2025 Regular Session

To: State Affairs

By: Representative Turner

House Bill 1204

AN ACT TO BRING FORWARD SECTIONS 17-23-1, 17-23-11, 17-23-21, 19-5-95, 21-25-25, 21-25-27, 83-1-37, 83-1-39, 83-2-33, 83-3-24, 83-5-72, 83-5-73 AND 83-34-4, MISSISSIPPI CODE OF 1972, FOR THE PURPOSE OF POSSIBLE AMENDMENT; AND FOR RELATED PURPOSES.


     SECTION 1.  Section 17-23-1, Mississippi Code of 1972, is brought forward as follows:

     17-23-1.  (1)  There is established the Rural Fire Truck Acquisition Assistance Program to be administered by the Department of Insurance for the purpose of assisting counties and municipalities in the acquisition of fire trucks.

     (2)  There is created in the State Treasury a special fund to be designated as the "Rural Fire Truck Fund."  The Legislature may appropriate that amount necessary to fulfill the obligations created under this section by the Department of Insurance, from the State General Fund to such special fund, which sum shall be added to the remainder of the money transferred on July 1, 1995, and during the 1996 Regular Session to the Rural Fire Truck Fund.  Unexpended amounts remaining in the fund at the end of a fiscal year shall not lapse into the State General Fund, and any interest earned on amounts in the fund shall be deposited to the credit of the fund.  Unobligated amounts remaining in the Rural Fire Truck Fund, Fund No. 3507, or in any fund created for funds appropriated or otherwise made available for this program, may be used as matching funds by any county with remaining eligibility as provided herein.  It is the intent of the Legislature that the Department of Insurance continue to accept applications from the counties for fire trucks as provided in subsection (3) of this section.

     (3)  (a)  A county that meets the requirements provided herein may receive an amount not to exceed One Million Ten Thousand Dollars ($1,010,000.00) as provided in subparagraphs (i), (ii), (iii), (iv), (v), (vi), (vii), (viii), (ix), (x), (xi), (xii) and (xiii) of this paragraph, and such amount shall be divided as follows:  an amount of not more than Fifty Thousand Dollars ($50,000.00) per fire truck for the first six (6) trucks and not more than Seventy Thousand Dollars ($70,000.00) per fire truck for the seventh, eighth, ninth, tenth and eleventh trucks, and not more than Ninety Thousand Dollars ($90,000.00) per fire truck for the twelfth, thirteenth, fourteenth and fifteenth truck.  Monies distributed under this chapter shall be expended only for the purchase of new or used fire trucks and such trucks must meet the National Fire Protection Association (NFPA) standards in the 1900 series and be approved by the Rural Fire Truck Review Committee.

              (i)  Any county that has not applied for a fire truck under this section is eligible to submit applications for fifteen (15) fire trucks as follows:  six (6) fire trucks at not more than Fifty Thousand Dollars ($50,000.00) per truck and five (5) fire trucks at not more than Seventy Thousand Dollars ($70,000.00) per truck, and four (4) fire trucks at not more than Ninety Thousand Dollars ($90,000.00) per truck or a total of One Million Ten Thousand Dollars ($1,010,000.00).

              (ii)  Any county that has received one (1) fire truck under this section is eligible to submit applications for fourteen (14) fire trucks as follows:  five (5) fire trucks at not more than Fifty Thousand Dollars ($50,000.00) per truck and five (5) fire trucks at not more than Seventy Thousand Dollars ($70,000.00) per truck, and four (4) fire trucks at not more than Ninety Thousand Dollars ($90,000.00) per truck or a total of Nine Hundred Sixty Thousand Dollars ($960,000.00).

              (iii)  Any county that has received two (2) fire trucks under this section is eligible to submit an application for thirteen (13) fire trucks as follows:  four (4) fire trucks at not more than Fifty Thousand Dollars ($50,000.00) per truck and five (5) fire trucks at not more than Seventy Thousand Dollars ($70,000.00) per truck, and four (4) fire trucks at not more than Ninety Thousand Dollars ($90,000.00) per truck or a total of not more than Nine Hundred Ten Thousand Dollars ($910,000.00).

              (iv)  Any county that has received three (3) fire trucks under this section is eligible to submit an application for twelve (12) fire trucks as follows:  three (3) fire trucks at not more than Fifty Thousand Dollars ($50,000.00) per truck and five (5) fire trucks at not more than Seventy Thousand Dollars ($70,000.00) per truck, and four (4) fire trucks at not more than Ninety Thousand Dollars ($90,000.00) per truck or a total of not more than Eight Hundred Sixty Thousand Dollars ($860,000.00).

              (v)  Any county that has received four (4) fire trucks under this section is eligible to submit an application for eleven (11) fire trucks as follows:  two (2) fire trucks at not more than Fifty Thousand Dollars ($50,000.00) per truck and five (5) fire trucks at not more than Seventy Thousand Dollars ($70,000.00) per truck, and four (4) fire trucks at not more than Ninety Thousand Dollars ($90,000.00) per truck or a total of not more than Eight Hundred Ten Thousand Dollars ($810,000.00).

