Mississippi Legislature

1999 Regular Session

Daily Action Report for 04/08/99

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House: Signed By The Speaker

SC 614  Susp rules; draft bill to authorize sale of certain       Hall
        state-owned property to City of Jackson for High Street
           Enrolled Bill Signed
SC 643  Sylvarena Fire Department; commend for quick response     Thames
        to massive downtown fire in Taylorsville.              
           Enrolled Bill Signed
SC 646  Taylorsville Fire and Police Departments; commend for     Thames
        quick response to massive downtown fire.               
           Enrolled Bill Signed
SC 661  Houlka High School Boys Basketball Team; commend.         Gordon
           Enrolled Bill Signed
SC 662  Suspend rules; further consideration of HB 1675; issue    Bryan
        G.O. bonds for IHL & community/junior college capital  
           Enrolled Bill Signed
SC 663  Suspend rules; further consideration of HB 530; MS        Bryan
        Single Family Residential Housing Fund; create & fund  
        with bond issue.                                       
           Enrolled Bill Signed

Senate: Signed By The President

HC  80  Commend Bill Sones for having served as President of      Barnett (92nd)
        the Independent Bankers Association of America.        
           Enrolled Bill Signed
HC 148  Commend Dr. William Riley.                                Bourdeaux
           Enrolled Bill Signed
HC 150  Commend Mr. John Scyster Throop, Jr., for his many        Reynolds
        years of outstanding public service.                   
           Enrolled Bill Signed
HC 157  Commend Glen Buckalew of Gulfport on winning Bandworld    Guice
        Legion of Honor Award.                                 
           Enrolled Bill Signed
HC 158  Commend Clinton High School students for their courage    Montgomery
        and bravery after the Amtrak wreck.                    
           Enrolled Bill Signed
HC 159  Commend Lanier High School Bulldogs Boys Basketball       Banks
        Team for winning Class 5A State Championship.          
           Enrolled Bill Signed
HC 160  Commend Gautier Gator Football Team for their             Read
        outstanding season.                                    
           Enrolled Bill Signed
HC 161  Commend the Macon Beacon.                                 Dickson
           Enrolled Bill Signed
HC 162  Commend Grenada School District retirees.                 Perkins
           Enrolled Bill Signed
HC 163  Commend Ned Boudreaux upon his retirement as Director     Peranich
        of Gulf Regional Planning Commission.                  
           Enrolled Bill Signed
HC 164  Commend Christy Fairley on her performance at the Nike    Maples
        Indoor Meet.                                           
           Enrolled Bill Signed
HC 165  Commend members of the House who began their term in      Flaggs
           Enrolled Bill Signed
HC 166  Commend retirees of Greenwood School District.            Perkins
           Enrolled Bill Signed
HC 167  Commend the 1998 retirees of the West Point School        Gibbs
           Enrolled Bill Signed
HC 168  Commend the 1999 retirees of the West Point School        Gibbs
           Enrolled Bill Signed
HC 169  Commend the Junior Auxiliary of Natchez.                  Ketchings
           Enrolled Bill Signed
HC 170  Commend Trinity Episcopal Day School Saints Basketball    Ketchings
           Enrolled Bill Signed
HC 171  Commend James Ray Carpenter on being first                Williams
        Mississippian to have served as President of the PGA.  
           Enrolled Bill Signed
HC 172  Commend the life of Mr. Richard Baxter Wilson.            Ford
           Enrolled Bill Signed
SC 614  Susp rules; draft bill to authorize sale of certain       Hall
        state-owned property to City of Jackson for High Street
           Enrolled Bill Signed
SC 643  Sylvarena Fire Department; commend for quick response     Thames
        to massive downtown fire in Taylorsville.              
           Enrolled Bill Signed
SC 646  Taylorsville Fire and Police Departments; commend for     Thames
        quick response to massive downtown fire.               
           Enrolled Bill Signed
SC 661  Houlka High School Boys Basketball Team; commend.         Gordon
           Enrolled Bill Signed
SC 662  Suspend rules; further consideration of HB 1675; issue    Bryan
        G.O. bonds for IHL & community/junior college capital  
           Enrolled Bill Signed
SC 663  Suspend rules; further consideration of HB 530; MS        Bryan
        Single Family Residential Housing Fund; create & fund  
        with bond issue.                                       
           Enrolled Bill Signed

Information pertaining to this report was last updated on 04/08/99 at 14:54.

End Of Document
