Mississippi Legislature
2007 Regular Session

Daily Action Report for 01/12/2007

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House Roll Call Senate Roll Call
      Present--Akins, Aldridge, Arinder, Bailey, Baker (8th), Baker (74th), Banks, Barnett, Beckett, Blackmon, Bondurant, Bounds, Broomfield, Brown, Buck, Burnett, Calhoun, Chism, Clark, Clarke, Cockerham, Coleman (29th), Coleman (65th), Compretta, Cummings, Davis, Dedeaux, Denny, Dickson, Eaton, Ellington, Ellis, Espy, Evans, Fillingane, Flaggs, Fleming, Formby, Franks, Fredericks, Frierson, Gadd, Gibbs, Gregory, Guice, Gunn, Hamilton (6th), Hamilton (109th), Harrison, Hines, Holland, Holloway, Horne, Howell, Huddleston, Hudson, Ishee, Janus, Jennings, Johnson, Lane, Lott, Malone, Markham, Martinson, Masterson, Mayhall, Mayo, McBride, Middleton, Miles, Mims, Moak, Montgomery, Moore, Morgan, Moss, Myers, Nicholson, Norquist, Palazzo, Parker, Patterson, Peranich, Perkins, Read, Reed, Reeves, Reynolds, Robinson (84th), Robinson (63rd), Rogers (14th), Rogers (61st), Rotenberry, Scott, Shows, Simpson, Smith (59th), Smith (27th), Smith (39th), Snowden, Staples, Straughter, Stringer, Sullivan, Thomas, Turner, Upshaw, Vince, Ward, Walley, Warren, Watson, Weathersby, Wells-Smith, Whittington, Woods, Young, Zuber, Mr. Speaker. Total--120.
       Absent--Morris, Stevens. Total--2.
      Present--Albritton, Brown, Browning, Bryan, Burton, Butler, Carmichael, Chaney, Chassaniol, Clarke, Cuevas, Davis, Dawkins, Dearing, Doxey, Fillingane, Flowers, Frazier, Gollott, Gordon, Harden, Hewes, Horhn, Hyde-Smith, Jackson G. (15th), Jackson R. (11th), Jackson S. (32nd), Jordan, King, Kirby, Lee P. (35th), Lee E. (47th), Little, Mettetal, Michel, Moffatt, Morgan, Nunnelee, Pickering, Posey, Ross, Simmons, Thames, Thomas, Tollison, Turner, Walley, Walls, White, Wilemon, Williamson. Total--51.
      Absent--Robertson. Total--1.

House: Introductions

HB 855  CON; authorize additional beds at a psychiatric           Rotenberry
        residential treatment facility in Simpson County.      
           01/12 (H) Referred To Public Health and Human Services
HB 856  Municipalities; authorize to handle grants, enter into    Robinson (63rd)
        contracts and provide assistance.                      
           01/12 (H) Referred To Municipalities
HB 857  Auto theft; conform to grand larceny and require full     Smith (39th)
        restitution (MPA).                                     
           01/12 (H) Referred To Judiciary B
HB 858  Public purchasing laws; increase amount for which         Robinson (63rd)
        competitive bid process is required.                   
           01/12 (H) Referred To Appropriations
HB 859  Contractor/subcontractor disputes; prevailing party       Ward
        entitled to costs incurred.                            
           01/12 (H) Referred To Judiciary A
HB 860  Crimes; revise defacing, removing or destroying signs.    Bailey
           01/12 (H) Referred To Judiciary B
HB 861  Sales tax; divert portion of certain revenue to Boll      Eaton
        Weevil Management Fund.                                
           01/12 (H) Referred To Agriculture;Ways and Means
HB 862  Modular, panelized, precut and panel constructed homes;   Guice
        provide refund to certain purchasers of.               
           01/12 (H) Referred To Ways and Means
HB 863  (LEED) Green Building Rating System; encourage state      Clark
        agencies to use.                                       
           01/12 (H) Referred To Public Property
HB 864  Tuition; waive at universities and colleges for           Read
        children of deceased and disabled veterans.            