              (vi)  Any county that has received five (5) fire trucks under this section is eligible to submit an application for ten (10) fire trucks as follows:  one (1) fire truck at not more than Fifty Thousand Dollars ($50,000.00) per truck and five (5) fire trucks at not more than Seventy Thousand Dollars ($70,000.00) per truck, and four (4) fire trucks at not more than Ninety Thousand Dollars ($90,000.00) per truck or a total of not more than Seven Hundred Sixty Thousand Dollars ($760,000.00).

              (vii)  Any county that has received six (6) fire trucks under this section is eligible to submit an application for nine (9) fire trucks as follows:  five (5) fire trucks at not more than Seventy Thousand Dollars ($70,000.00) per truck, and four (4) fire trucks at not more than Ninety Thousand Dollars ($90,000.00) per truck or a total of not more than Seven Hundred Ten Thousand Dollars ($710,000.00).

              (viii)  Any county that has received seven (7) fire trucks under this section is eligible to submit an application for eight (8) fire trucks as follows:  four (4) fire trucks at not more than Seventy Thousand Dollars ($70,000.00) per truck, and four (4) fire trucks at not more than Ninety Thousand Dollars ($90,000.00) per truck or a total of not more than Six Hundred Forty Thousand Dollars ($640,000.00).

              (ix)  Any county that has received eight (8) fire trucks under this section is eligible to submit an application for seven (7) fire trucks as follows:  three (3) fire trucks at not more than Seventy Thousand Dollars ($70,000.00) per truck, and four (4) fire trucks at not more than Ninety Thousand Dollars ($90,000.00) per truck or a total of not more than Five Hundred Seventy Thousand Dollars ($570,000.00).

              (x)  Any county that has received nine (9) fire trucks under this section is eligible to submit an application for six (6) fire trucks as follows:  two (2) fire trucks at not more than Seventy Thousand Dollars ($70,000.00) per truck, and four (4) fire trucks at not more than Ninety Thousand Dollars ($90,000.00) per truck or a total of not more than Five Hundred Thousand Dollars ($500,000.00).

              (xi)  Any county that has received ten (10) fire trucks under this section is eligible to submit an application for five (5) fire trucks as follows:  one (1) fire truck at not more than Seventy Thousand Dollars ($70,000.00) per truck, and four (4) fire trucks at not more than Ninety Thousand Dollars ($90,000.00) per truck or a total of not more than Four Hundred Thirty Thousand Dollars ($430,000.00).

              (xii)  Any county that has received eleven (11) fire trucks under this section is eligible to submit an application for four (4) fire trucks at not more than Ninety Thousand Dollars ($90,000.00) per truck.

              (xiii)  Any county may apply for four (4) fire trucks at not more than Ninety Thousand Dollars ($90,000.00) per truck as provided in subparagraph (xii), provided that the county agrees to forego any previous fire truck under subparagraphs (i) through (xi) for which the county has not previously applied, and that the county has received approval from the Rural Fire Truck Acquisition Assistance Program Committee to apply for and receive a truck under subparagraph (xii).

          (b)  The board of supervisors of the county shall submit its request for the receipt of monies to the Department of Insurance.  A committee composed of the Commissioner of Insurance, the State Fire Coordinator, the Director of the Rating Bureau and the Director of the State Fire Academy shall review the requests by the boards of supervisors and shall determine whether the county or municipality for which the board of supervisors has requested a truck meets the requirements of eligibility under this chapter.

          (c)  To be eligible to receive monies under this chapter:

              (i)  A county or municipality must pledge to set aside or dedicate each year as matching funds, for a period not to extend over ten (10) years, local funds in an amount equal to or not less than one-tenth (1/10) of the amount of monies for which it is requesting distribution from the Rural Fire Truck Fund, which pledged monies may be derived from local ad valorem tax authorized by law or from any other funds available to the county or municipality, except for those funds received by municipalities or counties from the Municipal Fire Protection Fund or the County Volunteer Fire Department Fund, as defined in Sections 83-1-37 and 83-1-39.

              (ii)  A municipality must provide adequate documentation of its contract with the county that requires the municipality to provide fire protection in rural areas.  The term "rural areas" means any area within the county located outside the boundaries of an incorporated municipality or any incorporated municipality with a population of two thousand five hundred (2,500) or less.

          (d)  The Department of Insurance shall maintain an accurate record of all monies distributed to counties and municipalities and the number of fire trucks purchased and the cost for each fire truck, such records to be kept separate from other records of the Department of Insurance; notify counties and municipalities of the Rural Fire Truck Acquisition Assistance Program and the requirements for them to become eligible to participate; adopt and promulgate such rules and regulations as may be necessary and desirable to implement the provisions of this chapter; and file with the Legislature a report detailing how monies made available under this chapter were distributed and spent during the preceding portion of the fiscal year in each county and municipality, the number of fire trucks purchased, the counties and municipalities making such purchases, and the cost of each fire truck purchased.

     (4)  There is created in the State Treasury a special fund to be designated as the "Rural Fire Truck Matching Assistance Fund," which shall consist of funds appropriated by the Legislature from the State General Fund or any other special source fund.  The Department of Insurance shall use the funds for matching assistance to counties and municipalities with remaining eligibility in accordance with the provisions of subsection (5) of this section.  Unexpended amounts remaining in the fund at the end of a fiscal year shall not lapse into the State General Fund, and any interest earned on amounts in the fund shall be deposited to the credit of the fund.

     (5)  Subject to appropriation by the Legislature, the Department of Insurance may provide funds to counties and municipalities out of the Rural Fire Truck Matching Assistance Fund in an amount exceeding the amount authorized in subsection (3) of this section.  However, the total amount of funds allowed under this subsection combined with the funds provided in subsection (3) of this section shall not exceed eighty percent (80%) of the purchase price of the rural fire truck.  A county or municipality is eligible for such matching assistance upon meeting the following criteria:

          (a)  The county or municipality's application is approved for funding in accordance with the criteria in subsection (3) of this section;

          (b)  The department determines that the county or municipality does not have sufficient funds available for the purchase of a rural fire truck with the funds authorized in subsection (3) of this section; and

          (c)  The county has received funding for no more than eight (8) rounds from the Rural Fire Truck Acquisition Assistance Program.

     SECTION 2.  Section 17-23-11, Mississippi Code of 1972, is brought forward as follows:

     17-23-11.  (1)  There is established a supplementary rural fire truck acquisition assistance program to be administered by the Department of Insurance for the purpose of assisting counties and municipalities in the acquisition of fire trucks.  The supplementary rural fire truck acquisition assistance program is in addition to the rural fire truck acquisition assistance program established in Section 17-23-1 or any other program by which counties and municipalities acquire fire trucks.

     (2)  There is created in the State Treasury a special fund to be designated as the "Supplementary Rural Fire Truck Fund" which shall consist of funds appropriated or otherwise made available by the Legislature in any manner, and funds from any other source designated for deposit into such fund.  Monies in the fund shall be used for the purpose of assisting counties and municipalities in the acquisition of fire trucks.  Unexpended amounts remaining in the fund at the end of a fiscal year shall not lapse into the State General Fund, and any interest earned on amounts in the fund shall be deposited to the credit of the fund.

     (3)  (a)  A county that meets the requirements provided herein may receive an amount of not more than Seventy Thousand Dollars ($70,000.00) per fire truck.  Monies distributed under this section shall be expended only for the purchase of new fire trucks and such trucks must meet the National Fire Protection Association (NFPA) standards in the 1900 series.

          (b)  The board of supervisors of the county shall submit its request for the receipt of monies to the Department of Insurance.  A committee composed of the Commissioner of Insurance, the State Fire Coordinator, the Director of the Rating Bureau and the Director of the State Fire Academy shall review the requests by the boards of supervisors and shall determine whether the county or municipality for which the board of supervisors has requested a truck meets the requirements of eligibility under this section.

          (c)  To be eligible to receive monies under this section:

              (i)  A county or municipality must pledge to set aside or dedicate each year as matching funds, for a period not to extend over ten (10) years, local funds in an amount equal to or not less than one-tenth (1/10) of the amount of monies for which it is requesting distribution from the Supplementary Rural Fire Truck Fund, which pledged monies may be derived from local ad valorem tax authorized by law or from any other funds available to the county or municipality, except for those funds received by municipalities or counties from the Municipal Fire Protection Fund or the County Volunteer Fire Department Fund, as defined in Sections 83-1-37 and 83-1-39.

              (ii)  A municipality must provide adequate documentation of its contract with the county that requires the municipality to provide fire protection in rural areas.  The term "rural areas" means any area within the county located outside the boundaries of an incorporated municipality or any incorporated municipality with a population of two thousand five hundred (2,500) or less.

              (iii)  A county or a municipality, designated by the county, must have exhausted all rounds of applications for fire trucks available to it under Section 17-23-1.

          (d)  The Department of Insurance shall maintain an accurate record of all monies distributed to counties and municipalities and the number of fire trucks purchased and the cost for each fire truck, such records to be kept separate from other records of the Department of Insurance; notify counties and municipalities of the supplementary rural fire truck acquisition assistance program and the requirements for them to become eligible to participate; adopt and promulgate such rules and regulations as may be necessary and desirable to implement the provisions of this section; and file with the Legislature a report detailing how monies made available under this chapter were distributed and spent during the preceding portion of the fiscal year in each county and municipality, the number of fire trucks purchased, the counties and municipalities making such purchases and the cost of each fire truck purchased.

