Mississippi Legislature

1997 Regular Session


As of 12/08/97 at 11:56

Instructions Bill Status Menu

HB 388  Mississippi Business Finance Corporation; extend          Ford
   %    repealer on authority to issue bonds to finance        
        economic development projects.                         
           02/04 (H) Died In Committee
HB 404  DECD; notify legislators of programs and projects.        Horne
           02/04 (H) Died In Committee
HB 772  Income tax; provide a job tax credit for certain          Reeves
  $%    businesses in empowerment zones and enterprise         
           02/26 (H) Died In Committee
HB 849  Ad valorem taxes; revise manner in which local            Williams
   %    governments grant exemptions for additions/expansions  
        to certain enterprises.                                
           02/04 (H) Died In Committee
HB 897  Major Economic Impact Act; extend repealer on authority   Williams
 * %    to issue bonds for certain projects, revise requirement
        for certain bonds.                                     
           03/04 (S) Died In Committee
HB 899  Mississippi Business Finance Corporation; extend          Williams
 * %    repealer on authority to issue bonds to finance        
        economic development projects (DECD).                  
           04/24 Approved by Governor
HB 903  Mississippi Business Incubator Assistance Act; create     Morris
  $%    and fund program with bond issue.                      
           02/26 (H) Died In Committee
HB 978  Emerging crop loan program; establish program of loans    Ellzey
        for post-production on agricultural businesses.        
           02/04 (H) Died In Committee
HB1193  Ratite industry promotion program; create.                Shows
   %       03/18 Approved by Governor
HB1231  Campaign finances; authorize Secretary of State to        Denny
 *      assess a penalty for failure to file a report.         
           03/04 (S) Died In Committee
HB1296  Hospitality stations and rest areas; establish fund to    Walker
        finance construction and repair.                       
           02/04 (H) Died In Committee
HB1378  Local government CAP loan program; include recreational   Watson
        facilities and roads.                                  
           02/04 (H) Died In Committee
HB1633  Mississippi Development Bank; authorize to issue state    Ford
   %    general obligation bonds for limited purpose.          
           02/24 Approved by Governor
HB1652  DECD; authorize to purchase property damage and           Brown
        uninsured motorist insurance on department vehicles.   
           03/04 (S) Died In Committee
HB1654  Local Governments Capital Improvements Revolving Loan     Robinson (84th)
        Program; expand meaning of "capital improvements" for  
        purposes of.                                           
           02/04 (H) Died In Committee
HB1686  Energy building code; require DECD to develop and         Clark
   %    implement.                                             
           02/04 (H) Died In Committee
HB1706  Economic Development Highway Act; revise definition of    Wells-Smith
        high economic benefit project.                         
           02/04 (H) Died In Committee
HB1709  Authorize City of Biloxi to contribute to Lynn Meadows    Janus
        Discovery Center.                                      
           04/05 (H) Died In Committee
HB1712  Mississippi Business Incubator Assistance Act; create     Martinson
  $%    and fund program with bond issue.                      
           02/26 (H) Died In Committee
HB1714  Bonds; increase amount that may be issued under Local     Williams
 *$%    Governments Capital Improvements Revolving Loan        
        Program. (DECD).                                       
           04/10 Approved by Governor
HB1721  Bonds; increase amount that may be issued under           Williams
  $%    Economic Development Highway Act (DECD).               
           03/18 (S) Died In Committee
HC  45  Memorialize DOT and DECD to designate highways and        Blackmon
        historical sites as Blues Alley.                       
           04/05 (H) Died In Committee
SB2151  MS Business Incubator Assistance Act; create and          Hall
  $%*   establish.                                             
           02/26 (S) Died In Committee
SB2192  Local government; CAP loans; include recreational         Carter
           02/04 (S) Died In Committee
SB2228  Agribusiness Council, revise composition; create          Thames
 *      advisory committee.                                    
           04/24 Approved by Governor
SB2284  MS Business Finance Corporation; extend repealer on       Hewes
   %    authority to issue bonds to finance economic           
           02/04 (S) Died In Committee
SB2285  Taxation; provide for a local sales tax to support        Hall
  $%    county economic development authorities.               
           02/26 (S) Died In Committee
SB2455  Local government CAP loan program; include recreational   Jordan (24th)
 *      facilities and roads (MA).                             
           03/04 (H) Died In Committee
SB2508  Grants; cities use under MBI to induce private            Rayborn
   %    companies.                                             
           02/04 (S) Died In Committee
SB2588  Department of Economic and Community Development;         Hall
        provide interest free loan for purchase of a sound     
           02/04 (S) Died In Committee
SB2684  Mississippi Major Economic Impact Act; provide for a      Bryan
 * %    governing body for the Impact Authority.               
           03/04 (H) Died In Committee
SB2780  Bonds; extend the time for issuance of certain bonds      Bryan
   %    under the Mississippi Major Economic Impact Act.       
           02/04 (S) Died In Committee
SB2825  Income tax; provide credit for taxpayers utilizing        Johnson (19th)
  $%    short-line railroads (DECD).                           
           02/26 (S) Died In Committee
SB2845  MS Business Finance Corporation; extend repealer on       Bryan
   %    authority to issue bonds to finance economic           
           02/04 (S) Died In Committee
SB2857  Economic development districts; employ real estate        Hewes
 * %    brokers and appraisers.                                
           03/27 Approved by Governor
SB2869  MS Business Investment Act; provide loans and grants      Horhn
        for Farish Street Entertainment District.              
           02/04 (S) Died In Committee
SB2903  Surplus property; extend repealer on MS Major Economic    Little
        Impact Authority exemption.                            
           02/04 (S) Died In Committee
SB2904  Digital signatures; authorize use of to facilitate        Hall
        economic development.                                  
           02/04 (S) Died In Committee
SB2983  Small Business Assistance Program; amend and continue.    Horhn
 *         04/24 Approved by Governor
SB3009  Local govt cap loans; include community health centers.   Horhn
           02/04 (S) Died In Committee
SB3011  Magnolia Venture Capital Act; repeal on July 1, 1998,     Horhn
 *      and prohibit the use of funds to finance certain       
           03/04 (H) Died In Committee
SB3060  Bonds; issue G.O. bonds for the Advanced Center for       Bean
  $%    Technology Partnerships.                               
           02/26 (S) Died In Committee
SB3065  Bonds; increase amount of bonds issued under Economic     Bryan
  $%    Development Highway Act.                               
           02/26 (S) Died In Committee
SB3066  Bonds; increase bond amount for local governments         Bryan
  $%    capital improvements revolving loan program.           
           02/26 (S) Died In Committee
SB3083  App; DECD for Folklife Festival.                          Carlton
           02/26 (S) Died In Committee
SB3084  Major Economic Impact Act; include certain projects       Mettetal
  $%    that produce and transmit electrical power.            
           03/18 (H) Died In Committee
SB3096  Economic Development Highway Act; revise definition of    Gollott
  $%    high economic benefit project.                         
           02/26 (S) Died In Committee

End Of Document
