2024 Regular Session

To: Education

By: Representative Owen

House Bill 1683



     SECTION 1.  Section 37-28-1, Mississippi Code of 1972, is brought forward as follows:

     37-28-1.  This chapter shall be known and may be cited as the "Mississippi Charter Schools Act of 2013."

     SECTION 2.  Section 37-28-3, Mississippi Code of 1972, is brought forward as follows:

     37-28-3.  (1)  The Legislature finds and declares that the general purposes of the state's charter schools are as follows:

          (a)  To improve student learning by creating high-quality schools with high standards for student performance;

          (b)  To close achievement gaps between high-performing and low-performing groups of public school students;

          (c)  To increase high-quality educational opportunities within the public education system for all students, especially those with a likelihood of academic failure;

          (d)  To create new professional opportunities for teachers, school administrators and other school personnel which allow them to have a direct voice in the operation of their schools;

          (e)  To encourage the use of different, high-quality models of teaching, governing, scheduling and other aspects of schooling which meet a variety of student needs;

          (f)  To allow public schools freedom and flexibility in exchange for exceptional levels of results driven accountability;

          (g)  To provide students, parents, community members and local entities with expanded opportunities for involvement in the public education system; and

          (h)  To encourage the replication of successful charter schools.

     (2)  All charter schools in the state established under this chapter are public schools and are part of the state's public education system.

     (3)  No provision of this chapter may be interpreted to allow the conversion of private schools into charter schools.

     SECTION 3.  Section 37-28-5, Mississippi Code of 1972, is amended as follows:

     37-28-5.  As used in this chapter, the following words and phrases have the meanings ascribed in this section unless the context clearly indicates otherwise:

          (a)  "Applicant" means any person * * * or, group or nonprofit entity that develops and submits an application for a charter school to * * *the an authorizer.

          (b)  "Application" means a proposal from an applicant to * * *the an authorizer to enter into a charter contract whereby the proposed school obtains charter school status.

          (c)  "Authorizer" means * * *the Mississippi Charter School Authorizer Board established an entity permitted under Section 37-28-7 to review applications, decide whether to approve or reject applications, enter into charter contracts * * * with applicants, oversee charter schools, and decide whether to renew, not renew, or revoke charter contracts.

          (d)  "Charter contract" means a fixed-term, renewable contract between the governing board of a Mississippi nonprofit entity with an approved application for a charter school and * * *the an authorizer which establishes the charter school and outlines the roles, powers, responsibilities and performance expectations for each party to the contract.

          (e)  "Charter management organization" means a Mississippi nonprofit entity whose purpose is to operate more than one (1) charter school in Mississippi and which holds one or more charter contract(s) that include(s) one or more of its authorized schools.  A charter management organization may operate its schools as a single local educational agency or as multiple local educational agencies.

          ( * * *ef)  "Charter school" means a public school that is established and operating under the terms of a charter contract * * * between the school's governing board and the authorizer.  The term "charter school" includes a conversion charter school and start-up charter school.  A charter school may serve children in any Grades prekindergarten through 12.  This definition does not create a right to state public school formula funding for prekindergarten children where none exists.

          ( * * *fg)  "Conversion charter school" means a charter school that existed as a noncharter public school before becoming a charter school.

          ( * * *gh)  "Education service provider" means a * * *charter management organization, school design provider or any other partner entity with which * * *a charter school the governing board intends to subcontract for * * *educational design, implementation or full or substantial educational services, including, but not limited to, comprehensive management.  An education service provider does not itself hold a charter contract as defined in this section.  A charter management organization operating its own schools is not an education service provider.

          ( * * *hi)  "Governing board" means the * * *independent board of directors of a * * *charter school Mississippi nonprofit entity, including a charter management organization, which is party to the charter contract with * * *the an authorizer and whose members have been elected or selected pursuant to the * * *school's application bylaws of the nonprofit entity.  A nonprofit entity that is party to a charter contract, including a charter management organization, is a nongovernmental entity.

          ( * * *ij)  "Noncharter public school" means a public school that is under the direct management, governance and control of a school board or the state.

          ( * * *jk)  "Parent" means a parent, guardian or other person or entity having legal custody of a child.

          ( * * *kl)  "School board" or "local school board" means a * * *school governmental board exercising management and control over a * * *local school district and the schools of that district pursuant to the State Constitution and state statutes.

          ( * * *lm)  "School district" or "district" means a governmental entity that establishes and supervises one or more public schools within its geographical limits pursuant to state statutes.

          ( * * *mn)  "Start-up charter school" means a charter school that did not exist as a noncharter public school before becoming a charter school.

          ( * * *no)  "Student" means any child who is eligible for attendance in a public school in the state.

          ( * * *op)  "Underserved students" means students * * *participating in the federal free lunch program who qualify for at-risk student funding under the Mississippi Adequate Education Program, or any comparable term under any successor state public school funding formula, and students * * *who are identified as having special educational needs with disabilities.

     SECTION 4.  Section 37-28-7, Mississippi Code of 1972, is amended as follows:

     37-28-7.  (1)  A charter school in the State of Mississippi may be authorized by:

          (a)  The Mississippi Charter School Authorizer Board created under subsection (2) of this section; or

          (b)  An office of a state institution of higher learning or public community or junior college in this state which has been created by the president of that state institution or public community or junior college, the board of such an institution, or the Mississippi Community College Board, specifically for the purpose of authorizing one or more charter schools.  The governing authority of such an office shall be a board created by the initiator of the office or the board of the affiliated institution, including the Mississippi Community College Board, as designated at the time of the office's creation.  Once created, such office may only be closed by the governing authority pursuant to its policy for closure or by the Legislature.

     ( * * *12)  There is created the Mississippi Charter School Authorizer Board as a state agency with * * *exclusive chartering jurisdiction in the State of Mississippi.  * * *Unless otherwise authorized by law, no other governmental agency or entity may assume any charter authorizing function or duty in any form.

     ( * * *23)  (a)  The mission of the Mississippi Charter School Authorizer Board is to authorize high-quality charter schools, particularly schools designed to expand opportunities for underserved students, consistent with the purposes of this chapter.  Subject to the restrictions and conditions prescribed in this subsection, the Mississippi Charter School Authorizer Board may authorize charter schools within the geographical boundaries of any school district.

          (b)  The Mississippi Charter School Authorizer Board may approve a maximum of fifteen (15) qualified charter applications during a fiscal year.

          (c)  In any school district designated as an "A * * *," or "B"  * * *or "C" school district by the State Board of Education under the * * *accreditation rating system performance classification system of the Mississippi Public School Accountability Standards at the time of application, the Mississippi Charter School Authorizer Board may authorize charter schools only if a majority of the members of the local school board votes at a public meeting to endorse the application * * * or to initiate the application on its own initiative.  However, the Mississippi Charter School Authorizer Board may approve a charter application without the need for a school board vote in a school district that has been rated "C," "D" or "F" in any of the three (3) years preceding a charter application for that district, regardless of whether the performance classification of the district is currently an "A" or "B."  A charter school approved under such circumstances may operate thereafter in the same manner as any other charter school regardless of the performance classification of the school district in which the charter school is located.

          (d)  The Mississippi Charter School Authorizer Board may approve a charter application for a school designed to serve students with autism, emotional disability or intellectual disability in any school district, regardless of its performance classification.

     ( * * *34)  The Mississippi Charter School Authorizer Board shall consist of seven (7) members, to be appointed as follows:

          (a)  Three (3) members appointed by the Governor, with one (1) member being from each of the Mississippi Supreme Court Districts.

          (b)  Three (3) members appointed by the Lieutenant Governor, with one (1) member being from each of the Mississippi Supreme Court Districts.

          (c)  One (1) member appointed by the State Superintendent of Public Education, who is not required to be an employee of the State Department of Education.

     All appointments must be made with the advice and consent of the Senate.  In making the appointments, the appointing authority shall ensure diversity among members of the Mississippi Charter School Authorizer Board.

     ( * * *45)  Members appointed to the Mississippi Charter School Authorizer Board collectively must possess strong experience and expertise in public and nonprofit governance, management and finance, public school leadership, assessment, curriculum and instruction, and public education law.  Each member of the Mississippi Charter School Authorizer Board must have demonstrated an understanding of and commitment to charter schooling as a strategy for strengthening public education.

     ( * * *56)  To establish staggered terms of office, the initial term of office for the three (3) Mississippi Charter School Authorizer Board members appointed by the Governor shall be four (4) years and thereafter shall be three (3) years; the initial term of office for the three (3) members appointed by the Lieutenant Governor shall be three (3) years and thereafter shall be three (3) years; and the initial term of office for the member appointed by the State Superintendent of Public Education shall be two (2) years and thereafter shall be three (3) years.  No member may serve more than two (2) consecutive terms.  The initial appointments must be made before September 1, 2013.

     ( * * *67)  The Mississippi Charter School Authorizer Board shall meet as soon as practical after September 1, 2013, upon the call of the Governor, and shall organize for business by selecting a chairman and adopting bylaws.  Subsequent meetings shall be called by the chairman, who shall be selected from among the members appointed by the Governor or Lieutenant Governor.

     ( * * *78)  An individual member of the Mississippi Charter School Authorizer Board may be removed by the board if the member's personal incapacity renders the member incapable or unfit to discharge the duties of the office or if the member is absent from a number of meetings of the board, as determined and specified by the board in its bylaws.  Whenever a vacancy on the Mississippi Charter School Authorizer Board exists, the original appointing authority shall appoint a member for the remaining portion of the term.

     ( * * *89)  No member of the Mississippi Charter School Authorizer Board or employee, agent or representative of the board may serve simultaneously as an employee, trustee, agent, representative, vendor or contractor of a charter school authorized by the board.

     ( * * *910)  The Mississippi Charter School Authorizer Board shall appoint an individual to serve as the Executive Director of the Mississippi Charter School Authorizer Board.  The executive director shall possess the qualifications established by the board which * * *are shall be based on national best practices, and shall possess an understanding of state and federal education law.  The executive director, who shall serve at the will and pleasure of the board, shall devote his full time to the proper administration of the board and the duties assigned to him by the board and shall be paid a salary established by the board, subject to the approval of the State Personnel Board.  Subject to the availability of funding, the executive director may employ such administrative staff as may be necessary to assist the director and board in carrying out the duties and directives of the Mississippi Charter School Authorizer Board.

     ( * * *1011)  The Mississippi Charter School Authorizer Board is authorized to obtain suitable office space for administrative purposes.  In acquiring a facility or office space, the authorizer board shall adhere to all policies and procedures required by the Department of Finance and Administration and the Public Procurement Review Board.

     (12)  If a state institution of higher learning or a public community or junior college, the board of such an institution, or the Mississippi Community College Board establishes an office for the purpose of authorizing charter schools, it shall exercise the same authority, powers and duties granted to, and be subject to the same restrictions and limitations placed upon, the Mississippi Charter School Authorizer Board under this chapter.  However, subsection (1)(b) of this section shall dictate the governing authority of such office.

     SECTION 5.  Section 37-28-9, Mississippi Code of 1972, is amended as follows:

     37-28-9.  (1)  * * *The An authorizer is responsible for exercising, in accordance with this chapter, the following powers and duties:

          (a)  Developing, approving, maintaining, publishing via its website and the Administrative Procedures Bulletin, and operating in accordance with written chartering policies and * * *maintaining practices consistent with nationally recognized principles and standards for quality charter authorizing in all major areas of authorizing responsibility, including: 

              (i)  Authorizer organizational capacity and infrastructure;

              (ii)  Solicitation and evaluation of charter applications;

              (iii)  Performance contracting;

              (iv)  Ongoing charter school oversight and evaluation; and

              (v)  Charter renewal, nonrenewal and revocation decision-making;

          (b)  Approving quality charter applications that meet identified educational needs and promote a diversity of educational choices;

          (c)  Declining to approve weak or inadequate charter applications;

          (d)  Negotiating and executing charter contracts with the governing boards of nonprofit entities with approved charter * * *schools school applications;

          (e)  Amending charter school contracts, including, but not limited to:

              (i)  Approving material amendments for expansions, mergers, consolidations or grade reconfigurations of operating charter schools under the same governing board;

              (ii)  Transfers of charter contracts or one or more charter schools under a single charter contract to other eligible Mississippi nonprofit entities, including when such transfers are for the purpose of merging or consolidating two (2) or more operating charter schools; and

              (iii)  Reorganizations of separate charter contracts held by the governing board of the same nonprofit entity, including a charter management organization, into a single charter contract;

          ( * * *ef)  Monitoring, in accordance with charter contract terms and the requirements of this chapter, the performance and legal compliance of charter schools;

          ( * * *fg)  Determining whether each charter contract merits renewal, nonrenewal or revocation; * * *and

          ( * * *gh)  Applying for any federal funds that may be available for the implementation of charter school programs * * *.; and

          (i)  Complying with provisions of the Open Meetings Act, established under Section 25-41-1, et seq., the Mississippi Public Records Act of 1983, and any other provision of Mississippi law pertaining to the conduct of public bodies, including abiding by the Mississippi Administrative Procedures Law for the adoption of any rule, policy, guideline or other regulation, including any performance framework, renewal framework or any other relevant document with which charter schools are mandated to comply.

     (2)  * * *The An authorizer shall carry out all its duties under this chapter in a manner consistent with nationally recognized principles and standards and with the spirit and intent of this act.

