House Bill No. 1131
BY: Committee
Amend by striking all after the enacting clause and inserting in lieu thereof the following:
SECTION 1. Section 10, Chapter 534, Laws of 2024, is amended as follows:
Section 10. Monies transferred pursuant to Sections 1 and 2 of this act into the 2024 Local Improvements Projects Fund shall be disbursed by the Department of Finance and Administration, pursuant to the authority to spend those monies granted by an appropriation bill passed separately during the 2024 Regular Session, as follows:
(a) To assist the City of Columbus, Mississippi, in paying costs associated with the construction of the Terry Brown Amphitheatre................................................ $ 1,000,000.00
(b) To assist Chickasaw County, Mississippi, in paying costs associated with repairs and improvements to the Houston Courthouse $ 500,000.00
(c) To assist the City of West Point, Mississippi, in paying costs associated with paving and improvements to city streets... $ 250,000.00
(d) To assist the City of Columbus, Mississippi, in paying costs associated with improvements, repairs, and upgrades to its water and sewer infrastructure......................... $ 190,808.00
(e) To assist Bolivar County, Mississippi, in paying costs associated with the improvements and expansion of the Terrene Landing River Boat Dock.................................. $ 500,000.00
(f) To assist Lamar County, Mississippi, in paying costs associated with Phase II of the Lincoln Road
Extension........................................ $ 1,500,000.00
(g) To assist Lowndes County, Mississippi, in paying costs associated with the acquisition or purchasing of software or hardware and costs associated with technology services for the Lowndes County Sheriff's Office................................. $ 1,300,000.00
(h) To assist the City of Greenwood, Mississippi, in paying costs associated with various infrastructure
improvements..................................... $ 500,000.00
(i) To assist the City of Picayune, Mississippi, in paying costs associated with matching funds for the Interstate-59 North Frontage Road Project..................................... $ 550,000.00
(j) To assist Webster County, Mississippi, in paying costs associated with the purchase of a patrol car for the
Webster County Sheriff's Department............... $ 50,000.00
(k) To assist the Jackson Redevelopment Authority in paying costs associated with renovations and upgrades to Union Station. $ 1,000,000.00
(l) To assist the City of Kosciusko, Mississippi, in paying costs associated with infrastructure improvements................
................................................ $ 1,000,000.00
(m) To assist Oktibbeha County, Mississippi, in paying costs associated with the purchase of a patrol car for the Oktibbeha County Sheriff's Department............................. $ 50,000.00
(n) To assist the Neshoba County General Hospital in
paying costs associated with the allied health facility in conjunction with * * * the
Mississippi University for Women.................
................................................ $ 1,000,000.00
(o) To assist Panola County, Mississippi, in paying costs associated with improvements to the Panola County
Airport......................................... $ 500,000.00
(p) To assist Oktibbeha County, Mississippi, in paying costs associated with improvements to VFW Post 5573...................
................................................ $ 50,000.00
................................................ $ 50,000.00
(r) To assist the Palmetto Volunteer Fire Department Lee County, Mississippi, with paying various costs..................
................................................ $ 50,000.00
(s) To assist Webster County, Mississippi, in paying costs associated with the renovation and expansion of the Mathiston Volunteer Fire Department.................................. $ 25,000.00
(t) To assist the South Lee Volunteer Fire Department in Lee County, Mississippi, with paying various costs..................
................................................ $ 50,000.00
(u) To assist Lee County, Mississippi, in paying costs associated with repairs to and restoration of the Lee County Courthouse................................................ $ 750,000.00
(v) To assist the Town of Mathiston, Mississippi, in paying costs associated with the purchase of a police car for the Mathiston Police Department................................ $ 50,000.00
(w) To assist VFW Post 6285 in Kiln, Mississippi, with paying costs associated with general improvements......................
................................................ $ 30,000.00
(x) To assist VFW Post 3253 in Bay Saint Louis, Mississippi, with paying costs associated with general improvements $ 30,000.00
(y) To assist the Port of Pascagoula in paying costs associated with the North Rail Connector Project.. $ 3,000,000.00
(z) To assist VFW Post 4808 in Bay Saint Louis, Mississippi, with paying costs associated with general improvements $ 30,000.00
(aa) To assist American Legion Post 139 in Bay Saint Louis, Mississippi, with paying costs associated with general improvements $ 30,000.00
(ab) To assist the Pascagoula Redevelopment Authority with costs associated with the downtown revitalization project........
................................................ $ 1,000,000.00
(ac) To assist American Legion Post 77 in Waveland, Mississippi, with paying costs associated with general improvements $ 30,000.00
(ad) To assist the City of Moss Point, Mississippi, in paying costs associated with the Moss Point Riverfront District Revitalization Project......................................... $ 250,000.00
(ae) To assist the City of Senatobia, Mississippi, in paying costs associated with infrastructure improvements to the downtown historic district................................ $ 10,000,000.00
(af) To assist the Town of Sunflower, Mississippi, in paying costs associated with citywide street improvements...............
................................................ $ 500,000.00
(ag) To assist the City of Moorhead, Mississippi, in paying costs associated with the purchase of four (4) vehicle units for the city's police department......................... $ 100,000.00
(ah) To assist Union County, Mississippi, in paying costs associated with repairs, renovations, and equipment for the West Union Volunteer Fire Department, Pinedale Volunteer Fire Department, and the Ingomar Volunteer Fire Department...............................
................................................ $ 150,000.00
(ai) To assist the City of Moorhead, Mississippi, in paying various for the city's fire department..........................
................................................ $ 50,000.00
(aj) To assist the Indianola Chamber Main Street in paying costs associated with purchasing a wayfinding system.............
................................................ $ 50,000.00
(ak) To assist Tate County, Mississippi, in paying costs associated with repairs, renovations, and equipment for the Independence Volunteer Fire Department, Green Leaf Volunteer Fire Department, Looxahoma Volunteer Fire Department and the Poagville Volunteer Fire Department...................................... $ 200,000.00
(al) To assist the City of Booneville, Mississippi, with paying costs associated with repairing Wyninegar Road from 9th Street to U.S. Highway 45.................................. $ 1,000,000.00
(am) To assist Washington County, Mississippi, in paying costs associated with improvements to the Greenville Mid-Delta Airport $ 1,500,000.00
(an) To assist Marshall County, Mississippi, in paying costs associated with repairs, renovations, and equipment for the Waterford Volunteer Fire Department, Mt. Pleasant Volunteer Fire Department, Potts Camp Volunteer Fire Department and the Barton Volunteer Fire Department................................................ $ 200,000.00
(ao) To assist the City of Waynesboro, Mississippi, in paying costs associated with construction and infrastructure needs on city owned properties....................................... $ 2,250,000.00
(ap) To assist Wayne County, Mississippi, in paying costs associated with the purchase of fire trucks.....................
