2024 Regular Session

To: Finance

By: Senator(s) Seymour

Senate Bill 2898



     SECTION 1.  (1)  When the State of Mississippi or any of its departments, agencies or subdivisions pays for the services of a part-time employee, contract worker, contractual employee or independent contractor, the state or its department, agency or subdivision shall pay to the board the full amount of the employer's contribution on the amount of compensation received by the part-time employee, contract worker, contractual employee or independent contractor for his or her services in accordance with regulations prescribed by the board.  The part-time employee, contract worker, contractual employee or independent contractor shall not become a member of the retirement system or receive any creditable service in the retirement system as a result of the payment of the employer's contribution.

     (2)  Except to the extent that the employer's contribution required by this section would be duplicative of the employer's contribution required by Section 25-11-127, this section shall apply regardless of whether the part-time employee, contract worker, contractual employee or independent contractor is a retiree providing services while drawing a retirement allowance.

     SECTION 2.  Section 25-11-127, Mississippi Code of 1972, is amended as follows:

     25-11-127.  (1)  (a)  No person who is being paid a retirement allowance or a pension after retirement under this article shall be employed or paid for any service by the State of Mississippi, including services as an employee, contract worker, contractual employee or independent contractor, until the retired person has been retired for not less than ninety (90) consecutive days from his or her effective date of retirement.  After the person has been retired for not less than ninety (90) consecutive days from his or her effective date of retirement or such later date as established by the board, he or she may be reemployed while being paid a retirement allowance under the terms and conditions provided in this section.

          (b)  No retiree of this retirement system who is reemployed or is reelected to office after retirement shall continue to draw retirement benefits while so reemployed, except as provided in this section.

          (c)  No person employed or elected under the exceptions provided for in this section shall become a member under Article 3 of the retirement system.

     (2)  Any person who has been retired under the provisions of Article 3 and who is later reemployed in service covered by this article shall cease to receive benefits under this article and shall again become a contributing member of the retirement system.  When the person retires again, if the reemployment exceeds six (6) months, the person shall have his or her benefit recomputed, including service after again becoming a member, provided that the total retirement allowance paid to the retired member in his or her previous retirement shall be deducted from the member's retirement reserve and taken into consideration in recalculating the retirement allowance under a new option selected.

     (3)  The board shall have the right to prescribe rules and regulations for carrying out the provisions of this section.

     (4)  The provisions of this section shall not be construed to prohibit any retiree, regardless of age, from being employed and drawing a retirement allowance either:

          (a)  For a period of time not to exceed one-half (1/2) of the normal working days for the position in any fiscal year during which the retiree will receive no more than one-half (1/2) of the salary in effect for the position at the time of employment, or

          (b)  For a period of time in any fiscal year sufficient in length to permit a retiree to earn not in excess of twenty-five percent (25%) of retiree's average compensation.

     To determine the normal working days for a position under paragraph (a) of this subsection, the employer shall determine the required number of working days for the position on a full-time basis and the equivalent number of hours representing the full-time position.  The retiree then may work up to one-half (1/2) of the required number of working days or up to one-half (1/2) of the equivalent number of hours and receive up to one-half (1/2) of the salary for the position.  In the case of employment with multiple employers, the limitation shall equal one-half (1/2) of the number of days or hours for a single full-time position.

     Notice shall be given in writing to the executive director, setting forth the facts upon which the employment is being made, and the notice shall be given within five (5) days from the date of employment and also from the date of termination of the employment.

     (5)  Except as otherwise provided in subsection (6) of this section, the employer of any person who is receiving a retirement allowance and who is employed in service covered by subsection (4) of this section as an employee or a contractual employee shall pay to the board the full amount of the employer's contribution on the amount of compensation received by the retiree for his or her employment in accordance with regulations prescribed by the board.  The retiree shall not receive any additional creditable service in the retirement system as a result of the payment of the employer's contribution. * * *  This subsection does not apply to persons who are receiving a retirement allowance and who contract with an employer to provide services as a true independent contractor, as defined by the board through regulation.

     (6)  (a)  A member may retire and continue in municipal or county elective office provided that the member has reached the age and/or service requirement that will not result in a prohibited in-service distribution as defined by the Internal Revenue Service, or a retiree may be elected to a municipal or county office, provided that the person:

              (i)  Files annually, in writing, in the office of the employer and the office of the executive director of the system before the person takes office or as soon as possible after retirement, a waiver of all salary or compensation and elects to receive in lieu of that salary or compensation a retirement allowance as provided in this section, in which event no salary or compensation shall thereafter be due or payable for those services; however, any such officer or employee may receive, in addition to the retirement allowance, office expense allowance, mileage or travel expense authorized by any statute of the State of Mississippi; or

              (ii)  Elects to receive compensation for that elective office in an amount not to exceed twenty-five percent (25%) of the retiree's average compensation.  In order to receive compensation as allowed in this subparagraph, the retiree shall file annually, in writing, in the office of the employer and the office of the executive director of the system, an election to receive, in addition to a retirement allowance, compensation as allowed in this subparagraph.

          (b)  The municipality or county in which the retired person holds elective office shall pay to the board the amount of the employer's contributions on the full amount of the regular compensation for the elective office that the retired person holds.

          (c)  As used in this subsection, the term "compensation" does not include office expense allowance, mileage or travel expense authorized by a statute of the State of Mississippi.

     SECTION 3.  Section 25-11-123, Mississippi Code of 1972, is brought forward as follows:

     25-11-123.  All of the assets of the system shall be credited according to the purpose for which they are held to one (1) of four (4) reserves; namely, the annuity savings account, the annuity reserve, the employer's accumulation account, and the expense account.

     (a)  Annuity savings account.  In the annuity savings account shall be accumulated the contributions made by members to provide for their annuities, including interest thereon which shall be posted monthly.  Credits to and charges against the annuity savings account shall be made as follows:

          (1)  Beginning July 1, 2010, the employer shall cause to be deducted from the salary of each member on each and every payroll of the employer for each and every payroll period nine percent (9%) of earned compensation as defined in Section 25-11-103.  Future contributions shall be fixed biennially by the board on the basis of the liabilities of the retirement system for the various allowances and benefits as shown by actuarial valuation; however, any member earning at a rate less than Sixteen Dollars and Sixty-seven Cents ($16.67) per month, or Two Hundred Dollars ($200.00) per year, shall contribute not less than One Dollar ($1.00) per month, or Twelve Dollars ($12.00) per year.

          (2)  The deductions provided in paragraph (1) of this subsection shall be made notwithstanding that the minimum compensation provided by law for any member is reduced by the deduction.  Every member shall be deemed to consent and agree to the deductions made and provided for in paragraph (1) of this subsection and shall receipt for his full salary or compensation, and payment of salary or compensation less the deduction shall be a full and complete discharge and acquittance of all claims and demands whatsoever for the services rendered by the person during the period covered by the payment, except as to the benefits provided under Articles 1 and 3.  The board shall provide by rules for the methods of collection of contributions from members and the employer.  The board shall have full authority to require the production of evidence necessary to verify the correctness of amounts contributed.

     (b)  Annuity reserve.  The annuity reserve shall be the account representing the actuarial value of all annuities in force, and to it shall be charged all annuities and all benefits in lieu of annuities, payable as provided in this article.  If a beneficiary retired on account of disability is restored to active service with a compensation not less than his average final compensation at the time of his last retirement, the remainder of his contributions shall be transferred from the annuity reserve to the annuity savings account and credited to his individual account therein, and the balance of his annuity reserve shall be transferred to the employer's accumulation account.

