Mississippi Legislature

1997 Regular Session

Daily Action Report for 03/10/97

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Pending Governor's Signature

HB1487  Ad valorem taxes; authorize State Tax Commission to       Williams
        grant extensions for filing schedules/statements by    
        certain taxpayers (STC).                               
           Due From Governor 03/15/97
HB1725  Sales tax, contracting; exclude certain work performed    Williams
        by utilities.                                          
           Due From Governor 03/15/97

Signed By The Governor

HB1409  Banks; delete from parity provision references to         Guice
        insurance activities of banks.                         
           Approved by Governor
SB2725  Mining; revise Mississippi Surface Coal Mining and        Hamilton
        Reclamation Law.                                       
           Approved by Governor

House: Floor Actions

SB2071  Land surveyors; entrance on private property not          Bean
           Motion to Reconsider Entered
SB2094  Service dogs; prohibit harassment.                        Tollison
SB2100  Mental health services; Department of Mental Health       Thames
        approve minimum programs at regional mental health     
           Passed As Amended
SB2146  Medicaid; continue current capitated managed care pilot   Bean
        program and establish an additional program.           
           Tabled Subject To Call
SB2150  Water and sewage utilities; notify customers of           Hawks
        proposed rate increase in local newspaper and in       
        customer invoice.                                      
           Passed As Amended
SB2164  Child support enforcement; comply with mandates of        Bean
        federal Personal Responsibility and Work Opportunity   
        Reconciliation Act of 1996.                            
           Passed As Amended
SB2180  Environmental health inspection fees; prescribe.          Bean
           Passed As Amended
SB2202  Health professional licensure; extend repealer on State   Canon
        Board of Chiropractic Examiners.                       
           Returned For Concurrence
SB2214  Victim assistance; provide additional coordinator for     Nunnelee
        First Circuit.                                         
SB2220  Food inspection; transfer inspection responsibility to    Bean
        the State Board of Health.                             
SB2226  Dental Practice Act; reenact and revise licensure         Canon
           Returned For Concurrence
SB2228  Agribusiness Council, revise composition; create          Thames
        advisory committee.                                    
           Passed As Amended
SB2231  Universities; tuition payments for needy students.        Gollott
           Transmitted To Senate
SB2247  Extortion; revise to include MDOC employees and           Huggins
SB2299  Psychologists; perform competency exams of alleged        Ferris
           Motion to Reconsider Entered
SB2377  Office on the Deaf and Hard of Hearing; create under      Bean
           Passed As Amended
SB2388  Family and children's services provided by the            Bean
        Department of Human Services; make technical amendments
           Passed As Amended
SB2389  Practice of telemedicine; define and require licensure    Bean
        under certain conditions.                              
           Passed As Amended
SB2414  Municipal judge pro tem; serve for elected as well as     Dearing
        appointed city judge.                                  
           Passed As Amended
SB2418  Crime Victims Compensation Act; include acts of foreign   Frazier
           Passed As Amended
           Motion to Reconsider Entered
SB2461  Infant Mortality Task Force; reauthorize.                 Smith
           Returned For Concurrence
SB2514  Pharmacist technicians; Pharmacy Board shall regulate.    Mettetal
SB2524  Prepaid legal services plans; clarify types of plans      Kirby
        offered and referrals to attorneys.                    
SB2555  Mississippi Industries for the Blind; create board of     Bean
        directors/authorize nonprofit MIB corp; provide        
        legislative study.                                     
           Passed As Amended
SB2563  Charitable solicitation; revise (SOS).                    Turner
           Passed As Amended
SB2579  Medicaid assistance program; provide for eligibility,     Bean
        hearings, opposition to issuance of CON.               
           Returned For Concurrence
SB2596  Public construction; revise requirement mandating         Woodfield
        supervision by registered professional engineer.       
           Tabled Subject To Call
SB2649  Public school finance; implement MS Adequate Education    Bryan
        Funding formula.                                       
           Returned For Concurrence
SB2709  Education enhancement funds for classroom supplies;       Harden
        certain procedures for allocation of.                  
           Returned For Concurrence
SB2710  Wildlife; clarify game status of white-tailed deer;       Posey
        classify opossum as fur-bearing animal.                
           Returned For Concurrence
SB2770  Local government records act; amend.                      Burton
SB2772  Public Service Commission; entities lawfully exercising   Minor
        power of eminent domain not required to obtain         
        information from.                                      
SB2800  Sex offenders; revise registration of in conformity to    Turner
        federal law.                                           
           Passed As Amended
           Motion to Reconsider Entered
SB2812  Marine nets; forfeit nets used in violation if not        Hewes
           Passed As Amended
SB2814  Oysters; allow CMR to grant special permits to certain    Hewes
        nonprofit organizations.                               
           Returned For Concurrence
SB2841  State Parole Board; create 5 member.                      Furniss
           Returned For Concurrence
SB2849  Placement of foster care children in permanent homes;     Smith
        provide time guidelines.                               
           Tabled Subject To Call
SB2861  Trauma Care Task Force; create.                           Bean
           Passed As Amended
SB2874  Workers' compensation; create fraud bureau within AG's    Kirby
        office and fund with assessments on carriers.          
           Passed As Amended
           Motion to Reconsider Entered
SB2896  Falsifying documents issued by schools; define crime      Frazier
           Passed As Amended
SB2925  Prisons; allow prison industries to work state inmates    Huggins
        at private facilities.                                 
           Returned For Concurrence
SB2934  Harvest permits; extend repeal; authorize certain         Lee
           Passed As Amended
SB2986  State Crime Stoppers Fund; establish and assess monies    Scoper
           Passed As Amended
           Motion to Reconsider Entered
SB2997  Railroad laws; change authority from PSC to MS            Minor
        Transportation Commission and repeal certain others.   
           Passed As Amended
SB3015  State monetary assessments; revise to fund Leadership     Tollison
        Council on Aging.                                      
           Passed As Amended
SB3019  Justice courts; establish procedure for seizing           Farris
        mistreated animals.                                    
           Passed As Amended
SB3029  Real estate transfer disclosure requirements law; apply   Hewes
        only to certain real property.                         

House: Signed By The Speaker

HB 385  Ad valorem taxes; delete repealer on authority to         Ford
        assess based on one year average.                      
           Enrolled Bill Signed
HB 389  Savings banks; extend date of repealer on regulation      Ford
           Enrolled Bill Signed
HB 392  Pulpwood receiving facilities; extend repealer on         Ford
        licensing of.                                          
           Enrolled Bill Signed
HB 398  Community Service Revolving Fund; extend date of          Ford
           Enrolled Bill Signed
HB 400  Leasing of penitentiary lands; extend date of repeal.     Ford
           Enrolled Bill Signed
HB 478  State offenders; allow voluntary work for Habitat for     Cameron
           Enrolled Bill Signed
HB 520  Domestic insurance companies; require board approval      Stevens
        before loan or investment of funds.                    
           Enrolled Bill Signed
HB 538  Motor vehicles; require reduction in speed in highway     McElwain
        work zone.                                             
           Enrolled Bill Signed
HB 561  Credit unions; extend date of repealer on regulation      Guice
           Enrolled Bill Signed
HB 851  Fuel tax; delete repealer on distribution of certain      Williams
        proceeds derived from.                                 
           Enrolled Bill Signed
HB 856  Game fish; authorize Department of Agriculture to issue   Davis (7th)
        permits for sale of certain.                           
           Enrolled Bill Signed
HB 860  Credit union regulatory laws; make various amendments     Guice
           Enrolled Bill Signed
HB 894  Corrections; authorize commissioner to house DUI          Endt
        offenders in CWC's.                                    
           Enrolled Bill Signed
HB 898  Income tax; delete repealer on law providing income tax   Williams
        credit for ad valorem taxes paid on products, goods and
        merchandise held for resale.                           
           Enrolled Bill Signed
HB 904  County or municipal equipment; counties and cities may    Morris
        lease to other counties and cities.                    
           Enrolled Bill Signed
HB 916  Motor Vehicle Sales Finance Law and Small Loan            Guice
        Regulatory Law; make various amendments to.            
           Enrolled Bill Signed
HB 938  Commercial feed; exempt certain feed from inspection      Holland *
           Enrolled Bill Signed
HB 944  Tilapia; revise labeling requirements and authorize       Holland *
        Commissioner of Agriculture to set penalties.          
           Enrolled Bill Signed
HB 996  Frozen desserts; place under regulation of State Board    Holland *
        of Health.                                             
           Enrolled Bill Signed
HB1123  School district accreditation; require districts to       McCoy
        comply with standards concerning fixed assets audits.  
           Enrolled Bill Signed
HB1128  State Fiscal Officer; authorize to prepare a condensed    Capps
        version of the Comprehensive Annual Report.            
           Enrolled Bill Signed
HB1171  Legal holiday; county or city may substitute any one      Manning
        day per year.                                          
           Enrolled Bill Signed
HB1193  Ratite industry promotion program; create.                Shows
           Enrolled Bill Signed
HB1201  Small employer health benefit plans; revise definitions   Stevens
        and provide guaranteed issue.                          
           Enrolled Bill Signed
HB1260  Agricultural refrigerated trucks; authorize certain       Maples
           Enrolled Bill Signed
HB1261  Ad valorem taxes; revise date by which board of           Williams
        supervisors must disallow homestead exemption/correct  
        supplemental roll. (STC).                              
           Enrolled Bill Signed
HB1274  Bond; require one bond for multiple count warrant.        Endt
           Enrolled Bill Signed
HB1370  Oil and Gas Board; authorize to pay certain dues and      Bowles
           Enrolled Bill Signed
HB1407  Sanitation inspection of retail food stores; authorize    Holland *
        Commissioner of Agriculture to conduct.                
           Enrolled Bill Signed
HB1414  Mississippi Civil War Battlefield Commission; create.     Stribling
           Enrolled Bill Signed
HB1493  Swine Demonstration Unit at Pontotoc Branch Experiment    Holland
        Station; rename Wiley L. Bean Swine Demonstration Unit.
           Enrolled Bill Signed
HB1494  Abortion; prohibit partial-birth abortions.               Peranich
           Enrolled Bill Signed
HB1511  Insurers Rehabilitation and Liquidation Act; revise       Montgomery
        certain set off requirements.                          
           Enrolled Bill Signed
HB1525  Motor vehicles; revise certain administrative             Williams
        provisions relating to State Tax Commission (STC).     
           Enrolled Bill Signed
HB1647  Seafood; change boundaries for shrimping along Pearl      Compretta
           Enrolled Bill Signed
HB1704  Community service; technical revisions to MS Commission   Walker
        for National and Community Service.                    
           Enrolled Bill Signed