................................................ $ 250,000.00
(aq) To assist Jackson County, Mississippi, in paying costs associated with completion of a multipurpose arena...............
................................................ $ 1,000,000.00
(ar) To assist George County, Mississippi, in paying costs associated with completion of the Barton-Basin multipurpose building facility........................................ $ 300,000.00
(as) To assist the Jackson County Office of Emergency Services with the purchase of twenty (20) sets of Self-Contained Breathing Apparatus (SCBA) units for the East Jackson County Fire Department and West Jackson County Fire Department.............................
................................................ $ 100,000.00
(at) To assist Clay County, Mississippi, in paying costs associated with improvements to county roads and bridges.........
................................................ $ 500,000.00
(au) To assist George County, Mississippi, in paying costs associated with construction of Merrill Bridge approaches........
................................................ $ 560,000.00
(av) To assist George County, Mississippi, in paying costs associated with purchasing and installing five (5) fire hydrants across the county....................................... $ 150,000.00
(aw) To assist the City of Pass Christian, Mississippi, in paying costs associated with the downtown redevelopment
project......................................... $ 750,000.00
(ax) To assist the City of Lucedale, Mississippi, in paying costs associated with upgrades and improvements to Lucedale City Park $ 700,000.00
(ay) To assist the Jackson County Utility Authority in paying costs associated with the Poticaw Road water extension project.. $ 800,000.00
(az) To assist the City of Long Beach, Mississippi, in paying costs associated with infrastructure improvements................
................................................ $ 500,000.00
(ba) To assist George County, Mississippi, in paying costs associated with the development of a railroad and trucking transload project for the George County Industrial Park...................
................................................ $ 2,000,000.00
(bb) To assist the Jackson Redevelopment Authority in paying costs associated with the redevelopment of Union Station in Jackson, Mississippi...................................... $ 1,000,000.00
(bc) To assist the City of Waveland, Mississippi, in paying costs associated with the widening of the Kiln-Waveland Cutoff Road $ 1,000,000.00
(bd) To assist Itawamba County, Mississippi, in paying costs associated with the construction of a new Itawamba County Courthouse $ 3,500,000.00
(be) To assist the Three Rivers Planning and Development District in paying costs associated with backup and security systems for multiple county and/or municipal governments
................................................ $ 3,000,000.00
(bf) To assist Sharkey County, Mississippi, in paying costs associated with repairs, renovations, and upgrades of the Sharkey County Courthouse....................................... $ 750,000.00
(bg) To assist Neshoba County General Hospital in paying
costs associated with construction to develop property for * * * the
Mississippi University for Women to develop a Nursing School program $
(bh) To assist Lowndes County, Mississippi, in paying costs associated with improvements including upgrades and renovations to the Lowndes County Adult Detention Center...........................
................................................ $ 750,000.00
(bi) To assist the City of Rolling Fork, Mississippi, in paying costs associated with the construction, renovation and repairs to city property, including, but not limited to, the police station, city hall, and the fire station....................... $ 750,000.00
(bj) To the Town of Mantachie, Mississippi, to assist the Mantachie Volunteer Fire Department in paying costs associated with maintaining an existing building, constructing a new building and purchasing equipment............................. $ 300,000.00
(bk) To assist Hinds County, Mississippi, in paying costs associated with purchasing body cameras and additional vehicles for the Hinds County Sheriff's Department...............................
................................................ $ 500,000.00
(bl) To assist Meridian Main Street in paying costs associated with the Alleyway improvement project...........................
................................................ $ 200,000.00
(bm) To assist the Town of Marks, Mississippi, in paying costs associated with the purchase of fire trucks for volunteer fire departments...................................... $ 500,000.00
(bn) To assist the Tunica County Utility District in paying costs associated with water and sewer infrastructure upgrades and improvements..................................... $ 500,000.00
(bo) To assist Mississippi State University in paying costs associated with the Interprofessional Simulation Lab at the Riley Campus................................................ $ 750,000.00
(bp) To assist Tunica County, Mississippi, in paying costs associated with its natural gas system extension................
................................................ $ 150,000.00
(bq) To assist the Meridian Regional Airport in paying costs associated with the construction, repairs, upgrades, and improvements to the airport terminal............................. $ 500,000.00
(br) To assist the Pat Harrison Waterway District in paying costs associated with repairs and infrastructure improvement at the Archusa Creek Lake Dam........................... $ 2,000,000.00
(bs) To assist the Town of Coldwater, Mississippi, in paying costs associated with sewer and water infrastructure improvements at the Coldwater Industrial Park........................ $ 1,900,000.00
(bt) To assist the City of Petal, Mississippi, in paying costs associated with construction and development of additions and improvements for transporting wastewater to the City of Hattiesburg, Mississippi sewer lagoon......................... $ 500,000.00
(bu) To assist the City of Petal, Mississippi, in paying costs associated with repairs, upgrades and improvements to Chappell Hill Road................................................ $ 500,000.00
(bv) To assist Forrest County, Mississippi, in paying costs associated with the purchase of fire trucks for the volunteer fire departments in the county........................ $ 500,000.00
(bw) To assist the City of Meridian, Mississippi, in paying costs associated with the Waste Water Treatment Plant Rehabilitation Project......................................... $ 500,000.00
(bx) To assist the Village of Pittsboro, Mississippi, in paying costs associated with the improvement, repair, and upgrade of the town's water system, including, but not limited to, the purchase of equipment........................................ $ 50,000.00
(by) To assist the City of Meridian, Mississippi, in paying costs associated with purchasing fire equipment for the Meridian Fire Department....................................... $ 400,000.00
(bz) To assist Lauderdale County, Mississippi, in paying costs associated with bridge repair for two bridges, SA38-587 and SA38-255 on Centerhill Martin Road........................... $ 1,000,000.00
(ca) To assist the Town of Bruce, Mississippi, in paying costs associated with improvements to the Bruce Fire Department $ 75,000.00
(cb) To assist the Town of Burnsville, Mississippi, in paying costs associated with the construction of an Agricultural Center $ 950,000.00
(cc) To assist Calhoun County, Mississippi, in paying costs associated with the purchase of equipment for the Sabougla Fire Department....................................... $ 50,000.00
(cd) To assist the Town of Iuka, Mississippi, in paying costs associated with the purchase of a fire truck....................
................................................ $ 250,000.00
(ce) To assist the Town of Derma, Mississippi, in paying costs associated with infrastructure improvements.....................
................................................ $ 200,000.00
(cf) To assist Holmes County, Mississippi, in paying costs associated with repairs to roads in Supervisors District 2
................................................ $ 500,000.00
(cg) To assist Chickasaw County, Mississippi, in paying costs associated with the repairs, renovations, and upgrades to the Rhodes Chapel Fire Department........................... $ 60,000.00
(ch) To assist Wilkinson County, Mississippi, in paying costs associated with the replacement of a bridge on Pinckneyville Road $ 1,000,000.00
(ci) To assist the City of Fulton, Mississippi, in paying costs associated with improvements, repairs, and upgrades to its water and sewer infrastructure......................... $ 492,915.00
(cj) To assist Pike County, Mississippi, in paying costs associated with upgrades and improvements to the Richards Community Park................................................ $ 50,000.00
(ck) To assist the City of Hollandale, Mississippi, in paying costs associated with infrastructure improvements................
................................................ $ 250,000.00
(cl) To assist the Town of Mantatchie, Mississippi, in paying costs associated with improvements, repairs, and upgrades to its water and sewer infrastructure......................... $ 100,000.00
(cm) To assist the Short Coleman Water Association in paying costs associated with updates, improvements, and repairs to its surface water treatment system........................... $ 600,000.00
(cn) To assist Union County, Mississippi, in paying costs associated with the resurfacing of County Road 115 (Old Highway 15) $ 500,000.00
(co) To assist Tishomingo County, Mississippi, in paying costs associated with the construction of a multiuse justice court complex and improvements to the existing circuit court facility $ 1,500,000.00
(cp) To assist Union County, Mississippi, in paying costs associated with the Tallahatchie River documentary...............
................................................ $ 250,000.00
(cq) To assist the City of Cleveland, Mississippi, in paying costs associated with the North Industrial Site Flood Mitigation Project at the Cleveland Municipal Airport..............................
................................................ $ 600,000.00
(cr) To assist the Port of Greenville in paying costs associated with erosion control and levee improvements...........
................................................ $ 300,000.00
(cs) To assist Union County, Mississippi, in paying costs associated with replacing a bridge on County Road 113 (Murrah Road) $ 500,000.00
(ct) To assist the City of Greenville, Mississippi, in paying costs associated with infrastructure improvements................
................................................ $ 500,000.00
(cu) To assist Union County, Mississippi, in paying costs associated with repair and renovation of the Chancery Clerk Building and the Union County Supervisors Office.............................
................................................ $ 250,000.00
(cv) To assist the City of Ellisville, Mississippi, in paying costs associated with improvements, repairs, and upgrades to its water and sewer infrastructure......................... $ 497,833.00
(cw) To assist Jones County, Mississippi, with paying costs associated with the planning, design and construction of a new volunteer fire department.................................. $ 200,000.00
(cx) To assist Jones College in paying costs associated with the construction, repairs and renovations of a building for the Erin and Ben Napier School of Design & Building Arts.....................
................................................ $ 2,000,000.00
(cy) To assist the City of Jackson, Mississippi, acting through its Department of Planning and Development, in paying costs associated with removal of blighted property on U.S. Highway 80 and south of U.S. Highway 80............................... $ 250,000.00
(cz) To assist the Town of Mize, Mississippi, in paying costs associated with infrastructure improvements.....................
................................................ $ 250,000.00
(da) To assist the City of Georgetown, Mississippi, in paying costs associated with the completion of City Hall................
................................................ $ 200,000.00
(db) To assist the City of Florence, Mississippi, in paying costs associated with infrastructure improvements................
................................................ $ 500,000.00
(dc) To assist the Town of Wesson, Mississippi, in paying costs associated with repairs and upgrades to the roads that serve both Wesson Attendance Center and Copiah-Lincoln Community College... $ 750,000.00
(dd) To assist the Town of Puckett, Mississippi, in paying costs associated with infrastructure improvements................
................................................ $ 250,000.00
(de) To assist Lafayette County, Mississippi, in paying costs associated with replacing various bridges in the county..........
................................................ $ 2,500,000.00
(df) To assist the City of Richland, Mississippi, in paying costs associated with the State Highway 49 pedestrian crossover. $ 500,000.00
(dg) To assist the City of Oxford, Mississippi, in paying costs associated with street repair and paving..................
................................................ $ 2,000,000.00
(dh) To assist the Capitol Complex Improvement District, as overseen by the Capitol Complex Improvement District Project Advisory Committee, in paying costs associated with lighting, landscaping, and signage within the Fondren Business District...... $ 250,000.00
(di) To assist the Tomaston Medical Park in paying costs associated with the construction of two (2) state-of-the-art medical facilities in Woolmarket, Mississippi...........................
................................................ $ 1,000,000.00
(dj) To assist Lamar County, Mississippi, in paying costs associated with the widening of Cole Road......... $ 1,000,000.00
(dk) To assist the Mississippi Centers for Autism and Related Developmental Disabilities with paying general costs.............
................................................ $ 200,000.00
(dl) To assist the Magnolia Regional Health Center in paying costs associated with the residency program.....................
................................................ $ 300,000.00
(dm) To assist the Kossuth Water Association in paying costs with improvements, repairs, and upgrades to its water and sewer infrastructure................................... $ 100,000.00
(dn) To assist the Yellow Creek State Inland Port in paying costs associated with construction, repairs and renovations for the Yellow Creek Port Office and/or Conference Center................
.................................................. $1,000,000.00
(do) To assist the Port of Pascagoula in paying costs associated with the North Rail Connector Project................
................................................ $ 1,500,000.00
(dp) To assist the City of Horn Lake, Mississippi, in paying costs associated with improvements, repairs, and upgrades to its water and sewer infrastructure......................... $ 727,500.00
(dq) To assist Warren County, Mississippi, in paying costs associated with improvements at the Vicksburg Port...............
................................................ $ 1,000,000.00
(dr) To assist the City of Jackson, Mississippi, in paying costs associated with renovations, repairs, upgrades, and improvements to Thalia Mara Hall................................. $ 1,000,000.00
(ds) To * * * assist the
Reedtown Water Association in paying costs associated with the completion of
pipe installation and replacement................................................ $
(dt) To assist the Capitol Complex Improvement District, as overseen by the Capitol Complex Improvement District Project Advisory Committee, in paying costs associated with infrastructure improvements on Druid Hill Drive...............................................
................................................ $ 395,136.00
(du) To assist Hinds County, Mississippi, in paying costs associated with paving, resurfacing, repair, and improvement of Northside Drive from U.S. Interstate I-55 east............................
................................................ $ 600,000.00
(dv) To assist the City of Ridgeland, Mississippi, in paying costs associated with infrastructure improvements on property adjacent to Colony Park Boulevard............................ $ 2,000,000.00
(dw) To assist the City of Raymond, Mississippi, in paying costs associated with the repair of two (2) water tanks located on the Raymond Town Square and the campus of Hinds Community College... $ 400,000.00
(dx) To assist Hinds County, Mississippi, in paying costs associated with infrastructure improvements within Supervisor District 1................................................ $ 1,500,000.00
(dy) To assist Hinds County, Mississippi, in paying costs associated with community solar powered surveillance systems in five (5) neighborhoods: Woodlea HOA, Lakeover HOA, Pine Ridge HOA, Woodhaven HOA and Norwood HOA.................................. $ 50,000.00
(dz) To assist Hinds County, Mississippi, in paying costs associated with repaving project on Hanging Moss Road and Beasley Road................................................ $ 400,000.00
(ea) To assist the City of West Point, Mississippi, in paying costs associated with milling and paving of city streets.........
................................................ $ 250,000.00
(eb) To assist the City of Guntown, Mississippi, in paying costs associated with the purchase of a fire truck, rescue truck, or repairs and maintenance to existing fire trucks and any remaining funds may be used for fire equipment................... $ 350,000.00
(ec) To assist Clay County, Mississippi, in paying costs associated with repairs and maintenance to the Clay County Courthouse $ 500,000.00
(ed) To assist the City of Tupelo, Mississippi, in paying costs associated with the construction of a new fire department and command center................................... $ 1,250,000.00
(ee) To assist Panola County, Mississippi, in paying costs associated with improvements, including, but not limited to, additional hangars, at the Panola County Airport...........................
................................................ $ 1,000,000.00
(ef) To assist the City of Saltillo, Mississippi, in paying costs associated with the completion of a new fire department... $ 500,000.00
(eg) To assist the City of Picayune, Mississippi, in paying costs associated with the purchase of equipment for officers, including, but not limited to, guns, tasers, armor, optics, vehicles and portable radios, for the city police department............ $ 100,000.00
(eh) To assist the City of Hernando, Mississippi, in paying costs associated with improvements, repairs, and upgrades to its water and sewer infrastructure......................... $ 204,095.00
(ei) To assist the City of Picayune, Mississippi, in paying costs associated with the construction of a burn building for the city's fire department.................................. $ 100,000.00
(ej) To assist Newton County, Mississippi, in paying costs associated with renovations and facility improvements at the Newton County Sheriff's Department...................... $ 150,000.00
(ek) To assist the City of Picayune, Mississippi, with matching funds for Interstate 59 North Frontage Road, known as South Mississippi Gateway Utilities Project............. $ 200,000.00
(el) To assist the City of Newton, Mississippi, in paying costs associated with the purchase of police vehicles and equipment $ 200,000.00
(em) To assist the Town of Terry, Mississippi, in paying costs associated with constructing, furnishing and equipping a police station and purchasing playground equipment for a park.... $ 400,000.00
(en) To assist the City of Hazlehurst, Mississippi, in paying costs associated with completing additional classroom, dining space, playground equipment, furnishing and equipping for the Millsaps Heritage Center.......................................... $ 400,000.00
(eo) To assist Attala County, Mississippi, in paying costs associated with road and bridge maintenance.....................
................................................ $ 1,000,000.00
(ep) To assist Leake County, Mississippi, in paying costs associated with the purchase of vehicles for the county Sheriff's Office................................................ $ 250,000.00
(eq) To assist the City of Morton, Mississippi, in paying costs associated with the paving of East Fourth and South Mill.. $ 400,000.00
(er) To assist Choctaw County, Mississippi, in paying costs associated with the resurfacing of Quinn Street.................
................................................ $ 500,000.00
(es) To assist the Scott County School District in paying costs associated with the design, construction, repairs, and renovations of the STEAM Academy or facility improvements...................
................................................ $ 1,000,000.00
(et) To assist the City of Eupora, Mississippi, in paying costs associated with the resurfacing of streets in the city.... $ 400,000.00
(eu) To assist the Kiln Utility & Fire District in paying costs associated with improvements, repairs, and upgrades to its water and sewer infrastructure......................... $ 120,000.00
(ev) To assist Choctaw County, Mississippi, in paying costs associated with resurfacing streets and roads in Supervisors District 3................................................ $ 200,000.00
(ew) To assist the City of Diamondhead, Mississippi, in paying costs associated with the Diamondhead Commercial District Transformation Project......................................... $ 1,000,000.00
(ex) To assist Choctaw County, Mississippi, in paying costs associated with resurfacing streets and roads in Supervisors District 1................................................ $ 200,000.00
(ey) To assist the Pearlington Water and Sewer District in paying costs associated with the rehabilitation, improvement and interconnection of the Oak Harbor well to the Pearlington water and sewer system.......................................... $ 500,000.00
(ez) To assist Choctaw County, Mississippi, with providing funds to be divided equally between the Volunteer Fire Departments within the county....................................... $ 200,000.00
(fa) To assist the City of Pearl, Mississippi, in paying costs associated with a traffic signal on El Dorado
Road............................................ $ 400,000.00
(fb) To assist the Town of French Camp, Mississippi, in paying costs associated with improvements and maintenance to sidewalks. $ 50,000.00
(fc) To assist the City of Pearl, Mississippi, in paying costs associated with the Pearl-Richland Intermodal widening project.. $ 500,000.00
(fd) To assist the American Legion Post 82 in Ackerman, Mississippi, with paying costs associated with general improvements $ 25,000.00
(fe) To assist Rankin County, Mississippi, in paying costs associated with planning and construction of the I-20 Connector Loop Project......................................... $ 1,500,000.00
(ff) To assist the VFW Post 3806 in Eupora, Mississippi, in paying costs associated with general improvements
................................................ $ 25,000.00
(fg) To assist the City of Pearl, Mississippi, in paying costs associated with the lighting project on State Highway 80 from Pirates Cove to Pearson Road............................. $ 1,500,000.00
(fh) To assist the Tomnolen Fire Department with paying various costs.................................... $ 25,000.00
(fi) To assist Forrest County, Mississippi, in paying costs associated with equipment for volunteer fire departments.........
................................................ $ 250,000.00
(fj) To assist the Town of Mathiston, Mississippi, in paying various costs for the town's fire department....................
................................................ $ 25,000.00
(fk) To assist Perry County, Mississippi, in paying costs associated with repairs and renovations to the county courthouse $ 750,000.00
(fl) To assist Grenada County, Mississippi, in paying costs associated with improvements to Nat Trout Road..................
................................................ $ 1,600,000.00
(fm) To assist the City of Marks, Mississippi, in paying costs with infrastructure improvements................. $ 150,000.00
(fn) To assist the City of Water Valley, Mississippi, in paying costs associated with maintenance, upgrades and repairs to the city's electric department....................... $ 1,500,000.00
(fo) To assist Quitman County, Mississippi, in paying costs associated with the repairs and renovations of the Quitman County Courthouse....................................... $ 500,000.00
(fp) To assist the City of Grenada, Mississippi, in paying costs associated with construction of a new fire station at U.S. Highway 51 and Govan Street.............................. $ 600,000.00
(fq) To assist the Friends of the Vicksburg National Military Park and Campaign in paying costs associated with the Vicksburg Military Park Interpretive Center......................... $ 1,000,000.00
(fr) To assist East Mississippi Veterans Memorial Park with paying various costs............................. $ 200,000.00
(fs) To assist Yazoo County, Mississippi, in paying costs associated with equipping of the Dover Fire Station..............
