



Cmte Sub for Senate Bill No. 2132


BY: Senator(s) Blount


     AMEND by deleting lines 188-192 and renumber subsections.

     FURTHER, AMEND by striking lines 222-230 and substituting:

     (3)  The commission shall collaborate with the Department of Human Services to promulgate all rules and regulations necessary to carry out the provisions of this section, including, but not limited to, a procedure requiring the withholding of payments of progressive slot machine annuities and reportable cash gaming winnings of persons who have outstanding child support arrearages prior to the payment of a progressive slot annuity or cash gaming winnings.

     FURTHER, AMEND by striking lines 255-259 and substituting:

          (b)  Until such time as the issue of child support arrearage is resolved, provided that the obligor has filed a written request for an administrative hearing with the Mississippi Department of Human Services Administrative Hearing Division prior to the end of the twenty-day period.

     FURTHER, AMEND by striking lines 260-261 and substituting:

     (7)  Grounds for the written request for an administrative hearing challenging the encumbrance of game winnings shall be limited to the following: