2024 Regular Session

To: Rules

By: Representative Byrd

House Resolution 33


     WHEREAS, Hayden Charles Morgan, of Petal, Mississippi, was honored with the Eagle Scout Award on January 18, 2024, during the distinguished and time honored Eagle Court of Honor ceremony; and

     WHEREAS, a member of Troop 3, Hayden first joined the Scouts on March 1, 2018, and as evidenced by the truly remarkable feat of receiving the Eagle Scout, his list of community service and extracurricular activities highlight those achievements and serve as an indicative forecast of the bright future that lies ahead for this extraordinary young Mississippian; and

     WHEREAS, throughout his nearly 6 years as a Boy Scout, Hayden has fulfilled his duties and obligations of maintaining and promoting the mission and vision of the Boy Scouts of America, which placed him on the trajectory to accomplishing the services and tasks necessary to achieve the rank of Eagle Scout; and

     WHEREAS, Hayden's Eagle Scout promotion was earned by planning and developing his Eagle Scout service project, the Billion Graves Project, which took a remarkable 28 hours for its completion on January 6, 2024, before participating in the Unit Leadership Conference on January 7, 2024; and

     WHEREAS, Hayden has held his leadership positions within his platoon as a Den Chief and as Assistant Senior Patrol leader; and

     WHEREAS, an exemplar of citizenship and paying forward the generous acts of kindness for those who have served his community and the country, Hayden is an individual of distinguishing refined character, whose reputation precedes him and whose presence establishes itself as a mainstay in any setting; and

     WHEREAS, Hayden is a bright, gracious young man who has strong Christian beliefs and sets a positive example for those around him, as an Eagle Scout is supposed to, and because of his great interest in the world around him and making it the best he can, he will ultimately become a great asset not just for the State of Mississippi, but also for the nation as a whole; and

     WHEREAS, it is the policy of the House of Representatives to recognize and honor the best and brightest of Mississippi's youth, especially those such as Hayden Charles Morgan, who has attained Scouting's highest rank by demonstrating the determination to prepare himself for a meaningful, productive role in society, bringing honor to his family, school, community and the State of Mississippi:

     NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES OF THE STATE OF MISSISSIPPI, That we do hereby commend and congratulate Hayden Charles Morgan upon earning the Boy Scouts of America's highest and most prestigious Eagle Scout Award and extend sincere wishes for continued success in all his future endeavors.

     BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That copies of this resolution be furnished to Hayden Charles Morgan and to the members of the Capitol Press Corps.