................................................ $ 250,000.00
(ft) To assist the City of Vicksburg, Mississippi, in paying costs associated with the improvements to a retaining
wall............................................ $ 350,000.00
(fu) To assist Warren County, Mississippi, in paying costs associated with the purchase of wetlands mitigation credits and other developments at the South Port................... $ 8,200,000.00
(fv) To assist Lauderdale County, Mississippi, in paying costs associated with the purchase of two (2) UTV plus firelight equipment and two (2) trailers to pull UTV's for the Lauderdale County volunteer fire departments to be stored at Daleville Volunteer Fire Department and Causeyville Volunteer Fire Department............. $ 100,000.00
(fw) To assist the Town of Flora, Mississippi, in paying costs associated with infrastructure improvements.....................
................................................ $ 400,000.00
(fx) To assist the City of Sardis, Mississippi, in paying costs associated with water and sewer infrastructure improvements $ 250,000.00
(fy) To assist Warren County, Mississippi, in paying costs associated with ADA access improvements and other infrastructure improvements to the Warren County Courthouse....................
................................................ $ 400,000.00
(fz) To assist Humphreys County, Mississippi, in paying costs associated with repairing the county's pump station and adding an additional pump.................................. $ 150,000.00
(ga) To assist Issaquena County, Mississippi, in paying costs associated with infrastructure improvements.....................
................................................. $ 500,000.00
(gb) To assist Marshall County, Mississippi, in paying costs associated with repairs, upgrades and improvements to the water and sewer infrastructure in and along Quality Drive in north Marshall County $ 300,000.00
(gc) To assist the City of Louisville, Mississippi, in paying costs associated with the completion of the renovation and revitalization of the Strand Theatre............................ $ 500,000.00
(gd) To assist the Town of Byhalia, Mississippi, in paying costs associated with making infrastructure improvements.........
................................................ $ 500,000.00
(ge) To assist Noxubee County, Mississippi, in paying costs associated with the construction of the Shuqualak Lumber Road... $ 500,000.00
(gf) To assist the Kiln Utility and Fire District in paying costs associated with improvements to the existing water system, including, but not limited to, fire protection and sanitary sewer collection....................................... $ 500,000.00
(gg) To assist Kemper County, Mississippi, in paying costs associated with the gas and water pipelines from De Kalb to Scooba $ 1,000,000.00
(gh) To assist the City of Senatobia, Mississippi, in paying costs associated with reconstruction of Mississippi Highway 4, Main Street and Scott Street intersections to be combined with matching funds................................................ $ 3,000,000.00
(gi) To assist the City of Senatobia, Mississippi, to pay off debt of the city related to the purchases of fire trucks currently allocated to debt service going forward and will be used to pay ongoing operational needs of the Senatobia Fire Department including adding at least one (1) additional full-time firefighter to each shift. Any funds remaining after the payment of debt shall be used to assist the Senatobia Fire Department to purchase needed equipment...... $ 1,250,000.00
(gj) To assist Tate County, Mississippi, in paying infrastructure and related expenses associated with the redevelopment of the former Chromcraft Industrial Site...........................
................................................ $ 1,500,000.00
(gk) To assist the City of Brandon, Mississippi, in paying costs associated with road and street improvements to include construction, right-of-way acquisition, utility relocation and other associated improvements, such as storm water drainage, sidewalks, and multiuse path development and construction necessary to improve vehicle and pedestrian safety..........................................
................................................ $ 3,000,000.00
(gl) To assist Tate County, Mississippi, in paying costs associated with the construction of a new fire station and first responder training facility and for purchase of fire fighting and emergency response equipment..................... $ 3,500,000.00
(gm) To assist the Tate County Genealogical and Historical Society in paying costs to digitize and store historical county records, documents and artifacts and other operational costs $ 50,000.00
(gn) To assist Chickasaw County, Mississippi, with a match for federal funds for updates and improvements to the County Courthouse in Houston, Mississippi............................. $ 500,000.00
(go) To assist Montgomery County, Mississippi, in paying costs associated with construction and paving on Robinson Thompson Road $ 1,200,000.00
(gp) To assist Chickasaw County, Mississippi, in paying costs associated with rebuilding and repairs to the fire station for the Rhodes Chapel Volunteer Fire Department in Houston, Mississippi $ 50,000.00
(gq) To assist the City of Houston, Mississippi, in paying costs associated with the expansion of record keeping capacity at the Chickasaw County Heritage Museum................................
................................................ $ 50,000.00
(gr) To assist the Town of Sumrall, Mississippi, in paying costs associated with land acquisition and expansion of sportsplex $ 500,000.00
(gs) To assist the Pat Harrison Waterway District in paying costs associated with an RV project at Flint Creek Water Park in Stone County, Mississippi.............................. $ 400,000.00
(gt) To assist Lincoln County, Mississippi, in paying costs associated with renovations to the County Courthouse.............
................................................ $ 500,000.00
(gu) To assist Pontotoc County, Mississippi, in paying costs associated with constructing, furnishing and equipping a multipurpose building........................................ $ 500,000.00
(gv) To assist the West Jackson County Utility District in paying costs associated with the construction of a new water tank $ 500,000.00
(gw) To assist the Town of Hickory Flat, Mississippi, in paying costs associated with constructing, furnishing and equipping a community building and purchasing playground equipment
................................................ $ 300,000.00
(gx) To assist the Town of Snow Lake, Mississippi, in paying costs associated with infrastructure improvements and road maintenance................................................ $ 750,000.00
(gy) To assist Benton County, Mississippi, in paying costs associated with general improvements to Benton County Veterans Park $ 500,000.00
(gz) To assist the Jackson County School District in paying costs associated with repairs, renovations, and improvements at Vancleave High School...................................... $ 250,000.00
(ha) To assist Union County, Mississippi, in paying costs associated with purchasing equipment.............. $ 500,000.00
(hb) To assist the City of Corinth, Mississippi, in paying costs associated with infrastructure improvements on South Parkway $ 400,000.00
(hc) To assist the City of Corinth, Mississippi, in paying costs associated with rehabilitation of a one span bridge on South Tate................................................ $ 100,000.00
(hd) To assist the City of D'Iberville, Mississippi, in paying costs associated with the city's working waterfront
project......................................... $ 1,000,000.00
(he) To assist Lamar County, Mississippi, in paying costs associated with renovations to and equipping the Lamar County Facility................................................ $ 700,000.00
(hf) To assist Lamar County, Mississippi, in paying costs associated with Lincoln Road Phase 2.............. $ 500,000.00
(hg) To assist the City of Hattiesburg, Mississippi, in paying costs associated with improvements in the Avenues area of Hattiesburg, including, but not limited to, roads, bridges, sewer, drainage, sidewalks, stormwater, detention, land acquisition, utility relocation and lighting..................................... $ 3,500,000.00
(hh) To assist the Mississippi Development Authority in paying costs associated with creating a program to make grants available for organizing economic and community development activities around military installations and other state and federal installations that host military missions..............................................