Senate: Floor Actions

HB  21  AIDS test; require for persons arrested, charged or       Green (72nd)
        convicted of sexual offenses.                          
           Passed As Amended
HB  33  Gun permits; allow reciprocity with other states.         Frierson
           Returned For Concurrence
HB  53  Counties; authorize board of supervisors to employ        Martinson
        attorney as full-time county employee.                 
           Tabled Subject To Call
HB 137  License tags; authorize personalized and antique tags     Bowles
        for motorcycles.                                       
           Returned For Concurrence
HB 291  County prosecuting attorney; increase salary in certain   Perkins
           Recommitted to Committee
HB 305  Death certificates; revise list of officials who          Endt
           Passed As Amended
HB 387  State offenders; extend date of repeal for housing in     Ford
        county jails.                                          
HB 431  Wilkinson County Sheriff; authorize Board of              Green (96th)
        Supervisors to pay annual supplement.                  
           Motion to Reconsider Entered
HB 584  Rural fire truck acquisition program; revise.             Stevens
           Returned For Concurrence
HB 621  Public purchases; certain purchases may be made outside   Perry
        state contract terms.                                  
           Passed As Amended
HB 667  Sheriff; provide annual salary supplement in Greene       McInnis
           Motion to Reconsider Entered
HB 690  Psychologist; may make mental exam of alleged felons.     Moody
           Passed As Amended
HB 699  State Seed Testing Laboratory; authorize Department of    Holland
        Agriculture to borrow money to improve building.       
           Returned For Concurrence
HB 716  State offenders; are to be under the supervision of DOC   Malone
        when placed in the Medical Release Program.            
           Returned For Concurrence
HB 899  Mississippi Business Finance Corporation; extend          Williams
        repealer on authority to issue bonds to finance        
        economic development projects (DECD).                  
           Passed As Amended
HB 908  State-owned land; prohibit clearing of timber until       Henderson (9th)
        after a public hearing.                                
           Returned For Concurrence
HB 913  Birth defects registry; direct Department of Health to    Moody
           Returned For Concurrence
HB 918  Leave time; state employees may donate to other ill or    Clarke
        injured state employees.                               
           Passed As Amended
HB 929  Securities; uniform transfer-on-death securities          Perry
        registration (NCCUSL).                                 
HB 935  Weights and measures; revise and authorize Commissioner   Holland *
        of Agriculture to determine penalties.                 
           Returned For Concurrence
HB 940  Meat inspection; authorize Commissioner of Agriculture    Holland *
        to hold hearings and determine penalties.              
           Returned For Concurrence
HB 953  Geologists; create registered professional geologists     Ellington
        practice act.                                          
           Returned For Concurrence
HB 979  Energy efficiency services and equipment; agencies may    Ellzey
        contract directly for.                                 
           Recommitted to Committee
HB1006  Deputy tax assessors; counties may supplement salaries    Weathersby
        upon meeting certain appraiser licensing requirements. 
HB1007  Unclaimed Property Act; exempt certain payments by        Ford
        nonprofit agricultural cooperative marketing           
HB1031  Museum property; prescribe procedure for conserving and   King
        disposing of loaned property.                          
           Returned For Concurrence
HB1032  Salaries; increase for certain state and county elected   Green (96th)
        and appointed officials.                               
           Returned For Concurrence
HB1069  Highway Patrol; add member to PERS Board, and allow       Perry
        members to receive 13th check in 12 installments.      
           Returned For Concurrence
HB1110  Bonds; extend repealer on authority to issue for major    Howell
        energy project development fund.                       
           Passed As Amended
HB1142  New Home Warranty Act; create.                            Davis (7th)
           Passed As Amended
HB1162  Agricultural Seed Law; revise penalties and due date      Holland *
        for permits.                                           
           Returned For Concurrence
HB1182  Property; Department of Finance and Administration        Compretta
        transfer to Department of Transportation (MDOT).       
           Returned For Concurrence
HB1207  Family and children's services provided by the            Moody
        Department of Human Services; make technical           
           Returned For Concurrence
