Mississippi Legislature
2004 Regular Session

Daily Action Report for 01/15/04

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House: Introductions

HB   1  Corrections; authorize use of county inmates for          Fleming
        skilled labor in other counties.                       
           01/15 (H) Referred To Corrections
HB   2  Restitution center; authorize establishment in            Moak
        southwest Mississippi.                                 
           01/15 (H) Referred To Corrections;Appropriations
HB   3  Corrections; persons convicted of certain crimes shall    Moak
        not be placed in an intensive supervision program.     
           01/15 (H) Referred To Corrections
HB   4  County and city inmates; require to assist in the         Mayo
        payment of costs of incarceration.                     
           01/15 (H) Referred To Corrections
HB   5  Correctional facilities; provide additional               Moak
        compensation for sheriff who provides management       
           01/15 (H) Referred To Corrections;County Affairs
HB   6  Parole; provide that first-time nonviolent offenders      Ishee
        convicted after June 30, 1995, may be eligible.        
           01/15 (H) Referred To Corrections
HB   7  Probation; provide that a period of probation shall not   Fleming
        exceed two years.                                      
           01/15 (H) Referred To Corrections
HB   8  Corrections; authorize mandatory rehabilitation program   Fleming
        for offenders convicted of drug or alcohol related     
           01/15 (H) Referred To Corrections;Appropriations
HB   9  Corrections; provide that certain offenders are not       Moak
        eligible for earned-time allowance.                    
           01/15 (H) Referred To Corrections
HB  10  Delinquent county debts; county may pay debt collector    Moak
        up to 50% of amount collected.                         
           01/15 (H) Referred To County Affairs
HB  11  Graffiti; authorize counties to adopt ordinances to       Moak
        remove or cover on private property.                   
           01/15 (H) Referred To County Affairs
HB  12  County roads and bridges; increase monetary threshold     Moak
        requiring hiring engineer.                             
           01/15 (H) Referred To County Affairs
HB  13  Counties; authorize to provide services and equipment     Montgomery
        to improve state parks, wildlife and fish habitat.     
           01/15 (H) Referred To County Affairs
HB  14  Counties; authorize board of supervisors to employ        Martinson
        attorney as full-time county employee.                 
           01/15 (H) Referred To County Affairs
HB  15  Boards of supervisors; prohibit purchase or lease of      Woods
        motor vehicles for use by individual members in county 
        unit counties.                                         
           01/15 (H) Referred To County Affairs
HB  16  Public buildings; rename 301 Lamar Street Building to     Robinson (63rd)
        Robert G. Clark, Jr., Building.                        
           01/15 (H) Referred To Public Property
HB  17  Mississippi Veterans Memorial Stadium; designate press    Fleming
        box as the "Samuel James Jefferson Press Box."         
           01/15 (H) Referred To Public Property
HB  18  Mississippi Civil Rights Museum; create and place under   Fleming
        Department of Archives and History.                    
           01/15 (H) Referred To Public Property;Appropriations
HB  19  Major medical leave; allow state employees to be paid     Fleming
        for no more than 30 days at termination of employment. 
           01/15 (H) Referred To Fees and Salaries of Public Officers;Appropriations
HB  20  Legislator's salary; require to be equal to the highest   Fleming
        base salary of any city alderman or councilman.        
           01/15 (H) Referred To Fees and Salaries of Public Officers;Appropriations
HB  21  Major medical leave; remove requirement that state        Fleming
        employee must use one day of personal leave before     
           01/15 (H) Referred To Fees and Salaries of Public Officers;Appropriations
HB  22  Constables; increase annual fee paid by county for        Moak
        serving warrants and process.                          
           01/15 (H) Referred To Fees and Salaries of Public Officers;County Affairs
HB  23  State employees; create Organ Donor Leave Act.            Fleming
           01/15 (H) Referred To Fees and Salaries of Public Officers
HB  24  Court reporters; additional compensation for court        Moak
        administrator duties to be paid from judge's support   
        staff allowance.                                       
           01/15 (H) Referred To Fees and Salaries of Public Officers
HB  25  Grand and petit jurors; set maximum fee equal to amount   Dedeaux
        established for federal jurors.                        
           01/15 (H) Referred To Fees and Salaries of Public Officers;County Affairs
HB  26  Title pledge lenders; prescribe content of transaction    Fleming
        form and reduce service charge percentage.             
           01/15 (H) Referred To Banking and Financial Services
HB  27  Juvenile Justice Mandatory Communication Act; create      Fleming
        for school districts and state and provide tracking by 
        Youth Services.                                        
           01/15 (H) Referred To Juvenile Justice
HB  28  Gasoline; prohibit the use of MTBE as a gasoline          Fleming
        additive and revise labeling requirements.             
           01/15 (H) Referred To Agriculture
HB  29  Dairy show; hold in Brookhaven in Lincoln County.         Moak
           01/15 (H) Referred To Agriculture
HB  30  Fishing licenses; authorize reciprocity with Alabama      Zuber
        for persons 65 and older.                              
           01/15 (H) Referred To Wildlife, Fisheries and Parks
HB  31  Freshwater fishing license; valid for twelve months       Bailey
        from date of issuance.                                 
           01/15 (H) Referred To Wildlife, Fisheries and Parks
HB  32  Disabled person; revise qualifications for hunting and    Bailey
        fishing license exemptions.                            
           01/15 (H) Referred To Wildlife, Fisheries and Parks
HB  33  Hunting and fishing licenses; exempt all                  Dedeaux
        service-connected disabled veterans.                   
           01/15 (H) Referred To Wildlife, Fisheries and Parks
HB  34  Hunting and fishing licenses; exempt members of           Pierce
        Mississippi National Guard.                            
           01/15 (H) Referred To Wildlife, Fisheries and Parks
HB  35  State parks; authorize free access for members of         Pierce
        Mississippi National Guard and families.               
           01/15 (H) Referred To Wildlife, Fisheries and Parks
HB  36  State park rangers; authorize retiring rangers to         Moak
        retain side arm.                                       
           01/15 (H) Referred To Wildlife, Fisheries and Parks
HB  37  Hunting and fishing licenses; resident military           Taylor
        personnel on leave not required to procure.            
           01/15 (H) Referred To Wildlife, Fisheries and Parks
HB  38  Resident hunting and fishing licenses; allow certain      Taylor
        nonresidents to purchase.                              
           01/15 (H) Referred To Wildlife, Fisheries and Parks
HB  39  Inherited metabolic diseases; create program to pay       Ishee
        cost of special formulas and foods for persons having. 
           01/15 (H) Referred To Public Health and Human Services;Appropriations
HB  40  Attention Deficit Disorder; require physician or          Fleming
        psychiatrist to report number of children diagnosed    
        with to school districts.                              
           01/15 (H) Referred To Public Health and Human Services
HB  41  Child care; create grant program to assist certain        Fleming
        parents with cost of providing for their children.     
           01/15 (H) Referred To Public Health and Human Services;Appropriations
HB  42  Child care facilities; create reimbursement program for   Fleming
        cost of obtaining criminal background checks.          
           01/15 (H) Referred To Public Health and Human Services;Appropriations
HB  43  Medical errors; establish task force to evaluate          Fleming
           01/15 (H) Referred To Public Health and Human Services;Appropriations
HB  45  Medical Practice Disclosure Act; create.                  Moak
           01/15 (H) Referred To Public Health and Human Services;Judiciary A
HB  46  Medical documents; prohibit health care providers from    Moak
        charging excessive rates.                              
           01/15 (H) Referred To Public Health and Human Services
HB  47  Medicaid; division shall not provide reimbursement for    Fleming
        prescriptions of Ritalin.                              
           01/15 (H) Referred To Medicaid;Appropriations
HB  48  Medicaid False Claims Act; create.                        Moak
           01/15 (H) Referred To Medicaid
HB  49  Municipal ordinances prohibiting housing                  Fleming
        discrimination; authorize.                             
           01/15 (H) Referred To Municipalities
HB  50  Municipalities; increase the number of councilmen and     Fleming
        wards in mayor-council form of government.             
           01/15 (H) Referred To Municipalities
HB  51  Motorized vehicles; prohibit on city sidewalks.           Moak
           01/15 (H) Referred To Municipalities
HB  52  Municipal abandoned property; authorize governing         Fleming
        authorities to give to adjacent landowner.             
           01/15 (H) Referred To Municipalities
HB  53  Municipal employees; prohibit governing authorities       Denny
        from requiring to reside inside municipal boundaries.  