     SECTION 3.  Section 17-23-21, Mississippi Code of 1972, is brought forward as follows:

     17-23-21.  There is created in the State Treasury a special fund to be designated as the "Annual Fire Fund" to be administered by the Commissioner of Insurance.  Monies in the fund, upon appropriation by the Legislature, may be used by the commissioner only for the purpose of his or her discretion in requesting the State Fiscal Officer, and notifying the Legislative Budget Office of such, to transfer funds from this fund to the Rural Fire Truck Fund, the Supplementary Rural Fire Truck Fund, the Municipal Fire Protection Fund and/or the County Volunteer Fire Department Fund; however, the commissioner shall request the State Fiscal Officer to transfer at least One Million Five Hundred Thousand Dollars ($1,500,000.00) annually to the Rural and Supplementary Rural Fire Truck Funds.  Upon the request of the commissioner, the State Fiscal Officer shall transfer the requested amounts from the Annual Fire Fund to the Rural Fire Truck Fund, the Supplementary Rural Fire Truck Fund, the Municipal Fire Protection Fund and/or the County Volunteer Fire Department Fund.  The total amount of all such transfers shall not exceed the amount appropriated by the Legislature from the Annual Fire Fund for the fiscal year in which the transfers are made, and those transfers shall not reduce the amount of the spending authority provided to the commissioner by that appropriation.  The commissioner shall document those transfers through a reconciliation with the Department of Finance and Administration.  The Annual Fire Fund shall consist of monies provided to it through the provisions of Section 83-34-4(6), and any monies which may be appropriated to it by the Legislature.  Unexpended amounts remaining in the fund at the end of a fiscal year shall not lapse into the State General Fund, and any interest earned on amounts in the fund shall be deposited to the credit of the fund.

     SECTION 4.  Section 19-5-95, Mississippi Code of 1972, is brought forward as follows:

     19-5-95.  (1)  The board of supervisors of any county in this state having a population of less than one hundred fifty thousand (150,000), according to the most recent federal census, is hereby empowered and authorized to appropriate out of the county treasury annually a sum not in excess of Two Hundred Fifty Dollars ($250.00) in aid of any fire department for services and protection by such fire department, and, in its discretion, to appropriate out of the county treasury annually a sum not in excess of the amount which would be produced by a levy of one-fourth (1/4) mill on all taxable property within the county in aid of municipal fire departments in the county, or in aid of fire protection districts and volunteer fire departments within the county which meet the requirements set forth in Section 83-1-39(6), but in no event shall the aggregate amount appropriated annually under this section exceed an amount equal to the amount which would be produced by a levy of one-fourth (1/4) mill on all taxable property within the county.

     (2)  The board of supervisors of any county in this state having a population of one hundred fifty thousand (150,000) or greater, according to the most recent federal census, is hereby empowered and authorized to appropriate out of the county treasury annually a sum not in excess of One Thousand Dollars ($1,000.00) in aid of any fire department for services and protection by such fire department, and, in its discretion, to appropriate out of the county treasury annually a sum not in excess of the amount which would be produced by a levy of three-quarters (3/4) mill on all taxable property within the county in aid of municipal fire departments in the county, or in aid of fire protection districts and volunteer fire departments within the county which meet the requirements set forth in Section 83-1-39(6), but in no event shall the aggregate amount appropriated annually under this section exceed an amount equal to the amount which would be produced by a levy of three-quarters (3/4) mill on all taxable property within the county.

     (3)  Any appropriation that may be provided as prescribed under this section shall be additional and supplemental to any other funds provided or made available for such purposes under this section or any other section of law and shall not be construed to restrict any such other funds that may be provided to municipal fire departments in the county, fire protection districts and volunteer fire departments within the county which meet the requirements of Section 83-1-39(6).

     SECTION 5.  Section 21-25-25, Mississippi Code of 1972, is brought forward as follows:

     21-25-25.  The governing authorities of any two (2) or more municipalities may, in their discretion, contract to create a consolidated fire district, which shall consist of the whole, or a part, of the territory of such municipalities joining therein.  Such contract entered into by the governing authorities of such municipalities shall embrace all of the essential terms, and shall state the amount to be contributed by each participating municipality, and the control and operation of same.  An ordinance containing the contract as to control of equipment, supervision of the district, and the amount of money to be contributed by each municipality, shall be passed by the governing authorities of all participating municipalities in the same form and substance.  Such ordinance shall be duly published as now required by law, and shall go into effect unless twenty percent (20%) of the qualified electors of one (1) of the participating municipalities shall petition against same and file said petition with the proper clerk on or before the next regular meeting of said governing authorities, to be held not less than fifteen (15) days thereafter.  If such petition be duly filed, said governing authorities may either cancel said prior ordinance or order an election on said question.  Said ordinance shall go into effect immediately if a majority of the qualified electors voting in said election vote therefor; otherwise, said ordinance shall remain void and of no effect, and no like ordinance shall be passed within four (4) years thereafter.

     Such consolidated fire district shall be given a name, and the supervision of protecting said district shall be vested in the governing authorities of the municipality decided upon and stated in the ordinance creating the consolidated fire district.  The governing authorities of the municipalities in a consolidated fire district created under the provisions of this section shall have the same powers and duties as the governing authorities in any other fire district.

