Cmte Sub for Senate Bill No. 2823
BY: Senator(s) Blackwell
AMEND on line 150 by inserting the following language after the period:
The division shall submit a waiver by July 1, 2024, to the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services to authorize the division to conduct less frequent medical redeterminations for children eligible under this subsection who have certain long-term or chronic conditions that do not need to be reidentified every year.
AMEND on line 490 by deleting the word "and" and inserting a comma in lieu thereof.
FURTHER, AMEND on line 490 by inserting the following after the word "gynecologists":
and pediatricians
FURTHER, AMEND, on line 782 after the period by inserting the following language:
The division, in consultation with the Mississippi Hospital Association, shall develop alternative models for distribution of medical claims and supplemental payments for inpatient and outpatient hospital services, and such models may include, but shall not be limited to the following: increasing rates for inpatient and outpatient services; creating a low-income utilization pool of funds to reimburse hospitals for the costs of uncompensated care, charity care and bad debts as permitted and approved pursuant to federal regulations and the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services; supplemental payments based upon Medicaid utilization, quality, service lines and/or costs of providing such services to Medicaid beneficiaries and to uninsured patients. The goals of such payment models shall be to ensure access to inpatient and outpatient care and to maximize any federal funds that are available to reimburse hospitals for services provided. The Chairmen of the Senate and House Medicaid Committees shall be provided a copy of the proposed payment model(s) prior to submission.
FURTHER, AMEND, by inserting the following language on line 848 before paragraph (19):
(d) Supplemental payments to a hospital shall not decrease by more than five percent (5%) when compared to a hospital’s prior year payment unless that hospital has closed, or changed services or patient volume which impact that hospital’s payment, and the division shall not substantially change the methodologies used to calculate a hospital’s supplemental payment. Nothing in this paragraph shall be construed to prohibit an increase in total funding available for hospital supplemental payment programs. For Mississippi providers described under this section, the division shall, subject to approval by the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS), implement and operate supplemental payment programs at the maximum levels permissible under applicable federal statutes and regulations.
FURTHER, AMEND on line 1216 by deleting "2024" and inserting "2028" in lieu thereof.
FURTHER, AMEND the title to conform.