................................................ $ 325,000.00
(hi) To assist the * * * City of Diamondhead,
Mississippi, * * * in paying costs associated with the purchase of
a vehicle for the City of Diamondhead Police Department............
................................................ $ 50,000.00
(hj) To assist the Mississippi Coast Coliseum Commission in paying costs associated with capital improvements, including roof repairs and repair, resurfacing, and paving the parking lot $ 1,500,000.00
(hk) To assist Harrison County, Mississippi, in paying costs associated with resurfacing the walking track, adding adequate lighting, safety equipment and other recreational equipment at Lizana Elementary Ballpark........................................ $ 250,000.00
(hl) To assist George County, Mississippi, in paying costs associated with infrastructure improvements on East Wilkerson Ferry Road................................................ $ 900,000.00
(hm) To assist the * * * Diamondhead * * * Fire District in paying
costs associated with equipment, training and building maintenance for the * * * City of Diamondhead's fire
department $ 20,000.00
(hn) To assist Wayne County, Mississippi, in paying costs associated with planning and construction of a multipurpose center $ 900,000.00
(ho) To assist the Harrison County Fire Service in paying costs associated with equipping, training and building maintenance for the West Wortham Road Station.................... $ 20,000.00
(hp) To assist George County, Mississippi, in paying costs associated with the Crenshaw Road stormwater drainage and safety project................................................ $ 750,000.00
(hq) To assist the Harrison County Fire Service in paying costs associated with equipping, training and building maintenance for the Lizana Volunteer Station..................... $ 20,000.00
(hr) To assist Wayne County, Mississippi, in paying costs associated with the purchase of law enforcement vehicles.........
................................................ $ 250,000.00
(hs) To assist the Harrison County Fire Service in paying costs associated with equipping, training and building maintenance for the Kiln/Fenton Station.......................... $ 20,000.00
(ht) To assist Greene County, Mississippi, in paying costs associated with the completion of the Emergency Management Office $ 600,000.00
(hu) To assist the Town of Caledonia, Mississippi, in paying costs associated with the purchase of vehicles and equipment.... $ 150,000.00
(hv) To assist the Walter Anderson Museum of Art in paying costs associated with repairs and renovations to the community center $ 250,000.00
(hw) To assist the City of Gluckstadt, Mississippi, in paying costs associated with improvements to Gluckstadt Road, including but not limited to, improvements to intersections, addition to a westbound through lane from Interstate 55, traffic signals and street lights and other improvements.............................................
................................................ $ 750,000.00
(hx) To assist the City of Madison, Mississippi, in paying costs associated with the renovation of the Historic Arts Center $ 750,000.00
(hy) To assist the City of Ridgeland, Mississippi, in paying costs associated with the planning and construction of Commerce Park Connector Road................................... $ 2,000,000.00
(hz) To assist * * *
Noxubee County, Mississippi, in paying costs associated with rebuilding
Conner Road from flooding washout $ 50,000.00
(ia) To assist the Town of Brooksville, Mississippi, in paying costs associated with street improvements including roadbed and repavement....................................... $ 200,000.00
(ib) To assist the Mississippi Development Authority in paying costs associated with defraying any expenses described in Section 57-1-501, which is the provision that establishes the Economic Development and Infrastructure Fund.............................. $ 2,500,000.00
(ic) To assist Noxubee County, Mississippi, in paying costs associated with renovations to the Noxubee Civic Center..........
................................................ $ 250,000.00
(id) To assist the Gulfport Redevelopment Commission with a mixed-use downtown development project, including general infrastructure to leverage public and private investment.......................
................................................ $ 3,500,000.00
(ie) To assist Noxubee County, Mississippi, in paying costs associated with repaving and maintenance of Deerbrook Road.......
................................................ $ 250,000.00
(if) To assist Copiah County, Mississippi, in paying costs associated with infrastructure improvements.....................
................................................ $ 600,000.00
(ig) To assist Scenic Rivers Development Alliance to assist five counties with facility and park equipment, parking and road repairs, building repairs, site development, river and lake access, erosion control and repairs, utility repairs, seating improvements and other facility related upgrades.......................................
................................................ $ 1,000,000.00
(ih) To assist the City of Port Gibson, Mississippi, in paying costs associated with a matching grant for the historical city hall $ 100,000.00
(ii) To assist the Sunnyhill Water Association in paying costs associated with a new water supply well with supporting infrastructure on Gateway Boulevard inside the Pike County Industrial Park $ 500,000.00
(ij) To assist Claiborne County, Mississippi, in paying costs associated with a historical matching grant for the
Library......................................... $ 125,000.00
(ik) To assist Marion County, Mississippi, in paying costs associated with improvements to county roads....................
................................................ $ 800,000.00
(il) To assist the City of Amory, Mississippi, in paying costs associated with repairs and improvements to city streets. $ 2,000,000.00
(im) To assist the City of Columbia, Mississippi, in paying costs associated with improvements to infrastructure on Church Street $ 500,000.00
(in) To assist the Windows of Amory, a nonprofit corporation, in paying costs associated with repairs and renovations due to storm damage.......................................... $ 200,000.00
(io) To assist the City of Columbia, Mississippi, in paying costs associated with a soccer and tennis complex................
................................................ $ 500,000.00
(ip) To assist Amory STRONG, Inc., a Mississippi nonprofit corporation, for purchasing real property and constructing or rehabilitating structures for the purpose of resale $ 500,000.00
(iq) To assist Carroll County, Mississippi, in paying costs associated with resurfacing County Road 286 in Carroll County Beat 1 $ 250,000.00
(ir) To assist the Town of Gloster, Mississippi, in paying costs associated with the repair, renovation and construction of the Georgia Pacific Road............................. $ 1,500,000.00
(is) To assist Carroll County, Mississippi, in paying costs associated with resurfacing County Road 430 in Carroll County Beat 3 $ 500,000.00
(it) To assist the City of Magnolia, Mississippi, in paying costs associated with street drainage improvements...............
................................................ $ 340,000.00
(iu) To assist Carroll County, Mississippi, in paying costs associated with resurfacing County Road 49, County Road 217 and County Road 148 in Carroll County Beat 4................ $ 500,000.00
(iv) To assist Carroll County, Mississippi, in paying costs associated with resurfacing County Road 26, County Road 27 and County Road 264 in Carroll County Beat 5................ $ 500,000.00
(iw) To assist the City of Carthage, Mississippi, in paying costs associated with improvements, repairs, and upgrades to its water and sewer infrastructure......................... $ 997,713.00
(ix) To assist Carroll County, Mississippi, in paying costs associated with resurfacing County Road 126 and County Road 123 in Carroll County Beat 2............................ $ 500,000.00
(iy) To assist the Town of Carrollton, Mississippi, in paying costs associated with repairing concrete on the sidewalks in the town $ 100,000.00
(iz) To assist Neshoba County, Mississippi, in paying costs associated with the purchase of fire trucks and firefighting equipment................................................ $ 500,000.00
(ja) To assist the City of Greenwood, Mississippi, in paying costs associated with the reconstruction of sidewalks for ADA compliance and lighting along Walthall Street..............................
................................................ $ 1,500,000.00
(jb) To assist the City of Winona, Mississippi, in paying costs associated with resurfacing Front Street..................
................................................ $ 250,000.00
(jc) To assist the City of Sardis, Mississippi, in paying costs associated with infrastructure improvements................
................................................ $ 150,000.00
(jd) To assist Pearl River County, Mississippi, in paying costs associated with improvements to the Bill Watson Ballpark.. $ 500,000.00
(je) To assist Pearl River County, Mississippi, in paying costs associated with improvements to the McNeill Walking Trail. $ 200,000.00
(jf) To assist the University of Mississippi in paying costs associated with the Faulkner Writing Project....................
................................................ $ 750,000.00
(jg) To assist the City of Poplarville, Mississippi, in paying costs associated with the Cottage District Project...............
................................................ $ 500,000.00
(jh) To assist the North Lumberton Utility Association in paying costs associated with replacing the water well located in Lamar County on Little Black Creek Road................ $ 750,000.00
(ji) To assist Lafayette County, Mississippi, in paying costs associated with crisis intervention beds for the Regional Mental Health Center.......................................... $ 500,000.00
(jj) To assist Walthall County, Mississippi, in paying costs associated with the construction of a new solid waste transfer station................................................ $ 1,000,000.00
(jk) To assist the Pearl River Valley Water Supply District in paying costs associated with the construction of a new main office building........................................ $ 2,000,000.00
(jl) To assist the City of Gautier, Mississippi, in paying costs associated with the Mississippi Songwriters Performing Arts Center and Operational and Educational Programming of the Mississippi Songwriters Alliance............................. $ 1,500,000.00
(jm) To assist the Mississippi Department of Transportation in paying costs associated with improvements to Elton Road in Jackson between Interstate 55 and Terry Road............................
................................................ $ 600,000.00
(jn) To assist the City of Gautier, Mississippi, in paying costs associated with ADA compliance and additional recreational facilities for adults and youth such as outdoor basketball courts, tennis courts, playground equipment and a splash pad, for Hickory Hills $ 1,500,000.00
(jo) To assist the City of Gautier, Mississippi, in paying costs associated with the purchase of and improvements to water meters................................................ $ 1,500,000.00
(jp) To assist the Singing River Healthcare Academy in paying costs associated with general improvements......................
................................................ $ 1,500,000.00
(jq) To assist the Town of Terry, Mississippi, in paying costs associated with infrastructure improvements.....................
................................................ $ 150,000.00
(jr) To assist the City of Starkville, Mississippi, in paying costs associated with the completion of downtown Main Street Project $ 2,450,000.00
(js) To assist Oktibbeha County, Mississippi, in paying costs associated with the completion of the county's 365 Project to equip 911 and county patrol cars with the latest computer and communication technology....................................... $ 500,000.00
(jt) To assist Oktibbeha County, Mississippi, in paying costs associated with the restoration of Morgantown Road Bridge........
................................................ $ 500,000.00
(ju) To assist the Capitol Complex Improvement District, as overseen by the Capitol Complex Improvement District Project Advisory Committee, in paying costs associated with major thoroughfares to Jackson State University................................. $ 1,500,000.00
(jv) To assist Oktibbeha County, Mississippi, in paying costs associated with improvements to the Maben Post Office parking lot, culvert and erosion control...................... $ 50,000.00
(jw) To assist Newton County, Mississippi, in paying costs associated with building an addition and related fixtures for the Sheriff's facility............................... $ 150,000.00
(jx) To assist the City of Union, Mississippi, in paying costs associated with paving various streets..........................
................................................ $ 250,000.00
(jy) To assist the City of Byram, Mississippi, in paying costs associated with the intersection between Siwell Road and Terry Road $ 500,000.00
(jz) To assist Newton County, Mississippi, in paying costs associated with the purchase of a heavy duty fire pumper and rescue vehicle......................................... $ 350,000.00
(ka) To assist the Town of Decatur, Mississippi, in paying costs associated with paving various streets....................
................................................ $ 250,000.00
(kb) To assist Olive Branch, Mississippi, in paying costs associated with improvements, renovations, repairs, and upgrades to the Olive Branch Airport............................. $ 1,000,000.00
(kc) To assist Bolivar County, Mississippi, in paying costs associated with expanding the Terrene Landing River Park to include a second docking ramp.............................. $ 500,000.00
(kd) To assist the Town of Mount Olive, Mississippi, in paying costs associated with infrastructure improvements................
................................................ $ 300,000.00
(ke) To assist the Mississippi Department of Transportation in paying costs associated with the funding of highway capacity dollars for the Interstate 55 project within DeSoto County.... $ 4,000,000.00
(kf) To assist Covington County, Mississippi, in paying costs associated with improvements to Gandsi Road.....................
................................................ $ 75,000.00
(kg) To assist the City of Collins, Mississippi, in paying costs associated with parks and recreation improvements..........
................................................ $ 150,000.00
(kh) To assist the Canton Municipal Utilities in paying costs associated with the rehabilitation of the Nissan Pump Station... $ 750,000.00
(ki) To assist Covington County, Mississippi, in paying costs associated with fire protection.................. $ 150,000.00
(kj) To assist the Town of Tchula, Mississippi, in paying costs associated with infrastructure improvements................
................................................ $ 400,000.00
(kk) To assist Covington County, Mississippi, in paying costs associated with upgrades and improvements to the courtroom of the Covington County Courthouse, specifically including audio and video capabilities..................................... $ 50,000.00
(kl) To assist the City of Laurel, Mississippi, in paying costs associated with the replacement of West Drive bridge
................................................ $ 800,000.00
(km) To assist the Town of Braxton, Mississippi, in paying costs associated with a water well pump and column replacement.. $ 370,000.00
(kn) To assist the City of Ellisville, Mississippi, in paying costs associated with infrastructure improvements................
................................................ $ 500,000.00
(ko) To assist Rankin County, Mississippi, in paying costs associated with road maintenance projects.......................
................................................ $ 5,000,000.00
(kp) To assist Rankin County, Mississippi, with the final payment for the East Metro Corridor............... $ 1,500,000.00
(kq) To assist the Town of Calhoun City, Mississippi, in paying costs associated with road resurfacing and road maintenance $ 150,000.00
(kr) To assist the City of Mendenhall, Mississippi, in paying costs associated with improvements, repairs, and upgrades to its water and sewer infrastructure......................... $ 500,000.00
(ks) To assist the Town of Pittsboro, Mississippi, in paying costs associated with renovation and expansion of City Hall
................................................ $ 200,000.00
(kt) To assist the City of Ripley, Mississippi, in paying costs associated with the purchase of a fire truck and equipment $ 700,000.00
(ku) To assist the City of Ripley Parks and Recreation in paying costs associated with various improvements................
................................................ $ 300,000.00
(kv) To assist the Town of New Hebron, Mississippi, in paying costs associated with street repairs and infrastructure improvements $ 50,000.00
(kw) To assist the VFW Post 6696 located in Walnut, Mississippi, in paying costs associated with various improvements
................................................ $ 35,000.00
(kx) To assist the Town of Falkner, Mississippi, with matching funds for upgrades to the town's water system...................
................................................ $ 100,000.00
(ky) To assist Tippah County, Mississippi, with paying various costs for the Dry Creek Volunteer Fire Department
................................................ $ 50,000.00
(kz) To assist the Town of New Hebron, Mississippi, in paying costs associated with the purchase of a fire truck...............
................................................ $ 480,000.00
(la) To assist Tippah County, Mississippi, in paying costs associated with improvements to the county fairground............
................................................ $ 250,000.00
(lb) To assist Tippah County, Mississippi, in paying costs associated with improvements to the Walnut Industrial Park
................................................ $ 250,000.00
(lc) To assist Tippah County Hospital in paying costs associated with parking lot infrastructure and repair............
................................................ $ 250,000.00
(ld) To assist the City of Brookhaven, Mississippi, in paying costs associated with the construction, resurfacing and improvement of Brookway Boulevard, including any related infrastructure $ 750,000.00
(le) To assist the Mississippi Department of Transportation in paying costs associated with pre-construction activities in association with improvements to the Interchange of US Highway 98 and I-59, the extension of US Highway 98 westward toward US Highway 11, and the widening of US Highway 11 and other nearby access roads in Forrest and Lamar Counties, Mississippi.....................................
................................................ $ 1,125,000.00
(lf) To assist the Town of Raleigh, Mississippi, in paying costs associated with infrastructure repair and upgrades to the town's water, sewer and fire protection system and purchase of a garbage truck................................................ $ 250,000.00
(lg) To assist Smith County, Mississippi, in paying costs associated with leveling, chip sealing and striping of county roads $ 250,000.00
(lh) To assist Jasper County, Mississippi, in paying costs associated with infrastructure improvements in Beat 5 on CR 8, CR 113, and Short Pine Ave............................... $ 450,000.00
(li) To assist the City of Baldwyn, Mississippi, in paying costs associated with overlay for multiple streets...............
................................................ $ 1,500,000.00
(lj) To assist Pontotoc County, Mississippi, in paying costs associated with renovations to the front and exterior of the County Courthouse....................................... $ 350,000.00
(lk) To assist the City of Hattiesburg, Mississippi, in paying costs associated with improvements to Tipton Street..............
................................................ $ 300,000.00
(ll) To assist Jasper County, Mississippi, in paying costs associated with infrastructure improvements in Beat 4 on CR 5282 $ 75,000.00
(lm) To assist the Town of Braxton, Mississippi, in paying costs associated with general street paving and infrastructure improvements..................................... $ 500,000.00
(ln) To assist Jasper County, Mississippi, in paying costs associated with infrastructure improvements in Beat 3 on CR 5282 $ 145,000.00
(lo) To assist the Town of West, Mississippi, in paying costs associated with infrastructure and street improvements, capital expenses on city property and the purchase of equipment..................
................................................ $ 300,000.00
(lp) To assist Jasper County, Mississippi, in paying costs associated with infrastructure improvements in Beat 2 on
CR 3511......................................... $ 500,000.00
(lq) To assist the City of Kosciusko, Mississippi, in paying costs associated with infrastructure improvements................
................................................ $ 2,500,000.00
(lr) To assist Jasper County, Mississippi, in paying costs associated with infrastructure improvements in Beat 1 on CR 219, CR 5282, and CR 52816..................................... $ 500,000.00
(ls) To assist Lee County, Mississippi, in paying costs associated with the acquisition and purchase of tornado shelters for installation of such shelters at fire departments and volunteer fire departments upon public property throughout the county $ 304,000.00
(lt) To assist the City of Starkville, Mississippi, in paying costs associated with the Starkville Main Street Project.........
................................................ $ 550,000.00
(lu) To assist Attala County, Mississippi, in paying costs associated with infrastructure improvements.....................
................................................ $ 2,500,000.00
(lv) To assist Leake County, Mississippi, in paying costs associated with maintenance of Pine Grove Road and other county roads $ 2,500,000.00
(lw) To assist the City of Carthage, Mississippi, in paying costs associated with infrastructure improvements and road maintenance................................................ $ 1,500,000.00
(lx) To assist the City of Flowood, Mississippi, in paying costs associated with planning, engineering and construction of Fannie Cook Parkway..................................... $ 3,500,000.00
(ly) To assist the Mississippi Department of Transportation with federal fund match for Highway 25 Project PL 118-42 $ 1,000,000.00
(lz) To assist the Capitol Complex Improvement District, as overseen by the Capitol Complex Improvement District Project Advisory Committee, in paying costs associated with repairing, milling and paving of Simwood Place Street........................................
................................................ $ 400,000.00
(ma) To assist the Capitol Complex Improvement District, as overseen by the Capitol Complex Improvement District Project Advisory Committee, in paying costs associated with connecting the Museum Trail and Belhaven through downtown Jackson, Mississippi, to Jackson State University...................................... $ 250,000.00
(mb) To assist the City of Meridian, Mississippi, in paying costs associated with general street paving and infrastructure.. $ 500,000.00
(mc) To assist the City of Ocean Springs, Mississippi, in paying costs associated with improvements, construction and/or repair to a public facility and/or sidewalks, lighting, tree canopy restoration, G.I.S. mapping and/or the north and west gateway improvements... $ 3,000,000.00
SECTION 2. This act shall take effect and be in force from and after its passage.
Further, amend by striking the title in its entirety and inserting in lieu thereof the following: