2024 Regular Session

To: CW

By: Representative White

House Resolution 4

(As Adopted by House)


     BE IT RESOLVED BY THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES OF THE STATE OF MISSISSIPPI, That when the House proceeds to the selection of permanent seats and parking spaces for the members, it shall be done in the following manner and priority:

     1.  All members shall have the right and privilege of choosing desks and parking spaces on the basis of the number of years of service as members of the Legislature.

     2.  The Speaker shall choose a desk first and the Speaker Pro Tempore shall choose a desk second.  The remaining members shall be grouped by years of service and those with the highest number of years of service shall draw lots by number and shall choose their desks and parking spaces in the order of the number drawn.  This procedure shall be followed through each group until all members with prior service have chosen desks and parking spaces.

     3.  Any physically disabled member shall have the privilege of selecting a desk after members with prior service have made their selections and may select a parking space before any other member's selection regardless of service except among those other members who may be physically disabled.

     4.  All members who do not have a priority for selecting desks and parking spaces as provided in this resolution shall draw lots by number and may choose their desks and parking spaces in the order of the number drawn.

     5.  The Clerk shall number each desk and shall prepare boards with numbers to correspond with each desk and parking space to correspond with the Department of Finance and Administration parking numbers for the House of Representatives.  Each member shall be furnished two (2) tags with his or her name printed on them.  When a member selects a desk or parking space, the corresponding number shall be covered on the board with the tag furnished for this purpose.  The Clerk shall use the seating board to place the name plates on the desks and to program the voting machine and the Department of Finance and Administration shall use the parking board to place names on the parking spaces.