Mississippi Legislature

1997 Regular Session

Daily Action Report for 01/28/97

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House: Introductions

HB1714  Bonds; increase amount that may be issued under Local     Williams
        Governments Capital Improvements Revolving Loan        
        Program. (DECD).                                       
           Referred To Ways and Means
HB1715  Appropriations; ITS for telecommunications                Chaney
        infrastructure for agencies and educational entities.  
           Referred To Appropriations
HB1716  Sales tax; revise the rate imposed on the sale of         Williams
        certain truck-tractors and semitrailers.               
           Referred To Ways and Means
HB1717  Sales tax; delete that imposed on the ginning of cotton   Williams
           Referred To Ways and Means
HB1718  Counties, fire protection districts; authorize certain    Henderson (9th)
        counties to increase tax and levy on real and personal 
           Referred To Ways and Means
HB1719  Sales tax; tax sales of certain agricultural equipment    Williams
        at three percent (STC).                                
           Referred To Ways and Means
HB1720  Insurance premium tax; reduce rate imposed on certain     Williams
        types of insurance.                                    
           Referred To Ways and Means
HB1721  Bonds; increase amount that may be issued under           Williams
        Economic Development Highway Act (DECD).               
           Referred To Ways and Means
HC  67  Commend Harry Charles Tartt.                              Short
           Referred To Rules
HC  68  Mississippi River bridge near Greenville; memorialize     Cameron
        Congress to provide funds to construct.                
           Referred To Rules
HR   7  Commend Mississippi Humanities Council upon its 25th      Simmons (37th)
           Referred To Rules

House: Double Referred Reports

HB 904  County or municipal equipment; counties and cities may    Morris
        lease to other counties and cities.                    
           DR - TSDPAA: MU To CA
HB 924  County prosecutors; revise office allowance.              Perry
           DR - TSDP: JA To CA
HB 937  Watershed repair; create cost-share program under Soil    Holland
        and Water Conservation Commission.                     
           DR - TSDPCS: AG To AP
HB 993  Judicial Campaign Finance Reform; establish.              Reeves
           DR - TSDPCS: AE To JA
           DR - TSDPCS: JA To AE
HB1246  Youth court; standardize procedures and reporting.        Warren
           DR - TSDPCS: JJ To AP
HB1369  State Veterans Affairs Board; increase number of          Rogers
        vehicles for.                                          
           DR - TSDP: MA To AP
HB1396  Mining; revise Mississippi Surface Coal Mining and        Smith (35th)
        Reclamation Law.                                       
           DR - TSDPCS: CR To OG
           DR - TSDPCS: OG To CR
HB1691  Mining; revise Mississippi surface mining and             Ellington
        reclamation law.                                       
           DR - TSDPCS: CR To OG

House: Committee Reports

HB  53  Counties; authorize board of supervisors to employ        Martinson
        attorney as full-time county employee.                 
           Title Suff Do Pass
HB  55  Unmarked sheriff's vehicles; delete cap on maximum        Taylor
           Title Suff Do Pass
HB 107  Infant Mortality Task Force; extend date of repealer      Ford
           Title Suff Do Pass
HB 385  Ad valorem taxes; delete repealer on authority to         Ford
        assess based on one year average.                      
           Title Suff Do Pass Comm Sub
HB 409  County equipment and employees; authorize to be used to   Warren
        open and close graves or to gravel driveways.          
           Title Suff Do Pass
HB 453  Deputy circuit clerks; authorize additional to certify    Peranich
        initiative petitions.                                  
           Title Suff Do Pass
HB 572  Hearing impairment; require testing of newborn children   Robertson
        in hospitals for.                                      
           Title Suff Do Pass
HB 686  Youth court counselors; reside in respective district     Moody
        unless approved by Director of Community Services.     
           Title Suff Do Pass
HB 688  Youth courts; transfer reporting from DHS to              Moody
        Administrative Office of Courts.                       
           Title Suff Do Pass
HB 891  Teen Court; revise certain provisions.                    Fredericks
           Title Suff Do Pass Comm Sub
HB 904  County or municipal equipment; counties and cities may    Morris
        lease to other counties and cities.                    
           Title Suff Do Pass As Amended
HB 929  Securities; uniform transfer-on-death securities          Perry
        registration (NCCUSL).                                 
           Title Suff Do Pass As Amended
HB 936  Syrup containers; require licensing of the label          Holland *
        guarantor and provide penalties for violations.        
           Title Suff Do Pass
HB 948  County inmates; sheriff may contract for commissary       Holland
           Title Suff Do Pass
HB 976  State Auditor; audit Camp Shelby Timber Fund annually     Bowles
           Title Suff Do Pass
HB 993  Judicial Campaign Finance Reform; establish.              Reeves
           Title Suff Do Pass Comm Sub
HB1006  Deputy tax assessors; counties may supplement salaries    Weathersby
        upon meeting certain appraiser licensing requirements. 
           Title Suff Do Pass Comm Sub
HB1090  Public water systems; require certified operators for     Ellington
           Title Suff Do Pass
HB1094  Community development block grants; prohibit for public   Ellington
        water systems unless viable.                           
           Title Suff Do Pass
HB1151  Podiatry; revise definition of the practice of.           Broomfield
           Title Suff Do Pass Comm Sub
HB1162  Agricultural Seed Law; revise penalties and due date      Holland *
        for permits.                                           
           Title Suff Do Pass Comm Sub
HB1214  Income tax; exempt insurance companies in order to        Williams
        simplify calculation of insurance premium tax          
        liability. (STC).                                      
           Title Suff Do Pass
HB1215  Sales tax; clarify on tangible property/construction on   Williams
        certain floating structures in lieu certain other sales
           Title Suff Do Pass
HB1216  Corporation franchise tax; clarify meaning of the term    Williams
        "corporation" for the purposes of (STC).               
           Title Suff Do Pass
HB1221  Chancery clerks; may waive fees for recording             Compretta
        instruments for public entities.                       
           Title Suff Do Pass
HB1223  Judgment Roll; list social security or tax                Compretta
        identification of defendant (MDOT).                    
           Title Suff Do Pass Comm Sub
HB1258  Municipal court; may be held outside municipal            Perry
        boundaries for preliminary matters.                    
           Title Suff Do Pass Comm Sub
HB1261  Ad valorem taxes; revise date by which board of           Williams
        supervisors must disallow homestead exemption/correct  
        supplemental roll. (STC).                              
           Title Suff Do Pass
HB1288  Municipalities; authorize collection agency hired by      Wells-Smith
        municipality to collect fines/debts to use garnishment 
           Title Suff Do Pass
HB1312  Interlocal Cooperation Law; revise to specifically        Cameron
        include Mississippi Levee District and                 
        Yazoo-Mississippi Delta Levee Districts.               
           Title Suff Do Pass
HB1321  Medical Licensure, Board of; may assess costs of          Holden
        disciplinary hearings against licensees.               
           Title Suff Do Pass As Amended
HB1396  Mining; revise Mississippi Surface Coal Mining and        Smith (35th)
        Reclamation Law.                                       
           Title Suff Do Pass Comm Sub
HB1470  Voter registration; require statewide record of voters    Denny
        to be maintained by the Secretary of State.            
           Title Suff Do Pass Comm Sub
HB1471  State Tax Commission; authorize use of administrative     Williams
        sales tax provisions in collection of certain taxes and
        fees (STC).                                            
           Title Suff Do Pass
HB1475  Timber severance tax; increase the amount of tax          Williams
        liability under which quarterly returns may be filed   
           Title Suff Do Pass Comm Sub
HB1487  Ad valorem taxes; authorize State Tax Commission to       Williams
        grant extensions for filing schedules/statements by    
        certain taxpayers (STC).                               
           Title Suff Do Pass As Amended
HB1493  Swine Demonstration Unit at Pontotoc Branch Experiment    Holland
        Station; rename Wiley L. Bean Swine Demonstration Unit.
           Title Suff Do Pass As Amended
HB1516  Income tax credits; limit to the income tax liabilities   Williams
        derived from the business income which generates the   
        credit. (STC).                                         
           Title Suff Do Pass
HB1525  Motor vehicles; revise certain administrative             Williams
        provisions relating to State Tax Commission (STC).     
           Title Suff Do Pass
HB1540  Income taxation; clarify that certain corporations may    Williams
        be required to file consolidated returns. (STC).       
           Title Suff Do Pass
HB1605  Solid waste; revise authority for counties to pay for     Ellington
        services and collect delinquent fees.                  
           Title Suff Do Pass Comm Sub
SB2053  Same-sex marriages; prohibit.                             Kirby
           Title Suff Do Pass
SB2969  Appropriation; Funeral Services Bd.                       Hall
           Title Suff Do Pass