     (3)  * * *The An authorizer may, as it deems appropriate,  delegate or withdraw delegation of one or more of its duties to the executive director * * * and general counsel.

     (4)  Regulation by * * *the an authorizer shall be limited to those powers and duties prescribed in this section and all others prescribed by law, consistent with the spirit and intent of this chapter.  An authorizer may not issue directives or mandates to charter schools except as pursuant to an applicable law or a policy properly adopted by its board and published on its website, nor shall it launch investigations without reasonable suspicion  that a school has violated a specific provision of law, its contract, or a properly adopted policy.

     (5)  Except in the case of gross negligence or reckless disregard of the safety and well-being of another person, * * *the an authorizer, board members of * * *the an authorizer board in their official capacity, and employees of * * *the an authorizer in their official capacity are immune from civil liability with respect to all activities related to a charter school approved by * * *the an authorizer.

     SECTION 6.  Section 37-28-11, Mississippi Code of 1972, is amended as follows:

     37-28-11.  (1)  To cover the costs of overseeing charter schools in accordance with this chapter, * * *the an authorizer * * *shall may receive up to three percent (3%) of annual per-pupil allocations received by a charter school from state and local funds for each charter school it authorizes.  The exact amount, if any, shall be set by an authorizer annually in an open meeting and based on an authorizer's budgetary needs.  However, an authorizer may not receive such an allocation if it receives a state appropriation for the purpose of defraying its expenses.

     (2)  * * *The An authorizer may receive appropriate gifts, grants and donations of any kind from any public or private entity to carry out the purposes of this chapter, subject to all lawful terms and conditions under which the gifts, grants or donations are given.

     (3)  * * *The An authorizer may expend its resources, seek grant funds and establish partnerships to support its charter school authorizing activities.

     SECTION 7.  Section 37-28-13, Mississippi Code of 1972, is amended as follows:

     37-28-13.  (1)  Upon request, the State Department of Education shall assist the Mississippi Charter School Authorizer Board with implementing * * *the an authorizer's decisions by providing such technical assistance and information as may be necessary for the implementation of this chapter.

     (2)  Before July 1 of each year, * * *the each authorizer shall publish a pamphlet, which may be in electronic form, containing:

          (a)  All statutes in Title 37, Mississippi Code of 1972, which are applicable to * * *the charter schools;

          (b)  Any rules, regulations and policies adopted by the State Superintendent of Public Education, the State Board of Education or the State Department of Education with which charter schools must comply by virtue of the applicability to charter schools, as well as other public schools, of the state laws to which those relevant rules, regulations and policies pertain; and

          (c)  Any other state and federal laws and matters that are relevant to the establishment and operation of charter schools in the State of Mississippi.  

      * * *The Mississippi Charter School Authorizer Board Each authorizer shall make the pamphlet available to the public on * * *the board's its website and shall notify all prospective applicants and authorized charter schools of the pamphlet.

     SECTION 8.  Section 37-28-15, Mississippi Code of 1972, is amended as follows:

     37-28-15.  (1)  To solicit, encourage and guide the development of quality charter school applications, * * *the each authorizer shall issue and publicize a request for proposals before September 1 of each year * * *; however, during 2013, the authorizer shall issue and publicize a request for proposals before December 1.  The content and dissemination of the request for proposals must be consistent with the purposes and requirements of this chapter.

     (2)  * * *The Each authorizer annually shall establish and disseminate a statewide timeline for charter approval or denial decisions, which may include a rolling application process.

     (3)  * * *The Each authorizer's request for proposals must include the following:

          (a)  A clear statement of any preferences the authorizer wishes to grant to applications intended to help underserved students;

          (b)  A description of the performance framework that the authorizer has developed for charter school oversight and evaluation in accordance with Section 37-28-29;

          (c)  The criteria that will guide the authorizer's decision to approve or deny a charter application; and

          (d)  A clear statement of appropriately detailed questions, as well as guidelines, concerning the format and content essential for applicants to demonstrate the capacities necessary to establish and operate a successful charter school.

     (4)  In addition to all other requirements, and subject to the provisions of subsection (5) of this section, the request for proposals must require charter applications to provide or describe thoroughly all of the following * * *mandatory elements of the proposed school plan:

          (a)  An executive summary;

          (b)  The mission and vision of the proposed charter school, including identification of the targeted student population and the community the school hopes to serve;

          (c)  The location or geographic area proposed for the school;

          (d)  The grades to be served each year * * *for the full term of the charter contract until the school reaches its proposed capacity;

          (e)  Minimum, planned and maximum enrollment per grade per year * * *for the term of the charter contract until the school reaches its proposed capacity;

          (f)  Evidence of need and community support for the proposed charter school;

          (g)  Background information, including proof of United States citizenship, on the applicants, the proposed founding governing board members and, if identified, members of the proposed school leadership and management team.  The background information must include annual student achievement data, disaggregated by subgroup, for every school under the current or prior management of each * * *board member and leadership team member;

          (h)  The school's proposed calendar, including the proposed opening and closing dates for the school term, which shall be no less than the minimum number of school days established for all public schools in Section 37-13-63, and a sample daily schedule * * *.  The school must be kept in session no less than the minimum number of school days established for all public schools in Section 37‑13‑63;

          (i)  A description of the school's academic program, aligned with state standards;

          (j)  A description of the school's instructional design, including the type of learning environment (such as classroom-based or independent study), class size and structure, curriculum overview and teaching methods;

          (k)  The school's plan for using internal and external assessments to measure and report student progress on the performance framework developed by the authorizer in accordance with Section 37-28-29;

          (l)  The school's plan for identifying and successfully serving students with disabilities (including all of the school's proposed policies pursuant to the Individuals with Disabilities Education Improvement Act of 2004, 20 USCS Section 1400 et seq., Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, 29 USCS Section 794, and Title 11 of the Americans with Disabilities Act, 42 USCS Section 12101 et seq., and the school's procedures for securing and providing evaluations and related services pursuant to federal law), students who are English language learners, students who are academically behind, and gifted students, including, but not limited to, compliance with any applicable laws and regulations;

          (m)  A description of cocurricular or extracurricular programs and how those programs will be funded and delivered;

          (n)  Plans and timelines for student recruitment and enrollment, including lottery policies and procedures that ensure that every student has an equal opportunity to be considered in the lottery and that the lottery is equitable, randomized, transparent and impartial so that students are accepted in a charter school without regard to disability, income level, race, religion or national origin;

          (o)  The school's student discipline policies, including those for * * *special education students with disabilities;

          (p)  An organizational chart that clearly presents the school's organizational structure, including lines of authority and reporting * * *between among the governing board, charter management organization staff or the education service provider (if any), school leadership team and staff, related bodies (such as advisory bodies or parent and teacher councils), and all other external organizations that will play a role in managing the school;

          (q)  A clear description of the roles and responsibilities of the governing board, charter management organization staff or education service provider (if any), school leadership team, management team and all other entities shown in the organizational chart;

          (r)  A staffing chart for the school's first year, and a staffing plan for the * * *term of the charter first five (5) years;

          (s)  Plans for recruiting and developing school leadership and staff, which may not include utilization of nonimmigrant foreign worker visa programs;

          (t)  The school's leadership and teacher employment policies, including performance evaluation plans;

          (u)  Proposed or adopted governing bylaws of the governing board of the nonprofit entity proposed to hold the charter contract and any relevant sub-entities controlled by the nonprofit entity;

          (v)  Explanations of any partnerships or contractual relationships central to the school's operations or mission;

          (w)  The school's plans for providing transportation, food service and all other significant operational or ancillary services;

          (x)  Opportunities and expectations for * * *parent involvement family engagement;

          (y)  A detailed school start-up plan, identifying tasks, timelines and responsible individuals;

          (z)  A description of the school's financial plans and policies, including financial controls and audit requirements;

          (aa)  A description of the insurance coverage the school will obtain;

          (bb)  Start-up and five-year budgets with clearly stated assumptions;

          (cc)  Start-up and first-year cash flow projections with clearly stated assumptions;

          (dd)  A disclosure of all sources of private funding and all funds from foreign sources, including gifts from foreign governments, foreign legal entities and domestic entities affiliated with either foreign governments or foreign legal entities.  For the purposes of this paragraph, the term "foreign" means a country or jurisdiction outside of any state or territory of the United States;

          (ee)  Evidence of anticipated fundraising contributions, if claimed in the application; and

          (ff)  A sound facilities plan, including backup or contingency plans if appropriate.

     (5)  An authorizer may limit its initial request for proposals to those elements in subsection (4) which it deems essential for an initial review, and applications may be rejected based upon the information provided for those elements.  However, an applicant must submit, and an authorizer must evaluate, all elements enumerated in subsection (4) before an application may be approved.

     ( * * *56)  In the case of an application to establish a charter school by converting an existing noncharter public school to charter school status, the request for proposals additionally shall require the applicant to demonstrate support for the proposed charter school conversion by a petition signed by a majority of teachers or a majority of parents of students in the existing noncharter public school, or by a majority vote of the local school board or, in the case of schools in districts under state conservatorship, by the State Board of Education.

     ( * * *67)  In the case of a proposed charter school that intends to subcontract with an education service provider for substantial educational services, comprehensive management services or both types of services, the request for proposals additionally shall require the applicant to:

          (a)  Provide evidence of the education service provider's success in serving student populations similar to the targeted population, including demonstrated academic achievement as well as successful management of nonacademic school functions, if applicable;

          (b)  Provide a term sheet setting forth:  the proposed duration of the service contract; roles and responsibilities of the governing board, the school staff and the education service provider; the scope of services and resources to be provided by the education service provider; performance evaluation measures and timelines; the compensation structure, including clear identification of all fees to be paid to the education service provider; methods of contract oversight and enforcement; investment disclosure; and conditions for renewal and termination of the contract;

          (c)  Disclose and explain any existing or potential conflicts of interest between the school governing board and proposed service provider or any affiliated business entities; and

          (d)  Background information, including proof of United States citizenship, on the principal individuals affiliated with the education service provider. 

     ( * * *78)  In the case of a charter school proposal from an applicant that currently operates one or more schools in any state or nation, the request for proposals additionally shall require the applicant to provide evidence of past performance and current capacity for organizational growth.  * * *The applicant shall be required to submit clear evidence that it has produced statistically significant gains in student achievement or consistently produced proficiency levels as measured on state achievement tests.

     (9)  In the case of a governing board of an operating charter school, including a school within a charter management organization, seeking to expand the school's grades, whether upwards or downwards, beyond those originally authorized, an authorizer shall not require a new application as described in subsection (4) of this section, but shall consider a plan for expansion as a material contract amendment.  Expanded grades shall be listed as a separate school under the amended charter contract if requested by the governing board, and, if so, shall be evaluated separately for accountability and closure purposes as prescribed by law.  The requirements for approving contract amendments for expansion shall be transparent, based on merit and not unduly burdensome.  An authorizer shall approve expansion requests by the governing board of any charter school meeting overall expectations in the areas of academic, financial and organizational performance per the school's most recent performance framework, regardless of the performance classification of either the charter school or the school district in which a charter school is located.  An authorizer shall approve or deny expansions within forty-five (45) calendar days of submission of a completed request by the governing board.

     SECTION 9.  Section 37-28-17, Mississippi Code of 1972, is brought forward as follows:

     37-28-17.  (1)  The following are the purposes of a charter application:

          (a)  To present the proposed charter school's academic and operational vision and plans;

          (b)  To demonstrate the applicant's capacities to execute the proposed vision and plans; and

          (c)  To provide the authorizer a clear basis for assessing the applicant's plans and capacities. 

     (2)  An approved charter application may not serve as the school's charter contract.

     SECTION 10.  Section 37-28-19, Mississippi Code of 1972, is amended as follows:

     37-28-19.  (1)  In reviewing and evaluating charter applications, * * *the an authorizer shall employ written, adopted and published procedures, practices and criteria consistent with nationally recognized principles and standards for quality charter authorizing.  These procedures must provide clear standards for meeting expectations, including any response elements required to meet such standards as well as any points overall or per section of the application necessary for approval.  The application review process must include thorough evaluation of each written charter application and an in-person interview with the applicant group.  Evaluations shall be conducted by the staff or board members of an authorizer or consultants demonstrating support for and expertise in charter schools.

     (2)  In deciding whether to approve charter applications, * * *the an authorizer must:

          (a)  Grant charters only to applicants that have provided evidence of competence in each element of * * *the an authorizer's published approval criteria, and in the case of an applicant that currently operates one or more schools in any state or nation, clear evidence that the management or leadership team of the charter school or schools currently operated by the applicant has produced * * *statistically significant gains growth in student achievement or consistently produced proficiency levels as measured on state achievement tests, although unusual circumstances such as a global pandemic or other disaster may be taken into account;

          (b)  Base decisions on documented evidence collected through the application review process; and

          (c)  Follow charter-granting policies and practices that are transparent, based on merit and avoid conflicts of interest or any appearance thereof.

     (3)  Before the expiration of one hundred eighty (180) days after the filing of a charter application, * * *the an authorizer must approve or deny the charter application; however, an application submitted by a public historically black college or university (HBCU), in partnership with a national nonprofit public HBCU support organization, for a charter school to be operated on or near the campus of the HBCU must be considered for expedited approval by * * *the an authorizer.  * * *The Each authorizer shall adopt by resolution all charter approval or denial decisions in an open meeting of the authorizer's board.

     (4)  An approval decision may include, if appropriate, reasonable conditions that the charter applicant must meet before a charter contract may be executed pursuant to Section 37-28-21.  A charter applicant must have achieved nonprofit entity status prior to the execution of a contract if the applicant was not a nonprofit entity prior to submission of the application.

     (5)  For a charter denial, * * *the an authorizer shall state clearly, for public record, its reasons for denial.  A denied applicant may reapply subsequently with * * *the an authorizer.  An applicant who is denied after having progressed past any initial stage in the evaluation process shall not be required to wait until the next regular application process to reapply but must be allowed one (1) opportunity before the next regular application process to demonstrate to the relevant authorizer that the applicant has remedied the conditions upon which the denial was based.  The initial stage described in this subsection shall be defined by each authorizer in its request for proposals.

     (6)  Before the expiration of ten (10) days after taking action to approve or deny a charter application, * * *the an authorizer shall provide a report to the applicant.  The report must include a copy of the authorizer's resolution setting forth the action taken and reasons for the decision and assurances as to compliance with all of the procedural requirements and application elements set forth in this chapter.

     SECTION 11.  Section 37-28-21, Mississippi Code of 1972, is amended as follows:

     37-28-21.  (1)  * * *The An authorizer shall grant an initial charter contract to the nonprofit entity proposed by each qualified applicant for a term of five (5) operating school years.  In the case of a charter contract including more than one (1) school, the contract shall contain a separate addendum for each school listing the school's approved term of operation; the initial term for each school shall be five (5) operating school years.  The overall term of a contract with an entity that operates more than one (1) charter school shall extend until the latest date of any approved charter school in a contract addendum.  The term of the charter shall commence on the charter school's first day of operation, or the first charter school's first day of operation for a contract that includes more than one (1) school, as specified in the contract.  An approved charter school may delay its opening for one (1) school year in order to plan and prepare for the school's opening.  If the school requires an opening delay of more than one (1) school year, the school must request an extension from * * *the its authorizer.  * * *The An authorizer may grant or deny the extension depending on the particular school's circumstances.

     (2)  (a)  * * *The An authorizer and the governing board of * * *the a nonprofit with one or more approved charter schools shall execute a charter contract that clearly sets forth the academic, financial and operational performance expectations and measures by which * * *the each charter school will be judged, as specified in Section 37-28-29; and the administrative relationship between the authorizer, the governing board and each charter school, including each party's rights and duties.  * * *The performance expectations and measures set forth in the charter contract must include, but need not be limited to, applicable federal and state accountability requirements.  The performance provisions may be refined or amended by mutual agreement after the charter school is operating and has collected baseline achievement data for its enrolled students.

          (b)  The charter contract must be signed by the * * *chairman chairperson of * * *the an authorizer's board and the * * *president chairperson of * * *the a charter school's governing board.

          (c)  A charter school may not commence operations without a charter contract executed in accordance with this section and approved in an open meeting of * * *the an authorizer's board.

     (3)  * * *The An authorizer * * *may shall establish and publish reasonable preopening requirements or conditions to monitor the start-up progress of * * *a each of its newly approved charter school and to ensure that * * *the each school is prepared to open smoothly on the date agreed and that the school meets all building, health, safety, insurance and other legal requirements before the school's opening.  An authorizer may establish school-specific preopening requirements or conditions for any of its newly approved schools.  Each authorizer must keep documentation that any and all such preopening requirements have been met prior to the school's opening.

     (4)  The charter contract of each charter school must include the following provisions at a minimum:

          (a)  For any charter school serving any Grades 9 through 12, graduation requirements shall meet or exceed those set by the State Department of Education for a standard high school diploma, but this provision shall not preclude competency-based satisfaction of graduation requirements;

          (b)  A charter school must be kept in session no less than the minimum number of school days established for all public schools in Section 37-13-63;

          (c)  A charter school's academic program shall be aligned to state learning standards, including offering courses required for a standard Mississippi high school diploma;

          (d)  The charter contract shall require a charter school to adopt a transportation plan for students attending a charter school;

          (e)  The charter contract shall list all preopening requirements pursuant to subsection (3) of this section and any school-specific preopening requirements of the authorizer from which it is seeking charter approval;

          (f)  The charter contract shall list and require as a material part of the charter contract information needed by the authorizer from the governing board of a charter school for the respective authorizer's performance framework reports;

          (g)  The charter contract shall require the nonprofit entity to complete one (1) annual audit in which every Mississippi charter school that it is authorized to operate is reported as a program under the nonprofit entity, regardless of how many separate Mississippi contracts the nonprofit holds;

     (5)  An authorizer must allow a nonprofit entity authorized to operate more than one (1) school, including a charter management organization, to hold a contract with more than one (1) of its approved Mississippi schools without requiring the nonprofit entity to apply for the right to hold such a contract. In such cases, the contract with more than one (1) school must provide the following:

          (a)  Each school listed within the contract shall have its own addendum to include its operating term, as well as any unique elements such as essential educational terms, mission and vision, grades and enrollment projections, location or facilities, school-selected indicators or goals, any enrollment policies and procedures or any preopening requirements that differ from other schools listed in the contract;

          (b)  The nonprofit entity may jointly manage all assets, funds and property of all schools listed in the contract, provided that funds are tracked and reported by schools;

          (c)  An authorizer may issue notices of concern or breach of contract to an individual charter school listed within the contract without implicating or adversely affecting the remaining schools listed in the contract;

          (d)  An authorizer may close a charter school within the contract without closing the remainder of the charter schools within that contract.  In the event of closure of one or more schools, but when other schools listed in the contract remain operational, the nonprofit entity shall retain ownership of the assets and property of the closed school or schools to be used at its remaining Mississippi schools, except for unspent governmental funds or unspent earnings of governmental funds which shall be redirected on a per-pupil basis to the school districts or charter schools to which students of the closed school transfer, as allowable.  If an authorizer concludes the appropriate recipient of unspent governmental funds and unspent earnings is difficult to determine as a practical matter, the unspent governmental funds and unspent earnings will revert to the school district in which the charter school was located as provided by law.  A nonprofit entity whose entire portfolio of Mississippi schools is closed by an authorizer must follow authorizer policies for school closure and disposition of assets, funds and property as provided by law. An authorizer may not close an entire portfolio of Mississippi schools within a contract without due cause for closing each school as required by Section 37-28-35.  However, if such a burden is met, the entire contract is considered terminated;

          (e)  In the case of a nonprofit entity reorganizing separate existing charter contracts into the same contract, including the case of reorganizing two (2) or more charter contracts for schools considered separate local educational agencies into a single contract in which these schools become sub-entities under the same local educational agency of the nonprofit entity, the nonprofit entity shall retain all assets, funds and property from the charter schools which were operating as separate local educational agencies for use in the schools reorganized under the same local educational agency of the nonprofit entity as specified in the amended contract effectuating the reorganization; and

          (f)  Each Mississippi charter school within the contract of a nonprofit entity authorized to operate more than one (1) school must be considered for renewal according to each school's term of operation as specified in the contract.

     (6)  In the case of the proposed merger, consolidation, or grade reconfiguration of two (2) or more schools operated by the same nonprofit entity, whether originally within a single contract or separate contracts held by the governing board of the same nonprofit entity, the nonprofit entity shall retain all assets, funds and property for use in the newly merged, consolidated or reconfigured school or schools as specified in the amended contract effectuating the merger, consolidation or reconfiguration.

     (7)  The governing board of a nonprofit entity that is party to a charter contract or, in the case of the required or voluntary closure of such a nonprofit entity, the charter school leader or leadership team of the operating charter school established by the contract may request its authorizer to transfer the charter contract to another eligible Mississippi nonprofit entity.  By assuming a charter contract, a nonprofit entity also assumes all assets, liabilities, revenues and expenses ascribable to a transferred charter school as specified in the transfer agreement.  An authorizer may not require the transfer of a charter contract unless a nonprofit entity plans to close a school meeting authorizer expectations, and the authorizer seeks to enable the school to continue to operate.

     (8)  Mergers, consolidations, grade reconfigurations and transfers of charter schools as well as reorganization of charter schools from separate contracts into the same contract as specified in subsections (5) through (7) of this section, or any analogous situation, shall not require or constitute closure and restart of the affected charter schools and shall not require reversion of their assets.  Furthermore, an authorizer shall not require the governing board of such schools to file a new school application as described in Section 37-28-15, but shall approve all such mergers, consolidations, grade reconfigurations, transfers and reorganizations as material contract amendments.

     (9)  In the case of merged or consolidating nonprofit entities where one (1) nonprofit entity is party to a charter contract, the successor entity shall become the party to the charter contract upon the effective date of the merger or consolidation and shall assume all assets, liabilities, revenues and expenses ascribable to the charter school.  Charter schools affected by this provision shall not be considered closed and restarted nor shall the schools have to revert their assets. Furthermore, the governing board of the successor entity shall not have to file a new school application as described in Section 37-28-15.

     (10)  (a)  The governing board of an approved charter school may change to a different authorizer by executing a charter contract with another authorizer as follows:

               (i)  Any time before June 30, 2025, regardless of how much of the current contract term has elapsed;

              (ii)  After June 30, 2025:

                   1.  At the end of a school year; or

                   2.  At the end of a charter contract term; or

              (iii)  At the time of closure of an authorizer by the authorizer's board or the Legislature.

          (b)  Changing the different authorizer does not constitute a closure and restart of a charter school, nor does such change require a school to revert its assets.

          (c)  The governing board of an approved charter school seeking to change to a different authorizer at the end of a charter term need not apply for renewal of the charter school with the original authorizer but may instead apply for a new charter contract with a different authorizer.

          (d)  An authorizer may accept or reject a request from the governing board of an approved charter school seeking to change to a different authorizer based on the authorizer's adopted policy for accepting charter schools initially authorized by another entity established by Section 37-28-7.  The application for an already authorized school to change to a different authorizer need not be as extensive as described in Section 37-28-15, but the approval process should comply with Section 37-28-19.  However, if the governing board of a charter school has had its charter contract revoked or nonrenewed by any authorizer, the governing board of the school must complete the process described in Section 37-28-15 for any authorizer to execute a new charter contract.  A nonprofit seeking to change to a different authorizer may apply to multiple authorizers but only contract with one (1) for the same school.

          (e)  An authorizer may not prevent the governing board of a charter school from switching to another authorizer.  The governing board of a charter school seeking to change to a different authorizer must give their current authorizer thirty (30) calendar days' notice prior to the execution of a new charter contract.  The governing board of a charter school is not required to notify an authorizer of a pending application to change to a different authorizer.  An authorizer may not continue to receive an authorizer allocation, as allowed in Section 37-28-11, from a school under an executed charter contract with another authorizer, nor may an authorizer retaliate against a governing board or its charter schools, such as by threatening revocation prior to a new charter contract being executed, after it becomes informed of the school's intent to change authorizers.

     (11)  Except to the extent authorized under paragraph (c), (d), or (e) of Section 37-28-41, the powers, obligations and responsibilities set forth in the charter contract may not be delegated or assigned by either party.

     SECTION 12.  Section 37-28-23, Mississippi Code of 1972, is amended as follows:

     37-28-23.  (1)  A charter school must be open to:

          (a)  Any student residing in the geographical boundaries of the school district in which the charter school is located; * * *and

          (b)  Any student who resides in the geographical boundaries of a school district that was rated "C," "D" or "F" at the time the charter school was approved by * * *the an authorizer * * *board, or who resides in the geographical boundaries of a school district rated "C," or "D" or "F" with the prior five (5) years at the time the student enrolls * * *.;

          (c)  The siblings or foster siblings of any enrolled charter school student residing in the same household of any charter school student, regardless of the performance classification of the resident school district at the time the sibling or foster sibling enrolls;

          (d)  The children of employees of a charter school, regardless of the performance classification of their resident school district at the time a child of an employee enrolls; and

          (e)  Any student who qualifies to transfer under Section 37-15-29(3), 37-15-29(5) or 37-15-31.

     (2)  A school district may not require any student enrolled in the school district to attend a charter school.

     (3)  Except as otherwise provided under subsection (8)(d) of this section, a charter school may not limit admission based on race, ethnicity, national origin, religion, gender, income level, disabling condition, proficiency in the English language, or academic or athletic ability.

     (4)  A charter school may limit admission to students within a given age group or grade level, including pre-kindergarten students, and may be organized around a special emphasis, theme or concept as stated in the school's application.

     (5)  (a)  The percentage size of the schoolwide underserved student composition of a charter * * *school's enrollment collectively must reflect that of students of all ages attending the school district in which the charter school is located, to be defined for the purposes of this chapter as being school must be at least eighty percent (80%) of that of the comparison population.  If the schoolwide underserved student composition of * * *an applicant's or a charter * * * school's enrollment school is less than eighty percent (80%) of the * * *enrollment of students of all ages in the school district in which the charter school is located underserved student composition of the comparison population, despite the school's best efforts, the school's authorizer must consider the * * *applicant's or charter school's recruitment efforts and the underserved student composition of the applicant pool in determining whether the * * *applicant or charter school is operating in a  * * *nondiscriminatory discriminatory manner.  A finding by the school's authorizer that * * *a the charter school is operating in a discriminatory manner justifies the revocation of a charter.

          (b)  The comparison population for the purposes of this subsection shall be the total percentage of underserved students from the corresponding grade levels of each school district from which the charter school draws at least ten percent (10%) of its students.

          (c)  If a school district within the comparison population is under a state or federally required remediation plan due to disproportionate identification of students with disabilities, an authorizer must consider the impact of this disproportionate identification in the comparison school district when determining the appropriate level of students with disabilities a charter school must enroll in the schoolwide underserved student population.

     (6)  A charter school must enroll all students who wish to attend the school unless the number of students exceeds the capacity of a program, class, grade level or building.

     (7)  If capacity is insufficient to enroll all students who wish to attend the school based on initial application, the charter school must select students through a lottery.

     (8)  (a)  Any noncharter public school or part of a noncharter public school converting to a charter school shall adopt and maintain a policy giving an enrollment preference to students who reside within the former attendance area of that public school.  If the charter school has excess capacity after enrolling students residing within the former attendance area of the school, students outside of the former attendance area of the school, but within the geographical boundaries of the school district in which the charter school is located, are eligible for enrollment.  If the number of students applying for admission exceeds the capacity of a program, class, grade level or building of the charter school, the charter school must admit students on the basis of a lottery.

          (b)  A charter school must give an enrollment preference to students enrolled in the charter school during the preceding school year and to siblings of students already enrolled in the charter school.  An enrollment preference for returning students excludes those students from entering into a lottery.

          (c)  A charter school may give an enrollment preference to children of the charter school's applicant, governing board members and full-time employees, so long as those children constitute no more than ten percent (10%) of the charter school's total student population.

          (d)  A charter school shall give an enrollment preference to underserved children as defined in Section 37-28-5 * * *to ensure until the charter school meets its required underserved student composition.  The charter school may continue to give an enrollment preference to underserved children after the charter school meets its required underserved student composition.

          (e)  A charter school may give an enrollment preference to children transferring from a charter school under the same contract or whose contract is held by the same governing board, such as schools under the operation of the same charter management organization.  This enrollment preference includes children who have completed the final grade of their current school and are transferring to a higher grade in a different school.  An enrollment preference for such students excludes those students from entering into a lottery.

          ( * * *ef)  This section does not preclude the formation of a charter school whose mission is focused on serving students with disabilities, students of the same gender, students who pose such severe disciplinary problems that they warrant a specific educational program, or students who are at risk of academic failure.  If capacity is insufficient to enroll all students who wish to attend the school, the charter school must select students through a lottery.

     SECTION 13.  Section 37-28-25, Mississippi Code of 1972, is brought forward as follows:

     37-28-25.  If a student previously enrolled in a charter school enrolls in another public school in this state, the student's new school must accept credits earned by the student in courses or instructional programs at the charter school in a uniform and consistent manner and according to the same criteria that are used to accept academic credits from other public schools.

     SECTION 14.  Section 37-28-27, Mississippi Code of 1972, is brought forward as follows:

     37-28-27.  A school district must provide or publicize to parents and the general public information about charter schools as an enrollment option within the district to the same extent and through the same means that the district provides and publicizes information about noncharter public schools in the district.

     SECTION 15.  Section 37-28-29, Mississippi Code of 1972, is amended as follows:

     37-28-29.  (1)  The performance provisions within a charter contract for each charter school must be based on a performance framework that clearly sets forth the academic, financial and operational performance indicators, measures and metrics that will guide the authorizer's evaluations of the charter school.  The performance framework, as well as any domain or subsection of the framework, shall not use as indicators any of the process standards or the performance classifications of the Mississippi Public School Accountability Standards as established by the State Board of Education, nor shall the performance framework or any domain duplicate the methodology of the performance classifications.  Rather, the performance framework and its domains shall be constructed to honor the unique legal status, purpose and student composition of charter schools.  The performance framework must include indicators, measures and metrics, at a minimum, for the following:

          (a)  Student academic proficiency;

          (b)  Student academic growth;

          (c)  Achievement gaps in * * *both proficiency * * *and growth between major student subgroups, as applicable;

          (d)  Attendance;

          (e)  Recurrent enrollment from year to year;

          (f)  In-school and out-of-school suspension rates and expulsion rates;

          (g)  For each charter high * * *schools school, postsecondary readiness, including the percentage of graduates submitting applications to postsecondary institutions, high school completion * * *, postsecondary admission and postsecondary enrollment or employment rates;

          (h)  Financial performance and sustainability as follows:

              (i)  For a nonprofit entity authorized to operate a single school and which has no or minimal other financial activity than that pertaining to the charter school, financial performance and sustainability of the nonprofit entity;

              (ii)  For a nonprofit entity authorized to operate one or more schools and which has at least some financial activity other than that pertaining to the charter schools, financial performance of each Mississippi charter school as a program of the nonprofit entity as well as relevant financial performance and sustainability of the nonprofit entity, provided that school and organizational indicators, measures and metrics are logical and not unduly duplicative; and

              (iii)  For a nonprofit entity authorized to operate more than one (1) school and which has no or minimal financial activity other than that pertaining to the charter schools, such as a charter management organization, financial performance of each charter school as a program of the nonprofit entity as well as financial performance and sustainability of the nonprofit entity, provided that school and organizational indicators, measures and metrics are logical and not unduly duplicative; and

          (i)  Board performance and stewardship, including compliance with all applicable laws, regulations and terms of the charter contract.

     (2)  * * *The charter contract of each charter school serving Grades 9‑12 must include a provision ensuring that graduation requirements meet or exceed those set by the Mississippi Department of Education for a regular high school diploma.  Nothing in this section shall preclude competency‑based satisfaction of graduation requirements. (a)  The performance framework shall include a version for charter schools whose governing boards are authorized to operate a single charter school as well as charter schools whose governing boards are authorized to operate more than one (1) charter school, such as charter management organizations.

          (b)  The version for schools under the governance of a nonprofit entity authorized to operate more than one (1) school shall evaluate the indicators, measures and metrics described in subsections (1)(a) through (g) of this section at both the school and organizational levels, as relevant.  The requirement of this paragraph shall not be construed as mandating unduly burdensome or duplicative requirements for these entities and their schools.  Any such version should differentiate performance among the schools within a single contract or as part of several contracts held by the same nonprofit entity to allow differentiated intervention, if necessary, while also assessing the overall performance of the nonprofit entity in operating charter schools.

     (3)  Comparisons between a charter school or nonprofit entity operating more than one (1) charter school and the districts in which the charter schools are located may not weigh more than five percent (5%) in the overall academic evaluation under the performance framework.  Any comparisons must be based on statistically valid and reliable methods for establishing a comparable population of students in a school district, including comparability based on race, economic status, any prior achievement, grade and disability status.

     ( * * *34)  Annual performance targets must be set by each charter school in conjunction with * * *the its authorizer at the school and organizational levels, as applicable, and must be designed to help each school meet applicable federal, state and authorizer expectations.  The academic performance targets may be refined or amended by mutual agreement after each charter school is operating and has collected baseline achievement data for its enrolled students.  Annual academic performance targets for each charter school may vary depending on the baseline data of the student population served by the school but should aim for a common goal of academic success over time.  Financial and organizational performance targets may be standardized for all Mississippi charter schools, their governing boards and nonprofit entities provided that such targets are created by benchmarking with national best practices, or state or local averages, as relevant and reasonable.

     ( * * *45)  The performance framework must allow the inclusion of additional rigorous, valid and reliable indicators proposed by the governing board of a charter school to augment external evaluations of * * *its school and organizational performance; however, * * *the its authorizer must approve the quality and rigor of any indicators proposed by the governing board of a charter school, which indicators must be consistent with the purposes of this chapter.

     ( * * *56)  The performance framework must require the disaggregation of all student performance data by major student subgroups (gender, race, poverty status, special education status * * *, and English learner status * * *and gifted status).  However, achievement gap measures must be deemed sufficient for evaluating subgroup performance without additional duplicative measures.

     ( * * *67)  * * *The An authorizer shall collect, analyze and report all data from state assessments and other necessary sources in accordance with * * *the its performance framework * * * for each charter school.  Multiple schools overseen by a single governing board must report their performance as separate, individual schools, and each school must be held independently accountable for its performance.

 * * *(7)  Information needed by the authorizer from the charter school governing board for the authorizer's reports must be required and included as a material part of the charter contract.

     SECTION 16.  Section 37-28-31, Mississippi Code of 1972, is amended as follows:

     37-28-31.  (1)  * * *The Each authorizer shall monitor annually the performance and legal compliance of each charter school it oversees, including collecting and analyzing data to support the school's evaluation according to the charter contract.  The authorizer may conduct or require oversight activities that enable the authorizer to fulfill its responsibilities under this chapter, including conducting appropriate inquiries and investigations based on reasonable suspicion of misconduct or a violation of law, properly adopted authorizer policy or the charter contract, so long as those activities are consistent with the intent of this act, adhere to written policies and procedures of the authorizer and the terms of the charter contract and do not unduly inhibit the autonomy granted to charter schools.  An authorizer shall not discuss its oversight activities, inquiries or investigations in executive session unless clear and convincing evidence exists that an investigation would be irreparably harmed by discussing it in an open session.

     (2)  As part of its annual report to the Legislature, * * *the each authorizer shall publish and provide a performance report for each charter school it oversees in accordance with the performance framework set forth in the charter contract.  The report must be made available to the public at the same time as it is submitted to the Legislature.  * * *The An authorizer may require each charter school it oversees to submit an annual report to assist the authorizer in gathering complete information about each school, consistent with the performance framework.  An authorizer shall not require charter schools under the same contract or whose contracts are held by the same nonprofit entity to submit separate reports but shall instead require one (1) annual report from the nonprofit entity on behalf of all of its authorized schools.

     (3)  If a charter school's performance or legal compliance is unsatisfactory, * * *the its authorizer shall notify promptly the charter school of the problem and provide reasonable opportunity for the school to remedy the problem unless the problem warrants revocation, in which case the revocation timeframes will apply.

     (4)  * * *The An authorizer may take appropriate corrective actions or exercise sanctions in response to * * *apparent clear and convincing evidence of deficiencies in a charter school's performance or legal compliance.  If warranted, the actions or sanctions may include requiring a charter school to develop and execute a corrective action plan within a specified timeframe.

     SECTION 17.  Section 37-28-33, Mississippi Code of 1972, is amended as follows:

     37-28-33.  (1)  The contract for a charter school or the term for a charter school within a contract that includes more than one (1) school may be renewed for successive five-year terms of duration.  Any charter school meeting its authorizer's expectations as evidenced by the school's most recent overall performance framework results shall be renewed for a full term of five (5) years.  * * *The An authorizer may grant renewal with specific conditions for necessary improvements to a charter school not meeting overall expectations on its most recent performance framework, and may lessen the renewal term based on the performance, demonstrated capacities and particular circumstances of each charter school.  A charter school renewed for fewer than five (5) years has the same right to appeal as a charter school for which a charter is revoked or not renewed.  An authorizer must describe its rationale in writing for a renewal of fewer than five (5) years in the same manner as required under subsections (10) and (11) of this section.

     (2)  Before September 30 of each year, * * *the each authorizer shall issue a charter school performance report and charter renewal application guidance to any charter school whose charter term will expire the following year.  The performance report must summarize the charter school's performance record to date, based on the data required by this chapter and the charter contract, and must provide notice of any weaknesses or concerns perceived by the authorizer which may jeopardize the charter school's position in seeking renewal if not timely rectified.  The charter school must respond and submit any corrections or clarifications for the performance report within ninety (90) days after receiving the report.

     (3)  The charter renewal application guidance must provide, at a minimum, an opportunity for the charter school to:

          (a)  Present additional evidence, beyond the data contained in the performance report, supporting its case for charter renewal;

          (b)  Describe improvements undertaken or planned for the school; and

          (c)  Detail the school's plans for the next charter term.

     (4)  The charter renewal application guidance must include or refer explicitly to the criteria that will guide the authorizer's renewal decision, which must be based on the performance framework set forth in the charter contract and consistent with this chapter.

     (5)  Before * * *February 1 December 1 in the final year of charter school's approved term, the governing board of a charter school seeking renewal shall submit a renewal application to * * *the its authorizer or another authorizer to which it is seeking transfer pursuant to the charter renewal application guidance issued by * * *the that authorizer.  The authorizer shall adopt a resolution ruling on the renewal application no later than ninety (90) days after the filing of the renewal application.  However, nothing shall preclude a school from seeking, or being granted, renewal in the penultimate year of its term, provided the school meets overall expectations on its performance framework in the two (2) most recent years of its operation.

     (6)  In making each charter renewal decision, * * *the an authorizer must:

          (a)  Ground its decision in evidence of the school's performance over the term of the charter contract in accordance with the performance framework set forth in the charter contract and the renewal criteria published in the authorizer's renewal application guidance;

          (b)  Ensure that data used in making the renewal decision is available to the school and the public; and

          (c)  Provide a public report summarizing the evidence that is the basis for the renewal decision.

     (7)  A charter contract or the term of a charter school within a contract that includes more than one (1) school must be revoked at any time or not renewed if * * *the its authorizer determines by clear and convincing evidence that the charter school has done any of the following or otherwise failed to comply with the provisions of this chapter:

          (a)  Committed a material and substantial violation of any of the terms, conditions, standards or procedures required under this chapter or the charter contract;

          (b)  Failed to meet or make sufficient progress toward the performance expectations set forth in the charter contract by the end of the contract term;

          (c)  Failed to meet generally accepted standards of fiscal management; or

          (d)  Substantially violated any material provision of law which is applicable to the charter school.

     (8)  * * *The Each authorizer shall develop revocation and nonrenewal processes that:

          (a)  Provide the governing board of a charter school with a timely notification of the prospect of revocation or nonrenewal and of the reasons for such possible closure, which are limited to those prescribed in subsection (7) of this section;

          (b)  Allow the governing board a reasonable amount of time in which to prepare a response;

          (c)  Provide the governing board with an opportunity to submit documents and give testimony challenging the rationale for closure and in support of the continuation of the school at an orderly proceeding held for that purpose;

          (d)  Allow the governing board access to representation by counsel and to call witnesses on the school's behalf;

          (e)  Permit the recording of such proceedings; and

          (f)  After a reasonable period for deliberation, require a final determination to be made and conveyed in writing to the governing board.

     (9)  * * *Notwitstanding Notwithstanding any provision to the contrary, the authorizer may not renew the charter contract of any charter school, or the term of a charter school within a contract of that includes more than one (1) school, that * * *, during the school's final operating year under the term of the charter contract, is designated an "F" school under the * * *school accreditation rating system Mississippi Public School Accountability Standards for its three (3) most recent consecutive years of operation.

     (10)  If * * *the an authorizer revokes or does not renew, or renews for less than a full term, the contract of a charter school or the term of a charter school within a contract that includes more than one (1) school, the authorizer must state clearly, in a resolution * * *of adopted by the authorizer * * *board, the reasons for the revocation * * * or, nonrenewal or shortened renewal term, which shall be one or more of the reasons prescribed in subsection (7) of this section.

     (11)  Within ten (10) days after taking action to renew, not renew or revoke a charter contract or the term of any charter school within a contract that includes more than one (1) school, * * *the an authorizer shall provide a report to the charter school.  The report must include a copy of the authorizer's * * *board's resolution setting forth the action taken, reasons for the * * *board's authorizer's decision and assurances as to compliance with all of the requirements set forth in this chapter.

     SECTION 18.  Section 37-28-35, Mississippi Code of 1972, is amended as follows:

     37-28-35.  (1)  Before implementing a charter school closure decision, * * *the an authorizer must develop a charter school closure protocol to ensure timely notification to parents, orderly transition of students and student records to new schools, and proper disposition of school funds, property and assets in accordance with the requirements of this chapter.  The protocol must specify tasks, timelines and responsible parties, including delineating the respective duties of the school, its governing board and nonprofit entity, and the authorizer.  If a charter school is to be closed for any reason, the authorizer shall oversee and work with the closing school and its governing board and nonprofit entity to ensure a smooth and orderly closure and transition for students and parents, as guided by the closure protocol.  No charter school shall be closed by its authorizer before the end of the school year in which the decision for closure is made, unless its authorizer determines that the health and safety of the students in the school warrant its immediate closure.

     (2)  If a charter school closes, all unspent government funds, unspent earnings from those funds and assets purchased with government funds must revert to the local school district in which the charter school is located unless the school operates under a nonprofit entity authorized to operate more than one (1) Mississippi school, in which the requirements of Section 37-28-21 shall apply.  Unless otherwise provided for in the charter contract or a debt instrument, unspent funds from nongovernmental sources, unspent earnings from those funds, assets purchased with those funds and debts of the school must revert to the nonprofit entity * * *created to operate which held the charter contract for the school and may be used, retained or disposed of according to applicable laws for nonprofit corporations.

     SECTION 19.  Section 37-28-37, Mississippi Code of 1972, is amended as follows:

     37-28-37.  (1)  Before * * *October 1 December 1 of each year, beginning in the year that * * *the state an authorizer has had at least one (1) charter school operating for a full school year, * * *the Mississippi Charter School Authorizer Board each authorizer shall issue to the Governor, Legislature, State Board of Education and the public an annual report on * * *the state's its charter schools for the preceding school year.  * * *The report must include a comparison of the performance of charter school students with the performance of academically, ethnically and economically comparable groups of students in the school district in which a charter school is located.  In addition, The report must include the authorizer's assessment of the successes, challenges and areas for improvement in meeting the purposes of this chapter.  The report also must include an assessment on whether the number and size of operating charter schools are sufficient to meet demand, as calculated according to admissions data and the number of students denied enrollment based on lottery results.

     (2)  * * *The Joint Legislative Committee on Performance Evaluation and Expenditure Review (PEER) shall prepare an annual report assessing the sufficiency of funding for charter schools, the efficacy of the state formula for authorizer funding, and any suggested changes in state law or policy necessary to strengthen the state's charter schools. Every five (5) years, beginning on July 1, 2025, each authorizer must issue a supplementary report alongside its annual report described in subsection (1) of this section.  This report must compare the performance of all charter school students in its authorized schools with the performance of academically, racially and economically comparable groups of students, including students with disabilities, in the school district in which each charter school is located or from which a charter school draws its students.  The report must use statistically valid methodology for establishing comparability.  The report and its methodology shall not be used as part of an annual evaluation of a specific charter school. 

     (3)  The report due from * * *the an authorizer under this section must be coordinated with reports due from charter * * *school governing boards schools, as near as possible, to decrease or eliminate duplication.

     (4)  Beginning July 1, 2024, and every three (3) years thereafter, the State Auditor shall select a nationally recognized charter authorizing expert to evaluate the performance of each operating authorizer regarding, at a minimum, the following:

          (a)  The quality of its self-governance, policies and financial stewardship;

          (b)  The success of its authorizing portfolio, including the number and quality of applicants and approved applicants, as well as the performance of operating schools;

          (c)  Its fulfillment of the purposes for charter schooling as described in Section 37-28-3; and

          (d)  The authorizer's relationship with charter school stakeholders, including charter school leaders and governing boards, charter school families, charter school support organizations and advocacy groups, and the State Department of Education.

     (5)  Each authorizer shall pay the costs associated with the evaluation of its performance required by subsection (4) of this section, unless funds are appropriated by the Legislature to the State Auditor for this purpose.  The State Auditor shall prepare a report for the Legislature based on the findings, which shall include whether any authorizer should be decommissioned or required to meet specific conditions for continued operation.

     SECTION 20.  Section 37-28-39, Mississippi Code of 1972, is amended as follows:

     37-28-39.  (1)  Notwithstanding any provision of law to the contrary, to the extent that any provision of this chapter is inconsistent with any other state or local law, rule or regulation, the provisions of this act govern and are controlling.

     (2)  * * *A charter school The entity holding a charter contract, including a charter management organization, and any education service provider which provides comprehensive management for a charter school must be a nonprofit education organization.  A nonprofit entity that is party to a charter contract, including a charter management organization, is a nongovernmental entity.

     (3)  A charter school is subject to all federal laws and authorities specified in this chapter or agreed upon with * * *the an authorizer in the charter contract, where such contracting is consistent with applicable laws, rules and regulations.

     (4)  To the extent approved by * * *the an authorizer, a charter contract may consist of one or more schools.  Each charter school that is part of a charter contract must be separate and distinct from any other charter school for oversight and renewal, nonrenewal or revocation purposes.

     (5)  A single governing board may hold one or more charter contracts.

     (6)  The governing board of a nonprofit entity holding a charter contract for more than one (1) school, including a charter management organization, shall choose whether each school listed in its contract shall function as a local educational agency or if the nonprofit entity will function as a local educational agency.  If a nonprofit entity only operates a single charter school, the charter school must function as a local educational agency.  In such cases, a single charter school functioning as a local educational agency does not become a separate legal entity from the nonprofit entity holding the charter contract.  * * *A charter school must function as a local educational agency, and as such, a Any local education agency composed of one or more charter schools is responsible for meeting the requirements of local educational agencies under applicable federal laws, including those relating to special education, receipt of funds and compliance with funding requirements.  Status as a local educational agency, however, does not preclude the governing board of a charter school from developing, by mutual agreement or formal contract, links with the local school district for services, resources and programs.  A charter school shall pay to a local school district any federal or state aid attributable to a student with a disability attending the charter school in proportion to the level of services for that student which the local school district provides directly or indirectly.

     SECTION 21.  Section 37-28-41, Mississippi Code of 1972, is amended as follows:

     37-28-41.  * * *A charter school The nonprofit entity holding a charter contract may exercise those powers necessary for carrying out the terms of its charter contract, including, but not limited to, the following powers:

          (a)  To receive and disburse funds authorized by law for school purposes;

          (b)  To secure appropriate insurance and to enter into contracts and leases;

          (c)  To contract with an education service provider for the management and operation of the charter school so long as the school's governing board retains oversight authority over the school;

          (d)  To contract with a school district or private provider to provide transportation to the school's students;

          (e)  To negotiate and enter into a contract for the provision of and payment for special education services with a local school district, including, but not necessarily limited to, a reasonable reserve not to exceed five percent (5%) of the local school district's total special education services budget.  The reserve may be used by the local school district only to offset excess costs of providing services to students with disabilities enrolled in the charter school;

          (f)  To contract with an accredited online course provider for the delivery of virtual courses to students enrolled in the charter school;

          ( * * *dg)  To solicit and accept any gifts or grants for school purposes subject to applicable laws and the terms of its charter contract;

          ( * * *eh)  To acquire real property for use as its facility or facilities, from public or private sources; and

          ( * * *fi)  To sue and be sued in its own name.

     SECTION 22.  Section 37-28-43, Mississippi Code of 1972, is amended as follows:

     37-28-43.  (1)  A charter school may not discriminate against any person on the basis of race, creed, color, sex, disability, national origin or any other category that would be unlawful if done by a noncharter public school.

     (2)  A charter school may not engage in any sectarian practices in its educational program, admissions or employment policies or operations.

     (3)  A charter school may not discriminate against any student on the basis of national origin, minority status or limited proficiency in English.  Consistent with federal civil rights laws, charter schools must provide * * *limited English proficient students designated as English language learners with appropriate services designed to teach them English and the general curriculum.

     (4)  A charter school may not charge tuition or fees that would be unlawful if charged by a noncharter public school, except as permitted pursuant to Section 37-7-335.

 * * * (5)  The terms of each charter school must include a transportation plan for students attending the charter school.

(6)  Subject to the approval of the authorizer, a charter school may contract with an accredited online course provider for the delivery of virtual courses to students enrolled in the charter school.

(7)  Except to the extent authorized under paragraph (c) of Section 37‑28‑41, the powers, obligations and responsibilities set forth in the charter contract may not be delegated or assigned by either party.

     SECTION 23.  Section 37-28-45, Mississippi Code of 1972, is amended as follows:

     37-28-45.  (1)  Charter schools are subject to the same civil rights, health and safety requirements applicable to noncharter public schools in the state, except as otherwise specifically provided in this chapter.

     (2)  Charter schools are subject to the student assessment * * *and accountability requirements applicable to noncharter public schools in the state and must receive a performance classification from the State Department of Education; however, this requirement does not preclude a charter school from establishing additional student assessment measures that go beyond state requirements * * * if the authorizer approves those measures.

     (3)  Although a charter school is geographically located within the boundaries of a particular school district * * *and enrolls may enroll students who reside within the school district, the charter school may not be considered a school within that district under the purview of the school district's school board.  The rules, regulations, policies and procedures established by the school board for the noncharter public schools that are in the school district in which the charter school is geographically located do not apply to the charter school unless otherwise required under the charter contract or any contract entered into between the charter school's governing board and the local school board.

     (4)  Whenever the provisions of Title 37, Mississippi Code of 1972, relating to the elementary and secondary education of public school students establish a requirement for or grant authority to local school districts, their school boards and the schools within the respective school districts, the language "school districts," "school boards," "boards of trustees," "the schools within a school district," or any other similar phraseology does not include a charter school and the governing board of a charter school unless the statute specifically is made applicable to charter schools as well as noncharter public schools.

     (5)  A charter school is not subject to any rule, regulation, policy or procedure adopted by the State Board of Education or the State Department of Education unless such rule, regulation, policy, or procedure is or was adopted pursuant to a law applicable to charter schools, including federal law, or otherwise required by the * * *authorizer or in the charter contract this chapter.  An authorizer may not make any rule, regulation, policy or procedure adopted by the State Board of Education or the State Department of Education applicable to charter schools which is not otherwise applicable under this chapter.

     (6)  Charter schools, and their governing boards when conducting charter school business, are not exempt from the following statutes:

          (a)  Chapter 41, Title 25, Mississippi Code of 1972, which relate to open meetings of public bodies.

          (b)  Chapter 61, Title 25, Mississippi Code of 1972, which relate to public access to public records.

          (c)  Section 37-3-51, which requires notice by the district attorney of licensed school employees who are convicted of certain sex offenses.

          (d)  Section 37-3-53, which requires publication of the Mississippi Report Card by the State Board of Education.

          (e)  Section 37-11-18, which requires the automatic expulsion of a student possessing a weapon or controlled substance on educational property.

          (f)  Section 37-11-18.1, which requires expulsion of certain habitually disruptive students.

          (g)  Section 37-11-19, which requires suspension or expulsion of a student who damages school property.

          (h)  Section 37-11-20, which prohibits acts of intimidation intended to keep a student from attending school.

          (i)  Section 37-11-21, which prohibits parental abuse of school staff.

