Mississippi Legislature

1997 Regular Session

Representative Percy W. Watson

District 103

As of 12/08/97 at 11:52

Instructions Bill Status Menu

HB 563  State highway system; designate portion of Mississippi    Guice
 *      Highway 15 as "Wade Guice Memorial Highway".           
           03/26 Approved by Governor
HB1009  Corrections; revise 85% mandatory sentencing by           Watson
        excluding nonviolent crimes.                           
           02/04 (H) Died In Committee
HB1010  Joint and several liability; revise.                      Watson
           02/04 (H) Died In Committee
HB1011  Workers compensation; appeal commission decisions to      Watson
        Supreme Court instead of circuit court.                
           02/04 (H) Died In Committee
HB1012  Workers' compensation; appeal commission decisions to     Watson
        the Court of Appeals instead of circuit court.         
           02/04 (H) Died In Committee
HB1013  Public defender; establish office in each county.         Watson
           02/04 (H) Died In Committee
HB1014  Civil Rights Division; establish in the office of the     Watson
        Attorney General.                                      
           02/04 (H) Died In Committee
HB1015  Attorneys, court-appointed; increase compensation.        Watson
           02/04 (H) Died In Committee
HB1016  Property; require appraisal of land sold in partition     Watson
           02/04 (H) Died In Committee
HB1048  Radar; delete prohibition against MHP setting up within   Wallace
        certain size cities.                                   
           02/04 (H) Died In Committee
HB1053  Workers' compensation; prohibit discharge of employee     Watson
        filing claim in good faith.                            
           02/04 (H) Died In Committee
HB1054  Motor vehicle liability insurance policy; must include    Watson
        medical coverage.                                      
           02/04 (H) Died In Committee
HB1055  Suffrage; restore to Timothy Monroe Smith of Forrest      Watson
           04/22 Approved by Governor
HB1056  Suffrage; restore to Susan E. Watts Zimmerman of Perry    Watson
           04/22 Approved by Governor
HB1057  Distinctive license tag; authorize to be issued to        Watson
   %    federal administrative judges.                         
           02/04 (H) Died In Committee
HB1058  Workers compensation; increase benefits for               Watson
           02/04 (H) Died In Committee
HB1059  Venue; revise in certain criminal cases.                  Watson
           03/04 (S) Died In Committee
HB1060  Death penalty; not applicable to mentally retarded        Watson
           02/04 (H) Died In Committee
HB1061  Guardian; revise bond and oath.                           Watson
           02/04 (H) Died In Committee
HB1062  Workers' compensation; require emergency hearing upon     Watson
        request of either party.                               
           02/04 (H) Died In Committee
HB1063  Insurance company; provide for direct action against.     Watson
           02/04 (H) Died In Committee
HB1064  Uninsured motorist coverage; equal to liability limits.   Watson
           02/04 (H) Died In Committee
HB1085  Teenage Pregnancy Prevention Council; create to develop   Dedeaux
        plan for Legislature.                                  
           02/04 (H) Died In Committee
HB1103  Voter registration; persons registered under NVRA will    Flaggs
        be registered for state elections.                     
           02/04 (H) Died In Committee
HB1242  Bid Purchase Law; exempt municipal water tank             Watson
   %    maintenance contracts from.                            
           02/04 (H) Died In Committee
HB1264  Highway 49; bring segment between U.S. 90 and U.S. 80     Rotenberry
        up to highway standards.                               
           02/04 (H) Died In Committee
HB1281  Youth court; establish statewide Juvenile Work Program.   Cameron
 *         04/23 Approved by Governor
HB1296  Hospitality stations and rest areas; establish fund to    Walker
        finance construction and repair.                       
           02/04 (H) Died In Committee
HB1376  Handicapped hunters; Department of Wildlife, Fisheries    Peranich
 *      and Parks shall provide reasonable access to hunting   
        areas for.                                             
           03/27 Approved by Governor
HB1377  Traffic control devices; Transportation Commission        Watson
        maintain on highways within all cities (MA).           
           02/04 (H) Died In Committee
HB1378  Local government CAP loan program; include recreational   Watson
        facilities and roads.                                  
           02/04 (H) Died In Committee
HB1394  Municipal Crime Prevention Fund; create.                  Watson
           02/04 (H) Died In Committee
HB1398  Motor vehicle liability insurance coverage; raise         Watson
        statutory minimum.                                     
           02/04 (H) Died In Committee
HB1433  Municipal utility purchases; purchases up to $25,000.00   Watson
   %    made without advertising. (MA).                        
           02/04 (H) Died In Committee
HB1661  Homestead exemption; reimburse municipalities for         Watson
        entire tax loss.  (MA).                                
           02/04 (H) Died In Committee
HB1708  City of Hattiesburg authorized to make contribution to    Davis (102nd)
        Hattiesburg Downtown Association, Inc.                 
           04/10 Approved by Governor
HB1741  Bonds; issue general obligation bonds for Advanced        Watson
  $%    Partnership Center for Applied Technology.             
           02/26 (H) Died In Committee
HB1744  Income tax; provide tax credit for employers providing    Chaney
 *$%    certain transportation services to employees.          
           03/18 (S) Died In Committee
HB1752  Bonds; authorize to be issued to improve U.S. Highway     Rotenberry
  $%    49.                                                    
           02/26 (H) Died In Committee
HB1764  Appropriation; Department of Human                        Moody
 *      Services-Consolidated.                                 
           04/10 Approved by Governor
HB1765  Appropriation; Rehabilitation Services - Consolidated.    Moody
 *         04/10 Approved by Governor
HB1792  Appropriation; Department of Archives and History.        Simmons (37th)
 *         04/10 Approved by Governor
HB1793  Appropriation; Arts Commission.                           Simmons (37th)
 *         04/10 Approved by Governor
HB1794  Appropriation; expenses of Legislature, monthly           Simmons (37th)
 *  *   expense, Legislative Budget Office, PEER Committee.    
           04/23 Approved by Governor
HB1795  Appropriation; benefit payments to retirants under the    Simmons (37th)
 *      former Teachers' Retirement System.                    
           03/24 Approved by Governor
HB1800  Appropriation; Attorney General - support.                Watson
 *         04/10 Approved by Governor
HB1801  Appropriation; District Attorneys and staff; expenses     Watson
 *      of school attendance officers.                         
           04/10 Approved by Governor
HB1802  Appropriation; Insurance Department.                      Watson
 *         04/10 Approved by Governor
HB1803  Appropriation; State Fire Academy.                        Watson
 *         04/10 Approved by Governor
HB1804  Appropriation; Supreme Court Services.                    Watson
 *  @      04/10 Approved by Governor
HB1848  Forrest County; authorize to contribute to Hattiesburg    Davis (102nd)
        Downtown Association, Inc.                             
           04/05 (H) Died In Committee
HB1849  Forrest County; authorize to contribute to Neighborhood   Davis (102nd)
        Education Services.                                    
           04/05 (H) Died In Committee
HB1850  Forrest County; authorize to contribute to Hattiesburg    Davis (102nd)
        Little League Baseball Association.                    
           04/10 Approved by Governor
HB1851  Forrest County; authorize to contribute to the Pine       Davis (102nd)
        Belt Boys and Girls Club.                              
           04/10 Approved by Governor
HB1852  Forrest County; authorize to contribute to Forrest        Davis (102nd)
        County Agricultural High School.                       
           04/10 Approved by Governor
HB1853  Forrest County; authorize to contribute to the Dale       Davis (102nd)
 *      Robertson Celebrity Golf Tournament.                   
           04/10 Approved by Governor
HB1854  Forrest County; authorize to contribute to certain        Davis (102nd)
        child abuse centers.                                   
           04/10 Approved by Governor
HB1859  Bonds; issue general obligation bonds for the             Holden
  $%*   construction and development of golf course at certain 
        location in state.                                     
           02/26 (H) Died On Calendar
HB1867  Designate portion of U.S. Highway 278 as "Jerome Huskey   Miles
    @   Memorial Highway".                                     
           04/23 Approved by Governor
HB1878  Hattiesburg Tourism Commission; extend repealer.          Davis (102nd)
   %       04/10 Approved by Governor
HC  35  HCR; commend the life and accomplishments of              Moody
        Mississippi author Jim Majure.                         
           02/19 (S) Enrolled Bill Signed
HC  46  Congressman G. V. "Sonny" Montgomery; commend on his      Ford
           01/30 (S) Enrolled Bill Signed
HC  72  Commend Coach Harry Brown for winning 100 football        Straughter
           02/19 (S) Enrolled Bill Signed
HC  82  Commend Alcorn State University.                          Clarke
           02/20 (S) Enrolled Bill Signed
HC  87  Judge Howard L. Patterson, Jr.; commend on being          King
        elected President of Lions International.              
           03/06 (S) Enrolled Bill Signed
HC  89  Commending Speaker Tim Ford upon election as President    Barnett (92nd)
        of the National Speakers Conference.                   
           03/06 (S) Enrolled Bill Signed
HC  96  Commend Angel Martino on her performance at the 1996      Davis (102nd)
        Olympic Games.                                         
           03/06 (S) Enrolled Bill Signed
HC 126  Commend Dr. Terrell Tisdale upon his retirement.          Shows
           04/01 (S) Enrolled Bill Signed
HC 141  Commend the life and accomplishments of Dr. Cleve         Coleman (29th)
           04/03 (S) Enrolled Bill Signed
HC 146  Commend Dr. Pat Gill upon his retirement and for his      Dickson
        many years of service to his community.                
           04/03 (S) Enrolled Bill Signed
HR   8  Commend the life and public service of Jerome Huskey      Ford
        and express sympathy on his passing.                   
           01/31 (H) Enrolled Bill Signed
HR  15  Commend public service career of Will Green Poindexter.   Ellzey
           02/28 (H) Enrolled Bill Signed
HR  27  TANF recipients; encourage state agencies to employ in    Green (72nd)
        state jobs.                                            
           03/27 (H) Enrolled Bill Signed
HR  33  Commend the life of William Richardson and express        Watson
        sympathy to his family upon his passing.               
           03/29 (H) Enrolled Bill Signed
HR  35  Commend William Carey College on winning debate           Davis (102nd)
           03/31 (H) Enrolled Bill Signed
HR  39  Establish April 19 as Mississippi Fire Fighter's          Thornton
        Memorial Burn Center Day.                              
           04/01 (H) Enrolled Bill Signed

End Of Document