           01/12 (H) Referred To Universities and Colleges;Appropriations
HB 865  DNA testing; require for certain felony arrests.          Fleming
           01/12 (H) Referred To Judiciary A
HB 866  Animal Care Fund; revise funding to include qualified     Eaton
        nonprofit organizations.                               
           01/12 (H) Referred To Agriculture;Appropriations
HB 867  Sex education pilot program; State Boards of Education    Clarke
        and Health to jointly establish for public schools.    
           01/12 (H) Referred To Education;Public Health and Human Services
HB 868  School bus safety belts; create study committee to        Clarke
        determine the feasibility of requiring.                
           01/12 (H) Referred To Transportation;Education
HB 869  Law enforcement; provide immunity for damage during       Robinson (84th)
        pursuit of criminal.                                   
           01/12 (H) Referred To Judiciary A
HB 870  Board on Law Enforcement Officer Standards and            Robinson (84th)
        Training; add member.                                  
           01/12 (H) Referred To Judiciary B
HB 871  Gun permits; exempt persons 65 or older from fees.        Jennings
           01/12 (H) Referred To Judiciary B;Appropriations
HB 872  Sidearm; allow district attorneys and certain staff to    Robinson (84th)
        retain upon retirement.                                
           01/12 (H) Referred To Appropriations
HB 873  Criminal investigators; define as law enforcement         Robinson (84th)
           01/12 (H) Referred To Judiciary B
HB 874  Law Enforcement Officers Disability Benefits Trust        Robinson (84th)
        Fund; create.                                          
           01/12 (H) Referred To Appropriations
HB 875  Municipal law enforcement officers; establish due         Robinson (84th)
        process hearing procedures for terminations or         
           01/12 (H) Referred To Municipalities
HB 876  Crimes; revise penalties for fleeing or eluding a law     Robinson (84th)
        enforcement officer.                                   
           01/12 (H) Referred To Judiciary B
HB 877  Monetary awards offered by cities and counties for        Robinson (63rd)
        crime information; increase amount.                    
           01/12 (H) Referred To County Affairs;Municipalities
HB 878  Mineral rights; owner pays certain portion of property    Holloway *
           01/12 (H) Referred To Oil, Gas and Other Minerals;Ways and Means
HB 879  Mississippi Energy Act of 2007; create.                   Franks
           01/12 (H) Referred To Ways and Means
HB 880  Refiners of petroleum products; require to submit         Franks
        reports to Office of Consumer Protection within        
        Attorney General's office.                             
           01/12 (H) Referred To Conservation and Water Resources;Oil, Gas and Other Minera
HB 881  Security freeze; authorize consumers to place in          Franks
        certain files maintained by credit reporting agencies  
           01/12 (H) Referred To Banking and Financial Services
HB 882  Weapons; revise penalties for felons possessing and for   Franks
        carrying concealed (AG).                               
           01/12 (H) Referred To Judiciary A
HB 883  School district programs; delete repealers on certain.    Brown
           01/12 (H) Referred To Education
HB 884  Voluntary pilot program for prekindergarten children;     Brown
        authorize State Board of Education to implement.       
           01/12 (H) Referred To Education
HB 885  Kinship care payments; DHS may pay to persons who         Holland
        assume custody of related child in DHS custody.        
           01/12 (H) Referred To Public Health and Human Services
HB 886  Contact Lens Consumer Protection Act; create.             Moak
           01/12 (H) Referred To Public Health and Human Services
HB 887  Trusty status offenders; revise crimes that make such     Moak
        offenders ineligible for additional earned time.       
           01/12 (H) Referred To Corrections
HB 888  Statutory rape; revise definition of sexual               Mayo
           01/12 (H) Referred To Judiciary B
HB 889  Domestic violence; revise certain statutes (AG).          Coleman (29th)
           01/12 (H) Referred To Judiciary A
HB 890  Commissioners of election; may run for other offices if   Mims
        they resign before they qualify.                       
           01/12 (H) Referred To Apportionment and Elections
HB 891  Tax Collectors Education and Certification Program;       Coleman (29th)
           01/12 (H) Referred To County Affairs
HB 892  Criminal records; require permanent storage.              Broomfield
           01/12 (H) Referred To Judiciary B
HB 893  Homeowners; remove any liability when contractor fails    Mayo
        to pay subcontractor.                                  
           01/12 (H) Referred To Judiciary B
HB 894  Physicians; provide certain immunity for those            Bondurant
        providing health care services under Medicaid.         
           01/12 (H) Referred To Medicaid;Judiciary A
HB 895  HPV vaccination; require for females to enter sixth       Upshaw
        grade, and provide Medicaid and health insurance       
        coverage for.                                          
           01/12 (H) Referred To Public Health and Human Services;Appropriations
HB 896  Justice court judges; elect in nonpartisan manner.        Guice
           01/12 (H) Referred To Apportionment and Elections;Judiciary A
HB 897  Concealed weapons; allow city and county prosecutors to   Beckett
           01/12 (H) Referred To Judiciary B
HB 898  Child support; increase civil contempt fines against      Holland
        employers refusing to withhold.                        
           01/12 (H) Referred To Judiciary A
HB 899  Administrative Office of Courts; increase amount for      Coleman (29th)
        judge's support staff.                                 
           01/12 (H) Referred To Fees and Salaries of Public Officers
HB 900  Chancery and circuit judges; increase salaries of.        Coleman (29th)
           01/12 (H) Referred To Fees and Salaries of Public Officers
HB 901  Smoking; prohibit in public facility when youth are       Bondurant
        engaged in organized athletic event in facility.       
           01/12 (H) Referred To Public Health and Human Services
HB 902  Town of Tutwiler; extend repealer on authority to         Warren
        expand funds to remove dilapidated housing (RP).       
           01/12 (H) Referred To Local and Private Legislation
HB 903  Clay County; extend repealer on authority to receive      Warren
        United Way Funds for daycare center (RP).              
           01/12 (H) Referred To Local and Private Legislation
HB 904  Tallahatchie County; extend repealer on authority to      Warren
        expend funds to Tutwiler to remove dilapidated housing 
           01/12 (H) Referred To Local and Private Legislation
HB 905  Domestic violence; revise to conform to federal           Coleman (29th)
        requirements (AG).                                     
           01/12 (H) Referred To Judiciary A
HB 906  Mississippi Highway 4; delete portion in City of Tunica   Burnett
        from state highway system.                             
           01/12 (H) Referred To Transportation
HB 907  School districts; create additional exemptions from       Gunn
        certain duties in districts accredited at Level 4 or 5.
           01/12 (H) Referred To Education
HB 908  Department of Corrections; authorize to contract with     Malone
        Hinds County to house state inmates in regional        
           01/12 (H) Referred To Corrections
HB 909  Distinctive license; authorize for various purposes.      Bailey
           01/12 (H) Referred To Ways and Means
HB 910  Wildlife properties; authorize the Commission on          Robinson (84th)
        Wildlife, Fisheries and Parks to sell surplus property.
           01/12 (H) Referred To Wildlife, Fisheries and Parks
HB 911  Nuisance animals; add certain species and allow the       Robinson (84th)
        hunting of with permit from the Department of Wildlife,
        Fisheries and Parks.                                   
           01/12 (H) Referred To Wildlife, Fisheries and Parks
HB 912  Hunting; define certain terms and clarify placement of    Robinson (84th)
        bait in aid of deer hunting.                           
           01/12 (H) Referred To Wildlife, Fisheries and Parks
HB 913  Uniform Commercial Code; revise Article 7 (BLAG).         Simpson
           01/12 (H) Referred To Judiciary A
HB 914  Uniform Partnership Act; revise description of certain    Simpson
        fees (BLAG).                                           
           01/12 (H) Referred To Judiciary A
HB 915  Department of Corrections; authorize to contract with     Reeves
        Hinds County to house state inmates in regional        
           01/12 (H) Referred To Corrections
HB 916  Notary Public Law; revise (BLAG).                         Simpson
           01/12 (H) Referred To Judiciary A
HB 917  Toll roads; authorize Mississippi Transportation          Clarke
        Commission and local government entities to construct  
        and finance.                                           
           01/12 (H) Referred To Transportation
HB 918  Crossbow; authorize permit holder to hunt with during     Baker (8th)
        any open season on deer.                               
           01/12 (H) Referred To Wildlife, Fisheries and Parks
HB 919  Retirement; earned compensation of member of the          Snowden
        Supreme Court and Court of Appeals includes all        
        remuneration except mileage.                           
           01/12 (H) Referred To Appropriations
HB 920  Elections; require voters to present identification       Snowden
        before voting.                                         
           01/12 (H) Referred To Apportionment and Elections
HB 921  Power of attorney; authorize in conveyance of             Snowden
           01/12 (H) Referred To Judiciary B
HB 922  Motorcycle Operator Safety Program; establish.            Snowden
           01/12 (H) Referred To Transportation
HB 923  Massage therapists; allow state accredited examinations   Wells-Smith
        to be used by the board for licensure purposes.        
           01/12 (H) Referred To Public Health and Human Services
HB 924  Crimes against children; revise certain laws and revise   Wells-Smith
        sex offender registration.                             
           01/12 (H) Referred To Judiciary B
HB 925  State Board of Health and State Department of Health;     Holland
        delete repealer on.                                    
           01/12 (H) Referred To Public Health and Human Services
HB 926  Emergency medical service personnel; provide civil        Holland
        immunity to certain.                                   
           01/12 (H) Referred To Public Health and Human Services
HB 927  CON filing fees; increase maximum authorized fee          Holland
        charged by Health Department.                          
           01/12 (H) Referred To Public Health and Human Services
HB 928  Public water systems; extend repealer on requirement to   Holland
        maintain optimum corrosion inhibitor levels.           
           01/12 (H) Referred To Public Health and Human Services
HB 929  Hospice licensure fees; increase.                         Holland
           01/12 (H) Referred To Public Health and Human Services
HB 930  Dental hygienists; define supervision required in a       Holland
        public health setting.                                 
           01/12 (H) Referred To Public Health and Human Services
HB 931  State Board of Health; delete repealer on authority to    Holland
        issue restaurant permits and impose penalties.         
           01/12 (H) Referred To Public Health and Human Services
HB 932  Divorce; clarify property and asset of a spouse.          Gunn
           01/12 (H) Referred To Judiciary A
HB 933  Conservators; revise provisions regarding notice of       Gunn
        time and place of hearing for appointment.             
           01/12 (H) Referred To Judiciary A
HB 934  Estates or trusts; provide notice and representation      Gunn
           01/12 (H) Referred To Judiciary A
HB 935  Sixteenth section land; authorize school boards to        Gunn
        contract with private forester for managing timber.    
           01/12 (H) Referred To Forestry;Education
HB 936  Illegitimate children; revise conditions under which      Gunn
        they may inherit from natural father.                  
           01/12 (H) Referred To Judiciary A
HB 937  Driver's license; retired law enforcement officer         Snowden
        identified by distinctive symbol, character or         
           01/12 (H) Referred To Transportation
HB 938  Nonprofit natural gas districts; not required to bear     Robinson (84th)
        cost of removal from highway right-of-way.             
           01/12 (H) Referred To Transportation;Public Utilities
HB 939  Health Insurance; require reimbursement for services of   Moore
        a podiatrist.                                          
           01/12 (H) Referred To Insurance;Public Health and Human Services
HB 940  Expunction; allow use of orders for determining           Bailey
        habitual offender status.                              
           01/12 (H) Referred To Judiciary B
HB 941  Disasters and emergencies; provide immunity for           Guice
           01/12 (H) Referred To Judiciary B
HB 942  Cell phones; require MDITS approval of those chosen by    Robinson (84th)
        state agencies and lowest and best bids by local       
        governing authorities.                                 
           01/12 (H) Referred To Public Utilities;Appropriations
HB 943  Emergency; clarify time frame for review of               Robinson (84th)
        proclamation of emergency by municipality or county.   
           01/12 (H) Referred To County Affairs;Municipalities
HB 944  Permitted term of airport contracts and leases; extend    Broomfield
        from 40 years to 50 years.                             
           01/12 (H) Referred To Ports, Harbors and Airports
HB 945  Sentences; prohibit suspending sentence for failure to    Simpson
        have auto insurance card.                              
           01/12 (H) Referred To Judiciary B
HB 946  Cemetery or burial plot; provide certain rights to        Clark
        heirs or assigns of deceased.                          
           01/12 (H) Referred To Judiciary B
HB 947  Real estate; authorize affidavit as evidence of           Snowden
        marketable title.                                      
           01/12 (H) Referred To Judiciary B
HB 948  State agencies; may hire attorneys directly without       Snowden
        approval of Attorney General.                          
           01/12 (H) Referred To Judiciary A;Appropriations
HB 949  Emergency vehicles; prescribe duties of motorist          Snowden
           01/12 (H) Referred To Transportation
HB 950  Failure to stop or yield right-of-way; prescribe          Snowden
        penalties whenever injury or death results.            
           01/12 (H) Referred To Judiciary B
HB 951  Municipal annexation territory, proposed; require         Gunn
        written notice to property owners within.              
           01/12 (H) Referred To Municipalities
HB 952  Ad valorem taxation; revise method of taxing property     Gunn
        annexed by a municipality.                             
           01/12 (H) Referred To Municipalities;Ways and Means
HB 953  Surplus funds; allow local governments to invest in       Gunn
        bonds issued by certain government sponsored           
           01/12 (H) Referred To County Affairs;Ways and Means
HB 954  New Capitol; place under general care and supervision     Robinson (84th)
        of Legislature.                                        
           01/12 (H) Referred To Appropriations
HB 955  Driver's licenses and permits; authorize reexamination    Gunn
        under certain circumstances.                           
           01/12 (H) Referred To Transportation
HB 956  Youth court; require response to discovery motions.       Clark
           01/12 (H) Referred To Judiciary A
HB 957  Tanning facilities; restrict use of by children under     Stevens
        age 18.                                                
           01/12 (H) Referred To Public Health and Human Services
HB 958  Hunting license; increase fee for purpose of processing   McBride
        unwanted deer venison donated by hunters.              
           01/12 (H) Referred To Wildlife, Fisheries and Parks
HB 959  Divorce; create ground of addiction to pornography.       McBride
           01/12 (H) Referred To Judiciary B
HB 960  Livestock; authorize counties to bury using county        Montgomery
        equipment and employees.                               
           01/12 (H) Referred To Agriculture
HB 961  Taxation; increase the monthly average tax liability      Watson
        necessary to require early payment of withholding,     
        sales and use tax liability.                           
           01/12 (H) Referred To Ways and Means
HB 962  Mississippi Business Investment Act; allow MDA to fund    Watson
        certain loans under the Capital Access Program.        
           01/12 (H) Referred To Ways and Means
HB 963  Sales tax; increase time within which a demand for        Watson
        payment of must be made.                               
           01/12 (H) Referred To Ways and Means
HB 964  State Tax Commission; streamline procedure for            Watson
        revocation of Interstate Fuel Tax Agreement permits.   
           01/12 (H) Referred To Ways and Means
HB 965  Existing Industry Productivity Loan Program and Job       Watson
        Protection Act; authorize MDA to make loans and grants 
        to counties and cities.                                
           01/12 (H) Referred To Ways and Means
HB 966  Highway 35; designate portion in Tallahatchie County as   Reynolds
        "Birdia Keglar Memorial Highway."                      
           01/12 (H) Referred To Transportation
HB 967  State and School Employees Health Insurance Management    Reynolds
        Board; require to negotiate catastrophic benefits with 
           01/12 (H) Referred To Appropriations
HB 968  Child sex abuse crimes; revise penalties.                 Lott
           01/12 (H) Referred To Judiciary B
HB 969  Mayors; require to appoint department heads within 90     Lott
        days of being sworn into mayoral office.               
           01/12 (H) Referred To Municipalities
HB 970  Compulsory School Law; delete authority to disenroll      Brown
        kindergarten students and include students turning 17  
        in school year.                                        
           01/12 (H) Referred To Education
HB 971  School district superintendents; require three years      Brown
        administrative experience before service as            
           01/12 (H) Referred To Education
HB 972  Charter schools; create new process for establishing.     Brown
           01/12 (H) Referred To Education
HB 973  Teachers' salaries; increase next five years and          Markham
        determine "living wage" for assistant teachers.        
           01/12 (H) Referred To Education
HB 974  Public property; authorize DFA to transfer certain        Brown
        property to University of Mississippi.                 