     SECTION 6.  Section 21-25-27, Mississippi Code of 1972, is brought forward as follows:

     21-25-27.  The municipal governing authorities are vested with full power to raise the levy on the property, both personal and real, by special assessment within such fire district sufficient to pay for laying such water mains, and to meet the contracted annual rental for such service.  Such authorities shall have all power to enforce and collect said taxes as provided by statutes empowering municipalities to collect special assessments, and it shall be done in the same general way and may be assessed at any time and cover such length of time as the governing authorities may deem proper.

     SECTION 7.  Section 83-1-37, Mississippi Code of 1972, is brought forward as follows:

     83-1-37.  (1)  The Department of Revenue shall pay for credit to a fund known as the "Municipal Fire Protection Fund," the sum of Four Million Eight Hundred Fifty Thousand Dollars ($4,850,000.00) annually out of the insurance premium tax collected annually from the taxes levied on the gross premiums on fire insurance policies written on properties in this state, under Sections 27-15-103 through 27-15-127.  The State Treasurer shall credit this amount to the Municipal Fire Protection Fund.  This fund shall be set aside and earmarked for payment to municipalities in this state, as hereinafter provided.

     (2)  Using 1990 as a base year, the Department of Revenue shall pay over annually to the State Treasurer, for credit to the "Municipal Fire Protection Fund," an amount representing one-half of ten percent (1/2 of 10%) of any growth after 1990 of the insurance premium tax collected annually from the taxes levied on the gross premium on fire insurance policies written on properties in this state, under Sections 27-15-103 through 27-15-127.

     (3)  The fund hereby created and denominated "Municipal Fire Protection Fund" shall be apportioned and paid over by the Department of Insurance to the incorporated municipalities certified as eligible to participate in the fund by the Commissioner of Insurance, and shall be distributed in the following manner annually:  each municipality shall be paid Six Thousand Dollars ($6,000.00), with the remainder of the monies to be paid on a population basis, to be determined by the most recent federal census.  Municipalities receiving these funds shall earmark such monies for fire protection services.

     (4)  The amount paid under subsections (1) and (2) of this section to a municipality shall be used and expended in accordance with the guidelines established by the Commissioner of Insurance authorized by Section 45-11-7, for the training of municipal personnel as needed for the adoption of and compliance with the minimum building codes as established and promulgated by the Mississippi Building Codes Council, for windstorm mitigation programs as approved by the Commissioner of Insurance, and for emergency medical service training and equipment as provided by municipal fire protection services.  A municipality may provide reasonable remuneration to municipal volunteer firefighters in accordance with the guidelines established by the Commissioner of Insurance authorized by Section 45-11-7.

     (5)  Each municipality shall levy a tax of not less than one-fourth (1/4) mill on all property of the municipality or appropriate the avails of not less than one-fourth (1/4) mill from the municipality's general fund for fire protection purposes.  Municipalities may allow such millage to be collected by the county.  Each municipality shall annually provide the Commissioner of Insurance and the State Fire Coordinator on a form provided by the State Fire Coordinator a report stating whether the municipality is levied the one-fourth (1/4) mill hereby required or in lieu thereof is allowing such millage to be collected by the county.

     (6)  The Commissioner of Insurance may promulgate rules and regulations to establish guidelines for the use of fire rebate funds.

     SECTION 8.  Section 83-1-39, Mississippi Code of 1972, is brought forward as follows:

     83-1-39.  (1)  The Department of Revenue shall pay over to the State Treasurer, to be credited to a fund entitled "County Volunteer Fire Department Fund," the sum of Four Million Eight Hundred Fifty Thousand Dollars ($4,850,000.00) annually out of the insurance premium tax in addition to the amount collected by it under the provisions of Section 27-15-103 et seq.  Such funds, hereinafter referred to as insurance rebate monies, are hereby earmarked for payment to the various counties of the state and shall be paid over to the counties by the Department of Insurance in the following manner:  each county shall be paid Thirty Thousand Dollars ($30,000.00), with the remainder of the monies to be paid on the basis of the population of each county as it compares to the population of participating counties, not counting residents of any municipality.  Such insurance rebate monies shall only be distributed to those counties which are in compliance with subsections (5) and (6) of this section.

     (2)  Using 1990 as a base year, the Department of Revenue shall pay to the State Treasurer, to be credited to the "County Volunteer Fire Department Fund," an amount representing one-half of ten percent (1/2 of 10%) of any growth after 1990 of the insurance premium tax collected annually from the taxes levied on the gross premium on fire insurance policies written on properties in this state, in addition to the amount collected by it under Section 27-15-103 et seq.

     (3)  Insurance rebate monies shall be expended by the board of supervisors for fire protection purposes of each county for the following categories:

          (a)  For training expenses, including emergency medical services training;

          (b)  Purchase of equipment, purchase of fire trucks, repair and refurbishing of fire trucks and firefighting equipment, for emergency medical services equipment, and capital construction anywhere in the county or pledging as security for a period of not more than ten (10) years for such purchases;

          (c)  Purchase of insurance on county-owned firefighting or emergency medical services equipment;

          (d)  Fire protection service contracts, including, but not limited to, municipalities, legal fire protection districts, and nonprofit corporations providing or coordinating fire service or emergency medical services in or out of the county;

          (e)  Appropriations to legal fire protection districts located in counties subject to all restrictions applicable to the use of insurance rebate monies;

          (f)  Training of any county personnel as needed for the adoption of and compliance with the codes established and promulgated by the Mississippi Building Codes Council or for windstorm mitigation programs as approved by the Commissioner of Insurance;

          (g)  Any county-owned equipment or other property, at the option of the board of supervisors, may be used by any legally created fire department;

          (h)  At the option of the board of supervisors, a county may provide reasonable remuneration to volunteer firefighters in accordance with the guidelines established by the Commissioner of Insurance authorized by Section 45-11-7; or

          (i)  For any use allowed in accordance with the guidelines as established by the Commissioner of Insurance.

     (4)  Insurance rebate monies not expended in a given fiscal year for fire protection purposes shall be placed in a special fund with a written plan approved by the Commissioner of Insurance for disposition and expenditure of such monies.  After the contracts for fire protection services have been approved and accepted by the board of supervisors, the monies shall be released to be expended in such manner as provided by this section.

     (5)  No county shall receive payments pursuant to this section after July 1, 1988, unless such county:

          (a)  Designates a county fire service coordinator who is responsible for seeing that standard guidelines established by the Commissioner of Insurance pursuant to Section 45-11-7(9), Mississippi Code of 1972, are followed.  The county fire coordinator must demonstrate that he possesses fire-related knowledge and experience;

          (b)  Designates one (1) member of the sheriff's department to be the county fire investigator and, from and after July 1, 2008, requires the designated member of the sheriff's department to attend the State Fire Academy to be trained in arson investigation; however, in the event of a loss of the county fire investigator due to illness, death, resignation, discharge or other legitimate cause, notice shall be immediately given to the Commissioner of Insurance and the county may continue to receive payments on an interim basis for a period not to exceed one (1) year;

          (c)  Adheres to the standard guidelines established by the Commissioner of Insurance pursuant to Section 45-11-7(9); and

          (d)  Counties shall levy a tax of not less than one-fourth (1/4) mill on all property of the county or appropriate avails of not less than one-fourth (1/4) mill from the county's general fund for fire protection purposes.  Municipalities making a written declaration to the county that they fund and provide their own fire services shall be exempted from this levy.  This levy shall be used for fire protection purposes which include, but are not limited to, contracting with any provider of fire protection services.

     (6)  (a)  No funds shall be paid by the county to any provider of fire protection services except in accordance with a written contract entered into in accordance with guidelines established by the Commissioner of Insurance and properly approved by the board of supervisors and Commissioner of Insurance.  No county shall distribute funds to any fire service provider which has not met the reporting requirements required by the Commissioner of Insurance.  At such time that a fire protection services provider, particularly a county volunteer fire department, a municipality or a fire protection district, has fulfilled the obligations of the written contract and has met the reporting requirements provided for in this subsection and the board of supervisors has received the insurance rebate monies, the board of supervisors shall disburse the appropriate amount to the fire protection services provider within a reasonable time, not to exceed six (6) weeks, from the time such requirements are met.  Insurance rebate monies used for the purposes of contracting shall be expended by the fire service provider for capital construction, training expenses, purchase of firefighting equipment, including payments on any loans made for the purpose of purchasing firefighting equipment, purchase of insurance for any fire equipment owned or operated by the provider, and for training and equipment of emergency medical services as provided by fire protection services.

          (b)  If the Commissioner of Insurance believes that a county is using the funds in a manner not consistent with subsections (5) and (6) of this section, the commissioner shall request the State Auditor to conduct an investigation pursuant to Section 7-7-211(e).

     (7)  The board of supervisors of any county may contribute funds directly to any provider of fire protection services serving such county.  Such contributions must be used for fire protection purposes as may be reasonably established by the Commissioner of Insurance.

     (8)  Any municipal, county or local water association or other utility district supplying water may, upon adoption of a resolution authorizing such action, contribute free of charge to a volunteer fire department or fire protection district serving such local government, political subdivision or utility district such water as is necessary for firefighting or training activities of such volunteer fire department or fire protection district.

     (9)  The board of supervisors of any county may, in its discretion, grade, gravel, shell and/or maintain real property of a county volunteer fire department, including roads or driveways thereof, as necessary for the effective and safe operation of such county volunteer fire department.  Any action taken by the board of supervisors under the authority of this subsection shall be spread upon the minutes of the board of supervisors when the work is authorized.

     (10)  For the purpose of this section, "fire protection district" means a district organized under Section 19-5-151 et seq., or pursuant to any other code section or by any local and private act authorizing the establishment of a fire protection district, unless the context clearly requires otherwise.