          (j)  Section 37-11-23, which prohibits the willful disruption of school and school meetings.

          (k)  Sections 37-11-29 and 37-11-31, which relate to reporting requirements regarding unlawful or violent acts on school property.

          (l)  Section 37-11-67, which prohibits bullying or harassing behavior in public schools.

          (m)  Section 37-13-3, which prohibits doctrinal, sectarian or denominational teaching in public schools.

          (n)  Sections 37-13-5 and 37-13-6, which require the flags of the United States and the State of Mississippi to be displayed near the school building.

          (o)  Section 37-13-63(1), which prescribes the minimum number of days which public schools must be kept in session during a scholastic year.

          (p)  Section 37-13-91, which is the Mississippi Compulsory School Attendance Law.

          (q)  Section 37-13-171(2) and (4), which requires any course containing sex-related education to include instruction in abstinence-only or abstinence-plus education.

          (r)  Section 37-13-173, which requires notice to parents before instruction on human sexuality is provided in public classrooms.

          (s)  Section 37-13-193, which relates to civil rights and human rights education in the public schools.

          (t)  Sections 37-15-1 and 37-15-3, which relate to the maintenance and transfer of permanent student records in public schools.

          (u)  Section 37-15-6, which requires the State Department of Education to maintain a record of expulsions from the public schools.

          (v)  Section 37-15-9, which establishes minimum age requirements for kindergarten and first grade enrollment in public schools.

          (w)  Section 37-15-11, which requires a parent, legal guardian or custodian to accompany a child seeking enrollment in a public school.

          (x)  Sections 37-16-1, 37-16-3, 37-16-4 and 37-16-9, which relate to the statewide assessment testing program.

          (y)  Section 37-18-1, which establishes the Superior-Performing Schools Program and Exemplary Schools Program to recognize public schools that improve.

     SECTION 24.  Section 37-28-47, Mississippi Code of 1972, is amended as follows:

     37-28-47.  (1)  (a)  Charter schools must comply with applicable federal laws, rules and regulations regarding the qualification of teachers and other instructional staff.  No more than * * *twenty‑five percent (25%) fifty percent (50%) of teachers in a charter school may be exempt from state teacher licensure requirements.  Provisionally licensed teachers as well as licensed teachers teaching out of field may not be counted against a charter school's fifty percent (50%) exemption.  An authorizer may consider the small staff size of the school in determining what consequences apply in cases where more than fifty percent (50%) of a charter school's staff is unlicensed.  Administrators of charter schools are exempt from state administrator licensure requirements.  However, teachers and administrators must have a bachelor's degree as a minimum requirement, and teachers must have demonstrated subject-matter competency.  Within three (3) years of a teacher's employment by a charter school, the teacher must have, at a minimum, alternative licensure approved by the Commission on Teacher and Administrator Education, Certification and Licensure and Development.

          (b)  A charter school may not staff positions for teachers, administrators, ancillary support personnel or other employees by utilizing or otherwise relying on nonimmigrant foreign worker visa programs.  However, a charter school may submit a request to * * *the its authorizer for an exception allowing the employment of a nonimmigrant foreign worker before the worker is employed.  The authorizer may grant permission for the employment of the nonimmigrant foreign worker only if the charter school makes a satisfactory showing of efforts to recruit lawful permanent residents of the United States to fill the position and a lack of qualified applicants to fill the position.

     (2)  Employees in charter schools must have the same general rights and privileges as other public school employees, except such employees are not:

          (a)  Covered under the Education Employment Procedures Law (Section 37-9-103); and

          (b)  Subject to the state salary requirements prescribed in Section 37-19-7.

     (3)  For the purpose of eligibility for participation in the Public Employees' Retirement System, a public charter school is considered to be a political subdivision of the state; however, the nonprofit entity holding the charter contract is not a political subdivision.  Employees * * * in public charter schools are eligible for participation in other benefits programs if the public charter school governing board chooses to participate paid through governmental funds, which are provided for the operation of a public charter school, are eligible for participation in the Public Employee's Retirement System, as well as other benefits programs, if the governing board of the nonprofit entity holding the charter contract chooses for the charter school to participate.

     SECTION 25.  Section 37-28-49, Mississippi Code of 1972, is amended as follows:

     37-28-49.  (1)  Charter school teachers and other school personnel, as well as members of the governing board and any education service provider with whom * * *a charter school the governing board contracts, are subject to criminal history record checks and fingerprinting requirements applicable to employees of other public schools.  * * *The Each authorizer shall require that current criminal records background checks and current child abuse registry checks are obtained, and that the criminal record information and registry checks are on file at the charter school for any * * *new hires applying for employment employee.  In order to determine an applicant's suitability for employment, the applicant must be fingerprinted.  If no disqualifying record is identified at the state level, the fingerprints must be forwarded by the Department of Public Safety to the Federal Bureau of Investigation for a national criminal history record check.  Under no circumstances may * * *a member of the Mississippi Charter School Authorizer Board anyone associated with an authorizer, member of * * *the a charter school governing board or any individual other than the subject of the criminal history record checks view or disseminate information received through the checks except as may be required to fulfill the purposes of this section.  The determination whether the applicant has a disqualifying crime, as set forth in subsection (2) of this section, must be made by the appropriate state or federal governmental authority, which must notify the charter school whether a disqualifying crime exists.

     (2)  If the fingerprinting or criminal record checks disclose a felony conviction, guilty plea or plea of nolo contendere to a felony of possession or sale of drugs, murder, manslaughter, armed robbery, rape, sexual battery, sex offense listed in Section 45-33-23(g), child abuse, arson, grand larceny, burglary, gratification of lust or aggravated assault which has not been reversed on appeal or for which a pardon has not been granted, the * * *new hire applicant is not eligible to be employed at the charter school.  However, the charter school, in its discretion, may allow any applicant aggrieved by the employment decision under this section to show mitigating circumstances that exist and may allow, subject to the approval of * * *the Mississippi Charter School Authorizer Board its authorizer, the * * *new hire applicant to be employed at the school.  * * *The An authorizer may approve the employment depending on the mitigating circumstances, which may include, but need not be limited to:  (a) age at which the crime was committed; (b) circumstances surrounding the crime; (c) length of time since the conviction and criminal history since the conviction; (d) work history; (e) current employment and character references; and (f) other evidence demonstrating the ability of the person to perform the employment responsibilities competently and that the person does not pose a threat to the health or safety of children.

     (3)  No charter school, charter school employee, member of the charter school governing board * * *, the Mississippi Charter School Authorizer Board or member or employee of * * *the Mississippi Charter School Authorizer Board employee an authorizer may be held liable in any employment discrimination suit in which an allegation of discrimination is made regarding an employment decision authorized under this section.

     (4)  A charter school shall terminate any teacher or administrator for committing one or more of the following acts:

          (a)  Engaging in unethical conduct relating to an educator-student relationship as identified by the Mississippi * * *Charter School Authorizer Board Educator Code of Ethics;

          (b)  Fondling a student as described in Section 97-5-23 or engaging in any type of sexual involvement with a student as described in Section 97-3-95; or

          (c)  Failure to report sexual involvement of a charter school employee with a student as required by Section 97-5-24.

     SECTION 26.  Section 37-28-51, Mississippi Code of 1972, is brought forward as follows:

     37-28-51.  A charter school is eligible to participate in state-sponsored or district-sponsored athletic and academic interscholastic leagues, competitions, awards, scholarships and recognition programs for students, educators, administrators and schools to the same extent as noncharter public schools.

     SECTION 27.  Section 37-28-53, Mississippi Code of 1972, is amended as follows:

     37-28-53.  (1)  Each charter school, or charter management organization, on its behalf, shall certify annually to the State Department of Education * * *its student enrollment, average daily attendance and student participation in the national school lunch program, special education, vocational education, gifted education, alternative school program and federal programs in the same manner as school districts information necessary to calculate the charter school's state share of and local contribution to the state public school funding formula as established in Chapter 151, Title 37, Mississippi Code of 1972.  Nothing in this section shall be construed to allow the State Department of Education to collect information not necessary for these calculations unless otherwise specifically authorized by law.

     (2)  Each charter school shall certify annually to the school board of the school district in which the charter school is located the number of enrolled charter school students residing in the school district.

     SECTION 28.  Section 37-28-55, Mississippi Code of 1972, is amended as follows:

     37-28-55.  (1)  (a)  The State Department of Education shall make payments to charter schools for each student * * *in average daily attendance at the charter school enrolled, as annually projected by the terms of the charter contract or as otherwise projected by the charter school with approval of its authorizer, equal to the state share of the * * *adequate education program state public school funding formula payments for each student * * * in average daily attendance at the school district in which the charter school is located.  In calculating the local contribution for purposes of determining the state share of the * * *adequate education program state public school funding formula payments, the department shall deduct the pro rata local contribution of the school district in which the student resides, to be determined as provided in Section 37-151-7(2)(a).

          (b)  Payments made pursuant to this subsection by the State Department of Education must be made at the same time and in the same manner as * * *adequate education program state public school funding formula payments are made to school districts under Sections 37-151-101 and 37-151-103.  Amounts payable to a charter school must be determined by the State Department of Education pursuant to this section and Chapter 151, Title 37, Mississippi Code of 1972.  * * *Amounts payable to a charter school over its charter term must be based on the enrollment projections set forth over the term of the charter contract.  Such projections Enrollment projections used to determine the number of enrolled charter school students for calculating the state share payment must be reconciled with * * *the a charter school's average daily * * *attendance membership using months two (2) and three (3) * * *ADA for the * * *current year for which * * *adequate education program state public school funding formula funds are being appropriated and any necessary adjustments must be made to payments during the school's following year of operation.  Any necessary adjustment shall be based on the state share of the per pupil amount in effect for the year for which average daily membership did not meet enrollment projections and not any new amount appropriated for the year in which the adjustment will be made.  If a school is closed by its authorizer prior to the following year, it must pay to the state any amounts due prior to completion of the closure.

     (2)  (a)  For students attending a charter school located in the school district in which the student resides, the school district in which * * *a the charter school is located shall pay directly to the charter school an amount * * *for each student enrolled in the charter school equal to the as follows: the sum of the pro rata ad valorem tax receipts and in-lieu payments received * * *per pupil for the support of the local school district in which the student resides * * *.  The pro rata ad valorem receipts and in‑lieu receipts to be transferred to the charter school shall include all levies for the support of the local school district under as required by Sections 37-57-1 (local contribution to the adequate education program) and 37-57-105 (school district operational levy) * * *and multiplied by the number of resident students enrolled in the charter school, based on the charter school's months two (2) and three (3) average daily membership of resident students for the current school year.  However, the amount paid to the charter school may not include any taxes levied for the retirement of the local school district's bonded indebtedness or short-term notes or any taxes levied for the support of vocational-technical education programs.  * * *The amount of funds payable to the charter school by the school district must be based on the previous year's enrollment data and ad valorem receipts and in‑lieu receipts of the local school district in which the student resides.

          (b)  The pro rata amount * * *must shall be calculated by dividing the sum of:

              (i)  The local school district's months * * *one (1) through nine (9) two (2) and three (3) average daily membership of the previous school year;

              (ii)  The average daily membership of resident students who were attending charter schools for months two (2) and three (3) of the current school year;

              (iii)  Subtracting from the average daily membership of charter schools any students who transferred from the school district to a charter school after the previous school year so as not to double-count them, into the total amount of ad valorem receipts and in-lieu receipts of the school district, as reported to the State Department of Education by the local school district.  * * *The local school district shall pay an amount equal to this pro rata amount multiplied by the number of students enrolled in the charter school, based on the charter school's end of first month enrollment for the current school year.

          (c)  The amount must be paid by the school district to the charter school before January 16 of the current fiscal year.  If the local school district does not pay the required amount to the charter school before January 16, the State Department of Education shall reduce the local school district's January transfer of * * *Mississippi Adequate Education Program state public school funding formula funds by the amount owed to the charter school and shall redirect that amount to the charter school.  Any such payments made under this subsection (2) by the State Department of Education to a charter school * * *must shall be made at the same time and in the same manner as * * *adequate education program state public school funding formula payments are made to school districts under Sections 37-151-101 and 37-151-103.

     (3)  (a)  For students attending a charter school located in a school district in which the student does not reside, the State Department of Education shall pay to the charter school in which * * *the student is such students are enrolled an amount as follows:  the pro rata ad valorem receipts and in-lieu payments * * *per pupil received for the support of the local school district in which the student resides * * *under as required by Sections 37-57-1 (local contribution to the * * *adequate education program state public school funding formula) and 37-57-105 (school district operational levy), multiplied by the number of students enrolled in the charter school but residing in that district, based on the charter school's months two (2) and three (3) average daily membership of these students for the current school year.  However, * * *not including the amount paid to the charter school may not include any taxes levied for the retirement of the local school district's bonded indebtedness or short-term notes or any taxes levied for the support of vocational-technical education programs.  * * *The amount of funds payable to the charter school by the school district must be based on the previous year's enrollment data and ad valorem receipts and in‑lieu receipts of the local school district in which the student resides.

          (b)  The pro rata * * *amount ad valorem receipts and in-lieu payments as described in subsection (3)(a) of this section must be calculated by dividing the sum of the following into the total amount of ad valorem receipts and in-lieu receipts, as reported to the State Department of Education by the transferor local school district:

              (i)  Local school district's months * * *one (1) through nine (9) two (2) and three (3) average daily membership of the previous school year;

              (ii)  The average daily membership of students residing in the district who were attending charter schools for months two (2) and three (3) of the current school year; and

              (iii)  Subtracting from the average daily membership of charter schools, any students who transferred from the school district to a charter school after the previous school year so as not to double-count them.

 * * *into the total amount of ad valorem receipts and in‑lieu receipts, as reported to the State Department of Education by the transferor local school district.  The payable amount shall be equal to this pro rata amount multiplied by the number of students enrolled in the charter school, based on the charter school's end of first month enrollment for the current school year.

          (c)  The State Department of Education shall reduce the school district's January transfer of * * *Mississippi Adequate Education Program state public school funding formula funds by the amount owed to the charter school and shall redirect that amount to the charter school.  Any such payments made under this subsection (3) by the State Department of Education to a charter school must be made at the same time and in the same manner as * * *adequate education program state public school funding formula payments are made to school districts under Sections 37-151-101 and 37-151-103.

     (4)  * * *(a)  The State Department of Education shall direct the proportionate share of monies generated under federal and state categorical aid programs or any student weights as designated in the state public school funding formula, including, but limited to, special education, vocational, gifted and alternative school programs, to charter schools serving students eligible for such * * *aid funding.  The department shall ensure that charter schools with rapidly expanding enrollments are treated equitably in the calculation and disbursement of all federal and state categorical aid program dollars or weighted student dollars.  Each charter school that serves students who may be eligible to receive services provided through such programs shall comply with all reporting requirements to receive the aid.

 * * *(b)  A charter school shall pay to a local school district any federal or state aid attributable to a student with a disability attending the charter school in proportion to the level of services for that student which the local school district provides directly or indirectly.

  (c)  Subject to the approval of the authorizer, a charter school and a local school district may negotiate and enter into a contract for the provision of and payment for special education services, including, but not necessarily limited to, a reasonable reserve not to exceed five percent (5%) of the local school district's total budget for providing special education services.  The reserve may be used by the local school district only to offset excess costs of providing services to students with disabilities enrolled in the charter school.

     (5)  * * *(a)  The State Department of Education shall disburse state transportation funding to a charter school on the same basis and in the same manner as it is paid to school districts under the * * *adequate education program state public school funding formula or related codes.

 * * *(b)  A charter school may enter into a contract with a school district or private provider to provide transportation to the school's students.

     (6)  The State Department of Education shall disburse Education Enhancement Funds for classroom supplies, instructional materials and equipment, including computers and computer software to all eligible charter school teachers on the same basis and in the same manner as it is paid to school districts under Section 37-61-33(3)(a)(iii) for the purpose of issuing procurement cards or credentials for a digital solution to eligible teachers.

     (7)  Payments for charter schools operated by a charter management organization shall, if requested by the charter management organization, be made to the charter management organization rather than to the individual schools.

     SECTION 29.  Section 37-28-57, Mississippi Code of 1972, is amended as follows:

     37-28-57.  (1)  (a)  A charter school must adhere to generally accepted accounting principles as determined by the Financial Accounting Standards Board.  The State Auditor, in consultation with nationally recognized experts in charter school financial accountability, shall develop financial rules and regulations, including a financial accounting manual, for charter schools that ensure accountability, transparency and comparability but reflect charter schools' autonomy and the nongovernmental, nonprofit status of the entities which hold their contracts.

          (b)  Charter schools shall not be required to adhere to the financial accounting manual in use by the Mississippi Department of Education for school districts or any Mississippi Department of Education financial policy or procedure whose legal authority derives from a law not applicable to charter schools, unless otherwise made applicable by this chapter.  Charter schools must comply with financial policies required for receipt and use of federal funds.

     (2)  A nonprofit entity holding a charter contract for one or more charter schools shall have its financial records audited annually, with each school reported as a program under the entity, at the end of each fiscal year, either by the State Auditor or by a certified public accountant approved by the State Auditor.  However, a certified public accountant may not be selected to perform the annual audit of a nonprofit entity holding a charter contract for one or more charter schools * * *if that accountant previously has audited the charter school for more than three (3) consecutive years.  Certified public accountants must be selected in a manner determined by the State Auditor.  The * * *charter school nonprofit entity shall file a copy of * * *each its audit report and accompanying management letter with * * *the its authorizer before * * *October 1 December 1 of the calendar year the audit is conducted.

     (3)  A nonprofit entity holding a charter contract for one or more charter schools shall not be required to report duplicative information, financial or otherwise, to both the State Department of Education and its authorizer on behalf of its schools.  The State Department of Education and each authorizer shall enact a process to share relevant information as required by this chapter such that a nonprofit entity holding a charter contract for one or more charter schools must only report such information once.

     SECTION 30.  Section 37-28-59, Mississippi Code of 1972, is brought forward as follows:

     37-28-59.  (1)  Any monies received by a charter school from any source remaining in the charter school's accounts at the end of a budget year must remain in the charter school's accounts for use by the charter school during subsequent budget years.

     (2)  Nothing in this chapter may be construed to prohibit any person or organization from providing funding or other assistance to the establishment or operation of a charter school.  The governing board of a charter school may accept gifts, donations and grants of any kind made to the charter school and may expend or use such gifts, donations and grants in accordance with the conditions prescribed by the donor; however, a gift, donation or grant may not be accepted if it is subject to a condition that is contrary to any provision of law or term of the charter contract. 

     (3)  A charter school must disclose publicly all sources of private funding and all funds received from foreign sources, including gifts from foreign governments, foreign legal entities and domestic entities affiliated with either foreign governments or foreign legal entities.  For the purposes of this subsection, the term "foreign" means a country or jurisdiction outside of any state or territory of the United States.

     SECTION 31.  Section 37-28-61, Mississippi Code of 1972, is brought forward as follows:

     37-28-61.  (1)  A charter school has a right of first refusal to purchase or lease at or below fair market value a closed public school facility or property or unused portions of a public school facility or property in the school district in which the charter school is located if the school district decides to sell or lease the public school facility or property.  If a conversion charter school application is successful, the local school district owning the conversion charter school's facility must offer to lease or sell the building to the conversion charter school at or below fair market value.

     (2)  A charter school may negotiate and contract at or below fair market value with a school district, state institution of higher learning, public community or junior college, or any other public or for-profit or nonprofit private entity for the use of a facility for a school building.

     (3)  Public entities, including, but not limited to, libraries, community service organizations, museums, performing arts venues, theatres, cinemas, churches, community and junior colleges, colleges and universities, may provide space to charter schools within their facilities under their preexisting zoning and land use designations.

     SECTION 32.  Section 31-7-1, Mississippi Code of 1972, is amended as follows:

     31-7-1.  The following terms are defined for the purposes of this chapter to have the following meanings:

          (a)  "Agency" means any state board, commission, committee, council, university, department or unit thereof created by the Constitution or statutes if such board, commission, committee, council, university, department, unit or the head thereof is authorized to appoint subordinate staff by the Constitution or statute, except a legislative or judicial board, commission, committee, council, department or unit thereof; except a charter school authorized by the Mississippi Charter School Authorizer Board or any other charter school authorizing entity under the provisions of Section 37-28-7; and except the Mississippi State Port Authority; except the Mississippi School of the Arts (MSA) established in Section 37-140-1 et seq. for the sole purpose of the application of the term "agency" as it pertains to the Public Procurement Review Board's powers and responsibilities as defined in Section 27-104-7(2)(a), but without application to the use of the term within this chapter, effective July 1, 2020; and except the Mississippi School for the Blind and the Mississippi School for the Deaf (MSBD) for the sole purpose of the application of the term "agency" as it pertains to the Public Procurement Review Board's powers and responsibilities as defined in Section 27-104-7(2)(a), but without application to the use of the term within this chapter, effective July 1, 2021.  An academic medical center or health sciences school as defined in Section 37-115-50 is not an "agency" for those purchases of commodities as defined in this section that are used for clinical purposes and (i) intended for use in the diagnosis of disease or other conditions or in the cure, mitigation, treatment or prevention of disease, and (ii) medical devices, biological, drugs and radiation emitting devices as defined by the United States Food and Drug Administration.

          (b)  "Governing authority" means boards of supervisors, governing boards of all school districts, all boards of directors of public water supply districts, boards of directors of master public water supply districts, municipal public utility commissions, governing authorities of all municipalities, port authorities, Mississippi State Port Authority, commissioners and boards of trustees of any public hospitals, boards of trustees of public library systems, district attorneys, school attendance officers and any political subdivision of the state supported wholly or in part by public funds of the state or political subdivisions thereof, including commissions, boards and agencies created or operated under the authority of any county or municipality of this state.  The term "governing authority" shall not include economic development authorities supported in part by private funds, or commissions appointed to hold title to and oversee the development and management of lands and buildings which are donated by private individuals to the public for the use and benefit of the community and which are supported in part by private funds.  The term "governing authority" also shall not include the governing board of a charter school.  The term "governing authority" also shall not include the Mississippi School of the Arts established in Section 37-140-1 et seq., for the sole purpose of the application of the term "agency" as it pertains to the Public Procurement Review Board's powers and responsibilities as defined in Section 27-104-7(2)(a), but without application to the use of the term within this chapter, effective July 1, 2020.  The term "governing authority" also shall not include the Mississippi School for the Blind and the Mississippi School for the Deaf (MSBD) for the sole purpose of the application of the term "governing authority" as it pertains to the Public Procurement Review Board's powers and responsibilities as defined in Section 27-104-7(2)(a), but without application to the use of the term within this chapter, effective July 1, 2021.

          (c)  "Purchasing agent" means any administrator, superintendent, purchase clerk or other chief officer so designated having general or special authority to negotiate for and make private contract for or purchase for any governing authority or agency, including issue purchase orders, invitations for bid, requests for proposals, and receive and accept bids.

          (d)  "Public funds" means and includes any appropriated funds, special funds, fees or any other emoluments received by an agency or governing authority.

          (e)  "Commodities" means and includes the various commodities, goods, merchandise, furniture, equipment, automotive equipment of every kind, and other personal property purchased by the agencies of the state and governing authorities, but not commodities purchased for resale or raw materials converted into products for resale.

              (i)  "Equipment" shall be construed to include: automobiles, trucks, tractors, office appliances and all other equipment of every kind and description.

              (ii)  "Furniture" shall be construed to include:  desks, chairs, tables, seats, filing cabinets, bookcases and all other items of a similar nature as well as dormitory furniture, appliances, carpets and all other items of personal property generally referred to as home, office or school furniture.

          (f)  "Emergency" means any circumstances caused by fire, flood, explosion, storm, earthquake, epidemic, riot, insurrection or caused by any inherent defect due to defective construction, or when the immediate preservation of order or of public health is necessary by reason of unforeseen emergency, or when the immediate restoration of a condition of usefulness of any public building, equipment, road or bridge appears advisable, or in the case of a public utility when there is a failure of any machine or other thing used and useful in the generation, production or distribution of electricity, water or natural gas, or in the transportation or treatment of sewage; or when the delay incident to obtaining competitive bids could cause adverse impact upon the governing authorities or agency, its employees or its citizens; or in the case of a public airport, when the delay incident to publishing an advertisement for competitive bids would endanger public safety in a specific (not general) manner, result in or perpetuate a specific breach of airport security, or prevent the airport from providing specific air transportation services.

          (g)  "Construction" means the process of building, altering, improving, renovating or demolishing a public structure, public building, or other public real property.  It does not include routine operation, routine repair or regularly scheduled maintenance of existing public structures, public buildings or other public real property.

          (h)  "Purchase" means buying, renting, leasing or otherwise acquiring.

          (i)  "Certified purchasing office" means any purchasing office in which fifty percent (50%) or more of the purchasing agents hold a certification from the Universal Public Purchasing Certification Council or other nationally recognized purchasing certification, and in which, in the case of a state agency purchasing office, in addition to the national certification, one hundred percent (100%) of the purchasing officials hold a certification from the State of Mississippi's Basic or Advanced Purchasing Certification Program.

          (j)  "Certified Mississippi Purchasing Agent" means a state agency purchasing official who holds a certification from the Mississippi Basic Purchasing Certification Program as established by the Office of Purchasing, Travel and Fleet Management.

          (k)  "Certified Mississippi Procurement Manager" means a state agency purchasing official who holds a certification from the Mississippi Advanced Purchasing Certification Program as established by the Office of Purchasing, Travel and Fleet Management.

     SECTION 33.  Section 37-3-51, Mississippi Code of 1972, is amended as follows:

     37-3-51.  (1)  Upon the conviction of any licensed personnel, as defined in Section 37-9-1, employed by a public school district or any person employed by a charter or private elementary or secondary school in a position that requires licensure in the public school districts, of any felony, or of a sex offense as defined in subsection (2) of this section, the district attorney or other prosecuting attorney shall identify those defendants for the circuit clerk.  Each circuit clerk shall provide the State Department of Education with notice of the conviction of any such personnel of a felony or a sex offense.  In addition, if the convicted person is an employee of a charter school, the circuit clerk must provide the same notice to the Mississippi Charter School Authorizer Board or the appropriate entity empowered under the provisions of Section 37-28-7 to authorize charter schools.

     (2)  "Sex offense" shall mean any of the following offenses:

          (a)  Section 97-3-65, Mississippi Code of 1972, relating to the carnal knowledge of a child under fourteen (14) years of age;

          (b)  Section 97-3-95, Mississippi Code of 1972, relating to sexual battery;

          (c)  Section 97-5-21, Mississippi Code of 1972, relating to seduction of a child under age eighteen (18);

          (d)  Section 97-5-23, Mississippi Code of 1972, relating to the touching of a child for lustful purposes;

          (e)  Section 97-5-27, Mississippi Code of 1972, relating to the dissemination of sexually oriented material to children;

          (f)  Section 97-5-33, Mississippi Code of 1972, relating to the exploitation of children;

          (g)  Section 97-5-41, Mississippi Code of 1972, relating to the carnal knowledge of a stepchild, adopted child, or child of a cohabitating partner;

          (h)  Section 97-29-59, Mississippi Code of 1972, relating to unnatural intercourse; or

          (i)  Any other offense committed in another jurisdiction which, if committed in this state, would be deemed to be such a crime without regard to its designation elsewhere.

     (3)  In addition, the State Department of Education is considered to be the employer of such personnel for purposes of requesting criminal record background checks.

     SECTION 34.  Section 37-17-1, Mississippi Code of 1972, is amended as follows:

     37-17-1.  (1)  The power and authority to prescribe standards for the accreditation of noncharter public schools, to insure compliance with such standards and to establish procedures for the accreditation of noncharter public schools is hereby vested in the State Board of Education.  The board shall, by orders placed upon its minutes, adopt all necessary rules and regulations to effectuate the purposes of this chapter and shall provide, through the State Department of Education, for the necessary personnel for the enforcement of standards so established.

     (2)  A charter school authorized by * * *the Mississippi Charter School Authorizer Board a charter school authorizing entity under the provisions of Section 37-28-7 must be granted accreditation by the State Board of Education based solely on the approval of the school by the authorizer.  If * * *the an authorizer, at any time, revokes a school's charter, the State Board of Education shall withdraw the accreditation of the charter school immediately.

     SECTION 35.  Section 37-21-3, Mississippi Code of 1972, is amended as follows:

     37-21-3.  (1)  No person shall act in the capacity of master teacher, teacher or assistant teacher in any federal or state-funded program of early childhood education or "Head Start," or perform any of the functions, duties or powers of the same, unless that person shall be qualified in the following manner:

          (a)  A master teacher or any other employee or consultant receiving a salary or fee equivalent to that of a master teacher shall meet the qualifications of a teacher in this section, including the requirement that a teacher may be required to hold a state teaching license by the State Department of Education, and have demonstrated effectiveness as an early childhood educator.  Effectiveness as an early childhood educator may be demonstrated by a rating of highly effective on a state evaluation of teaching, if available, or with evidence that the teacher has a record of raising the achievement outcomes of prekindergarten students.

          (b)  A teacher shall possess a bachelor's degree in early childhood education, child development, or an equivalent field.  A teacher may also possess a bachelor's degree in any field as well as have at least twelve (12) credit hours of coursework in early childhood education, child development, or an equivalent field approved by an institution granting a bachelor's degree in the early childhood education, child development, or an equivalent field; or have a bachelor's degree in any field as well as have completed a specialized early childhood training program deemed equivalent by the State Department of Education to twelve (12) hours of approved coursework.

          (c)  An assistant teacher shall possess an associate's degree in early childhood education, child development, or an equivalent field; or an associate's degree in any field and a Child Development Associate credential, a Montessori certification, or an equivalent certification.  Public school assistant teachers in the voluntary prekindergarten program established by the Early Learning Collaborative Act of 2013 may be required by the State Department of Education to meet the definition of a highly qualified paraprofessional in addition to these requirements.

     The State Department of Education shall adopt any necessary rules, policies or procedures to implement this section.

     (2)  Persons employed as a teacher, assistant teacher or in any other capacity in a prekindergarten or early childhood education program in a charter school authorized by * * *the Mississippi Charter School Authorizer Board a charter school authorizing entity under the provisions of Section 37-28-7 are exempt from the requirements of this section.

     SECTION 36.  Section 37-41-1, Mississippi Code of 1972, is amended as follows:

     37-41-1.  The State Board of Education is authorized, empowered and directed to promulgate rules and regulations relating to the transportation of students enrolled in the public school districts, including rules and regulations for:

          (a)  Setting standards for public school district bus routes;

          (b)  Setting standards for public school district buses;

          (c)  Setting standards for public school district bus drivers;

          (d)  Formulating procedure for selecting public school district bus drivers;

          (e)  Formulating courses of training for public school district bus drivers and mechanics, and assist in administering and financing such courses;

          (f)  Providing operation procedure for public school district buses to insure safety of pupils;

          (g)  Formulating specifications for use in purchasing public school district buses; getting bids on public school district buses; equipment and supplies; and fixing prices based upon said bids which school districts may not exceed in purchasing said equipment;

          (h)  Formulating specifications for use by school districts in purchasing used school buses; and

          (i)  Providing a system of records and reports for the purpose of carrying out the provisions of Sections 37-41-1 through 37-41-51, and providing the superintendent of schools with a sufficient supply of report forms.

     All rules and regulations adopted and promulgated by the State Board of Education relating to school district bus drivers shall also be applicable to drivers of privately owned buses transporting public school district children.

     All rules and regulations adopted and promulgated by the State Board of Education pursuant to the authority conferred by this section shall be spread at large upon the minutes of the State Board of Education and copies thereof shall be furnished to all school boards not less than thirty (30) days prior to the effective date of such rules and regulations.

     The provisions of this chapter are applicable to school districts and the transportation of students enrolled in public school districts.  Charter schools authorized by * * *the Mississippi Charter School Authorizer Board a charter school authorizing entity under the provisions of Section 37-28-7 are exempt from the provisions of this chapter.

     SECTION 37.  Section 37-151-5, Mississippi Code of 1972, is amended as follows:

     37-151-5.  As used in Sections 37-151-5 and 37-151-7:

          (a)  "Adequate program" or "adequate education program" or "Mississippi Adequate Education Program (MAEP)" shall mean the program to establish adequate current operation funding levels necessary for the programs of such school district to meet at least a successful Level III rating of the accreditation system as established by the State Board of Education using current statistically relevant state assessment data.

          (b)  "Educational programs or elements of programs not included in the adequate education program calculations, but which may be included in appropriations and transfers to school districts" shall mean:

              (i)  "Capital outlay" shall mean those funds used for the constructing, improving, equipping, renovating or major repairing of school buildings or other school facilities, or the cost of acquisition of land whereon to construct or establish such school facilities.

              (ii)  "Pilot programs" shall mean programs of a pilot or experimental nature usually designed for special purposes and for a specified period of time other than those included in the adequate education program.

              (iii)  "Adult education" shall mean public education dealing primarily with students above eighteen (18) years of age not enrolled as full-time public school students and not classified as students of technical schools, colleges or universities of the state.

              (iv)  "Food service programs" shall mean those programs dealing directly with the nutritional welfare of the student, such as the school lunch and school breakfast programs.

          (c)  "Base student" shall mean that student classification that represents the most economically educated pupil in a school system meeting the definition of successful, as determined by the State Board of Education.

          (d)  "Base student cost" shall mean the funding level necessary for providing an adequate education program for one (1) base student, subject to any minimum amounts prescribed in Section 37-151-7(1).

          (e)  "Add-on program costs" shall mean those items which are included in the adequate education program appropriations and are outside of the program calculations:

              (i)  "Transportation" shall mean transportation to and from public schools for the students of Mississippi's public schools provided for under law and funded from state funds.

              (ii)  "Vocational or technical education program" shall mean a secondary vocational or technical program approved by the State Department of Education and provided for from state funds.

              (iii)  "Special education program" shall mean a program for exceptional children as defined and authorized by Sections 37-23-1 through 37-23-9, and approved by the State Department of Education and provided from state funds.

              (iv)  "Gifted education program" shall mean those programs for the instruction of intellectually or academically gifted children as defined and provided for in Section 37-23-175 et seq.

              (v)  "Alternative school program" shall mean those programs for certain compulsory-school-age students as defined and provided for in Sections 37-13-92 and 37-19-22.

              (vi)  "Extended school year programs" shall mean those programs authorized by law which extend beyond the normal school year.

              (vii)  "University-based programs" shall mean those university-based programs for handicapped children as defined and provided for in Section 37-23-131 et seq.

              (viii)  "Bus driver training" programs shall mean those driver training programs as provided for in Section 37-41-1.

          (f)  "Teacher" shall include any employee of a local school who is required by law to obtain a teacher's license from the State Board of Education and who is assigned to an instructional area of work as defined by the State Department of Education.

          (g)  "Principal" shall mean the head of an attendance center or division thereof.

          (h)  "Superintendent" shall mean the head of a school district.

          (i)  "School district" shall mean any type of school district in the State of Mississippi, and shall include agricultural high schools.

          (j)  "Minimum school term" shall mean a term of at least one hundred eighty (180) days of school in which both teachers and pupils are in regular attendance for scheduled classroom instruction for not less than sixty-three percent (63%) of the instructional day, as fixed by the local school board for each school in the school district.  It is the intent of the Legislature that any tax levies generated to produce additional local funds required by any school district to operate school terms in excess of one hundred seventy-five (175) days shall not be construed to constitute a new program for the purposes of exemption from the limitation on tax revenues as allowed under Sections 27-39-321 and 37-57-107 for new programs mandated by the Legislature.

          (k)  The term "transportation density" shall mean the number of transported children in average daily attendance per square mile of area served in a school district, as determined by the State Department of Education.

          (l)  The term "transported children" shall mean children being transported to school who live within legal limits for transportation and who are otherwise qualified for being transported to school at public expense as fixed by Mississippi state law.

          (m)  The term "year of teaching experience" shall mean nine (9) months of actual teaching in the public or private elementary and secondary schools and shall also include nine (9) months of actual teaching at postsecondary institutions accredited by the Southern Association of Colleges and Schools (SACS) or equivalent regional accrediting body for degree-granting postsecondary institutions.  In no case shall more than one (1) year of teaching experience be given for all services in one (1) calendar or school year.  In determining a teacher's experience, no deduction shall be made because of the temporary absence of the teacher because of illness or other good cause, and the teacher shall be given credit therefor.  Beginning with the 2003-2004 school year, the State Board of Education shall fix a number of days, not to exceed forty-five (45) consecutive school days, during which a teacher may not be under contract of employment during any school year and still be considered to have been in full-time employment for a regular scholastic term.  If a teacher exceeds the number of days established by the State Board of Education that a teacher may not be under contract but may still be employed, that teacher shall not be credited with a year of teaching experience.  In determining the experience of school librarians, each complete year of continuous, full-time employment as a professional librarian in a public library in this or some other state shall be considered a year of teaching experience.  If a full-time school administrator returns to actual teaching in the public schools, the term "year of teaching experience" shall include the period of time he or she served as a school administrator.  In determining the salaries of teachers who have experience in any branch of the military, the term "year of teaching experience" shall include each complete year of actual classroom instruction while serving in the military.  In determining the experience of speech-language pathologists and audiologists, each complete year of continuous full-time post master's degree employment in an educational setting in this or some other state shall be considered a year of teaching experience.  Provided, however, that school districts are authorized, in their discretion, to negotiate the salary levels applicable to certificated employees employed after July 1, 2009, who are receiving retirement benefits from the retirement system of another state, and the annual experience increment provided in Section 37-19-7 shall not be applicable to any such retired certificated employee.

          (n)  (i)  The term "average daily attendance" shall be the figure which results when the total aggregate full-day attendance during the period or months counted is divided by the number of days during the period or months counted upon which both teachers and pupils are in regular attendance for scheduled classroom instruction, * * * unless a pupil's absence is excused due to participation in an activity authorized by the State Board of Education under subparagraph (ii) of this paragraph, less the average daily attendance for self-contained special education classes.  For purposes of determining and reporting attendance, a pupil must be present for at least sixty-three percent (63%) of the instructional day, as fixed by the local school board for each school in the school district, in order to be considered in full-day attendance.  Prior to full implementation of the adequate education program the department shall deduct the average daily attendance for the alternative school program provided for in Section 37-19-22.

              (ii)  [Repealed]

          (o)  The term "local supplement" shall mean the amount paid to an individual teacher over and above the adequate education program salary schedule for regular teaching duties.

          (p)  The term "aggregate amount of support from ad valorem taxation" shall mean the amounts produced by the district's total tax levies for operations.

          (q)  The term "adequate education program funds" shall mean all funds, both state and local, constituting the requirements for meeting the cost of the adequate program as provided for in Section 37-151-7.

          (r)  "Department" shall mean the State Department of Education.

          (s)  "Commission" shall mean the Mississippi Commission on School Accreditation created under Section 37-17-3.

          (t)  The term "successful school district" shall mean a Level III school district as designated by the State Board of Education using current statistically relevant state assessment data.

          (u)  "Dual enrollment-dual credit programs" shall mean programs for potential or recent high school student dropouts to dually enroll in their home high school and a local community college in a dual credit program consisting of high school completion coursework and a credential, certificate or degree program at the community college, as provided in Section 37-15-38(19).

          (v)  "Charter school" means a public school that is established and operating under the terms of a charter contract between the school's governing board and * * *the Mississippi Charter School Authorizer Board a charter school authorizing entity under the provisions of Section 37-28-7.

     SECTION 38.  This act shall take effect and be in force from and after its passage.