     (c)  Employer's accumulation account.  The employer's accumulation account shall represent the accumulation of all reserves for the payment of all retirement allowances and other benefits payable from contributions made by the employer, and against this account shall be charged all retirement allowances and other benefits on account of members.  Credits to and charges against the employer's accumulation account shall be made as follows:

          (1)  On account of each member there shall be paid monthly into the employer's accumulation account by the employers for the preceding fiscal year an amount equal to a certain percentage of the total earned compensation, as defined in Section 25-11-103, of each member.  The percentage rate of those contributions shall be fixed biennially by the board on the basis of the liabilities of the retirement system for the various allowances and benefits as shown by actuarial valuation.  Beginning January 1, 1990, the rate shall be fixed at nine and three-fourths percent (9-3/4%).  The board shall reduce the employer's contribution rate by one percent (1%) from and after July 1 of the year following the year in which the board determines and the board's actuary certifies that the employer's contribution rate can be reduced by that amount without causing the unfunded accrued actuarial liability amortization period for the retirement system to exceed twenty (20) years.  Political subdivisions joining Article 3 of the Public Employees' Retirement System after July 1, 1968, may adjust the employer's contributions by agreement with the Board of Trustees of the Public Employees' Retirement System to provide service credits for any period before execution of the agreement based upon an actuarial determination of employer's contribution rates.

          (2)  On the basis of regular interest and of such mortality and other tables as are adopted by the board of trustees, the actuary engaged by the board to make each valuation required by this article during the period over which the accrued liability contribution is payable, immediately after making that valuation, shall determine the uniform and constant percentage of the earnable compensation of each member which, if contributed by the employer on the basis of compensation of the member throughout his entire period of membership service, would be sufficient to provide for the payment of any retirement allowance payable on his account for that service.  The percentage rate so determined shall be known as the "normal contribution rate."  After the accrued liability contribution has ceased to be payable, the normal contribution rate shall be the percentage rate of the salary of all members obtained by deducting from the total liabilities on account of membership service the amount in the employer's accumulation account, and dividing the remainder by one percent (1%) of the present value of the prospective future salaries of all members as computed on the basis of the mortality and service tables adopted by the board of trustees and regular interest.  The normal rate of contributions shall be determined by the actuary after each valuation.

          (3)  The total amount payable in each year to the employer's accumulation account shall not be less than the sum of the percentage rate known as the "normal contribution rate" and the "accrued liability contribution rate" of the total compensation earnable by all members during the preceding year, provided that the payment by the employer shall be sufficient, when combined with the amounts in the account, to provide the allowances and other benefits chargeable to this account during the year then current.

          (4)  The accrued liability contribution shall be discontinued as soon as the accumulated balance in the employer's accumulation account shall equal the present value, computed on the basis of the normal contribution rate then in force, or the prospective normal contributions to be received on account of all persons who are at that time members.

          (5)  All allowances and benefits in lieu thereof, with the exception of those payable on account of members who receive no prior service credit, payable from contributions of the employer, shall be paid from the employer's accumulation account.

          (6)  Upon the retirement of a member, an amount equal to his retirement allowance shall be transferred from the employer's accumulation account to the annuity reserve.

          (7)  The employer's accumulation account shall be credited with any assets authorized by law to be credited to the account.

     (d)  Expense account.  The expense account shall be the account to which the expenses of the administration of the system shall be charged, exclusive of amounts payable as retirement allowances and as other benefits provided herein.  The Legislature shall make annual appropriations in amounts sufficient to administer the system, which shall be credited to this account. There shall be transferred to the State Treasury from this account, not less than once per month, an amount sufficient for payment of the estimated expenses of the system for the succeeding thirty (30) days.  Any interest earned on the expense account shall accrue to the benefit of the system.  However, notwithstanding the provisions of Sections 25-11-15(10) and 25-11-105(f)(v)5, all expenses of the administration of the system shall be paid from the interest earnings, provided the interest earnings are in excess of the actuarial interest assumption as determined by the board, and provided the present cost of the administrative expense fee of two percent (2%) of the contributions reported by the political subdivisions and instrumentalities shall be reduced to one percent (1%) from and after July 1, 1983, through June 30, 1984, and shall be eliminated thereafter.

     (e)  Collection of contributions.  The employer shall cause to be deducted on each and every payroll of a member for each and every payroll period, beginning subsequent to January 31, 1953, the contributions payable by the member as provided in Articles 1 and 3.

     The employer shall make deductions from salaries of employees as provided in Articles 1 and 3 and shall transmit monthly, or at such time as the board of trustees designates, the amount specified to be deducted to the Executive Director of the Public Employees' Retirement System.  The executive director, after making a record of all those receipts, shall deposit such amounts as provided by law.

     (f)  (1)  Upon the basis of each actuarial valuation provided herein, the board of trustees shall biennially determine the normal contribution rate and the accrued liability contribution rate as provided in this section.  The sum of these two (2) rates shall be known as the "employer's contribution rate."  Beginning on earned compensation effective January 1, 1990, the rate computed as provided in this section shall be nine and three-fourths percent (9-3/4%).  The board shall reduce the employer's contribution rate by one percent (1%) from and after July 1 of the year following the year in which the board determines and the board's actuary certifies that the employer's contribution rate can be reduced by that amount without causing the unfunded accrued actuarial liability amortization period for the retirement system to exceed twenty (20) years.  The percentage rate of those contributions shall be fixed biennially by the board on the basis of the liabilities of the retirement system for the various allowances and benefits as shown by actuarial valuation.

          (2)  The amount payable by the employer on account of normal and accrued liability contributions shall be determined by applying the employer's contribution rate to the amount of compensation earned by employees who are members of the system.  Monthly, or at such time as the board of trustees designates, each department or agency shall compute the amount of the employer's contribution payable, with respect to the salaries of its employees who are members of the system, and shall cause that amount to be paid to the board of trustees from the personal service allotment of the amount appropriated for the operation of the department or agency, or from funds otherwise available to the agency, for the payment of salaries to its employees.

          (3)  Except as otherwise provided in Section 25-11-106:

              (i)  Constables shall pay employer and employee contributions on their net fee income as well as the employee contributions on all direct treasury or county payroll income.

              (ii)  The county shall be responsible for the employer contribution on all direct treasury or county payroll income of constables.

          (4)  Except as otherwise provided in Section 25-11-106.1, chancery and circuit clerks shall be responsible for both the employer and employee share of contributions on the proportionate share of net income attributable to fees, as well as the employee share of net income attributable to direct treasury or county payroll income, and the employing county shall be responsible for the employer contributions on the net income attributable to direct treasury or county payroll income.

          (5)  Once each year, under procedures established by the system, each employer shall submit to the Public Employees' Retirement System a copy of their report to Social Security of all employees' earnings.

          (6)  The board shall provide by rules for the methods of collection of contributions of employers and members.  The amounts determined due by an agency to the various funds as specified in Articles 1 and 3 are made obligations of the agency to the board and shall be paid as provided herein.  Failure to deduct those contributions shall not relieve the employee and employer from liability thereof.  Delinquent employee contributions and any accrued interest shall be the obligation of the employee and delinquent employer contributions and any accrued interest shall be the obligation of the employer.  The employer may, in its discretion, elect to pay any or all of the interest on delinquent employee contributions.  From and after July 1, 1996, under rules and regulations established by the board, all employers are authorized and shall transfer all funds due to the Public Employees' Retirement System electronically and shall transmit any wage or other reports by computerized reporting systems.

     SECTION 4.  Section 25-11-124, Mississippi Code of 1972, is brought forward as follows:

     25-11-124.  Each employer shall pick up the member contributions required by Section 25-11-123, Mississippi Code of 1972, for all compensation earned after June 30, 1982, and the contributions so picked up shall be treated as employer contributions in determining tax treatment under the United States Internal Revenue Code and the Mississippi Income Tax Code; however, each employer shall continue to withhold federal and state income taxes based upon such contributions until the Internal Revenue Service or the federal courts rule that, pursuant to Section 414(h) of the United States Internal Revenue Code, these contributions shall not be included as gross income of the member until such time as they are distributed or made available. The employer shall pay these member contributions from the same source of funds which is used in paying earnings to the member. The employer may pick up these contributions by a reduction in the cash salary of the member, or by an offset against a future salary increase, or by a combination of a reduction in salary and offset against a future salary increase.  If member contributions are picked up they shall be treated for all purposes of the Public Employees' Retirement System in the same manner and to the same extent as member contributions made prior to the date picked up.

     SECTION 5.  Section 1 of this act shall be codified in Title 25, Chapter 11, Article 3, Mississippi Code of 1972.

     SECTION 6.  This act shall take effect and be in force from and after July 1, 2024.