Mississippi Legislature
2003 Regular Session

Daily Action Report for 02/28/03

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House: Introductions

HB1614  Perry County; authorize to contribute funds to We Care    Taylor
        Day Care, Incorporated.                                
           02/28 (H) Referred To Local and Private Legislation
HB1615  Jackson County; revise composition of the Emergency       Broomfield
        Communications District Board of Commissioners.        
           02/28 (H) Referred To Local and Private Legislation
HB1616  Golden Triangle Community Health Foundation; revise       Smith (39th)
        investment authority of trustees of.                   
           02/28 (H) Referred To Local and Private Legislation
HB1617  Lafayette County; authorize to contribute funds to        Eads
        Youth Baseball Association.                            
           02/28 (H) Referred To Local and Private Legislation
HB1618  Monroe County; authorize to contribute funds to Monroe    Markham
        County Chamber of Commerce.                            
           02/28 (H) Referred To Local and Private Legislation
HB1619  City of Amory; authorize to contribute funds to Monroe    Markham
        County Chamber of Commerce.                            
           02/28 (H) Referred To Local and Private Legislation
HB1620  Monroe County; authorize to contribute funds to Monroe    Markham
        County Shrine Club.                                    
           02/28 (H) Referred To Local and Private Legislation
HB1621  Tunica County; authorize to providing funding for         Henderson
        golf/tennis complex, arena and river park and to lease 
        such facilities.                                       
           02/28 (H) Referred To Local and Private Legislation
HB1622  Tunica County; authorize to contribute funds to           Henderson
           02/28 (H) Referred To Local and Private Legislation
HB1623  City of Houston; may levy sales tax on hotels, motels     Bowles *
        and restaurants for tourism.                           
           02/28 (H) Referred To Local and Private Legislation;Ways and Means
HC  90  Commend Clarksdale High School for receiving 2001-2002    Mayo
        Tech Prep Exemplary Site winner.                       
           02/28 (H) Referred To Rules
HC  91  Commend life of Stuart Irby, Jr.                          Denny
           02/28 (H) Referred To Rules
HC  92  Commend St. Stanislaus Rock-A-Chaws Soccer Team for       Peranich
        winning State Championship.                            
           02/28 (H) Referred To Rules
HR  23  Commend J.B. Carter, Jr., on his retirement and           Broomfield
        community service.                                     
           02/28 (H) Referred To Rules
HR  24  Commend James W. Hill upon retirement.                    Hudson
           02/28 (H) Referred To Rules
HR  25  Commend Christina Grace Juneau upon receiving a           Davis
        Prudential Spirit of Community award.                  
           02/28 (H) Referred To Rules

House: Double Referred Reports

SB2236  State Employee Management Training Act; create.           Smith
           02/28 (H) DR - TSDP: FS To AP
SB2389  Child support enforcement; define services to be          Huggins
        provided by the Department of Human Services.          
           02/28 (H) DR - TSDP: JA To AP
SB2684  Wildlife personnel; clarify nonstate status of law        Posey
        enforcement trainees and special operations agents.    
           02/28 (H) DR - TSDPAA: FS To AP
SB2789  State and district officials; revise salaries of.         Thames
           02/28 (H) DR - TSDPAA: FS To AP
SB2794  State elected officials and judiciary; increase           Thames
           02/28 (H) DR - TSDPAA: FS To AP

House: Committee Reports

SB2317  Donation of leave time; reenact.                          Thames
           02/28 (H) Title Suff Do Pass As Amended
SB2640  Board of Bar Admissions; eliminate repealer.              Turner
           02/28 (H) Title Suff Do Pass As Amended

House: Floor Actions

SB2004  Mississippi Prepaid Affordable College Tuition (MPACT)    Burton
        Program; authorize payment for graduate school courses,
           02/28 (H) Transmitted To Senate
SB2037  Transfer of Industrial Training and Postsecondary Adult   Burton
        Training Programs to SBCJC; delete repealer.           
           02/28 (H) Transmitted To Senate
SB2076  Ad valorem taxation; exempt property of certain           Minor
        not-for-profit legal foundations.                      
           02/28 (H) Transmitted To Senate
SB2253  Larger fraternal benefit societies; revise regulatory     Kirby
           02/28 (H) Transmitted To Senate
SB2304  State-owned vehicles; revise deadline for annual report   Thames
        prepared by State Auditor.                             
           02/28 (H) Transmitted To Senate
SB2328  Sheriffs; authorize to use Inmate Canteen Fund for        Dickerson
        educational related expenses.                          
           02/28 (H) Transmitted To Senate
SB2344  Public purchasing laws; make various amendments           Burton
           02/28 (H) Returned For Concurrence
SB2354  Income taxation; remove reverter on method of             Minor
        determining "arms length" transactions (STC).          
           02/28 (H) Transmitted To Senate
SB2385  Constables; authorized to serve process issued by         Huggins
        county, chancery or circuit courts.                    
           02/28 (H) Transmitted To Senate
SB2507  Beer; define for purposes of the law legalizing its       Minor
           02/28 (H) Transmitted To Senate
SB2530  Duck stamp; authorize Wildlife to issue electronic        Posey
           02/28 (H) Transmitted To Senate
SB2695  County tax assessor; may amend homestead exemption        Dickerson
        applications under certain circumstances.              
           02/28 (H) Transmitted To Senate
SB2710  Mississippi Development Bank; revise authority to make    Minor
        loans and issue bonds.                                 
           02/28 (H) Transmitted To Senate
SB2754  Ayers Settlement Fund; extend date for establishment.     Burton
           02/28 (H) Transmitted To Senate
SB2819  State forfeited tax land; application for purchase need   Nunnelee
        not be sworn and applications from gov't entities may  
        be acted upon when filed.                              
           02/28 (H) Transmitted To Senate
SB2844  IHL; amend FY03 appropriation to delete certain funds     Gordon
        appropriated and reappropriated contingent on Ayers    
           02/28 (H) Transmitted To Senate

House: Referred Other House

SC 575  Commend Betty Sue O'Brian, Instructor of the Year at      Gollott
        the Jefferson Davis Campus of the MS Gulf Coast        
        Community College.                                     
           02/28 (H) Referred To Rules
SC 576  Commend Dr. Marie Davis-Heim, Perkinston Teacher of the   Gollott
           02/28 (H) Referred To Rules
SC 577  Commend Rex Moak, Instructor of the Year at the Jackson   Gollott
        County Campus of the MS Gulf Coast Community College.  
           02/28 (H) Referred To Rules
SC 579  Commend Elizabeth Anne Finch upon selection as 2003       White
        Mississippi's Junior Miss.                             
           02/28 (H) Referred To Rules
SC 580  Commend Major General Buford "Buff" Blount, Commander     Harvey
        of 3rd Infantry Division in Kuwait.                    
           02/28 (H) Referred To Rules
SC 581  Commend Attorney General Mike Moore for dedicated         Little
        public service.                                        
           02/28 (H) Referred To Rules
SC 582  Commend life of Jackson business leader and               Michel
        philanthropist, Stuart C. Irby, Jr.                    
           02/28 (H) Referred To Rules
SC 583  Commend State Treasurer Marshall Bennett for dedicated    Little
        public service.                                        
           02/28 (H) Referred To Rules
SC 584  Commend Corinth City Clerk Jim Billingsley.               Little
           02/28 (H) Referred To Rules

House: Signed By The Speaker

HB1415  Corrections; authorize Delta Correctional Facility        Perkins
        Authority, Leflore County and DOC to exchange real     
        property in Leflore County.                            
           02/27 (H) Enrolled Bill Signed

Senate: Floor Actions

HB 302  Bar dues; exempt federal administrative law judges from   Reynolds
           02/28 (S) Passed
HB 782  Board of Bar Admissions; extend repealer.                 Ford
           02/28 (S) Amended
           02/28 (S) Passed As Amended
HB 849  Emerging Crops Fund; extend repealer on certain           Ford
        programs funded under and use portion of funds for MS  
        Farmers Central Market purposes.                       
           02/28 (S) Transmitted To House
HB1054  Chickasaw Trail Economic Development Compact; repeal      Woods
        laws authorizing State of Mississippi to enter.        
           02/28 (S) Transmitted To House
HC  72  Commend Bill Finney Cossar upon his retirement.           Ford
           02/28 (S) Adopted
           02/28 (S) Transmitted To House
HC  73  Commend Taylorsville High School on winning 2A State      Eaton
        Football Championship.                                 
           02/28 (S) Adopted
           02/28 (S) Transmitted To House
HC  75  Commend Mrs. Jane Roberts upon celebrating her 100th      Pierce
           02/28 (S) Adopted
           02/28 (S) Transmitted To House
HC  76  Commend Bishop William R. Houck upon his retirement.      Holland
           02/28 (S) Adopted
           02/28 (S) Transmitted To House
HC  77  Commend Puckett "Wolves" Football Team for Class A        Moore (60th)
        State Championship.                                    
           02/28 (S) Adopted
           02/28 (S) Transmitted To House
SC 575  Commend Betty Sue O'Brian, Instructor of the Year at      Gollott
        the Jefferson Davis Campus of the MS Gulf Coast        
        Community College.                                     
           02/28 (S) Adopted
           02/28 (S) Transmitted To House
SC 576  Commend Dr. Marie Davis-Heim, Perkinston Teacher of the   Gollott
           02/28 (S) Adopted
           02/28 (S) Transmitted To House
SC 577  Commend Rex Moak, Instructor of the Year at the Jackson   Gollott
        County Campus of the MS Gulf Coast Community College.  
           02/28 (S) Adopted
           02/28 (S) Transmitted To House
SC 579  Commend Elizabeth Anne Finch upon selection as 2003       White
        Mississippi's Junior Miss.                             
           02/28 (S) Adopted
           02/28 (S) Transmitted To House
SC 580  Commend Major General Buford "Buff" Blount, Commander     Harvey
        of 3rd Infantry Division in Kuwait.                    
           02/28 (S) Adopted
           02/28 (S) Transmitted To House
SC 581  Commend Attorney General Mike Moore for dedicated         Little
        public service.                                        
           02/28 (S) Adopted
           02/28 (S) Transmitted To House
SC 582  Commend life of Jackson business leader and               Michel
        philanthropist, Stuart C. Irby, Jr.                    
           02/28 (S) Adopted
           02/28 (S) Transmitted To House
SC 583  Commend State Treasurer Marshall Bennett for dedicated    Little
        public service.                                        
           02/28 (S) Adopted
           02/28 (S) Transmitted To House
SC 584  Commend Corinth City Clerk Jim Billingsley.               Little
           02/28 (S) Adopted
           02/28 (S) Transmitted To House
SN  58  Frank E. Melton, Jackson, Mississippi, Director -         GOVERNOR
        Bureau of Narcotics, effective immediately and serving 
        a term that is at the will and pleasure of the         
           02/28 (S) Appointment Confirmed
SR  30  Commend life of Dr. E.T. Riemann, Jr., of Gulfport,       Hewes
           02/28 (S) Adopted
SR  31  Commend Madison-Ridgeland National Jaguars Baseball       Michel
           02/28 (S) Adopted
SR  32  Commend Dr. Hickman M. Johnson.                           Horhn
           02/28 (S) Adopted
SR  33  Commend and congratulate Roy Gale Martin upon             Kirby
           02/28 (S) Adopted
SR  34  Commend Mrs. Fannie Louise McGee Jackson.                 White
           02/28 (S) Adopted
SR  35  Commend Houston Vocational Center Solar Race Car Team.    Gordon
           02/28 (S) Adopted
SR  36  Commend 150th Anniversary of the First Baptist Church     White
        of Terry, Mississippi.                                 
           02/28 (S) Adopted

Information pertaining to this report was last updated on 04/09/03 at 09:42.

End Of Document
