Mississippi Legislature

2000 Regular Session

Representative John L. Moore

District 60

As of 06/21/00 at 13:49


Biography Bill Status Menu

HB 177  Regulations; regulations affecting general public must    Moore (60th)
        be approved by Legislature.                            
           03/07 (H) Died In Committee
HB 303  Sales tax; reduce on sales of certain food and revise     Fleming
  $%    diversion to municipalities.                           
           03/29 (H) Died In Committee
HB 307  Income tax; authorize State Tax Commission to allow       Fleming
        taxpayers owing additional tax to pay through          
        installment agreement.                                 
           03/07 (H) Died In Committee
HB 308  Distinctive license tag; authorize additional Purple      Martinson
   %    Heart tag upon payment of regular taxes.               
           03/07 (H) Died In Committee
HB 431  Mississippi National Guard Educational Assistance Law;    Rogers
        revise meaning of "tuition".                           
           04/11 Approved by Governor
HB 432  Income tax; increase amount of national guard and         Rogers
  $%    reserve compensation excluded from gross income.       
           03/29 (H) Died In Committee
HB 464  Classroom supplies funds; continue current distribution   Moore (60th)
        policies after adequate education is fully implemented 
        in 2002.                                               
           03/07 (H) Died In Committee
HB 465  Elected school boards; elect members at general state     Moore (60th)
        and county elections.                                  
           03/07 (H) Died In Committee
HB 468  Income tax; authorize adjustment to gross income for      Moore (60th)
  $%    disability insurance premiums paid by individuals.     
           03/29 (H) Died In Committee
HB 476  Nationally certified teachers; extend deadline for        Moore (60th)
        application for $6,000 supplement.                     
           03/07 (H) Died In Committee
HB 477  Unborn children; prohibit selling body parts of.          Moore (60th)
           03/07 (H) Died In Committee
HB 480  Safety Professional Title Protection Act; create.         Moore (60th)
           03/07 (H) Died In Committee
HB 539  Implied consent; revise blood alcohol level.              Martinson
   %       03/07 (H) Died In Committee
HB 584  Bonds; require counties and municipalities to use         Horne
        request for proposals process in selecting bond        
           03/07 (H) Died In Committee
HB 595  Bonds; increase amount authorized for Library             Reynolds
  $%    Commission capital improvements and public libraries   
        grant program.                                         
           03/29 (H) Died In Committee
HB 621  Auto liability insurance; make compulsory.                Stevens
 *         02/23 Approved by Governor
HB 651  State and School Employees Health Insurance Management    Stevens
        Board; determine direction of benefit payments.        
           04/04 (S) Died In Committee
HB 663  Capital improvements/repair and renovation; part of       Howell
        General Fund surplus shall be used to fund state and   
           03/07 (H) Died In Committee
HB 682  School voucher program; require State Department of       Ketchings
        Education to establish.                                
           03/07 (H) Died In Committee
HB 683  Highway weight restrictions; exempt certain vehicles      Ketchings
        hauling cranes.                                        
           03/07 (H) Died In Committee
HB 685  Nonresident hunting and fishing license penalties;        Ketchings
   %    increase for second offense.                           
           03/07 (H) Died In Committee
HB 689  Open enrollment; authorize students to attend any         Ketchings
        school within district.                                
           03/07 (H) Died In Committee
HB 728  Attorney General Investigators; clarify law enforcement   Compretta
        designation and allow retirees to retain sidearm.      
           03/07 (H) Died In Committee
HB 729  Physicians; create medical education scholarships at      Frierson
 *      UMMC to practice family medicine in critical needs     
           05/01 Approved by Governor
HB 770  Drug Court Fund; create special fund for distribution     Clarke
        to drug courts.                                        
           03/07 (H) Died In Committee
HB 774  Sales tax; exempt temporary storage of tangible           Jennings
  $%    personal property by public storage warehouses pending 
        shipping to another state.                             
           03/29 (H) Died In Committee
HB 794  Bonds; increase amount and authorize construction of      Smith (59th)
  $%    two additional lanes across the Ross Barnett Reservoir.
           03/29 (H) Died In Committee
HB 905  Sales tax and use tax; exempt finance charges from.       Formby
  $%       03/29 (H) Died In Committee
HB 920  Driver's license; require testing of applicants to        Robinson (84th)
        include knowledge of Motor Vehicle                     
        Safety-Responsibility Law.                             
           03/07 (H) Died In Committee
HB 923  Killing of a fetus; clarify that such action shall        Robinson (84th)
 *      constitute a crime.                                    
           04/16 Approved by Governor
HB 941  Land surveyors; establish 6-year statute of limitations   Moore (60th)
        for surveying errors.                                  
           03/07 (H) Died In Committee
HB 942  Motor Vehicle; clarify that theft shall be a felony       Moore (60th)
        regardless of value.                                   
           04/04 (S) Died In Committee
HB 948  School boards; establish meeting attendance               Eads
        requirements for members.                              
           03/07 (H) Died In Committee
HB 978  State Superintendent of Public Education; elect at        Moore (60th)
   %    general state election.                                
           03/07 (H) Died In Committee
HB 979  Schools; establish opening and closing dates of           Moore (60th)
        scholastic year.                                       
           03/07 (H) Died In Committee
HB1210  Pearl River Valley Water Supply District; redesignate     Smith (59th)
        security officers as reservoir patrol officers.        
           03/07 (H) Died In Committee
HB1253  Mississippi Quality Jobs Program act; create.             Martinson
           03/07 (H) Died In Committee
HB1262  Mississippi Affordable College Savings (MACS) Program;    Gadd
   %    create.                                                
           04/04 (S) Died In Committee
HB1283  Health insurance; require reimbursement for services of   Moore (60th)
        marriage and family therapists.                        
           03/07 (H) Died In Committee
HB1413  Small employer health insurance; state provide            Moore (60th)
        incentive to furnish to employees.                     
           03/07 (H) Died In Committee
HB1414  Mississippi Poultry Industry Advisory Board; create.      Moore (60th)
           03/07 (H) Died In Committee
HB1415  Silencers; revise manufacture, sale, possession and       Moore (60th)
 *      use.                                                   
           04/27 (H) Died On Calendar
HB1416  Public official; must resign before running for another   Moore (60th)
           03/07 (H) Died In Committee
HB1442  Internet filtering; require on computers in public        Moore (60th)
        schools and libraries.                                 
           03/07 (H) Died In Committee
HB1449  State highway system; add various segments to;            Smith (59th)
 *      redesignate.                                           
           05/20 Approved by Governor
HB1547  Mississippi Quality Jobs Program Act; create.             Martinson
           03/07 (H) Died In Committee
HB1573  Bonds; issue general obligation bonds for repair and      Peranich
  $%    renovation of state-owned buildings and facilities.    
           03/29 (H) Died In Committee
HB1579  Sales tax; exempt retail sales of certain articles of     Snowden
  $%    clothing during the first weekend in August.           
           03/29 (H) Died In Committee
HB1599  Rankin County; authorize sheriff to purchase and use      Rogers
        radar equipment.                                       
           05/07 (H) Died In Committee
HB1666  City of Brandon; authorize to levy additional sales tax   Moore (60th)
   %    on bars and restaurants.                               
           05/07 (H) Died In Committee
HB1677  Bonds; issue general obligation bonds for State           Robinson (84th)
  $%    Forestry Commission equipment purchases.               
           03/29 (H) Died In Committee
HB1685  Income tax; provide credit for nonpublic school tuition   Reeves
  $%    payments.                                              
           03/29 (H) Died In Committee
HB1698  Income tax; provide a credit for taxpayers having a       Moore (60th)
  $%    dependent with a disability.                           
           03/29 (H) Died In Committee
HC  42  Amend Constitution; revise list of crimes for             Ketchings
           03/07 (H) Died In Committee
HC  44  Amend Constitution; revise list of crimes for             Ketchings
           03/07 (H) Died In Committee
HC  55  Commend Steve "Air" McNair upon outstanding football      Clarke
           03/07 (S) Enrolled Bill Signed
HC  58  Amend joint rules; local and private bills imposing tax   Cameron
        to contain referendum.                                 
           05/07 (H) Died In Committee
HC  62  Amend Constitution; elect State Superintendent of         Moore (60th)
        Public Education.                                      
           03/07 (H) Died In Committee
HC  66  Commend Reservoir Thunder on winning 12-year-old World    Smith (59th)
           03/10 (S) Enrolled Bill Signed
HC  70  HCR; study committee on delivery of government services   Formby
        using electronic media.                                
           05/07 (H) Died In Committee
HC  90  Recognizing the first Sunday in October as "Family        Mayo
           05/07 (H) Died In Committee
HC 105  Suspend deadlines for further consideration of H.B.       Nettles
        1093; Rails-To-Trails Recreational Districts; rules to 
        be published and violations to constitute misdemeanor. 
           05/07 (H) Died In Committee
HC 117  Commend the life and accomplishments of Representative    Ford
        Dick Livingston.                                       
           04/20 (S) Enrolled Bill Signed
HC 126  Commend Christine Magee.                                  Weathersby
           05/05 (S) Enrolled Bill Signed
HC 145  Request Joint Legislative Budget Committee to recommend   Howell
        appropriations from Health Care Expendable Fund for    
        small publc hospitals.                                 
           05/07 (H) Died In Committee
HR  26  Commend Bobby Rush.                                       Thornton
           05/05 (H) Enrolled Bill Signed

End Of Document
