



House Bill No. 1706


BY: Committee


     Amend by striking all after the enacting clause and inserting in lieu thereof the following:


     SECTION 1.  Section 27-104-321, Mississippi Code of 1972, is brought forward as follows:

     27-104-321.  (1)  All funds received by or on behalf of the State of Mississippi through the Coronavirus State Fiscal Recovery Fund in Section 9901 of the American Rescue Plan Act of 2021 (Public Law No. 117-2) shall be deposited into the Coronavirus State Fiscal Recovery Fund created in subsection (2) of this section. 

     (2)  There is created in the State Treasury a special fund to be designated as the "Coronavirus State Fiscal Recovery Fund."  The special fund shall consist of funds required to be deposited into the special fund by subsection (1) of this section, funds appropriated or otherwise made available by the Legislature in any manner, and funds from any other source designated for deposit

into the special fund.  Monies in the fund shall only be spent upon appropriation by the Legislature and shall only be used as provided in the Coronavirus State Fiscal Recovery Fund in Section 9901 of the American Rescue Plan Act of 2021 (Public Law No. 117-2) or as authorized by federal rule or regulation or guidelines. 

     (3)  Unexpended amounts remaining in the special fund at the end of a fiscal year shall not lapse into the State General Fund but shall remain in the Coronavirus State Fiscal Recovery Fund. Any investment earnings or interest earned on amounts in the special fund shall be deposited to the credit of the special fund.

     SECTION 2.  Section 27-104-323, Mississippi Code of 1972, is amended as follows:

     27-104-323.  (1)  All funds received by or on behalf of the State of Mississippi through the Coronavirus Local Fiscal Recovery Fund in Section 9901 of the American Rescue Plan Act of 2021 (Public Law No. 117-2) for distribution to nonentitlement units of local government shall be deposited into the Coronavirus Local Fiscal Recovery Fund created in subsection (2) of this section. 

     (2)  There is created in the State Treasury a special fund to be designated as the "Coronavirus Local Fiscal Recovery Fund" to be administered by the Department of Finance and Administration. The special fund shall consist of funds required to be deposited into the special fund by subsection (1) of this section, funds appropriated or otherwise made available by the Legislature in any manner, and funds from any other source designated for deposit into the special fund.  The Department of Finance and Administration shall distribute the funds to the nonentitlement units of local government in accordance with the Coronavirus Local Fiscal Recovery Fund in Section 9901 of the American Rescue Plan Act of 2021 (Public Law No. 117-2) and any applicable federal guidelines.  Such funds shall only be used as provided in the Coronavirus Local Fiscal Recovery Fund in Section 9901 of the American Rescue Plan Act of 2021 (Public Law No. 117-2) or as authorized by federal rule or regulation or guidelines.

     (3)  Unexpended amounts remaining in the special fund at the end of a fiscal year shall not lapse into the State General Fund but shall remain in the Coronavirus Local Fiscal Recovery Fund.  The State Fiscal Officer shall transfer to the Coronavirus State Fiscal Recovery Fund the full amount of any investment earnings or interest earned on amounts in the Coronavirus Local Fiscal Recovery Fund that are remaining in the Coronavirus Local Fiscal Recovery Fund on July 1, 2024.  Any investment earnings or interest earned on amounts in the * * * special fund Coronavirus Local Fiscal Recovery Fund after July 1, 2024, shall be deposited to the credit of the * * * special fund Coronavirus State Fiscal Recovery Fund created in Section 27-104-321.

     (4)  The State Fiscal Officer is authorized, in his or her discretion, to transfer to the federal government any funds in the Coronavirus Local Fiscal Recovery Fund that have not been used for the purpose for which they were received.

     SECTION 3.  Section 27-104-325, Mississippi Code of 1972, is brought forward as follows:

     27-104-325.  There is created in the State Treasury a special fund to be designated as the "Coronavirus State Fiscal Recovery Lost Revenue Fund," which shall consist of funds calculated based on a reduction in the state's general revenue due to the coronavirus public health emergency, made available through the Coronavirus State Fiscal Recovery Fund established by the American Rescue Plan Act of 2021, and transferred into the fund by act of the Legislature.  The fund shall be maintained by the State Treasurer as a separate and special fund, separate and apart from the General Fund of the state.  Unexpended amounts remaining in the fund at the end of a fiscal year shall not lapse into the State General Fund, and any investment earnings or interest earned on amounts in the fund shall be deposited to the credit of the fund.  Monies in the fund shall be used by the Department of Finance and Administration, upon appropriation by the Legislature, for the purpose of providing government services.

     SECTION 4.  Section 37-153-57, Mississippi Code of 1972, is brought forward as follows:

     37-153-57.  (1)  There is established the Accelerate Mississippi Workforce Development Program, which shall be directed by the office for the purpose of providing education and training to citizens seeking employment in high-wage, high-demand industries in the state, including, but not limited to, the nursing and healthcare fields, which were impacted by the disruption to the economy and workforce caused by COVID-19.  This program shall be subject to the availability of funds appropriated by the Legislature using Coronavirus State Fiscal Recovery Funds made available under ARPA or any other funds appropriated by the Legislature.

     (2)  As used in this section, the following words have the meanings ascribed unless the context requires otherwise:

          (a)  "Recipient" means a community college, institution of higher learning, or trainee recipient of grant funding under this section.

          (b)  "Trainee" means an individual receiving training or other services through programs under this article with the goal of becoming employed in a high-wage, high-demand industry.

          (c)  "High-wage, high-demand industry" means those industries paying above Mississippi's median annual income and prioritized by the office and the four (4) local workforce areas.

          (d)  "Eligible expenses" means a cost incurred by a recipient, pursuant to this article, to include:

              (i)  Necessary equipment or other supplies;

              (ii)  Curricula or other academic or training materials;

              (iii)  Remote learning or other classroom technology;

              (iv)  Stipends for teaching staff or faculty for workforce development programs;

              (v)  Trainee support, including tuition expenses and childcare or transportation assistance;

              (vi)  Coaching or mentoring services;

              (vii)  Job placement services;

              (viii)  Apprenticeship programs; and

              (ix)  Recruitment programs.

     (3)  The Department of Employment Security shall serve as fiscal agent in administering the funds.

     (4)  Subject to appropriation by the Legislature, allocations to recipients shall be awarded by the office through an application process, which shall require the applicant to provide:

          (a)  A detailed explanation of the program the applicant intends to use awarded funds to create or expand, including:

              (i)  A description of the high-wage, high-demand field or workforce shortage area the program is intended to address;

              (ii)  The number of trainees who will be served by the program; and

              (iii)  The average wage rate for trainees receiving employment after completing the program;

          (b)  A proposed budget on how awarded funds will be expended, including a plan to consistently report expenditures to the office throughout the funding commitment;

          (c)  A plan to provide data on participation and outcomes of the program, including a plan to report outcomes to the office throughout the funding commitment; and

          (d)  Other relevant information as determined appropriate by the office.

     (5)  Applicants agreeing to commit a portion of their federal COVID-19 relief funds, if they received federal COVID-19 relief funds directly, or other state, federal or private funds as supplemental matching funds to offset the total cost of the approved program will be prioritized for approval.

     (6)  The office shall:

          (a)  Inform each recipient of its portion of the funds appropriated to the grant program;

          (b)  Develop regulations and procedures to govern the administration of the grant program;

          (c)  Prioritize high-wage, high-skill industries, including, but not limited to, nursing jobs or other jobs within the healthcare field; and

          (d)  Coordinate with the Department of Employment Security to share information to identify individuals who were furloughed, unemployed, underemployed or otherwise displaced due to COVID-19.

     (7)  The office may use a maximum of two percent (2%) of funds allocated for this article for the administration of the grant program, to the extent permissible under federal law.

     SECTION 5.  Section 37-153-205, Mississippi Code of 1972, is brought forward as follows:

     37-153-205.  (1)  There is established the Accelerate Mississippi Nursing/Allied Health Grant Program, which shall be directed by the office for the purpose of increasing capacity in nursing and allied health training programs, including accredited paramedic programs, job sectors which were severely impacted by the disruption to the economy and workforce caused by COVID-19.

     (2)  For purposes of this section, the following words shall have the meanings ascribed herein unless the context requires otherwise:

          (a)  "Grant program" means the program established in this section, which provides funding, as determined by the office, from federal COVID-19 relief funds to sustain and increase capacity in nursing and allied health education and training programs, including accredited paramedic programs, or to help retain and graduate nursing and allied health students, at community and junior colleges or other entities facilitating healthcare-focused training programs as determined by the office.

          (b)  "Recipient" means a community or junior college or other entities facilitating healthcare-focused training programs as determined by the office.

          (c)  "Trainee" means an individual receiving training or other services through the grant program under this article with the goal of becoming employed in the nursing or allied health field, including as a licensed paramedic.

          (d)  "COVID-19" means the Coronavirus Disease 2019.

          (e)  "Federal COVID-19 relief funds" means funds allocated to the State of Mississippi from the Coronavirus State Fiscal Recovery Fund in Section 9901 of the American Rescue Plan Act of 2021 (Public Law No. 117-2).

          (f)  "High-wage, high-demand industry" means those nursing or allied health jobs, including paramedics, paying above Mississippi's median annual income and prioritized by the office.

          (g)  "Eligible expenses" means a cost incurred by a recipient under this article, to include:

               (i)  Necessary equipment or other supplies to sustain or increase capacity in nursing or allied health training programs, including accredited paramedic programs;

               (ii)  Necessary infrastructure, including building renovation or construction, for increasing capacity in nursing or allied health training programs, including accredited paramedic programs;

               (iii)  Curricula or other academic or training materials to sustain or increase capacity in nursing or allied health training programs, including accredited paramedic programs;

               (iv)  Remote learning or other classroom technology to sustain or increase capacity in nursing or allied health training programs, including accredited paramedic programs;

               (v)  Job placement services for nursing or allied health students and graduates, including those in accredited paramedic programs;

               (vi)  Recruitment programs for nursing or allied health students and graduates, including those in accredited paramedic programs;

               (vii)  Other services aimed at helping retain and graduate current nursing and allied health students, including those in accredited paramedic programs.

     (3)  The Department of Employment Security shall serve as fiscal agent in administering the funds.

     (4)  Subject to appropriation by the Legislature, allocations to recipients shall be awarded by the office through an application process, which shall require the applicant to provide:

          (a)  A detailed explanation of the program the applicant intends to use awarded funds to create or expand, to include:

               (i)  A description of the nursing or allied health workforce shortage the program is intended to address, including specific information from hospitals, clinics, long-term care facilities or other health care providers in the region;

               (ii)  Any relevant waitlist or other information demonstrating high demand for graduates from the relevant nursing or allied health program;

               (iii)  The number of nursing or allied health students who will be served by the program; and

               (iv)  The average wage rate for nursing or allied health students receiving employment after completing the program;

          (b)  A proposed budget on how awarded funds will be expended, including a plan to consistently report expenditures to the office throughout the funding commitment;

          (c)  A plan to provide data on participation and outcomes of the program, including a plan to report outcomes to the office throughout the funding commitment; and

          (d)  Other relevant information as determined appropriate by the office.

     (5)  Applicants agreeing to commit a portion of their federal COVID-19 relief funds, if they received federal COVID-19 relief funds directly, or other state, federal or private funds as supplemental matching funds to offset the total cost of the approved program will be prioritized for approval.

     (6)  The office shall:

          (a)  Inform each recipient of its portion of the funds appropriated to the grant program;

          (b)  Develop regulations and procedures to govern the administration of the grant program;

          (c)  Prioritize jobs within the nursing or allied health fields which are currently experiencing staffing shortages in hospitals, clinics, long-term care facilities and other health care providers across the state; and

          (d)  Prioritize jobs which are high-wage, high-demand jobs within the nursing and allied health fields, including the paramedic field.

     (7)  Seventy-five percent (75%) of the funds provided through the appropriations process for this program shall be reserved for community and junior colleges.  A maximum of twenty-five percent (25%) of the funds provided through the appropriations process for this program may be awarded to recipients other than a community or junior college which facilitate healthcare-focused training programs as determined by the office.

     SECTION 6.  Section 37-153-207, Mississippi Code of 1972, is brought forward as follows:

     37-153-207.  (1)  There is established the Accelerate Mississippi Physician Residency and Fellowship Start-Up Grant Program, which shall be directed by the office for the purpose of creating new or increasing capacity in existing physician residency and fellowship programs in hospitals, which were severely impacted by the disruption to the economy and workforce caused by COVID-19.

     (2)  For purposes of this section, the following words shall have the meanings ascribed herein unless the context requires otherwise:

          (a)  "Grant program" means the program established in this section, which provides funding, as determined by the office, from federal COVID-19 relief funds to create new or increase capacity in existing physician residency and fellowship programs at general acute care hospitals in the State of Mississippi which are licensed by the Mississippi State Department of Health.

          (b)  "Recipient" means a general acute care hospital in the State of Mississippi which is licensed by the Mississippi State Department of Health.

          (c)  "Residency and fellowship programs" means advanced training programs in medical or surgical specialty areas which are accredited by the Accreditation Council for Graduate Medical Education or a similar accreditation body.

          (d)  "COVID-19" means the Coronavirus Disease 2019.

          (e)  "Federal COVID-19 relief funds" means funds allocated to the State of Mississippi from the Coronavirus State Fiscal Recovery Fund in Section 9901 of the American Rescue Plan Act of 2021 (Public Law No. 117-2).

          (f)  "Eligible expenses" means a cost incurred by a recipient, pursuant to this article, to include:

               (i)  Equipment or other supplies necessary for accreditation;

               (ii)  Necessary infrastructure, including building, renovation or construction, for accreditation;

               (iii)  Curricula or other academic or training materials necessary for accreditation;

               (iv)  Stipends for the recruitment, hiring and development of program directors, program coordinators, faculty and/or teaching staff and clinic staff necessary for accreditation; and

               (v)  Remote learning or other classroom technology.

     (3)  The Department of Employment Security shall serve as fiscal agent in administering the funds.

     (4)  Subject to appropriation by the Legislature, allocations to recipients shall be awarded by the office through an application process, which shall require the applicant to provide:

          (a)  Evidence that the applicant is in the process of preparing for accreditation, has applied for accreditation or has received accreditation for a new residency or fellowship program, or increased capacity in an existing residency or fellowship program;

          (b)  A detailed explanation of the residency or fellowship program the applicant intends to use awarded funds to create or expand, to include:

               (i)  A description of the workforce shortage the residency or fellowship program is intended to address, including specific information from health care providers in the region;

               (ii)  Any relevant waitlist or other information demonstrating high demand for medical school graduates to enter the residency or fellowship program;

               (iii)  The number of residents who will be served by the residency or fellowship program;

               (iv)  The budget for the residency or fellowship program, including a plan showing sustainability after accreditation and any required federal approval of the program; and

               (v)  The average wage rate for residents or fellows receiving employment after completing the program;

          (c)  A proposed budget on how awarded funds will be expended, including a plan to consistently report expenditures to the office throughout the funding commitment;

          (d)  A plan to provide data on participation and outcomes of the residency or fellowship program, including a plan to report outcomes to the office throughout the funding commitment; and

          (e)  Other relevant information as determined appropriate by the office.

     (5)  Applicants agreeing to commit a portion of their federal COVID-19 relief funds, if they received federal COVID-19 relief funds directly, or other state, federal or private funds as supplemental matching funds to offset the total cost of the approved program shall be prioritized for approval.

     (6)  The office shall:

          (a)  Inform each recipient of its portion of the funds appropriated to the grant program;

          (b)  Develop regulations and procedures to govern the administration of the grant program;

          (c)  Prioritize residency or fellowship programs within medical or surgical specialties which are currently experiencing staffing shortages in hospitals, clinics, long-term care facilities and other health care providers across the state;

          (d)  Prioritize residency or fellowship programs which produce graduates in high-demand medical and surgical fields;

          (e)  Establish a schedule of application deadlines and a system for considering applications on a rotating basis; and

          (f)  Ensure that every effort be made, in accordance with the priorities in this subsection, to provide funds for the placement of one (1) resident with each recipient before considering awarding funds for the placement of additional residents in the same round of consideration.

     SECTION 7.  Section 37-153-209, Mississippi Code of 1972, is brought forward as follows:

     37-153-209.  (1)  There is established the Mississippi Allied Health College and Career Navigator Grant Program, which shall be directed by the office for the purpose of hiring professionals, or navigators, to provide individual assistance and guidance to students to assist them in many areas, from maneuvering challenges while enrolled in college programs and understanding the job market to working through course challenges, and to help retain and graduate nursing and allied health students, at community and junior colleges.  Such navigators must be at least a registered nurse with at least two (2) years of experience in nursing.  The grant program shall be funded from monies appropriated by the Legislature for that purpose.

