Mississippi Legislature
2006 Regular Session

Daily Action Report for 03/02/06

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House: Introductions

HB1662  City of Baldwyn; Wheeler Sewer Utility District           Turner
        authorize agreements with term of not more than 35     
        years for sewer services.                              
           03/02 (H) Referred To Local and Private Legislation
HB1663  Panola County; authorize to create a utility district.    McBride
           03/02 (H) Referred To Local and Private Legislation
HB1664  City of Cleveland; authorize to fix and collect fees      Coleman (29th)
        for mosquito and pest control.                         
           03/02 (H) Referred To Local and Private Legislation
HC  75  Pearl Pirates Boys Soccer Team; commend upon winning      Rogers (61st)
        Class 4A State Championship.                           
           03/02 (H) Referred To Rules
HR  37  238th Air Support Operations Squadron; commend            Gregory
        meritorious and unselfish service of.                  
           03/02 (H) Referred To Rules
HR  38  Ellanie Davis; commend upon being named 2006 Miss Dixie   Barnett
        National Rodeo Queen.                                  
           03/02 (H) Referred To Rules

House: Committee Reports

SB3084  Tobacco and sales tax; increase excise tax on             Little
        cigarettes, reduce sales tax on certain food and revise
        certain diversions.                                    
           03/02 (H) Conference Report Filed