           01/15 (H) Referred To Municipalities
HB  54  Business improvement districts; prohibit from taking      Fleming
        action that impedes or circumvents authority of        
        municipality in which located.                         
           01/15 (H) Referred To Municipalities
HB  55  Municipal annexation; require election in both            Hamilton (109th)
        municipality and territory to be annexed if petition   
           01/15 (H) Referred To Municipalities;County Affairs
HB  56  Boards of supervisors; provide for annual elections to    Martinson
        determine president and vice president.                
           01/15 (H) Referred To County Affairs
HB  57  Driveways; authorize counties to maintain for home        Taylor
        health care recipients.                                
           01/15 (H) Referred To County Affairs
HB  58  Medical savings accounts; increase the deductible of      Fleming
        similar health coverage in determining payment for.    
           01/15 (H) Referred To Insurance
HB  59  Commercial fire suppression systems; require license      Martinson
        for sellers and installers.                            
           01/15 (H) Referred To Insurance
HB  60  Liability insurance for boats and uninsured boat          Martinson
        coverage; require self-propelled boats to be covered.  
           01/15 (H) Referred To Insurance
HB  61  Pharmacy Benefit Management Regulation Act; create.       Howell
           01/15 (H) Referred To Insurance
HB  62  State health insurance; pay premium increases from        Fleming
        tobacco settlement funds.                              
           01/15 (H) Referred To Insurance;Appropriations
HB  63  Children's Health Insurance Program; require insurance    Moak
        companies to offer same benefits or inform             
           01/15 (H) Referred To Insurance
HB  64  Genetic discrimination in health insurance; prohibit in   Fleming
        awarding policies.                                     
           01/15 (H) Referred To Insurance
HB  65  Liability insurance companies; require annual report of   Howell
        claims paid.                                           
           01/15 (H) Referred To Insurance
HB  66  Managed care plans; cannot restrict providers from        Fleming
        prescribing brand name drugs for patients.             
           01/15 (H) Referred To Insurance;Medicaid
HB  67  Health insurance; senior status judges continue to        Moak
        receive state insurance coverage.                      
           01/15 (H) Referred To Insurance;Appropriations
HB  68  Uninsured motorist coverage; equal to or higher than      Moak
        liability limits.                                      
           01/15 (H) Referred To Insurance
HB  69  Workers' compensation; death claims shall include         Moak
        interest for beneficiaries.                            
           01/15 (H) Referred To Insurance
HB  70  Genetic information; prohibit discrimination by health    Moak
        benefit plans on basis of.                             
           01/15 (H) Referred To Insurance
HB  71  Insurance agent; revise definition under insurance        Moak
           01/15 (H) Referred To Insurance
HB  72  Health maintenance organizations; shall not               Ishee
        discriminate against willing health care providers in  
        geographic location.                                   
           01/15 (H) Referred To Insurance
HB  73  State employees' life insurance; revise the amount of     Smith (27th)
        coverage available to employees and certain retirees.  
           01/15 (H) Referred To Insurance;Appropriations
HB  74  Wills; require probate within five years or               Taylor
           01/15 (H) Referred To Judiciary A
HB  75  Adverse possession; prohibit if owner pays taxes.         Taylor
           01/15 (H) Referred To Judiciary A
HB  76  Marriage licenses; shall be accompanied by a family       Clark
        life guide.                                            
           01/15 (H) Referred To Judiciary A
HB  77  Appellate judges; provide for appointed Supreme Court     Denny
        and Court of Appeals.                                  
           01/15 (H) Referred To Judiciary A;Apportionment and Elections
HB  78  Controlled substances; suspend certain state-issued       Howell
        licenses for possession of.                            
           01/15 (H) Referred To Judiciary A
HB  79  Court of Appeals; provide office operating allowance      Moak
        for certain judges.                                    
           01/15 (H) Referred To Judiciary A;Appropriations
HB  80  Circuit Courts; provide for posts in certain districts.   Moak
           01/15 (H) Referred To Judiciary A
HB  81  Chancery courts; provide for posts in certain             Moak
           01/15 (H) Referred To Judiciary A
HB  82  Health Care False Claims Act; create.                     Moak
           01/15 (H) Referred To Judiciary A
HB  83  Courts; abolish herd and provide posts in certain         Moak
        chancery and circuit court districts.                  
           01/15 (H) Referred To Judiciary A
HB  84  Marijuana; allow medical use by seriously ill patients    Fleming
        under doctor's supervision.                            
           01/15 (H) Referred To Judiciary A
HB  85  Medical malpractice; create medical review panels.        Ishee
           01/15 (H) Referred To Judiciary A
HB  86  Whistleblower Law; provide for damages.                   Moak
           01/15 (H) Referred To Judiciary A
HB  87  Juries; require to be informed of real party in           Fleming
           01/15 (H) Referred To Judiciary A
HB  88  Genetic information; define as personal property and      Fleming
        require informed consent to obtain.                    
           01/15 (H) Referred To Judiciary A
HB  89  Child support; require service on obligor in              Dedeaux
        delinquency cases.                                     
           01/15 (H) Referred To Judiciary A
HB  90  Tort reform; enact certain civil justice reforms.         Denny
           01/15 (H) Referred To Judiciary A
HB  91  Venue; revise in civil actions.                           Denny
           01/15 (H) Referred To Judiciary A
HB  92  Child support; require recipients to submit itemized      Montgomery
        statement of expenditures to chancery court.           
           01/15 (H) Referred To Judiciary A
HB  93  Adoption; require background check of parents for child   Montgomery
        support delinquency.                                   
           01/15 (H) Referred To Judiciary A
HB  94  Rental property; authorize disabled persons to break      Moak
        certain leases if public housing becomes available.    
           01/15 (H) Referred To Judiciary A
HB  95  Medicaid physician immunity; limit damages to             Masterson
           01/15 (H) Referred To Judiciary A
HB  96  Vehicular manslaughter; require bail in DUI cases.        Fleming
           01/15 (H) Referred To Judiciary A
HB  97  Landlord/Tenant Act; require that certain properties      Fleming
        meet federal guidelines.                               
           01/15 (H) Referred To Judiciary A
HB  98  Ephedra; prohibit sale.                                   Fleming
           01/15 (H) Referred To Judiciary A
HB  99  Courts; allow chancery courts to hear Tort Claims Act     Moak
        cases sent back from appellate courts.                 
           01/15 (H) Referred To Judiciary A
HB 100  Justice courts; assistant county attorney to attend       Moak
        criminal cases.                                        
           01/15 (H) Referred To Judiciary B
HB 101  Law Enforcement Officers and Fire Fighters Death          Broomfield
        Benefit Trust Fund; revise surviving spouse award.     
           01/15 (H) Referred To Judiciary B;Appropriations
HB 102  Veterinarians; prohibit debarking or surgically           Fleming
        silencing a vicious dog.                               
           01/15 (H) Referred To Judiciary B
HB 103  Loud or vulgar sound systems; prohibit operation in a     Taylor
        public place.                                          
           01/15 (H) Referred To Judiciary B
HB 104  Board on Law Enforcement Officer Standards and            Taylor
        Training; revise membership.                           
           01/15 (H) Referred To Judiciary B
HB 105  Attempted murder; create criminal offense.                Denny
           01/15 (H) Referred To Judiciary B
HB 106  Board of Contractors; court assistance for fine           Fleming
           01/15 (H) Referred To Judiciary B
HB 107  Contractors; require certificate of responsibility for    Fleming
           01/15 (H) Referred To Judiciary B
HB 108  Mississippi Crime Prevention Fund; establish.             Fleming
           01/15 (H) Referred To Judiciary B;Appropriations
HB 109  Domesticated pet; provide civil damages for               Fleming
        intentionally or negligently and unlawfully killing.   
           01/15 (H) Referred To Judiciary B
HB 110  Adolescent Offender Program counselors; require           Fleming
        probable cause hearing before arrest.                  
           01/15 (H) Referred To Judiciary B
HB 111  Orders of Board of Contractors; authorize sheriffs to     Fleming
           01/15 (H) Referred To Judiciary B
HB 112  Real estate appraisals; prohibit more than one            Fleming
        appraiser from working public projects at the same     
           01/15 (H) Referred To Judiciary B
HB 113  State Police; create as a division of the Department of   Fleming
        Public Safety.                                         
           01/15 (H) Referred To Judiciary B;Appropriations
HB 114  Pretrial intervention program; revise to provide          Moak
        keeping of nonpublic records of subsequent proceedings.
           01/15 (H) Referred To Judiciary B
HB 115  Law enforcement; prohibit racial profiling.               Fleming
           01/15 (H) Referred To Judiciary B
HB 116  Law enforcement officers; clarify weapon use in other     Fleming
           01/15 (H) Referred To Judiciary B
HB 117  Firearms; require trigger locks and ballistic             Fleming
           01/15 (H) Referred To Judiciary B
HB 118  Hotels; prohibit room rental for less that 24 hours.      Fleming
           01/15 (H) Referred To Judiciary B
HB 119  Hate crimes; revise application.                          Fleming
           01/15 (H) Referred To Judiciary B
HB 120  Bombs and explosives; revise law regarding placement      Janus
        and reporting.                                         
           01/15 (H) Referred To Judiciary B
HB 121  Deadly weapons; restrict possession by persons adjudged   Howell
        mentally ill.                                          
           01/15 (H) Referred To Judiciary B
HB 122  Human body; felony to desecrate a body or casket.         Morris
           01/15 (H) Referred To Judiciary B
HB 123  Anti-Spam Act; create.                                    Fleming
           01/15 (H) Referred To Judiciary B
HB 124  Depositions; allow elderly who are victims of financial   Fleming
        exploitation, abuse or neglect to take at home.        
           01/15 (H) Referred To Judiciary B
HB 125  Crimes; create misdemeanor offense of leaving child       Fleming
        under nine unattended in a motor vehicle.              
           01/15 (H) Referred To Judiciary B
HB 126  Indecent exposure; revise penalties.                      Zuber
           01/15 (H) Referred To Judiciary B
HB 127  Trial in absence of accused; revise.                      Moak
           01/15 (H) Referred To Judiciary B
HB 128  Trial by jury; allow and restrict contractual waiver of   Moak
        right to trial by jury.                                
           01/15 (H) Referred To Judiciary B
HB 129  Expunction; provide for certain crimes.                   Moak
           01/15 (H) Referred To Judiciary B
HB 130  Criminal procedure; clarify expunction when               Moak
        court-imposed conditions are completed or cases are    
           01/15 (H) Referred To Judiciary B
HB 131  Firearms; additional penalty for stealing during          Moak
        another crime.                                         
           01/15 (H) Referred To Judiciary B
HB 132  Cyberstalking; establish law prohibiting.                 Moak
           01/15 (H) Referred To Judiciary B
HB 133  Death penalty; abolish by 2012 and prohibit death         Fleming
        penalty sentences after January 1, 2005.               
           01/15 (H) Referred To Judiciary En Banc
HB 134  Sentencing; prohibit death sentence when evidence         Fleming
        establishes racial bias in prosecuting or sentencing.  
           01/15 (H) Referred To Judiciary En Banc
HB 135  Death penalty; not applicable to persons under age of     Fleming
        18 years.                                              
           01/15 (H) Referred To Judiciary En Banc
HB 136  Mental retardation; allow to be mitigating factor in      Fleming
        death penalty cases.                                   
           01/15 (H) Referred To Judiciary En Banc
HB 137  Death penalty; abolish for mentally retarded or           Fleming
        mentally challenged.                                   
           01/15 (H) Referred To Judiciary En Banc
HB 138  Lethal injection; remove requirement that a licensed      Fleming
        physician administer execution.                        
           01/15 (H) Referred To Judiciary En Banc
HB 139  Death penalty; provide moratorium for purpose of          Mayo
        completing study on impact.                            
           01/15 (H) Referred To Judiciary En Banc
HB 140  Ad valorem tax; impose on nonproducing mineral estates    Robinson (84th)
        held separately from surface estate.                   
           01/15 (H) Referred To Oil, Gas and Other Minerals;Ways and Means
HB 141  Saltwater sports fishing licenses; valid for 12 months    Zuber
        from date of issuance.                                 
           01/15 (H) Referred To Marine Resources
HB 142  Used car salesman; require continuing education.          Moak
           01/15 (H) Referred To Transportation
HB 143  Crimes; create offense of curbstoning.                    Moak
           01/15 (H) Referred To Transportation;Judiciary B
HB 144  Cell phone; prohibit holder of driver permit or           Fleming
        intermediate license from using while driving.         
           01/15 (H) Referred To Transportation
HB 145  Highway work zone; revise penalty for speeding.           Fleming
           01/15 (H) Referred To Transportation
HB 146  Driver's license; require vision screening upon renewal   Bailey
        by persons 70 years old or older.                      
           01/15 (H) Referred To Transportation
HB 147  Public/Mass Transit Task Force; create.                   Fleming
           01/15 (H) Referred To Transportation
HB 148  Radar; authorize sheriff and deputies to use on county    Zuber
        roads in counties with a population over 115,000.      
           01/15 (H) Referred To Transportation
HB 149  Motor vehicle; unlawful to ride in portion not designed   Martinson
        for passengers.                                        
           01/15 (H) Referred To Transportation
HB 150  Driver's license; require passage of vision screening     Martinson
        exam upon renewal.                                     
           01/15 (H) Referred To Transportation
HB 151  Motor vehicle safety belts; authorize conviction for      Martinson
        primary offense.                                       
           01/15 (H) Referred To Transportation
HB 152  Headlights; require use during precipitation.             Martinson
           01/15 (H) Referred To Transportation
HB 153  Radar; authorize sheriff of any county to use to          Masterson
        enforce speeding laws on county roads.                 
           01/15 (H) Referred To Transportation
HB 154  Radar; sheriff and deputies may use in counties over      Ishee
           01/15 (H) Referred To Transportation
HB 155  Headlights; require to be used whenever windshield        Ishee
        wipers necessitated.                                   
           01/15 (H) Referred To Transportation
HB 156  Highway speed limit; maximum not to exceed 65 miles per   Fleming
        hour at night.                                         
           01/15 (H) Referred To Transportation
HB 157  Vehicle inspection sticker; violation to be dismissed     Robinson (84th)
        upon proof of obtaining valid sticker.                 
           01/15 (H) Referred To Transportation
HB 158  Cell phones; prohibit use of while driving without        Broomfield
        using hands-free accessories.                          
           01/15 (H) Referred To Transportation
HB 159  Motor vehicles; require entity dismantling or crushing    Moak
        vehicles to notify lienholders and provide penalties   
        for violations.                                        
           01/15 (H) Referred To Transportation
HB 160  Motor vehicle dealers; increase bond requirements as      Moak
        designated agents.                                     
           01/15 (H) Referred To Transportation
HB 161  Motor vehicles; require notice to buyer that vehicle      Moak
        may be salvaged or rebuilt and provide penalties for   
           01/15 (H) Referred To Transportation
HB 162  Salvage motor vehicles; provide for issuance of           Moak
        certificates of title.                                 
           01/15 (H) Referred To Transportation
HB 163  Seat belt law; violation to be a primary offense.         Clark
           01/15 (H) Referred To Transportation
HB 164  Tinted motor vehicle windows; require inspection          Woods
        stations to test and issue labels.                     
           01/15 (H) Referred To Transportation
HB 165  Election; require voter ID.                               Martinson
           01/15 (H) Referred To Apportionment and Elections
HB 166  Ballots; allow copying by candidates after general or     Martinson
        primary elections.                                     
           01/15 (H) Referred To Apportionment and Elections
HB 167  Judges; justice court to be nonpartisan and provide       Moak
        posts in certain circuit and chancery districts.       
           01/15 (H) Referred To Apportionment and Elections;Judiciary B
HB 168  Nonpartisan Judicial Election Act; repeal.                Fleming
           01/15 (H) Referred To Apportionment and Elections;Judiciary A
HB 169  Voting; allow a voter who moves to a different voting     Fleming
        precinct in the state to transfer registration.        
           01/15 (H) Referred To Apportionment and Elections
HB 170  Election commissioners; prohibit employment by            Fleming
        political party while in office.                       
           01/15 (H) Referred To Apportionment and Elections
HB 171  Election commissioners; remove requirement to declare     Fleming
        party affiliation.                                     
           01/15 (H) Referred To Apportionment and Elections
HB 172  Absent ballots; count and keep at circuit clerk's         Fleming
           01/15 (H) Referred To Apportionment and Elections
HB 173  County, legislative and statewide elections; held         Fleming
        during presidential election years.                    
           01/15 (H) Referred To Apportionment and Elections
HB 174  Elected offices; increase filing fees for certain.        Moak
           01/15 (H) Referred To Apportionment and Elections
HB 175  Campaign finance disclosure; require I.D. of one who      Flaggs
        guarantees, cosigns or provides security for a loan for
        a candidate.                                           
           01/15 (H) Referred To Apportionment and Elections
HB 176  Special elections; call when legislator or state          Fleming
        elected official changes political party affiliation.  
           01/15 (H) Referred To Apportionment and Elections
HB 177  Labor; create Mass Layoff Act.                            Fleming
           01/15 (H) Referred To Labor
HB 178  Fair Pay Act of 2004; create.                             Fleming
           01/15 (H) Referred To Labor
HB 179  Employment at will; abolish and establish the Good        Fleming
        Faith in Employment Act.                               
           01/15 (H) Referred To Labor
HB 180  Wages; require Mississippi employers to pay wages of no   Fleming
        less than 15% above federal minimum wage.              
           01/15 (H) Referred To Labor;Ways and Means
HB 181  Employers; prohibit from asking on an employment          Fleming
        application whether applicant is a convicted felon.    
           01/15 (H) Referred To Labor
HB 182  Genetic testing and discrimination; prohibit by           Fleming
           01/15 (H) Referred To Labor
HB 183  Unemployment insurance; provide to employees who leave    Fleming
        work due to domestic violence.                         
           01/15 (H) Referred To Labor
HB 184  State Neutrality in Labor Organizing Act; create.         Fleming
           01/15 (H) Referred To Labor
HB 185  Employers; prohibit those that rent single dwelling to    Fleming
        its employees from deducting more than a certain       
           01/15 (H) Referred To Labor
HB 186  Employers; prohibit firing employee who loses time from   Fleming
        work because responded to an emergency as a volunteer. 
           01/15 (H) Referred To Labor
HB 187  Employers; require those that rent factory-built homes    Fleming
        to employees to maintain with state and federal        
           01/15 (H) Referred To Labor
HB 188  Distinctive license tag; authorize issuance for law       Martinson
        enforcement officers and fire fighters wounded in line 
        of duty.                                               
           01/15 (H) Referred To Ways and Means
HB 189  Motor vehicle ad valorem tax; exempt portion for          Zuber
        military personnel stationed out of state.             
           01/15 (H) Referred To Ways and Means
HB 190  Gaming revenues; delete reverter on certain diversions.   Fleming
           01/15 (H) Referred To Gaming;Ways and Means
HB 191  Gaming revenues; revise diversions.                       Fleming
           01/15 (H) Referred To Gaming;Ways and Means
HB 192  Sales tax; exempt clothing and school supplies one week   Fleming
        a year.                                                
           01/15 (H) Referred To Ways and Means
HB 193  Income tax; authorize State Tax Commission to allow       Fleming
        taxpayers owing additional tax to pay through          
        installment agreement.                                 
           01/15 (H) Referred To Ways and Means
HB 194  Alcoholic beverages; allow shipment of wine directly      Fleming
        from out of state to consumers under certain           
           01/15 (H) Referred To Ways and Means
HB 195  Sales tax and use tax; eliminate compensation or          Fleming
        discount that taxpayer may retain as compensation for  
           01/15 (H) Referred To Ways and Means
HB 196  Sales tax; authorize special municipal sales tax to       Ishee
        fund certain capital projects.                         
           01/15 (H) Referred To Ways and Means
HB 197  Motor vehicle ad valorem tax; authorize credit for        Ishee
        national guardsmen and reservists.                     
           01/15 (H) Referred To Ways and Means
HB 198  Special license tag; authorize to be issued for replica   Ishee
        motor vehicles.                                        
           01/15 (H) Referred To Ways and Means
HB 199  Income tax; provide a credit for taxpayers incurring      Fleming
        expenses for certain household and dependent care      
           01/15 (H) Referred To Ways and Means
HB 200  Income tax; provide a credit for taxpayers allowed to     Fleming
        claim federal earned income tax credit.                
           01/15 (H) Referred To Ways and Means
HB 201  Income tax; partially exclude active duty military        Zuber
        compensation received by a nonresident while stationed 
        in this state.                                         
           01/15 (H) Referred To Ways and Means
HB 202  Sales tax; reduce rate on sales of certain food and       Fleming
        revise certain diversions.                             
           01/15 (H) Referred To Ways and Means
HB 203  Income tax; exclude overtime compensation from gross      Fleming
           01/15 (H) Referred To Ways and Means
HB 204  Income tax; authorize deduction for medical expenses      Fleming
        regardless of amount.                                  
           01/15 (H) Referred To Ways and Means
HB 205  Sales tax; decrease on sales of all-terrain vehicles      Montgomery
        used for agricultural purposes.                        
           01/15 (H) Referred To Ways and Means
HB 206  Postsecondary academic courses on Internet; establish     Fleming
        tuition grant program for.                             
           01/15 (H) Referred To Universities and Colleges;Appropriations
HB 207  Universities; phase out remedial courses in reading and   Martinson
        reading comprehension.                                 
           01/15 (H) Referred To Universities and Colleges
HB 208  Mississippi Engineers of the 21st Century Scholarship     Fleming
        Fund; create.                                          
           01/15 (H) Referred To Universities and Colleges;Appropriations
HB 209  Senior citizens; allow those with annual incomes below    Moak
        a certain amount to attend college tuition-free.       
           01/15 (H) Referred To Universities and Colleges;Appropriations
HB 210  Ad valorem tax; revise manner of payment on motor         Fleming
           01/15 (H) Referred To Ways and Means
HB 211  Employers; grant leave for school activities and          Fleming
        receive ad valorem tax refund.                         
           01/15 (H) Referred To Ways and Means
HB 212  State tax system; create task force to study.             Fleming
           01/15 (H) Referred To Ways and Means
HB 213  Gasoline excise tax; increase and deposit portion of      Fleming
        proceeds into Mississippi Highway-Railroad Grade       
        Crossing Safety Account.                               
           01/15 (H) Referred To Ways and Means
HB 214  Ad valorem taxes; refund portion of school taxes to       Fleming
        employers that allow employees to take leave for       
        volunteer service in public schools.                   
           01/15 (H) Referred To Ways and Means
HB 215  Income tax; provide a credit for nonpublic school         Fleming
        tuition payments and home school material costs.       
           01/15 (H) Referred To Ways and Means
HB 216  License tag; distinctive tag issued to volunteer fire     Markham
        fighters without additional fee.                       
           01/15 (H) Referred To Ways and Means
HB 217  Income tax; exclude active duty military compensation     Zuber
        received by a resident while stationed out of state.   
           01/15 (H) Referred To Ways and Means
HB 218  Ad valorem tax, homestead property; exempt portion of     Zuber
        increase in assessed value above assessed value for    
        preceding year.                                        
           01/15 (H) Referred To Ways and Means
HB 219  Homestead exemption; increase.                            Zuber
           01/15 (H) Referred To Ways and Means
HB 220  Income tax; increase rate of tax.                         Fleming
           01/15 (H) Referred To Ways and Means
HB 221  Distinctive license tags; authorize to depict fictional   Fleming
        cartoon characters.                                    
           01/15 (H) Referred To Ways and Means
HB 222  Income tax; provide a credit for taxpayers that are       Fleming
        required to conduct criminal background checks on      
           01/15 (H) Referred To Ways and Means
HB 223  Distinctive motor vehicle license tag; revise             Morris
        distribution of proceeds from Delta Sigma Theta        
        Sorority tags.                                         
           01/15 (H) Referred To Ways and Means
HB 224  Alcoholic beverage licenses; require to purchase          Moak
        certain liability insurance.                           
           01/15 (H) Referred To Ways and Means
HB 225  Bonds; issue general obligation bonds for repair and      Ishee
        renovation of Beauvoir Visitors Center.                
           01/15 (H) Referred To Ways and Means
HB 226  Bonds; authorize issuance of general obligation bonds     Ishee
        for construction of Gulf Coast Botanical Gardens at    
           01/15 (H) Referred To Tourism;Ways and Means
HB 227  Bonds; issue bonds for capital improvements for           Fleming
        historically black public universities.                
           01/15 (H) Referred To Ways and Means
HB 228  Income tax; provide a credit for taxpayers incurring      Fleming
        expenses for tutorial services for dependents enrolled 
        in public schools.                                     
           01/15 (H) Referred To Ways and Means
HB 229  Bonds; issue bonds for improvements to Level 1 and        Fleming
        Level 2 public high schools.                           
           01/15 (H) Referred To Ways and Means
HB 230  IHL; require cooperation with federal agencies in         Moak
        terrorism investigation.                               
           01/15 (H) Referred To Universities and Colleges
HB 231  Mississippi Resident Tuition Assistance Grant (MTAG)      Markham
        Program; increase award amounts.                       
           01/15 (H) Referred To Universities and Colleges;Appropriations
HB 232  Debilitating disease tuition waiver program; establish.   Fleming
           01/15 (H) Referred To Universities and Colleges;Appropriations
HB 233  Access to Postsecondary Education Act; create.            Fleming
           01/15 (H) Referred To Universities and Colleges;Appropriations
HB 234  Tuition; universities; limit increase after initial       Fleming
           01/15 (H) Referred To Universities and Colleges;Appropriations
HB 235  Capital death penalty cases; provide for                  Fleming
        post-conviction motions for DNA testing.               
           01/15 (H) Referred To Judiciary En Banc
HB 236  IHL Board; abolish and establish separate board for       Fleming
        each institution.                                      
           01/15 (H) Referred To Universities and Colleges;Appropriations
HB 237  Teacher education program; require instruction in the     Martinson
        teaching of phonics.                                   
           01/15 (H) Referred To Education
HB 238  School districts; provide for elected boards in all, at   Holland
        same time as county and municipal elections.           
           01/15 (H) Referred To Education;Apportionment and Elections
HB 239  Physical education; require public high schools to        Fleming
        teach daily.                                           
           01/15 (H) Referred To Education
HB 240  Scholastic year; prohibit schools from opening before     Markham
        August 15.                                             
           01/15 (H) Referred To Education
HB 241  Public schools; prohibit zero tolerance discipline        Fleming
           01/15 (H) Referred To Education
HB 242  Adult entertainment business; prohibit establishment on   Fleming
        sixteenth section land or lieu land.                   
           01/15 (H) Referred To Education
HB 243  Personal finance and entrepreneurship course; require     Fleming
        for high school graduation.                            
           01/15 (H) Referred To Education;Appropriations
HB 244  Teachers, counselors and school officials; prohibit       Fleming
        from recommending psychiatric drugs for children.      
           01/15 (H) Referred To Education
HB 245  School enrollment; students may attend a school in a      Fleming
        different district if their parents are purchasing a   
        residence there.                                       
           01/15 (H) Referred To Education
HB 246  Public schools; prohibit grouping students according to   Fleming
           01/15 (H) Referred To Education
HB 247  High school; require students to complete state           Fleming
        certified driver education training in order to        
           01/15 (H) Referred To Education
HB 248  School Testing Right to Know Act; create.                 Fleming
           01/15 (H) Referred To Education
HB 249  Automatic expulsion; include sexual misconduct and        Ishee
        indecent exposure in definition of "disruptive         
           01/15 (H) Referred To Education;Juvenile Justice
HB 250  Student Achievement Guarantee in Education Act; create.   Fleming
           01/15 (H) Referred To Education;Appropriations
HB 251  Public schools; create a task force to study core         Fleming
           01/15 (H) Referred To Education;Appropriations
HB 252  State ballad; designate "Mississippi, The Promised        Moak
        Land" as official state ballad.                        
           01/15 (H) Referred To Rules
HB 253  Appropriations; Mississippi National Guard Educational    Pierce
        Assistance Law; increase funding for.                  
           01/15 (H) Referred To Appropriations
HB 254  Appropriation; Department of Corrections to provide       Moak
        funding for additional field officers.                 
           01/15 (H) Referred To Appropriations
HB 255  Appropriation; Department of Education for reinstating    Fleming
        physical education programs.                           
           01/15 (H) Referred To Appropriations
HB 256  Appropriation; Corrections Department for support of      Ishee
        Storybook program of Lutheran Social Ministries.       
           01/15 (H) Referred To Appropriations
HB 257  Appropriation; Education Department for support of        Ishee
        Enrich Program of Lutheran Social Ministries.          
           01/15 (H) Referred To Appropriations
HB 258  State construction projects; prohibit bidding on by       Fleming
        contractors having certain amount of outstanding       
           01/15 (H) Referred To Appropriations
HB 259  Appropriation; DHS to fund reimbursement program to       Fleming
        child care facilities for background checks.           
           01/15 (H) Referred To Appropriations
HB 260  Appropriation; DHS to fund grant program for certain      Fleming
        parents to provide for child care.                     
           01/15 (H) Referred To Appropriations
HB 261  Budget and appropriations; increases in general fund      Fleming
        expenditures limited to 3% above previous year's       
           01/15 (H) Referred To Appropriations
HB 262  Retirement; PERS and Highway Patrol members may retire    Fleming
        regardless of age with 20 years of service.            
           01/15 (H) Referred To Appropriations
HB 263  Law enforcement officers; establish separate retirement   Fleming
        system for.                                            
           01/15 (H) Referred To Appropriations
HB 264  Retirement; PERS members with 10 years service may        Fleming
        receive one-time distribution from their contributions 
        for certain purposes.                                  
           01/15 (H) Referred To Appropriations
HB 265  Public purchasing; state contract vendors must sell       Fleming
        commodities at prices not more than fair market value. 
           01/15 (H) Referred To Appropriations
HB 266  Salaries of state employees; increase annually above      Fleming
        United States Health and Human Services poverty        
           01/15 (H) Referred To Appropriations
HB 267  Appropriation; Jackson State University Continuing        Fleming
        Education Learning Center.                             
           01/15 (H) Referred To Appropriations
HB 268  State disability retirement; revise requirements for      Moak
        refiling claims.                                       
           01/15 (H) Referred To Appropriations
HB 269  Mississippi Code; provide set to office of                Moak
        superintendent of each public school district.         
           01/15 (H) Referred To Appropriations
HB 270  Appropriation; IHL for funding grant program for          Fleming
        persons taking academic courses on Internet.           
           01/15 (H) Referred To Appropriations
HB 271  Appropriation; IHL Board for Mississippi Engineers of     Fleming
        the 21st Century Scholarship Fund.                     
           01/15 (H) Referred To Appropriations
HB 272  Appropriation; Department of Transportation for           Fleming
        Highway-Railroad Crossing Safety Account.              
           01/15 (H) Referred To Appropriations
HB 273  Retirement; PERS members may increase employee's          Fleming
        contribution rate and receive higher benefits.         
           01/15 (H) Referred To Appropriations
HB 274  Performance bonds; revise time to file for collection.    Stevens
           01/15 (H) Referred To Appropriations
HB 275  Retirement; provide credit in Public Employees'           Fleming
        Retirement System for service in United States Peace   
           01/15 (H) Referred To Appropriations
HB 276  Real property; create task force to determine effects     Fleming
        of African American loss of.                           
           01/15 (H) Referred To Appropriations
HB 277  Ad valorem tax; reimburse municipalities for tax loss     Fleming
        resulting from state ownership of property.            
           01/15 (H) Referred To Appropriations
HB 278  Ad valorem taxes, exempt property; reimburse City of      Fleming
        Jackson for loss resulting from state ownership of     
           01/15 (H) Referred To Appropriations
HB 279  Optometrists; certified optometrists may administer and   Guice
        prescribe certain drugs and perform certain eye care   
           01/15 (H) Referred To Public Health and Human Services
HB 280  Neshoba County, industrial development authority;         Watson
        extend repealer on authority to take certain action    
        without public bidding (RP).                           
           01/15 (H) Referred To Local and Private Legislation;Ways and Means
HB 281  Mississippi Ratite Council; reenact and extend repealer   Watson
        on (RP).                                               
           01/15 (H) Referred To Agriculture
HB 282  Regulation of professional art therapists; reenact and    Watson
        extend repealer on (RP).                               
           01/15 (H) Referred To Public Health and Human Services
HB 283  Barber Examiners, State Board of; reenact and extend      Watson
        repealer on sections of law that create.               
           01/15 (H) Referred To Public Health and Human Services
HB 284  Traffic law violations; delete repealer for provisions    Watson
        regulating penalties and records.                      
           01/15 (H) Referred To Transportation
HB 285  Requirements to maintain records of purchases and sales   Watson
        of fish; extend repealer (RP).                         
           01/15 (H) Referred To Wildlife, Fisheries and Parks
HB 286  Agricultural leases of prison lands to private            Watson
        entities; extend repealer on DFA's duty to contract.   
           01/15 (H) Referred To Public Property
HB 287  Mississippi Veterans Monument Commission; to reenact      Watson
        and extend the date of repeal (RP).                    
           01/15 (H) Referred To Military Affairs
HB 288  Mississippi Business Investment Act; extend repealer on   Watson
        MDA authority to use bond proceeds to make loans for   
        low or moderate housing (RP).                          
           01/15 (H) Referred To Ways and Means
HB 289  Medicaid; extend repealer on provision that specifies     Watson
        care and service paid by.                              
           01/15 (H) Referred To Medicaid;Appropriations
HB 290  Personal care homes; extend date of repeal on certain     Watson
        provisions of law regarding (RP).                      
           01/15 (H) Referred To Public Health and Human Services
HB 291  Streams and water courses; extend date of repeal for      Watson
        authority of board of supervisors to alter channels    
           01/15 (H) Referred To County Affairs
HB 292  Powers and duties of president and board of trustees of   Watson
        community and junior colleges; extend repeal on        
        provision providing.                                   
           01/15 (H) Referred To Universities and Colleges
HB 293  Foresters Registration Law; reenact and repeal            Watson
           01/15 (H) Referred To Forestry
HB 294  Mississippi Pulpwood Scaling and Practices Act; reenact   Watson
        and repeal the repealer.                               
           01/15 (H) Referred To Forestry
HB 295  Jury Patriotism Act; create.                              Denny
           01/15 (H) Referred To Judiciary A
HB 296  Alcoholic beverages; allow sale of wine at wholesale by   Moak
        private entities.                                      
           01/15 (H) Referred To Ways and Means
HB 297  Driver's license; require renewal every two years for     Fleming
        persons over eighty-five.                              
           01/15 (H) Referred To Transportation
HB 298  Municipalities; authorize issuance of bonds for           Fleming
        downtown private real estate development projects.     
           01/15 (H) Referred To Ways and Means
HB 299  Sales tax; authorize counties to levy.                    West
           01/15 (H) Referred To Ways and Means
HB 300  Hill Fire Folk Play; designate as official folk play of   Howell
           01/15 (H) Referred To Rules
HB 301  Mississippi Highway 25; designate portion in Tishomingo   Franks
        County as "David Bonds Memorial Highway."              
           01/15 (H) Referred To Transportation
HB 302  Ad valorem tax and income tax; exempt certain small       West
        businesses from.                                       
           01/15 (H) Referred To Ways and Means
HB 303  Circuit courts; provide for posts in the 20th Circuit     Baker (74th)
        Court District.                                        
           01/15 (H) Referred To Judiciary A
HB 304  Sales tax; provide for reduced rate admissions to all     McBride
        publicly owned facilities.                             
           01/15 (H) Referred To Ways and Means
HB 305  PEER Committee; increase membership of.                   Pierce
           01/15 (H) Referred To Appropriations
HB 306  Suffrage; restore to Jarvis Dow Watkins of Rankin         Rogers (61st)
           01/15 (H) Referred To Judiciary B
HB 307  Ad valorem tax; agricultural land to retain               McBride
        agricultural use value after development until         
        transferred and used for developed purpose.            
           01/15 (H) Referred To Ways and Means
HB 308  Uninsured motorist coverage; provide that physical        McBride
        contact not necessary if unknown driver causes         
           01/15 (H) Referred To Insurance
HB 309  Voice stress analyzer; authorize law enforcement          McBride
        officer to use.                                        
           01/15 (H) Referred To Judiciary B
HB 310  Sales tax; exempt sales of tangible personal property     Denny
        or services to Daughters of the American Revolution.   
           01/15 (H) Referred To Ways and Means
HB 311  Income tax; provide credit for taxpayer paying home       Denny
        security expenses for primary residence.               
           01/15 (H) Referred To Ways and Means
HB 312  Voting; require identification before voting.             Denny
           01/15 (H) Referred To Apportionment and Elections
HB 313  Mandatory auto liability insurance; authorize municipal   Denny
        court clerks to collect costs of court for failure to  
           01/15 (H) Referred To Fees and Salaries of Public Officers
HB 314  Business liability reform; enact.                         Denny
           01/15 (H) Referred To Judiciary A
HB 315  Damages; provide limitation on noneconomic damages.       Denny
           01/15 (H) Referred To Judiciary A
HB 316  Innocent seller; not liable for defective product if      Denny
        mere conduit.                                          
           01/15 (H) Referred To Judiciary A
HB 317  Ad valorem taxes; delete school boards' authority to      Denny
        increase without referendum approval.                  
           01/15 (H) Referred To Education;Ways and Means
HB 318  Zoning; require majority vote to change.                  Denny
           01/15 (H) Referred To Municipalities;County Affairs
HB 319  Cellular phone use in automobiles; state law preempts     Denny
        any local ordinance.                                   
           01/15 (H) Referred To Transportation
HB 320  County Officials; increase salaries.                      Moak
           01/15 (H) Referred To Fees and Salaries of Public Officers;County Affairs
HB 321  Emergency telephone warning systems; authorize counties   Moak
        to establish and support.                              
           01/15 (H) Referred To County Affairs
HB 322  Disinterment of buried human bodies; define persons       Moak
        having right of consent to.                            
           01/15 (H) Referred To Public Health and Human Services
HB 323  Elder death review teams; authorize counties to           Moak
           01/15 (H) Referred To County Affairs
HB 324  Election campaign signs; require removal within 30 days   Howell
        after election.                                        
           01/15 (H) Referred To Transportation
HB 325  Pain Relief Act; create.                                  Moak
           01/15 (H) Referred To Public Health and Human Services
HB 326  Retirement; state elected officials in PERS may           Moak
        purchase additional years of creditable service.       
           01/15 (H) Referred To Appropriations
HB 327  Elections; increase qualifying fees for candidates for    Howell
        public office.                                         
           01/15 (H) Referred To Apportionment and Elections
HB 328  State employees; increase salaries of.                    Moak
           01/15 (H) Referred To Appropriations
HB 329  Nursing homes; allow resident or resident's kin or        Moak
        guardian to monitor resident's room with electronic    
           01/15 (H) Referred To Public Health and Human Services
HB 330  Campaign finance; require disclosure of name of           Howell
        candidate receiving in-kind contributions.             
           01/15 (H) Referred To Apportionment and Elections
HB 331  Suffrage; restore to Robin Lewis of Hinds County.         Fleming
           01/15 (H) Referred To Judiciary B
HB 332  Ad valorem taxes; require tax assessor to notify          Howell
        taxpayer of increased assessed value of taxpayer's     
           01/15 (H) Referred To Ways and Means
HB 333  Water wells; delete public notice requirement for         Rotenberry
        reissuance of permit.                                  
           01/15 (H) Referred To Conservation and Water Resources
HB 334  Hunter safety course; reduce minimum age of child who     Rotenberry
        must complete and prescribe penalties.                 
           01/15 (H) Referred To Wildlife, Fisheries and Parks
HB 335  Highway 49; bring segment between U.S. 90 and U.S. 80     Rotenberry
        up to highway standards.                               
           01/15 (H) Referred To Transportation;Gaming
HB 336  Grenada County; extend repealer on authority to           Bondurant
        contract with private entity for various aspects       
        regarding private county jail.                         
           01/15 (H) Referred To Local and Private Legislation
HB 337  Suffrage; restore to Judy A. Sykes of Covington County.   Warren
           01/15 (H) Referred To Judiciary B
HB 338  Squirrel hunting; extend season in Zone 3 by one month.   Ishee
           01/15 (H) Referred To Wildlife, Fisheries and Parks
HB 339  Alienation of affection; abolish.                         Smith (39th)
           01/15 (H) Referred To Judiciary A
HB 340  Hunting; change seasons for hunting deer with primitive   Ishee
        weapons and without dogs and hunting deer with guns and
           01/15 (H) Referred To Wildlife, Fisheries and Parks
HB 341  Income tax; exclude premiums paid for health insurance    Howell
        from gross income.                                     
           01/15 (H) Referred To Ways and Means
HB 342  Burial associations; provide review of ability to pay     Stevens
        benefits and increase certain penalties and fees.      
           01/15 (H) Referred To Insurance
HB 343  Larger fraternal benefit societies; include under         Stevens
        definition of "insurer."                               
           01/15 (H) Referred To Insurance
HB 344  Various taxes and fees on insurance companies; revise.    Stevens
           01/15 (H) Referred To Insurance;Ways and Means
HB 345  Voluntary basic health insurance coverage and small       Denny
        employer health benefit plans; revise eligibility.     
           01/15 (H) Referred To Insurance
HB 346  Insurance companies; revise procedures to revoke          Stevens
        license if commissioner finds their condition unsound. 
           01/15 (H) Referred To Insurance
HB 347  Mississippi Code; provide sets to the paralegal           Smith (39th)
        programs at USM and MUW.                               
           01/15 (H) Referred To Appropriations
HB 348  Ad valorem taxation; exempt business inventories from.    Markham
           01/15 (H) Referred To Ways and Means
HB 349  Emerging Crops Fund; increase bonds available for         Flaggs
        minority business enterprises.                         
           01/15 (H) Referred To Ways and Means
HB 350  Bonds; issue bonds for construction of new stadium on     Fleming
        campus of Jackson State University.                    
           01/15 (H) Referred To Ways and Means
HB 351  DUI; include death of unborn fetus in manslaughter        Robinson (84th)
           01/15 (H) Referred To Judiciary A
HB 352  Death of unborn quick child; include in wrongful death    Robinson (84th)
           01/15 (H) Referred To Judiciary A
HB 353  Crimes; revise penalties for false reporting of a         Robinson (84th)
           01/15 (H) Referred To Judiciary B
HB 354  Law enforcement; provide immunity for damage during       Robinson (84th)
        pursuit of criminal.                                   
           01/15 (H) Referred To Judiciary A
HB 355  Crimes; revise penalties for fleeing or eluding a law     Robinson (84th)
        enforcement officer.                                   
           01/15 (H) Referred To Judiciary B
HB 356  Absentee ballots; enhance penalties for violations        Robinson (84th)
           01/15 (H) Referred To Apportionment and Elections
HB 357  Gambling; clarify definition of unlawful gambling         Robinson (84th)
           01/15 (H) Referred To Gaming
HB 358  Income tax; exclude active duty military compensation     Robinson (84th)
        from gross income.                                     
           01/15 (H) Referred To Ways and Means
HB 359  Deer feeders; allow use if permitted by Department of     Robinson (84th)
        Wildlife, Fisheries and Parks.                         
           01/15 (H) Referred To Wildlife, Fisheries and Parks
HB 360  Nonresident deer hunting; Commission on Wildlife,         Robinson (84th)
        Fisheries and Parks to establish three-day license.    
           01/15 (H) Referred To Wildlife, Fisheries and Parks
HB 361  Board on Law Enforcement Officer Standards and            Robinson (84th)
        Training; add member.                                  
           01/15 (H) Referred To Judiciary B
HB 362  Alcohol; prevent certain "drive through" sales of         Robinson (84th)
        alcoholic beverages, light wine and beer.              
           01/15 (H) Referred To Ways and Means
HB 363  Retirement; school bus drivers shall be eligible to be    Robinson (84th)
        members of PERS.                                       
           01/15 (H) Referred To Appropriations
HB 364  Nonprofit natural gas districts; not required to bear     Robinson (84th)
        cost of removal from highway right-of-way.             
           01/15 (H) Referred To Transportation
HB 365  Eminent domain; revise appraisal procedure.               Guice
           01/15 (H) Referred To Judiciary A
HB 366  State health insurance; provide full cost of coverage     Guice
        for retirees who are reemployed by the state.          
           01/15 (H) Referred To Insurance;Appropriations
HB 367  Bonds; issue bonds for improvements at the state          Guice
        shipyard in Jackson County.                            
           01/15 (H) Referred To Ways and Means
HB 368  Hunting; unlawful to hunt within 300 yards of dwelling.   Shows *
           01/15 (H) Referred To Wildlife, Fisheries and Parks
HB 369  Child support; clarify emancipation of a minor.           Green
           01/15 (H) Referred To Judiciary A
HB 370  Public employees; prohibit from recommending or           Taylor
        endorsing purchases.                                   
           01/15 (H) Referred To Judiciary A
HB 371  Doctrine of adverse possession; repeal.                   Taylor
           01/15 (H) Referred To Judiciary A
HB 372  Adverse possession; payment of ad valorem taxes by        Taylor
        owner constitutes occupancy.                           
           01/15 (H) Referred To Judiciary A
HB 373  Child support; allow evidence of extra support in         Taylor
        modification proceedings.                              
           01/15 (H) Referred To Judiciary A
HB 374  Dead bodies; provide family the right to exhume body      Taylor
        and move to another grave site.                        
           01/15 (H) Referred To Public Health and Human Services
HB 375  Oil and gas drilling and exploration; surface owner of    Taylor
        land shall be notified before any activity is begun.   
           01/15 (H) Referred To Oil, Gas and Other Minerals
HB 376  Medicaid; require notice to division in actions against   Taylor
        health care facilities by recipients of.               
           01/15 (H) Referred To Medicaid
HB 377  Department of Environmental Quality; Attorney General     Moak
        to be sole legal advisor.                              
           01/15 (H) Referred To Conservation and Water Resources
HB 378  Credit cards; person must have signed agreement before    Taylor
        can be held liable for charges made to account.        
           01/15 (H) Referred To Banking and Financial Services
HB 379  State buildings; increase number of women's restrooms.    Moak
           01/15 (H) Referred To Public Property;Appropriations
HB 380  Notaries public; increase maximum fees allowed for        Moak
           01/15 (H) Referred To Fees and Salaries of Public Officers
HB 381  Poultry processors; provide penalties on loans to         Moak
        processors who hire illegal immigrants.                
           01/15 (H) Referred To Ways and Means
HB 382  Sales tax; exempt transfer of motor vehicle between       Moak
           01/15 (H) Referred To Ways and Means
HB 383  Motor vehicle liability insurance coverage; raise         Moak
        statutory minimum.                                     
           01/15 (H) Referred To Insurance
HB 384  Street rods and antique cars; allow use of blue rear      Montgomery
           01/15 (H) Referred To Transportation
HB 385  Public improvement districts; provide notice by           Moak
        newspaper publication when issuing certificates of     
        public convenience and necessity in uncertificated     
           01/15 (H) Referred To Public Utilities
HC   3  Amend Constitution; require elections on municipal        Robinson (84th)
           01/15 (H) Referred To Constitution
HC   4  Amend Constitution; any felon disqualified as an          Denny
           01/15 (H) Referred To Constitution
HC   5  Amend Constitution; Supreme Court judges to be            McBride
           01/15 (H) Referred To Constitution
HC   6  Amend Constitution; abolish IHL Board; establish          Fleming
        separate boards for each institution.                  
           01/15 (H) Referred To Constitution
HC   7  Amend Constitution; homeowner may purchase up to five     Taylor
        acres of sixteenth section land.                       
           01/15 (H) Referred To Constitution
HC   8  Amend Constitution; restore suffrage of offenders of      Fleming
        nonviolent crimes upon completion of sentence.         
           01/15 (H) Referred To Constitution
HC   9  Amend Constitution; Governor elected by majority of       Martinson
        popular vote; require runoff if no majority; abolish   
        electoral votes.                                       
           01/15 (H) Referred To Constitution
HC  10  Amend Constitution; Supreme Court judges to be            Denny
           01/15 (H) Referred To Constitution
HC  11  Amend Constitution; require majority vote only for bill   Denny
        reducing taxes.                                        
           01/15 (H) Referred To Constitution
HC  12  Amend Constitution; revise time for electing statewide,   Fleming
        legislative and county officials.                      
           01/15 (H) Referred To Constitution
HC  13  Greene County High School Baseball Team; commend on       Pierce
        winning state championship.                            
           01/15 (H) Referred To Rules
HC  14  National Hispanic Caucus of State Legislators; endorse    Fleming
        2003 Policy Report.                                    
           01/15 (H) Referred To Rules
HC  15  Monica J. Minter; commend on being selected               Fleming
        Mississippi's Miss Hospitality for 2003.               
           01/15 (H) Referred To Rules
HC  16  Constitutional Convention; rescind previous resolutions   Martinson
        calling for.                                           
           01/15 (H) Referred To Rules
HC  17  State and county offenders; require analysis of costs     Fleming
        for providing health care service.                     
           01/15 (H) Referred To Rules
HC  18  Requesting Congress to remove the repealer on the         Fleming
        preclearance requirement of the Voting Rights Act of   
           01/15 (H) Referred To Rules
HC  19  New Bretton Woods Conference for international monetary   Fleming
        system stability; call for.                            
           01/15 (H) Referred To Rules
HC  20  Global Sullivan Principles of Corporate Social            Fleming
        Responsibility; endorse.                               
           01/15 (H) Referred To Rules
HC  21  Requesting Congress to establish commission to study      Fleming
        slavery and plan of reparation.                        
           01/15 (H) Referred To Rules
HC  22  Jack Alfred Pace; commend for outstanding service.        Rotenberry
           01/15 (H) Referred To Rules
HC  23  Booker T. Gatlin; commend on occasion of 100th            Guice
           01/15 (H) Referred To Rules
HR   6  Mississippi Voter Registration Day; declare July 2,       Fleming
        2004, as.                                              
           01/15 (H) Referred To Rules
HR   7  National Voter Registration Day; memorialize July 2,      Fleming
        2004, as.                                              
           01/15 (H) Referred To Rules
HR   8  Booker T. Gatlin; commend on the occasion of his 100th    Guice
           01/15 (H) Referred To Rules

Senate: Introductions

SB2078  Military monuments and memorials; prohibit the            Carmichael
        alteration of.                                         
           01/15 (S) Referred To Public Property
SB2079  Health care professional/vocational-technical students;   Burton
        require criminal history background checks.            
           01/15 (S) Referred To Public Health and Welfare
SB2080  Burial associations; provide review of ability to pay     Kirby
        benefits and increase certain penalties and fees.      
           01/15 (S) Referred To Insurance
SB2081  Ad valorem taxation; reduce amount of variation from a    Huggins
        previous year that true value of agricultural land may 
        not exceed.                                            
           01/15 (S) Referred To Finance
SB2082  Mississippi Blues Commission; establish.                  Jordan
           01/15 (S) Referred To Economic Development and Tourism;Appropriations
SB2083  Consumer reporting agencies; prohibit reduction of        Jordan
        credit score without grace period.                     
           01/15 (S) Referred To Business and Financial Institutions
SB2084  Washington County; revise salary of the county            Walls
           01/15 (S) Referred To Fees, Salaries and Administration
SB2085  Payment of small invoices by school superintendents;      Kirby
        authorize with school board approval at next meeting.  
           01/15 (S) Referred To Education
SB2086  Rabies vaccine; allow purchase and inoculation by owner   Ross
        of dog or cat.                                         
           01/15 (S) Referred To Public Health and Welfare
SB2087  Liquefied Compressed Gas Board; revise composition of.    Kirby
           01/15 (S) Referred To Oil, Gas and Other Minerals
SB2088  Consumer Loan Broker Act; exclude CPA's from              Huggins
        registration under.                                    
           01/15 (S) Referred To Business and Financial Institutions
SB2089  Railroad grade crossings; prohibit obstruction of         Dawkins
        vehicular traffic for more than 20 consecutive minutes 
        at grade crossings.                                    
           01/15 (S) Referred To Highways and Transportation
SB2090  State and local law enforcement/fire fighters; not        Jackson (32nd)
        required to use personal leave for injury in line of   
           01/15 (S) Referred To Fees, Salaries and Administration
SB2091  Counties; authorize to pay expenses incurred during       Tollison
        search and rescue activities.                          
           01/15 (S) Referred To County Affairs
SB2092  Sales taxation; exempt sales to nonprofit food            Cuevas
           01/15 (S) Referred To Finance
SB2093  Motor fuel excise taxes; provide partial exemption on     Carmichael
        sales of fuel to volunteer fire departments for use in 
        department vehicles.                                   
           01/15 (S) Referred To Finance
SB2094  Usury statute; revise maximum late payment charge.        Robertson
           01/15 (S) Referred To Business and Financial Institutions
SB2095  Ad valorem taxation; revise the definition of "home" or   Browning
        "homestead" under the homestead exemption law.         
           01/15 (S) Referred To Finance
SB2096  Motor vehicles; grant free parking to Pearl Harbor        King
        survivor or Purple Heart recipient license plates.     
           01/15 (S) Referred To Finance
SB2097  Ad valorem taxation; revise the definition of "home" or   Dearing
        "homestead" under the homestead exemption law.         
           01/15 (S) Referred To Finance
SB2098  Attala County; authorize to contribute to Boys and        Huggins
        Girls Clubs of Kosciusko.                              
           01/15 (S) Referred To Local and Private
SB2099  Filling vacancies on county board of education; revise    Huggins
        method of.                                             
           01/15 (S) Referred To Education
SB2100  Purchasing agents for state agencies; clarify             Burton
           01/15 (S) Referred To Fees, Salaries and Administration
SB2101  Mississippi Small Business Assistance Act; increase       Thomas
        assistance that small businesses may receive.          
           01/15 (S) Referred To Finance
SB2102  State Board of Barber Examiners; extend repealer on.      Thames
           01/15 (S) Referred To Public Health and Welfare
SB2103  Attala County; authorize to contribute funds for          Huggins
        construction of a monument to Thadeusz Kosciuszko.     
           01/15 (S) Referred To Local and Private
SB2104  State law enforcement officer; not required to use        Jackson (32nd)
        personal leave for wound or injury in line of duty.    
           01/15 (S) Referred To Fees, Salaries and Administration
SB2105  Highway 45 bridge over MS 19; designate as Military       Carmichael
        Order of the Purple Heart, Department of Mississippi,  
        Memorial Bridge.                                       
           01/15 (S) Referred To Highways and Transportation
SB2106  State Employees Health Insurance Plan; require coverage   Carmichael
        for hyperbaric oxygen therapy for cerebral palsy       
           01/15 (S) Referred To Insurance;Appropriations
SB2107  Life insurance; proceeds shall become due on the date     Kirby
        of the death of insured.                               
           01/15 (S) Referred To Insurance
SB2108  Fire fighters; authorize to keep badge and helmet upon    Carmichael
           01/15 (S) Referred To Appropriations
SB2109  Highway work zone; revise penalty for speeding.           Dearing
           01/15 (S) Referred To Highways and Transportation
SB2110  Marriage and family therapist educational                 Dearing
        qualifications; clarify accrediting agencies.          
           01/15 (S) Referred To Public Health and Welfare
SB2111  Student and Family Privacy Protection Act; enact.         Nunnelee
           01/15 (S) Referred To Education
SB2112  Public property; authorize DFA to purchase or             Jackson (32nd)
        lease-purchase property to centrally locate state      
           01/15 (S) Referred To Public Property;Appropriations
SB2113  Counties; authorize to acquire cell phones for            Jackson (32nd)
        Wildlife, Fisheries and Parks officers.                
           01/15 (S) Referred To County Affairs
SB2114  Income taxation; grant a tax credit for contributions     Jackson (32nd)
        to certain student aid programs.                       
           01/15 (S) Referred To Finance
SB2115  Counties; maintain private roads used as Head Start       Jackson (32nd)
           01/15 (S) Referred To County Affairs
SB2116  Absentee ballots; allow all persons qualified to vote     Jackson (32nd)
        by absentee ballot to do so by mail.                   
           01/15 (S) Referred To Elections
SB2117  Fire rebate money; allow counties to use for              Jackson (32nd)
        construction of building for fire protection purposes. 
           01/15 (S) Referred To Insurance
SB2118  Regional Alternative School Pilot Program (R.A.S.P.);     Jackson (32nd)
        authorize under Division of Youth Services.            
           01/15 (S) Referred To Education;Appropriations
SB2119  Vehicle weight limit; make exception for certain          Jackson (32nd)
        logging vehicles transporting equipment.               
           01/15 (S) Referred To Highways and Transportation
SB2120  Retirement system; authorize creditable service for       Jackson (32nd)
        certain part-time employment as a school bus driver.   
           01/15 (S) Referred To Finance
SC 506  Constitution of 1890; amend to allow appointment of       Robertson
        appellate judges.                                      
           01/15 (S) Referred To Constitution
SC 507  Dr. Arthur Guyton; commend life and legacy of research.   Dawkins
           01/15 (S) Referred To Rules
SC 508  Study committee on Science, Technology, Engineering and   Nunnelee
        Mathematics (STEM) Education                           
        Improvement/Competitiveness; establish.                
           01/15 (S) Referred To Rules
SC 509  Former Senator Troy Watkins; commend life of public       Dearing
           01/15 (S) Referred To Rules
SC 510  Commend life of famous attorney, actor and WWII veteran   Dawkins
        Boyce Holleman.                                        
           01/15 (S) Referred To Rules
SC 511  Commend John A. Bull, Lawrence County Superintendent of   Hyde-Smith
           01/15 (S) Referred To Rules
SC 512  Economic Development; create Special Committee on Rural   Jackson (32nd)
        and Small town Economic Development.                   
           01/15 (S) Referred To Rules
SR   3  Adopt a remedy to the election contest for Mississippi    Burton
        Senate District 29.                                    
           01/15 (S) Referred To Spec Cmte for Elec Cont of Senate Seats

Information pertaining to this report was last updated on 05/10/04 at 08:57.

End Of Document
