1998 Regular Session

To: Rules

By: Senator(s) Horhn, Johnson (38th), Smith, Frazier, Harden, Ross, Woodfield, Gordon, Walls, Jackson, Gollott, Jordan (24th), Simmons, Hawks, Canon, Blackmon, Johnson (19th), Ferris, White (29th), Hamilton, Kirby, Dickerson, Scoper, Moffatt, Stogner, Furniss, Burton, Little, Tollison, Nunnelee, Dearing, Rayborn, Carter, Browning, Mettetal, Robertson, White (5th), Turner, Bean, Lee, Cuevas

Senate Resolution 59

(As Adopted by Senate)


WHEREAS, Florida State Senator Daryl L. Jones, a native of Jackson, Mississippi, was nominated on October 21, 1997, by President Bill Clinton for the post of Secretary of the U.S. Air Force; and

WHEREAS, Daryl L. Jones was elected to the Florida House of Representatives in 1990 and subsequently elected to the Florida Senate in 1992, and now represents District 40, which includes the Florida Keys and parts of north and south Dade County, his constituency including over 300,000 persons; and

WHEREAS, during his legislative career, Senator Jones has been a champion of the people, he sponsored and successfully passed the historical Rosewood Bill, was instrumental in persuading the 1993 Base Realignment and Closure Commission to return the 482d Fighter Wing to Homestead Air Reserve Base, and he secured the $650 Million Hurricane Andrew Trust Fund which was essential in the rebuilding of the devastated south Dade County area; while serving as a legislator and reservist he is also Of Counsel to the law firm of Adorno & Zeder, P.A.; and

WHEREAS, Senator Jones' commitment to his country is further demonstrated by his military career: after graduating from the United States Air Force Academy with honors in 1977, Senator Jones served on active duty for seven years as an F-4 Phantom II pilot and instructor pilot; after a one year stint in the Puerto Rico Air National Guard as an A-7D Corsair II pilot in 1988, Senator Jones joined the Air Force Reserve; presently a Lieutenant Colonel selectee, he is the Commander of the 482d Mission Support Squadron at Homestead Air Reserve Station, and previously served as an F-16 Falcon fighter pilot in the 482d Fighter Wing; known as a consensus builder, Senator Jones is presently a member of the United States Air Force Reserve Human Resource Development Council; and currently, Senator Jones proudly serves as a member of the United States Air Force Academy Board of Visitors; and

WHEREAS, a native of Jackson, Mississippi, Senator Jones was appointed to the U.S. Air Force Academy in 1973 where he was named the Cadet Vice-Wing Commander, in 1984 he left the military to enroll in law school at the University of Miami, graduating cum laude in 1987, and while at the university he received the Iron Arrow, the university's highest honor and was elected President of the National Student Bar Association; and

WHEREAS, he presently resides in Miami, Florida, with his wife, the former Myoushi Carter, and the couple has three children; and

WHEREAS, it is with great pride that we recognize this fellow legislator who has brought such honor to his country, his adopted state and his native state:

NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE SENATE OF THE STATE OF MISSISSIPPI, That we do hereby commend and congratulate Florida State Senator Daryl L. Jones, a native of Jackson, Mississippi, upon his nomination as Secretary of the U.S. Air Force.

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That this Resolution be presented to Senator Jones and be forwarded to the Secretary of the Florida Senate and be made available to the Capitol Press Corps.