allow DOC to contract for private Smith operation of Parchman. 01/16 (S) Referred To Corrections;Appropriations SB2433 Alcoholic beverages; allow wine samples to be served at Dawkins salons. 01/16 (S) Referred To Finance SB2434 U.S. Highway 61; designate a segment in Coahoma County Furniss as "Veterans' Memorial Drive." 01/16 (S) Referred To Highways and Transportation SC 534 Rudy Dill for service to the Veterans' Home Purchase Furniss Board; commend. 01/16 (S) Referred To Rules SC 535 Johnnie Sartor for service to Veterans' Home Purchase Furniss Board; commend. 01/16 (S) Referred To Rules SR 7 Myrtle High School Girls Basketball Team; commend. Browning 01/16 (S) Referred To Rules
SB2058 1987 Four-Lane Highway Program; authorize additional Dearing federal funds to be used in lieu of state funds. 01/16 (S) DR - TSDPCS: HI To AP SB2133 Mississippi Department of Transportation Equipment Dearing Purchase Fund; create (MDOT). 01/16 (S) DR - TSDP: HI To AP SB2151 Transportation Commission; authorize short term Dearing borrowing to fund cash flow deficiencies. 01/16 (S) DR - TSDP: HI To AP SB2345 Catfish; revise labeling requirements and require Huggins Public Health Department to regulate restaurants. 01/16 (S) DR - TSDP: AG To PH
SB2060 Toll roads; authorize Transportation Commission to Ross contract with private entities to construct (MDOT). 01/16 (S) Title Suff Do Pass SB2070 Transportation Commission; may adopt rules regarding Dearing the management, sale or disposal of timber on highway rights-of-way. 01/16 (S) Title Suff Do Pass SB2098 Natchez Trace Parkway; revise structure height Dearing restrictions; establish scenic byways program. 01/16 (S) Title Suff Do Pass SB2324 Plantation roads; railroads do not have to provide Dearing crossings under certain circumstances. 01/16 (S) Title Suff Do Pass SC 522 Appointments to IHL to be from new Mississippi Little congressional districts; amend Constitution to provide for. 01/16 (S) Title Suff Adopted Comm Sub
SB2321 Display of United States flag and daily Pledge of Little Allegiance; require in all public school classrooms. 01/16 (S) Amended 01/16 (S) Passed As Amended
HC 18 Commend Miss Jalin Wood upon being named Miss Taylor Mississippi Hospitality. 01/16 (S) Referred To Rules
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