



Cmte Sub for Senate Bill No. 2240


BY: Senator(s) Parker, DeBar


     AMEND on line 768 by inserting the following language as a new subsection (2) and renumbering subsequent subsections accordingly:

     (2)  Nothing herein shall be construed to prohibit, sanction, or to require a license with respect to any of the following:

     The practice of the following doctors as defined by the laws of this state.  Furthermore, this chapter is not intended to limit, restrict, enlarge, or alter the medical and/or surgical privileges and practice of the following professions as provided by the laws of this state:

          (a)  Dentistry (DDS or DMD)

          (b)  Optometry (OD);

          (c)  Chiropractic (DC);

          (d)  Veterinarian (DVM or (VDM).

     (3)  Nothing herein shall be construed to prohibit, sanction or punish licensed nurses, nurse practitioners or advanced practice nurses who are practicing within their scope of practice.