Mississippi Legislature

1999 Regular Session

Daily Action Report for 04/07/99

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Pending Governor's Signature

HB  92  Deputy circuit clerks; authorize certain counties to      Clark
        pay allowance.                                         
           Due From Governor 04/24/99
HB  99  Civil liability of parents; revise for crimes of          Moore
           Due From Governor 04/24/99
HB 359  Bail agents; revise licensing and continuing education    Rogers
           Due From Governor 04/24/99
HB 458  Fuel taxes; revise amount diverted to State Aid Road      Green (34th)
           Due From Governor 04/24/99
HB 472  Retirement; revise calculation of PERS additional         Perry
        annual benefit.                                        
           Due From Governor 04/24/99
HB 530  Mississippi Single Family Residential Housing Fund;       Morris
        create and fund with bond issue.                       
           Due From Governor 04/24/99
HB 553  Prison lands; extend repealer on leasing to private       Ford
           Due From Governor 04/24/99
HB 554  Prison Overcrowding Emergency Powers Act; extend          Ford
        repealer on.                                           
           Due From Governor 04/24/99
HB 555  State offenders housed in county jails; reenact and       Ford
        extend repealer for one year.                          
           Due From Governor 04/24/99
HB 556  Intensive supervision program; reenact and extend         Ford
        repealer for one year.                                 
           Due From Governor 04/24/99
HB 557  Special Needs Prison Program of 1994; reenact and         Ford
        extend repealer for one year.                          
           Due From Governor 04/24/99
HB 558  Community Service Revolving Fund; reenact and extend      Ford
        repealer for one year.                                 
           Due From Governor 04/24/99
HB 610  Highway Safety Patrol; extend authority on certain        Ford
        powers and duties of.                                  
           Due From Governor 04/24/99
HB 614  Ad valorem taxes; revise form and contents of notice      Reeves
        required when a taxing entity or school district       
        proposes to increase.                                  
           Due From Governor 04/24/99
HB 616  Quitman County, school district; extend repealer on       Ford
        authority to transfer Old Falcon School property to    
        board of supervisors.                                  
           Due From Governor 04/24/99
HB 648  Suffrage; restore to Carolyn Wilson of Forrest County.    Watson
           Due From Governor 04/24/99
HB 660  Board of Animal Health, Veterinary Diagnostic Board and   Ford
        State Veterinarian; reenact and extend repealer.       
           Due From Governor 04/24/99
HB 706  Mississippi School of Fine Arts; create.                  Barnett (92nd)
           Due From Governor 04/24/99
HB 726  State and school employees insurance; combine the two     Stevens
        plans into one plan.                                   
           Due From Governor 04/24/99
HB 758  Law Enforcement Officer's Contingency Fund; create to     Capps
        pay death benefits to survivors of officers killed.    
           Due From Governor 04/24/99
HB 771  District attorneys; authorize additional legal            Compretta
        assistants for Second Circuit Court District.          
           Due From Governor 04/24/99
HB 784  Highway Patrol Retirement System; increase amount of      Perry
        benefits for retired members.                          
           Due From Governor 04/24/99
HB 785  Public Employees' Retirement System and Highway Patrol    Perry
        Retirement System laws; amend various provisions of.   
           Due From Governor 04/24/99
HB 794  Drainage districts; revise time in landowner's favor      Simpson *
        before property taken for improvements.                
           Due From Governor 04/24/99
HB 811  Pharmacy discount cards; cannot be issued unless          Howell
        issurer pays portion of discount given by pharmacy.    
           Due From Governor 04/24/99
HB 852  Child support enforcement statutes; revise pursuant to    Moody
        federal law.                                           
           Due From Governor 04/24/99
HB 865  Uniform Health-Care Decisions Act; revise consent for     Perry
        certain persons.                                       
           Due From Governor 04/24/99
HB 904  Antlerless deer; person possessing nonresident lifetime   Livingston
        sportsman license may kill on any land where resident  
        may kill.                                              
           Due From Governor 04/24/99
HB 947  Slow-moving vehicles; authorize use of reflectorized      Foster
        strips to identify.                                    
           Due From Governor 04/24/99
HB 969  Joint Legislative Budget Committee; expand membership.    Blackmon
           Due From Governor 04/24/99
HB 973  Family support centers and parent education programs;     Scott (17th)
        authorize pilot program under Department of Education. 
           Due From Governor 04/24/99
HB 976  Children's Health Care Program; increase eligibility to   Holland
        200% of poverty level.                                 
           Due From Governor 04/24/99
HB 990  Telecommunications; prohibit accessing of messages by     Robinson (84th)
        persons other than intended recipient.                 
           Due From Governor 04/24/99
HB1031  Delinquent payments owed to county; additional fee if     Bozeman
        collection performed by county employee (HINDS).       
           Due From Governor 04/24/99
HB1051  College tuition program for students in financial need;   Vince
        increase annual income allowed.                        
           Due From Governor 04/24/99
HB1067  Health insurance policies; require coverage for certain   Moody
        benefits for anesthesia for dental treatment.          
           Due From Governor 04/24/99
HB1084  Domestic violence; revise arrest procedure.               Fredericks
           Due From Governor 04/24/99
HB1113  Offenders; authorize trustees to accumulate additional    Malone
        earned time.                                           
           Due From Governor 04/24/99
HB1128  Consumer loan brokers; limit payments and fees from       Guice
        borrowers to 6% of loan amount.                        
           Due From Governor 04/24/99
HB1143  Sixteenth section lands; revise requirements concerning   Livingston
        accounting of educable children and division of funds. 
           Due From Governor 04/24/99
HB1147  Foster parents; limited coverage under Tort Claims Act.   Perry
           Due From Governor 04/24/99
HB1155  Auxiliary law enforcement training; remove mandatory      Perkins
           Due From Governor 04/24/99
HB1191  School attendance officers; clarify treatment of          Grist
        accumulated leave upon transfer to SDE.                
           Due From Governor 04/24/99
HB1227  Sport-shooting ranges; grant civil immunity for noise     Woods
           Due From Governor 04/24/99
HB1232  State highway system; delete segments of Mississippi      Taylor
        510 and Mississippi 435 from.                          
           Due From Governor 04/24/99
HB1304  Seafood; revise various license and fee requirements      Ellington
           Due From Governor 04/24/99
HB1332  Medicaid; create Medical Advisory Committee to, and       Moody
        revise reimbursement for physician's services.         
           Due From Governor 04/24/99
HB1435  Community hospitals; revise and expand authorized         Williams
        investments for funds of.                              
           Due From Governor 04/24/99
HB1462  Municipal public utility systems; expand to include       Henderson (9th)
           Due From Governor 04/24/99
HB1492  Bonds; issue general obligation bonds for repair and      Clarke
        renovation of Mississippi Veterans Memorial Stadium.   
           Due From Governor 04/24/99
HB1497  Suffrage; restore to Leandrew Lull of Pike County.        Fredericks
           Due From Governor 04/24/99
HB1510  Suffrage; restore to Eric Gipson Ross of Marshall         Woods
           Due From Governor 04/24/99
HB1528  Emerging Crops Fund; increase amount of bonds for         Williams
        minority economic development, extend repealer on such 
        assistance (DECD).                                     
           Due From Governor 04/24/99
HB1537  Marshall County; authorize to expend county funds as      Woods
        matching funds for Institute of Community Services,    
           Due From Governor 04/24/99
HB1559  Tunica County; increase tourism tax.                      Henderson (9th)
           Due From Governor 04/24/99
HB1561  Northwest Mississippi Community College District;         Gadd
        authorize to donate real property to school district.  
           Due From Governor 04/24/99
HB1582  City of Richland; extend repealer on bar and restaurant   Weathersby
           Due From Governor 04/24/99
HB1668  Bonds; issue federal grant anticipation notes or bonds    Wells-Smith
        for the high rise bridge at Pascagoula.                
           Due From Governor 04/24/99
HB1669  Suffrage; restore to Dorothy J. Mabry McGill.             Clark
           Due From Governor 04/24/99
HB1672  Bonds; issue general obligation bonds for construction    Williams
        of a justice facility.                                 
           Due From Governor 04/24/99
HB1675  Bonds; issue general obligation bonds for IHL and         Williams
        community/junior college capital improvements.         
           Due From Governor 04/24/99
HB1697  City of Brookhaven; authorize issuance of bonds for       Barnett (92nd)
        repairs of city-owned property and sale/lease to state.
           Due From Governor 04/24/99
HB1698  City of Biloxi; delete maximum retirement benefits        Ryan
        payable to retired city employees.                     
           Due From Governor 04/24/99
HB1699  City of Hernando; authorize to levy additional tax on     Robertson
        hotel and motel room rentals.                          
           Due From Governor 04/24/99
HB1713  Suffrage; restore to Warren Slater of Walthall County.    Vince
           Due From Governor 04/24/99
HB1714  Suffrage; restore to Janie Elizabeth Slater of Walthall   Vince
           Due From Governor 04/24/99
HB1718  Montgomery County; authorize tax on hotel/motel rooms     Howell
        to support tourism.                                    
           Due From Governor 04/24/99
HB1720  Tunica County; revise distribution of gambling            Henderson (9th)
           Due From Governor 04/24/99
HB1721  Suffrage; restore to John Walden of Lowndes County.       Smith (39th)
           Due From Governor 04/24/99
HB1722  Town of Marietta; authorize water purchase interlocal     McCoy
        cooperation agreement with New Site Water Association. 
           Due From Governor 04/24/99
HB1726  Town of Falkner; authorize to purchase water system.      McElwain
           Due From Governor 04/24/99
HB1727  Marshall County; authorize to levy ad valorem tax on      Gadd
        certain property.                                      
           Due From Governor 04/24/99
HB1728  Suffrage; restore to James Charles McGrew of Adams        West
           Due From Governor 04/24/99
HB1729  Suffrage; restore to Kenneth Bridges of Rankin County.    Rogers
           Due From Governor 04/24/99
HB1730  Suffrage; restore to Gregory Buckley of Harrison          Fredericks
           Due From Governor 04/24/99
HB1732  City of Hattiesburg; may increase minimum monthly         Davis
        benefit for fire and police department retirees.       
           Due From Governor 04/24/99
HB1733  Suffrage; restore to Eric Charles Nichols of Hancock      Fredericks
           Due From Governor 04/24/99
HB1735  DeSoto County; create DeSoto County Regional Utility      Miller
           Due From Governor 04/24/99
HB1736  Tallahatchie County; revise law establishing              Reynolds
        Tallahatchie County Correctional Authority.            
           Due From Governor 04/24/99
HB1740  Harrison County; authorize incorporation of public        Fredericks
        utility district in connection with master planned     
           Due From Governor 04/24/99
HB1741  Tallahatchie County; clarify tax levy of special          Reynolds
        drainage district.                                     
           Due From Governor 04/24/99
HB1742  Tate County; provide for powers of Tate County Economic   Williams
        Development Foundation, Inc., regarding economic       
        development in county.                                 
           Due From Governor 04/24/99
HB1743  City of Vicksburg; authorize to acquire property for      Chaney
        the establishment of a convention center.              
           Due From Governor 04/24/99
HB1745  City of Clarksdale; authorize to designate intersection   Henderson (26th)
        of U.S. 61 and U.S. 49 as "crossroads".                
           Due From Governor 04/24/99
HB1746  Montgomery County; authorize county hospital to convey    Howell
        certain surplus property to the City of Winona.        
           Due From Governor 04/24/99
HB1747  Suffrage; restore to Demetrice N. Burnett of Tunica       Henderson (9th)
           Due From Governor 04/24/99
HB1748  Suffrage; restore to Carolyn Bond of Tunica County.       Henderson (9th)
           Due From Governor 04/24/99
HB1749  City of Clarksdale; create Board of Trustees to manage    Henderson (26th)
        and operate the Delta Blues Museum.                    
           Due From Governor 04/24/99
HB1752  City of Clarksdale; additional court costs to fund        Henderson (26th)
           Due From Governor 04/24/99
HB1753  Tunica County; rename Robinsonville-Commerce Utility      Henderson (9th)
        District the "Tunica County Utility District".         
           Due From Governor 04/24/99
HB1754  Property; sell certain state-owned property to City of    Wallace
        Jackson for High Street improvements.                  
           Due From Governor 04/24/99
SB2103  Procedures for determination of rights of an alleged      Bean
        father in adoption proceedings; revise repealers on.   
           Due From Governor 04/24/99
SB2143  Medicaid assistance program; revise eligibility and       Bean
        services reimbursement.                                
           Due From Governor 04/24/99
SB2211  Local Bridge Replacement and Rehabilitation Fund;         Little
        increase # of eligible bridges & mandate funding       
        through 2008.                                          
           Due From Governor 04/24/99
SB2226  Rural Fire Truck Acquisition Assistance Program;          Rayborn
        provide for appropriation.                             
           Due From Governor 04/24/99
SB2278  Severance tax; extend repealer on "new" oil and gas.      Dearing
           Due From Governor 04/24/99
SB2300  Trial judges; revise office operating allowance.          Turner
           Due From Governor 04/24/99
SB2303  Per diem; Supreme Court and Court of Appeals Judges,      Turner
        Public Service and Transportation Commissioners.       
           Due From Governor 04/24/99
SB2310  Foster care placement program; clarify responsibilities   Bean
        of Department of Human Services.                       
           Due From Governor 04/24/99
SB2332  Biddle guard; required for transporting DOC prisoners.    Smith
           Due From Governor 04/24/99
SB2333  Regional jail; Kemper County contract with Neshoba        Jackson
        County instead of Noxubee.                             
           Due From Governor 04/24/99
SB2363  Certified Public Accountants; amend regulatory laws of.   Woodfield
           Due From Governor 04/24/99
SB2380  Registered engineers and land surveyors; revise laws      Ross
           Due From Governor 04/24/99
SB2436  Rivers; extend life of joint natural and scenic river     Posey
        study committee for 1 year.                            
           Due From Governor 04/24/99
SB2460  Domestic violence; full faith and credit for foreign      Carlton
        orders (MCADV).                                        
           Due From Governor 04/24/99
SB2479  Salary of certain appointed and elected officials;        Gordon
           Due From Governor 04/24/99
SB2506  Education of exceptional children in compliance with      Thames
        federal law; require, establish complaint procedures,  
           Due From Governor 04/24/99
SB2508  Salary supplement for school counselors who obtain        Farris
        national certification; authorize.                     
           Due From Governor 04/24/99
SB2537  Health care facility Certificate of Need Review; exempt   Bean
        certain expenditures and projects from.                
           Due From Governor 04/24/99
SB2563  Deeds of trust; not automatically extinquished upon       Posey
        payment of money secured.                              
           Due From Governor 04/24/99
SB2597  Gasoline; suspend driver's license of those not paying    Ferris
           Due From Governor 04/24/99
SB2614  Juvenile Detention Fund; revise.                          Hall
           Due From Governor 04/24/99
SB2618  Task Force on the Development and Implementation of       Ferris
        Comprehensive Early Childhood Services in Mississippi; 
           Due From Governor 04/24/99
SB2623  Precursors; prohibit possession under certain             Huggins
           Due From Governor 04/24/99
SB2632  Certificates of title; provide for issuance for           Robertson
        manufactured homes and mobile homes.                   
           Due From Governor 04/24/99
SB2713  State employee donated leave; require approval by         Gordon
        appointing authority.                                  
           Due From Governor 04/24/99
SB2717  Hunting or fishing without license; impose                Posey
        administrative fee in addition to other penalties.     
           Due From Governor 04/24/99
SB2756  Marine Resources; clarify duties of commission,           Hewes
        department and executive director.                     
           Due From Governor 04/24/99
SB2796  Mississippi Comprehensive Workforce Training and          Burton
        Education Consolidation Act of 1999; enact.            
           Due From Governor 04/24/99
SB2804  Marine resources; transfer DWFP marine law enforcement    Hewes
        to DMR.                                                
           Due From Governor 04/24/99
SB2852  Corrections; DOC to contract with DECD for data           Huggins
        processing entry program for inmates.                  
           Due From Governor 04/24/99
SB2860  Statewide Management of Scientific Information Council;   Dearing
           Due From Governor 04/24/99
SB2891  Environmental water quality; designate the Permit Board   Hall
        as agency to administer federal clean water program.   
           Due From Governor 04/24/99
SB2893  Rescue Center child residential treatment program;        Ferris
           Due From Governor 04/24/99
SB2897  Reduction of out-of-wedlock birth rates; create county    Tollison *
        incentive fund.                                        
           Due From Governor 04/24/99
SB2901  Sexual assault; clarify responsibility for payment for    Frazier
        medical exam/rape kit (MCSA).                          
           Due From Governor 04/24/99
SB2914  Long-term substitute teachers; provide funding under      Walls
        the Minimum Program.                                   
           Due From Governor 04/24/99
SB2933  Wildlife; enhance penalties for sale of.                  Posey
           Due From Governor 04/24/99
SB2936  Historic Shaifer House; Grand Gulf. Mil. Mon. Comm.       Posey
        transfer title to Dept. Archives & History.            
           Due From Governor 04/24/99
SB2942  County prosecuting attorney; increase salary in certain   Minor
           Due From Governor 04/24/99
SB2947  Real estate brokers; increase license fees and            Woodfield
        continuing ed. requirements.                           
           Due From Governor 04/24/99
SB2982  Wastewater; allow wastewater districts to provide         Cuevas
        residential sewage holding tanks.                      
           Due From Governor 04/24/99
SB2994  Department of Marine Resources; authorize to employ       Hewes
        legal counsel.                                         
           Due From Governor 04/24/99
SB3023  Four-Lane Highway Program; provide for issuance of        Little *
        refunding bonds for temporary borrowings.              
           Due From Governor 04/24/99
SB3029  Marine Resources; create shoreline and beach              Moffatt
        preservation district.                                 
           Due From Governor 04/24/99
SB3050  Corrections; authorize work training in trades with       Huggins
        shortage of workers.                                   
           Due From Governor 04/24/99
SB3078  Bonds; issue G.O. bonds for Southeast MS Center for       Farris
        Advanced Technology.                                   
           Due From Governor 04/24/99
SB3081  Florence; remove repealer on bar and restaurant tax.      Smith
           Due From Governor 04/24/99
SB3098  Bonds; increase amount that may be issued under the       Smith
        Local Governments Capital Improvements Revolving Loan  
        Program (DECD).                                        
           Due From Governor 04/24/99
SB3213  Bonds; issue general obligation bonds for improvements    Cuevas
        for Hancock County Port and Harbor Commission and      
        Stennis Space Center.                                  
           Due From Governor 04/24/99
SB3214  Bonds; issue to provide loans to counties and             Hewes
        municipalities in which master planned communities are 
           Due From Governor 04/24/99
SB3215  Bonds; issue bonds to improve the Walthall School         Farris
        Building in Hattiesburg and to locate a children's     
        discovery center at such facility.                     
           Due From Governor 04/24/99
SB3223  Suffrage; restore to Willie Bledsoe of Lincoln County.    Rayborn
           Due From Governor 04/24/99
SB3224  Harrison County; authorize the purchase of insurance to   Hewes
        cover gaming tax revenue losses caused by natural      
           Due From Governor 04/24/99
SB3232  Jefferson County; authorize to fund the Jefferson         Posey
        Comprehensive Health Center.                           
           Due From Governor 04/24/99
SB3250  Suffrage; restore to Michael Wayne Creel of Harrison      Gollott
           Due From Governor 04/24/99
SB3254  Prentiss County and Booneville; authorize imposition of   White (5th)
        additional court costs for DARE program.               
           Due From Governor 04/24/99
SB3256  Weir; authorize additional assessment on misdemeanor      Hamilton
        cases in municipal court to fund crimestoppers.        
           Due From Governor 04/24/99
SB3257  Prentiss County; authorize the permanent retirement of    White (5th)
        a certain deputy identification number.                
           Due From Governor 04/24/99

House: Signed By The Speaker

SB2103  Procedures for determination of rights of an alleged      Bean
        father in adoption proceedings; revise repealers on.   
           Enrolled Bill Signed
SB2143  Medicaid assistance program; revise eligibility and       Bean
        services reimbursement.                                
           Enrolled Bill Signed
SB2211  Local Bridge Replacement and Rehabilitation Fund;         Little
        increase # of eligible bridges & mandate funding       
        through 2008.                                          
           Enrolled Bill Signed
SB2226  Rural Fire Truck Acquisition Assistance Program;          Rayborn
        provide for appropriation.                             
           Enrolled Bill Signed
SB2278  Severance tax; extend repealer on "new" oil and gas.      Dearing
           Enrolled Bill Signed
SB2300  Trial judges; revise office operating allowance.          Turner
           Enrolled Bill Signed
SB2303  Per diem; Supreme Court and Court of Appeals Judges,      Turner
        Public Service and Transportation Commissioners.       
           Enrolled Bill Signed
SB2310  Foster care placement program; clarify responsibilities   Bean
        of Department of Human Services.                       
           Enrolled Bill Signed
SB2332  Biddle guard; required for transporting DOC prisoners.    Smith
           Enrolled Bill Signed
SB2333  Regional jail; Kemper County contract with Neshoba        Jackson
        County instead of Noxubee.                             
           Enrolled Bill Signed
SB2363  Certified Public Accountants; amend regulatory laws of.   Woodfield
           Enrolled Bill Signed
SB2380  Registered engineers and land surveyors; revise laws      Ross
           Enrolled Bill Signed
SB2436  Rivers; extend life of joint natural and scenic river     Posey
        study committee for 1 year.                            
           Enrolled Bill Signed
SB2460  Domestic violence; full faith and credit for foreign      Carlton
        orders (MCADV).                                        
           Enrolled Bill Signed
SB2479  Salary of certain appointed and elected officials;        Gordon
           Enrolled Bill Signed
SB2506  Education of exceptional children in compliance with      Thames
        federal law; require, establish complaint procedures,  
           Enrolled Bill Signed
SB2508  Salary supplement for school counselors who obtain        Farris
        national certification; authorize.                     
           Enrolled Bill Signed
SB2537  Health care facility Certificate of Need Review; exempt   Bean
        certain expenditures and projects from.                
           Enrolled Bill Signed
SB2563  Deeds of trust; not automatically extinquished upon       Posey
        payment of money secured.                              
           Enrolled Bill Signed
SB2597  Gasoline; suspend driver's license of those not paying    Ferris
           Enrolled Bill Signed
SB2614  Juvenile Detention Fund; revise.                          Hall
           Enrolled Bill Signed
SB2618  Task Force on the Development and Implementation of       Ferris
        Comprehensive Early Childhood Services in Mississippi; 
           Enrolled Bill Signed
SB2623  Precursors; prohibit possession under certain             Huggins
           Enrolled Bill Signed
SB2632  Certificates of title; provide for issuance for           Robertson
        manufactured homes and mobile homes.                   
           Enrolled Bill Signed
SB2713  State employee donated leave; require approval by         Gordon
        appointing authority.                                  
           Enrolled Bill Signed
SB2717  Hunting or fishing without license; impose                Posey
        administrative fee in addition to other penalties.     
           Enrolled Bill Signed
SB2756  Marine Resources; clarify duties of commission,           Hewes
        department and executive director.                     
           Enrolled Bill Signed
SB2796  Mississippi Comprehensive Workforce Training and          Burton
        Education Consolidation Act of 1999; enact.            
           Enrolled Bill Signed
SB2804  Marine resources; transfer DWFP marine law enforcement    Hewes
        to DMR.                                                
           Enrolled Bill Signed
SB2852  Corrections; DOC to contract with DECD for data           Huggins
        processing entry program for inmates.                  
           Enrolled Bill Signed
SB2860  Statewide Management of Scientific Information Council;   Dearing
           Enrolled Bill Signed
SB2891  Environmental water quality; designate the Permit Board   Hall
        as agency to administer federal clean water program.   
           Enrolled Bill Signed
SB2893  Rescue Center child residential treatment program;        Ferris
           Enrolled Bill Signed
SB2897  Reduction of out-of-wedlock birth rates; create county    Tollison *
        incentive fund.                                        
           Enrolled Bill Signed
SB2901  Sexual assault; clarify responsibility for payment for    Frazier
        medical exam/rape kit (MCSA).                          
           Enrolled Bill Signed
SB2914  Long-term substitute teachers; provide funding under      Walls
        the Minimum Program.                                   
           Enrolled Bill Signed
SB2933  Wildlife; enhance penalties for sale of.                  Posey
           Enrolled Bill Signed
SB2936  Historic Shaifer House; Grand Gulf. Mil. Mon. Comm.       Posey
        transfer title to Dept. Archives & History.            
           Enrolled Bill Signed
SB2942  County prosecuting attorney; increase salary in certain   Minor
           Enrolled Bill Signed
SB2947  Real estate brokers; increase license fees and            Woodfield
        continuing ed. requirements.                           
           Enrolled Bill Signed
SB2982  Wastewater; allow wastewater districts to provide         Cuevas
        residential sewage holding tanks.                      
           Enrolled Bill Signed
SB2994  Department of Marine Resources; authorize to employ       Hewes
        legal counsel.                                         
           Enrolled Bill Signed
SB3023  Four-Lane Highway Program; provide for issuance of        Little *
        refunding bonds for temporary borrowings.              
           Enrolled Bill Signed
SB3029  Marine Resources; create shoreline and beach              Moffatt
        preservation district.                                 
           Enrolled Bill Signed
SB3050  Corrections; authorize work training in trades with       Huggins
        shortage of workers.                                   
           Enrolled Bill Signed
SB3078  Bonds; issue G.O. bonds for Southeast MS Center for       Farris
        Advanced Technology.                                   
           Enrolled Bill Signed
SB3081  Florence; remove repealer on bar and restaurant tax.      Smith
           Enrolled Bill Signed
SB3098  Bonds; increase amount that may be issued under the       Smith
        Local Governments Capital Improvements Revolving Loan  
        Program (DECD).                                        
           Enrolled Bill Signed
SB3213  Bonds; issue general obligation bonds for improvements    Cuevas
        for Hancock County Port and Harbor Commission and      
        Stennis Space Center.                                  
           Enrolled Bill Signed
SB3214  Bonds; issue to provide loans to counties and             Hewes
        municipalities in which master planned communities are 
           Enrolled Bill Signed
SB3215  Bonds; issue bonds to improve the Walthall School         Farris
        Building in Hattiesburg and to locate a children's     
        discovery center at such facility.                     
           Enrolled Bill Signed
SB3223  Suffrage; restore to Willie Bledsoe of Lincoln County.    Rayborn
           Enrolled Bill Signed
SB3224  Harrison County; authorize the purchase of insurance to   Hewes
        cover gaming tax revenue losses caused by natural      
           Enrolled Bill Signed
SB3232  Jefferson County; authorize to fund the Jefferson         Posey
        Comprehensive Health Center.                           
           Enrolled Bill Signed
SB3250  Suffrage; restore to Michael Wayne Creel of Harrison      Gollott
           Enrolled Bill Signed
SB3254  Prentiss County and Booneville; authorize imposition of   White (5th)
        additional court costs for DARE program.               
           Enrolled Bill Signed
SB3256  Weir; authorize additional assessment on misdemeanor      Hamilton
        cases in municipal court to fund crimestoppers.        
           Enrolled Bill Signed
SB3257  Prentiss County; authorize the permanent retirement of    White (5th)
        a certain deputy identification number.                
           Enrolled Bill Signed

Senate: Signed By The President

HB  92  Deputy circuit clerks; authorize certain counties to      Clark
        pay allowance.                                         
           Enrolled Bill Signed
HB  99  Civil liability of parents; revise for crimes of          Moore
           Enrolled Bill Signed
HB 359  Bail agents; revise licensing and continuing education    Rogers
           Enrolled Bill Signed
HB 458  Fuel taxes; revise amount diverted to State Aid Road      Green (34th)
           Enrolled Bill Signed
HB 472  Retirement; revise calculation of PERS additional         Perry
        annual benefit.                                        
           Enrolled Bill Signed
HB 530  Mississippi Single Family Residential Housing Fund;       Morris
        create and fund with bond issue.                       
           Enrolled Bill Signed
HB 553  Prison lands; extend repealer on leasing to private       Ford
           Enrolled Bill Signed
HB 554  Prison Overcrowding Emergency Powers Act; extend          Ford
        repealer on.                                           
           Enrolled Bill Signed
HB 555  State offenders housed in county jails; reenact and       Ford
        extend repealer for one year.                          
           Enrolled Bill Signed
HB 556  Intensive supervision program; reenact and extend         Ford
        repealer for one year.                                 
           Enrolled Bill Signed
HB 557  Special Needs Prison Program of 1994; reenact and         Ford
        extend repealer for one year.                          
           Enrolled Bill Signed
HB 558  Community Service Revolving Fund; reenact and extend      Ford
        repealer for one year.                                 
           Enrolled Bill Signed
HB 610  Highway Safety Patrol; extend authority on certain        Ford
        powers and duties of.                                  
           Enrolled Bill Signed
HB 614  Ad valorem taxes; revise form and contents of notice      Reeves
        required when a taxing entity or school district       
        proposes to increase.                                  
           Enrolled Bill Signed
HB 616  Quitman County, school district; extend repealer on       Ford
        authority to transfer Old Falcon School property to    
        board of supervisors.                                  
           Enrolled Bill Signed
HB 648  Suffrage; restore to Carolyn Wilson of Forrest County.    Watson
           Enrolled Bill Signed
HB 660  Board of Animal Health, Veterinary Diagnostic Board and   Ford
        State Veterinarian; reenact and extend repealer.       
           Enrolled Bill Signed
HB 706  Mississippi School of Fine Arts; create.                  Barnett (92nd)
           Enrolled Bill Signed
HB 726  State and school employees insurance; combine the two     Stevens
        plans into one plan.                                   
           Enrolled Bill Signed
HB 758  Law Enforcement Officer's Contingency Fund; create to     Capps
        pay death benefits to survivors of officers killed.    
           Enrolled Bill Signed
HB 771  District attorneys; authorize additional legal            Compretta
        assistants for Second Circuit Court District.          
           Enrolled Bill Signed
HB 784  Highway Patrol Retirement System; increase amount of      Perry
        benefits for retired members.                          
           Enrolled Bill Signed
HB 785  Public Employees' Retirement System and Highway Patrol    Perry
        Retirement System laws; amend various provisions of.   
           Enrolled Bill Signed
HB 794  Drainage districts; revise time in landowner's favor      Simpson *
        before property taken for improvements.                
           Enrolled Bill Signed
HB 811  Pharmacy discount cards; cannot be issued unless          Howell
        issurer pays portion of discount given by pharmacy.    
           Enrolled Bill Signed
HB 852  Child support enforcement statutes; revise pursuant to    Moody
        federal law.                                           
           Enrolled Bill Signed
HB 865  Uniform Health-Care Decisions Act; revise consent for     Perry
        certain persons.                                       
           Enrolled Bill Signed
HB 904  Antlerless deer; person possessing nonresident lifetime   Livingston
        sportsman license may kill on any land where resident  
        may kill.                                              
           Enrolled Bill Signed
HB 947  Slow-moving vehicles; authorize use of reflectorized      Foster
        strips to identify.                                    
           Enrolled Bill Signed
HB 969  Joint Legislative Budget Committee; expand membership.    Blackmon
           Enrolled Bill Signed
HB 973  Family support centers and parent education programs;     Scott (17th)
        authorize pilot program under Department of Education. 
           Enrolled Bill Signed
HB 976  Children's Health Care Program; increase eligibility to   Holland
        200% of poverty level.                                 
           Enrolled Bill Signed
HB 990  Telecommunications; prohibit accessing of messages by     Robinson (84th)
        persons other than intended recipient.                 
           Enrolled Bill Signed
HB1031  Delinquent payments owed to county; additional fee if     Bozeman
        collection performed by county employee (HINDS).       
           Enrolled Bill Signed
HB1051  College tuition program for students in financial need;   Vince
        increase annual income allowed.                        
           Enrolled Bill Signed
HB1067  Health insurance policies; require coverage for certain   Moody
        benefits for anesthesia for dental treatment.          
           Enrolled Bill Signed
HB1084  Domestic violence; revise arrest procedure.               Fredericks
           Enrolled Bill Signed
HB1113  Offenders; authorize trustees to accumulate additional    Malone
        earned time.                                           
           Enrolled Bill Signed
HB1128  Consumer loan brokers; limit payments and fees from       Guice
        borrowers to 6% of loan amount.                        
           Enrolled Bill Signed
HB1143  Sixteenth section lands; revise requirements concerning   Livingston
        accounting of educable children and division of funds. 
           Enrolled Bill Signed
HB1147  Foster parents; limited coverage under Tort Claims Act.   Perry
           Enrolled Bill Signed
HB1155  Auxiliary law enforcement training; remove mandatory      Perkins
           Enrolled Bill Signed
HB1191  School attendance officers; clarify treatment of          Grist
        accumulated leave upon transfer to SDE.                
           Enrolled Bill Signed
HB1227  Sport-shooting ranges; grant civil immunity for noise     Woods
           Enrolled Bill Signed
HB1232  State highway system; delete segments of Mississippi      Taylor
        510 and Mississippi 435 from.                          
           Enrolled Bill Signed
HB1304  Seafood; revise various license and fee requirements      Ellington
           Enrolled Bill Signed
HB1332  Medicaid; create Medical Advisory Committee to, and       Moody
        revise reimbursement for physician's services.         
           Enrolled Bill Signed
HB1435  Community hospitals; revise and expand authorized         Williams
        investments for funds of.                              
           Enrolled Bill Signed
HB1462  Municipal public utility systems; expand to include       Henderson (9th)
           Enrolled Bill Signed
HB1492  Bonds; issue general obligation bonds for repair and      Clarke
        renovation of Mississippi Veterans Memorial Stadium.   
           Enrolled Bill Signed
HB1497  Suffrage; restore to Leandrew Lull of Pike County.        Fredericks
           Enrolled Bill Signed
HB1510  Suffrage; restore to Eric Gipson Ross of Marshall         Woods
           Enrolled Bill Signed
HB1528  Emerging Crops Fund; increase amount of bonds for         Williams
        minority economic development, extend repealer on such 
        assistance (DECD).                                     
           Enrolled Bill Signed
HB1537  Marshall County; authorize to expend county funds as      Woods
        matching funds for Institute of Community Services,    
           Enrolled Bill Signed
HB1559  Tunica County; increase tourism tax.                      Henderson (9th)
           Enrolled Bill Signed
HB1561  Northwest Mississippi Community College District;         Gadd
        authorize to donate real property to school district.  
           Enrolled Bill Signed
HB1582  City of Richland; extend repealer on bar and restaurant   Weathersby
           Enrolled Bill Signed
HB1668  Bonds; issue federal grant anticipation notes or bonds    Wells-Smith
        for the high rise bridge at Pascagoula.                
           Enrolled Bill Signed
HB1669  Suffrage; restore to Dorothy J. Mabry McGill.             Clark
           Enrolled Bill Signed
HB1672  Bonds; issue general obligation bonds for construction    Williams
        of a justice facility.                                 
           Enrolled Bill Signed
HB1675  Bonds; issue general obligation bonds for IHL and         Williams
        community/junior college capital improvements.         
           Enrolled Bill Signed
HB1697  City of Brookhaven; authorize issuance of bonds for       Barnett (92nd)
        repairs of city-owned property and sale/lease to state.
           Enrolled Bill Signed
HB1698  City of Biloxi; delete maximum retirement benefits        Ryan
        payable to retired city employees.                     
           Enrolled Bill Signed
HB1699  City of Hernando; authorize to levy additional tax on     Robertson
        hotel and motel room rentals.                          
           Enrolled Bill Signed
HB1713  Suffrage; restore to Warren Slater of Walthall County.    Vince
           Enrolled Bill Signed
HB1714  Suffrage; restore to Janie Elizabeth Slater of Walthall   Vince
           Enrolled Bill Signed
HB1718  Montgomery County; authorize tax on hotel/motel rooms     Howell
        to support tourism.                                    
           Enrolled Bill Signed
HB1720  Tunica County; revise distribution of gambling            Henderson (9th)
           Enrolled Bill Signed
HB1721  Suffrage; restore to John Walden of Lowndes County.       Smith (39th)
           Enrolled Bill Signed
HB1722  Town of Marietta; authorize water purchase interlocal     McCoy
        cooperation agreement with New Site Water Association. 
           Enrolled Bill Signed
HB1726  Town of Falkner; authorize to purchase water system.      McElwain
           Enrolled Bill Signed
HB1727  Marshall County; authorize to levy ad valorem tax on      Gadd
        certain property.                                      
           Enrolled Bill Signed
HB1728  Suffrage; restore to James Charles McGrew of Adams        West
           Enrolled Bill Signed
HB1729  Suffrage; restore to Kenneth Bridges of Rankin County.    Rogers
           Enrolled Bill Signed
HB1730  Suffrage; restore to Gregory Buckley of Harrison          Fredericks
           Enrolled Bill Signed
HB1732  City of Hattiesburg; may increase minimum monthly         Davis
        benefit for fire and police department retirees.       
           Enrolled Bill Signed
HB1733  Suffrage; restore to Eric Charles Nichols of Hancock      Fredericks
           Enrolled Bill Signed
HB1735  DeSoto County; create DeSoto County Regional Utility      Miller
           Enrolled Bill Signed
HB1736  Tallahatchie County; revise law establishing              Reynolds
        Tallahatchie County Correctional Authority.            
           Enrolled Bill Signed
HB1740  Harrison County; authorize incorporation of public        Fredericks
        utility district in connection with master planned     
           Enrolled Bill Signed
HB1741  Tallahatchie County; clarify tax levy of special          Reynolds
        drainage district.                                     
           Enrolled Bill Signed
HB1742  Tate County; provide for powers of Tate County Economic   Williams
        Development Foundation, Inc., regarding economic       
        development in county.                                 
           Enrolled Bill Signed
HB1743  City of Vicksburg; authorize to acquire property for      Chaney
        the establishment of a convention center.              
           Enrolled Bill Signed
HB1745  City of Clarksdale; authorize to designate intersection   Henderson (26th)
        of U.S. 61 and U.S. 49 as "crossroads".                
           Enrolled Bill Signed
HB1746  Montgomery County; authorize county hospital to convey    Howell
        certain surplus property to the City of Winona.        
           Enrolled Bill Signed
HB1747  Suffrage; restore to Demetrice N. Burnett of Tunica       Henderson (9th)
           Enrolled Bill Signed
HB1748  Suffrage; restore to Carolyn Bond of Tunica County.       Henderson (9th)
           Enrolled Bill Signed
HB1749  City of Clarksdale; create Board of Trustees to manage    Henderson (26th)
        and operate the Delta Blues Museum.                    
           Enrolled Bill Signed
HB1752  City of Clarksdale; additional court costs to fund        Henderson (26th)
           Enrolled Bill Signed
HB1753  Tunica County; rename Robinsonville-Commerce Utility      Henderson (9th)
        District the "Tunica County Utility District".         
           Enrolled Bill Signed
HB1754  Property; sell certain state-owned property to City of    Wallace
        Jackson for High Street improvements.                  
           Enrolled Bill Signed
SB2103  Procedures for determination of rights of an alleged      Bean
        father in adoption proceedings; revise repealers on.   
           Enrolled Bill Signed
SB2143  Medicaid assistance program; revise eligibility and       Bean
        services reimbursement.                                
           Enrolled Bill Signed
SB2211  Local Bridge Replacement and Rehabilitation Fund;         Little
        increase # of eligible bridges & mandate funding       
        through 2008.                                          
           Enrolled Bill Signed
SB2226  Rural Fire Truck Acquisition Assistance Program;          Rayborn
        provide for appropriation.                             
           Enrolled Bill Signed
SB2278  Severance tax; extend repealer on "new" oil and gas.      Dearing
           Enrolled Bill Signed
SB2300  Trial judges; revise office operating allowance.          Turner
           Enrolled Bill Signed
SB2303  Per diem; Supreme Court and Court of Appeals Judges,      Turner
        Public Service and Transportation Commissioners.       
           Enrolled Bill Signed
SB2310  Foster care placement program; clarify responsibilities   Bean
        of Department of Human Services.                       
           Enrolled Bill Signed
SB2332  Biddle guard; required for transporting DOC prisoners.    Smith
           Enrolled Bill Signed
SB2333  Regional jail; Kemper County contract with Neshoba        Jackson
        County instead of Noxubee.                             
           Enrolled Bill Signed
SB2363  Certified Public Accountants; amend regulatory laws of.   Woodfield
           Enrolled Bill Signed
SB2380  Registered engineers and land surveyors; revise laws      Ross
           Enrolled Bill Signed
SB2436  Rivers; extend life of joint natural and scenic river     Posey
        study committee for 1 year.                            
           Enrolled Bill Signed
SB2460  Domestic violence; full faith and credit for foreign      Carlton
        orders (MCADV).                                        
           Enrolled Bill Signed
SB2479  Salary of certain appointed and elected officials;        Gordon
           Enrolled Bill Signed
SB2506  Education of exceptional children in compliance with      Thames
        federal law; require, establish complaint procedures,  
           Enrolled Bill Signed
SB2508  Salary supplement for school counselors who obtain        Farris
        national certification; authorize.                     
           Enrolled Bill Signed
SB2537  Health care facility Certificate of Need Review; exempt   Bean
        certain expenditures and projects from.                
           Enrolled Bill Signed
SB2563  Deeds of trust; not automatically extinquished upon       Posey
        payment of money secured.                              
           Enrolled Bill Signed
SB2597  Gasoline; suspend driver's license of those not paying    Ferris
           Enrolled Bill Signed
SB2614  Juvenile Detention Fund; revise.                          Hall
           Enrolled Bill Signed
SB2618  Task Force on the Development and Implementation of       Ferris
        Comprehensive Early Childhood Services in Mississippi; 
           Enrolled Bill Signed
SB2623  Precursors; prohibit possession under certain             Huggins
           Enrolled Bill Signed
SB2632  Certificates of title; provide for issuance for           Robertson
        manufactured homes and mobile homes.                   
           Enrolled Bill Signed
SB2713  State employee donated leave; require approval by         Gordon
        appointing authority.                                  
           Enrolled Bill Signed
SB2717  Hunting or fishing without license; impose                Posey
        administrative fee in addition to other penalties.     
           Enrolled Bill Signed
SB2756  Marine Resources; clarify duties of commission,           Hewes
        department and executive director.                     
           Enrolled Bill Signed
SB2796  Mississippi Comprehensive Workforce Training and          Burton
        Education Consolidation Act of 1999; enact.            
           Enrolled Bill Signed
SB2804  Marine resources; transfer DWFP marine law enforcement    Hewes
        to DMR.                                                
           Enrolled Bill Signed
SB2852  Corrections; DOC to contract with DECD for data           Huggins
        processing entry program for inmates.                  
           Enrolled Bill Signed
SB2860  Statewide Management of Scientific Information Council;   Dearing
           Enrolled Bill Signed
SB2891  Environmental water quality; designate the Permit Board   Hall
        as agency to administer federal clean water program.   
           Enrolled Bill Signed
SB2893  Rescue Center child residential treatment program;        Ferris
           Enrolled Bill Signed
SB2897  Reduction of out-of-wedlock birth rates; create county    Tollison *
        incentive fund.                                        
           Enrolled Bill Signed
SB2901  Sexual assault; clarify responsibility for payment for    Frazier
        medical exam/rape kit (MCSA).                          
           Enrolled Bill Signed
SB2914  Long-term substitute teachers; provide funding under      Walls
        the Minimum Program.                                   
           Enrolled Bill Signed
SB2933  Wildlife; enhance penalties for sale of.                  Posey
           Enrolled Bill Signed
SB2936  Historic Shaifer House; Grand Gulf. Mil. Mon. Comm.       Posey
        transfer title to Dept. Archives & History.            
           Enrolled Bill Signed
SB2942  County prosecuting attorney; increase salary in certain   Minor
           Enrolled Bill Signed
SB2947  Real estate brokers; increase license fees and            Woodfield
        continuing ed. requirements.                           
           Enrolled Bill Signed
SB2982  Wastewater; allow wastewater districts to provide         Cuevas
        residential sewage holding tanks.                      
           Enrolled Bill Signed
SB2994  Department of Marine Resources; authorize to employ       Hewes
        legal counsel.                                         
           Enrolled Bill Signed
SB3023  Four-Lane Highway Program; provide for issuance of        Little *
        refunding bonds for temporary borrowings.              
           Enrolled Bill Signed
SB3029  Marine Resources; create shoreline and beach              Moffatt
        preservation district.                                 
           Enrolled Bill Signed
SB3050  Corrections; authorize work training in trades with       Huggins
        shortage of workers.                                   
           Enrolled Bill Signed
SB3078  Bonds; issue G.O. bonds for Southeast MS Center for       Farris
        Advanced Technology.                                   
           Enrolled Bill Signed
SB3081  Florence; remove repealer on bar and restaurant tax.      Smith
           Enrolled Bill Signed
SB3098  Bonds; increase amount that may be issued under the       Smith
        Local Governments Capital Improvements Revolving Loan  
        Program (DECD).                                        
           Enrolled Bill Signed
SB3213  Bonds; issue general obligation bonds for improvements    Cuevas
        for Hancock County Port and Harbor Commission and      
        Stennis Space Center.                                  
           Enrolled Bill Signed
SB3214  Bonds; issue to provide loans to counties and             Hewes
        municipalities in which master planned communities are 
           Enrolled Bill Signed
SB3215  Bonds; issue bonds to improve the Walthall School         Farris
        Building in Hattiesburg and to locate a children's     
        discovery center at such facility.                     
           Enrolled Bill Signed
SB3223  Suffrage; restore to Willie Bledsoe of Lincoln County.    Rayborn
           Enrolled Bill Signed
SB3224  Harrison County; authorize the purchase of insurance to   Hewes
        cover gaming tax revenue losses caused by natural      
           Enrolled Bill Signed
SB3232  Jefferson County; authorize to fund the Jefferson         Posey
        Comprehensive Health Center.                           
           Enrolled Bill Signed
SB3250  Suffrage; restore to Michael Wayne Creel of Harrison      Gollott
           Enrolled Bill Signed
SB3254  Prentiss County and Booneville; authorize imposition of   White (5th)
        additional court costs for DARE program.               
           Enrolled Bill Signed
SB3256  Weir; authorize additional assessment on misdemeanor      Hamilton
        cases in municipal court to fund crimestoppers.        
           Enrolled Bill Signed
SB3257  Prentiss County; authorize the permanent retirement of    White (5th)
        a certain deputy identification number.                
           Enrolled Bill Signed

Information pertaining to this report was last updated on 04/07/99 at 16:50.

End Of Document
