2024 Regular Session

To: Rules

By: Representatives Smith, Horne, Zuber, Yancey

House Resolution 57

(As Adopted by House)


     WHEREAS, it is written in II Corinthians 4:17-18, "For our light affliction, which is but for a moment, worketh for us a far more exceeding and eternal weight of glory; While we look not at the things which are seen, but at the things which are not seen:  for the things which are seen are temporal, but the things which are not seen are eternal," and as such, the immaculate author and finisher of our soul's destiny summoned the mortal presence of the honorable and distinguished Gentleman from Panola, former Representative Benjamin Eric Robinson, Sr., who selflessly represented House District 84, which encompassed portions of  Clarke, Jasper, Lauderdale and Newton Counties for a total of 14 years, as he has made life's final transition from earthly travailing to heavenly reward on Friday, May 26, 2023, rendering great sorrow and loss to his family and friends; and

     WHEREAS, the Quitman community, and the entirety of Clarke County lost a wonderful friend, charismatic leader, venerable and avid outdoorsman with the passing of Representative Robinson, born to his late parents, Mr. Glynn Robinson and Mrs. Gertie Bell Martin Robinson, on December 7, 1949, in Mobile, Alabama, and there is now a hush in our hearts as we come together to pay our respects to the memory of one who has been called to join that innumerable heavenly caravan; and

     WHEREAS, Robinson, grew up the son of merchant and entrepreneur parents, and after graduating from high school, attended Jones County Junior College and the University of Southern Mississippi and served six years with the Mississippi Air National Guard 186th Refueling Wing; and

     WHEREAS, before assuming his seat as the member of the Mississippi Legislature, Eric, began his career by honing his managerial skills at IGA grocery store in Stonewall, before transitioning to become an insurance agent for several companies, and ultimately served his community as an alderman for the City of Quitman for several terms, a capacity in which his diplomatic rapport was widely received by those who would eventually elect him to serve as their ambassador and voice in the Mississippi House of Representatives; and

     WHEREAS, the Honorable Benjamin Eric Robinson, Sr., began his legislative service in 1993, becoming the distinguished Gentleman from Clarke upon being sworn into office on the first day of his first legislative session in January 1994, and wasted no time requesting the legislation, amendments and reports that would help effectuate into law the ideologies and policy changes that his constituents had elected him to further; and

     WHEREAS, Robinson utilized the wisdom and experience he accrued over the years, as a manager coupled with the discipline of his military training, to guide him in his duties as Chairman of the House Wildlife, Fisheries and Parks Committee and as a member of Hurricane Recovery, Insurance, Judiciary B, Local and Private Legislation, Select Committee on Accessible and Affordable Medical Malpractice Insurance and Ways and Means Committees of the House; and

     WHEREAS, throughout the years, Representative Robinson capitalized on his leadership skills, sharing his wealth of knowledge as a member of the Clarke County Chamber of Commerce, former insurance agent, broker and homebuilder, member of the Quitman JayCee's, Quitman Small Business Association, NRA and a former appointee by President Ronald Reagan to the Selective Service System Board and as a tree farmer and landlord; and

     WHEREAS, while Representative Robinson was favored with many opportunities both far and near, his heart of devotion belonged to that of his first love and darling wife, Mrs. Teresa Irby Robinson, who, in accordance with the blueprint divinely designed for the pattern of Eric's life by the Great Deity and grand architect of our lives' destiny, won her suitor's heart with her warm disposition, beautiful smile, genteel nature, and with whom he embarked upon a remarkable journey of love which was highlighted with sparks of joy with the addition of two children and four grandchildren; and

      WHEREAS, Representative Robinson led a life of bravery in the face of challenge, sincerity in the face of apathy and honesty in the presence of deceit, and through it all, this remarkable person has remained a phenomenal gentleman, grounded in his integrity, who sought to improve the lives of others through positive example, hard work and the undeniable truths of the Word of God, as evidenced through his faith walk at First Baptist Church of Quitman and member of the Co-Ed 3 Sunday School Class; and

     WHEREAS, though he has traversed life's river to now stand upon the celestial shores in wonderment of Heaven's grandeur in glorious reunion with the kindred spirits who transitioned before him, the legacy of Representative Robinson's indelible imprint upon our lives will continue to refresh the hearts and fond memories of his beloved survivors:  his wife, Teresa Irby Robinson; son, Benjamin Eric "Ben" Robinson, Jr.; daughter, Brandi Nicole Robinson Kennedy; grandchildren, Elijah Hayes Kennedy, John Carter Kennedy, Brady Glynn Robinson and Benjamin Chase Robinson; sister, Ramona R. Smith; and several nieces, nephews, extended family members and friends; and

      WHEREAS, it is the policy of this Legislature to honor the laudable legacy of remarkable service of our former colleague and friend, Representative Eric Robinson, who represented his district, this body and the people of this state with honor and intrepid dignity, and whose monumental life of genuine selflessness illuminated the path of hope for all he encountered along this earthly sojourn:

     NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES OF THE STATE OF MISSISSIPPI, That we do hereby mourn the loss and commemorate the esteemed and laudable legislative career and public service of the most honorable, distinguished Gentleman from Clarke, former Representative Benjamin Eric Robinson, Sr., to whose family we express sincere and deepest sympathy upon his passing.

     BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That copies of this resolution be furnished to the family of former Representative Benjamin Eric Robinson, Sr., and to the members of the Capitol Press Corps.