House: Floor Actions

HB   2  School districts; authorize rewards for confiscation of   Manning
        illegal firearms.                                      
           Transmitted To Senate
HB 520  Domestic insurance companies; require board approval      Stevens
        before loan or investment of funds.                    
HB 678  Hospital and medical service associations; repeal         Stevens
        regulation of by Commissioner of Insurance.            
HB 699  State Seed Testing Laboratory; authorize Department of    Holland
        Agriculture to borrow money to improve building.       
           Transmitted To Senate
HB 752  Digital signatures; authorize use of to facilitate        Chaney
        economic development.                                  
           Passed As Amended
HB 922  Absentee ballots; require list of names of persons who    Blackmon
        assist others to vote by.                              
HB 940  Meat inspection; authorize Commissioner of Agriculture    Holland *
        to hold hearings and determine penalties.              
           Transmitted To Senate
HB 999  Judges; retired appellate judges may serve on temporary   Perry
        basis, etc.                                            
           Motion to Reconsider Tabled
HB1025  Casualty insurance; limit maximum coverage mortgage       Davis (7th)
        lender may require on secured property.                
HB1199  Health insurance; prohibit exclusion of certain drug      Stevens
           Point of Order Raised
           Set Aside-Pend Ruling of Chair
HB1409  Banks; delete from parity provision references to         Guice
        insurance activities of banks.                         
           Passed As Amended
HB1430  Public utilities; revise regulation of excavation near    Ellis
        underground utility facilities.                        
           Transmitted To Senate

House: Referred Other House

SB2006  Nonadmitted surplus lines insurance policies; establish   Kirby
        stamping procedure by commissioner.                    
           Referred To Insurance
SB2066  Hospital and medical service associations; repeal         Kirby
        regulation of by Commissioner of Insurance.            
           Referred To Insurance
SB2103  Municipalities; authorize suggestion reward programs.     Carter
           Referred To Municipalities
SB2153  Abandoned personal property; cities dispose of as they    Carter
        choose without auction requirement.                    
           Referred To Municipalities
SB2325  Manufactured housing; local governments regulate          Burton
        location and standards.                                
           Referred To Municipalities;County Affairs
SB2359  Flood control; additional cities clear ditches and        Carter
        organize districts.                                    
           Referred To Municipalities
SB2414  Municipal judge pro tem; serve for elected as well as     Dearing
        appointed city judge.                                  
           Referred To Municipalities
SB2427  Appropriation; Reappropriation; DFA - Bureau of           Hall
        Building; FY98.                                        
           Referred To Appropriations
SB2428  Appropriation; Dept. of Educ., Miss. Writing/Thinking     Hall
        Inst.; Addl.  FY97.                                    
           Referred To Appropriations
SB2440  Appropriation; Archives & History, Coker House; Addl.     Hall
        FY97 & FY98.                                           
           Referred To Appropriations
SB2593  Appropriation; Vet. Memorial Stadium Commission;          Hall
        Additional, FY97.                                      
           Referred To Appropriations
SB2594  Appropriation; Board of Animal Health; Additional,        Hall
           Referred To Appropriations
SB2604  Abortion; prohibit partial-birth abortions.               Frazier
           Referred To Public Health and Welfare
SB2693  Appropriation for Gulf Coast Research Lab-Cedar Point     Gollott
        Campus FY 97; delete.                                  
           Referred To Appropriations
SB2706  Funds appropriated to ASU Small Farm Development Center   Jackson
        FY97; clarify.                                         
           Referred To Appropriations
SB2875  FY97 funds for Educable Child and School District         Hall
        Student Level Database Programs; transfer from minimum 
           Referred To Education;Appropriations
SB2969  Appropriation; Funeral Services Bd.                       Hall
           Referred To Appropriations
SB3047  Appropriation; Pat Harrison Waterway District;            Hall
        Additional, FY97.                                      
           Referred To Appropriations
SB3048  Appropriation; Board of Dental Examiners; Additional,     Hall
           Referred To Appropriations
SB3049  Appropriation; Dept. of Transportation; Additional,       Hall
           Referred To Appropriations
SB3050  Appropriation;  Board of Cosmetology; Additional, FY97.   Hall
           Referred To Appropriations
SB3051  Kemper Co; Transfer former AHS property to East MSCC.     Jackson
           Referred To Local and Private Legislation

Senate: Introductions

SB3079  Appropriation; DOC Medical Expenses & County              Hall
        Reimbursement; Additional, FY97.                       
           Referred To Appropriations
SB3080  Appropriation; Mississippi Industries for the Blind;      Thames
           Referred To Appropriations
SB3081  Bonds; G.O. bonds for State Department of Mental Health   Burton
        capital improvements.                                  
           Referred To Finance
SB3082  Sales taxation; tax sales of certain agricultural         Bryan
        equipment at 3%.                                       
           Referred To Finance
SB3083  App; DECD for Folklife Festival.                          Carlton
           Referred To Appropriations
SB3084  Major Economic Impact Act; include certain projects       Mettetal
        that produce and transmit electrical power.            
           Referred To Finance
SB3085  Tunica County; pay money to Institute of Community        Furniss
           Referred To Local and Private
SB3086  Appropriation; National Guard,  About Face Program at     Smith
        Camp McCain; FY98.                                     
           Referred To Appropriations
SB3087  Appropriation; Personnel Board, Statewide Personnel       Smith
        Development Center; FY98.                              
           Referred To Appropriations
SB3088  Appropriation; Dept. of Insurance, Fire Personnel         White (29th)
        Minimum Stds.; FY98.                                   
           Referred To Appropriations
SB3089  Appropriation; Farmers Central Market; Additional,        Hall
           Referred To Appropriations
SB3090  Appropriation; Attorney General Legal Fees, etc.;         Hall
        Additional, FY97.                                      
           Referred To Appropriations
SB3091  Appropriation; Tax Commission -Homestead Exempt.;         Hall
        Additional FY97.                                       
           Referred To Appropriations
SC 536  Elizabeth S. Matthews; commend.                           White (29th)
           Referred To Rules
SC 537  Chief Judge John J. Fraiser, Jr., commend.                Gordon
           Referred To Rules
SC 538  Racial extremism; condemn.                                Gunn
           Referred To Rules

Senate: Double Referred Reports

SB2041  Fire trucks; authorize county donation to fire            Cuevas
        protection districts.                                  
           DR - TSDPCS: CA To IN
SB2152  MS Egg Marketing Board; retain interest on deposits,      Burton
        exempt from budget cuts.                               
           DR - TSDP: AG To AP
SB2289  Emerging crop loan program; establish program of loans    Thames
        for post-production on agricultural businesses.        
           DR - TSDPCS: AG To FI
SB2291  Game fish; authorize Department of Agriculture to issue   Thames
        permits for sale of.                                   
           DR - TSDPCS: AG To WI
SB2354  Soil and Water Conservation Commission; authorize to      Posey
        purchase one additional passenger vehicle.             
           DR - TSDP: AG To FS
SB2355  Soil and Water Conservation District; authorize to        Posey
        purchase insurance on equipment.                       
           DR - TSDP: AG To FS
SB2357  Soil and water conservation districts; revise audit       Posey
           DR - TSDPCS: AG To FS
SB2376  State Soil and Water Conservation Commission; receive     Posey
        one additional set of the Mississippi Code.            
           DR - TSDP: AG To FS
SB2459  Passenger automobiles operated by the Department of       Thames
        Mental Health; authorize.                              
           DR - TSDP: PH To AP
SB2461  Infant Mortality Task Force; reauthorize.                 Smith
           DR - TSDPCS: PH To AP
SB2527  Commission on Volunteer Service; technical amendments     Ferris
        relating thereto.                                      
           DR - TSDPCS: ED To UC
SB2637  Pesticide; revise procedures and penalties involving      Thames
        pesticide law violations.                              
           DR - TSDP: AG To JU
SB2649  Public school finance; implement MS Adequate Education    Bryan
        Funding formula.                                       
           DR - TSDPCS: ED To AP
SB2725  Mining; revise Mississippi Surface Coal Mining and        Hamilton
        Reclamation Law.                                       
           DR - TSDPCS: EP To OG
SB2861  Trauma Care Task Force; create.                           Bean
           DR - TSDP: PH To AP
SB2874  Workers' compensation; create fraud bureau within AG's    Kirby
        office and fund with assessments on carriers.          
           DR - TSDP: LA To IN

Senate: Committee Reports

SB2002  Mental patients; reimburse counties for housing.          Simmons
           Title Suff Do Pass Comm Sub
SB2150  Water and sewage utilities; notify customers of           Hawks
        proposed rate increase in local newspaper and in       
        customer invoice.                                      
           Title Suff Do Pass
SB2217  Health professional licensure; reenact and amend          Canon
        cosmetology practice act.                              
           Title Suff Do Pass Comm Sub
SB2228  Agribusiness Council, revise composition; create          Thames
        advisory committee.                                    
           Title Suff Do Pass Comm Sub
SB2246  Sexual battery; define penetration by MDOC employee or    Huggins
        contractor as.                                         
           Title Suff Do Pass
SB2247  Extortion; revise to include MDOC employees and           Huggins
           Title Suff Do Pass
SB2255  Aquaculture permits; revise fee charged to                Stogner
           Title Suff Do Pass
SB2288  Agricultural Aviation Board; revise hearing procedures,   Thames
        extend repealer.                                       
           Title Suff Do Pass Comm Sub
SB2290  MS Boll Weevil Management Act; include other pests.       Thames
           Title Suff Do Pass
SB2317  Agriculture license fees; revise and deposit in           Thames
        Department of Agriculture Special Fund.                
           Title Suff Do Pass
SB2339  Inventory; suppliers required to repurchase under         Thames
        certain circumstances.                                 
           Title Suff Do Pass Comm Sub
SB2366  Agriculture districts; provide for petition procedure     Posey
        to create.                                             
           Title Suff Do Pass
SB2389  Practice of telemedicine; define and require licensure    Bean
        under certain conditions.                              
           Title Suff Do Pass Comm Sub
SB2399  School boards; authorize home rule with limitations.      Ferris
           Title Suff Do Pass Comm Sub
SB2412  Mississippi Teacher Center; delete repealer.              Ferris
           Title Suff Do Pass
SB2472  Telecommunications; require PSC reports and create        Scoper
        advisory committee.                                    
           Title Suff Do Pass
SB2480  Comprehensive Health Insurance Risk Pool Association      Kirby
        Act; reenact and revise.                               
           Title Suff Do Pass Comm Sub
SB2483  Leasing of 16th section land classified as                Hawks
        agricultural; provide procedure.                       
           Title Suff Do Pass Comm Sub
SB2563  Charitable solicitation; revise (SOS).                    Turner
           Title Suff Do Pass Comm Sub
SB2615  Animal and Poultry By-Products Disposal Law; include      Thames
        fish and fish by-products.                             
           Title Suff Do Pass Comm Sub
SB2709  Education enhancement funds for classroom supplies;       Harden
        certain procedures for allocation of.                  
           Title Suff Do Pass Comm Sub
SB2710  Wildlife; clarify game status of white-tailed deer;       Posey
        classify opossum as fur-bearing animal.                
           Title Suff Do Pass As Amended
SB2711  School board members; require high school education or    Johnson (38th)
           Title Suff Do Pass
SB2725  Mining; revise Mississippi Surface Coal Mining and        Hamilton
        Reclamation Law.                                       
           Title Suff Do Pass Comm Sub
SB2772  Public Service Commission; entities lawfully exercising   Minor
        power of eminent domain not required to obtain         
        information from.                                      
           Title Suff Do Pass
SB2941  Wildlife; require residency period for lifetime hunting   Posey
           Title Suff Do Pass Comm Sub
SB2946  Wildlife; strictly regulate possession of wild animals    Posey
        inherently dangerous to humans.                        
           Title Suff Do Pass
SB2997  Railroad laws; change authority from PSC to MS            Minor
        Transportation Commission and repeal certain others.   
           Title Suff Do Pass Comm Sub

Senate: Floor Actions

SB2163  Welfare reform; establish Mississippi Temporary           Smith
        Assistance for Needy Families (TANF) program.          
           Motion to Reconsider Tabled
SB2440  Appropriation; Archives & History, Coker House; Addl.     Hall
        FY97 & FY98.                                           
           Transmitted To House

Senate: Referred Other House

HB 338  Mississippi Teacher Center; extend repealer.              Ford
           Referred To Education
HB 398  Community Service Revolving Fund; extend date of          Ford
           Referred To Corrections
HB 400  Leasing of penitentiary lands; extend date of repeal.     Ford
           Referred To Corrections
HB 711  Landlord-tenant act; revise termination time for breach   Reeves
        of rental agreement.                                   
           Referred To Judiciary
HB 766  Welfare reform; establish Mississippi Temporary           Moody
        Assistance for Needy Families (TANF) program.          
           Referred To Public Health and Welfare;Appropriations
HB1633  Mississippi Development Bank; authorize to issue state    Ford
        general obligation bonds for limited purpose.          
           Referred To Agriculture

Information pertaining to this report was last updated on 12/08/97 at 11:40.

End Of Document
