SB2223 Purple Heart distinctive license tag; surviving spouse King % entitled to one tax exempt tag. 03/04 (H) Died In Committee SB2260 Home repair fraud; create offense, prescribe Moffatt * punishment. 03/04 (H) Died In Committee SB2328 Sheriffs; authorize to use Inmate Canteen Fund for Dickerson educational related expenses. 03/07 Approved by Governor SB2384 Minimum standards; revise board membership. King * 03/31 (S) Died In Conference SB2544 Local System Road Program; increase fuel tax division Williamson to fund (MAS). 02/04 (S) Died In Committee SB2553 Contractors; clarify reciprocity on competency Dickerson % examination. 02/04 (S) Died In Committee SB2566 Business liability reform; enact. Robertson 02/04 (S) Died In Committee SB2567 Venue; revise in general civil actions. Robertson 02/04 (S) Died In Committee SB2576 Circuit judges; repeal running in the herd for 10th Carmichael District. 02/04 (S) Died In Committee SB2587 School bus driver; require to open service door and Dickerson * driver's window at railroad crossing. 04/24 Approved by Governor SB2628 Medical Malpractice Insurance Availability Act; create. Kirby * % 04/24 Approved by Governor SB2644 Product liability; seller not liable for defective Robertson product if mere conduit. 02/04 (S) Died In Committee SB2659 Distinctive motor vehicle license tags; authorize for Michel % members of the Mississippi Association of Realtors. 02/04 (S) Died In Committee SB2663 Civil actions; provide limitations on noneconomic Robertson damages. 02/04 (S) Died In Committee SB2676 Annual overweight load permits; may be issued by MDOT Harvey * % for vehicles transporting heavy equipment with a GVW of 140,000 pounds or less. 04/21 Approved by Governor SB2678 Appropriation; Community and Junior Colleges, and Gordon * Institutions of Higher Learning; FY 2003 and FY 2004. 02/05 Approved by Governor SB2695 County tax assessor; may amend homestead exemption Dickerson applications under certain circumstances. 03/07 Approved by Governor SB2709 Windshield placards for disabled; must be displayed by Dickerson * placing on the left side of vehicle dashboard or by hanging from rearview mirror. 04/24 Approved by Governor SB2729 Community colleges; require to participate in property Robertson insurance plan administered by Tort Claims Board. 02/04 (S) Died In Committee SB2778 Damages; provide limitations in connection with Mettetal * consumer credit loans and in civil actions for injury. 03/04 (H) Died In Committee SB2794 State elected officials and judiciary; increase Thames * salaries. 04/24 Approved by Governor SB2827 Railroad crossings; clarify when vehicles are required Dickerson to stop at railroad crossings. 03/04 (H) Died In Committee SB2853 Historic cemeteries; authorize sheriff to use prison Dickerson labor to maintain. 02/04 (S) Died In Committee SB2855 Beaver Control Advisory Board; revise composition of. Posey 03/04 (H) Died In Committee SB2885 "Senator Delma Furniss Hospitality Station"; designate Jordan $% and issue bonds for equipping. 03/18 (H) Died In Committee SB2979 Taxation; provide various tax credits and exemptions Minor *$% for companies that provide broadband technologies. 04/19 Approved by Governor SB2985 Local System Bridge Replacement and Rehabilitation Minor $% Fund; issue bonds and revise appropriation requirement for. 03/23 Approved by Governor SB2988 Bonds; issue state general obligation bonds for IHL, Minor *$% community colleges and state agencies. 04/19 Approved by Governor SB2990 Bonds; issue general obligation bonds to provide funds Minor *$% for Small Municipalities and Limited Population Counties Fund. 03/31 (S) Died In Conference SC 508 Commend Football "Coach of the Year" Marcus Boyles. Harvey 02/07 (H) Enrolled Bill Signed SC 510 Commend Speaker Tim Ford for dedicated public service. Little 03/24 (H) Enrolled Bill Signed SC 560 Commend all Mississippi National Guard troops serving Hyde-Smith the United States both domestically and in foreign countries. 02/25 (H) Enrolled Bill Signed SC 561 Commend Wayne County High School "War Eagles" Football Dickerson Team for winning 5A State Championship. 02/25 (H) Enrolled Bill Signed SC 605 Express support for U.S. Armed Forces participating in Little * military operations against Iraq. 03/27 (H) Enrolled Bill Signed SC 607 Commend Vicksburg High School "Gators" Boys Basketball Chaney Team for winning Class 5A State Championship. 03/28 (H) Enrolled Bill Signed SC 622 Suspend rules for further consideration of SB 2798; Tollison county officials; increase salaries. 04/06 (H) Died In Committee SR 29 Commend Senator Tommy Gollott for Senate Award for Johnson (19th) Distinguished Public Service. 02/20 (S) Adopted SR 51 Commend Vicksburg High School "Gators" Boys Basketball Chaney Team for winning Class 5A State Championship. 03/21 (S) Adopted SR 53 Ask Congress to give first priority to support and pass White the defense appropriations bill first. 04/06 (S) Died In Committee SR 54 Resolution to honor President Bush's leadership in his White effort to protect the United States against Saddam Hussein. 04/06 (S) Died In Committee SR 55 Request that the Mississippi congressional delegation Chaney support the deployment of a National Missile Defense System. 04/06 (S) Died In Committee SR 56 Request that the Mississippi congressional delegation White support the President's call for legal reform. 04/06 (S) Died In Committee SR 57 Request that the Mississippi congressional delegation White work to pass President Bush's 2002 Economic Growth and Tax Relief Plan. 04/06 (S) Died In Committee SR 58 Request that the Mississippi congressional delegation White work to permanently repeal the death tax. 04/06 (S) Died In Committee SR 59 Request Mississippi congressional delegation work to Chaney abolish the Alternative Minimum Tax. 04/06 (S) Died In Committee SR 60 Request that the Mississippi congressional delegation White work to protect America's savings permanently. 03/27 (S) Adopted SR 63 Remembering service of PFC Jack Lucas, youngest Marine Lee to be awarded the Congressional Medal of Honor. 03/20 (S) Adopted SR 70 Remembering service and commending life of 2nd Lt. Dawkins Therrel Shane Childers. 03/27 (S) Adopted SR 105 Commend public service of State Senator Rob Smith. Little 04/02 (S) Adopted SR 106 Commend public service of Senator Tim (Elvis) Johnson. Little 04/02 (S) Adopted SR 107 Commend public service of Senator Glenn Hamilton. Little 04/02 (S) Adopted SR 108 Commend public service of Senator Bill Canon, the "Dean Little of the Senate." 04/02 (S) Adopted SR 109 Commend public service of State Senator Delma Furniss. Little 04/02 (S) Adopted SR 110 Commend public service of Senator Vince Scoper. Little 04/02 (S) Adopted SR 111 Commend public service of Senator Neely Carlton. Little 04/02 (S) Adopted SR 112 Commend Senator Bill Minor for public service. Little 04/02 (S) Adopted SR 113 Commend public service of Senator Barbara Blackmon. Little 04/02 (S) Adopted SR 114 Commend public service of Senator Ron Farris. Little 04/02 (S) Adopted
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