Mississippi Legislature

2000 Regular Session

House Ways and Means Committee

As of 06/21/00 at 13:46

Instructions Bill Status Menu

HB   1  Mississippi Home Corporation; repeal laws relating to     Horne
   %    and transfer powers and duties to DECD.                
           03/07 (H) Died In Committee
HB   2  Mississipppi Home Corporation; subject to state           Horne
   %    administrative regulations and require Bond Commission 
        approval before issuing bonds.                         
           03/07 (H) Died In Committee
HB   4  Sales tax; phase out on sales of certain food and         Fleming
  $%    increase diversion to municipalities from 18.5% to 26%.
           03/29 (H) Died In Committee
HB   5  Income tax; exclude overtime compensation from gross      Fleming
  $%    income.                                                
           03/29 (H) Died In Committee
HB   6  Sales tax; increase diversion to municipalities from      Fleming
        18.5% to 26%.                                          
           03/07 (H) Died In Committee
HB   8  Sales tax and use tax; exempt finance charges from.       Guice
  $%       03/29 (H) Died In Committee
HB  10  Bonds; mandate election on issuing county or municipal    Horne
           03/07 (H) Died In Committee
HB  12  Sales tax; increase diversion to municipalities from      Young
        18.5% to 20.5%.                                        
           03/07 (H) Died In Committee
HB  21  Sales tax; exempt sales to certain community and          Perkins
  $%    recreational centers.                                  
           03/29 (H) Died In Committee
HB  28  Sales and ad valorem taxes; increase sales tax            Young
   %    diversion to cities, create diversion to counties, cap 
        city and county ad valorem taxes.                      
           03/07 (H) Died In Committee
HB  29  Sales and ad valorem taxes; increase sales tax            Young
   %    diversion to municipalities and cap ad valorem tax.    
           03/07 (H) Died In Committee
HB  57  Gasoline excise tax; increase and distribute proceeds     Fleming
  $%    to Mississippi Highway-Railroad Grade Crossing Safety  
           03/29 (H) Died In Committee
HB  64  Sales tax; exempt clothing and school supplies one week   Fleming
  $%    a year.                                                
           03/29 (H) Died In Committee
HB  65  Veterans tags; allow members of National Guard and        Guice
   %    Reserves to purchase.                                  
           03/07 (H) Died In Committee
HB  70  Sales tax; increase diversion to municipalities, create   Young
   %    diversion to counties, use portion to reduce ad valorem
           03/07 (H) Died In Committee
HB  73  Sales tax and use tax; exempt delivery and freight        Davis
  $%    charges from.                                          
           03/29 (H) Died In Committee
HB  77  Personalized license tags; additional fee payable only    Davis
   %    upon original issue and when new tags issued.          
           03/07 (H) Died In Committee
HB  78  Sales tax; reduce that levied upon certain rental         Davis
  $%    vehicles.                                              
           03/29 (H) Died In Committee
HB  90  Estate tax; increase the amount of the deduction used     Cameron
  $%    to determine the value of the taxable estate.          
           03/29 (H) Died In Committee
HB  95  Income tax; revise method of determining net business     Cameron
  $%    income of certain manufacturers.                       
           03/29 (H) Died In Committee
HB  98  License tag; distinctive tag issued to volunteer fire     Horne
   %    fighters without additional fee.                       
           03/07 (H) Died In Committee
HB 110  Sales tax; phase out on sales of certain food.            Fleming
  $%       03/29 (H) Died In Committee
HB 120  Sales tax; pay county percentage of sales tax generated   Nettles
        from business activities in county but outside cities. 
           03/07 (H) Died In Committee
HB 124  Sales tax; exempt sales to Dixie Youth Baseball           Taylor
  $%    organizations from.                                    
           03/29 (H) Died In Committee
HB 126  Resident hunting and fishing licenses; allow certain      Taylor
   %    nonresidents to purchase.                              
           03/07 (H) Died In Committee
HB 130  Compressed gas privilege tax; lower on certain            Robinson (84th)
  $%    vehicles.                                              
           03/29 (H) Died In Committee
HB 135  Income tax; revise circumstances under which STC may go   Cameron
        beyond three-year examination period on tax return.    
           03/07 (H) Died In Committee
HB 136  Income tax; revise when interest begins to run on         Cameron
   %    payment of additional tax where taxpayer has made      
           03/07 (H) Died In Committee
HB 137  Sales tax; create industrial exemption for sales of       Cameron
  $%    environmental pollution control equipment.             
           03/29 (H) Died In Committee
HB 164  Small loan companies; regulation on selling certain       Guice
  $%    insurance and tax.                                     
           03/29 (H) Died In Committee
HB 166  Mineral interests; revise procedure for payment of        Hamilton
   %    taxes.                                                 
           03/07 (H) Died In Committee
HB 167  Municipal annexation; existing buildings and              Hamilton
  $%    improvements exempt from municipal ad valorem tax.     
           03/29 (H) Died In Committee
HB 170  Mississippi Home Corporation; require compliance with     Horne
   %    state fiscal, purchasing, budget and personnel laws.   
           03/07 (H) Died In Committee
HB 178  Mississippi Student Summer Employment Program; create     Flaggs
  $%    and provide income tax credit to employers who hire    
        students under.                                        
           03/29 (H) Died In Committee
HB 182  DUI; distinctive license tag for third offense.           Davis
   %       03/07 (H) Died In Committee
HB 184  Bonds; provide for petition election before issuing       Horne
   %    municipal or county tax increment financing bonds.     
           03/07 (H) Died In Committee
HB 202  Bonds; issue general obligation bonds for construction    Robinson (84th)
  $%    of regional juvenile detention facilities.             
           03/29 (H) Died In Committee
HB 203  Gaming; clarify definition of unlawful gambling           Robinson (84th)
           03/07 (H) Died In Committee
HB 205  Income tax; provide a credit for ad valorem taxes paid    Ellzey
  $%    on poultry houses.                                     
           03/29 (H) Died In Committee
HB 210  Unemployment compensation; revise penalties for           Flaggs
   %    violations.                                            
           03/07 (H) Died In Committee
HB 219  Income tax; authorize deductions for completing certain   Moak
  $%    education levels.                                      
           03/29 (H) Died In Committee
HB 222  Distinctive antique automobile license tag; authorize     Smith (27th)
   %    to display university, college or community college    
           03/07 (H) Died In Committee
HB 223  Horse racing; allow at local option.                      Smith (27th)
   %       03/07 (H) Died In Committee
HB 225  Gaming; allow legal gaming in any county electing to do   Smith (27th)
   %    so.                                                    
           03/07 (H) Died In Committee
HB 226  Gaming license fee; increase and distribute portion to    Smith (27th)
   %    nongaming counties.                                    
           03/07 (H) Died In Committee
HB 227  Gaming license fee; provide temporary increase and        Smith (27th)
   %    distribute to nongaming counties.                      
           03/07 (H) Died In Committee
HB 230  Ad valorem tax; revise definition of "home" or            Compretta
 *$%    "homestead" for purposes of homestead exemption.       
           05/04 (S) Died In Committee
HB 235  Ad valorem taxes; property not eligible for Class I       Broomfield
  $%    treatment if owner fails to comply with road and bridge
        privilege tax laws.                                    
           03/29 (H) Died In Committee
HB 240  Native wine; delete requirement that at least certain     Ishee
   %    percent of product be obtained from ingredients grown  
        and produced in this state.                            
           03/07 (H) Died In Committee
HB 241  Antique pickup truck license tags; authorize issuance     Howell
  $%    of.                                                    
           03/29 (H) Died In Committee
HB 253  Alcohol; extend repealer on prohibition against           Ford
        retailer selling beer or light wine obtained.          
           03/07 (H) Died In Committee
HB 265  Poultry processors; provide penalties on loans to         Moak
   %    processors who hire illegal immigrants.                
           03/07 (H) Died In Committee
HB 274  Sales tax; exempt sale or transfer of motor vehicle       Moak
  $%    between siblings.                                      
           03/29 (H) Died In Committee
HB 276  Ad valorem taxes; revise rate of interest on land         Moak
   %    redeemed from tax sale.                                
           03/07 (H) Died In Committee
HB 280  Distinctive license tag; authorize for various            Moak
 * %    organizations.                                         
           05/05 Approved by Governor
HB 283  Distinctive license tag; authorize issuance in support    Moak
   %    of veterans' monument.                                 
           03/07 (H) Died In Committee
HB 286  Alcoholic beverage licenses; require to purchase          Moak
        certain liability insurance.                           
           03/07 (H) Died In Committee
HB 298  Alcoholic beverages; allow sale of wine at wholesale by   Moak
   %    private entities.                                      
           03/07 (H) Died In Committee
HB 303  Sales tax; reduce on sales of certain food and revise     Fleming
  $%    diversion to municipalities.                           
           03/29 (H) Died In Committee
HB 307  Income tax; authorize State Tax Commission to allow       Fleming
        taxpayers owing additional tax to pay through          
        installment agreement.                                 
           03/07 (H) Died In Committee
HB 308  Distinctive license tag; authorize additional Purple      Martinson
   %    Heart tag upon payment of regular taxes.               
           03/07 (H) Died In Committee
HB 316  Alcohol, beer and light wine; revise certain penalties    Robinson (84th)
   %    and fees.                                              
           03/07 (H) Died In Committee
HB 321  Sales tax; exempt retail sales of certain trailers to     Robinson (84th)
  $%    nonresidents.                                          
           03/29 (H) Died In Committee
HB 326  Alcohol; prohibit certain "drive through" sales of        Robinson (84th)
        alcoholic beverages, light wine and beer, create       
           03/07 (H) Died In Committee
HB 332  Small Business Assistance Act; extend repealer on         Ford
        authority of DECD to grant funds to planning and       
        development districts under.                           
           03/07 (H) Died In Committee
HB 333  Beer and light wine; extend repealer on authority of      Ford
        Alcoholic Beverage Control Division to enforce certain 
        provisions of law.                                     
           03/07 (H) Died In Committee
HB 339  Community development block grants; extend repealer on    Ford
        prohibition against grants for public water systems    
        unless viable.                                         
           04/16 Approved by Governor
HB 340  Emerging Crops Fund; extend repealer and place            Ford
 * %    moratorium on certain poultry loans.                   
           05/23 Approved by Governor
HB 350  Motor vehicle taxes; cash refund instead of credit when   Robinson (84th)
   %    vehicle is sold or destroyed.                          
           03/07 (H) Died In Committee
HB 351  Ad valorem tax; impose on nonproducing mineral estates    Robinson (84th)
  $%    held separately from surface estate.                   
           03/29 (H) Died In Committee
HB 368  Unemployment compensation; authorize for workers who      Flaggs
        need off to care for a child.                          
           03/07 (H) Died In Committee
HB 370  Ad valorem tax; revise definition of "home" or            Scott (17th)
  $%    "homestead" for purposes of homestead exemption.       
           03/29 (H) Died In Committee
HB 385  Distinctive license tag fees; owner given credit upon     Warren
   %    sale or transfer of vehicle.                           
           03/07 (H) Died In Committee
HB 390  Cigarettes; prohibit deceptive practices regarding        Holland
 *      packaging relating to stamping.                        
           05/01 (H) Died In Conference
HB 393  Ad valorem taxes; delete school boards' authority to      Denny
   %    increase without referendum approval.                  
           03/07 (H) Died In Committee
HB 422  Income tax; provide credit for taxpayer paying home       Denny
  $%    security expenses for primary residence.               
           03/29 (H) Died In Committee
HB 424  Sales tax; exempt sales of tangible personal property     Denny
  $%    or services to Daughters of the American Revolution.   
           03/29 (H) Died In Committee
HB 430  Mineral interests; reverse procedure for payment of       Ellzey
   %    taxes.                                                 
           03/07 (H) Died In Committee
HB 432  Income tax; increase amount of national guard and         Rogers
  $%    reserve compensation excluded from gross income.       
           03/29 (H) Died In Committee
HB 436  Purple Heart distinctive tag; surviving spouse may        Eakes
  $%    renew.                                                 
           03/29 (H) Died In Committee
HB 447  Ad valorem tax; exempt cold frames and greenhouses.       Maples
  $%       03/29 (H) Died In Committee
HB 450  Business improvement districts; repeal law authorizing.   Fleming
   %       03/07 (H) Died In Committee
HB 452  License tags; Tax Commission establish hot line for       Dedeaux
        reporting out-of-state tag violators.                  
           03/07 (H) Died In Committee
HB 468  Income tax; authorize adjustment to gross income for      Moore (60th)
  $%    disability insurance premiums paid by individuals.     
           03/29 (H) Died In Committee
HB 502  Sales tax, municipal; authorize levy of (MMA).            Watson
  $%       03/29 (H) Died In Committee
HB 513  Jacinto Courthouse in Alcorn County; authorize            Moss
   %    Department of Wildlife, Fisheries and Parks to acquire.
           03/07 (H) Died In Committee
HB 524  School districts' bonded indebtedness; increase           Eads
   %    limitation.                                            
           03/07 (H) Died In Committee
HB 530  Income tax; reduce rate of tax on income derived from     Stringer
  $%    gain on certain sales or other disposition of real     
        estate or timber.                                      
           03/29 (H) Died In Committee
HB 546  Mississippi Business Finance Corporation; extend          Ford
   %    repealer on authority to issue bonds to finance        
        economic development projects.                         
           04/18 Approved by Governor
HB 553  Gaming revenues; remove cap on dollar amount diverted     Compretta
        to gaming infrastructure program.                      
           03/07 (H) Died In Committee
HB 561  Bonds; issue general obligation bonds for construction    Livingston
  $%    of a golf course at Roosevelt State Park.              
           03/29 (H) Died In Committee
HB 567  Sales tax; pay county percentage of sales tax generated   Stringer
        from business activities outside city.                 
           03/07 (H) Died In Committee
HB 571  Distinctive license tag; soil and water conservation      Stringer
   %    commission design.                                     
           03/07 (H) Died In Committee
HB 577  Highway 49; bring segment between U.S. 90 and U.S. 80     Rotenberry
        up to highway standards.                               
           03/07 (H) Died In Committee
HB 578  Sales tax and use tax; increase amount that a taxpayer    Rotenberry
        may retain as compensation for collecting.             
           03/07 (H) Died In Committee
HB 585  Motor Vehicle Dealer Tag Permit Law; revise the           Martinson
        definition of the term "motor vehicle dealer.".        
           03/07 (H) Died In Committee
HB 589  Motor vehicle taxes; cash refund instead of credit when   Eads
   %    vehicle is sold or destroyed.                          
           03/07 (H) Died In Committee
HB 594  Mississipppi Home Corporation; provide repealer date on   Horne
   %    bonding authority.                                     
           03/07 (H) Died In Committee
HB 595  Bonds; increase amount authorized for Library             Reynolds
  $%    Commission capital improvements and public libraries   
        grant program.                                         
           03/29 (H) Died In Committee
HB 603  Mississippi Home Corporation; increase the amount of      Morris
  $%    bonds the corporation may issue and revise conflict of 
        interest requirements.                                 
           03/29 (H) Died In Committee
HB 605  Motor vehicle license tags; authorize issuance of         Martinson
   %    in-transit tags to motor vehicle dealers.              
           03/07 (H) Died In Committee
HB 607  Charitable Bingo Law; exempt certain veterans             Dedeaux
   %    organizations from.                                    
           03/07 (H) Died In Committee
HB 616  Motor vehicle dealers; increase bond requirements as      Moak
        designated agents.                                     
           03/07 (H) Died In Committee
HB 636  Taxation; create task force to study.                     Clark
           03/07 (H) Died In Committee
HB 666  Wildlife, Fisheries and Parks; update references to old   Livingston
 * %    agency names.                                          
           04/30 Approved by Governor
HB 675  Income Tax; provide a credit for a portion of certain     Holland
  $%    conservation equipment.                                
           03/29 (H) Died In Committee
HB 707  Sales tax diversions; abate suit by municipalities for    McCoy
        additional amounts.                                    
           03/07 (H) Died In Committee
HB 720  Unemployment compensation; revise penalties for           Moss
   %    violations.                                            
           04/17 Approved by Governor
HB 742  Trailer license plates; establish one-time fee for        Compretta
   %    trailers used in interstate commerce.                  
           03/07 (H) Died In Committee
HB 745  Distinctive license tag; authorize for animal care        Cameron
   %    organizations.                                         
           03/07 (H) Died In Committee
HB 756  All-terrain vehicles; provide for issuance of special     Clark
   %    license tags.                                          
           03/07 (H) Died In Committee
HB 767  Distinctive license tags; create for commission for       Clarke
   %    volunteer service and emergency technicians.           
           03/07 (H) Died In Committee
HB 774  Sales tax; exempt temporary storage of tangible           Jennings
  $%    personal property by public storage warehouses pending 
        shipping to another state.                             
           03/29 (H) Died In Committee
HB 782  Economic development; authorize certain programs and      Flaggs
   %    tax credits to encourage development in less developed 
           03/07 (H) Died In Committee
HB 794  Bonds; increase amount and authorize construction of      Smith (59th)
  $%    two additional lanes across the Ross Barnett Reservoir.
           03/29 (H) Died In Committee
HB 820  Bonds; revise description of projects for which bond      Grist
        proceeds in "1999 Calhoun County Historical Projects   
        Fund" may be used.                                     
           03/07 (H) Died In Committee
HB 826  Sales tax; require that tax on sale of equipment          Grist
        trailers be paid when ad valorem taxes are paid rather 
        than at sale.                                          
           03/07 (H) Died In Committee
HB 838  Mississippi Business Investment Act; revise projects      Shows
 * %    for which assistance may be provided and increase      
        amount of bonds authorized under.                      
           05/20 Approved by Governor
HB 849  Bonds; issue general obligation bonds for construction    Fredericks
  $%    of African-American Art Center at the Ohr-O'Keefe      
        Museum of Art.                                         
           03/29 (H) Died In Committee
HB 850  Ad valorem exemption; provide for homes built by          Mayo
  $%    certain charitable groups.                             
           03/29 (H) Died In Committee
HB 856  Community development corporations; establish grant       West
        program within Department of Economic and Community    
        Development for.                                       
           03/07 (H) Died In Committee
HB 857  Sales tax, local; authorize counties to levy.             West
  $%       03/29 (H) Died In Committee
HB 860  Ad valorem tax and income tax; exempt certain small       West
  $%    businesses from.                                       
           03/29 (H) Died In Committee
HB 861  Southwest Mississippi Empowerment Zone Grant Program;     West
  $%    create and issue state general obligation bonds to     
           03/29 (H) Died In Committee
HB 862  Distinctive license tags; establish certain conditions    Moak
        for issuance.                                          
           04/16 Approved by Governor
HB 869  Major Economic Impact Act; include certain Fortune 500    Robinson (63rd)
  $%    companies (HINDS).                                     
           03/29 (H) Died In Committee
HB 881  State universities and community or junior colleges;      Capps
   %    authorize to offer certain courses.                    
           04/04 (S) Died In Committee
HB 905  Sales tax and use tax; exempt finance charges from.       Formby
  $%       03/29 (H) Died In Committee
HB 906  Sales tax; reduce rate on sales of certain food and       Snowden
  $%    revise certain diversions.                             
           03/29 (H) Died In Committee
HB 907  Sales tax; reduce rate on sales of certain food and       Snowden
  $%    revise diversion to municipalities.                    
           03/29 (H) Died In Committee
HB 908  Sales tax; reduce rate on sales of certain food and       Snowden
  $%    revise diversion to municipalities.                    
           03/29 (H) Died In Committee
HB 909  Sales tax; phase out on sales of certain food.            Snowden
  $%       03/29 (H) Died In Committee
HB 929  Bonds; increase amount of bonds authorized for            Simpson
  $%    constructing a justice facility and for Library        
        Commission capital improvements.                       
           03/29 (H) Died In Committee
HB 934  Sales tax; reduce rate on sales of certain food.          Ketchings
  $%       03/29 (H) Died In Committee
HB 935  Income tax; provide reduction for taxpayers filing        Ketchings
  $%    individual returns.                                    
           03/29 (H) Died In Committee
HB 938  Open Container Law; establish.                            Martinson
           03/07 (H) Died In Committee
HB 939  Alcoholic beverates; require retailers to post signs      Barnett (92nd)
        warning about effects of drinking during pregnancy.    
           03/07 (H) Died In Committee
HB 949  Ad valorem tax; exempt certain improvements to            Mayo
  $%    nonresidential property.                               
           03/29 (H) Died In Committee
HB 963  Bonds; issue bonds for improvements to library at         Clarke
  $%    Jackson State University.                              
           03/29 (H) Died In Committee
HB 972  Loans; exempt certain loans from finance company          Simpson
  $%    privilege tax and small loan regulation and tax.       
           03/29 (H) Died In Committee
HB 974  Beer products; delete repealer and reverter on certain    Simpson
   %    identification requirements.                           
           04/18 Approved by Governor
HB 981  Local Option Alcoholic Beverage Control Law; revise       Roberson
        definition of restaurant.                              
           03/07 (H) Died In Committee
HB 986  Child support; require bingo operators and casinos to     Reeves
        verify if winners have outstanding judgement against   
           03/07 (H) Died In Committee
HB 987  Sales tax diversions; abate suit by municipalities for    McCoy
        additional amounts.                                    
           03/07 Approved by Governor
HB 998  Bonds; issue general obligation bonds for construction    Clarke
  $%    of transitional student housing at Jackson State       
           03/29 (H) Died In Committee
HB 999  Bonds; issue bonds for improvements to the Margaret       Clarke
  $%    Walker Alexander National Research Center at Jackson   
        State University.                                      
           03/29 (H) Died In Committee
HB1021  Ad valorem taxation; increase homestead exemption for     Barnett (116th)
  $%    persons 65 years of age or older or totally disabled.  
           03/29 (H) Died In Committee
HB1022  Gaming revenues; increase diversion to gaming counties;   Barnett (116th)
        delete date after which diversion ceases.              
           03/07 (H) Died In Committee
HB1023  Ad valorem taxation; provide partial exemption for        Barnett (116th)
  $%    products, goods and merchandise held for resale.       
           03/29 (H) Died In Committee
HB1027  Sales tax; exempt sales of tangible personal property     Mitchell
  $%    and services to certain religious institutions.        
           03/29 (H) Died In Committee
HB1034  Antique car tags; authorize issuance of personalized      Compretta
   %    version.                                               
           03/07 (H) Died In Committee
HB1035  Ad valorem tax; allow exemption for property damage by    Compretta
  $%    hurricane.                                             
           03/29 (H) Died In Committee
HB1091  Bonds; revise manner in which allocations may be used     Maples
        by Department of  Wildlife, Fisheries & Parks.         
           03/07 (H) Died In Committee
HB1093  Rails-to-trails Recreational Districts; rules to be       Davis
   %    published and violation to constitute misdemeanor.     
           03/07 (H) Died In Committee
HB1099  Master planned community; revise the definition of.       Fredericks
           03/07 (H) Died In Committee
HB1100  Chickasaw Trail Economic Development Compact; make        Woods
 *      certain technical revisions.                           
           05/20 Approved by Governor
HB1108  State universities and colleges; authorize to offer       Peranich
   %    limited gaming-related courses if located in county    
        where gaming is legal.                                 
           03/07 (H) Died In Committee
HB1137  Sales tax; create diversion to counties and cap ad        Young
   %    valorem tax millage rate.                              
           03/07 (H) Died In Committee
HB1147  Gaming; authorize legal gaming to be discontinued in a    Smith (35th)
        county by election.                                    
           03/07 (H) Died In Committee
HB1152  Economic Development Highway Act; revise definition of    Davis
        "high economic benefit project.".                      
           04/18 Approved by Governor
HB1158  Veterans; create the Mississippi Military Department      Rogers
        Funeral Fund.                                          
           03/07 (H) Died In Committee
HB1171  Distinctive license tags for firefighters; decrease       Dedeaux
   %    additional fee to obtain.                              
           03/07 (H) Died In Committee
HB1172  Beer; allow home brewing.                                 Dedeaux
           03/07 (H) Died In Committee
HB1179  Distinctive license tag; authorize for animal care        Brown
   %    organizations.                                         
           03/07 (H) Died In Committee
HB1188  Sales tax; exempt transfers of motor vehicles into        Banks
  $%    revocable trusts and transfers made as gifts.          
           03/29 (H) Died In Committee
HB1191  Alcoholic beverages; provide that 20% of taxes go to      Banks
   %    counties where generated.                              
           03/07 (H) Died In Committee
HB1196  Tax increment financing; prohibit approval of future      Horne
   %    projects and issuance of bonds.                        
           03/07 (H) Died In Committee
HB1224  Annexed territory; prohibit municipality from levying     Horne
  $%    taxes until services are provided.                     
           03/29 (H) Died In Committee
HB1225  Municipal annexation; property of newly annexed           Ellington
  $%    territory is exempt from municipal ad valorem taxes.   
           03/29 (H) Died In Committee
HB1227  Sales tax; impose on pay-per-call services through 900    Mitchell
  $%    telephone numbers.                                     
           03/29 (H) Died In Committee
HB1235  Distinctive license tag; authorize for wildlife           Peranich
   %    rehabilitation organizations.                          
           03/07 (H) Died In Committee
HB1249  Motor vehicle ad valorem tax; exempt portion for          Zuber
  $%    military personnel stationed out of state.             
           03/29 (H) Died In Committee
HB1250  Income tax; partially exclude active duty military        Zuber
  $%    compensation received by a nonresident while stationed 
        in this state.                                         
           03/29 (H) Died In Committee
HB1253  Mississippi Quality Jobs Program act; create.             Martinson
           03/07 (H) Died In Committee
HB1255  Income tax; exclude active duty military compensation     Zuber
  $%    received by a resident while stationed out of state.   
           03/29 (H) Died In Committee
HB1257  Bonds; issue general obligation bonds to assist in        Davis
  $%    construction of Hattiesburg - South Mississippi Visitor
           03/29 (H) Died In Committee
HB1259  Distinctive license tag; authorize issuance to Civitan    Davis
   %    members.                                               
           03/07 (H) Died In Committee
HB1261  Income tax; allow deduction for health insurance          Gadd
  $%    premiums paid for children not eligible for coverage   
        under Children's Health Care Program.                  
           03/29 (H) Died In Committee
HB1262  Mississippi Affordable College Savings (MACS) Program;    Gadd
   %    create.                                                
           04/04 (S) Died In Committee
HB1287  Ad valorem taxes; allow payment with credit card and      Robinson (63rd)
   %    allow collection of service charges.                   
           03/07 (H) Died In Committee
HB1288  Ad valorem taxes; allow payment with credit card and      Woods
   %    allow collection of service charges.                   
           03/07 (H) Died In Committee
HB1289  Distinctive license tag; authorize for Panhellenic        Coleman (65th)
   %    organizations.                                         
           03/07 (H) Died In Committee
HB1295  Utility regulation taxes; cap at legislative              Ellis
 * %    appropriation for utility regulatory purposes.         
           05/23 Approved by Governor
HB1296  Brewpubs; increase percent of alcohol allowed in beer     Simpson
        and light wine manufactured and sold from four to five 
           03/07 (H) Died In Committee
HB1301  Sales tax; provide incentives for entities incurring      Cummings
 *      indebtedness to locate certain family-owned enterprises
        in state.                                              
           05/23 Approved by Governor
HB1336  Ad valorem tax; require cities/counties to reduce         Simpson
   %    millage rate for purposes of calculating proposed      
        increase where assessed value increases.               
           03/07 (H) Died In Committee
HB1341  Four-lane highways; establish maintenance program;        Mitchell
   %    establish county and city road program.                
           03/07 (H) Died In Committee
HB1342  Brewpub; allow to provide complimentary beverages to      Simpson
 *   V  certain patrons.                                       
           04/21 (H) Do Sustain Veto
HB1347  Small Business Assistance Act; extend repealer and        Morris
        revise certain provisions (DECD).                      
           04/04 (S) Died In Committee
HB1348  Ad valorem taxes; clarify certain provisions regarding    Morris
   %    fee in lieu agreements (DECD).                         
           03/07 (H) Died In Committee
HB1350  Property assessment; assess owners of certain land who    Cameron
  $%    sell reforestation easements in South Delta Pump       
        Project area.                                          
           03/29 (H) Died In Committee
HB1369  Ad valorem taxation; allow counties and municipalities    Warren
   %    to appeal and object to assessments made by State Tax  
           03/07 (H) Died In Committee
HB1371  Major Economic Impact Act; clarify duties of authority    Morris
           04/04 (S) Died In Committee
HB1372  Ad valorem tax and sales tax; repeal certain laws         Reynolds
   %    relating to.                                           
           03/07 (H) Died In Committee
HB1384  Mississippi Home Corporation; reconstitute membership,    Morris
 * %    increase bond authority and revise conflict of interest
           05/23 Approved by Governor
HB1392  Alcoholic beverages; allow shipment from out of state     Fleming
   %    directly to consumers.                                 
           03/07 (H) Died In Committee
HB1394  Alcoholic beverages; allow sale of wine at wholesale by   Guice
   %    private entities.                                      
           03/07 (H) Died In Committee
HB1400  Motor vehicle privilege tax; exempt up to two motor       Hudson
  $%    vehicles owned by a rural water company.               
           03/29 (H) Died In Committee
HB1403  Small Business Assistance Act; increase amount of funds   Scott (80th)
  $%    available for loans and increase amount of bonds that  
        may be issued under.                                   
           03/29 (H) Died In Committee
HB1406  Bonds; authorize Copiah-Lincoln Community College to      Ketchings
        purchase land with its 1999 bond allocation.           
           03/07 (H) Died In Committee
HB1423  Highway contractors' tax; deposit portion in State        Compretta
        Highway Fund (MDOT).                                   
           03/07 (H) Died In Committee
HB1435  State tax commission; authority to receive settlement     Brown
           03/07 (H) Died In Committee
HB1436  Special license tags and distinctive decals; authorize    Eaton
   %    in support of natural resources conservation.          
           03/07 (H) Died In Committee
HB1441  Distinctive license tags; establish conditions for        Moak
        issuance under current and future legislation.         
           03/07 (H) Died In Committee
HB1468  Energy management; require public solicitation for        Ellington
 * %    certain contracts and authorize low-interest school    
           04/04 (S) Died In Committee
HB1473  Municipalities; authorize to create drainage districts.   Wallace
   %       03/07 (H) Died In Committee
HB1474  Economic development; revise DECD's minority business     Flaggs
   %    enterprise act, create loan program and issue bonds.   
           03/07 (H) Died In Committee
HB1482  Economic Development Highway Act; include power plants    Jennings
        in private company definitions and allow gas, water or 
        sewer projects to be funded.                           
           03/07 (H) Died In Committee
HB1485  Four-lane highway program; authorize portion of           Mitchell
        dedicated revenue to be used for maintenance.          
           03/07 (H) Died In Committee
HB1486  School Ad Valorem Tax Reduction Fund; cap at FY 2000      Warren
 *      appropriated levels with excess going to Education     
        Enhancement Fund.                                      
           05/23 Approved by Governor
HB1488  Local Governments Livable Communities Investment          Scott (80th)
   %    Program; create and issue general obligation bonds to  
        partially fund.                                        
           03/07 (H) Died In Committee
HB1489  Community development corporations; establish a grant     Scott (80th)
        program within Department of Economic and Community    
        Development for.                                       
           03/07 (H) Died In Committee
HB1493  State agencies; create One-Stop Information Center for    Scott (80th)
           03/07 (H) Died In Committee
HB1499  Gasoline excise tax; eliminate evaporation deduction      Compretta
        allowed distributors of gasoline (MDOT).               
           03/07 (H) Died In Committee
HB1506  Mantachie Natural Gas District; redesignate as            Franks
 * %    Northeast Mississippi Gas District and increase limit  
        on amount of bonds authorized.                         
           05/20 Approved by Governor
HB1507  Cigarettes; prohibit unfair and deceptive packaging       Holland
           03/07 (H) Died In Committee
HB1510  Drinking water; revise membership of local governments    Ellington
 * %    and rural water systems improvements board and increase
        maximum loan amount.                                   
           04/04 (S) Died In Committee
HB1511  Municipalities; create drainage districts.                Wallace
 * %       03/16 (H) Died On Calendar
HB1519  Gaming Counties Infrastructure Program; restrict          Janus
        projects and revenues to gaming counties.              
           03/07 (H) Died In Committee
HB1524  Gaming; authorize licensed gaming establishments to       Henderson
        accept wagering on horse and dog races.                
           03/07 (H) Died In Committee
HB1526  Child support; gaming proceeds to be withheld for         Moody
           03/07 (H) Died In Committee
HB1529  School district debt for capital improvements and         Brown
        transportation; extend term for repayment.             
           03/07 (H) Died In Committee
HB1531  Poultry processors; provide penalties on loans to         Moak
   %    processors who violate the federal Clean Water Act.    
           03/07 (H) Died In Committee
HB1536  Mississippi Craft Center; broaden area in which center    Martinson
        may be located.                                        
           04/19 Approved by Governor
HB1545  Special local improvement taxing districts; revise law    Reeves
 * %    regarding establishment, funding and management of.    
           04/19 Approved by Governor
HB1546  Individual development accounts; authorize creation of    Henderson
   %    community development corporations to administer.      
           03/07 (H) Died In Committee
HB1547  Mississippi Quality Jobs Program Act; create.             Martinson
           03/07 (H) Died In Committee
HB1549  Sales tax; phase out on sales of certain food.            Snowden
  $%       03/29 (H) Died In Committee
HB1550  Utility trailers; exempt from highway privilege taxes     Jennings
  $%    and registration.                                      
           03/29 (H) Died In Committee
HB1552  Sales tax; exempt sales to Back Bay Mission.              Fredericks
  $%       03/29 (H) Died In Committee
HB1553  Sales tax; reduce rate on sales of certain food and       Snowden
  $%    revise diversion to municipalities.                    
           03/29 (H) Died In Committee
HB1566  Bonds; issue general obligation bonds for capital         Mayo
  $%    improvements for Delta State University.               
           03/29 (H) Died In Committee
HB1567  Sales tax; create industrial exemption for certain        Wells-Smith
  $%    sales of environmental pollution control equipment.    
           03/29 (H) Died In Committee
HB1568  Income tax; provide a credit for premiums paid for        Barnett (92nd)
  $%    long-term care insurance.                              
           03/29 (H) Died In Committee
HB1569  Bonds; issue to fund the Highway 98 Access Improvement    Fillingane
  $%    Program Fund.                                          
           03/29 (H) Died In Committee
HB1570  Bonds; issue general obligation bonds to purchase         Ketchings
  $%    right-of-way for the Natchez Trace terminus project.   
           03/29 (H) Died In Committee
HB1571  Bonds; issue general obligation bonds for construction    Scott (80th)
  $%    of State School for Children.                          
           03/29 (H) Died In Committee
HB1572  Income tax; authorize an adjustment to gross income for   Malone
  $%    certain self-employment taxes paid by self-employed    
           03/29 (H) Died In Committee
HB1573  Bonds; issue general obligation bonds for repair and      Peranich
  $%    renovation of state-owned buildings and facilities.    
           03/29 (H) Died In Committee
HB1574  Bonds; issue for a conference and cultural center for     Montgomery (74th)
  $%    the City of Clinton and the Mississippi Music Heritage 
           03/29 (H) Died In Committee
HB1575  Bonds; issue to fund the Railroad Revitalization Fund     Compretta
  $%    for loans for certain railroad projects.               
           03/29 (H) Died In Committee
HB1579  Sales tax; exempt retail sales of certain articles of     Snowden
  $%    clothing during the first weekend in August.           
           03/29 (H) Died In Committee
HB1580  Bonds; authorize Department of Agriculture to use         Miles
  $%    proceeds for grants for livestock facility construction
           03/29 (H) Died In Committee
HB1585  Sales tax; exempt temporary storage of tangible           Jennings
  $%    personal property by public storage warehouses pending 
        shipping to another state.                             
           03/29 (H) Died In Committee
HB1586  Emerging Crops Fund; increase amount of bonds for         Huddleston
  $%    minority economic development.                         
           03/29 (H) Died In Committee
HB1600  Harrison County; expand public utility district           Simpson
   %    services and board membership requirements for master  
        planned community.                                     
           05/05 Approved by Governor
HB1601  Ad valorem tax; allow exemption for certain               Janus
  $%    manufactured home or mobile homeowners 65 years of age 
        or older or totally disabled.                          
           03/29 (H) Died In Committee
HB1602  Bonds; increase amount of bonds authorized for the        Ellington
  $%    Local Governments and Rural Water Systems Improvements 
        Revolving Loan Fund.                                   
           03/29 (H) Died In Committee
HB1603  Ad valorem tax; revise definition of "home" and           Scott (17th)
 *$%    "homestead" for purposes of homestead exemption.       
           05/23 Approved by Governor
HB1604  Income tax; provide a credit for contributions to         Smith (35th)
  $%    school tuition oganizations.                           
           03/29 (H) Died In Committee
HB1605  Income tax; provide credit for contributions to school    Smith (35th)
  $%    tuition organizations or public schools.               
           03/29 (H) Died In Committee
HB1606  Ad valorem taxation; provide partial exemption for        Malone
  $%    poultry houses.                                        
           03/29 (H) Died In Committee
HB1607  Sales tax; exempt sales of certain food.                  Smith (35th)
  $%       03/29 (H) Died In Committee
HB1666  City of Brandon; authorize to levy additional sales tax   Moore (60th)
   %    on bars and restaurants.                               
           05/07 (H) Died In Committee
HB1668  Income tax; provide a credit for certain wildlife and     McBride
  $%    fish conservation practices.                           
           03/29 (H) Died In Committee
HB1669  Sales tax; authorize special municipal sales tax to       Coleman (65th)
  $%    fund certain capital projects.                         
           03/29 (H) Died In Committee
HB1672  Sales tax; reduce rate on sales of certain food.          Creel
  $%       03/29 (H) Died In Committee
HB1675  Sales tax; exempt sales of tangible personal property     Frierson
  $%    or services to certain churches.                       
           03/29 (H) Died In Committee
HB1676  City of Petal; authorize referendum on local sales tax.   Lott
   %       05/04 (H) Died In Committee
HB1677  Bonds; issue general obligation bonds for State           Robinson (84th)
  $%    Forestry Commission equipment purchases.               
           03/29 (H) Died In Committee
HB1678  Bonds; issue bonds for IHL capital improvements.          Smith (39th)
 *$%       04/18 (S) Died In Committee
HB1679  Bonds; issue bonds for IHL and community/junior           Smith (39th)
  $%    colleges repair and renovation.                        
           04/18 (S) Died In Committee
HB1680  Bonds; issue bonds for various state capital              Smith (39th)
 *$%    improvements and repair and renovation.                
           04/29 (H) Died In Conference
HB1681  Bonds; increase amount of bonds authorized for certain    Morris
 *$%    economic development programs and revise use of certain
        bond proceeds.                                         
           04/29 (H) Died In Conference
HB1682  Bonds; issue bonds to provide funds for certain           McCoy
  $%    programs administered by the Department of Archives and
           04/27 Approved by Governor
HB1684  City of Oxford; allow issuance of bonds for               Eads
   %    construction of conference center, revise use of       
        additional sales tax.                                  
           05/07 (H) Died In Committee
HB1685  Income tax; provide credit for nonpublic school tuition   Reeves
  $%    payments.                                              
           03/29 (H) Died In Committee
HB1686  Income tax; authorize an adjustment to gross income for   Formby
  $%    certain self-employment taxes paid by self-employed    
           03/29 (H) Died In Committee
HB1687  Mississippi Brownfields Voluntary Cleanup and             Ellington
  $%    Redevelopment Incentives Act; create.                  
           03/29 (H) Died In Committee
HB1688  Bonds; authorize Mississippi Development Bank to issue    Reynolds
  $%    revenue bonds to provide loans to counties for fire    
        equipment purposes.                                    
           03/29 (H) Died In Committee
HB1689  Bonds; authorize bonds and construction of two            Smith (39th)
  $%    additional lanes across the Ross Barnett Reservoir.    
           04/18 (S) Died In Committee
HB1696  City of Columbia; authorize to implement a two percent    Moore (100th)
   %    sales tax on hotels, motels and restaurants.           
           05/07 (H) Died In Committee
HB1697  Bonds; issue for capital improvements at the Stennis      Morris
 *$%    Space Center and the Stennis International Airport.    
           04/29 (H) Died In Conference
HB1698  Income tax; provide a credit for taxpayers having a       Moore (60th)
  $%    dependent with a disability.                           
           03/29 (H) Died In Committee
HB1702  Bonds; issue general obligation bonds for improvements    Dedeaux
  $%    to Lyman State Fish Hatchery.                          
           03/29 (H) Died In Committee
HB1705  Tallahatchie County; authorize creation of natural gas    Reynolds
 * %    district.                                              
           05/05 Approved by Governor
HB1707  Jasper County; authorize to levy certain additional oil   Stringer
   %    and gas severance tax.                                 
           05/07 (H) Died In Committee
HB1708  Oakland/Yalobusha Natural Gas District; revise service    Reynolds
 * %    area and increase amount of revenue bonds the district 
        may issue.                                             
           05/20 Approved by Governor
HB1711  Coahoma County; authorize to levy taxes on                Henderson
   %    complimentary food, beverages and hotel accommodations.
           05/07 (H) Died In Committee
HB1713  Lowndes County; authorize to revise distribution of       Chism
 * %    proceeds of certain sales tax.                         
           05/20 Approved by Governor
HB1714  Washington County; delete repealer on convention and      Thornton
 * %    visitors committee and additional sales tax, revise    
        membership of committee.                               
           05/20 Approved by Governor
HB1730  City of Gautier; may levy tax on rentals of hotel,        Read
   %    motel and bed and breakfast rooms.                     
           05/07 (H) Died In Committee
HB1731  Tunica County; authorize to create special improvement    Henderson
 * %    districts.                                             
           05/20 Approved by Governor
HB1732  Town of Snow Lake Shores; may charge residents a          Gadd
 * %    monthly assessment for fire protection and emergency   
           05/20 Approved by Governor
HB1737  Harrison County Transportation Commission; may issue      Simpson
   %    bonds and levy tax pursuant to referendum.             
           05/07 (H) Died In Committee
SB2008  Motor vehicle license tags; authorize issuance of         Dearing
 * %    in-transit tags to motor vehicle dealers.              
           04/27 Approved by Governor
SB2052  Local government-CAP loans; include construction of       Nunnelee
 *      athletic complexes.                                    
           04/04 (H) Died In Committee
SB2081  Motor vehicles; provide for a distinctive tag for Eagle   Turner
 * %    Scouts.                                                
           04/04 (H) Died In Committee
SB2088  MS Small Business Assistance Act; increase the amount     Blackmon
 *$%    that may be issued as grants for loans.                
           05/22 Approved by Governor
SB2138  Open container; prohibit.                                 White (29th)
 *         04/04 (H) Died In Committee
SB2158  Property assessment; assess owners of certain land who    Carlton
 * %    sell reforestation easements in South Delta Pump       
        project area.                                          
           05/01 Approved by Governor
SB2191  Bonds; authorize Copiah-Lincoln Community College to      Dearing
   %    purchase certain land with its bond allocation.        
           04/17 Approved by Governor
SB2246  Motor vehicle license tags; authorize the issuance of     Furniss
   %    distinctive tags to retired law enforcement officers.  
           04/04 (H) Died In Committee
SB2254  Income tax refund check-off; add burn center and revise   Furniss
 *      form.                                                  
           04/10 Approved by Governor
SB2298  Mississippi Affordable College Savings Program;           Hewes
 * %    establish.                                             
           04/25 Approved by Governor
SB2409  School bond limitation based on assessed valuation;       Tollison
 *$%    revise.                                                
           04/18 (H) Died In Committee
SB2410  Ad valorem taxes; reduce the population that a city       Moffatt
 *$%    must have to partially exempt certain structures that  
        are 25 years or older.                                 
           05/22 Approved by Governor
SB2423  School Ad Valorem Tax Reduction Fund; cap at FY 1999      Chaney
 *      appropriated levels with excess going to the Education 
        Enhancement Fund.                                      
           05/01 (H) Died In Conference
SB2440  Alcoholic beverages; prohibit interests in more than      Minor
 *      one package retailer's permit.                         
           03/20 Approved by Governor
SB2441  Estate taxation; limit to the amount allowed under        Bryan
 *$%    federal law as a credit.                               
           04/27 Approved by Governor
SB2457  Income tax; exempt insurance companies in order to        Minor
  $%    simplify calculation of insurance premium tax liability
           04/18 (H) Died On Calendar
SB2467  Distinctive license tag; authorize for supporters of      Frazier
 * %    Commission for Volunteer Service.                      
           04/04 (H) Died In Committee
SB2470  Bonds; issue general obligation bonds to purchase         Dearing
 *$%    right-of-way for the Natchez Trace terminus project.   
           05/01 Approved by Governor
SB2493  Bonds; increase and authorize the construction of two     Ross
 *$%    additional lanes across the Ross Barnett Reservoir.    
           05/22 Approved by Governor
SB2503  Bonds; issue to fund the Highway 98 Access Improvement    King
 *$%    Program Fund.                                          
           04/18 (H) Died In Committee
SB2512  Mississippi Telecommunications Tax Reform Act; enact.     Minor
 *$%       02/29 Approved by Governor
SB2518  Sales tax diversions; abate suit by municipality for      Minor
 *      additional amounts.                                    
           04/04 (H) Died In Committee
SB2567  Distinctive license tags; authorize for animal care       Michel
 * %    organizations and public school teachers.              
           04/04 (H) Died In Committee
SB2595  Highway privilege tax; provide for new tax on trailers    Dearing
  $%    traveling in interstate commerce in lieu of current    
           04/10 Approved by Governor
SB2639  Employer training program tax credit; certified by        Burton
   %    State Board for Community/Junior Colleges.             
           04/17 Approved by Governor
SB2656  MS Craft Center; broaden area in which may be built.      Michel
           04/04 (H) Died In Committee
SB2661  Economic Development Highway Act; revise definition of    King
        "high economic benefit project.".                      
           04/04 (H) Died In Committee
SB2671  Bonds; revise manner in which allocations may be used     Posey
   %    by Department of Wildlife, Fisheries & Parks.          
           04/17 Approved by Governor
SB2700  Beer and light wine; remove provisions of law that        Minor
   %    require tax stamps to be affixed to containers from and
        after July 1, 2000.                                    
           04/04 (H) Died In Committee
SB2720  Master planned community; revise the definition of.       Minor
 *         05/22 Approved by Governor
SB2760  Bonds; issue to fund the Railroad Revitalization Fund     Dearing
  $%    for loans for certain railroad projects.               
           04/18 (H) Died In Committee
SB2768  Distinctive license tags; authorized issuance of tag      Hewes
   %    displaying emblems designed by the Department of Marine
           04/04 (H) Died In Committee
SB2772  Ad valorem tax exemption; exemption for certain           Minor
 * %    additions, expansions or replacements shall commence   
        from the date of completion.                           
           05/22 Approved by Governor
SB2778  Distinctive license plates; allow all honorably           Furniss
 * %    discharged veterans to purchase.                       
           04/04 (H) Died In Committee
SB2854  Distinctive license plates; require purchase certain      Minor
        number to be guaranteed before the State Tax Commission
        prepares and issues them.                              
           04/04 (H) Died In Committee
SB2868  MS Develop. Bank Act; revise def of term "local           Minor
 * %    governmental unit" & provide that units may assume     
        obligations subj to act's limitations.                 
           05/05 Approved by Governor
SB2887  Ad valorem taxes; clarify the amount of fees in lieu of   Minor
   %    that may be granted.                                   
           04/04 (H) Died In Committee
SB2896  Community development block grants; remove repealer on    Dearing
        prohibition of grants to public water systems unless   
           04/04 (H) Died In Committee
SB2903  Emerging Crops Fund; extend repealer for one year.        Minor
 * %       05/01 (H) Died In Conference
SB2966  Drinking water; revise membership of Local Governments    Dearing
 * %    and Rural Water Systems Improvements Board and increase
        maximum loan amount (MSDH).                            
           05/22 Approved by Governor
SB2976  Distinctive motor vehicle license tag; create in          Nunnelee
   %    support of Keep MS Beautiful, Inc.                     
           04/04 (H) Died In Committee
SB2977  Local Option Alcoholic Beverage Control Law; revise       Gordon
 *      definition of restaurant.                              
           04/04 (H) Died In Committee
SB2978  Responsible Alcohol Vendor Program; establish.            Minor
 * %       04/04 (H) Died In Committee
SB3010  Alcoholic beverages; extend the authority of Alcoholic    Minor
 *      Beverage Control Division to enforce beer laws.        
           04/04 (H) Died In Committee
SB3026  License tags; MS Prison Industries to manufacture.        Smith
           04/04 (H) Died In Committee
SB3047  Mississippi Small Business Assistance Act; extend         Minor
 *      repeal date on certain provisions.                     
           04/17 Approved by Governor
SB3050  Cigarettes; prohibit sale of those intended for export.   Minor
 *         05/22 Approved by Governor
SB3052  Energy management; require public solicitation for        Dearing
 * %    certain contracts and authorize low-interest school    
           04/27 Approved by Governor
SB3078  Local Option Alcoholic Beverage Control Law; authorized   Ross
 *      a certain city to vote to come out from under the dry  
           04/04 (H) Died In Committee
SB3087  Scenic streams; provide income tax credit for certain     Posey
 *$%    wildlife habitat projects along.                       
           04/18 (H) Died In Committee
SB3088  Franchise tax; provide that entity filing federal         Minor
 *      return on activity of subsidiary in MS shall be liable 
           04/25 Approved by Governor
SB3108  Military motor vehicle license tags; create the           Smith
 * %    Mississippi Military License Tag Design Approval       
        Committee to approve design of.                        
           04/04 (H) Died In Committee
SB3120  Ad valorem school taxes; districts levying more than 52   Harden
   %    mills may exceed statutory limitation.                 
           04/04 (H) Died In Committee
SB3166  Special Task Force for Economic Development Planning;     Horhn
 *      require heads of state institutions of higher learning 
        to assist.                                             
           04/04 (H) Died In Committee
SB3185  Short-term notes issued by school districts; increase     Harden
 * %    authorized term of.                                    
           05/15 Approved by Governor
SB3192  School districts may issue reduced or interest-free       Bryan
 * %    debt pursuant to federal law; authorize.               
           04/04 (H) Died In Committee
SB3194  Bonds; issue for Master Planned Community Environmental   Minor
 *$%    Protection Fund.                                       
           05/01 Approved by Governor
SB3196  Utility regulation tax; shall not exceed total            Robertson
 *$%    appropriation to PSC and PU staff.                     
           04/29 (S) Died In Conference
SB3223  Ad valorem taxation; continue exemption for carbon        Scoper
  $%    dioxide and carbon dioxide production equipment.       
           04/27 Approved by Governor
SB3225  Bonds; issue for capital improvements at the Stennis      Cuevas
 *$%    Space Center and the Stennis International Airport.    
           05/22 Approved by Governor
SB3231  City of Philadelphia; may issue bonds to contruct a       Williamson
   %    warehouse.                                             
           05/01 Approved by Governor
SB3312  City of Gautier; may levy a tax on room rentals of        Moffatt
 * %    hotels, motels and bed and breakfasts.                 
           05/07 (H) Died In Committee
SB3315  Bonds; issue general obligation bonds for capital         Minor
 *$%    improvements for state agencies and community colleges.
           05/22 Approved by Governor
SB3316  Bonds; increase the amount of bonds that may be issued    Minor
 *$%    under certain programs administered by DECD.           
           05/22 Approved by Governor
SB3317  Harrison County; authorize formation of drainage and      Hewes
   %    recreation districts.                                  
           05/07 (H) Died In Committee
SB3318  West Rankin Metropolitan Sewer Authority;  allow          Kirby
 * %    acquisition of waterworks and water supply systems.    
           05/22 Approved by Governor
SB3319  Income taxation; restrict dividend distribution           Minor
  $%    deductions for real estate investment trusts.          
           04/27 Approved by Governor
SB3343  City of Hollandale; authorize construction of a           Walls
 * %    correctional facility.                                 
           05/07 (H) Died In Committee

End Of Document