     (2)  The office shall prescribe the terms and conditions of the grant program.  To be eligible to receive a grant from the office under the grant program, a community college shall provide the following information:

          (a)  The number of nursing or allied health students who will be served by the program;

          (b)  A plan to provide data on participation and outcomes of the program, including a plan to report outcomes to the office throughout the funding commitment; and

          (c)  Any other information that the office determines is necessary.

     SECTION 8.  Section 37-106-64, Mississippi Code of 1972, is brought forward as follows:

     37-106-64.  (1)  There is established the "Skilled Nursing Home and Hospital Nurses Retention Loan Repayment Program" for new nursing graduates to be administered by the Mississippi Postsecondary Education Financial Assistance Board.

     (2)  Subject to the availability of funds, an eligible applicant for an initial award must have:

          (a)  Legal residency in the State of Mississippi;

          (b)  Gained employment within the last year for the first time as a full-time licensed practical nurse or licensed registered nurse at a skilled nursing home in the State of Mississippi or a general acute care hospital in the State of Mississippi that is licensed by the Mississippi State Department of Health;

          (c)  A current relevant Mississippi professional license; and

          (d)  Outstanding qualifying educational loans, received at any point during the recipients postsecondary education career, which may include the principal, interest and related expenses such as the required interest premium on the unpaid balances of government and commercial loans obtained by the recipient for educational expense.

     (3)  Persons who have received funds from state-forgivable loan programs established under Mississippi law, or who are in default or delinquent on any federal, state, local or commercial qualifying educational loan, shall not be eligible for this program.

     (4)  Recipients in the program shall be selected on a first-come, first-served basis from all eligible applicants.  The Mississippi Postsecondary Education Financial Assistance Board shall renew eligible applicants approved in prior years only if the renewal applicant continues to meet the standards set forth in this act, and the renewal applicant has not received full funding provided by this subsection (4).

     (5)  Awards for recipients who are employed at a skilled nursing home or a licensed general acute care hospital in the state may be a maximum of Six Thousand Dollars ($6,000.00) for each year of employment up to three (3) years.

     (6)  A recipient shall not be penalized for ending employment at a skilled nursing home or a licensed general acute care hospital in the State of Mississippi if the recipient begins working for another skilled nursing home or licensed general acute care hospital in the State of Mississippi during the year on which the award is based.

     (7)  Awards shall be granted on a year-to-year basis, and recipients have no obligation to seek a subsequent award.

     (8)  Awards shall be paid annually, after the expiration of the year of employment for which the award was granted, to the recipient's lender or loan service provider, to be applied to the outstanding balance.  Monies paid by the recipient or on the recipient's behalf toward qualifying educational loans before payment of the award shall not be eligible for reimbursement through the program.

     (9)  During the employment year for which the award is granted, a recipient shall at all times keep the State Financial Aid Board informed of any changes to the recipient's current, correct and complete employment information and status.

     (10)  Recipients who fail to maintain a relevant Mississippi professional license or fail to fulfill the year of employment on which the award was based forfeit any right to the award.

     (11)  The Mississippi Postsecondary Education Financial Assistance Board, in collaboration with the State Board of Nursing and any other applicable state agency as determined by the Mississippi Postsecondary Education Financial Assistance Board, shall attempt to track award recipients under this program through their third employment year, unless the recipient leaves employment at a skilled nursing home or a licensed general acute care hospital in the state at an earlier date.  Data collected shall include each recipients' place of employment and any other pertinent information necessary to determine the efficacy of the program in retaining nurses in skilled nursing homes or licensed general acute care hospitals in the State of Mississippi.

     (12)  The Mississippi Postsecondary Education Financial Assistance Board shall promulgate regulations necessary for the proper administration of this section, including setting a fiscal year policy for the program and application dates and deadlines.

     (13)  This section shall stand repealed on July 1, 2027.

     SECTION 9.  Section 41-3-16.1, Mississippi Code of 1972, is brought forward as follows:

     41-3-16.1.  (1)  (a)  The State Department of Health (department) shall establish a grant program to be known as the ARPA Rural Water Associations Infrastructure Grant Program (program) to assist rural water associations and entities in the construction of eligible drinking water infrastructure projects as provided in the Final Rule for the Coronavirus State and Local Fiscal Recovery Funds as established by the federal American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA).

          (b)  Rural water associations and any entity that received funding under the ARPA Rural Water Associations Infrastructure Grant Program or the Mississippi Municipality and County Water Infrastructure (MCWI) Grant Program before April 14, 2023, shall be ineligible for additional grants under this section.

     (2)  The program shall be funded from appropriations by the Legislature to the department from the Coronavirus State Fiscal Recovery Fund, and the department shall expend all such funds for the purposes provided in subsection (1) of this section.

     (3)  The department shall obligate the funds by the deadline set by the rules and guidelines of the United States Department of the Treasury and will adhere to the Treasury's rules and guidelines for reporting and monitoring projects funded through ARPA.

     (4)  (a)  The department shall develop a system for use in ranking the grant applications received.  The ranking system shall include the following factors, at a minimum:  (a) the environmental impact of the proposed project; (b) the proposed project's ability to address noncompliance with state/federal requirements; (c) the extent to which the project promotes economic development; (d) the number of people served by the project (both new and existing users); (e) impacts of the proposed project on disadvantaged/ overburdened communities; (f) the grant applicant's prior efforts to secure funding to address the proposed project's objectives; (g) the grant applicant's proposed contribution of other funds or in-kind cost-sharing to the proposed project; (h) the grant applicant's long-term plans for the financial and physical operation and maintenance of the project; and (i) the grant applicant's capacity to initiate construction in a timely manner and complete the proposed project by the deadline specified by rules and guidelines of the United States Department of the Treasury for ARPA funds.

          (b)  For the second round of grant awards, the department shall apply a greater weight to grant applications that promote consolidation of separate systems.  In order to receive the additional weight, the systems that will consolidate shall be in a proximity of each other as determined by the department.

          (c)  In addition to the points awarded under paragraph (b) of this subsection, an additional ten (10) points shall be added to any application with at least one (1) system that has consolidated after January 1, 2018, and before application to this program and is otherwise eligible under this section.

     (5)  An application for a grant under this section shall be submitted at such time, be in such form, and contain such information as the department prescribes.

     (6)  (a)  Upon the approval of an application for a grant under this section, the department shall enter into a project grant agreement with each grantee to establish the terms of the grant for the project, including the amount of the grant.

          (b)  (i)  For the first award of grants, the maximum amount of funds that may be provided to any rural water association or entity from all grants under the program is Two Million Five Hundred Thousand Dollars ($2,500,000.00).

              (ii)  For the second round of grant awards, the maximum amount of funds that may be provided to any eligible association or entity from all grants under the program is Two Million Dollars ($2,000,000.00).

          (c)  Associations or entities that received funding under the first round of grant awards for this program or received funding in the Mississippi Municipality and County Water Infrastructure Grant Program Act of 2022 are ineligible to receive funding under the second round.

     (7)  The department shall have all powers necessary to implement and administer the program.  Of the funds appropriated to the department for the program, not more than five percent (5%) may be used by the department to cover the department's costs of administering the program.

     (8)  In carrying out its responsibilities under the program, for any contract under the purview of the Public Procurement Review Board (PPRB), the department shall be exempt from any requirement that the PPRB approve any personal or professional services contracts or pre-approve any solicitation of such contracts.  This subsection shall stand repealed on July 1, 2026.

     (9)  The department shall submit an annual report regarding the program no later than December 31 of each year to the Lieutenant Governor, the Speaker of the House, and the Chairmen of the Senate and House Appropriations Committees.

     (10)  For the purposes of this section, "entity" means:

          (a)  Any entity operating as a rural water association, regardless of whether such entities were user created, were initially organized not for profit, or have been granted tax-exempt status under state or federal law.

          (b)  Any nonprofit water or sewer provider not owned by the municipality or county and are not a Rural Water Association.

          (c)  Any entity eligible under this program shall be currently operating as a not-for-profit entity.

          (d)  "Entity" under this subsection does not include any state agency.  No state agency shall be eligible under this program.

     SECTION 10.  Section 41-9-371, Mississippi Code of 1972, is brought forward as follows:

     41-9-371.  (1)  There is established the Mississippi Hospital Sustainability Grant Program which shall be administered by the State Department of Health.

     (2)  In order to strengthen, improve and preserve access to Mississippi hospital care services for all Mississippians and in recognition of the challenges incurred by Mississippi hospitals as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic, funds from the program shall be distributed, upon appropriation by the Legislature, to each hospital licensed by the State of Mississippi, except for hospitals operated by the United States Department of Veterans Affairs and hospitals operated by the State Department of Mental Health.  Licensed specialty hospitals that are recognized as such by the State Department of Health, except for those excluded under this subsection, are eligible for grants under the program.

     (3)  The department shall distribute grants to each eligible hospital based upon the following formula:

          (a)  Each hospital that has fewer than one hundred (100) licensed beds and that is not classified as a critical access hospital that operates an emergency department shall be eligible to receive Six Hundred Twenty-five Thousand Dollars ($625,000.00) to defray the costs of providing emergency department services.

          (b)  Each rural hospital that has fewer than one hundred (100) licensed beds and that is classified as a critical access hospital that operates an emergency department shall be eligible to receive Five Hundred Thousand Dollars ($500,000.00) to defray the costs of providing emergency department services.

          (c)  Each hospital that operates an emergency department and that has more than one hundred (100) licensed beds shall be eligible to receive One Million Dollars ($1,000,000.00).

          (d)  Each hospital with fewer than two hundred (200) licensed beds with the majority of such beds being dedicated to providing specialty services such as women's health services, long-term acute care, rehabilitation or psychiatric services shall be eligible to receive Five Hundred Thousand Dollars ($500,000.00).

          (e)  Each rural hospital with fewer than one hundred (100) licensed beds with no emergency department shall be eligible to receive Three Hundred Thousand Dollars ($300,000.00) to defray the costs of providing access to hospital care in rural communities.

          (f)  In addition to the funds provided in paragraphs (a) through (e) of this subsection, each small rural hospital with fifty (50) beds or less which operated an emergency department shall be eligible to receive Two Hundred Fifty Thousand Dollars ($250,000.00) to defray the costs of providing access to hospital care in rural communities.

          (g)  In addition to the funds distributed in paragraphs (a) through (c) and (e) through (f) of this subsection, any remaining funds appropriated for the purposes of this grant program shall be distributed to hospitals receiving funds in paragraphs (a) through (c) and (e) through (f) of this subsection on a pro rata amount by dividing the total amount of the remaining funds by the number of licensed beds attributable to all licensed Mississippi hospitals except for licensed beds attributable to hospitals described in paragraph (d) of this subsection and for licensed beds attributable to hospitals operated by the United States Department of Veterans Affairs and hospitals operated by the State Department of Mental Health and determining a dollar amount for each bed, and then multiplying that dollar amount by the number of licensed beds of that hospital.

     (4)  The department shall adopt such reasonable rules as necessary for the administration of the program, but shall not place additional qualification requirements on hospitals other than the minimum requirements in this section.

     (5)  The Mississippi Hospital Association shall form a work group to review the delivery of hospital services in Mississippi and shall make recommendations regarding the changes needed to sustain access to hospital care to the Lieutenant Governor, Speaker of the House, Chairmen of the House and Senate Public Health Committees with copies to the Governor and the State Health Officer.

     SECTION 11.  Section 49-2-131, Mississippi Code of 1972, is brought forward as follows:

     49-2-131.  (1)  This section shall be known and may be cited as the "Mississippi Municipality and County Water Infrastructure Grant Program Act of 2022."

     (2)  There is hereby established within the Mississippi Department of Environmental Quality the Mississippi Municipality and County Water Infrastructure (MCWI) Grant Program under which municipalities, counties and certain public utilities not regulated by the Public Service Commission may apply until February 1, 2023, for reimbursable grants to make necessary investments in water, wastewater, and stormwater infrastructure to be funded by the Legislature utilizing Coronavirus State Fiscal Recovery Funds made available under the federal American Rescue Plan Act of 2021 (ARPA).  Such grants shall be made available to municipalities and counties to be matched with the Coronavirus Local Fiscal Recovery Funds awarded or to be awarded to them under ARPA on a one-to-one matching basis.  Coronavirus Local Fiscal Recovery Funds that a county transfers to a municipality or that a county or municipality transfers to a public utility not regulated by the Public Service Commission are eligible on a one-to-one matching basis.  Municipalities that received less than One Million Dollars ($1,000,000.00) in the total allocation of Coronavirus Local Fiscal Recovery Funds are eligible for a two-to-one match only on the Coronavirus Local Fiscal Recovery Funds awarded or to be awarded to them under ARPA.  The Mississippi Department of Environmental Quality shall only accept two (2) rounds of submissions under the Mississippi Municipality and County Water Infrastructure (MCWI) Grant Program.  The second round of submissions shall be the final round.  The dollar amount for professional fees that can be allocated as a part of a county's, municipality's or public utility's matching share is not to exceed four percent (4%) of the total project cost.

     (3)  For purposes of this section, unless the context requires otherwise, the following terms shall have the meanings ascribed herein:

          (a)  "MCWI Grant Program" means the Mississippi Municipality and County Water Infrastructure Grant Program.

          (b)  "ARPA" means the federal American Rescue Plan Act of 2021, Public Law 117-2, which amends Title VI of the Social Security Act.

          (c)  "State Recovery Funds" means Coronavirus State Fiscal Recovery Funds awarded through Section 602 of Title VI of the Social Security Act amended by Section 9901 of the federal American Rescue Plan Act of 2021, Public Law 117-2.

          (d)  "Local Recovery Funds" means Coronavirus Local Fiscal Recovery Funds awarded through Section 603 of Title VI of the Social Security Act amended by Section 9901 of the federal American Rescue Plan Act of 2021, Public Law 117-2.

          (e)  "Department" means the Department of Environmental Quality.

          (f)  "Professional fees" means fees for the services of attorneys and engineering, surveying, and environmental studies.

          (g)  "Project" means the infrastructure improvements defined in an application that (i) complies with all requirements of ARPA, and (ii) is eligible for a grant award under this section.

     (4)  (a)  On or before July 1, 2022, the Department of Environmental Quality shall promulgate rules and regulations necessary to administer the MCWI Grant Program prescribed under this section, including application procedures and deadlines.  The department is exempt from compliance with the Mississippi Administrative Procedures Law in fulfilling the requirements of this section.

          (b)  The Department of Health shall advise the Mississippi Department of Environmental Quality regarding all such rules and regulations as related to the federal Safe Drinking Water Act.

     (5)  Funding under the MCWI Grant Program shall be allocated to projects certified by the Mississippi Department of Environmental Quality as eligible for federal funding, including, but not be limited to, the following:

          (a)  Construction of publicly owned treatment works;

          (b)  Projects pursuant to the implementation of a nonpoint source pollution management program established under the Clean Water Act (CWA);

          (c)  Decentralized wastewater treatment systems that treat municipal wastewater or domestic sewage;

          (d)  Management and treatment of stormwater or subsurface drainage water;

          (e)  Water conservation, efficiency, or reuse measures;

          (f)  Development and implementation of a conservation and management plan under the CWA;

          (g)  Watershed projects meeting the criteria set forth in the CWA;

          (h)  Energy consumption reduction for publicly owned treatment works;

          (i)  Reuse or recycling of wastewater, stormwater, or subsurface drainage water;

          (j)  Facilities to improve drinking water quality;

          (k)  Transmission and distribution, including improvements of water pressure or prevention of contamination in infrastructure and lead service line replacements;

          (l)  New sources to replace contaminated drinking water or increase drought resilience, including aquifer storage and recovery system for water storage;

          (m)  Storage of drinking water, such as to prevent contaminants or equalize water demands;

          (n)  Purchase of water systems and interconnection of systems;

          (o)  New community water systems;

          (p)  Culvert repair, resizing, and removal, replacement of storm sewers, and additional types of stormwater infrastructure;

          (q)  Dam and reservoir rehabilitation, if the primary purpose of dam or reservoir is for drinking water supply and project is necessary for the provision of drinking water;

          (r)  Broad set of lead remediation projects eligible under EPA grant programs authorized by the Water Infrastructure Improvements for the Nation (WIIN) Act; and

          (s)  Any eligible drinking water, wastewater or stormwater project through ARPA guidelines, guidance, rules, regulations and other criteria, as may be amended from time to time, by the United States Department of the Treasury.