House: Floor Actions

HB1531  Leflore County; authorize to impose tourism tax.          Perkins
           03/02 (H) Passed
           03/02 (H) Immediate Release
           03/02 (H) Transmitted To Senate
HB1616  V Lakes Utility District; authorize to petition for       Baker (74th)
        debt relief under Chapter 9, Title 11, United States   
           03/02 (H) Passed
           03/02 (H) Immediate Release
           03/02 (H) Transmitted To Senate
SB2008  Local school health councils; direct local school         Chaney
        districts to establish in conformity with federal      
           03/02 (H) Tabled Subject To Call
SB2041  Hunting; prohibit computer-assisted remote hunting.       Posey
           03/02 (H) Passed
SB2055  Substitute and special state school bus drivers;          Chaney
        authorize reimbursement for costs required for         
        commercial driver's license.                           
           03/02 (H) Tabled Subject To Call
SB2075  Hunting; ensure lands will always be available to         Posey
        Mississippians for hunting.                            
           03/02 (H) Amended
           03/02 (H) Passed As Amended
SB2160  Administrative fee on withholding orders for child        Nunnelee
        support; delete repealer.                              
           03/02 (H) Passed
SB2178  State employee travel; revise approval procedure for      Tollison
        overseas travel for university employees.              
           03/02 (H) Passed
SB2218  Authority of Mississippi Commission on College            Harden
        Accreditation; define.                                 
           03/02 (H) Amended
           03/02 (H) Passed As Amended
SB2269  Interpreters; appointment for non-English speaking        Harden
        persons in court proceedings.                          
           03/02 (H) Amended
           03/02 (H) Passed As Amended
SB2291  Commissioners of election; increase compensation for      Burton
        certain duties.                                        
           03/02 (H) Amended
           03/02 (H) Passed As Amended
SB2323  PERS; clarify authority to invest in certain accounts,    Robertson
        limited partnerships or commingled funds.              
           03/02 (H) Transmitted To Senate
SB2324  Expunction; create confidential database to determine     Albritton
        eligibility as a first offender (MPA).                 
           03/02 (H) Amended
           03/02 (H) Passed As Amended
SB2339  Indictment; clarify terms for larceny and embezzlement    Albritton
           03/02 (H) Tabled Subject To Call
           03/02 (H) Passed
SB2369  Uniform Controlled Substances Act; revise schedules in    Nunnelee
        conformity with federal law.                           
           03/02 (H) Tabled Subject To Call
SB2389  Position of trust; provide triple damages for certain     Nunnelee
        violations of fiduciary duty.                          
           03/02 (H) Amended
           03/02 (H) Passed As Amended
SB2394  Expunction; authorize fee (DPS).                          Albritton
           03/02 (H) Amended
           03/02 (H) Passed As Amended
SB2419  Breast-feeding; establish an affirmative right that       Frazier
        does not constitute any criminal offense.              
           03/02 (H) Amended
           03/02 (H) Passed As Amended
SB2420  Property; authorize land exchange between North Pike      Dearing
        School District and Southwest Mississippi Community    
           03/02 (H) Amended
           03/02 (H) Passed As Amended
SB2426  Duty to retreat; clarify when does not exist (NRA).       Ross
           03/02 (H) Amended
           03/02 (H) Passed As Amended
SB2432  POW/MIA Flag; direct the Bureau of Capitol Facilities     Jackson (32nd)
        to display on certain days.                            
           03/02 (H) Amended
           03/02 (H) Passed As Amended
SB2439  MS Debt Management Services Act; expand scope and         King
        extend repealer.                                       
           03/02 (H) Transmitted To Senate
SB2443  Appropriation; additional to Local Disaster Emergency     Gordon
        Grant and Loan Fund.                                   
           03/02 (H) Transmitted To Senate
SB2447  Alcoholic beverages; make technical revisions to the      Robertson
        laws governing.                                        
           03/02 (H) Returned For Concurrence
SB2454  Native wine; allow in-state sale of to consumers only     Robertson
        at the location of the native winery (STC).            
           03/02 (H) Transmitted To Senate
SB2462  Agriculture; clarify surety bond requirements for         Hyde-Smith
        professional services regulated by commissioner.       
           03/02 (H) Passed
SB2463  Disaster Assistance Trust Fund; authorize use to          Carmichael
        reimburse local governments for cost of deployed       
           03/02 (H) Transmitted To Senate
SB2469  Administration of unemployment compensation law by        Robertson
        Mississippi Department of Employment Security; make    
        technical amendments to.                               
           03/02 (H) Returned For Concurrence
SB2472  Military personnel; professional license shall not        King
        expire while on federal active duty.                   
           03/02 (H) Amended
           03/02 (H) Passed As Amended
SB2475  Tobacco Settlement Health Care Trust Fund; delete         Gordon
        pay-back requirement.                                  
           03/02 (H) Returned For Concurrence
SB2488  Jury Patriot Act; delay effective date one year.          Ross
           03/02 (H) Passed
SB2503  State agencies; DFA may assist creditor agency in         Gordon
        collecting fees from delinquent agency and direct funds
           03/02 (H) Transmitted To Senate
SB2504  Budget; amend 98% requirement to provide more money in    Gordon
        General Fund for appropriation.                        
           03/02 (H) Transmitted To Senate
SB2513  County court judges; revise salary for Madison County.    Ross
           03/02 (H) Passed
SB2557  Insurance premium finance law/sale of checks law; make    Mettetal
        technical changes.                                     
           03/02 (H) Transmitted To Senate
SB2560  Chickasawhay Natural Gas District; provide certain        King
        procedures for meetings/extend repealer.               
           03/02 (H) Passed
SB2566  Emergency telecommunications; extend repealer on          King
        training requirements/funding.                         
           03/02 (H) Passed
SB2576  Home Inspector Regulatory Board; stagger terms of         Mettetal
           03/02 (H) Passed
SB2581  State agencies use of contract employees; require         Huggins
        information in budget requests.                        
           03/02 (H) Returned For Concurrence
SB2583  PERS; extend time for constables to make payments for     Tollison
        covered service prior to January 1, 2006.              
           03/02 (H) Transmitted To Senate
SB2585  Corrections; repeal the repealer on the "Special Needs    Huggins
        Prison Program of 1994."                               
           03/02 (H) Amended
           03/02 (H) Passed As Amended
SB2587  Escape; impose punishment for when jailed for contempt.   Albritton
           03/02 (H) Passed
SB2589  Appropriation; transfer certain funds into Budget         Gordon
        Contingency Fund.                                      
           03/02 (H) Returned For Concurrence
SB2590  State Parole Board; provide staggered term for            Huggins
        chairperson; remove reimbursement restriction; extend  
           03/02 (H) Amended
           03/02 (H) Passed As Amended
SB2591  Corrections; revise application fee for transfer under    Huggins
        the Interstate Compact for Adult Offender Supervision. 
           03/02 (H) Passed
SB2598  Corrections; remove repealer on the Intensive             Huggins
        Supervision Program.                                   
           03/02 (H) Amended
           03/02 (H) Passed As Amended
SB2599  Corrections; remove repealer on the Community Service     Huggins
        Revolving Fund.                                        
           03/02 (H) Amended
           03/02 (H) Passed As Amended
SB2607  Community college trustees' authority to contract for     Burton
        energy efficiency services; increase term limitation.  
           03/02 (H) Passed
SB2608  Corrections; clarify law enforcement training             Huggins
        requirements of officers of the DOC Investigation      
           03/02 (H) Passed
SB2629  Veterans' Home Purchase Board; authorize telephone        Carmichael
        polls for loan-related matters.                        
           03/02 (H) Passed
SB2656  Department of Finance and Administration; authorize to    Jackson (32nd)
        enforce laws at ABC warehouse and State Tax Commission 
        main office.                                           
           03/02 (H) Passed
SB2683  County prosecuting attorney; delete repealer on           Dawkins
        authority to employ in certain counties.               
           03/02 (H) Passed
SB2686  Sales tax; authorize a diversion to state institutions    Robertson
        of higher learning not located within corporate limits 
        of a municipality.                                     
           03/02 (H) Transmitted To Senate
SB2688  Distinctive motor vehicle license tag; authorize for      Robertson
        various organizations.                                 
           03/02 (H) Returned For Concurrence
SB2694  Motor vehicle license tags; authorize tags that cannot    Ross
        be traced be issued to certain members of the state &  
        federal judicial system.                               
           03/02 (H) Transmitted To Senate
SB2695  MS Telephone Solicitation Act; extend repealer.           King
           03/02 (H) Passed
SB2724  Forestry; place the MS Institute for Forest Inventory     Harvey
        within the State Forestry Commission.                  
           03/02 (H) Amended
           03/02 (H) Passed As Amended
SB2726  Business Development Corporation Law; repeal.             Mettetal
           03/02 (H) Passed
SB2728  Mississippi Veterans Monument Commission; extend          Carmichael
           03/02 (H) Passed
SB2744  Wiretap law; delete repealer.                             Tollison
           03/02 (H) Passed
SB2757  Courts; facilitate comprehensive electronic data system   Ross
           03/02 (H) Read the Third Time
SB2761  Transfer of adult short-term training programs to         Burton
        SBCJC; delete repealer on.                             
           03/02 (H) Passed
SB2763  Surveying; allow use of U.S. Survey Feet in plane         Moffatt
        coordinate system.                                     
           03/02 (H) Passed
SB2765  Wildlife; amend 49-7-47 to delete references to common    Posey
        snapping turtles.                                      
           03/02 (H) Passed
SB2767  Wildlife; revise prohibition on the sale of game          Posey
        animals, birds and fish.                               
           03/02 (H) Passed
SB2781  Property; enact Uniform Fraudulent Transfer Act           Doxey
           03/02 (H) Passed
SB2785  Board of Bar Admissions; delete automatic repealer.       Ross
           03/02 (H) Amended
           03/02 (H) Passed As Amended
SB2798  Wildlife Department; conform publication requirements     Posey
        of regulations to administrative procedures law.       
           03/02 (H) Passed
SB2800  Home repair fraud; revise penalties (AG).                 Gollott
           03/02 (H) Tabled Subject To Call
SB2801  Jackson State University; authorize to sell and convey    Gordon
        certain property.                                      
           03/02 (H) Returned For Concurrence
SB2803  Public property; authorize DFA and MDOT to make various   Williamson
           03/02 (H) Amended
           03/02 (H) Passed As Amended
SB2804  Public purchases; define energy efficient equipment       Moffatt
        services and improvements.                             
           03/02 (H) Amended
           03/02 (H) Passed As Amended
SB2815  Corrections; repeal the repealer on the Prison            Huggins
        Overcrowding Emergency Powers Act.                     
           03/02 (H) Amended
           03/02 (H) Passed As Amended
SB2819  Controlled substance; sale or possession of counterfeit   Albritton
        substance a felony.                                    
           03/02 (H) Amended
           03/02 (H) Passed As Amended
SB2837  Adoption; expand jurisdiction.                            Tollison
           03/02 (H) Passed
SB2841  Justice information system; revise duties (AG).           Albritton
           03/02 (H) Passed
SB2868  Mississippi Coast Coliseum; authorize the use of its      Gollott
        trust fund for repairs necessitated by Hurricane       
           03/02 (H) Transmitted To Senate
SB2872  Agriculture; extend repealer on State Board of            Hyde-Smith
        Agricultural Aviation.                                 
           03/02 (H) Passed
SB2873  Agriculture; clarify disbursement of soybean promotion    Hyde-Smith
           03/02 (H) Amended
           03/02 (H) Passed As Amended
SB2875  Agriculture; remove repealer on Board of Animal Health,   Hyde-Smith
        State Veterinarian and Veterinary Diagnostic           
           03/02 (H) Passed
SB2915  IHL Board; representative of student body presidents      Harden
        shall attend meetings.                                 
           03/02 (H) Amended
           03/02 (H) Passed As Amended
SB2917  Municipalities; may enact leave policies to ensure        Tollison
        public safety employees receive same holiday benefits. 
           03/02 (H) Transmitted To Senate
SB2922  Informed consent for an abortion; require a sonogram      Nunnelee
        and auscultation of fetal heart tone.                  
           03/02 (H) Amended
           03/02 (H) Passed As Amended
           03/02 (H) Motion to Reconsider Entered
SB2943  Gulf Region Water Utility Authority Act; create.          Moffatt
           03/02 (H) Amended
           03/02 (H) Passed As Amended
SB2963  Exemption from execution; revise.                         Kirby
           03/02 (H) Amended
           03/02 (H) Passed As Amended
SB2972  Personal leave; use not required for certain state        Gordon
        officers injured in line of duty.                      
           03/02 (H) Returned For Concurrence
SB2991  Appropriation; Veterans' Home Purchase Board;             Gordon
        Additional FY2006.                                     
           03/02 (H) Transmitted To Senate
SB3067  Income taxation; provide a tax credit for expenses        Robertson
        incurred in rehabilitating certain historic structures.
           03/02 (H) Transmitted To Senate
SB3076  Appropriation; MS Oil and Gas Board; Additional FY        Gordon
           03/02 (H) Transmitted To Senate
SB3084  Tobacco and sales tax; increase excise tax on             Little
        cigarettes, reduce sales tax on certain food and revise
        certain diversions.                                    
           03/02 (H) Conferees Named Watson,Reeves,Franks
SB3092  Appropriation; Veterans Affairs Bd.; Additional FY        Little
           03/02 (H) Returned For Concurrence
SC 585  Commend career in education of Dr. Ivory Phillips, Dean   Harden
        of the College of Education and Human Development,     
        Jackson State University.                              
           03/02 (H) Adopted
           03/02 (H) Immediate Release
           03/02 (H) Transmitted To Senate

House: Signed By The Speaker

SB2049  Charter schools study commission; extend for one year.    Chaney
           03/02 (H) Enrolled Bill Signed
SB2188  Local school board member training; transfer              Chaney
        responsibility to Mississippi School Boards            
           03/02 (H) Enrolled Bill Signed
SB2328  Highway patrolmen; repeal surety bond requirement.        Robertson
           03/02 (H) Enrolled Bill Signed
SB2365  Medical radiation technologists; extend repealer on       Nunnelee
        licensure statutes.                                    
           03/02 (H) Enrolled Bill Signed
SB2386  Hospices; revise definition to conform with federal       Nunnelee
        standards for licensure purposes.                      
           03/02 (H) Enrolled Bill Signed
SB2556  Public construction contracts; revise the time period     Mettetal
        for payment due contractors.                           
           03/02 (H) Enrolled Bill Signed
SB2571  Temporary medical license for certain applicants;         Nunnelee
        authorize for enrollees in required master's degree    
           03/02 (H) Enrolled Bill Signed
SB2667  Vulnerable adults; revise sexual battery and fondling.    Burton
           03/02 (H) Enrolled Bill Signed
SB2727  Construction contracts; revise time period for payment    Mettetal
        to contractors.                                        
           03/02 (H) Enrolled Bill Signed
SB2796  Streams: remove repealer on county authority to perform   Moffatt
        alterations and erosion control along streams.         
           03/02 (H) Enrolled Bill Signed
SB2832  Mayor; clarify executive authority in certain forms of    Michel
        municipal government.                                  
           03/02 (H) Enrolled Bill Signed
SB2876  Fees charged by constables; increase.                     White
           03/02 (H) Enrolled Bill Signed
SB2935  Circuit clerks; authorize fee for filing motion to        Robertson
        renew judgment.                                        
           03/02 (H) Enrolled Bill Signed
SB2965  Forests and forest protection, duties and powers of       Hyde-Smith
        commission; extend repealer.                           
           03/02 (H) Enrolled Bill Signed

Senate: Introductions

SB3094  City of Oxford; authorize construction and operation of   Tollison
        parking facilities and conveyance of air rights above  
        parking facilities.                                    
           03/02 (S) Referred To Local and Private
SB3095  City of Vicksburg; authorize to adopt and enforce         Chaney
        building and design standards.                         
           03/02 (S) Referred To Local and Private
SC 597  Request Division of Medicaid to implement pilot program   Nunnelee
        for chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD).      
           03/02 (S) Referred To Rules
SC 598  Request Division of Medicaid to develop and report on     Burton
        long-term and alternatives assessment procedures.      
           03/02 (S) Referred To Rules

Senate: Committee Reports

HC  65  Richard Wilson; commend on receiving Mississippi Civil    Weathersby
        Defense-Emergency Management Associations Board of     
        Directors Award.                                       
           03/02 (S) Title Suff Do Be Adopted
HC  69  Wendell A. Simpson; commend for dedication in managing    Holland
        the completion of the Natchez Trace Parkway.           
           03/02 (S) Title Suff Do Be Adopted
HC  70  Kevin Foster and Andrew Hollingsworth; commend upon       Miles
        selection to attend BSA/SAJ Exchange Program.          
           03/02 (S) Title Suff Do Be Adopted
SB3084  Tobacco and sales tax; increase excise tax on             Little
        cigarettes, reduce sales tax on certain food and revise
        certain diversions.                                    
           03/02 (S) Conference Report Filed
SC 590  Declare May 2006 as "Digestive Motility Awareness         Hyde-Smith
        Month" in Mississippi.                                 
           03/02 (S) Title Suff Do Be Adopted
SC 594  Declare March 2006 as "Kidney Cancer Awareness Month."    Little
           03/02 (S) Title Suff Do Be Adopted
SC 595  Commend Phil Bass on dedicated career of public           Harvey
           03/02 (S) Title Suff Do Be Adopted
SC 596  Commend members of Phi Theta Kappa's All-Mississippi      Harden
        Academic Team.                                         
           03/02 (S) Title Suff Do Be Adopted

Senate: Floor Actions

HB 191  Fire trucks; authorize eighth round for counties and      Stringer
        cities under assistance program.                       
           03/02 (S) Passed
HB 199  Juvenile Delinquency Prevention Act of 2006; create.      Flaggs
           03/02 (S) Amended
           03/02 (S) Passed As Amended
           03/02 (S) Motion to Reconsider Entered
HB 298  Indigent Juvenile Appeals Resource Counsel; create        Flaggs
        position within Mississippi Office of Indigent Appeals.
           03/02 (S) Amended
           03/02 (S) Passed As Amended
HB 318  Italian language pilot program; extend repealer on.       Brown
           03/02 (S) Transmitted To House
HB 319  Local school health councils; direct local school         Brown
        districts to establish in conformity with federal      
           03/02 (S) Transmitted To House
HB 320  School boards; transfer training responsibility to        Brown
        Mississippi School Boards Association.                 
           03/02 (S) Transmitted To House
HB 321  Substitute school bus drivers; authorize reimbursement    Brown
        for costs required for commercial driver's license.    
           03/02 (S) Transmitted To House
HB 338  Banking; commissioner may disclose certain information    Guice
        to federal or state regulatory counterpart to          
           03/02 (S) Transmitted To House
HB 368  Personal care homes; extend repealer on certain           Warren
        provisions regarding.                                  
           03/02 (S) Transmitted To House
HB 392  State funds; clarify that MCI settlement funds may be     Stringer
        used by colleges and schools for PERS contribution     
           03/02 (S) Passed
HB 413  Abandonment of trial and appeals; provide for             Gunn
           03/02 (S) Amended
           03/02 (S) Passed As Amended
           03/02 (S) Motion to Reconsider Entered
HB 489  Street rods and antique cars; allow use of blue rear      Montgomery
           03/02 (S) Passed
HB 533  Development bank; extend repealer on authority of         Warren
        Department of Environmental Quality to borrow from.    
           03/02 (S) Passed
HB 534  Health Care Trust Fund; extend repealer on.               Warren
           03/02 (S) Amended
           03/02 (S) Passed As Amended
           03/02 (S) Motion to Reconsider Entered
HB 543  Individual On-site Wastewater Disposal System Law;        Warren
        extend repealer on.                                    
           03/02 (S) Transmitted To House
HB 550  Flood and drainage control districts; extend repealer     Warren
        on (RP).                                               
           03/02 (S) Transmitted To House
HB 552  Special Needs Prison Program; extend repealer on (RP).    Warren
           03/02 (S) Passed
HB 557  Medical radiation technologists; extend repealer on       Holland
        registration of.                                       
           03/02 (S) Recommitted to Committee
HB 558  Uniform Controlled Substances Act; revise schedules in    Holland
        conformity of federal law.                             
           03/02 (S) Transmitted To House
HB 561  Water quality analysis fee; increase authorized amount    Holland
        per connection.                                        
           03/02 (S) Transmitted To House
HB 563  MAEP funding; extend repealer on additional funding for   Warren
        high growth districts.                                 
           03/02 (S) Transmitted To House
HB 566  Capital Improvements Preplanning Fund; extend repealer.   Warren
           03/02 (S) Passed
HB 567  Public Service Commission; extend repealer on (RP).       Warren
           03/02 (S) Transmitted To House
HB 571  Office of General Services Revolving Fund; extend         Warren
        repealer on.                                           
           03/02 (S) Amended
           03/02 (S) Passed As Amended
HB 572  Community Service Revolving Fund; extend repealer on      Warren
           03/02 (S) Passed
HB 583  Intensive Supervision Program; electronic home            Warren
        detention; extend repealer (RP).                       
           03/02 (S) Passed
HB 591  Mississippi Board of Animal Health; extend repealer on.   Warren
           03/02 (S) Motion to Reconsider Entered
HB 594  Gulf States Marine Fisheries Commission; revise           Frierson
        composition of membership.                             
           03/02 (S) Transmitted To House
HB 603  EMS services; include in quality assurance review         Holland
           03/02 (S) Transmitted To House
HB 632  Municipal expenditures; revise exemptions for purchases   Baker (74th)
        made during last quarter of last year of term for      
        governing authorities.                                 
           03/02 (S) Amended
           03/02 (S) Passed As Amended
HB 646  Radioactive materials; increase schedule of fees          Holland
        charged by Health Department for regulation of.        
           03/02 (S) Transmitted To House
HB 681  Mortgage companies; allow to collect fee from borrower    Baker (74th)
        to lock in loan rate for more than 60 days.            
           03/02 (S) Motion to Reconsider Entered
HB 689  Income tax refund; designate contribution to go to        Robinson (84th)
        Mississippi Wildlife, Fisheries and Parks Foundation.  
           03/02 (S) Passed
HB 698  Wildlife; provide exception to hunter education and       Robinson (84th)
        provide apprentice license for children between 12 and 
           03/02 (S) Amended
           03/02 (S) Passed As Amended
HB 733  Crime victims; notify when criminal offender is           Whittington
           03/02 (S) Passed
HB 736  Amateur radio antenna structures; require counties and    Masterson
        municipalities to provide reasonable accommodations    
           03/02 (S) Transmitted To House
HB 745  Income tax; extend repealer on tax credit for certain     Warren
        employers sponsoring skills training for employees.    
           03/02 (S) Passed
HB 779  Prison Overcrowding Emergency Powers Act; extend          Warren
        repealer on (RP).                                      
           03/02 (S) Passed
HB 781  Levy of forest acreage tax; extend repealer.              Warren
           03/02 (S) Passed
           03/02 (S) Motion to Reconsider Entered
HB 784  State employee parking arrangements; extend repealer on   Warren
        authority of DFA to contract for.                      
           03/02 (S) Amended
           03/02 (S) Passed As Amended
HB 827  Mobile homes; clarify security interest in mobile home    Snowden
        if affixed to realty.                                  
           03/02 (S) Transmitted To House
HB 890  College tuition; clarify residency requirement for        Young
        certain minors to receive in-state rates.              
           03/02 (S) Transmitted To House
HB 895  Hemodialysis technicians; create program under board of   Holland
        Nursing for certification of.                          
           03/02 (S) Transmitted To House
HB 917  Radiologist assistants; authorize Board of Medical        Barnett
        Licensure to license and regulate.                     
           03/02 (S) Transmitted To House
HB 935  Wildlife in need of management; correct certain           Robinson (84th)
        language relating to designation and protection of.    
           03/02 (S) Amended
           03/02 (S) Passed As Amended
HB 944  School districts; authorize to partner with entities,     Lott
        organizations and corporations to benefit.             
           03/02 (S) Transmitted To House
HB 991  Public property; create joint legislative committee to    Weathersby
        study the sale of Mississippi School for the Blind.    
           03/02 (S) Amended
           03/02 (S) Passed As Amended
HB1002  Providing a cell phone to prisoner; clarify illegality    Malone
           03/02 (S) Passed
           03/02 (S) Motion to Reconsider Entered
HB1003  Internal audit division of Department of Corrections;     Malone
        change name to Corrections Investigation Division.     
           03/02 (S) Amended
           03/02 (S) Passed As Amended
HB1006  State Parole Board; provide staggered term for            Malone
        chairperson; remove reimbursement restriction; extend  
        repealer (RP).                                         
           03/02 (S) Amended
           03/02 (S) Passed As Amended
HB1008  Application fee for out-of-state transfers for inmates;   Malone
           03/02 (S) Amended
           03/02 (S) Passed As Amended
HB1009  Commitment papers needed for individuals committed to     Malone
        Department of Corrections; revise.                     
           03/02 (S) Amended
           03/02 (S) Passed As Amended
HB1010  Agricultural leases of prison lands to private            Malone
        entities; reenact and extend repealer on (RP).         
           03/02 (S) Passed
HB1015  Public construction projects; revise various provisions   Dedeaux
        relating to.                                           
           03/02 (S) Amended
           03/02 (S) Passed As Amended
HB1033  Municipal judges; remove requirement that all must be     Reeves
        compensated the same.                                  
           03/02 (S) Passed
HB1034  Mississippi Delta Region; create task force to develop    Mayo
        strategic plan for revitalization of region.           
           03/02 (S) Amended
           03/02 (S) Passed As Amended
HB1056  Obstruction of justice; create as an offense.             Beckett
           03/02 (S) Transmitted To House
HB1062  Nursing Practice Law; make technical changes to.          Holland
           03/02 (S) Transmitted To House
HB1067  Taxation; notice that tolls limitation on recovery of     Watson
        fuel taxes may be made by personal delivery by an agent
        of the STC.                                            
           03/02 (S) Passed
HB1109  Slaughtering establishments; authorize Commissioner of    Eaton
        Agriculture to inspect for humane methods.             
           03/02 (S) Transmitted To House
HB1121  School districts; establish home rule and exempt          Brown
        certain districts from certain requirements.           
           03/02 (S) Motion to Reconsider Tabled
           03/02 (S) Transmitted To House
HB1130  Public high schools; restructure means of delivering      Brown
           03/02 (S) Transmitted To House
HB1141  Firearms; clarify regulation of discharge of firearms     McBride
        in counties or municipalities.                         
           03/02 (S) Amended
           03/02 (S) Passed As Amended
           03/02 (S) Motion to Reconsider Entered
HB1167  Property; authorize land exchange between North Pike      Mims
        School District and Southwest Mississippi Community    
           03/02 (S) Passed
HB1175  Preneed Cemetery and Funeral Registration Act; revise     Robinson (63rd)
        definition of "insurance" under.                       
           03/02 (S) Transmitted To House
HB1215  Tinted windows; motor vehicles; reduce minimum light      Ward
        transmittance requirements.                            
           03/02 (S) Amended
           03/02 (S) Passed As Amended
HB1221  CON; issue to move nursing home beds from Hancock         Compretta
        County to Harrison County and construct new facility.  
           03/02 (S) Amended
           03/02 (S) Passed As Amended
HB1229  Real estate recordings; establish document formatting     Upshaw
           03/02 (S) Amended
           03/02 (S) Passed As Amended
HB1306  Criminal history records; revise dissemination.           Compretta
           03/02 (S) Transmitted To House
HB1312  Fire fighters or law enforcement officers; authorize to   Compretta
        keep badge upon retirement.                            
           03/02 (S) Amended
           03/02 (S) Passed As Amended
HB1316  Home repair fraud; revise penalties.                      Compretta
           03/02 (S) Transmitted To House
HB1320  Grant funds; provide for tracking of certain for          Brown
        assistance to homeowners affected by Hurricane Katrina.
           03/02 (S) Passed
HB1323  Residential structures; authorize rebuilding of those     Fredericks
        destroyed by Hurricane Katrina regardless of lot size. 
           03/02 (S) Transmitted To House
HB1324  Hurricane Katrina; Stennis Institute conduct study of     Brown
        performance of first responders to.                    
           03/02 (S) Passed
HB1361  Drag racing; create misdemeanor offense.                  Mayhall
           03/02 (S) Transmitted To House
HB1367  Scenic Streams; designate portion of Red Creek in         Parker
        Stone, George and Jackson Counties as a state scenic   
           03/02 (S) Transmitted To House
HB1373  Eligible for nomination to State Scenic Streams           Miles
        Stewardship Program; designate the Tombigbee River in  
        Itawamba County for.                                   
           03/02 (S) Transmitted To House
HB1375  Mississippi Industries for the Blind; revise various      Brown
           03/02 (S) Amended
           03/02 (S) Passed As Amended
HB1387  Taxation; warrants for collection of taxes must be made   Watson
        in form and manner determined satisfactory by State    
        Tax Commission.                                        
           03/02 (S) Passed
HB1423  High school diploma; authorize for students who           Reed
        withdrew before graduation and later achieved          
        equivalent requirements.                               
           03/02 (S) Transmitted To House
HB1433  FY06 appropriations; authorize transfer of funds among    Stringer
        various categories.                                    
           03/02 (S) Passed
HB1440  Public facilities; new construction to comply with        Weathersby
        building code standards required by DFA.               
           03/02 (S) Amended
           03/02 (S) Passed As Amended
HB1443  Loans; delete requirement for loan committee approval     Guice
        of certain bank loans.                                 
           03/02 (S) Transmitted To House
SB2398  State-owned vehicles; create Office of Fleet Management   Thames
        within DFA.                                            
           03/02 (S) Conferees Named Thames,Gordon,Clarke
SB2809  Mississippi's election laws; make technical changes.      Burton
           03/02 (S) Decline to Concur/Invite Conf
SB2843  Weekly unemployment compensation benefits; increase.      Robertson
           03/02 (S) Decline to Concur/Invite Conf
SB2848  Insurance companies; may advertise policy in foreign      Kirby
        language and offer policy in English.                  
           03/02 (S) Decline to Concur/Invite Conf
           03/02 (S) Conferees Named Kirby,Hewes,Brown
SB2870  Levy of forest acreage tax; extend repealer.              Harvey
           03/02 (S) Decline to Concur/Invite Conf
           03/02 (S) Conferees Named Robertson,Browning,Walley
SB3084  Tobacco and sales tax; increase excise tax on             Little
        cigarettes, reduce sales tax on certain food and revise
        certain diversions.                                    
           03/02 (S) Decline to Concur/Invite Conf
           03/02 (S) Conferees Named Robertson,Tollison,King

Senate: Measures That Have Died

HB 557  Medical radiation technologists; extend repealer on       Holland
        registration of.                                       
           03/02 (S) Died In Committee

Senate: Signed By The President

SB2049  Charter schools study commission; extend for one year.    Chaney
           03/02 (S) Enrolled Bill Signed
SB2188  Local school board member training; transfer              Chaney
        responsibility to Mississippi School Boards            
           03/02 (S) Enrolled Bill Signed
SB2328  Highway patrolmen; repeal surety bond requirement.        Robertson
           03/02 (S) Enrolled Bill Signed
SB2365  Medical radiation technologists; extend repealer on       Nunnelee
        licensure statutes.                                    
           03/02 (S) Enrolled Bill Signed
SB2386  Hospices; revise definition to conform with federal       Nunnelee
        standards for licensure purposes.                      
           03/02 (S) Enrolled Bill Signed
SB2556  Public construction contracts; revise the time period     Mettetal
        for payment due contractors.                           
           03/02 (S) Enrolled Bill Signed
SB2571  Temporary medical license for certain applicants;         Nunnelee
        authorize for enrollees in required master's degree    
           03/02 (S) Enrolled Bill Signed
SB2667  Vulnerable adults; revise sexual battery and fondling.    Burton
           03/02 (S) Enrolled Bill Signed
SB2727  Construction contracts; revise time period for payment    Mettetal
        to contractors.                                        
           03/02 (S) Enrolled Bill Signed
SB2796  Streams: remove repealer on county authority to perform   Moffatt
        alterations and erosion control along streams.         
           03/02 (S) Enrolled Bill Signed
SB2832  Mayor; clarify executive authority in certain forms of    Michel
        municipal government.                                  
           03/02 (S) Enrolled Bill Signed
SB2876  Fees charged by constables; increase.                     White
           03/02 (S) Enrolled Bill Signed
SB2935  Circuit clerks; authorize fee for filing motion to        Robertson
        renew judgment.                                        
           03/02 (S) Enrolled Bill Signed
SB2965  Forests and forest protection, duties and powers of       Hyde-Smith
        commission; extend repealer.                           
           03/02 (S) Enrolled Bill Signed

Information pertaining to this report was last updated on 04/25/06 at 14:18.

End Of Document