           01/12 (H) Referred To Public Property
HB 975  School district employees; authorize voluntary dues       Brown
        deductions for membership in professional              
           01/12 (H) Referred To Education
HB 976  Disciplinary Action Review Board; create to hear          Brown
        teachers' appeals relating to students' return to      
           01/12 (H) Referred To Education
HB 977  Emergency Health Powers Act; create to grant special      Holland
        powers to Board of Health in hurricane or other        
           01/12 (H) Referred To Public Health and Human Services
HB 978  Highway 25; MDOT reconstruct to six lanes portion in      Smith (59th)
        Rankin County.                                         
           01/12 (H) Referred To Transportation
HB 979  Helmets; must be worn by operators and passengers on      Franks
        motorcycles only under certain age.                    
           01/12 (H) Referred To Transportation
HB 980  Unemployment compensation; increase benefits over next    Franks
        four years.                                            
           01/12 (H) Referred To Labor
HB 981  Commission on Wildlife, Fisheries & Parks; remove         Parker
        authority to establish and collect fees not statutorily
           01/12 (H) Referred To Wildlife, Fisheries and Parks
HB 982  Crimes; provide enhanced penalties for crimes against     Fleming
        disabled persons.                                      
           01/12 (H) Referred To Judiciary B
HB 983  Habitually disruptive students; repeal provision          Buck
        authorizing automatic expulsion of.                    
           01/12 (H) Referred To Education
HB 984  Habitually disruptive students; revise provisions         Buck
        relating to expulsion of.                              
           01/12 (H) Referred To Education
HB 985  Correctional regional facility; authorize Department of   Bailey
        Corrections to contract with Washington, Hinds and     
        Alcorn Counties for.                                   
           01/12 (H) Referred To Corrections
HB 986  Driver's license; retired law enforcement officer         Horne
        identified by distinctive symbol, character or         
           01/12 (H) Referred To Transportation
HB 987  State highway system; add segment of roadway in DeSoto    Woods
           01/12 (H) Referred To Transportation
HB 988  Marine Resources; authorize commission to set             Frierson
        guidelines for certain artificial reefs in federal     
           01/12 (H) Referred To Marine Resources
HB 989  Department of Marine Resources; authorize to purchase     Frierson
        property damage insurance on equipment.                
           01/12 (H) Referred To Marine Resources
HB 990  Live bait shrimp; allow dealers to be located inland      Frierson
        within the three coastal counties.                     
           01/12 (H) Referred To Marine Resources
HB 991  DNA testing; require testing of persons arrested for      Barnett
        certain felonies.                                      
           01/12 (H) Referred To Judiciary B
HB 992  Board of Medical Licensure; authorize to issue            Barnett
        subpoenas during investigations and provide for rules  
        and appeals.                                           
           01/12 (H) Referred To Public Health and Human Services
HB 993  Truck weights; increase maximum gross vehicle weight on   Parker
        highways to 88,000 pounds.                             
           01/12 (H) Referred To Transportation
HB 994  HIV/AIDS testing; offer to inmates upon admission to      Dickson
        Department of Corrections and before release.          
           01/12 (H) Referred To Corrections
HB 995  Civil rights and human rights education; require in       Dickson
        public school curriculum.                              
           01/12 (H) Referred To Education
HB 996  Children; increase age in definition under licensing      Dickson
        law for family foster homes and child-caring agencies. 
           01/12 (H) Referred To Public Health and Human Services
HB 997  Runoff elections; revise time certain runoff elections    Reynolds
        are conducted.                                         
           01/12 (H) Referred To Apportionment and Elections
HC  30  Amend Constitution; Governor elected by majority of       Snowden
        popular vote; require runoff if no majority; abolish   
        electoral votes.                                       
           01/12 (H) Referred To Constitution
HC  31  Amend Constitution; place state elections in even         Snowden
           01/12 (H) Referred To Constitution
HC  32  Amend Constitution; authorize metropolitan government.    Snowden
           01/12 (H) Referred To Constitution
HR   8  African-American History Year; recognize 2007 as the      Malone
        year of in Mississippi.                                
           01/12 (H) Referred To Rules

House: Floor Actions

HB 349  Tobacco education, prevention and cessation program;      Bondurant
        provide for.                                           
           01/12 (H) Motion to Reconsider Tabled
HC  18  Amend Constitution; restrict use of eminent domain.       Evans
           01/12 (H) Amended
           01/12 (H) Adopted As Amended

Senate: Introductions

SB2668  Sex offender registration; revise.                        Tollison
           01/12 (S) Referred To Judiciary, Division B
SB2669  Kinship care payments; authorize DHS to pay.              Nunnelee
           01/12 (S) Referred To Public Health and Welfare;Appropriations
SB2670  Vulnerable adults; authorize treble damages in action     Nunnelee
        for defrauding.                                        
           01/12 (S) Referred To Judiciary, Division A
SB2671  Renewal fees charged by the Mississippi Board of          Nunnelee
        Nursing; increase authorized fees.                     
           01/12 (S) Referred To Public Health and Welfare
SB2672  Medicaid program; authorize unlimited hospital days for   Nunnelee
        children if medically necessary.                       
           01/12 (S) Referred To Public Health and Welfare;Appropriations
SB2673  Public Purchasing Law; change threshold to require        Nunnelee
        advertising and bidding for purchases over $25,000.00. 
           01/12 (S) Referred To Fees, Salaries and Administration
SB2674  Elected county officials; increase salaries of.           Thames
           01/12 (S) Referred To County Affairs;Fees, Salaries and Administration
SB2675  Workers' compensation policies; revise notice of          Kirby
        cancellation requirements.                             
           01/12 (S) Referred To Insurance
SB2676  Alcoholic beverages and beer; require separate election   Fillingane
        to allow sale of when a wet city annexes a portion of  
        a dry county.                                          
           01/12 (S) Referred To Finance
SB2677  Performance-based budgeting; create task force to         Burton
           01/12 (S) Referred To Appropriations
SB2678  Dept. of Archives & History; may sublease space in the    Jackson (32nd)
        GM&O Passenger Depot to not-for-profit organizations.  
           01/12 (S) Referred To Public Property;Appropriations
SB2679  Corrections; Kemper/Neshoba Regional facility to house    Jackson (32nd)
        certain number of female offenders.                    
           01/12 (S) Referred To Corrections;Appropriations
SB2680  Corrections; require regional prisons to give             Williamson
        preference to local merchants when purchasing          
           01/12 (S) Referred To Corrections;Fees, Salaries and Administration
SB2681  Salaries for the mayor or councilmen in certain           Jordan
        municipalities; delete certain restrictions.           
           01/12 (S) Referred To Municipalities
SB2682  Title Pledge Act; remove repealer on provision            Mettetal
        authorizing audit of licensees.                        
           01/12 (S) Referred To Business and Financial Institutions
SB2683  Residential Builders/Remodeling Law; make various         Mettetal
        amendments to.                                         
           01/12 (S) Referred To Business and Financial Institutions
SB2684  Model business corporation act; revise.                   Ross
           01/12 (S) Referred To Judiciary, Division A
SB2685  Uniform Partnership Act; revise description of certain    Ross
           01/12 (S) Referred To Judiciary, Division A
SB2686  Statewide monetary assessments; revise.                   Ross
           01/12 (S) Referred To Judiciary, Division B
SB2687  Income withholding orders; increase contempt fines on     Nunnelee
        employers who refuse to honor.                         
           01/12 (S) Referred To Judiciary, Division A
SB2688  Death Benefits Trust Fund; revise benefit to deceased.    Tollison
           01/12 (S) Referred To Judiciary, Division B;Appropriations
SB2689  Murder of Emmett Till; State of Mississippi issues an     Jordan
        official apology for.                                  
           01/12 (S) Referred To Judiciary, Division A
SB2690  Chickasawhay Natural Gas District; extend repealer on     King
        provision creating board of directors.                 
           01/12 (S) Referred To Public Utilities
SB2691  Misdemeanor for allowing dues check-off by teachers;      Williamson
           01/12 (S) Referred To Education
SB2692  Elections; qualified elector may vote absentee for any    Jackson (32nd)
           01/12 (S) Referred To Elections
SB2693  Informed consent for an abortion; require a sonogram      White
        and auscultation of fetal heart tone.                  
           01/12 (S) Referred To Public Health and Welfare
SB2694  Board of supervisors; revise salary scale in counties     Thames
        with certain acreage owned by federal gov.             
           01/12 (S) Referred To Fees, Salaries and Administration
SB2695  Fines and assessments; may be paid by personal check.     Albritton
           01/12 (S) Referred To Judiciary, Division B
SB2696  Controlled substance; sale or possession of counterfeit   Albritton
        substance a felony.                                    
           01/12 (S) Referred To Judiciary, Division B
SB2697  Psychiatric residential treatment facility beds in        Lee (35th)
        Simpson County; authorize CON for.                     
           01/12 (S) Referred To Public Health and Welfare;Appropriations
SB2698  PERS; members may receive creditable service for          Nunnelee
        certain National Guard or Reserve service credited to  
        their retirement account.                              
           01/12 (S) Referred To Finance
SB2699  Fatal accident; clarify required blood test for all       Lee (35th)
           01/12 (S) Referred To Judiciary, Division B
SB2700  Elections; require voter to present I.D. prior to         Fillingane
           01/12 (S) Referred To Elections
SB2701  Tort liability; amend immunity to include canines.        Michel
           01/12 (S) Referred To Judiciary, Division A
SB2702  Assault; enhance penalty when victim is elderly.          Albritton
           01/12 (S) Referred To Judiciary, Division B
SB2703  CON for acute psychiatric beds and PRTF beds in           Clarke
        Washington County; authorize transfer of beds          
        previously authorized.                                 
           01/12 (S) Referred To Public Health and Welfare;Appropriations
SB2704  Wireless communication devices; allow certain state       Doxey
        employees to have more than one.                       
           01/12 (S) Referred To Fees, Salaries and Administration
SB2705  Fuel taxes; allocate a portion to the City of Jackson     Horhn
        to defray costs incurred as a result of being the seat 
        of state government.                                   
           01/12 (S) Referred To Finance
SB2706  State employees' salaries; increase across-the-board.     Doxey
           01/12 (S) Referred To Fees, Salaries and Administration;Appropriations
SB2707  Mississippi Athletic Commission; increase fee charged     White
           01/12 (S) Referred To Business and Financial Institutions
SB2708  Insurance rebate monies; increase amount to city and      Doxey
        county fire protection funds.                          
           01/12 (S) Referred To Insurance
SB2709  Chronic Kidney Disease Task Force; extend reporting       Nunnelee
        deadline and extend repealer.                          
           01/12 (S) Referred To Public Health and Welfare
SB2710  Municipalities; may impound and tow vehicles for          Horhn
        failure to pay parking fines.                          
           01/12 (S) Referred To Municipalities;Judiciary, Division B
SB2711  City of Jackson; require state provide funds to defray    Horhn
        ad valorem tax loss & increased costs incurred as seat 
        of state government.                                   
           01/12 (S) Referred To Appropriations
SB2712  Licensed ambulance service membership subscription        Horhn
        program; repeal.                                       
           01/12 (S) Referred To Public Health and Welfare
SC 545  Constitution; amend Section 252 to provide for            Nunnelee
        statewide elections to occur in even numbered years.   
           01/12 (S) Referred To Elections;Constitution
SN  61  Elizabeth Ann (Liz) Joachim, Biloxi, Mississippi,         LT. GOVERNOR
        Mississippi Home Corporation, term begins on July 1,   
        2006 and expires on June 30, 2012.                     
           01/12 (S) Referred To Finance

Senate: Floor Actions

SB2494  Appropriation; State Veterans Affairs Board; Additional   Little
           01/12 (S) Passed
           01/12 (S) Immediate Release
           01/12 (S) Transmitted To House
SB2496  Appropriation; Mississippi Department of Health;          Gordon
        Additional FY2007.                                     
           01/12 (S) Passed
           01/12 (S) Immediate Release
           01/12 (S) Transmitted To House

Senate: Signed By The President

HC  27  Joint session; call to hear State of the State address    Warren
        of the Governor.                                       
           01/12 (S) Enrolled Bill Signed

Information pertaining to this report was last updated on 08/07/2007 at 14:23.

End Of Document
