2024 Regular Session
To: Rules
By: Representative Holloway (76th)
WHEREAS, Greater Damascus Church of Christ (Holiness) USA, which was founded and organized in 1864 by a group of slaves who were an extension of the Damascus Baptist Church, the spiritual sanctuary and refuge of worship for their Caucasian counterparts, who gave the newly freed slaves ten acres of land to continue their worship in 1865 after the Civil War solidified their freedom, now celebrates its legacy of faith, service and Christian devotion on the occasion of its 160th anniversary observance; and
WHEREAS, already established as the "colored" Damascus Baptist Church, the congregation began having services in a brush harbor under the leadership of Reverend Tom Askerneese in 1867, who pastored the church until God beckoned his soul to eternal reward in 1872, yielding to the election and pastoral guidance of Elder W.S. Pleasant, who aligned spiritually with Bishop Charles Price Jones, founder of the Church of Christ (Holiness) USA, and ushered Damascus Baptist Church into becoming one of the first churches to join the "Holiness Movement" in 1896; and
WHEREAS, under the new pseudonym Damascus Church of Christ (Holiness) USA, the church was able to move out of the brush harbor into their erected church building under Elder Pleasant's leadership in 1872, as he continued to minister holiness for a total of 42 years at Damascus before embarking upon an evangelical ministerial assignment in 1918; and
WHEREAS, Greater Damascus moved into its second edifice of worship in 1966, under the divine direction of the church's third pastor as a member of the Holiness rite, Reverend George A. Thomas, who was also responsible for the erection of the adjoining building to serve as classrooms and a dining hall, and oversaw the church's exponential growth in membership during his 49-year tenure as pastor; and
WHEREAS, Greater Damascus established itself as a community pillar and haven for the spiritual nourishing of souls, both young and old, who cherish the rich history and traditions of the founding predecessors of their church, and because of its mission and outreach, a larger facility was necessary to accommodate its enlarging congregation, and that vision became reality in 1986 under the pastorage of Elder Arnold Stanton, Sr.; and
WHEREAS, even in the midst of unexpected departure, God makes provision by providing a ram in the bush, and such was the case upon Elder Stanton's resignation on Christmas Day 1994, leaving the church without a pastoral oversight for the New Year's Day service, however, in fulfillment of Matthew 24:44 to "be ye also ready," Elder Clifton Goodloe, Jr., conducted the morning service, and after a called business meeting on January 2, 1995, the congregation of Greater Damascus voted to accept Elder Clifton Goodloe, Jr., as pastor, and installed him in his official capacity on January 8, 1995, allowing him to operate in the divine order of the holy spirit until his official retirement on December 31, 2019, and designated as Pastor Emeritus on January 1, 2020; and
WHEREAS, having maintained the resolve to worship and serve God by being a blessing and of service to others, Greater Damascus has been led by the pastoral guidance of several anointed and Holy Ghost filled proclaimers of the gospel, who have all equally contributed to the growth and spiritual prosperity of the church, which has been under the ministerial administration of current pastor, Elder Clifton Goodloe III for the past four years since his installation on January 5, 2020; and
WHEREAS, as the years have come and gone, and numerous seasons have changed, change has also been on the horizon for Greater Damascus which over the years has produced several "Sons of the House," including: the late Elder C.D. Tate, Sr., Reverend Ellis Blackwell, Jr., Elder Henry Smiley, Elder Andre' Tyler and Elder Nicholas Tanner, Elder Richard Thomas, Elder Bertram Goodloe, Sr., Elder Sean Daniels, Sr., Minister Calvin Bogan, Elder Clifton Goodloe III and Minister Marvin Davis, Sr.; and
WHEREAS, Greater Damascus Church of Christ (Holiness) USA continues its journey of reaching souls for the Lord Jesus Christ as it remains a dedicated place of worship for many in the Hazlehurst, Crystal Springs, Terry communities of southern Hinds and Copiah Counties; and
WHEREAS, with excitement, humility and awe, Greater Damascus Church of Christ (Holiness) USA looks back on its past achievements, and with sincere thankfulness acknowledges God's grace and love, which have brought them through the years and have given them triumphant victory; and
WHEREAS, it is the policy of the House of Representatives to recognize and commend outstanding and contributory religious institutions such as Greater Damascus Church of Christ (Holiness) USA, which continues to be a cornerstone in Copiah County as it strives continuously to promote the spread and growth of the Christian faith through the keeping of the Great Commission by becoming fishers of men:
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES OF THE STATE OF MISSISSIPPI, That we do hereby commend and congratulate the diligence of the pastors and members of Greater Damascus Church of Christ (Holiness) USA on the occasion of the church's 160th year anniversary and extend warmest wishes for continued prosperity, spiritual growth and success.
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That copies of this resolution be furnished to the Greater Damascus Church of Christ (Holiness) USA and to the members of the Capitol Press Corps.