     (6)  The governing authority of a municipality, county or public utility that is not regulated by the Public Service Commission may submit an application for grant funds under this section if the applicant is an operator-member of Mississippi 811, Inc., as defined in Section 77-13-3.  Applicants shall certify to the department that each expenditure of the funds awarded to them under this section is in compliance with ARPA guidelines, guidance, rules, regulations and other criteria, as may be amended from time to time, by the United States Department of the Treasury regarding the use of monies from the State Coronavirus State Fiscal Recovery Funds.  Subsequent submissions will be due by the dates established by the department.

     (7)  An application for a grant under this section shall be submitted at such time, be in such form, and contain such information as the department prescribes.  Each application for grant funds shall include the following at a minimum:  (a) applicant contact information; (b) project description and type of project; (c) project map; (d) estimate of population affected by the project; (e) disadvantaged community criteria (population, median household income, unemployment, current water/sewer rates); (f) estimated project cost; (g) list of match funds of direct Coronavirus Local Fiscal Recovery Funds received and to be received from the federal government, a certification that such funds have been or will be used for the project detailed in the application, and documentation of commitment; (h) estimated project schedule and readiness to proceed; (i) engineering services agreement; (j) engineering reports; and (k) information about status of obtaining any required permits.

     (8)  The department must apply a system for use in ranking the grant applications received, unless the Legislature funds all eligible grant requests under the program.  When applying the ranking system, the department shall apply a greater weight to projects that have approved engineering/design, plans and permits if the department has deemed the project is ready to begin construction within six (6) months.  Projects that are included on the municipal or county engineer's approved list and provide applicable supporting documentation shall receive additional consideration awarded to the application.  The ranking system shall include the following factors, at a minimum:  (a) the environmental impact of the proposed project; (b) the proposed project's ability to address noncompliance with state/federal requirements; (c) the extent to which the project promotes economic development; (d) the number of people served by the project and the number of communities the project serves; (e) impacts of the proposed project on disadvantaged/overburdened communities; (f) the grant applicant's prior efforts to secure funding to address the proposed project's objectives; (g) the grant applicant's proposed contribution of other funds or in-kind cost-sharing to the proposed project; (h) the grant applicant's long-term plans for the financial and physical operation and maintenance of the project; (i) the grant applicant's capacity to initiate construction in a timely manner and complete the proposed project by the deadline specified by the United States Department of Treasury rules for ARPA funds; (j) the extent to which the project benefits multiple political subdivisions in a regional manner; (k) the project's ability to enhance public service infrastructure, including transportation and emergency access; and (l) any other factors as determined by the department.

     (9)  The grant program shall include a specific emphasis on addressing the needs of an economically disadvantaged community, including providing safe, reliable drinking water in areas that lack infrastructure, providing sewage treatment capacity in unsewered areas and providing regional development of infrastructure to serve multiple communities.

     (10)  Applications shall be reviewed and scored as they are received, unless the Legislature funds all eligible grant requests under the program.  The Mississippi Department of Environmental Quality shall certify whether each project submitted is a "necessary investment" in water, wastewater, or stormwater infrastructure as defined in the American Rescue Plan Act and all applicable guidance issued by the United States Department of the Treasury.  The Department of Environmental Quality shall review the lists of recommended water infrastructure projects and issue its list of recommended projects to the Mississippi Department of Health for its advice.  Grant agreements shall be executed between the recipient and the Mississippi Department of Environmental Quality.  All final awards shall be determined at the discretion of the executive director of the department.  Any funds awarded to the City of Jackson under this section shall be deposited in the Capital City Water/Sewer Projects Fund of the State Treasury.  Funds shall be obligated to a grantee upon the execution of a grant agreement between the department and the approved applicant.  Funds shall be made available to a grantee when the department obtains the necessary support for reimbursement.  The department is authorized to conduct additional rounds of grants as needed; however, in the first round no more than forty percent (40%) of the total funds appropriated for each grant program may be awarded by the department, and the remaining funds may be awarded in the final round which shall occur no later than six (6) months from the previous round.  To ensure equitable treatment between the categories of projects, no less than twenty percent (20%) awarded under this section shall be allocated to each of the three (3) categories of drinking water projects, wastewater projects and stormwater projects.  In the final round, any funds not requested may be allocated to any category.

     (11)  Grant funds shall be used prospectively; however, grant funds may be used to reimburse expenses incurred before the enactment of this program if the costs are adequately documented and comply with applicable ARPA guidelines.  An applicant must agree to obtain all necessary state and federal permits and follow all state bidding and contracting laws and fiscally sound practices in the administration of the funds.

     (12)  (a)  Monies must be disbursed under this section in compliance with the guidelines, guidance, rules, regulations or other criteria, as may be amended from time to time, of the United States Department of the Treasury regarding the use of monies from the Coronavirus State Fiscal Recovery Fund, established by the American Rescue Plan of 2021.

          (b)  The use of funds allocated under this program shall be subject to audit by the United States Department of the Treasury's Office of Inspector General and the Mississippi Office of the State Auditor.  Each person receiving funds under these programs found to be fully or partially noncompliant with the requirements in this section shall return to the state all or a portion of the funds received.

