Mississippi Legislature

1999 Regular Session

Daily Action Report for 03/02/99

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Bill Status Menu

House: Introductions

HB1686  Jefferson County; authorize to fund the Jefferson         Middleton
        Comprehensive Health Center.                           
           Referred To Local and Private Legislation
HC 114  Commend Simpson Academy Cougers Football Team for their   Rotenberry
        outstanding season.                                    
           Referred To Rules
HC 115  Commend Brookhaven Academy Lady Cougars for their         Barnett (92nd)
        outstanding season.                                    
           Referred To Rules
HC 116  Commend Walter Payton for his outstanding career as a     Robinson (63rd)
        professional athlete.                                  
           Referred To Rules

House: Double Referred Reports

SB2143  Medicaid assistance program; revise eligibility and       Bean
        services reimbursement.                                
           DR - TSDPAA: AP To PH
SB2312  TANF assistance payments; increase.                       Bean
           DR - TSDP: AP To PH
SB2500  Mississippi Qualified Health Center Grant Program;        Bean
           DR - TSDPAA: AP To PH
SB2506  Education of exceptional children in compliance with      Thames
        federal law; require, establish complaint procedures,  
           DR - TSDPAA: AP To ED
SB2573  Mississippi Agriculture Development Committee; revise     Thames
           DR - TSDPAA: WM To AG
SB2614  Juvenile Detention Fund; revise.                          Hall
           DR - TSDPAA: AP To JJ
SB2796  Mississippi Comprehensive Workforce Training and          Burton
        Education Consolidation Act of 1999; enact.            
           DR - TSDPAA: AP To ED
SB2884  Regional Initiatives Program; create at the University    Burton
        Research Center to provide grants for certain projects.
           DR - TSDPAA: WM To UC
SB2893  Rescue Center child residential treatment program;        Ferris
           DR - TSDPAA: AP To JJ
SB2942  County prosecuting attorney; increase salary in certain   Minor
           DR - TSDPAA: FS To CA
           DR - TSDPAA: CA To FS
SB2988  County court; allow certain counties option to create,    Turner
        enact state funding support of youth court (Council    
           DR - TSDPAA: AP To JJ
SB3029  Marine Resources; create shoreline and beach              Moffatt
        preservation district.                                 
           DR - TSDPAA: WM To CR
SB3208  Bonds; issue general obligation bonds for capital         Posey
        improvements for the Department of Wildlife, Fisheries 
        and Parks.                                             
           DR - TSDP: GF To WM

House: Committee Reports

SB2143  Medicaid assistance program; revise eligibility and       Bean
        services reimbursement.                                
           Title Suff Do Pass As Amended
SB2278  Severance tax; extend repealer on "new" oil and gas.      Dearing
           Title Suff Do Pass As Amended
SB2312  TANF assistance payments; increase.                       Bean
           Title Suff Do Pass
SB2333  Regional jail; Kemper County contract with Neshoba        Jackson
        County instead of Noxubee.                             
           Title Suff Do Pass As Amended
SB2479  Salary of certain appointed and elected officials;        Gordon
           Title Suff Do Pass As Amended
SB2500  Mississippi Qualified Health Center Grant Program;        Bean
           Title Suff Do Pass As Amended
SB2506  Education of exceptional children in compliance with      Thames
        federal law; require, establish complaint procedures,  
           Title Suff Do Pass As Amended
SB2573  Mississippi Agriculture Development Committee; revise     Thames
           Title Suff Do Pass As Amended
SB2614  Juvenile Detention Fund; revise.                          Hall
           Title Suff Do Pass As Amended
SB2713  State employee donated leave; require approval by         Gordon
        appointing authority.                                  
           Title Suff Do Pass As Amended
SB2756  Marine Resources; clarify duties of commission,           Hewes
        department and executive director.                     
           Title Suff Do Pass As Amended
SB2796  Mississippi Comprehensive Workforce Training and          Burton
        Education Consolidation Act of 1999; enact.            
           Title Suff Do Pass As Amended
SB2799  Chiropractic insurance claim review requirements;         Canon
           Title Suff Do Pass As Amended
SB2828  Podiatrists; increase annual license renewal fee and      Johnson (19th)
        use portion to aid impaired licenses.                  
           Title Suff Do Pass
SB2859  Geographic Information System; provide method of          Dickerson
        recovering costs of developing.                        
           Title Suff Do Pass As Amended
SB2884  Regional Initiatives Program; create at the University    Burton
        Research Center to provide grants for certain projects.
           Title Suff Do Pass As Amended
SB2891  Environmental water quality; designate the Permit Board   Hall
        as agency to administer federal clean water program.   
           Title Suff Do Pass As Amended
SB2893  Rescue Center child residential treatment program;        Ferris
           Title Suff Do Pass As Amended
SB2942  County prosecuting attorney; increase salary in certain   Minor
           Title Suff Do Pass As Amended
SB2988  County court; allow certain counties option to create,    Turner
        enact state funding support of youth court (Council    
           Title Suff Do Pass As Amended
SB2994  Department of Marine Resources; authorize to employ       Hewes
        legal counsel.                                         
           Title Suff Do Pass As Amended
SB3029  Marine Resources; create shoreline and beach              Moffatt
        preservation district.                                 
           Title Suff Do Pass As Amended

