



Cmte Sub for Senate Bill No. 2388


BY: Senator(s) Blackwell


     AMEND after line 31 by inserting the following language as a new section and renumbering the subsequent sections:

     SECTION *.  In establishing and maintaining the preferred drug list, the division shall ensure that no nonstatin medication that has a unique indication to reduce the risk of a major cardiovascular event in primary prevention and secondary prevention patients shall be disadvantaged or discouraged with respect to coverage relative to any drug for the treatment or management of cardiovascular events on such preferred drug list, where impermissible disadvantaging or discouragement includes, without limitation: designating any such cardiovascular drug as a nonpreferred drug if any cardiovascular drug is designated as a preferred drug; or establishing more restrictive or more extensive utilization controls, including, but not limited to, more restrictive or more extensive clinical review, prior authorization or step therapy requirements, for such drug than the least restrictive or extensive utilization controls applicable to any such other cardiovascular drug. This section also applies to drugs being provided under a contract between the division and any managed care organization.

     FURTHER, AMEND the title to conform.