SB2031 CON for community living program for developmentally Thomas disabled adults located in Madison County; authorize. 02/01 (S) Died In Committee SB2070 Income tax; allow credit for child adoption expenses. Nunnelee $% 03/15 (H) Died In Committee SB2165 Physicians; offer immunity from suit when rendering Michel care to Medicaid patients. 02/01 (S) Died In Committee SB2176 Lifetime hunting license; allow veterans serving during Michel % war to purchase at reduced fee. 02/01 (S) Died In Committee SB2193 Driver's license; parent can cancel minor's under age Michel 18. 03/01 (H) Died In Committee SB2264 Bad check; conform fees. Michel % 03/01 (H) Died In Committee SB2306 Memorial highway; designate U.S. Highway 80 as Korean Kirby War Veterans Memorial Highway. 02/01 (S) Died In Committee SB2449 Ad valorem taxation; exempt pollution control equipment Michel *$% mandated by federal or state law. 03/15 (H) Died In Committee SB2463 State Auditor; clarify authority to audit public funds Chaney * flowing into a nonprofit corporation. 03/01 (H) Died In Committee SB2464 Master lease-purchase program; authorize DFA to develop Morgan % a master lease-purchase program for counties and municipalities. 02/01 (S) Died In Committee SB2632 Auto liability insurance coverage; require before Hewes receiving tag. 02/01 (S) Died In Committee SB2633 Health Savings Accounts Act; establish and exempt Hewes *$% certain contributions from gross income. 04/06 Approved by Governor SB2634 Elections; require voter to present I.D. prior to Hewes voting. 02/01 (S) Died In Committee SB2670 MS Land, Water and Timber Resources Board; abolish and Ross * transfer duties to the Mississippi Development Authority. 03/01 (H) Died In Committee SB2723 Sales taxation; exempt retail sales of certain articles Michel $% of clothing during the first weekend in August. 02/23 (S) Died In Committee SB2724 Tort liability, charitable activity; include food Hewes donated to needy. 03/01 (H) Died In Committee SB2731 Mississippi Adequate Education Program; establish Chaney * commission to study effectiveness and efficiency of. 04/21 Approved by Governor SB2769 Motor vehicles; allow emergency and law enforcement Davis vehicles to use tires with studs during icy conditions. 02/01 (S) Died In Committee SB2775 School district consolidation; provide for Pickering % administrative consolidation of small school districts. 02/01 (S) Died In Committee SB2777 Children's Health Insurance Program (CHIP); revise Pickering eligibility. 02/01 (S) Died In Committee SB2782 State agency authority to donate to American Red Cross; Nunnelee extend repealer. 03/01 (H) Died In Committee SB2833 Radar; allow all municipalities to use on federal Michel highways. 02/01 (S) Died In Committee SB2918 Municipalities; may donate to public school districts Michel for certain purposes. 03/15 Approved by Governor SB2927 Real estate; clarify disclosure of nonmaterial facts in Michel transactions. 03/08 (H) Died In Committee SB2984 Automobile liability insurance; revise distribution of Michel fines for driving without. 02/01 (S) Died In Committee SB3000 State employees; active duty military employees may be Michel paid difference in salaries. 02/01 (S) Died In Committee SB3011 Income tax; authorize an adjustment to gross income for Michel $% portion of self-employment taxes paid by self-employed individuals. 02/23 (S) Died In Committee SB3014 Ad valorem tax; allow subsequent request for new Chaney *$%@ enterprise exemption in certain cases, authorize cities to defer. 04/20 Approved by Governor SB3021 Income tax; provide a credit for employers who hire Clarke $% persons who are receiving Medicaid benefits under certain conditions. 02/23 (S) Died In Committee SB3022 Income tax; provide a credit for certain employers who Clarke $% provide a health benefits plan to employees. 02/23 (S) Died In Committee SB3042 Job tax credit; authorize for businesses engaged in Michel $% certain financial services. 02/23 (S) Died In Committee SC 507 Commend life of former Governor Kirk Fordice. Little * 02/02 (H) Enrolled Bill Signed SC 512 Constitution; provide that all regular sessions shall Hewes be 90 days. 02/01 (S) Died In Committee SC 513 Joint Rules; require code amendments to show deleted Hewes language. 04/07 (S) Died In Committee SC 514 Commend Dr. Rod Paige, first Mississippian to serve as Hyde-Smith Secretary of Education. 02/17 (H) Enrolled Bill Signed SC 515 Constitution; provide that all bond bills shall only Michel authorize funding for one single project or purpose. 02/01 (S) Died In Committee SC 520 Recognize the 100th Anniversary of Rotary International Little and designate "Rotary Day" in Mississippi. 02/17 (H) Enrolled Bill Signed SC 526 James R "Bobby" Rayburn; commend on presidency of Hewes National Association of Home Builders. 02/17 (H) Enrolled Bill Signed SC 529 Commend Jalin Wood, Miss Mississippi 2004. Walley 02/17 (H) Enrolled Bill Signed SC 534 Commend the "King of the Blues," B.B. King. Jordan 02/04 (H) Enrolled Bill Signed SC 538 Commend Coach Van Chancellor, Mississippi Sports Hall Michel of Fame. 02/22 (H) Enrolled Bill Signed SC 539 Commend M.K. Turk, Mississippi Sports Hall of Fame. Michel 02/22 (H) Enrolled Bill Signed SC 540 Recognize posthumous induction of Bill Goodrich into Michel the Mississippi Sports Hall of Fame. 02/22 (H) Enrolled Bill Signed SC 541 Commend Charlie Rugg, Mississippi Sports Hall of Fame. Michel 02/22 (H) Enrolled Bill Signed SC 542 Commend Hal Easterwood, Mississippi Sports Hall of Michel Fame. 02/22 (H) Enrolled Bill Signed SC 543 Commend Hanford Dixon, Mississippi Sports Hall of Fame. Michel 02/22 (H) Enrolled Bill Signed SC 544 Commend Bobby Ray Franklin, Mississippi Sports Hall of Michel Fame. 02/22 (H) Enrolled Bill Signed SC 545 Commend Joe Iupe, Jr., Mississippi Sports Hall of Fame. Michel 02/22 (H) Enrolled Bill Signed SC 552 Commend country music superstar Faith Hill. Carmichael 02/22 (H) Enrolled Bill Signed SC 553 Commend Ed Orgeron, 35th Head Football Coach for Ole Michel Miss. 02/22 (H) Enrolled Bill Signed SC 556 Commend South Panola High School "Tigers" Football Mettetal Team, 2004 State Champions. 02/22 (H) Enrolled Bill Signed SC 566 Recognize Ole Miss School of Law on its Tollison Sesquicentennial. 03/10 (H) Enrolled Bill Signed SC 577 Commend service of Company G, 185th AVN, Mississippi Carmichael Army National Guard. 03/17 (H) Enrolled Bill Signed SC 584 Commend the life of combat casualty Specialist Robert Carmichael Shane Pugh. 03/23 (H) Enrolled Bill Signed SC 586 Commend former State Senator Fred Wicker. Little 03/23 (H) Enrolled Bill Signed SC 596 Commend Charlie Capps for dedicated legislative and Little public service. 03/28 (H) Enrolled Bill Signed SR 3 Senate Rules; limit number of resolution presentations Michel on the floor of the Senate. 04/07 (S) Died In Committee SR 7 Commend Ryan J.M. Williams for Eagle Scout Award. Robertson 02/02 (S) Immediate Release SR 9 Commend life of Mrs. Gloria Thames Bottom. Chaney 01/28 (S) Immediate Release SR 10 Commend Camille Young, MBJ "Top 40 Under 40." Michel 02/02 (S) Immediate Release SR 11 Commend Quentin Whitwell, MBJ 2005 "Top 40 Under 40". Michel 02/02 (S) Immediate Release SR 16 Commend Brookhaven High School Panthers Football Team Hyde-Smith on winning State 4A Championship. 02/11 (S) Immediate Release SR 19 Commend Vivian Chambers. Little 02/25 (S) Immediate Release SR 21 Commend Harold Whitaker upon retirement from Webster Jackson (15th) General Hospital. 02/25 (S) Immediate Release SR 35 Commend Tara Smith, "Miss Rankin County 2005." Kirby 03/04 (S) Immediate Release SR 37 Commend Charles A. Allman, Hall of Fame Football Coach. Michel 03/11 (S) Immediate Release SR 40 Commend Todd Abernethy, SEC "Sixth Man of the Year." Michel 03/24 (S) Immediate Release SR 42 Commend Jack Mallette, State Games of Mississippi Male Carmichael Athlete of the Year. 03/24 (S) Immediate Release SR 51 Commend Jackson Prep "Lady Patriots" Girls Basketball Ross Team for MPSA Class AAA State Championship. 04/01 (S) Adopted
KEY: | * = Amended | % = 3/5ths Vote Required | V = Vetoed |
$ = Revenue | @ = Exempted From Deadline | P = Partially Vetoed |
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