Mississippi Legislature

1999 Regular Session

Daily Action Report for 03/24/99

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Pending Governor's Signature

HB 494  Support dogs; trainers of shall have same rights as       Horne
        those provided to disabled persons with dogs.          
           Due From Governor 03/30/99
HB 954  Automated external defibrillators; provide for            Barnett (92nd)
        requirements and training for use of.                  
           Due From Governor 03/30/99
HB1100  Bridge in Lamar County; Highway 61 in Adams County;       Davis
        designate as memorials.                                
           Due From Governor 03/30/99
HB1339  Vehicle size; increase width restrictions for vehicles    Moody
        hauling unprocessed forest products.                   
           Due From Governor 03/30/99
HB1685  City of Southaven; authorize to purchase certain          Jennings
           Due From Governor 03/30/99
HB1689  City of Iuka; authorize expansion of gas distribution     Cummings
        system beyond corporate limits.                        
           Due From Governor 03/30/99
HB1693  City of Southhaven; authorize to compensate Summershill   Jennings
        Fire District for certain removed territory.           
           Due From Governor 03/30/99
SB3088  Meridian; increase additional court costs levied upon     Carter
        convictions in municipal court.                        
           Due From Governor 03/30/99
SB3114  Marion County; authorize a contribution to the Boy        Stogner
        Scouts and the Girl Scouts.                            
           Due From Governor 03/30/99

Signed By The Governor

HB1490  Garbage collection and disposal; increase maximum ad      Bozeman
        valorem tax certain counties may levy to defray costs  
           Approved by Governor

House: Introductions

HB1736  Tallahatchie County; revise law establishing              Reynolds
        Tallahatchie County Correctional Authority.            
           Referred To Local and Private Legislation
HB1737  Tallahatchie County; authorize to create Children's       Reynolds
        Services Commission.                                   
           Referred To Local and Private Legislation
HB1738  Harrison County; authorize to contribute funds to the     Fredericks
        Community Bridges organization.                        
           Referred To Local and Private Legislation
HB1739  City of Biloxi; authorize to contribute to Community      Fredericks
        Bridges, Inc.                                          
           Referred To Local and Private Legislation
HB1740  Harrison County; authorize incorporation of public        Fredericks
        utility district in connection with master planned     
           Referred To Local and Private Legislation
HB1741  Tallahatchie County; clarify tax levy of special          Reynolds
        drainage district.                                     
           Referred To Local and Private Legislation
HB1742  Tate County; provide for powers of Tate County Economic   Williams
        Development Foundation, Inc., regarding economic       
        development in county.                                 
           Referred To Local and Private Legislation
HC 165  Commend members of the House who began their term in      Flaggs
           Referred To Rules
HC 166  Commend retirees of Greenwood School District.            Perkins
           Referred To Rules
HC 167  Commend the 1998 retirees of the West Point School        Gibbs
           Referred To Rules
HC 168  Commend the 1999 retirees of the West Point School        Gibbs
           Referred To Rules
HC 169  Commend the Junior Auxiliary of Natchez.                  Ketchings
           Referred To Rules
HC 170  Commend Trinity Episcopal Day School Saints Basketball    Ketchings
           Referred To Rules
HC 171  Commend James Ray Carpenter on being first                Williams
        Mississippian to have served as President of the PGA.  
           Referred To Rules
HC 172  Commend the life of Mr. Richard Baxter Wilson.            Ford
           Referred To Rules
HR  21  Commend Coach Doyle Wolverton.                            Malone
           Referred To Rules
HR  22  Commend Mr. Nathaniel Stone upon his retirement.          Scott (17th)
           Referred To Rules
HR  23  Commend Columbia High School Wildcats Football Team.      Simmons
           Referred To Rules
HR  24  Commend Reverend L.L. Logan for many years of             Moody
        outstanding service.                                   
           Referred To Rules

House: Double Referred Reports

HB1697  City of Brookhaven; authorize issuance of bonds for       Barnett (92nd)
        repairs of city-owned property and sale/lease to state.
           DR - TSDP: LP To WM
HB1699  City of Hernando; authorize to levy additional tax on     Robertson
        hotel and motel room rentals.                          
           DR - TSDPCS: LP To WM
HB1720  Tunica County; revise distribution of gambling            Henderson (9th)
           DR - TSDP: LP To WM
HB1732  City of Hattiesburg; may increase minimum monthly         Davis
        benefit for fire and police department retirees.       
           DR - TSDP: LP To AP
HB1735  DeSoto County; create DeSoto County Regional Utility      Miller
           DR - TSDPCS: LP To WM
SB3228  Adams County; tax gaming vessels.                         Dearing
           DR - TSDP: LP To WM
SB3229  City of Magee; may levy a hotel/motel tax and food and    Smith
        beverage tax to fund recreational facilities.          
           DR - TSDP: LP To WM

House: Committee Reports

HB1694  Chickasaw County; authorize private operation of county   Bowles
           Title Suff Do Pass
HB1705  Jones County, Cities of Laurel and Ellisville and Town    Ellzey
        of Soso; authorize to contribute to the Veterans       
        Memorial Museum, Inc.                                  
           Title Suff Do Pass Comm Sub
HB1706  City of Quitman; authorize to contribute to the           Ellzey
        Veterans Memorial Museum, Inc.                         
           Title Suff Do Pass Comm Sub
HB1707  City of Newton; authorize to contribute to the Veterans   Ellzey
        Memorial Museum, Inc.                                  
           Title Suff Do Pass Comm Sub
HB1708  Jasper County, City of Bay Springs and Town of            Ellzey
        Heidelberg; authorize to contribute to the Veterans    
        Memorial Museum, Inc.                                  
           Title Suff Do Pass Comm Sub
HB1709  Wayne County and City of Waynesboro; authorize to         Ellzey
        contribute to the Veterans Memorial Museum, Inc.       
           Title Suff Do Pass Comm Sub
HB1710  Smith County and Town of Taylorsville; authorize to       Ellzey
        contribute to Veterans Memorial Museum, Inc.           
           Title Suff Do Pass Comm Sub
HB1725  City of Collins; authorize to make donations to local     Warren
        Boys & Girls Club.                                     
           Title Suff Do Pass Comm Sub
HB1726  Town of Falkner; authorize to purchase water system.      McElwain
           Title Suff Do Pass
HB1734  Covington County; authorize to donate to Boys and Girls   Warren
           Title Suff Do Pass
HB1736  Tallahatchie County; revise law establishing              Reynolds
        Tallahatchie County Correctional Authority.            
           Title Suff Do Pass
HB1737  Tallahatchie County; authorize to create Children's       Reynolds
        Services Commission.                                   
           Title Suff Do Pass
HB1738  Harrison County; authorize to contribute funds to the     Fredericks
        Community Bridges organization.                        
           Title Suff Do Pass
HC 148  Commend Dr. William Riley.                                Bourdeaux
           Title Suff Do Be Adopted
HC 150  Commend Mr. John Scyster Throop, Jr., for his many        Reynolds
        years of outstanding public service.                   
           Title Suff Do Be Adopted
HC 157  Commend Glen Buckalew of Gulfport on winning Bandworld    Guice
        Legion of Honor Award.                                 
           Title Suff Do Be Adopted
HC 158  Commend Clinton High School students for their courage    Montgomery
        and bravery after the Amtrak wreck.                    
           Title Suff Do Be Adopted
HC 159  Commend Lanier High School Bulldogs Boys Basketball       Banks
        Team for winning Class 5A State Championship.          
           Title Suff Do Be Adopted
HC 160  Commend Gautier Gator Football Team for their             Read
        outstanding season.                                    
           Title Suff Do Be Adopted
HC 161  Commend the Macon Beacon.                                 Dickson
           Title Suff Do Be Adopted
HC 162  Commend Grenada School District retirees.                 Perkins
           Title Suff Do Be Adopted
HC 163  Commend Ned Boudreaux upon his retirement as Director     Peranich
        of Gulf Regional Planning Commission.                  
           Title Suff Do Be Adopted
HC 164  Commend Christy Fairley on her performance at the Nike    Maples
        Indoor Meet.                                           
           Title Suff Do Be Adopted
HC 165  Commend members of the House who began their term in      Flaggs
           Title Suff Do Be Adopted
HR  20  Commend Jackson Public Schools JROTC.                     Wallace
           Title Suff Do Be Adopted
SB2367  City of Pontotoc; may acquire Primrose Water              Browning
           Title Suff Do Pass
SB3104  Hattiesburg; convey certain real property to Forrest      Farris
           Title Suff Do Pass
SB3188  Forrest County; contribute annually to Pearl River        Farris
        Valley Opportunity, Inc.                               
           Title Suff Do Pass As Amended
SB3227  Forrest County; authorize a contribution to the MS        Farris
        Association of County Agricultural Agents.             
           Title Suff Do Pass
SB3230  Lowndes County; authorize Industrial Development          Canon
        Authority to sell water to the West Lowndes Water      
           Title Suff Do Pass
SB3232  Jefferson County; authorize to fund the Jefferson         Posey
        Comprehensive Health Center.                           
           Title Suff Do Pass As Amended
SB3234  Jackson County; authorize an annual contribution to the   Moffatt
        Keep America Beautiful Organization.                   
           Title Suff Do Pass As Amended
SC 566  Kenneth Quinn; commend for Governor's Arts in Education   Ferris
           Title Suff Do Be Adopted
SC 598  Phi Theta Kappa Day; commend.                             Ferris
           Title Suff Do Be Adopted
SC 638  Diabetes Foundation of Mississippi; commend.              Bean
           Title Suff Do Be Adopted
SC 639  Smith County Sheriff's Department; commend for quick      Thames
        response to massive downtown fire in Taylorsville.     
           Title Suff Do Be Adopted
SC 640  Mize Fire Department; commend for quick response to       Thames
        massive downtown fire in Taylorsville.                 
           Title Suff Do Be Adopted
SC 642  Hebron Fire Department; commend for quick response to     Thames
        massive downtown fire in Taylorsville.                 
           Title Suff Do Be Adopted
SC 644  Jasper County Sheriff's Department; commend for quick     Thames
        response to massive downtown fire in Taylorsville.     
           Title Suff Do Be Adopted
SC 645  Stringer Fire Department; commend for quick response to   Thames
        massive downtown fire in Taylorsville.                 
           Title Suff Do Be Adopted
SC 648  Stone High School Boys Basketball Team; commend.          Lee
           Title Suff Do Be Adopted

House: Floor Actions

HB 458  Fuel taxes; revise amount diverted to State Aid Road      Green (34th)
           Conferees Named Green (34th),Smith (35th),Smith (27th)
HB 546  Petition for determination of parental rights; reenact    Ford
        and extend repealer for one year.                      
           Conferees Named Perry,Simpson,Holden
HB 555  State offenders housed in county jails; reenact and       Ford
        extend repealer for one year.                          
           Conferees Named Malone,Thomas,Vince
HB 556  Intensive supervision program; reenact and extend         Ford
        repealer for one year.                                 
           Conferees Named Malone,McInnis,Reynolds
HB 558  Community Service Revolving Fund; reenact and extend      Ford
        repealer for one year.                                 
           Conferees Named Malone,McInnis,Endt
HB 610  Highway Safety Patrol; extend authority on certain        Ford
        powers and duties of.                                  
           Conferees Named Perry,Simpson,Howell
HB 614  Ad valorem taxes; revise form and contents of notice      Reeves
        required when a taxing entity or school district       
        proposes to increase.                                  
           Conferees Named Reeves,Horne,Simmons
HB 768  Courts; provide full funding for trial court support      Perry
           Conferees Named Perry,Watson,Foster
HB 771  District attorneys; authorize additional legal            Compretta
        assistants for Second Circuit Court District.          
           Conferees Named Perry,Watson,Peranich
HB 780  Child support; may be ordered retroactively.              Perry
           Conferees Named Perry,Simpson,Reeves
HB 811  Pharmacy discount cards; cannot be issued unless          Howell
        issurer pays portion of discount given by pharmacy.    
           Conferees Named Moody,Howell,Broomfield
HB 833  State employees; repeal provision requiring payment on    Capps
        a delayed basis twice per month.                       
           Transmitted To Senate
HB 834  Nursing homes; allow Medicaid participation for           Moody
        existing beds and authorize new beds.                  
           Conferees Named Moody,Coleman (65th),Holland
HB 852  Child support enforcement statutes; revise pursuant to    Moody
        federal law.                                           
           Conferees Named Perry,Simpson,Reeves
HB 865  Uniform Health-Care Decisions Act; revise consent for     Perry
        certain persons.                                       
           Conferees Named Perry,Simpson,Moss
HB1113  Offenders; authorize trustees to accumulate additional    Malone
        earned time.                                           
           Conferees Named Malone,Moore,Thornton
HB1147  Foster parents; limited coverage under Tort Claims Act.   Perry
           Conferees Named Perry,Simpson,Moss
HB1227  Sport-shooting ranges; grant civil immunity for noise     Woods
           Conferees Named Perry,Simpson,Chaney
HB1232  State highway system; delete segments of Mississippi      Taylor
        510 and Mississippi 435 from.                          
           Decline to Concur/Invite Conf
HB1332  Medicaid; create Medical Advisory Committee to, and       Moody
        revise reimbursement for physician's services.         
           Conferees Named Moody,Barnett (92nd),Holland
HB1363  Mississippi Office of Capital Post-Conviction Counsel;    Capps
           Conferees Named Perry,Simpson,Capps
HB1435  Community hospitals; revise and expand authorized         Williams
        investments for funds of.                              
           Conferees Named Moody,Ellington,Broomfield
HB1483  Warren County; authorize to contribute to Vicksburg       Flaggs
        Family Development Service, Inc.                       
           Concurred in Amend From Senate
HB1488  Holmes County; authorize to house state offenders in a    Clark
        private correctional facility.                         
           Committee Substitute Adopted
           Transmitted To Senate
HB1559  Tunica County; increase tourism tax.                      Henderson (9th)
           Transmitted To Senate
HB1695  City of Oxford; allow issuance of bonds for matching      Perry
        funds for construction of national guard armory; revise
        use of additional sales tax.                           
           Committee Substitute Adopted
           Transmitted To Senate
HB1698  City of Biloxi; delete maximum retirement benefits        Ryan
        payable to retired city employees.                     
           Transmitted To Senate
HB1718  Montgomery County; authorize tax on hotel/motel rooms     Howell
        to support tourism.                                    
           Passed As Amended
           Transmitted To Senate
HB1727  Marshall County; authorize to levy ad valorem tax on      Gadd
        certain property.                                      
           Transmitted To Senate
HC 152  Commend T.L. Wesson High School Boys Golden Eagles        Bailey
        Basketball Team.                                       
           Transmitted To Senate
HC 153  Commend Lake Elementary School on attaining Level 5       Wells-Smith
        accreditation for the 1998-1999 school year.           
           Transmitted To Senate
HC 154  Commend Porter's Chapel Academy Lady Eagles Basketball    Ketchings
           Transmitted To Senate
HC 155  Commend Stone County High School Lady Cats for winning    Maples
        the Class 4A State Championship.                       
           Transmitted To Senate
HR  18  Commend Choctaw Central High School Warriors Basketball   Manning
HR  19  Commend Choctaw Central High School Lady Warriors         Manning
        Basketball Team.                                       
SB2103  Procedures for determination of rights of an alleged      Bean
        father in adoption proceedings; revise repealers on.   
           Conferees Named Perry,Simpson,Holden
SB2143  Medicaid assistance program; revise eligibility and       Bean
        services reimbursement.                                
           Conferees Named Moody,Flaggs,Holland
SB2196  Forrest County Industrial Park Commission; remove         Farris
        provision prohibiting use of eminent domain; increase  
        debt limitation.                                       
           Transmitted To Senate
SB2226  Rural Fire Truck Acquisition Assistance Program;          Rayborn
        provide for appropriation.                             
           Conferees Named Stevens,Robinson (84th),McInnis
SB2257  Child care facility licensure law; make technical         Bean
        amendments thereto.                                    
           Conferees Named Moody,Wells-Smith,Fredericks
SB2300  Trial judges; revise office operating allowance.          Turner
           Conferees Named Perry,Watson,Foster
SB2303  Per diem; Supreme Court and Court of Appeals Judges,      Turner
        Public Service and Transportation Commissioners.       
           Conferees Named Perry,Watson,Foster
SB2310  Foster care placement program; clarify responsibilities   Bean
        of Department of Human Services.                       
           Conferees Named Moody,Stribling,Fredericks
SB2332  Biddle guard; required for transporting DOC prisoners.    Smith
           Conferees Named Malone,Davis,Moore
SB2333  Regional jail; Kemper County contract with Neshoba        Jackson
        County instead of Noxubee.                             
           Conferees Named Malone,Reynolds,Vince
SB2380  Registered engineers and land surveyors; revise laws      Ross
           Conferees Named Perry,Simpson,Holden
SB2479  Salary of certain appointed and elected officials;        Gordon
           Conferees Named Endt,Guice,Perry
SB2537  Health care facility Certificate of Need Review; exempt   Bean
        certain expenditures and projects from.                
           Conferees Named Moody,Robertson,Holland
SB2543  Children's Health Insurance Program (CHIPS); define       Hall
        eligibility for.                                       
           Conferees Named Moody,Fredericks,Stevens
SB2623  Precursors; prohibit possession under certain             Huggins
           Conferees Named Perry,Simpson,Watson
SB2679  Nursing facilities; require preadmission screening and    Bean
        authorize additional beds.                             
           Conferees Named Moody,Coleman (65th),Holland
SB2756  Marine Resources; clarify duties of commission,           Hewes
        department and executive director.                     
           Conferees Named Ellington,Broomfield,Barnett (116th)
SB2804  Marine resources; transfer DWFP marine law enforcement    Hewes
        to DMR.                                                
           Conferees Named Ellington,Ryan,Livingston
SB2852  Corrections; DOC to contract with DECD for data           Huggins
        processing entry program for inmates.                  
           Conferees Named Malone,Reynolds,Vince
SB2897  Reduction of out-of-wedlock birth rates; create county    Tollison *
        incentive fund.                                        
           Conferees Named Moody,Holden,Read
SB2945  Medicaid program; increase physicians fees and create     Gordon
        advisory committee.                                    
           Conferees Named Moody,Barnett (92nd),Holland
SB2994  Department of Marine Resources; authorize to employ       Hewes
        legal counsel.                                         
           Conferees Named Ellington,Broomfield,Barnett (116th)
SB3017  Dental services; increase Medicaid reimbursement rates    Bean
           Conferees Named Moody,Read,Flaggs
SB3050  Corrections; authorize work training in trades with       Huggins
        shortage of workers.                                   
           Conferees Named Malone,Davis,Huddleston
SB3072  Stone County; impose 2% sales tax on hotels, motels and   Lee
           Transmitted To Senate
SC 634  Mr. William T. Ferrell, Sr.; commend the life of.         Dearing
           Transmitted To Senate
SC 635  Nurse Mavis Barlow; commend for 30 years of service.      Smith
           Transmitted To Senate
SC 636  R. Rodney Foil; commend for distinguished service and     Hall
        congratulate upon retirement.                          
           Transmitted To Senate

House: Signed By The Speaker

HB 494  Support dogs; trainers of shall have same rights as       Horne
        those provided to disabled persons with dogs.          
           Enrolled Bill Signed
HB 736  Traffic offenses; revise the fine for speeding in a       Compretta *
        highway work zone (MDOT).                              
           Enrolled Bill Signed
HB 954  Automated external defibrillators; provide for            Barnett (92nd)
        requirements and training for use of.                  
           Enrolled Bill Signed
HB1100  Bridge in Lamar County; Highway 61 in Adams County;       Davis
        designate as memorials.                                
           Enrolled Bill Signed
HB1339  Vehicle size; increase width restrictions for vehicles    Moody
        hauling unprocessed forest products.                   
           Enrolled Bill Signed
HB1685  City of Southaven; authorize to purchase certain          Jennings
           Enrolled Bill Signed
HB1689  City of Iuka; authorize expansion of gas distribution     Cummings
        system beyond corporate limits.                        
           Enrolled Bill Signed
HB1693  City of Southhaven; authorize to compensate Summershill   Jennings
        Fire District for certain removed territory.           
           Enrolled Bill Signed
HC 137  Commend Cortland Raydarius Collins.                       Bozeman
           Enrolled Bill Signed
HC 138  Commend Alcorn State University Braves Basketball Team.   Clarke
           Enrolled Bill Signed
HC 139  Commend Jerry L. Campbell for meritorious service as      Smith (39th)
        Executive Director of the Tennessee Valley Public Power
           Enrolled Bill Signed
HC 141  Commend the Alcorn State University Debate Team.          Middleton
           Enrolled Bill Signed
HR  19  Commend Choctaw Central High School Lady Warriors         Manning
        Basketball Team.                                       
           Enrolled Bill Signed
SB3088  Meridian; increase additional court costs levied upon     Carter
        convictions in municipal court.                        
           Enrolled Bill Signed
SB3114  Marion County; authorize a contribution to the Boy        Stogner
        Scouts and the Girl Scouts.                            
           Enrolled Bill Signed
SC 623  Dr. William Michael "Mike" Reed; commend as               Cuevas
           Enrolled Bill Signed
SC 625  N.C.A.D.D.: congratulate on 50th Anniversary.             White (29th)
           Enrolled Bill Signed
SC 626  Mae Bertha Carter; commend.                               Simmons
           Enrolled Bill Signed
SC 627  Judge Pat Patterson, Past President of Lions Clubs        Farris
        International; commend for civic service.              
           Enrolled Bill Signed
SC 629  Loyd Star Boys Basketball Team; commend.                  Rayborn
           Enrolled Bill Signed
SC 630  Brookhaven Academy Girls Basketball Team; commend.        Rayborn
           Enrolled Bill Signed
SC 632  Brookhaven Academy Boys Basketball Team; commend.         Rayborn
           Enrolled Bill Signed
SC 633  Lawrence County High School Football Team; commend.       Rayborn
           Enrolled Bill Signed

Senate: Introductions

SB3249  City of Brandon; authorize tax on gross sales of bars     Kirby
        and restaurants.                                       
           Referred To Local and Private;Finance
SB3250  Suffrage; restore to Michael Wayne Creel of Harrison      Gollott
           Referred To Judiciary
SB3251  Coahoma County; may construct a freight handling          Furniss
        facility and lease it to Clarksdale and the city may   
        sublease it.                                           
           Referred To Local and Private
SC 654  Broad Street High School Boys Basketball Team; commend.   Simmons
           Referred To Rules
SC 655  Pearl River Circuit Clerk Peggy Staten; commend.          Lee
           Referred To Rules
SC 656  JSU President James Lyons; commend.                       Harden
           Referred To Rules
SC 657  Dr. Roosevelt Calbert; commend for contributions to       Harden
        National Science Foundation.                           
           Referred To Rules
SC 658  Gary Grubbs; commend.                                     Harvey
           Referred To Rules
SR  82  Gary Grubbs; commend.                                     Harvey
           Referred To Rules

Senate: Committee Reports

HB1560  City of Meridian; authorize to grant increase in          Horne
        monthly benefits for certain retired police, firemen   
        and employees.                                         
           Title Suff Do Pass
HB1711  Monroe County; authorize to contribute annually to        Markham
        Monroe County Chamber of Commerce.                     
           Title Suff Do Pass
HB1716  City of Amory; authorize to contribute annually to        Markham
        Monroe County Chamber of Commerce.                     
           Title Suff Do Pass
HB1717  Olive Branch; authorize to adopt and enforce building     Woods
        and design standards.                                  
           Title Suff Do Pass
HC 120  Commend President Charles H. Beady, Jr., of Piney Woods   Weathersby
           Title Suff Do Be Adopted
HC 142  Commend the Noxapater High School Tigers Baseball Team.   Moody
           Title Suff Do Be Adopted
HC 143  Commend Copiah-Lincoln Community College Men and          Barnett (92nd)
        Women's Basketball Teams.                              
           Title Suff Do Be Adopted
HC 144  Commend the Voices of Eternity.                           Blackmon
           Title Suff Do Be Adopted
HC 145  Commend Van Chancellor for his outstanding achievements   Gadd
        as a head coach in basketball.                         
           Title Suff Do Be Adopted
HC 146  Commend the Durant High School Lady Tigers Basketball     Clark
           Title Suff Do Be Adopted
HC 147  Commend Yazoo County High School Lady Panthers            Clark
        Basketball Team.                                       
           Title Suff Do Be Adopted
SB2607  Biloxi; remove limit on retirement benefits under the     Gollott
        General Municipal Employee's Retirement System.        
           Title Suff Do Pass
SB3118  Marshall County; increase the amount of the special tax   Minor
        on restaurants.                                        
           Title Suff Do Pass Comm Sub
SB3199  Philadelphia-Neshoba County Tourism/Economic Council;     Jordan (18th)
        create and impose hotel/motel tax to fund.             
           Title Suff Do Pass
SB3238  Pascagoula; authorize to establish, promote and develop   Moffatt
        tourism and economic development.                      
           Title Suff Do Pass Comm Sub
SB3240  Forrect County Board of Supervisors; levy additional      Farris
        court costs for Metro Crimestoppers.                   
           Title Suff Do Pass
SB3241  Town of Taylorsville; auth add'l assessment on criminal   Thames
        case to support crimestoppers.                         
           Title Suff Do Pass
SB3242  Smith County; authorize additional assessment on          Thames
        criminal case to support Crimestoppers.                
           Title Suff Do Pass
SB3243  Town of Mize; auth add'l assessment on criminal case to   Thames
        support crimestoppers.                                 
           Title Suff Do Pass
SB3245  City of Ackerman; levy additional court costs for         Hamilton
           Title Suff Do Pass
SB3248  Newton County; authorize the conveyance of certain real   Burton
        property to nonprofit civic organization.              
           Title Suff Do Pass
SC 624  Suspend rules; further consideration of SB 3032; Marine   Moffatt
        Resources create beach erosion and channel maintenance 
           Title Suff Do Be Adopted
SC 651  Lanier High School Boys Basketball Team; commend.         Frazier
           Title Suff Do Be Adopted
SC 652  Murrah High School "Lady Mustangs" Basketball Team;       Frazier
           Title Suff Do Be Adopted
SC 653  EPAs and MS utilities for restoration of customer         Robertson
        service following Hurricane Georges; commend.          
           Title Suff Do Be Adopted
SC 654  Broad Street High School Boys Basketball Team; commend.   Simmons
           Title Suff Do Be Adopted
SC 655  Pearl River Circuit Clerk Peggy Staten; commend.          Lee
           Title Suff Do Be Adopted
SC 656  JSU President James Lyons; commend.                       Harden
           Title Suff Do Be Adopted
SC 657  Dr. Roosevelt Calbert; commend for contributions to       Harden
        National Science Foundation.                           
           Title Suff Do Be Adopted
SC 658  Gary Grubbs; commend.                                     Harvey
           Title Suff Do Be Adopted
SN   7  Noel E. Daniels, Brandon, Mississippi, as Chairman of     GOVERNOR
        the Mississippi Motor Vehicle Commission, for the      
        unexpired of office that shall be concurrent with that 
        of the Governor                                        
           Do Advise and Consent
SN  33  Bernardine Jenne "Bernie" O'Sullivan, Pascagoula,         ATTORNEY GENERAL
        Mississippi, as a member of the Mississippi Motor      
        Vehicle Commission, for the four year term of office   
        beginning July 1, 1998 and ending June 30, 2001        
           Do Advise and Consent
SN  40  Cecil Watkins, Picayune, Mississippi, as a member of      GOVERNOR
        the Board of the Mississippi Department of Information 
        Technology Services, for the five year term of office  
        commencing June 30, 1999                               
           Do Advise and Consent
SN  57  Mary S. Pyle, Gulfport, Mississippi, as a member of the   GOVERNOR
        State Personnel Board, for the five year term of office
        commencing July 1, 1999                                
           Do Advise and Consent
SN  58  Robert D. Rogers, Morton, Mississippi, as a member of     GOVERNOR
        the Mississippi Motor Vehicle Commission, for the seven
        year term of office commencing July 1, 1999            
           Do Advise and Consent
SR  81  Graham Somerville; commend.                               Robertson
           Title Suff Do Be Adopted
SR  82  Gary Grubbs; commend.                                     Harvey
           Title Suff Do Be Adopted

Senate: Floor Actions

HB  92  Deputy circuit clerks; authorize certain counties to      Clark
        pay allowance.                                         
           Conferees Named Gordon,Minor,Harden
HB  99  Civil liability of parents; revise for crimes of          Moore
           Conferees Named Smith,Ferris,Turner
HB 333  Rural Fire Truck Program; authorize fourth round of       Stevens
        fire trucks.                                           
           Conferees Named Kirby,White (29th),Hall
HB 553  Prison lands; extend repealer on leasing to private       Ford
           Conferees Named Huggins,Johnson (19th),Canon
HB 554  Prison Overcrowding Emergency Powers Act; extend          Ford
        repealer on.                                           
           Conferees Named Huggins,Dickerson,Stogner
HB 557  Special Needs Prison Program of 1994; reenact and         Ford
        extend repealer for one year.                          
           Conferees Named Huggins,Smith,Furniss
HB 617  Emerging Crops Fund; extend repealer on reforestation     Ford
        cost-share program and remove certain programs.        
           Conferees Named Thames,Dickerson,Stogner
HB 726  State and school employees insurance; combine the two     Stevens
        plans into one plan.                                   
           Conferees Named Ferris,Tollison,Mettetal
HB 915  Armed Forces Absentee Voting Law; revise.                 Denny
           Conferees Named Harden,Walls,Turner
HB 969  Joint Legislative Budget Committee; expand membership.    Blackmon
           Conferees Named Gordon,Minor,Walls
HB 980  Commissioners of election; revise compensation of.        Denny
           Conferees Named Harden,Walls,Johnson (19th)
HB1051  College tuition program for students in financial need;   Vince
        increase annual income allowed.                        
           Conferees Named Frazier,Burton,Nunnelee
HB1067  Health insurance policies; require coverage for certain   Moody
        benefits for anesthesia for dental treatment.          
           Conferees Named Kirby,Nunnelee,Dearing
HB1083  Mississippi Life and Health Insurance Guaranty            Stevens
        Association; rights of policyholders.                  
           Conferees Named Kirby,Blackmon,Turner
HB1240  Marine resources; authorize maintenance of artificial     Ellington
        fishing reefs and create special account therefor      
           Conferees Named Hewes,Moffatt,Cuevas
HB1304  Seafood; revise various license and fee requirements      Ellington
           Conferees Named Hewes,Moffatt,Robertson
HB1467  Youth court; provide funds and support for referees and   Warren
        county courts.                                         
           Conferees Named Smith,Ferris,Turner
SB2121  School curriculum; authorize program for character        Jordan (24th)
           Concurred in Amend From House
SB2211  Local Bridge Replacement and Rehabilitation Fund;         Little
        increase # of eligible bridges & mandate funding       
        through 2008.                                          
           Conferees Named Little,Farris,Dearing
SB2614  Juvenile Detention Fund; revise.                          Hall
           Conferees Named Smith,Ferris,Turner
SB2936  Historic Shaifer House; Grand Gulf. Mil. Mon. Comm.       Posey
        transfer title to Dept. Archives & History.            
           Conferees Named Jackson,Mettetal,White (5th)
SB2988  County court; allow certain counties option to create,    Turner
        enact state funding support of youth court (Council    
           Conferees Named Smith,Ferris,Turner
SB3023  Four-Lane Highway Program; provide for issuance of        Little *
        refunding bonds for temporary borrowings.              
           Conferees Named Little,Bryan,Stogner
SB3081  Florence; remove repealer on bar and restaurant tax.      Smith
           Conferees Named White (5th),Gollott,Scoper
SB3221  Town of State Line; increase the distance that its        Dickerson
        water distribution system may be expanded.             
           Concurred in Amend From House
SB3222  City of Natchez; redirect a certain portion of the        Dearing
        convention promotion tax.                              
           Concurred in Amend From House

Senate: Referred Other House

HB1715  Hinds County; authorize board of supervisors to           Bozeman
        designate judicial district for regular board meetings.
           Referred To Local and Private
HB1724  Hinds County; authorize to dissolve Community Health      Robinson (63rd)
        Foundation and Fund, and return monies to county       
        general fund.                                          
           Referred To Local and Private
HC 120  Commend President Charles H. Beady, Jr., of Piney Woods   Weathersby
           Referred To Rules
HC 142  Commend the Noxapater High School Tigers Baseball Team.   Moody
           Referred To Rules
HC 143  Commend Copiah-Lincoln Community College Men and          Barnett (92nd)
        Women's Basketball Teams.                              
           Referred To Rules
HC 144  Commend the Voices of Eternity.                           Blackmon
           Referred To Rules
HC 145  Commend Van Chancellor for his outstanding achievements   Gadd
        as a head coach in basketball.                         
           Referred To Rules
HC 146  Commend the Durant High School Lady Tigers Basketball     Clark
           Referred To Rules
HC 147  Commend Yazoo County High School Lady Panthers            Clark
        Basketball Team.                                       
           Referred To Rules

Senate: Signed By The President

HB 494  Support dogs; trainers of shall have same rights as       Horne
        those provided to disabled persons with dogs.          
           Enrolled Bill Signed
HB 736  Traffic offenses; revise the fine for speeding in a       Compretta *
        highway work zone (MDOT).                              
           Enrolled Bill Signed
HB 954  Automated external defibrillators; provide for            Barnett (92nd)
        requirements and training for use of.                  
           Enrolled Bill Signed
HB1100  Bridge in Lamar County; Highway 61 in Adams County;       Davis
        designate as memorials.                                
           Enrolled Bill Signed
HB1339  Vehicle size; increase width restrictions for vehicles    Moody
        hauling unprocessed forest products.                   
           Enrolled Bill Signed
HB1685  City of Southaven; authorize to purchase certain          Jennings
           Enrolled Bill Signed
HB1689  City of Iuka; authorize expansion of gas distribution     Cummings
        system beyond corporate limits.                        
           Enrolled Bill Signed
HB1693  City of Southhaven; authorize to compensate Summershill   Jennings
        Fire District for certain removed territory.           
           Enrolled Bill Signed
SB3088  Meridian; increase additional court costs levied upon     Carter
        convictions in municipal court.                        
           Enrolled Bill Signed
SB3114  Marion County; authorize a contribution to the Boy        Stogner
        Scouts and the Girl Scouts.                            
           Enrolled Bill Signed
SC 623  Dr. William Michael "Mike" Reed; commend as               Cuevas
           Enrolled Bill Signed
SC 625  N.C.A.D.D.: congratulate on 50th Anniversary.             White (29th)
           Enrolled Bill Signed
SC 626  Mae Bertha Carter; commend.                               Simmons
           Enrolled Bill Signed
SC 627  Judge Pat Patterson, Past President of Lions Clubs        Farris
        International; commend for civic service.              
           Enrolled Bill Signed
SC 629  Loyd Star Boys Basketball Team; commend.                  Rayborn
           Enrolled Bill Signed
SC 630  Brookhaven Academy Girls Basketball Team; commend.        Rayborn
           Enrolled Bill Signed
SC 632  Brookhaven Academy Boys Basketball Team; commend.         Rayborn
           Enrolled Bill Signed
SC 633  Lawrence County High School Football Team; commend.       Rayborn
           Enrolled Bill Signed

Information pertaining to this report was last updated on 04/08/99 at 07:29.

End Of Document
