Mississippi Legislature
2005 Regular Session

Representative Willie J. Perkins, Sr.

District 32

As of 01/22/07 at 11:26

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HB 597  Students; require those in Grades 7 through 12 to         Broomfield
        maintain certain grades to participate in athletics.   
           02/01 (H) Died In Committee
HB 635  Bonds issued for the Supplemental Rural Fire Truck        McCoy
 * %    Program; provide for certain distribution and revise   
           03/14 Approved by Governor
HB 797  Department of Human Services; authorize to pay            Perkins
        relatives who care for children who are removed from   
           02/01 (H) Died In Committee
HB 911  Traffic-control devices; placement based upon factors     Perkins
        relevant to public safety.                             
           02/01 (H) Died In Committee
HB 937  Driver's license; revise social security number           Evans
   %    requirement.                                           
           02/01 (H) Died In Committee
HB 991  State tax claim; limit amount of salary withheld to       Perkins
           03/01 (S) Died In Committee
HB1175  MS State Veterans' Home; rename home in Jackson the       Holland
        General Hilton R. "Jack" Vance Veterans' Home.         
           03/14 Approved by Governor
HB1555  Mississippi Delta; designate as Delta Heritage            Perkins
        Crossroads Region.                                     
           02/01 (H) Died In Committee
HB1574  Appropriation; Mississippi Development Authority to       Calhoun
        fund minority disparity study.                         
           02/23 (H) Died In Committee
HB1717  Taxation; increase various taxes to fund state            Scott
  $%    government.                                            
           02/23 (H) Died In Committee
HB1718  Taxes and fees; increase various taxes, and provide for   Scott
  $%    new and increased fees to be charged by state          
           02/23 (H) Died In Committee
HB1768  Leflore County; authorize to impose tourism tax.          Perkins
 * %       04/07 (H) Died In Conference
HB1789  Yazoo-Mississippi Delta Levee Board; revise per diem      Whittington
    @   for vice president.                                    
           04/07 (S) Died In Committee
HB1790  Leflore County; designate certain areas within county     Perkins
 *      as heritage sites.                                     
           04/20 Approved by Governor
HC  10  Elbert R. Hilliard; commend upon retirement.              Bondurant
           01/19 (S) Enrolled Bill Signed
HC  17  Jalin Wood; commend on being Miss Mississippi 2004.       Taylor
           01/19 (S) Enrolled Bill Signed
HC  44  Mrs. Almeta Covington Snowden; commend life of.           Robinson (84th)
           04/07 (S) Died In Committee
HC  64  Alpha Kappa Alpha; commend for day at Capitol.            Coleman (65th)
           02/16 (S) Enrolled Bill Signed
HC  65  B. B. King; commend accomplishments and contributions     Whittington
        of and proclaim Tuesday, February 15, 2005, as B. B.   
        King Day.                                              
           03/02 (S) Enrolled Bill Signed
HC  78  Master Sergeant Sean Michael Cooley; commend life of.     Parker
           03/10 (S) Enrolled Bill Signed
HC  84  Army Private First Class James Diamond; commend life      Rogers (61st)
        and personal sacrifices of.                            
           03/25 (S) Enrolled Bill Signed
HC  87  Suspend deadlines for further consideration of HB 1718;   Johnson
        taxes and fees; increase various taxes, and provide    
        for new, increased fees.                               
           04/07 (H) Died In Committee
HC  88  Suspend deadlines for further consideration of  House     Johnson
        Bill 1717; taxation; increase various taxes to fund    
        state government.                                      
           04/07 (H) Died In Committee
HC  92  Suspend deadlines for introduction; unemployment          Evans
        compensation; increase benefits, delete waiting period,
        reduce employer tax rates, provide workforce training. 
           04/07 (H) Died In Committee
HC  94  S.C. Perkins, Jr.; commend upon being named MDOT -        Perkins
        Northern District 2005 Mississippi Litter Lawman of the
           03/25 (S) Enrolled Bill Signed
HC 101  Charlie Capps; commend dedicated service upon             McCoy
           03/30 (S) Enrolled Bill Signed
HR   7  Purple Heart Recognition Day; recognize August 7, 2005,   Carlton
        in Mississippi.                                        
           01/28 (H) Enrolled Bill Signed
HR  18  Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Incorporated; commend for     Fleming
        92 years of commitment to public service.              
           02/21 (H) Enrolled Bill Signed
HR  25  Dr. Vernon Clyde Muse; commend upon 26 years of           Weathersby
           03/02 (H) Enrolled Bill Signed
HR  30  850th Transportation Company; commend each soldier in     Carlton
        recognition of their service.                          
           04/03 (H) Enrolled Bill Signed
HR  36  Morgan Freeman; commend career and congratulate on        Reynolds
        winning Oscar.                                         
           03/14 (H) Enrolled Bill Signed
HR  52  Durwin Carpenter; commend outstanding coaching career.    Howell
           03/25 (H) Enrolled Bill Signed
HR  53  Horace C. Holmes; commend upon retirement as President    Moak
        of Southwest Mississippi Community College.            
           03/25 (H) Enrolled Bill Signed
HR  58  Pillow Academy Lady Mustangs Basketball Team; commend     Howell
        on winning MPSA 3A Championship.                       
           03/25 (H) Enrolled Bill Signed
HR  71  Greenwood Public School District Employees; commend on    Perkins
           03/28 (H) Enrolled Bill Signed
HR  72  Mississippi Valley State University employees; commend    Perkins
        on retirement.                                         
           03/28 (H) Enrolled Bill Signed
HR  73  Leflore County School District employees; commend on      Perkins
           03/28 (H) Enrolled Bill Signed
HR  78  Bobby Moody; commend legislative service of.              Bondurant
           03/30 (H) Enrolled Bill Signed
HR  83  John Moor; commend on being named Leflore-Greenwood       Whittington
        2005 Young Farmer of the Year.                         
           03/30 (H) Enrolled Bill Signed
HR  93  Officer Thomas D. Catchings; commend life of upon his     Coleman (65th)
           03/30 (H) Enrolled Bill Signed
HR  94  Mississippi Delta Community College Lady Trojans          Thomas
        Basketball Team; commend outstanding season of.        
           03/30 (H) Enrolled Bill Signed
HR  96  V-E Day; recognize 60th anniversary.                      Chism
           03/31 (H) Enrolled Bill Signed
HR  99  Dorothy "Dot" Thompson; commend life of upon her          Perkins
           04/03 (H) Enrolled Bill Signed
HR 102  Johnnie L. Cochran; commend the life of.                  Flaggs
           04/03 (H) Enrolled Bill Signed
HR 103  Representative May Whittington; commend on being named    Brown
        2005 American School Counselor Association Legislator  
        of the Year.                                           
           04/03 (H) Enrolled Bill Signed
HR 107  Johnny Hendrix; commend life of upon passing.             Perkins
           04/04 (H) Enrolled Bill Signed

KEY: * = Amended % = 3/5ths Vote Required V = Vetoed
  $ = Revenue @ = Exempted From Deadline P = Partially Vetoed

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