House: Floor Actions

SB2170  Chancery or circuit clerk; salary limitation applies to   Moffatt
        the office of the clerk.                               
           Passed As Amended
SB2211  Local Bridge Replacement and Rehabilitation Fund;         Little
        increase # of eligible bridges & mandate funding       
        through 2008.                                          
           Returned For Concurrence
SB2402  Wildlife; remove repealer on regulation of guide          Posey
SB2564  Hunting; revise scope of special youth hunts outside of   Posey
        open season.                                           
SB2717  Hunting or fishing without license; impose                Posey
        administrative fee in addition to other penalties.     
           Passed As Amended
           Motion to Reconsider Entered
SB2825  Hunting license; revise requirement for proof of          Posey
        residency to obtain resident license.                  

House: Referred Other House

SB3216  Forrest County; authorize a contribution to the           Farris
        Pinebelt Association for Community Enhancement.        
           Referred To Local and Private Legislation

House: Measures That Have Died

SB2001  Statutory rape; reinstate penalty.                        Nunnelee
           Died In Committee
SB2038  Part-time Student Tuition Assistance Grant program;       Hall
           Died In Committee
SB2039  Auto insurance; require compulsory liability insurance.   Hall
           Died In Committee
SB2064  Emergency services under HMO contracts; prohibit prior    Jordan (24th)
           Died In Committee
SB2079  Flood control; additional cities to clear ditches and     Carter
        organize districts.                                    
           Died In Committee
SB2126  Medicaid; increase home leave days for ICFMR services     Bean
           Died In Committee
SB2128  Television; authorize appearance of certain defendants    Smith
        by closed circuit.                                     
           Died In Committee
SB2132  MS Civil War Battlefield Commission; authorize expense    Gordon
        reimbursement for members.                             
           Died In Committee
SB2146  Orthotics and prosthetics certification; define           Dearing
        certifying agency.                                     
           Died In Committee
SB2147  Traffic offenses; revise the fine for speeding in a       Little *
        highway work zone (MDOT).                              
           Died In Committee
SB2154  Professional counseling services; included as coverage    Hall
        under State and Public School Employees Insurance Plan.
           Died In Committee
SB2173  Veterans Affairs Board; revise staffing requirements.     Furniss
           Died In Committee
SB2188  Purchase of state-adopted textbooks by school             Ferris
        districts; exempt from public bid requirements.        
           Died In Committee
SB2190  Beginning Principal Support Pilot Program; establish      Ferris
        under School Executive Management Institute.           
           Died In Committee
SB2255  Stay of CON proceedings pending appeal; authorize.        Bean
           Died In Committee
SB2281  Environmental protection; remove repealer on fee and      Dearing
        groundwater protection fund requirements.              
           Died In Committee
SB2282  Water resources; remove repealer on definition of         Dearing
        established minimum flow.                              
           Died In Committee
SB2293  Fire safety education program; create under State Fire    Kirby
        Marshal's Office.                                      
           Died In Committee
SB2305  Insurance; provide to disabled judges for remainder of    Turner
        term of office.                                        
           Died In Committee
SB2347  Homestead exemption; increase the amount of               Rayborn
        reimbursement for county tax losses.                   
           Died In Committee
SB2355  State Board of Barber Examiners; revise composition of.   Canon
           Died In Committee
SB2356  State Board of Cosmetology; revise certain license        Canon
        qualifications and authorize biennial license renewal. 
           Died In Committee
SB2382  Mining; revise Mississippi Surface Mining and             Dearing
        Reclamation Law.                                       
           Died In Committee
SB2386  Ad valorem tax increase notice by school districts;       Nunnelee
        revise procedure.                                      
           Died In Committee
SB2388  Agricultural cooperatives; reduce minimum number of       Hamilton
           Died In Committee
SB2392  Corrections; remove repealer on the special needs         Huggins
        prison program.                                        
           Died In Committee
SB2393  Corrections; remove repealer on community service         Huggins
        revolving fund.                                        
           Died In Committee
SB2394  Corrections; remove the repealer on sections allowing     Huggins
        housing of state inmates in county jails.              
           Died In Committee
SB2395  Corrections; remove repealer on the Prison Overcrowding   Huggins
        Emergency Powers Act.                                  
           Died In Committee
SB2396  Corrections; remove repealer on the house arrest          Huggins
           Died In Committee
SB2404  Students required to be assigned to alternative           Bean
        schools; clarify school disciplinary authority.        
           Died In Committee
SB2407  Mississippi Agricultural Promotions Program Act;          Thames
           Died In Committee
SB2409  Cotton brokers; require licensing by the Commissioner     Thames
        of Agriculture.                                        
           Died In Committee
SB2410  Grain dealers law; revise bonding requirements and        Thames
        require fee for license.                               
           Died In Committee
SB2411  MS Egg Marketing Board; revise membership.                Thames
           Died In Committee
SB2412  State Board of Agricultural Aviation; extend repealer.    Thames
           Died In Committee
SB2413  Timber; require certain information for identification    Thames
        purposes and increase penalties for theft.             
           Died In Committee
SB2414  Judicial performance; add municipal court judge to        Mettetal
        Commission on Judicial Performance.                    
           Died In Committee
SB2418  Forestry; clarify damages for cutting trees without       Harvey
        owners consent.                                        
           Died In Committee
SB2423  Economic Development; authorize certain programs to       Simmons
        encourage development in less developed counties.      
           Died In Committee
SB2424  Animals; revise seizure of maltreated, neglected or       Farris
        abandoned animals.                                     
           Died In Committee
SB2434  Medicaid; increase home leave days for nursing & ICFMR    Furniss
        facilities reimbursement.                              
           Died In Committee
SB2469  Highway 90 overpass at Henderson Point; designate as      Gollott
        the "Gerald Roux Memorial Overpass".                   
           Died In Committee
SB2484  Corrections; remove repealer on agricultural leases of    Huggins
        prison lands.                                          
           Died In Committee
SB2493  Constables; prescribe annual reports to be filed with     Jackson
        State Auditor.                                         
           Died In Committee
SB2505  Weighing devices; transfer regulatory authority to        Thames
        Dept. of Ag for certain weighing devices.              
           Died In Committee
SB2541  Deputy circuit clerks; authorize surety bonds to be       Gordon
        given by.                                              
           Died In Committee
SB2548  MS Bird Dealers Licensing Act; change administration      Thames
           Died In Committee
SB2567  Water resources; extend repealer on Mississippi Water     Dearing
        Resources Advisory Council.                            
           Died In Committee
SB2569  Certified Animal Euthanasia Technicians; authorize MS     Hamilton
        Board of Veterinary Medicine to regulate.              
           Died In Committee
SB2571  Soil and Water Conservation Commission; certain           Thames
        information collected by not available for public      
           Died In Committee
SB2589  State Medical Examiner; Commissioner of Public Safety     Posey
        may appoint office administrator in absence of.        
           Died In Committee
SB2603  Circuit clerks; increase certain fees charged.            Gordon
           Died In Committee
SB2609  Pre-kindergarten "Parents as Teachers Pilot Program";     Carter
        State Board of Education shall establish.              
           Died In Committee
SB2612  Board of supervisors; eliminate alternating board         Horhn
        meetings in counties with two court districts (Hinds). 
           Died In Committee
SB2698  Personal Services Contract Review Board; exempt           Ross
        contracts of Pearl River Valley Water Supply District  
        from review.                                           
           Died In Committee
SB2706  Environmental Quality; prohibit DEQ rule based on Kyoto   Burton
        Protocol until ratified by U.S. Senate.                
           Died In Committee
SB2708  Forest Resource Development Fund; divert a portion of     Harvey
        estate tax revenue to it.                              
           Died In Committee
SB2712  Hunting; allow native son nonresident lifetime license    Posey
        to take doe.                                           
           Died In Committee
SB2737  Gambling; cheating punished as larceny.                   Simmons
           Died In Committee
SB2768  Regional cultural heritage tourism program; study         Harden
        establishment of.                                      
           Died In Committee
SB2826  Wildlife; provide penalty for failing to respond to       Posey
        citation or summons.                                   
           Died In Committee
SB2835  Public trust tidelands; limit lease payments by           Moffatt
        nonprofit lessees.                                     
           Died In Committee
SB2837  Sheriffs; authorize board of supervisors to pay salary    Little
        supplement to certain sheriffs.                        
           Died In Committee
SB2838  Ad valorem taxes; state must pay counties for tax         Dickerson
        losses as a result of state ownership of the Pascagoula
        Wildlife Management Area.                              
           Died In Committee
SB2841  Structured settlements; enact protections.                Turner
           Died In Committee
SB2844  Civil Legal Assistance Fund; provide legal                Turner
        representation to the indigent.                        
           Died In Committee
SB2853  Silencers; revise manufacture, sale, possession and       White (29th)
           Died In Committee
SB2855  Hospitality stations; transportation commission work      Hewes
        with universities for beautification.                  
           Died In Committee
SB2885  Water heaters; decrease temperature requirements for      Burton
        certain hot water supply storage tanks and heaters.    
           Died In Committee
SB2902  Seed Certification Law; revise to include farm            Hamilton
           Died In Committee
SB2904  Streams; provide for voluntary scenic streams             Posey
        stewardship program.                                   
           Died In Committee
SB2916  Mississippi Hospital Equipment and Facilities             Bryan
        Authority; may conduct meetings through telephone      
           Died In Committee
SB2928  Small Loan Regulatory Law; licensees may charge           Nunnelee *
        borrowers non-credit life insurance premiums.          
           Died In Committee
SB2929  Disability; Social Security Administrations' finding of   Frazier
        disability will create rebuttable presumption of.      
           Died In Committee
SB2943  Public utilities; prohibit courts from collaterally       Minor
        attacking lawfully established rates and service       
           Died In Committee
SB2960  Salary supplement for speech pathologists who obtain      Farris
        national certification; authorize.                     
           Died In Committee
SB2961  Local Governments Livable Communities Investment          Bryan
        Program; establish.                                    
           Died In Committee
SB2971  Special Task Force for Economic Development Planning;     Horhn
        require heads of state institutions of higher learning 
        to assist.                                             
           Died In Committee
SB2973  Litter prevention; authorize Keep MS Beautiful to         Hall
        implement annual awards.                               
           Died In Committee
SB2981  Deputy sheriffs; allow retiring deputy to retain          Robertson
           Died In Committee
SB2989  Solid wastes; allow reduced payments from corrective      Dearing
        action trust fund when below minimum.                  
           Died In Committee
SB3025  Peer mediation conflict resolution models; SBE develop    Farris
        for public schools.                                    
           Died In Committee
SB3032  Marine Resources; create beach erosion and channel        Moffatt
        maintenance program.                                   
           Died In Committee
SB3035  Wastewater; allow loan from pollution control emergency   Cuevas
        fund and revolving fund for certain preliminary costs. 
           Died In Committee
SB3043  Budget and business operation authority of school         Ferris
        districts; revise.                                     
           Died In Committee
SC 516  Const. 99 & 106; revise appointment of State Librarian.   Turner
           Died In Committee
SC 520  Const 177A; add municipal court judge to Commission on    Mettetal
        Judicial Performance.                                  
           Died In Committee
SC 523  Const; protect MS Fire Fighters Memorial Burn Center      Furniss
        Trust Fund.                                            
           Died In Committee

Senate: Introductions

SC 609  George "Happy" Irby; commend for community charity        Turner
           Referred To Rules
SC 610  Suspend rules; further consideration of HB 519; create    Gollott
        Health Care Trust Fund for tobacco settlement funds.   
           Referred To Rules

Senate: Double Referred Reports

HB 519  Tobacco settlement funds; create Health Care Trust Fund   Moody
           DR - TSDPAA: FI To PH
HB 695  Nationally certified teachers; authorize local school     Frierson
        districts and private entities to pay certification    
        costs and be reimbursed.                               
           DR - TSDPAA: ED To AP
HB 706  Mississippi School of Fine Arts; create.                  Barnett (92nd)
           DR - TSDPAA: ED To AP
HB 834  Nursing homes; allow Medicaid participation for           Moody
        existing beds and authorize new beds.                  
           DR - TSDPAA: PH To AP
HB 973  Family support centers and parent education programs;     Scott (17th)
        authorize pilot program under Department of Education. 
           DR - TSDPAA: ED To AP
HB 993  Public property; require certain capital improvements     Guice
        projects to be funded in three phases.                 
           DR - TSDPAA: PP To FI

Senate: Committee Reports

HB 121  Surplus school property; authorize districts to sell at   Miles
        auction without first receiving competitive bids.      
           Title Suff Do Pass As Amended
HB 221  Property and Casualty Insurance; require buy-back         Guice
        provision for deductibles.                             
           Title Suff Do Pass As Amended
HB 458  Fuel taxes; revise amount diverted to State Aid Road      Green (34th)
           Title Suff Do Pass As Amended
HB 471  Teachers, assistant teachers and certain other school     McCoy
        employees; increase salaries.                          
           Title Suff Do Pass As Amended
HB 519  Tobacco settlement funds; create Health Care Trust Fund   Moody
           Title Suff Do Pass As Amended
HB 555  State offenders housed in county jails; reenact and       Ford
        extend repealer for one year.                          
           Title Suff Do Pass As Amended
HB 614  Ad valorem taxes; revise form and contents of notice      Reeves
        required when a taxing entity or school district       
        proposes to increase.                                  
           Title Suff Do Pass As Amended
HB 616  Quitman County, school district; extend repealer on       Ford
        authority to transfer Old Falcon School property to    
        board of supervisors.                                  
           Title Suff Do Pass As Amended
HB 617  Emerging Crops Fund; extend repealer on reforestation     Ford
        cost-share program and remove certain programs.        
           Title Suff Do Pass As Amended
HB 653  Fiduciaries; extend repealer on provisions authorizing    Ford
        compliance with environmental laws.                    
           Title Suff Do Pass
HB 694  Beginning teacher support program; authorize school       Frierson
        districts to compensate mentor teachers participating  
           Title Suff Do Pass
HB 695  Nationally certified teachers; authorize local school     Frierson
        districts and private entities to pay certification    
        costs and be reimbursed.                               
           Title Suff Do Pass As Amended
HB 706  Mississippi School of Fine Arts; create.                  Barnett (92nd)
           Title Suff Do Pass As Amended
HB 726  State and school employees insurance; combine the two     Stevens
        plans into one plan.                                   
           Title Suff Do Pass As Amended
HB 768  Courts; provide full funding for trial court support      Perry
           Title Suff Do Pass As Amended
HB 771  District attorneys; authorize additional legal            Compretta
        assistants for Second Circuit Court District.          
           Title Suff Do Pass As Amended
HB 778  Tort Claims Act; clarify notice of claim requirements.    Perry
           Title Suff Do Pass As Amended
HB 779  Public purchasing laws; revise certain provisions of.     Perry
           Title Suff Do Pass
HB 784  Highway Patrol Retirement System; increase amount of      Perry
        benefits for retired members.                          
           Title Suff Do Pass
HB 785  Public Employees' Retirement System and Highway Patrol    Perry
        Retirement System laws; amend various provisions of.   
           Title Suff Do Pass As Amended
HB 820  Money management skills; include in certain secondary     King
        level courses.                                         
           Title Suff Do Pass
HB 821  Check Cashers Law; make various amendments and extend     Guice
           Title Suff Do Pass As Amended
HB 822  County jails; establish and mandate training standards    Green (34th)
        for county jail officers.                              
           Title Suff Do Pass As Amended
HB 824  Mississippi Business Investment Act; revise entities to   Morris
        which DECD may make loans for low to moderate income   
           Title Suff Do Pass
HB 827  Physicians; Medical Licensure Board may assess costs      Holden
        against in disciplinary actions.                       
           Title Suff Do Pass
HB 834  Nursing homes; allow Medicaid participation for           Moody
        existing beds and authorize new beds.                  
           Title Suff Do Pass As Amended
HB 852  Child support enforcement statutes; revise pursuant to    Moody
        federal law.                                           
           Title Suff Do Pass As Amended
HB 865  Uniform Health-Care Decisions Act; revise consent for     Perry
        certain persons.                                       
           Title Suff Do Pass As Amended
HB 904  Antlerless deer; person possessing nonresident lifetime   Livingston
        sportsman license may kill on any land where resident  
        may kill.                                              
           Title Suff Do Pass As Amended
HB 914  Absentee ballots; issue applications only upon request    Denny
        of the voter and allow assistance.                     
           Title Suff Do Pass As Amended
HB 915  Armed Forces Absentee Voting Law; revise.                 Denny
           Title Suff Do Pass As Amended
HB 969  Joint Legislative Budget Committee; expand membership.    Blackmon
           Title Suff Do Pass As Amended
HB 973  Family support centers and parent education programs;     Scott (17th)
        authorize pilot program under Department of Education. 
           Title Suff Do Pass As Amended
HB 980  Commissioners of election; revise compensation of.        Denny
           Title Suff Do Pass As Amended
HB 990  Telecommunications; prohibit accessing of messages by     Robinson (84th)
        persons other than intended recipient.                 
           Title Suff Do Pass As Amended
HB 997  Bingo; delete requirement that commercial lessor obtain   Reeves
        license from Gaming Commission, commission to determine
        reasonableness of leases.                              
           Title Suff Do Pass As Amended
HB1073  Bail bonds; defendant to post fee on bonds when bond is   Robinson (63rd)
           Title Suff Do Pass
HB1082  Mississippi Landmark Grant Program; establish under       McCoy
        Department of Archives and History.                    
           Title Suff Do Pass As Amended
HB1083  Mississippi Life and Health Insurance Guaranty            Stevens
        Association; rights of policyholders.                  
           Title Suff Do Pass As Amended
HB1128  Consumer loan brokers; limit payments and fees from       Guice
        borrowers to 6% of loan amount.                        
           Title Suff Do Pass
HB1143  Sixteenth section lands; revise requirements concerning   Livingston
        accounting of educable children and division of funds. 
           Title Suff Do Pass As Amended
HB1147  Foster parents; limited coverage under Tort Claims Act.   Perry
           Title Suff Do Pass As Amended
HB1151  Life and health guaranty association laws; revise.        Stevens
           Title Suff Do Pass
HB1191  School attendance officers; clarify treatment of          Grist
        accumulated leave upon transfer to SDE.                
           Title Suff Do Pass As Amended
HB1196  State highway system; Transportation Department           Horne
        construct certain four-lane highways and exits.        
           Title Suff Do Pass As Amended
HB1218  Sixteenth section land; allow board of education to       Simpson
        grant right-of-way.                                    
           Title Suff Do Pass
HB1227  Sport-shooting ranges; grant civil immunity for noise     Woods
           Title Suff Do Pass As Amended
HB1229  Insurance agent, agency or affiliate; authorize to pay    Guice
        referral fees to certain unlicensed employees.         
           Title Suff Do Pass As Amended
HB1316  Mississippi Prepaid Affordable College Tuition Program;   Bourdeaux
        revise various provisions.                             
           Title Suff Do Pass
HB1336  Boxing; require license by Athletic Commission before     Williams
        person acts as promoter of event or closed circuit     
           Title Suff Do Pass
HB1363  Mississippi Office of Capital Post-Conviction Counsel;    Capps
           Title Suff Do Pass As Amended
HB1411  Lieu lands; authorize certain counties to make            Huddleston
        restitution to school districts for sales proceeds     
           Title Suff Do Pass
HB1422  Streams; provide for voluntary scenic streams             Livingston
        stewardship program.                                   
           Title Suff Do Pass
HB1424  Board of Mental Health; authorize negotiation for         Shows
        exchange, lease or sale of Ellisville State School     
           Title Suff Do Pass
HB1435  Community hospitals; revise and expand authorized         Williams
        investments for funds of.                              
           Title Suff Do Pass As Amended
HB1462  Municipal public utility systems; expand to include       Henderson (9th)
           Title Suff Do Pass As Amended
HC 106  Commend Scout Troop 2 of Picayune on the celebration of   Formby
        its 80th anniversary.                                  
           Title Suff Do Be Adopted
HC 107  Commend Becky Mathis for being named the Child Advocate   Robinson (84th)
        of the Year.                                           
           Title Suff Do Be Adopted
HC 108  Commend Dr. John Lambert on being named Mississippi's     Warren
        Outstanding Tree Farmer of the Year.                   
           Title Suff Do Be Adopted
SC 606  State Board of Pharmacy; commend for national award.      Bean
           Title Suff Adopted Comm Sub
SC 609  George "Happy" Irby; commend for community charity        Turner
           Title Suff Do Be Adopted
SC 610  Suspend rules; further consideration of HB 519; create    Gollott
        Health Care Trust Fund for tobacco settlement funds.   
           Title Suff Do Be Adopted
SN  25  James Wray Bush, Laurel, Mississippi, as a member of      GOVERNOR
        the State Board of Contractors, for the five year term 
        of office commencing May 28, 1999                      
           Do Advise and Consent

Senate: Floor Actions

HB 906  Municipalities; authorize certain to acquire or lease     McBride
        property from federal government and incorporate into  
           Transmitted To House
HB 937  Stone County; authorize add'l assessment on misdemeanor   Maples
        convictions obtained in justice court to fund new      
        county office building.                                
           Transmitted To House
HB1130  Mississippi Code; provide Department of Rehabilitation    Moody
        Services with four sets of.                            
           Passed As Amended
           Returned For Concurrence
HB1536  Humphreys County; authorize contribution to Dixie Youth   Straughter
           Transmitted To House
HB1555  City of Okolona; additional court costs to fund crime     Bowles
        stoppers; increase and extend repealer.                
           Transmitted To House
SB3216  Forrest County; authorize a contribution to the           Farris
        Pinebelt Association for Community Enhancement.        
           Transmitted To House

Senate: Referred Other House

HB1650  Bonds; issue bonds for Department of Public Safety and    Stringer
        Emergency Management Agency capital improvements.      
           Referred To Finance

Senate: Measures That Have Died

HB  20  Bail; prohibit pending appeal of certain felony           Formby
           Died In Committee
HB 101  Retirement advisory boards; expand by one; require one    Horne
        member of board be a retiree elected by retired firemen
        and policemen.                                         
           Died In Committee
HB 204  Personal leave for state employees; eliminate first day   Scott (80th)
        of illness requirement.                                
           Died In Committee
HB 238  Distinctive license tag decal; authorize issuance to      Janus
        commemorate tricentennial at Biloxi.                   
           Died In Committee
HB 313  Election contest; clarify that Legislature has            Blackmon
        exclusive jurisdiction over contest regarding seat of  
           Died In Committee
HB 364  Franchisees; prohibit franchisor from forcing             Miles
        acceptance of products not ordered or desired.         
           Died In Committee
HB 378  Mayor pro tempore; alderman elected from at large shall   Broomfield
        serve as.                                              
           Died In Committee
HB 464  Prescription drugs; person eligible for Medicare with     Reynolds
        certain income shall receive under Medicaid.           
           Died In Committee
HB 543  Home medical equipment; extend repealer on regulation     Ford
        of suppliers by Pharmacy Board.                        
           Died In Committee
HB 548  Donation of leave time for catastrophic illness; extend   Ford
           Died In Committee
HB 551  Income tax; extend repealer on tax credit for employers   Ford
        who hire persons receiving TANF assistance.            
           Died In Committee
HB 552  Oil and gas severance tax; extend exemption and reduced   Ford
        rate of tax on certain production.                     
           Died In Committee
HB 559  Hunting and fishing guide services; extend authority of   Ford
        Wildlife, Fisheries and Parks to regulate.             
           Died In Committee
HB 580  Business improvement districts; reduce the amount of      Williams
        the vote necessary to implement.                       
           Died In Committee
HB 611  Juvenile Detention Fund; extend repealer on.              Ford
           Died In Committee
HB 656  State grand jury exception from local jurisdiction;       Ford
        reenact and extend repealer for one year.              
           Died In Committee
HB 699  Civil service laws; confirmation by appointing power of   Chaney
        suspension of employee shall be within 10 working days.
           Died In Committee
HB 700  Convention centers; expand municipalities that may        Chaney
           Died In Committee
HB 715  Child support; require bingo operators and casinos to     Reeves
        verify if winners have outstanding judgment against    
           Died In Committee
HB 721  TANF benefits; increase monthly amount for recipients     Moody
           Died In Committee
HB 725  Fire protection sprinkler contractors; require            Stevens
        registration of.                                       
           Died In Committee
HB 727  Per diem; increase for county port and harbor             Compretta
           Died In Committee
HB 728  Bailiffs; increase amount of daily compensation.          Compretta
           Died In Committee
HB 740  Food stamps; delay deadlines to develop and implement     Moody
        on-line EBT system for.                                
           Died In Committee
HB 777  Property; Uniform Fraudulent Transfer Act (NCCUSL).       Perry
           Died In Committee
HB 781  Court of Appeals; authorize assessment of 15% statutory   Perry
        penalty in cases finalized by the court.               
           Died In Committee
HB 793  Milk; transfer regulatory responsibility from the         Holland
        Department of Agriculture to the Board of Health.      
           Died In Committee
HB 800  Increase number of passenger vehicles authorized for      Foster
        several agencies.                                      
           Died In Committee
HB 814  Corporation franchise tax; clarify method used by         Williams
        certain holding corporations to determine portion of   
        capital excluded from.                                 
           Died In Committee
HB 830  Podiatrists; increase annual license renewal fee and      Holden
        use portion to aid impaired licenses.                  
           Died In Committee
HB 831  Medical Licensure Board; authorize to use unmarked        Holden
        vehicles for investigative use.                        
           Died In Committee
HB 850  Child care facility licensure law; make technical         Moody
        amendments to.                                         
           Died In Committee
HB 854  Child support enforcement statutes; revise.               Moody
           Died In Committee
HB 859  Child residential home licensure; clarify inspection      Moody
           Died In Committee
HB 867  Criminal history record checks for child residential      Moody
        facilities; Dept. of Public Safety responsible for     
        releasing info.                                        
           Died In Committee
HB 868  DHS Fraud Investigation Unit; grant subpoena power to.    Moody
           Died In Committee
HB 880  Litter law; revise penalties.                             Compretta
           Died In Committee
HB 900  Hunting; revise scope of special youth hunts outside of   Livingston
        open season.                                           
           Died In Committee
HB 918  Crimes; revise indecent exposure.                         Moore
           Died In Committee
HB 921  Property; allow landowner renting lot to evict mobile     Robinson (84th)
        home owner in timely manner.                           
           Died In Committee
HB 936  Elections; make certain technical amendments to the       Denny
        election laws.                                         
           Died In Committee
HB 984  Pat Harrison Waterway District; delete prohibition on     Endt
        expending monies required from member counties.        
           Died In Committee
HB 993  Public property; require certain capital improvements     Guice
        projects to be funded in three phases.                 
           Died In Committee
HB1018  Medicaid; certain persons living at home and having       Grist
        high drug expenses eligible for.                       
           Died In Committee
HB1021  Sexual offenses; revise time limitation application.      Grist
           Died In Committee
HB1035  Drainage districts; authorize to create drainage          Wallace
           Died In Committee
HB1049  Bureau of Narcotics; revise age qualifications.           Myers
           Died In Committee
HB1053  Taxation; Board of Levee Commissioners for the            Cameron
        Yazoo-Mississippi Delta shall prepare privilege        
           Died In Committee
HB1102  Personal and sick leave; prohibit certain temporary       Davis
        university employees from accumulating.                
           Died In Committee
HB1137  Rape; revise medical exam provisions.                     Blackmon
           Died In Committee
HB1139  Public utilities; prohibit courts from collaterally       Ellis *
        attacking lawfully established rates and service       
           Died In Committee
HB1141  Department of Economic and Community Development;         Williams
        extend repealer on authority regarding "Project        
           Died In Committee
HB1157  Bingo; revise Charitable Bingo Law.                       Reeves
           Died In Committee
HB1162  Insurers Rehabilitation and Liquidation Laws; revise.     Stevens
           Died In Committee
HB1163  Youth court; board of supervisors to administer           Bozeman
           Died In Committee
HB1165  Mississippi Agricultural Promotions Program; establish    Holland
        in Department of Agriculture.                          
           Died In Committee
HB1169  Seafood; authorize oyster harvesting by towed vessel      Ellington
        under certain conditions.                              
           Died In Committee
HB1188  Pearl River Basin Development District; authorize         Ellington
        county to withdraw from.                               
           Died In Committee
HB1195  Municipalities; governing authorities cannot regulate     Montgomery
        rights of entry to private residential property.       
           Died In Committee
HB1208  Handicap license tag; extend time period disability       King
        must exist to qualify for.                             
           Died In Committee
HB1209  Seafood; revise law regulating the taking of female       Ellington
        sponge crabs (DMR).                                    
           Died In Committee
HB1216  Marine resources; revise certain penalties (BMR).         Ellington
           Died In Committee
HB1233  Boards of supervisors; may bury livestock which have      Stringer
        died as a result of an emergency situation.            
           Died In Committee
HB1236  Missisippi Employment Security Commission Building        Cameron
        Fund; establish for new office facility construction.  
           Died In Committee
HB1238  Local Bridge Program; county to forfeit funds allocated   Foster
        to it if not expended within three years.              
           Died In Committee
HB1239  Chiropractors; establish requirements for doing claims    Moody
        reviews in Mississippi.                                
           Died In Committee
HB1259  Geographic Information System; provide method of          McBride
        recovering costs of developing.                        
           Died In Committee
HB1267  Crimes against elderly; enhance penalties.                Reynolds
           Died In Committee
HB1298  Distinctive license tag; authorize for supports of        Clarke
        Commission for Volunteer Service; create requirements  
        for new tags.                                          
           Died In Committee
HB1315  High voltage power lines; revise provisions concerning    Simpson
        safety precautions.                                    
           Died In Committee
HB1319  Public property; authorize DFA to purchase or             Brown
        lease-purchase property to centrally locate state      
           Died In Committee
HB1414  State depositories; revise formula for allocating state   Guice
        funds among.                                           
           Died In Committee
HB1449  Premium finance companies; revise method of calculating   Chaney
        refund of unearned premiums to.                        
           Died In Committee
HB1457  City council; require residency for two years before a    Janus
        person may be elected to.                              
           Died In Committee

Information pertaining to this report was last updated on 04/08/99 at 07:29.

End Of Document
