SB2003 Highways; clarify that costs of relocation of utilities Kirby of rights-of-way of state highways not paid by small cities. 02/01 (S) Died In Committee SB2042 Land surveyors; limitation of liability. Kirby 02/01 (S) Died In Committee SB2043 Property/Casualty Insurance; provide for flexible Kirby rating system. 02/01 (S) Died In Committee SB2044 Illegal immigrants; impose restrictions, create new Kirby crime of false documentation. 02/01 (S) Died In Committee SB2090 Insurance adjusters; revise definition to include Kirby certain salaried employees of insurers. 02/01 (S) Died In Committee SB2094 Creditor-placed insurance; reduce insurer payment by Kirby any recovery from a third party. 03/10 Approved by Governor SB2184 State/School employees health insurance; authorize Kirby levels of coverage (Governor's proposal). 03/01 (H) Died In Committee SB2188 Pre-need funeral contracts; require sellers to complete Kirby % certification course. 02/01 (S) Died In Committee SB2224 Life insurance; discharge insurer after payment in Kirby * accordance with policy. 03/01 (H) Died In Committee SB2235 Methamphetamine; revise various provisions affecting Albritton * manufacture. 03/29 Approved by Governor SB2270 Insurance premium tax; authorize a credit for the Kirby $% location or expansion of operations centers or claims centers. 03/15 (H) Died In Committee SB2273 MS Fire Personnel Minimum Standards and Certification Kirby Board; revise length of staggered terms. 03/10 Approved by Governor SB2297 Municipalities; aldermen in code charter cities must be Kirby residents of their ward for 6 months prior to the election. 02/01 (S) Died In Committee SB2306 Memorial highway; designate U.S. Highway 80 as Korean Kirby War Veterans Memorial Highway. 02/01 (S) Died In Committee SB2311 Withholding, sales and use taxation; revise penalty for Kirby * incorrect accelerated payments in June. 03/14 Approved by Governor SB2325 Appropriation; State Veterans Affairs Bd.; Additional Little FY2005. 01/20 Approved by Governor SB2331 Cafeteria Fringe Benefit Plans; providers chosen by Kirby State Employees Health Insurance Management Board. 02/01 (S) Died In Committee SB2334 Medical Malpractice Insurance Availability Act; extend Kirby repealer. 03/01 (H) Died In Committee SB2336 Mississippi Building Code Review Board; create. Kirby % 02/01 (S) Died In Committee SB2337 Employment Compensation Revolving Fund; revise the Kirby amount of reserve required. 02/01 (S) Died In Committee SB2338 State and School Employees Life Insurance Plan; Kirby decentralize. 02/01 (S) Died In Committee SB2348 Auto liability insurance; require Department of Public Kirby % Safety to maintain database of insured motorists. 02/01 (S) Died In Committee SB2353 MS Insurance Guaranty Association Law; revise. Kirby 02/01 (S) Died In Committee SB2368 Foreign insurance companies; revise various taxes and Kirby $% fees. 02/23 (S) Died In Committee SB2387 Elections; require finance reports to include certain Burton * loan information; increase allowable corporate contribution. 03/28 (S) Died In Conference SB2411 State Employees Health Insurance Management Board; Kirby revise membership. 02/01 (S) Died In Committee SB2430 Appropriation; State Tax Commission - Homestead Little Exemption; FY2006. 03/15 (H) Died In Committee SB2449 Ad valorem taxation; exempt pollution control equipment Michel *$% mandated by federal or state law. 03/15 (H) Died In Committee SB2454 Victims of Domestic Violence Fund; provide fee from Kirby % divorce filings. 02/01 (S) Died In Committee SB2463 State Auditor; clarify authority to audit public funds Chaney * flowing into a nonprofit corporation. 03/01 (H) Died In Committee SB2488 Burial Associations; revise penalties imposed by the Kirby Commissioner of Insurance. 02/01 (S) Died In Committee SB2490 Risk retention groups; delete annual registration Kirby % fee/change premium tax rate. 02/01 (S) Died In Committee SB2559 Law enforcement officers; create disability trust fund. Tollison * % 03/16 Approved by Governor SB2562 Commissioner of Insurance; authorize to designate Kirby confidential information filed by acquiring party. 02/10 (S) Died In Committee SB2593 Human Cloning Prohibition Act; enact. White * 03/01 (H) Died In Committee SB2615 MS Fire Prevention Code; shall apply to Kirby fraternity/sorority houses on state property. 02/01 (S) Died In Committee SB2616 Insurance agents; exempt from examination applicants Kirby for credit property license. 02/01 (S) Died In Committee SB2617 Life insurance; create limited license for term life. Kirby % 02/01 (S) Died In Committee SB2664 Psychiatric residential treatment facility beds in Lee (35th) Simpson County; authorize CON for. 02/01 (S) Died In Committee SB2808 Motor vehicle dealers; require education for issuance Kirby and renewal of licenses. 02/01 (S) Died In Committee SB2815 Annual and quarterly statements of insurance companies; Kirby revise requirements for filing. 02/01 (S) Died In Committee SB2816 Insurance agents; revise requirements for certificates Kirby % of authority and penalties. 02/01 (S) Died In Committee SB2939 Health insurance policies; require option for services Kirby of marriage and family therapists. 02/01 (S) Died In Committee SB2943 Factory-built homes; require license fee per developer Kirby % location/revise definitions. 02/10 (S) Died In Committee SB3028 City of Pearl; authorize a food and beverage tax in a Kirby * % certain area of the city. 04/07 (H) Died In Committee SB3030 Bonds; issue general obligation bonds for a space, Cuevas $% science and education center in Hancock County. 02/23 (S) Died In Committee SB3031 MS Major Economic Impact Act; revise the definition of Cuevas $% the term project and authorize the issuance of general obligation bonds. 02/23 (S) Died In Committee SB3047 Appropriation; Dept. of Audit. Gordon * 04/07 (S) Died In Conference SB3048 Appropriation; Governor's Office and Mansion. Gordon * 04/07 (S) Died In Conference SB3049 Appropriation; Secretary of State. Gordon * 04/07 (S) Died In Conference SB3050 Appropriation; Debt Service-Bank Ser. Charge. Gordon * 04/07 (S) Died In Conference SB3051 Appropriation; Treasurers Office. Gordon * 04/07 (S) Died In Conference SB3063 Appropriation; Gaming Commission. Gordon * 04/07 (S) Died On Calendar SB3064 Appropriation; Information Technology Services. Gordon * 04/07 (S) Died On Calendar SB3065 Appropriation; Fire Fighters Memorial Burn Center. Gordon * 04/07 (S) Died On Calendar SB3066 Appropriation; Mississippi Development Authority. Gordon * 04/07 (S) Died In Conference SB3067 Appropriation; Personnel Bd. Gordon * 04/07 (S) Died On Calendar SB3068 Appropriation; Tax Commission. Gordon * 04/07 (S) Died In Conference SB3082 Appropriation; Bd. of Architecture. Gordon * 04/07 (S) Died On Calendar SB3083 Appropriation; Banking and Consumer Finance. Gordon * 04/07 (S) Died On Calendar SB3084 Appropriation; Chiropractic Examiners Board. Gordon * 04/07 (S) Died On Calendar SB3085 Appropriation; Dental Examiners Bd. Gordon * 04/07 (S) Died On Calendar SB3086 Appropriation; Employment Security Comm. Gordon * 04/07 (S) Died On Calendar SB3087 Appropriation; Funeral Services Bd. Gordon * 04/07 (S) Died On Calendar SB3088 Appropriation; Mississippi Board of Registered Gordon * Professional Geologists. 04/07 (S) Died On Calendar SB3089 Appropriation; Board of Massage Therapy. Gordon * 04/07 (S) Died On Calendar SB3090 Appropriation; Motor Vehicle Comm. Gordon * 04/07 (S) Died On Calendar SB3091 Appropriation; Pharmacy Bd. Gordon * 04/07 (S) Died On Calendar SB3092 Appropriation; Prof. Counselors Licensing Bd. Gordon * 04/07 (S) Died On Calendar SB3093 Appropriation; Bd. of Public Accountancy. Gordon * 04/07 (S) Died On Calendar SB3094 Appropriation; Public Contractors Bd. Gordon * 04/07 (S) Died On Calendar SB3095 Appropriation; Office of State Aid Road Construction. Gordon * 04/07 (S) Died On Calendar SB3096 Appropriation; Veterinary Exam. Bd. Gordon * 04/07 (S) Died On Calendar SB3097 Appropriation; MS Workers Compensation Comm. Gordon * 04/07 (S) Died On Calendar SB3101 Bonds; issue state general obligation bonds for the Simmons *$% B.B. King Museum, the Southern Arts and Entertainment Center, and Project Infinity. 03/17 (S) Died On Calendar SB3148 West Rankin Utility Authority; clarify boundaries. Kirby % 04/06 Approved by Governor SC 505 Illegal aliens; memorialize Congress to assist the Kirby states. 04/07 (S) Died In Committee SC 507 Commend life of former Governor Kirk Fordice. Little * 02/02 (H) Enrolled Bill Signed SC 522 Commend Elbert R. Hilliard, Director Emeritus of MS Little Department of Archives and History. 02/17 (H) Enrolled Bill Signed SC 534 Commend the "King of the Blues," B.B. King. Jordan 02/04 (H) Enrolled Bill Signed SC 541 Commend Charlie Rugg, Mississippi Sports Hall of Fame. Michel 02/22 (H) Enrolled Bill Signed SC 552 Commend country music superstar Faith Hill. Carmichael 02/22 (H) Enrolled Bill Signed SC 553 Commend Ed Orgeron, 35th Head Football Coach for Ole Michel Miss. 02/22 (H) Enrolled Bill Signed SC 559 Urge Congress to enact multiyear reauthorization for Little ISTEA. 03/17 (H) Enrolled Bill Signed SC 563 Commend the life of combat casualty Specialist Robert Carmichael McNail. 03/10 (H) Enrolled Bill Signed SC 569 Suspend rules for further consideration of SB 3039; Gordon additional appropriation to DOM, DHS, DOC bond interest, etc., FYO5. 04/07 (H) Died In Committee SC 571 Commend the life of combat casualty Specialist Drew Pickering Rahaim. 03/10 (H) Enrolled Bill Signed SC 574 Susp rules; consid & passage SB 3008 & HB 1682; Little Economic Development; establish and enhance certain incentives. 04/07 (H) Died In Committee SC 575 Commend the life of combat casualty Sergeant Timothy Butler Osbey. 03/17 (H) Enrolled Bill Signed SC 577 Commend service of Company G, 185th AVN, Mississippi Carmichael Army National Guard. 03/17 (H) Enrolled Bill Signed SC 580 Commend Morgan Freeman for Academy Award for Best Horhn Supporting Actor. 04/07 (H) Died In Committee SC 584 Commend the life of combat casualty Specialist Robert Carmichael Shane Pugh. 03/23 (H) Enrolled Bill Signed SC 585 Commend Jim Barksdale on his valuable contributions to Tollison the State of MS. 03/23 (H) Enrolled Bill Signed SC 586 Commend former State Senator Fred Wicker. Little 03/23 (H) Enrolled Bill Signed SC 589 Commend Coach Woody Barnett, National Cross-Country Kirby Coach of the Year. 03/28 (H) Enrolled Bill Signed SC 596 Commend Charlie Capps for dedicated legislative and Little public service. 03/28 (H) Enrolled Bill Signed SR 11 Commend Quentin Whitwell, MBJ 2005 "Top 40 Under 40". Michel 02/02 (S) Immediate Release SR 19 Commend Vivian Chambers. Little 02/25 (S) Immediate Release SR 35 Commend Tara Smith, "Miss Rankin County 2005." Kirby 03/04 (S) Immediate Release SR 37 Commend Charles A. Allman, Hall of Fame Football Coach. Michel 03/11 (S) Immediate Release SR 38 Commend Pearl Pirates Soccer Team on winning 4A State Kirby Championship. 03/14 (S) Immediate Release SR 51 Commend Jackson Prep "Lady Patriots" Girls Basketball Ross Team for MPSA Class AAA State Championship. 04/01 (S) Adopted
KEY: | * = Amended | % = 3/5ths Vote Required | V = Vetoed |
$ = Revenue | @ = Exempted From Deadline | P = Partially Vetoed |
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