     (13)  The department shall submit to the Lieutenant Governor, Speaker of the House, House and Senate Appropriations Chairmen, and the Legislative Budget Office quarterly reports and annual reports that are due by the dates established in the Compliance and Reporting Guidance by the United States Department of Treasury.  The reports shall contain the applications received, the score of the applications, the amount of grant funds awarded to each applicant, the amount of grant funds expended by each applicant, and status of each applicant's project.  The score of the applications is not required if the award was provided in the final round of grants and the Legislature provided the total amount of funds for all eligible grant requests.

     (14)  Grant funds shall be available under this section through December 31, 2026, or on the date of the fund expenditure deadline provided by the federal government, whichever occurs later.  Each grant recipient shall certify for any project for which a grant is awarded that if the project is not completed by December 31, 2026, and the United States Congress does not enact an extension of the deadline on the availability of ARPA funds, then the grant recipient will complete the project through other funds.

     (15)  The Mississippi Department of Environmental Quality may retain an amount not to exceed five percent (5%) of the total funds allocated to the program to defray administrative costs.

     (16)  The department shall be exempt from provisions of the Public Procurement Review Board for any requirements of personal or professional service contracts or the pre-approval of the solicitation for such contracts used in the execution of its responsibilities under this section.  This subsection shall stand repealed on January 1, 2026.

     (17)  The provisions of this section shall stand repealed on January 1, 2027.

     SECTION 12.  (1)  The Legislature, based upon current United States Treasury guidance, has determined that all Coronavirus State Fiscal Recovery Funds must be obligated by December 31, 2024, and expended by December 31, 2026.

     (2)  (a)  In order to meet the obligation deadline set forth by the United States Treasury, the State Fiscal Officer shall determine the amount of Coronavirus State Fiscal Recovery Funds appropriated to various agencies that will not be obligated as of November 1, 2024.

          (b)  In making the determination required by this section, the State Fiscal Officer shall use the guidance released by the United States Treasury to determine if the Coronavirus State Fiscal Recovery Funds are not obligated.

     (3)  If at any time during the period from passage of this act to November 1, 2024, a state agency determines that Coronavirus State Fiscal Recovery Funds will not be obligated by November 1, 2024, the state agency shall notify the State Fiscal Officer.

     (4)  If at any time the State Fiscal Officer determines that funds will be unobligated as of November 1, 2024, under subsection (2) or (3) of this section, the State Treasurer, in coordination with the State Fiscal Officer, shall transfer these funds to the Coronavirus State Fiscal Recovery Fund (Fund No. 682111300) by no later than November 5, 2024.  The State Fiscal Officer may retain an amount not to exceed the lesser of the estimated cost of ARPA administration or Twenty Five Million Dollars ($25,000,000.00) in the Coronavirus State Fiscal Recovery Fund to be utilized for administrative and reporting costs. No later than November 6, 2024, the State Treasurer, in conjunction with the State Fiscal Officer, shall transfer the funds to the ARPA - MDOT Maintenance Project Fund.

     SECTION 13.  There is created in the State Treasury a special fund to be designated as the "ARPA - MDOT Maintenance Project Fund," which shall consist of funds made available by the Legislature in any manner and funds from any other source designated for deposit into such fund.  The fund shall be maintained by the State Treasurer as a separate and special fund, separate and apart from the General Fund of the state.  Unexpended amounts remaining in the fund at the end of a fiscal year shall not lapse into the State General Fund, and any investment earnings or interest earned on amounts in the fund shall be deposited to the credit of the fund.  Monies in the fund shall be used by the Department of Transportation for eligible Surface Transportation maintenance projects included in the Maintenance Program of the Three-Year Plan as adopted by, amended by, or reissued by the Mississippi Transportation Commission under the authority of Section 65-1-141.  The Department of Transportation may escalate its budget upon receiving Coronavirus State Fiscal Recovery Fund and expend such funds in accordance with rules and regulations of the Department of Finance and Administration in a manner consistent with the escalation of federal funds.

     The Department of Transportation shall determine if a project is eligible based upon Section 602 of the federal Social Security Act as added by Section 9901 of the federal American Rescue Plan Act of 2021 (ARPA) and its implementing guidelines, guidance, rules, regulations and/or other criteria, as may be amended or supplemented from time to time, by the United States Department of the Treasury, including, but not limited to, Federal Register Volume 88, Issue 181, September 20, 2023, which allows for Surface Transportation projects.

     SECTION 14.  Upon the effective date of this act, the State Treasurer, in conjunction with the State Fiscal Officer, shall transfer to the Coronavirus State Fiscal Recovery Fund (Fund No. 6821113000) from the following named funds the following sums:

     FUND                    FUND NUMBER              AMOUNT

Mississippi Municipal

     and County Water

Infrastructure Fund      6822147000.......... $ 28,557,785.00


     Independent School

Infra Grant Fund         6822113400.......... $ 10,000,000.00

Mississippi Hospital


Grant Program Fund       6822130500.......... $ 36,458,878.00

MDCPS American Rescue

Plan Act Fund            6822166100.......... $ 15,607,348.00

Trial Judges-ARPA 2021-

(CPS) Fund               6822105100.......... $  1,500,000.00

MH SB Corona State Fiscal

Rec Funds ARPA Fund      6822437100.......... $ 29,384,500.00

MH CO Corona State Fiscal

Rec Funds ARPA Fund      6822337100.......... $ 18,057,096.00

Trial Judges-ARPA 2021-

Temporary Courts Fund    6822105200.......... $  1,589,094.00

Mississippi Law Enforcement

     and Fire Fighters

Premium Pay Fund         6822171100.......... $  3,330,000.00

TOTAL.................................. $144,484,701.00

     SECTION 15.  This act shall take effect and be in force from and after its passage and shall stand repealed on the day before its passage.

     Further, amend by striking the title in its entirety and inserting in lieu thereof the following: