Mississippi Legislature

1997 Regular Session

Daily Action Report for 02/17/97

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House: Floor Actions

HB 337  Constables; revise law enforcement training               Formby
           Transmitted To Senate
HB 397  State Board of Dental Examiners; extend date of           Ford
        repealer on.                                           
           Transmitted To Senate
HB 519  Employee Leasing Act; create and place under authority    Stevens
        of Insurance Commissioner.                             
           Motion to Reconsider Tabled
           Transmitted To Senate
HB 766  Welfare reform; establish Mississippi Temporary           Moody
        Assistance for Needy Families (TANF) program.          
           Decline to Concur/Invite Conf
HB 863  Emergency medical services; certify "first responder"     Moody
        and "emergency medical dispatcher".                    
           Transmitted To Senate
HB 953  Geologists; create registered professional geologists     Ellington
        practice act.                                          
           Transmitted To Senate
HB1453  Gill nets; prohibit use in certain areas.                 Barnett (116th)
           Transmitted To Senate
HB1499  Motor vehicles; prohibit parking within 20 feet of        Gadd
        driveway outside city.                                 
           Transmitted To Senate
HB1605  Solid waste; revise authority for counties to pay for     Ellington
        services and collect delinquent fees.                  
           Transmitted To Senate
HB1625  Health information; protect privacy of.                   Holden
           Motion to Reconsider Tabled
           Transmitted To Senate
HB1725  Sales tax, contracting; exclude certain work performed    Williams
        by utilities.                                          
           Transmitted To Senate
HC  15  Amend Constitution; same gender marriages void.           Reeves
           Transmitted To Senate

House: Referred Other House

SB2030  Central MS Correctional Facility; name medical building   Kirby
        after Dr. Robert L. Peede.                             
           Referred To Penitentiary
SB2046  Circuit judges; revise number in 8th District.            Jordan (18th)
           Referred To Judiciary A;Appropriations
SB2056  Health care facilities; authorize CON for private pay     Bean
        nursing home in Lamar County.                          
           Referred To Public Health and Welfare;Appropriations
SB2205  Immunity from tort liability for charitable activity;     Ferris
        include sponsoring volunteer agencies.                 
           Referred To Judiciary A
SB2214  Victim assistance; provide additional coordinator for     Nunnelee
        First Circuit.                                         
           Referred To Judiciary A
SB2244  Prisoners; allow county and city to work prisoner to      Huggins
        aid charity providing food to needy.                   
           Referred To Penitentiary
SB2342  Department of Finance and Administration; authorize to    Hall
        purchase property adjacent to Manship House.           
           Referred To Public Buildings, Grounds and Lands;Appropriations
SB2383  Department of Agriculture; repeal provisions exempting    Gordon
        personnel from state service.                          
           Referred To Fees and Salaries of Public Officers
SB2466  Corrections; make medical release conditional.            Huggins
           Referred To Penitentiary
SB2489  Legal interest rate (usury) statute; extend repealer      Woodfield
        on certain provision.                                  
           Referred To Banks and Banking
SB2496  Lead; Lead-based Paint Activity Accreditation and         Dearing
        Certification Act.                                     
           Referred To Conservation and Water Resources
SB2520  New Capitol receptionist; Legislature employ.             Gordon
           Referred To Public Buildings, Grounds and Lands
SB2557  Rankin County; authorize gated streets to subdivisions.   Gunn
           Referred To Local and Private Legislation
SB2569  Circuit judge; revise number for First District.          White (5th)
           Referred To Judiciary A;Appropriations
SB2579  Medicaid assistance program; provide for eligibility,     Bean
        hearings, opposition to issuance of CON.               
           Referred To Public Health and Welfare;Appropriations
SB2617  Child passenger restraints law; revise.                   White (29th)
           Referred To Transportation
SB2655  School curriculum; may include religious matters when     Little
        properly included in course of study.                  
           Referred To Education
SB2700  Spinal cord and traumatic brain injury treatment          Thames
        program, technical amendments to; create Registry.     
           Referred To Public Health and Welfare
SB2716  Deaf Persons' Literacy Rights and Education Act;          Nunnelee
           Referred To Education
SB2758  Rules of court; revise Advisory Committee's               Turner
           Referred To Judiciary A
SB2762  Bingo; revise Charitable Bingo Law.                       Smith
           Referred To Ways and Means
SB2778  Corrections; require drug testing of employees.           Johnson (19th)
           Referred To Penitentiary
SB2788  Sixteenth section school principal fund; clarify          Ferris
        investment of.                                         
           Referred To Education
SB2841  State Parole Board; create 5 member.                      Furniss
           Referred To Penitentiary
SB2842  Oil and gas interests; revise percentages paid by         Scoper
        nonconsenting owners.                                  
           Referred To Oil, Gas and Other Minerals
SB2853  State Fair Commission; authorize to purchase certain      Hall
        land on High Street.                                   
           Referred To Public Buildings, Grounds and Lands;Appropriations
SB2855  General Educational Development (GED) programs; provide   Ferris
        criteria for.                                          
           Referred To Education
SB2860  State Port Authority; authorize emergency purchase        Hewes
        exemptions to bid laws.                                
           Referred To Appropriations
SB2896  Falsifying documents issued by schools; define crime      Frazier
           Referred To Judiciary B
SB2925  Prisons; allow prison industries to work state inmates    Huggins
        at private facilities.                                 
           Referred To Penitentiary
SB2929  Wildlife; authorize commission to set special youth       Posey
        hunt for deer.                                         
           Referred To Game and Fish
SB2930  Hunting; allow handicapped nonresidents to take doe in    Hawks
        special hunts on U.S. Corps of Engineers land at       
        Arkabutla Lake.                                        
           Referred To Game and Fish
SB2941  Wildlife; require residency period for lifetime hunting   Posey
           Referred To Game and Fish
SB2999  Commission on Judicial Performance; lay members receive   Farris
        per diem.                                              
           Referred To Fees and Salaries of Public Officers
SB3010  Brewpubs; authorize.                                      Horhn
           Referred To Ways and Means
SB3011  Magnolia Venture Capital Act; repeal on July 1, 1998,     Horhn
        and prohibit the use of funds to finance certain       
           Referred To Ways and Means
SB3024  Archives and History; proceed with restoration of         Gollott
        historic shipwreck site.                               
           Referred To Public Buildings, Grounds and Lands;Appropriations
SB3029  Real estate transfer disclosure requirements law; apply   Hewes
        only to certain real property.                         
           Referred To Judiciary B

House: Measures That Have Died

HB1516  Income tax credits; limit to the income tax liabilities   Williams
        derived from the business income which generates the   
        credit. (STC).                                         
           Died On Calendar

Senate: Introductions

SB3124  Appropriation; Ethics Comm.                               Hall
           Referred To Appropriations
SB3125  Appropriation; Finance & Admin. Consol.                   Hall
           Referred To Appropriations
SB3126  Appropriation; Judicial Performance Comm.                 Hall
           Referred To Appropriations
SB3127  Appropriation; Personnel Bd.                              Hall
           Referred To Appropriations
SB3128  Appropriation; Tax Commission.                            Hall
           Referred To Appropriations
SB3129  Appropriation; Dept. of Audit.                            Hall
           Referred To Appropriations
SB3130  Appropriation;  Governor's Office and Mansion.            Hall
           Referred To Appropriations
SB3131  Appropriation; Secretary of State.                        Hall
           Referred To Appropriations
SB3132  Appropriation; Treasurers Office.                         Hall
           Referred To Appropriations
SB3133  Appropriation; Debt Service-Bank Ser. Charge.             Hall
           Referred To Appropriations
SB3134  Appropriation; Jr. Colleges - Admin.                      Hall
           Referred To Appropriations
SB3135  Appropriation; Jr. Colleges - Support.                    Hall
           Referred To Appropriations
SB3136  Appropriation; IHL - General Support - Consol.            Hall
           Referred To Appropriations
SB3137  Appropriation; Student Financial Aid.                     Hall
           Referred To Appropriations
SB3138  Appropriation; Univ. Med. Cen. - Consol.                  Hall
           Referred To Appropriations
SB3139  Appropriation; IHL - University Research Center and       Hall
           Referred To Appropriations
SB3140  Appropriation; College of Veterinary Medicine.            Hall
           Referred To Appropriations
SB3141  Appropriation; Emergency Management Agency.               Hall
           Referred To Appropriations
SB3142  Appropriation; Military Dept.- Support.                   Hall
           Referred To Appropriations
SB3143  Appropriation; Agriculture & Commerce - Support and       Hall
        Grain Div.                                             
           Referred To Appropriations
SB3144  Appropriation; Egg Marketing Bd.                          Hall
           Referred To Appropriations
SB3145  Appropriation; Farmers Central Market.                    Hall
           Referred To Appropriations
SB3146  Appropriation; Plant Industry Div.                        Hall
           Referred To Appropriations
SB3147  Appropriation; Animal Health Board.                       Hall
           Referred To Appropriations
SB3148  Appropriation; Alcorn State-Agricultural Programs.        Hall
           Referred To Appropriations
SB3149  Appropriation; Fair and Coliseum Comm. - Support.         Hall
           Referred To Appropriations
SB3150  Appropriation; Fair Comm. - Dixie Natl Livestock Show.    Hall
           Referred To Appropriations
SB3151  Appropriation; IHL - MSU -Agriculture & Forestry Exp.     Hall
           Referred To Appropriations
SB3152  Appropriation; Forest & Wildlife Research.                Hall
           Referred To Appropriations
SB3153  Appropriation; IHL - MSU -Cooperative Extension           Hall
           Referred To Appropriations
SB3154  Appropriation; Econ. & Comm. Develop. Support.            Hall
           Referred To Appropriations
SB3155  Appropriation; Gaming Commission.                         Hall
           Referred To Appropriations
SB3156  Appropriation; Information Technology Services.           Hall
           Referred To Appropriations
SB3157  Appropriation; Tenn-Tom Waterway Develop. Dist.           Hall
           Referred To Appropriations
SB3158  Appropriation; Dept. of Corrections - Support and         Hall
        Reimb. Local Confinement.                              
           Referred To Appropriations
SB3159  Appropriation; Bureau of Narcotics.                       Hall
           Referred To Appropriations
SB3160  Appropriation; Dept. Public Safety - Consol.              Hall
           Referred To Appropriations
SB3161  Appropriation; Veterans Affairs Bd.                       Hall
           Referred To Appropriations
SB3162  Appropriation; Alcohol/Drug Abuse - Dept. of Mental       Hall
           Referred To Appropriations
SB3163  Appropriation; Dept. of Mental Health.                    Hall
           Referred To Appropriations
SB3164  Appropriation; Bd. of Architecture.                       Hall
           Referred To Appropriations
SB3165  Appropriation; Banking & Consumer Finance.                Hall
           Referred To Appropriations
SB3166  Appropriation; Chiropractic Examiners Board.              Hall
           Referred To Appropriations
SB3167  Appropriation; Dental Examiners Bd.                       Hall
           Referred To Appropriations
SB3168  Appropriation; Employment Security Comm.                  Hall
           Referred To Appropriations
SB3169  Appropriation; Motor Vehicle Comm.                        Hall
           Referred To Appropriations
SB3170  Appropriation; MS Workers Compensation Comm.              Hall
           Referred To Appropriations
SB3171  Appropriation; Pharmacy Bd.                               Hall
           Referred To Appropriations
SB3172  Appropriation; Prof. Counselors Licensing Bd.             Hall
           Referred To Appropriations
SB3173  Appropriation; Bd. of Public Accountancy.                 Hall
           Referred To Appropriations
SB3174  Appropriation; Public Contractors Bd.                     Hall
           Referred To Appropriations
SB3175  Appropriation; Office of State Aid Road Construction.     Hall
           Referred To Appropriations
SB3176  Appropriation; Veterinary Exam. Bd.                       Hall
           Referred To Appropriations
SB3177  Bonds; issue general obligation bonds for capital         Bryan
        improvements at community colleges.                    
           Referred To Finance

Senate: Floor Actions

HC  26  Teachers; commend recipients of certification by          Morris
        National Board for Professional Teaching Standards.    
           Transmitted To House
HC  32  Commend Millicent Mayo on being named Mississippi's       Ketchings
        Administrator of the Year.                             
           Transmitted To House
HC  33  Commend Jennifer Steckler on being named Miss             Ketchings
        Mississippi State University.                          
           Transmitted To House
HC  35  HCR; commend the life and accomplishments of              Moody
        Mississippi author Jim Majure.                         
           Transmitted To House
HC  65  Commend George County Football Team on an outstanding     Maples
           Transmitted To House
HC  67  Commend Harry Charles Tartt.                              Short
           Transmitted To House
HC  70  Commend the life of Mrs. Issie "Pat" Tillman and          Wallace
        express Legislature's sympathy.                        
           Transmitted To House
HC  71  Commend MS Baptist Medical Center for 11th annual         Ford
        legislative health screening.                          
           Transmitted To House
HC  72  Commend Coach Harry Brown for winning 100 football        Straughter
           Transmitted To House
SB2016  School curriculum; create Mississippi Public School       Dearing
        Laboratory Chemical Management Act.                    
           Transmitted To House
SB2110  Motor vehicles; limitation of recovery in absence of      Dearing
        liability insurance.                                   
           Transmitted To House
SB2218  Salaries of statewide and district elected officials;     Gordon
           Transmitted To House
SB2231  Universities; tuition payments for needy students.        Gollott
           Motion to Reconsider Entered
           Motion to Reconsider Tabled
SB2343  Purchase, sale, transfer or trade by agreement between    Hall
        state agencies; clarify procedure for.                 
           Transmitted To House
SB2387  Teachers; increase minimum program salary scale.          Bean
           Motion to Reconsider Tabled
SB2596  Public construction; revise requirement mandating         Woodfield
        supervision by registered professional engineer.       
           Transmitted To House
SB2831  31st Infantry, Dixie Division Memorial Highway;           Scoper
           Transmitted To House
SB2897  Repair and Renovation Fund; provide source of funding.    Jackson
           Transmitted To House
SB2927  Boats; increase registration fees.                        Posey
           Transmitted To House
SB2954  Personal Service Contract Review Board; regulate          Gordon
        personal and professional service contracts.           
           Transmitted To House
SB2955  Proceedings before Employee Appeals Board; clarify        Gordon
        review authority.                                      
           Transmitted To House
SB2956  Compensatory time, overtime pay, personal and medical     Gordon
        leave for state employees; clarify.                    
           Transmitted To House
SB3010  Brewpubs; authorize.                                      Horhn
           Motion to Reconsider Entered
           Motion to Reconsider Tabled
           Transmitted To House
SB3012  Telecommunication conference facility; authorize          Horhn
        portion of room tax and bond interest for start-up and 
        operating costs.                                       
           Motion to Reconsider Tabled
SB3055  Hattiesburg; donate to Pine Belt Boys and Girls Club.     Farris
SB3056  Hattiesburg; contribute to Hattiesburg Downtown           Farris
           Committee Substitute Adopted
SB3057  Hattiesburg; donate funds to USM Center for Gifted        Farris
        Studies, Leadership Studies Program.                   
SB3058  Hattiesburg; donate funds to Big Brothers/Big Sisters     Farris
        of Southeast Mississippi.                              
SB3062  Tunica County; pay money to Chamber of Commerce.          Furniss
           Committee Substitute Adopted
SB3063  Biloxi; donate funds to the Lynn Meadows Discovery        Hewes
        Center, Inc.                                           
SB3077  Hinds County; refund taxes to Central Mississippi Civic   Hall
        Improvement Association.                               
SB3085  Tunica County; pay money to Institute of Community        Furniss
SB3101  Biloxi; give to United Way for social services center.    Gollott
SB3103  Forrest County; contribute to Hattiesburg Downtown        Farris
           Committee Substitute Adopted
SC 517  Leavell Woods 13-14 year old baseball team; commend.      White (29th)
           Transmitted To House
SC 519  Const. 213-A; reconstitute membership and terms of        Harden
        State College Board.                                   
           Transmitted To House
SC 536  Elizabeth S. Matthews; commend.                           White (29th)
           Transmitted To House
SC 539  Brett Favre; commend back-to-back MVP in NFL and Super    Cuevas
        Bowl winner.                                           
           Transmitted To House
SC 541  Rosia Bell Jackson Spruell; commemorate life.             Jordan (24th)
           Transmitted To House
SC 542  East Central Community College Warriors; commend.         Burton
           Transmitted To House
SC 543  Thomas L. Cole; commend the life of.                      Gordon
           Transmitted To House
SC 544  Kari Litton; commend for reign as Miss Mississippi        Browning
           Transmitted To House
SC 547  Susp. rules; revise Biloxi Port Commission.               Gollott
           Transmitted To House
SC 548  James Smith, Sr.; commend.                                Smith
           Transmitted To House
SR   4  Jimmie Rodgers; request Presidential Medal of Freedom     Burton
SR   5  Ellis Bodron; express admiration of Senate for.           Robertson

Senate: Referred Other House

HB  33  Gun permits; allow reciprocity with other states.         Frierson
           Referred To Judiciary
HB 273  Medicaid; expand home- and community-based services       Flaggs
           Referred To Public Health and Welfare;Appropriations
HB 291  County prosecuting attorney; increase salary in certain   Perkins
           Referred To Fees, Salaries and Administration
HB 305  Death certificates; revise list of officials who          Endt
           Referred To Public Health and Welfare
HB 313  Schools; grant immunity to certain employees              King
        administering corporal punishment.                     
           Referred To Education
HB 478  State offenders; allow voluntary work for Habitat for     Cameron
           Referred To Corrections
HB 482  Pawnshops; revise provision for recovering stolen         Broomfield
           Referred To Business and Financial Institutions
HB 499  Sixteenth section lands; revise agricultural lease        Livingston
           Referred To Education
HB 675  Textbooks, school; allocate share of Education            Ketchings
        Enhancement Fund for certain nonpublic schools.        
           Referred To Education;Appropriations
HB 689  Mental Health Department; certification of therapists     Moody
        by shall be valid only in state mental health system.  
           Referred To Public Health and Welfare
HB 734  Municipal utilities; authorize purchase of electric       Miles
        equipment from surplus inventory of Federal Government 
        and EPAs.                                              
           Referred To Public Utilities;Municipalities
HB 856  Game fish; authorize Department of Agriculture to issue   Davis (7th)
        permits for sale of certain.                           
           Referred To Agriculture;Wildlife and Fisheries
HB 894  Corrections; authorize commissioner to house DUI          Endt
        offenders in CWC's.                                    
           Referred To Corrections
HB 913  Birth defects registry; direct Department of Health to    Moody
           Referred To Public Health and Welfare;Appropriations
HB 943  Egg marketing; revise exemptions, temperature             Holland *
        requirements and penalties for certain violations.     
           Referred To Agriculture
HB1021  Bail; revise special bail and revise surrender            Rogers
           Referred To Judiciary
HB1031  Museum property; prescribe procedure for conserving and   King
        disposing of loaned property.                          
           Referred To Public Property
HB1091  Water quality analysis fees; clarify payment of           Ellington
           Referred To Environment Prot, Cons and Water Res
HB1135  Bad checks; permit prosecution for closing account        Cummings
        before checks clear.                                   
           Referred To Judiciary
HB1162  Agricultural Seed Law; revise penalties and due date      Holland *
        for permits.                                           
           Referred To Agriculture
HB1236  Schools; may use video cameras to monitor student         Walker
           Referred To Education
HB1243  License agents bonding requirements fees; revise.         Livingston
           Referred To Wildlife and Fisheries
HB1244  Division of Youth Services; increase number of            Warren
        Adolescent Offender Program sites.                     
           Referred To Juvenile Justice;Appropriations
HB1281  Youth court; establish statewide Juvenile Work Program.   Cameron
           Referred To Juvenile Justice
HB1362  Research-based reading instruction; implement as pilot    Martinson
        program in five schools.                               
           Referred To Education;Appropriations
HB1393  Gaming counties infrastructure program; continue          Barnett (116th)
        diversion of revenues to fund.                         
           Referred To Highways and Transportation;Finance
HB1407  Sanitation inspection of retail food stores; authorize    Holland *
        Commissioner of Agriculture to conduct.                
           Referred To Agriculture;Public Health and Welfare
HB1494  Abortion; prohibit partial-birth abortions.               Peranich
           Referred To Public Health and Welfare
HB1601  Teacher education cooperative program; establish in       Frierson
        Mississippi colleges.                                  
           Referred To Education;Appropriations
HB1614  Label; include disclosure of information regarding        Ford
        certain beverages.                                     
           Referred To Finance
HB1630  Railroads; clarify duties of MDOT with regard to          Stevens
        enforcement of safety regulations.                     
           Referred To Highways and Transportation
HB1670  Pat Harrison Waterway; tax assessor to pay special tax    Endt
        levy for bond payment.                                 
           Referred To Finance
HB1672  Charter schools; authorize local public schools to        Chaney
           Referred To Education;Appropriations

Senate: Measures That Have Died

SB2901  Hunting; restrict hunting on waters overlying private     Huggins
           Died On Calendar

Information pertaining to this report was last updated on 12/08/97 at 11:41.

End Of Document