     (11)  The Commissioner of Insurance may promulgate rules and regulations to establish guidelines for the use of fire rebate funds.

     SECTION 9.  Section 83-2-33, Mississippi Code of 1972, is brought forward as follows:

     83-2-33.  All property and casualty insurance companies doing business in this state shall contribute annually, at such times as the Insurance Commissioner shall determine, in proportion to their gross premiums collected within the State of Mississippi during the preceding year, to a special fund in the State Treasury to be known as the "Insurance Department Fund" to be expended by the Insurance Commissioner in the payment of the expenses of the Department of Insurance as the commissioner may deem necessary.  The commissioner is hereby authorized to employ such actuarial and other assistance as shall be necessary to carry out the duties of the department; and such employees shall be under the authority and direction of the Insurance Commissioner.  The amount to be contributed annually to the fund shall be fixed each year by the Insurance Commissioner at a percentage of the gross premiums so collected during the preceding year.  However, a minimum assessment of One Hundred Dollars ($100.00) shall be charged to each licensed property and casualty insurance company regardless of the gross premium amount collected during the preceding year.

     The total contributions collected for the Insurance Department Fund shall not exceed the sum of Seven Hundred Fifty Thousand Dollars ($750,000.00) in each fiscal year.

     From and after July 1, 2016, the expenses of this agency shall be defrayed by appropriation from the State General Fund and all user charges and fees authorized under this section shall be deposited into the State General Fund as authorized by law.

     From and after July 1, 2016, no state agency shall charge another state agency a fee, assessment, rent or other charge for services or resources received by authority of this section.

     SECTION 10.  Section 83-3-24, Mississippi Code of 1972, is brought forward as follows:

     83-3-24.  (1)  When rating a municipality or fire district, including evaluations of rural or volunteer fire departments, the Rating Bureau shall consider the mileage, condition and maintenance of the fire trucks rather than the age of the fire trucks.  For the purpose of grading municipalities or fire districts, including rural and volunteer fire departments, and awarding credits that are considered in determining an overall fire rating based upon the condition of their fire trucks, the Rating Bureau shall publish guidelines for use in the grading of fire trucks not later than January 30 of the calendar year during which the Rating Bureau will apply the guidelines.  These guidelines shall be published and made available to each municipality and fire district, including rural and volunteer fire departments, on the Rating Bureau's website not later than January 30 of the calendar year during which the Rating Bureau will apply the guidelines.  If a fire truck in a municipality or fire district, including rural and volunteer fire departments, satisfies the guidelines, then the Rating Bureau shall not recommend the replacement of the fire truck before the next grading process.

     (2)  For the purpose of grading fire departments, the alternative water supply standard shall be two hundred fifty (250) gallons per minute for a sustained period of one (1) hour.

     SECTION 11.  Section 83-5-72, Mississippi Code of 1972, is brought forward as follows:

     83-5-72.  All life, health and accident insurance companies and health maintenance organizations doing business in this state shall contribute annually, at such times as the Insurance Commissioner shall determine, in proportion to their gross premiums collected within the State of Mississippi during the preceding year, to a special fund in the State Treasury to be known as the "Insurance Department Fund" to be expended by the Insurance Commissioner in the payment of the expenses of the Department of Insurance as the commissioner may deem necessary.  The commissioner is hereby authorized to employ such actuarial and other assistance as shall be necessary to carry out the duties of the department; and the employees shall be under the authority and direction of the Insurance Commissioner.  The amount to be contributed annually to the fund shall be fixed each year by the Insurance Commissioner at a percentage of the gross premiums so collected during the preceding year.  However, a minimum assessment of One Hundred Dollars ($100.00) shall be charged each licensed life, health and accident insurance company regardless of the gross premium amount collected during the preceding year.

     The total contributions collected for the Insurance Department Fund shall not exceed the sum of Seven Hundred Fifty Thousand Dollars ($750,000.00) in each fiscal year.

     From and after July 1, 2016, the expenses of this agency shall be defrayed by appropriation from the State General Fund and all user charges and fees authorized under this section shall be deposited into the State General Fund as authorized by law.

     From and after July 1, 2016, no state agency shall charge another state agency a fee, assessment, rent or other charge for services or resources received by authority of this section.

     SECTION 12.  Section 83-5-73, Mississippi Code of 1972, is brought forward as follows:

     83-5-73.  The commissioner shall collect and pay into the special fund in the State Treasury designated as the "Insurance Department Fund" the following fees:  for certificate of authority to each general or district agent or manager, Twenty-five Dollars ($25.00); for filing and processing an agent's certificate of authority, Twenty-five Dollars ($25.00); for filing and examining statement preliminary to admission, One Thousand Dollars ($1,000.00); for filing and processing a Form A application, Two Thousand Dollars ($2,000.00); for filing and auditing annual statement, Five Hundred Dollars ($500.00); for filing any other paper required by law, Fifty Dollars ($50.00); for continuing education courses or programs filed by the providers for approval, Fifty Dollars ($50.00); for each certification company licensed status, Forty Dollars ($40.00); for each seal when required, Twenty Dollars ($20.00); for service of process on the commissioner as attorney, Twenty-five Dollars ($25.00).

     From and after July 1, 2016, the expenses of this agency shall be defrayed by appropriation from the State General Fund and all user charges and fees authorized under this section shall be deposited into the State General Fund as authorized by law.

     From and after July 1, 2016, no state agency shall charge another state agency a fee, assessment, rent or other charge for services or resources received by authority of this section.

     SECTION 13.  Section 83-34-4, Mississippi Code of 1972, is brought forward as follows:

     83-34-4.  (1)  Nonadmitted insurers shall not be assessable insurers of the association.  All surplus lines insurance producers placing insurance through nonadmitted insurers shall collect from the insured and remit to the association a nonadmitted policy fee on all premiums for all insurance written by such surplus lines insurance producer for a policy from a nonadmitted insurer for any and all risks in this state, except that policies or portions thereof that cover residential earthquake risks or residential flood risks that are not written through the National Flood Insurance Program shall be exempt from the nonadmitted policy fee.  By procuring or selling insurance on property in this state from a nonadmitted insurer, each surplus lines insurance producer placing insurance through a nonadmitted insurer agrees to be bound by the provisions of this chapter and to collect and remit the nonadmitted policy fee provided for herein.

     (2)  The nonadmitted policy fee shall be a percentage of the total policy premium but the nonadmitted policy fee shall not be considered premium and is not subject to premium taxes or commissions.  However, failure to pay the nonadmitted policy fee shall be treated the same as failure to pay premium.  "Total policy premium" includes taxes and commissions.

     (3)  The nonadmitted policy fee percentage shall be three percent (3%).

     (4)  Within twenty (20) days of the end of the quarter, surplus lines insurance producers placing insurance through nonadmitted insurers shall remit directly to the association all nonadmitted policy fees collected in the preceding quarter.  In addition to the nonadmitted policy fee provided for herein, surplus lines insurance producers placing insurance through nonadmitted insurers shall collect and remit excess deficit surcharges as provided by this chapter.  Surplus lines insurance producers placing insurance through nonadmitted insurers may designate another surplus lines insurance producer that actually procured the insurance from the nonadmitted carrier to collect and remit the nonadmitted policy fees.

     (5)  Each insured in this state who directly procures or renews insurance with a nonadmitted insurer on properties, risks or exposures located or to be performed, in whole or in part, in this state, other than insurance procured through a surplus lines licensee, shall be subject to the nonadmitted policy fee which shall be paid by the insured according to the procedures provided for premium taxes in Section 83-21-17(5).

     (6)  Monies derived from the nonadmitted policy fee collected under this section shall not be considered public funds and may be used by the association, in addition to any uses provided for in Section 83-34-3(4), for education, public outreach, training of building officials and other programs targeted to reduce the number of policies within the association; however, beginning on July 1, 2018, and ending on June 30, 2019, before any fees are remitted to the association, One Million Five Hundred Thousand Dollars ($1,500,000.00) shall be diverted and deposited into the Capital Expense Fund, and Four Million Five Hundred Thousand Dollars ($4,500,000.00) shall be diverted and deposited into the Rural Fire Truck Fund or Supplementary Rural Fire Truck Fund.  Further, beginning July 1, 2019, and ending on June 30, 2020, before any fees are remitted to the association, Three Million Five Hundred Thousand Dollars ($3,500,000.00) shall be diverted and deposited into the Rural Fire Truck Fund or Supplementary Rural Fire Truck Fund.  Further, beginning July 1, 2022, before any fees are remitted to the association but only if the association will receive at least sixty percent (60%) of the fees, Five Hundred Thousand Dollars ($500,000.00) shall be diverted and deposited annually into the Mississippi First Responders Health and Safety Trust Fund created in Section 25-15-411.  Further, beginning July 1, 2022, but only if the association will receive at least sixty percent (60%) of the fees and the Mississippi First Responders Health and Safety Trust Fund has received the diversion of Five Hundred Thousand Dollars ($500,000.00), Three Million Five Hundred Thousand Dollars ($3,500,000.00) shall be diverted and deposited annually into the Annual Fire Fund created in Section 17-23-21.  Further, beginning July 1, 2022, after the association has received sixty percent (60%) of the fees and after all other diversions are made, fifty percent (50%) of any excess amount shall be remitted to the association and fifty percent (50%) of any excess amount shall be diverted and deposited annually into the Annual Fire Fund.

     In the event the value of the association's Total Admitted Assets, as defined by the audited financial statement, is less than Two Hundred Fifty Million Dollars ($250,000,000.00), the monies diverted and not remitted to the association under this subsection (6) during that fiscal year and subsequent fiscal years shall immediately be diverted to the association and shall not be considered public funds.

     (7)  The association may use excess funds to purchase reinsurance in an amount that may exceed the total premiums collected from policyholders.

     SECTION 14.  This act shall take effect and be in force from and after July 1, 2025.