Mississippi Legislature
2006 Regular Session

Daily Action Report for 01/05/06

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House: Introductions

HB 222  Graffiti; authorize counties to adopt ordinances to       Moak
        remove or cover on private property.                   
           01/05 (H) Referred To County Affairs
HB 223  Eminent domain; restrict use of.                          Guice
           01/05 (H) Referred To Judiciary A
HB 224  Nursing homes; must charge Medicaid and private pay       Miles
        patients same amount for some services.                
           01/05 (H) Referred To Medicaid
HB 225  Eminent domain; restrict use.                             Zuber
           01/05 (H) Referred To Judiciary A
HB 226  Used car salesman; require continuing education.          Moak
           01/05 (H) Referred To Judiciary A;Transportation
HB 227  School districts; provide for elected municipal           Chism
        trustees and appointed county superintendents.         
           01/05 (H) Referred To Education;Apportionment and Elections
HB 228  Uninsured motorist insurance coverage; revise number of   Chism
        vehicles required for nonstacking coverage.            
           01/05 (H) Referred To Insurance;Judiciary A
HB 229  Dialysis patients; establish temporary program to         Holland
        provide transportation for.                            
           01/05 (H) Referred To Medicaid
HB 230  License tags; one distinctive tag for fire fighter        Chism
        exempt from fees and taxes.                            
           01/05 (H) Referred To Ways and Means
HB 231  Court-ordered tobacco settlement payments; shall be       Chism
        paid into trust fund and be subject to budgeting and   
           01/05 (H) Referred To Appropriations
HB 232  Mississippi Consumer Choice in Motor Vehicle Insurance    Chism
        Act; create.                                           
           01/05 (H) Referred To Insurance;Judiciary A
HB 233  Ballots in primary elections; require names of all        Nicholson
        party nominees to appear in each county.               
           01/05 (H) Referred To Apportionment and Elections
HB 234  State disability retirement; revise requirements for      Moak
        refiling claims.                                       
           01/05 (H) Referred To Appropriations
HB 235  County road construction and repair; establish state      Nicholson
        funding program to assist.                             
           01/05 (H) Referred To Transportation;Appropriations
HB 236  Health insurance; senior status judges continue to        Moak
        receive state insurance coverage.                      
           01/05 (H) Referred To Insurance;Appropriations
HB 237  Radar; prohibit set-up in certain areas.                  Moak
           01/05 (H) Referred To Transportation
HB 238  Health insurance; revise certain benefits for dental      Moak
           01/05 (H) Referred To Insurance
HB 239  Motor vehicle dealers; increase bond requirements as      Moak
        designated agents.                                     
           01/05 (H) Referred To Transportation
HB 240  Elected offices; increase filing fees for certain.        Moak
           01/05 (H) Referred To Apportionment and Elections
HB 241  Deadly force; revise justification for use.               Moak
           01/05 (H) Referred To Judiciary A
HB 242  Charitable Bingo Law; revise various provisions.          Moak
           01/05 (H) Referred To Gaming
HB 243  Delinquent county debts; county may pay debt collector    Moak
        up to 50% of amount collected.                         
           01/05 (H) Referred To County Affairs
HB 244  County roads and bridges; increase monetary threshold     Moak
        requiring hiring engineer.                             
           01/05 (H) Referred To County Affairs
HB 245  Salvage motor vehicles; provide for issuance of           Moak
        certificates of title.                                 
           01/05 (H) Referred To Transportation
HB 246  Genetic information; prohibit discrimination by health    Moak
        benefit plans on basis of.                             
           01/05 (H) Referred To Insurance
HB 247  Insurance agent; revise definition under insurance        Moak
           01/05 (H) Referred To Insurance
HB 248  Motor vehicles; require notice to buyer that vehicle      Moak
        may be salvaged or rebuilt and provide penalties for   
           01/05 (H) Referred To Transportation
HB 249  Medicaid False Claims Act; create.                        Moak
           01/05 (H) Referred To Medicaid;Judiciary A
HB 250  Elder death review teams; authorize counties to           Moak
           01/05 (H) Referred To County Affairs
HB 251  Motor vehicles; require entity dismantling or crushing    Moak
        vehicles to notify lienholders and provide penalties   
        for violations.                                        
           01/05 (H) Referred To Transportation
HB 252  Sales tax; exempt retail sales of certain clothing and    Moak
        school supplies on third Saturday in July and first    
        Saturday in December.                                  
           01/05 (H) Referred To Ways and Means
HB 253  Disinterment of buried human bodies; define persons       Moak
        having right of consent to.                            
           01/05 (H) Referred To Public Health and Human Services
HB 254  Court of Appeals; provide office operating allowance      Moak
        for certain judges.                                    
           01/05 (H) Referred To Judiciary A;Appropriations
HB 255  Circuit court cases; may be remanded to justice or        Moak
        municipal court to be tried as misdemeanors.           
           01/05 (H) Referred To Judiciary B
HB 256  Consumer protection; revise prohibited acts or            Moak
           01/05 (H) Referred To Judiciary A
HB 257  Department of Environmental Quality; Attorney General     Moak
        to be sole legal advisor.                              
           01/05 (H) Referred To Conservation and Water Resources
HB 258  Pain management; express legislative intent to            Moak
        recognize medical discipline of.                       
           01/05 (H) Referred To Public Health and Human Services
HB 259  Income tax; revise time within which State Tax            Moak
        Commission must refund overpayment before taxpayer may 
        petition for hearing.                                  
           01/05 (H) Referred To Ways and Means
HB 260  Trial by jury; allow and restrict contractual waiver of   Moak
        right to trial by jury.                                
           01/05 (H) Referred To Judiciary B
HB 261  Court reporters; additional compensation for court        Moak
        administrator duties to be paid from judge's support   
        staff allowance.                                       
           01/05 (H) Referred To Fees and Salaries of Public Officers
HB 262  Poultry processors; provide penalties on loans to         Moak
        processors that violate the federal Clean Water Act.   
           01/05 (H) Referred To Agriculture;Ways and Means
HB 263  Emergency telephone warning systems; authorize counties   Moak
        to establish and support.                              
           01/05 (H) Referred To County Affairs
HB 264  Expunction; provide for certain crimes.                   Moak
           01/05 (H) Referred To Judiciary B
HB 265  Criminal procedure; clarify expunction when               Moak
        court-imposed conditions are completed or cases are    
           01/05 (H) Referred To Judiciary B
HB 266  Appropriation; Department of Corrections to provide       Moak
        funding for additional field officers.                 
           01/05 (H) Referred To Appropriations
HB 267  Dairy show; hold in Brookhaven in Lincoln County.         Moak
           01/05 (H) Referred To Agriculture
HB 268  County and municipal advertising; repeal authority to     Reeves
        expend certain tax monies for.                         
           01/05 (H) Referred To Municipalities;County Affairs
HB 269  Department of Information Technology Services; require    Reeves
        to develop certain policies regarding cellular         
           01/05 (H) Referred To Appropriations
HB 270  Parole; prohibit for persons convicted of causing death   Reeves
        or serious injury while DUI.                           
           01/05 (H) Referred To Corrections
HB 271  Arrest; require check to determine status of person       Reeves
           01/05 (H) Referred To Judiciary B
HB 272  Office of Geology and Energy Resources; transfer from     Reeves
        Department of Environmental Quality to Mississippi     
        Development Authority.                                 
           01/05 (H) Referred To Oil, Gas and Other Minerals;Conservation and Water Resourc
HB 273  Notaries public; increase maximum fees allowed for        Moak
           01/05 (H) Referred To Fees and Salaries of Public Officers
HB 274  Criminal investigators; provide additional investigator   Moak
        for 14th Circuit Court District.                       
           01/05 (H) Referred To Judiciary A;Appropriations
HB 275  Courts; allow chancery courts to hear Tort Claims Act     Moak
        cases sent back from appellate courts.                 
           01/05 (H) Referred To Judiciary A
HB 276  Medical Practice Disclosure Act; create.                  Moak
           01/05 (H) Referred To Public Health and Human Services;Judiciary A
HB 277  Budget; shall be no reduction in budgets related to       Moak
        civil and criminal justice systems.                    
           01/05 (H) Referred To Appropriations
HB 278  Deaths; require reporting to medical examiner if result   Moak
        from abuse or occur in long-term care facility.        
           01/05 (H) Referred To Public Health and Human Services
HB 279  Child custody; revise right of 12-year-old child to       Reeves
        select custodial parent.                               
           01/05 (H) Referred To Judiciary A
HB 280  Implied consent; revise officers authorized to            Reeves
        administer chemical tests.	.                           
           01/05 (H) Referred To Judiciary A
HB 281  Attorneys; require statement on letterhead regarding      Reeves
        errors and omissions coverage.                         
           01/05 (H) Referred To Judiciary A
HB 282  Lawyer advertising; provide enforcement by Mississippi    Reeves
           01/05 (H) Referred To Judiciary A
HB 283  Implied consent; revise penalties for first and second    Reeves
        offenses with higher blood alcohol concentration.      
           01/05 (H) Referred To Judiciary A
HB 284  911 Board of Commissioners; revise composition of         Reeves
           01/05 (H) Referred To Public Utilities
HB 285  Seat Belt Law; authorize to be entered as a primary       Reeves
           01/05 (H) Referred To Transportation
HB 286  Motor vehicle safety belts; authorize conviction for      Reeves
        primary offense; increase fine.                        
           01/05 (H) Referred To Transportation
HB 287  Mineral Lease Commission; bring forward sections          Reeves
        relating to.                                           
           01/05 (H) Referred To Oil, Gas and Other Minerals
HB 288  Crimes; prohibit consumption of alcohol by minors.        Reeves
           01/05 (H) Referred To Judiciary A
HB 289  CHIP and Medicaid; applications for are under oath,       Reeves
        subject to perjury for giving false information.       
           01/05 (H) Referred To Medicaid;Judiciary B
HB 290  Implied consent; no nonadjudication in zero tolerance     Reeves
        if no chemical test is given.                          
           01/05 (H) Referred To Judiciary A
HB 291  Implied consent; prohibit reduction of sentence for       Reeves
        second or subsequent offenses.                         
           01/05 (H) Referred To Judiciary A
HB 292  Implied consent; create separate DUI offense with minor   Reeves
        as vehicle occupant.                                   
           01/05 (H) Referred To Judiciary A
HB 293  Implied Consent Law; appeals from justice court given     Reeves
        priority on county and circuit court dockets.          
           01/05 (H) Referred To Judiciary A
HB 294  Implied consent; no dismissal or not guilty finding for   Reeves
        failure to provide full information.                   
           01/05 (H) Referred To Judiciary A
HB 295  Mineral Lease Commission; bring forward sections          Reeves
        relating to for purposes of amendment.                 
           01/05 (H) Referred To Oil, Gas and Other Minerals
HB 296  CON; authorize nursing home in Hinds County for           Flaggs
        disabled adults.                                       
           01/05 (H) Referred To Public Health and Human Services;Appropriations
HB 297  Vending machines; those located in schools may sell       Reeves
        only certain products.                                 
           01/05 (H) Referred To Education
HB 298  Indigent Juvenile Appeals Resource Counsel; create        Flaggs
        position within Mississippi Office of Indigent Appeals.
           01/05 (H) Referred To Judiciary A;Appropriations
HB 299  Economic interest statements; require local governing     Peranich
        authorities to file with Ethics Commission.            
           01/05 (H) Referred To Judiciary A
HB 300  Marriage; revise waiting period, blood test and age       Cummings
           01/05 (H) Referred To Judiciary A
HB 301  Adverse possession; revise certain exceptions to          Hamilton (109th)
        application of doctrine.                               
           01/05 (H) Referred To Judiciary A
HB 302  Motor vehicle operators; unlawful to avoid driver's       Reeves
        license or sobriety checkpoint.                        
           01/05 (H) Referred To Transportation
HB 303  Sex offenders; revise registration requirements to        Gregory
        conform to "Jessica's Law".                            
           01/05 (H) Referred To Judiciary B
HB 304  Fireworks; revise time for sales near qualified resort    Jennings
           01/05 (H) Referred To Judiciary B
HB 305  Sworn law enforcement officers; authorize retiring        Moak
        employees of Miss. Dept. of Wildlife, Fisheries and    
        Parks to retain side arm.                              
           01/05 (H) Referred To Wildlife, Fisheries and Parks
HB 306  Mississippi Auto Liability Insurance No Pay - No Play     Chism
        Act; create.                                           
           01/05 (H) Referred To Insurance;Judiciary A
HC  16  Amend Constitution; PERS; require Legislature to create   Reynolds
        in law and prescribe membership on board.              
           01/05 (H) Referred To Constitution
HC  17  Amend Constitution; Governor elected by majority of       Martinson
        popular vote; require runoff if no majority; abolish   
        electoral votes.                                       
           01/05 (H) Referred To Constitution
HC  18  New Bretton Woods Conference for international monetary   Fleming
        system stability; call for.                            
           01/05 (H) Referred To Rules
HC  19  Constitutional convention; rescind previous resolutions   Martinson
        calling for.                                           
           01/05 (H) Referred To Rules
HC  20  Amend Constitution; justice court; judge to be            Reeves
        practicing attorney; maximum jurisdiction set by       
           01/05 (H) Referred To Constitution
HR   5  House Rules; amend House Rule 15 to entitle each House    Fleming
        member to sponsor four pages each session.             
           01/05 (H) Referred To Rules

House: Double Referred Reports

HB 191  Fire trucks; authorize eighth round for counties and      Stringer
        cities under assistance program.                       
           01/05 (H) DR - TSDP: CA To AP
HB 199  Juvenile Delinquency Prevention Act of 2006; create.      Flaggs
           01/05 (H) DR - TSDPCS: JJ To WM

House: Committee Reports

HB 206  Bonds; authorize issuance of bonds to provide funds to    Watson
        certain regional economic development alliances.       
           01/05 (H) Title Suff Do Pass
HB 221  Emergencies affecting the electoral process; authorize    Reynolds
        rescheduling of election.                              
           01/05 (H) Title Suff Do Pass Comm Sub
HB 229  Dialysis patients; establish temporary program to         Holland
        provide transportation for.                            
           01/05 (H) Title Suff Do Pass

House: Floor Actions

HB 100  Eminent Domain; restrict use of.                          Franks
           01/05 (H) Transmitted To Senate
HB 206  Bonds; authorize issuance of bonds to provide funds to    Watson
        certain regional economic development alliances.       
           01/05 (H) Passed
           01/05 (H) Immediate Release
           01/05 (H) Transmitted To Senate
           01/05 (H) Motion to Reconsider Entered
           01/05 (H) Recalled From Senate
           01/05 (H) Motion to Reconsider W/Drawn
           01/05 (H) Transmitted To Senate
HB 211  Appropriation; Department of Public Safety for Highway    Stringer
        Patrol trooper training class.                         
           01/05 (H) Motion to Reconsider Entered
           01/05 (H) Motion to Reconsider W/Drawn
HB 229  Dialysis patients; establish temporary program to         Holland
        provide transportation for.                            
           01/05 (H) Amended
           01/05 (H) Passed As Amended
           01/05 (H) Immediate Release
HC  10  Amend Constitution; restrict use of eminent domain.       Franks
           01/05 (H) Transmitted To Senate

Senate: Introductions

SB2242  Public construction contracts; prohibit agreements with   White
        labor organizations.                                   
           01/05 (S) Referred To Labor;Fees, Salaries and Administration
SB2243  Motor vehicle safety belts; authorize conviction for      Harden
        primary offense.                                       
           01/05 (S) Referred To Judiciary, Division B
SB2244  Pawnshops; prohibit dealing in handguns.                  Harden
           01/05 (S) Referred To Business and Financial Institutions
SB2245  License tags; provide a partial ad valorem tax            Ross
        exemption for motor vehicles owned by active duty      
        members of the National Guard and Reserves.            
           01/05 (S) Referred To Finance
SB2246  Possession of handgun by person under 21 years of age;    Harden
           01/05 (S) Referred To Judiciary, Division B
SB2247  Automobile salvage sale; require valid buyer's            White
        identification card to participate.                    
           01/05 (S) Referred To Finance
SB2248  Emergency medical providers; enact good-faith immunity.   White
           01/05 (S) Referred To Judiciary, Division A
SB2249  DUI; enhance penalty when minors of certain age are       White
           01/05 (S) Referred To Judiciary, Division A
SB2250  Seat belt law; violation is primary offense.              White
           01/05 (S) Referred To Judiciary, Division B
SB2251  DUI; increase fine and imprisonment under certain         White
           01/05 (S) Referred To Judiciary, Division A
SB2252  Confederate historic structures; unlawful to destroy or   White
           01/05 (S) Referred To Judiciary, Division B
SB2253  HIV; establish crime of exposure.                         White
           01/05 (S) Referred To Judiciary, Division B
SB2254  Trucks; prohibit riding in open cargo area.               White
           01/05 (S) Referred To Highways and Transportation
SB2255  Fire fighters; authorize to keep badge upon retirement.   Carmichael
           01/05 (S) Referred To Appropriations
SB2256  Traffic rules; penalties when injury or death results     Carmichael
        from failure to stop or yield right-of-way.            
           01/05 (S) Referred To Judiciary, Division B
SB2257  Deer; allow the hunting of deer over corn with permit     Carmichael
        from Commission on Wildlife, Fisheries and Parks.      
           01/05 (S) Referred To Wildlife, Fisheries and Parks
SB2258  Driver's license; additional $1 for Keep Mississippi      Butler
        Beautiful, Inc. for litter prevention.                 
           01/05 (S) Referred To Highways and Transportation
SB2259  Retired teachers; may draw retirement benefits and be     Butler
        reemployed as teachers if they have 25 years of        
        creditable service.                                    
           01/05 (S) Referred To Finance
SB2260  County court judge; appoint additional for Lauderdale     Carmichael
           01/05 (S) Referred To Judiciary, Division A
SB2261  Distinctive motorcycle license tags; authorize for        Carmichael
        honorably discharged veterans.                         
           01/05 (S) Referred To Finance
SB2262  Birthday cutoff date for 5- and 6-year old enrollment     Harden
        in public kindergarten or first grade; move to January 
           01/05 (S) Referred To Education;Appropriations
SB2263  Birthday cutoff date for 5- and 6-year-old enrollment     Harden
        in public kindergarten or first grade; move to August  
           01/05 (S) Referred To Education;Appropriations
SB2264  Voter; define all convicted felons as not qualified.      Harden
           01/05 (S) Referred To Judiciary, Division B
SB2265  Workers' Compensation; injured employee may select        Harden
        specialists who provide type of treatment prescribed.  
           01/05 (S) Referred To Insurance
SB2266  Retired teachers; may draw retirement benefits and be     Harden
        reemployed as teachers if they have 25 years of        
        creditable service.                                    
           01/05 (S) Referred To Finance
SB2267  Student loans; provide graduate degree teacher            Harden
        incentive loans to applicants agreeing to teach in     
        public schools or universities.                        
           01/05 (S) Referred To Education;Appropriations
SB2268  Flexible office hours for certain state agencies;         Harden
           01/05 (S) Referred To Appropriations
SB2269  Interpreters; appointment for non-English speaking        Harden
        persons in court proceedings.                          
           01/05 (S) Referred To Judiciary, Division A
SB2270  School districts provide an annual report of teacher      Harden
        vacancies to the SBE and the Legislature; require.     
           01/05 (S) Referred To Education
SB2271  Sales tax; exempt retail sales of certain foods for       Harden
        human consumption.                                     
           01/05 (S) Referred To Finance
SB2272  Eminent domain; public entities may proceed only under    Harden
        state law.                                             
           01/05 (S) Referred To Judiciary, Division A
SB2273  Appropriations: IHL for salary adjustment for JSU         Harden
           01/05 (S) Referred To Appropriations
SB2274  Unused sick leave earned by teachers; authorize           Harden
        one-time payment by school district.                   
           01/05 (S) Referred To Education;Appropriations
SB2275  Gun shows; prohibit attendance by certain minors          Harden
        without a parent or legal guardian.                    
           01/05 (S) Referred To Judiciary, Division B
SB2276  Unemployment compensation benefits; eliminate one-week    Harden
        waiting period for eligibility.                        
           01/05 (S) Referred To Insurance
SB2277  State income tax credit for out-of-pocket classroom       Harden
        supply expenditures may by public schoolteachers;      
        provide for.                                           
           01/05 (S) Referred To Finance
SB2278  Retirement; retirees may be reemployed for 195 days per   Harden
        fiscal year.                                           
           01/05 (S) Referred To Finance
SB2279  Donated leave; return unused leave pursuant to school     Harden
        board policy.                                          
           01/05 (S) Referred To Fees, Salaries and Administration;Education
SB2280  Agreement between child development tech programs at      Harden
        the community colleges and the universities; require.  
           01/05 (S) Referred To Universities and Colleges;Appropriations
SB2281  School bond issue; authorize for one-year period          Harden
        without election unless petition of the electorate     
        calls for an election.                                 
           01/05 (S) Referred To Education;Finance
SB2282  Classroom supply funds; restore and clarify               Harden
        distribution and administration of.                    
           01/05 (S) Referred To Education;Appropriations
SB2283  Appropriation to JSU for e-Center; FY 2007.               Harden
           01/05 (S) Referred To Appropriations
SB2284  Appropriation to JSU for five-year faculty equity plan;   Harden
        FY 2007.                                               
           01/05 (S) Referred To Appropriations
SB2285  Bonds; issue state g.o. bonds for capital improvements    Harden
        at Jackson State University.                           
           01/05 (S) Referred To Finance
SB2286  Mississippi Civil Rights Museum; create and place under   Harden
        Department of Archives and History.                    
           01/05 (S) Referred To Appropriations
SB2287  Emergency 911 Board of Commissioners; revise              Harden
        composition and duties.                                
           01/05 (S) Referred To Public Utilities
SB2288  Witnesses; revise court appearance fee.                   Mettetal
           01/05 (S) Referred To Fees, Salaries and Administration;Appropriations
SB2289  Campaign finance disclosure; failure to receive notice    Harden
        of late filing may mitigate civil fine.                
           01/05 (S) Referred To Judiciary, Division A
SB2290  Military personnel; professional license shall not        Burton
        expire while on federal active duty.                   
           01/05 (S) Referred To Business and Financial Institutions
SB2291  Commissioners of election; increase compensation for      Burton
        certain duties.                                        
           01/05 (S) Referred To Fees, Salaries and Administration;Elections
SB2292  Visitation; require for noncustodial parents concurrent   Dearing
        with order of child support.                           
           01/05 (S) Referred To Public Health and Welfare;Judiciary, Division A
SB2293  Hospital Infections Disclosure Act of 2006; enact.        Dearing
           01/05 (S) Referred To Public Health and Welfare
SB2294  Mississippi Patient Safety Act; create.                   Dearing
           01/05 (S) Referred To Public Health and Welfare
SB2295  School district; elect members of all school boards in    Harden
           01/05 (S) Referred To Education
SB2296  Corrections; create task force to study long-term         Dearing
           01/05 (S) Referred To Corrections;Appropriations
SB2297  School districts may pay substitute teachers from any     Harden
        available district fund; authorize.                    
           01/05 (S) Referred To Education
SB2298  School services for special population students;          Harden
        require course of study in teacher preparation         
        curriculum and in-service staff.                       
           01/05 (S) Referred To Education
SB2299  School bonds; majority vote required on school bond       Harden
           01/05 (S) Referred To Education;Finance
SB2300  Administrative consolidation of school districts in       Ross
        certain counties; provide referendum on the question   
           01/05 (S) Referred To Education
SB2301  Bonds; issue g.o. bonds for two community group homes     Mettetal
        for the Department of Mental Health.                   
           01/05 (S) Referred To Finance
SB2302  Counties; allow payments by credit card for motor         Mettetal
        vehicle license tags.                                  
           01/05 (S) Referred To County Affairs;Finance
SB2303  Motor vehicles; authorize the operation of low-speed      Mettetal
        electric vehicles on certain public roads.             
           01/05 (S) Referred To Highways and Transportation
SB2304  Motor Vehicle Safety-Responsibility Law; failure to       Mettetal
        possess insurance card is a primary offense.           
           01/05 (S) Referred To Judiciary, Division B
SB2305  Additional highways; reconstruct a portion of Highway     Mettetal
           01/05 (S) Referred To Highways and Transportation
SB2306  Seat belt; violation a primary offense.                   Mettetal
           01/05 (S) Referred To Judiciary, Division B
SB2307  Campaign finance law; require certain candidates to       Burton
        file report electronically; increase allowable         
        corporate contribution.                                
           01/05 (S) Referred To Elections
SB2308  Campaign finance reports; require that certain            Burton
        information regarding loans be included.               
           01/05 (S) Referred To Elections
SB2309  Elections; require voter to present I.D. prior to         Burton
           01/05 (S) Referred To Elections
SB2310  Tobacco and sales tax; increase on cigarettes and         Little
        reduce the sales tax on certain food sold for human    
           01/05 (S) Referred To Finance
SC 519  Commend award-winning housing developer J.E. Carter.      White
           01/05 (S) Referred To Rules
SC 520  Designate "Mississippi Health Awareness Day."             White
           01/05 (S) Referred To Rules
SN  62  Mendal G. Kemp, Madison, Mississippi, Veterans Affairs    GOVERNOR
        Board, five-year term ending May 14, 2010, representing
        State at-large.                                        
           01/05 (S) Referred To Veterans and Military Affairs
SR   3  Commend gallant service of World War II veteran James     Carmichael
        Francis Risher of Meridian, Mississippi.               
           01/05 (S) Referred To Rules

Senate: Committee Reports

SB2049  Charter schools study commission; extend for one year.    Chaney
           01/05 (S) Title Suff Do Pass
SB2308  Campaign finance reports; require that certain            Burton
        information regarding loans be included.               
           01/05 (S) Title Suff Do Pass
SB2309  Elections; require voter to present I.D. prior to         Burton
           01/05 (S) Title Suff Do Pass Comm Sub
SB2310  Tobacco and sales tax; increase on cigarettes and         Little
        reduce the sales tax on certain food sold for human    
           01/05 (S) Title Suff Do Pass

Senate: Floor Actions

SB2086  Seat belt law; make primary offense, revise aggregate     Tollison
           01/05 (S) Motion to Reconsider Entered
SC 501  Amend Constitution; abolish electoral votes for           Bryan
           01/05 (S) Adopted

Senate: Referred Other House

HC  15  Joint session; call to hear the State of the State        Warren
        address of Governor.                                   
           01/05 (S) Referred To Rules

Information pertaining to this report was last updated on 04/25/06 at 14:18.

End Of Document
