Mississippi Legislature

1998 Regular Session

Senator Jack Gordon

District 8

As of 12/07/98 at 17:01

Instructions Bill Status Menu

SB2005  Department of Agriculture; repeal provisions exempting    Gordon
        personnel from state service.                          
           02/03 (S) Died In Committee
SB2006  Livestock; authorize supervisors to bury.                 Gordon
           02/03 (S) Died In Committee
SB2008  Garnishment; pay garnishee $50 in certain cases.          Gordon
           02/03 (S) Died In Committee
SB2011  Orthotics and prosthetics; extend grandfather clause      Gordon
        for certification.                                     
           02/03 (S) Died In Committee
SB2012  Motor vehicle headlamps; lighted when raining.            Gordon
           02/03 (S) Died In Committee
SB2014  Ad valorem taxation; the State Tax Commission shall       Gordon
        conduct assessment/ratio studies once every four years.
           02/03 (S) Died In Committee
SB2033  Circuit clerks; exempt county registrar pay from limit    Gordon
        on clerk compensation.                                 
           02/03 (S) Died In Committee
SB2036  Proceedings before Employee Appeals Board; clarify        Gordon
        review authority.                                      
           03/03 (H) Died In Committee
SB2037  State personnel system; clarify treatment of disabled     Gordon
           03/13 Approved by Governor
SB2038  Ad valorem taxation; determine true value once every      Gordon
        four years.                                            
           02/03 (S) Died In Committee
SB2039  Personal leave for state employees; eliminate first day   Gordon
        of illness requirement.                                
           02/03 (S) Died In Committee
SB2173  Foster children program under the Dept of Human           Bean
 *      Services; revise standards and procedures.             
           03/31 Approved by Governor
SB2179  Constables; county may pay health insurance premiums      Gordon
        for injured officer.                                   
           02/03 (S) Died In Committee
SB2184  Compensatory time, overtime pay, personal and medical     Gordon
        leave for state employees; clarify.                    
           03/03 (H) Died In Committee
SB2185  Budget; transfer from the General Fund an amount equal    Gordon
        to a certain portion of sales tax growth to counties.  
           02/03 (S) Died In Committee
SB2186  State Aid Road Fund; increase motor fuel tax diversion    Gordon
           02/03 (S) Died In Committee
SB2191  Annual salary of Executive Director of DECD; delete       Gordon
        from statutory salary section.                         
           03/10 Approved by Governor
SB2195  CON to rehab hospital in Hinds County for nursing care    Woodfield
 *      for disabled persons; authorize.                       
           04/21 Approved by Governor
SB2216  Immunization for preventable diseases; require            Gordon
        Hepatitis B Virus immunization for middle school entry.
           02/03 (S) Died In Committee
SB2257  Personal leave for state employees; eliminate first day   Gordon
        of illness requirement.                                
           02/03 (S) Died In Committee
SB2312  Home health services; direct State Department of Health   Gordon
   %    to transfer its home health services to certain        
           02/03 (S) Died In Committee
SB2313  Products liability; enact one-year statute of             Gordon
           02/03 (S) Died In Committee
SB2316  Law enforcement officer; not required to use personal     Jackson
        leave for wound or injury in line of duty.             
           02/03 (S) Died In Committee
SB2504  State Auditor; authorize to review municipal audit        Gordon
        reports or compilations for compliance with state law. 
           03/03 (H) Died In Committee
SB2505  State passenger vehicles; authorize certain state         Gordon
 *      agencies to purchase and operate.                      
           03/03 (H) Died In Committee
SB2506  Elected judiciary; increase the salaries of.              Gordon
           02/03 (S) Died In Committee
SB2521  Salary of Exec. Dir. Pearl River Valley Water Supply      Gordon
        District; increase.                                    
           03/03 (H) Died In Committee
SB2572  School district employees may donate leave to another     Ferris
 *      employee suffering from a catastrophic injury or       
        illness; authorize.                                    
           04/20 Approved by Governor
SB2593  Salaries of county sheriffs and justice court judges;     Burton
 *      based on 1980 federal census.                          
           03/23 Approved by Governor
SB2607  State Employee Management Training Act; create.           Smith
    *      03/03 (H) Died In Committee
SB2661  Grenada County; authorize to donate funds to Headstart.   Gordon
           04/05 (S) Died In Committee
SB2664  County prosecuting attorneys; revise salaries of          Gordon
 *  *   various counties.                                      
           03/03 (H) Died In Committee
SB2687  Chancery clerks; provide allowance in certain counties.   Gordon
 *         04/20 Approved by Governor
SB2688  State Highway System; extend MS 389 in Chickasaw County   Gordon
        to bypass north of Houston, MS.                        
           02/03 (S) Died In Committee
SB2764  Universities; allow enhanced degree-granting branch       Gollott
 *      campuses in certain areas.                             
           03/03 (H) Died In Committee
SB2800  Newspapers; increase fees authorized for publication of   Gordon
 *      legal notices.                                         
           04/20 Approved by Governor
SB2856  Salaries of assistant teachers; provide an annual         Ferris
 *      incremental increase.                                  
           03/03 (H) Died In Committee
SB2922  Public Employees' Retirement System and Highway Patrol    Gordon
        Retirement System laws; amend various provisions of.   
           02/03 (S) Died In Committee
SB2923  Highway Safety Patrol Retirement System; revise annual    Gordon
        amount of retirement allowance.                        
           02/03 (S) Died In Committee
SB2924  Catastrophic illness; clarify definition in relation to   Gordon
 *      state employee donation of leave.                      
           03/03 (H) Died In Committee
SB2969  Public employees; revise law relating to transfer of      Gordon
        accrued leave.                                         
           03/16 Approved by Governor
SB2971  Marshals and constables; revise fees which may be         Gordon
 * %    charged by.                                            
           03/03 (H) Died In Committee
SB3035  District attorneys and legal assistants; increase the     Gordon
        salaries of.                                           
           02/03 (S) Died In Committee
SB3048  Personal service contracts; prohibit payment unless       Gordon
        processed through SPAHRS.                              
           02/03 (S) Died In Committee
SB3049  State employees paid twice per month; delay until         Gordon
 *  @   January 1, 2000.                                       
           04/20 Approved by Governor
SB3050  State employees paid twice per month; exempt university   Gordon
           02/03 (S) Died In Committee
SB3105  Assistant teachers; authorize persons holding GED to      Tollison
        serve as.                                              
           03/03 (H) Died In Committee
SB3182  Sales taxation; exempt certain pollution control          Little
  $%    equipment.                                             
           02/25 (S) Died In Committee
SB3189  Appropriation FY99; to MAFES for animal waste managment   Thames
           02/25 (S) Died In Committee
SB3190  Appropriation FY99; to MSU College of Veterinary          Thames
        Medicine for swine medicine research.                  
           02/25 (S) Died In Committee
SB3191  Appr. FY 1999; to MSU Cooperative Extension Serv. for     Thames
        animal waste mgmt. ed. activities.                     
           02/25 (S) Died In Committee
SB3205  Appropriation; Student Financial Aid.                     Hall
 *         04/13 Approved by Governor
SB3206  Appropriation; IHL - General Support - Consol.            Hall
 *         04/13 Approved by Governor
SB3207  Appropriation; IHL - University Research Center and       Hall
 *      Maintenance.                                           
           04/13 Approved by Governor
SB3208  Appropriation; College of Veterinary Medicine.            Hall
 *         04/13 Approved by Governor
SB3209  Appropriation; Univ. Med. Cen. - Consol.                  Hall
 *         04/13 Approved by Governor
SB3210  Appropriation; Military Dept.- Support.                   Hall
 *   P     04/17 Partially Vetoed By Governor
SB3211  Appropriation; Emergency Management Agency.               Hall
 *         04/13 Approved by Governor
SB3249  Darrel Preston Stafford; restore suffrage.                Gordon
           04/20 Approved by Governor
SB3266  Income tax; revise certain provisions regarding gains     Nunnelee
  $%    and losses and business deductions.                    
           02/25 (S) Died In Committee
SC 516  Commend Joe Garagiola.                                    Burton
           01/12 (H) Enrolled Bill Signed
SC 564  Dr. David Daigneault; commend.                            Huggins
           02/18 (H) Enrolled Bill Signed
SC 579  MS Sports Hall of Fame Inductee Ray Perkins; commend.     Hall
           03/03 (H) Enrolled Bill Signed
SC 580  Captain Pete Collins; commend upon retirement from        Gordon
           03/03 (H) Enrolled Bill Signed
SC 582  "Ace" Cleveland; commend for MS Sports Hall of Fame.      Hall
           03/03 (H) Enrolled Bill Signed
SC 584  Ron Polk; commend upon induction into MS Sports Hall of   Hall
           03/03 (H) Enrolled Bill Signed
SC 587  Sammy Winder; commend upon induction into MS Sports       Hall
        Hall of Fame.                                          
           03/03 (H) Enrolled Bill Signed
SC 611  Bob Hartley; commend life of.                             Hamilton
           03/19 (H) Enrolled Bill Signed
SC 619  Susp rules; further consid of SB 3049; state employees    Gordon
        paid twice per month, delay until January 1, 2000.     
           03/20 (H) Enrolled Bill Signed
SC 628  Caledonia Elementary School; commend as reading model     Canon
           03/27 (H) Enrolled Bill Signed
SC 642  MSU Coach Richard Williams; commend.                      Hamilton
           04/05 (H) Died In Committee
SC 643  Sergeant Charles Parker; commend for meritorious          Gordon
           04/05 (H) Died In Committee
SC 646  Commend Entergy Mississippi on 75 years of service.       Huggins
           04/05 (H) Died In Committee
SC 651  Tina Scholtes; commend as Mississippi Teacher of the      Gordon
           04/05 (H) Died In Committee
SC 669  Suspend deadlines for introduction; revise certain        Gordon
        licensing provisions for builders and remodelers.      
           04/05 (S) Died In Committee
SR  21  T.C. Ward; commend life and service.                      Bryan
           03/11 (S) Adopted
SR  56  Tina Scholtes; commend as Mississippi Teacher of the      Gordon
           04/03 (S) Adopted
SR  57  Sergeant Charles Parker; commend for meritorious          Gordon
           04/03 (S) Adopted
SR  59  Florida State Senator Daryl Jones; commend upon           Horhn
        nomination as Secy U.S. Air Force.                     
           04/03 (S) Adopted
SR  60  MSU Coach Richard Williams; commend.                      Hamilton
           04/03 (S) Adopted

End Of Document