HB1219  Public records; court records maintained electronically   Ford
        to conform to standards of Administrative Office of    
           Returned For Concurrence
HB1229  Water pollution; create hardship grants fund and          Ellington
        program to be administered by Department of            
        Environmental Quality (DEQ).                           
           Returned For Concurrence
HB1244  Division of Youth Services; increase number of            Warren
        Adolescent Offender Program sites.                     
           Returned For Concurrence
HB1248  Forest Resource Development Program; Legislature shall    Eaton
        appropriate certain sums for support of.               
           Passed As Amended
HB1258  Municipal court; may be held outside municipal            Perry
        boundaries for preliminary matters.                    
HB1269  Unemployment compensation; define "employment" for        Flaggs
        purposes of eligibility.                               
           Recommitted to Committee
HB1281  Youth court; establish statewide Juvenile Work Program.   Cameron
           Returned For Concurrence
HB1313  Business law; Secretary of State authorized to accept     Perry
        electronic filing (SOS).                               
HB1339  Chancery and circuit court documents; state and           Compretta
        political subdivisions not required to prepay costs for
        filing (MDOT).                                         
HB1342  Easement; Department of Finance and Administration        Compretta
        grant to Mississippi Department of Transportation      
           Returned For Concurrence
HB1376  Handicapped hunters; Department of Wildlife, Fisheries    Peranich
        and Parks shall provide reasonable access to hunting   
        areas for.                                             
           Passed As Amended
HB1389  Tobacco; Mississippi Juvenile Tobacco Access and          McBride
        Prevention Act of 1997.                                
           Returned For Concurrence
HB1406  Justice court; judge must reside in district he seeks     Perry
        to serve.                                              
           Recommitted to Committee
HB1415  Prison industries; authorize to locate at a private       Malone
        correctional facility or at a regional correctional    
           Returned For Concurrence
HB1429  Oil and Gas Board; provide lien to enforce oil and gas    Bowles
           Returned For Concurrence
HB1430  Public utilities; revise regulation of excavation near    Ellis
        underground utility facilities.                        
           Returned For Concurrence
HB1476  School transportation contracts; increase maximum term    Johnson
        for private contracts.                                 
           Returned For Concurrence
HB1480  Seafood; recodify and revise state seafood laws.          Ellington
           Returned For Concurrence
HB1481  Sales tax and use tax; clarify diversion to the Motor     Williams
        Vehicle Ad Valorem Tax Reduction Fund (STC).           
           Returned For Concurrence
HB1501  Bonded weighmasters; revise license fees charged by       Gadd
        Commissioner of Agriculture.                           
           Returned For Concurrence
HB1519  Airport authorities; authorize lease-purchase,            Bourdeaux
        advertising, etc.                                      
HB1541  Public property; authorize Mississippi Forestry           McBride
        Commission to exchange land with Panola County.        
           Returned For Concurrence
HB1549  Mississippi Commission for Volunteer Service Fund;        Williams
        create and provide checkoff on individual tax form to  
        allow contribution to.                                 
           Returned For Concurrence
HB1554  Alcoholic beverages; authorize holders of package         Williams
        retailer's permits to sell juices, mixers and other    
        beverages used to mix with.                            
           Returned For Concurrence
HB1612  Crimes; enhance penalties for violations regarding sale   Ford
        and distribution of beer and light wine.               
           Passed As Amended
HB1655  Tombigbee River Valley Water Management District;         Ford
        authorize to transfer property to Lee County.          
           Passed As Amended
HB1669  Garnishment; revise garnishee's obligations.              Smith (39th)
           Passed As Amended
HB1739  Mississippi Major Economic Impact Act; include certain    Morris
        projects that produce and transmit electrical power.   
           Passed As Amended
SC 545  Computer systems; direct state agencies to evaluate       Robertson
        year 2000 problems.                                    
           Transmitted To House
SN  27  Robert Guinn Waites, Brandon, Mississippi, as Executive   GOVERNOR
        Director of the Public Utilities Staff, for the six    
        year term of office ending June 30, 2002               
           Appointment Confirmed

Senate: Measures That Have Died

HB 291  County prosecuting attorney; increase salary in certain   Perkins
           Died In Committee
HB 979  Energy efficiency services and equipment; agencies may    Ellzey
        contract directly for.                                 
           Died In Committee
HB1269  Unemployment compensation; define "employment" for        Flaggs
        purposes of eligibility.                               
           Died In Committee
HB1406  Justice court; judge must reside in district he seeks     Perry
        to serve.                                              
           Died In Committee

Senate: Signed By The President

HB1487  Ad valorem taxes; authorize State Tax Commission to       Williams
        grant extensions for filing schedules/statements by    
        certain taxpayers (STC).                               
           Enrolled Bill Signed
HB1725  Sales tax, contracting; exclude certain work performed    Williams
        by utilities.                                          
           Enrolled Bill Signed
SB2030  Central MS Correctional Facility; name medical building   Kirby
        after Dr. Robert L. Peede.                             
           Enrolled Bill Signed
SB2412  Mississippi Teacher Center; delete repealer.              Ferris
           Enrolled Bill Signed
SB2520  New Capitol receptionist; Legislature employ.             Gordon
           Enrolled Bill Signed
SB2691  Marine resources; remove uniform requirement for law      Moffatt
           Enrolled Bill Signed
SB2929  Wildlife; authorize commission to set special youth       Posey
        hunt for deer.                                         
           Enrolled Bill Signed
SB2930  Hunting; allow handicapped nonresidents to take doe in    Hawks
        special hunts on U.S. Corps of Engineers land at       
        Arkabutla Lake.                                        
           Enrolled Bill Signed

Information pertaining to this report was last updated on 12/08/97 at 11:42.

End Of Document
