2024 Regular Session

To: Public Health and Human Services; Appropriations A

By: Representatives Porter, Harness

House Bill 1335



     SECTION 1.  Section 41-137-3, Mississippi Code of 1972, is amended as follows:

     41-137-3.  For purposes of this chapter, unless the context requires otherwise, the following terms shall have the meanings ascribed herein:

          (a)  "Artificially derived cannabinoid" means a chemical substance that is created by a chemical reaction that changes the molecular structure of any chemical substance derived from the plant Cannabis family Cannabaceae.  Such term shall not include:

              (i)  A naturally occurring chemical substance that is separated from the plant Cannabis family Cannabaceae by a chemical or mechanical extraction process;

              (ii)  Cannabinoids that are produced by decarboxylation from a naturally occurring cannabinoid acid without the use of a chemical catalyst; or

              (iii)  Any other chemical substance identified by MDOH.

          (b)  "Allowable amount of medical cannabis" means an amount not to exceed the maximum amount of Mississippi Medical Cannabis Equivalency Units ("MMCEU").

          (c)  "Bona fide practitioner-patient relationship" means:

               (i)  A practitioner and patient have a treatment or consulting relationship, during the course of which the practitioner, within his or her scope of practice, has completed an in-person assessment of the patient's medical history and current mental health and medical condition and has documented their certification in the patient's medical file;

               (ii)  The practitioner has consulted in person with the patient with respect to the patient's debilitating medical condition; and

              (iii)  The practitioner is available to or offers to provide follow-up care and treatment to the patient.

          (d)  "Cannabis" means all parts of the plant of the genus cannabis, the flower, the seeds thereof, the resin extracted from any part of the plant and every compound, manufacture, salt, derivative, mixture or preparation of the plant, its seeds or its resin, including whole plant extracts.  Such term shall not mean cannabis-derived drug products approved by the federal Food and Drug Administration under Section 505 of the Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act.

          (e)  "Cannabis cultivation facility" means a business entity licensed and registered by the Mississippi Department of Health that acquires, grows, cultivates and harvests medical cannabis in an indoor, enclosed, locked and secure area.

          (f)  "Cannabis disposal entity" means a business licensed and registered by the Mississippi Department of Health that is involved in the commercial disposal or destruction of medical cannabis.

          (g)  "Cannabis processing facility" means a business entity that is licensed and registered by the Mississippi Department of Health that:

               (i)  Acquires or intends to acquire cannabis from a cannabis cultivation facility;

               (ii)  Possesses cannabis with the intent to manufacture a cannabis product;

               (iii)  Manufactures or intends to manufacture a cannabis product from unprocessed cannabis or a cannabis extract; and

               (iv)  Sells or intends to sell a cannabis product to a medical cannabis dispensary, cannabis testing facility or cannabis research facility.

          (h)  "Cannabis products" means cannabis flower, concentrated cannabis, cannabis extracts and products that are infused with cannabis or an extract thereof and are intended for use or consumption by humans.  The term includes, without limitation, edible cannabis products, beverages, topical products, ointments, oils, tinctures and suppositories that contain tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) and/or cannabidiol (CBD) except those products excluded from control under Sections 41-29-113 and 41-29-136.

          (i)  "Cannabis research facility" or "research facility" means a research facility at any university or college in this state or an independent entity licensed and registered by the Mississippi Department of Health pursuant to this chapter that acquires cannabis from cannabis cultivation facilities and cannabis processing facilities in order to research cannabis, develop best practices for specific medical conditions, develop medicines and provide commercial access for medical use.

          (j)  "Cannabis testing facility" or "testing facility" means an independent entity licensed and registered by the Mississippi Department of Health that analyzes the safety and potency of cannabis.

          (k)  "Cannabis transportation entity" means an independent entity licensed and registered by the Mississippi Department of Health that is involved in the commercial transportation of medical cannabis.

          (l)  "Cannabis waste" means plant debris of the plant of the genus cannabis, including dead plants and all unused plant parts.  This term shall not include seeds, roots, stems and stalks.

          (m)  "Cannabinoid" means any of the chemical compounds that are the active constituents derived from THC.

          (n)  "Canopy" means the total surface area within a cultivation area that is dedicated to the cultivation of flowering cannabis plants.  The surface area of the plant canopy must be calculated in square feet and measured and must include all of the area within the boundaries where the cultivation of the flowering cannabis plants occurs.  If the surface area of the plant canopy consists of noncontiguous areas, each component area must be separated by identifiable boundaries.  If a tiered or shelving system is used in the cultivation area the surface area of each tier or shelf must be included in calculating the area of the plant canopy.  Calculation of the area of the plant canopy may not include the areas within the cultivation area that are used to cultivate immature cannabis plants and seedlings, prior to flowering, and that are not used at any time to cultivate mature cannabis plants.

          (o)  "Cardholder" means a registered qualifying patient or a registered designated caregiver who has been issued and possesses a valid registry identification card.

          (p)  "Chronic pain" means a pain state in which the cause of the pain cannot be removed or otherwise treated, and which in the generally accepted course of medical practice, no relief or cure of the cause of the pain is possible, or none has been found after reasonable efforts by a practitioner.

          (q)  "Concentrate" means a substance obtained by separating cannabinoids from cannabis by:

               (i)  A mechanical extraction process;

               (ii)  A chemical extraction process using a nonhydrocarbon-based or other solvent, such as water, vegetable glycerin, vegetable oils, animal fats, food-grade ethanol or steam distillation; or

               (iii)  A chemical extraction process using the hydrocarbon-based solvent carbon dioxide, provided that the process does not involve the use of high heat or pressure.

          (r)  "Debilitating medical condition" means:

              (i)  Cancer, Parkinson's disease, Huntington's disease, muscular dystrophy, glaucoma, spastic quadriplegia, positive status for human immunodeficiency virus (HIV), acquired immune deficiency syndrome (AIDS), hepatitis, amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS), Crohn's disease, ulcerative colitis, sickle-cell anemia, Alzheimer's disease, agitation of dementia, post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), autism, pain refractory to appropriate opioid management, diabetic/peripheral neuropathy, spinal cord disease or severe injury, or the treatment of these conditions;

              (ii)  A chronic, terminal or debilitating disease or medical condition, or its treatment, that produces one or more of the following:  cachexia or wasting syndrome, chronic pain, severe or intractable nausea, seizures, or severe and persistent muscle spasms, including, but not limited to, those characteristic of multiple sclerosis; or

               (iii)  Any other serious medical condition or its treatment added by the Mississippi Department of Health, as provided for in Section 41-137-17.

          (s)  "Designated caregiver" means a person who:

              (i)  Has agreed to assist with a registered qualifying patient's medical use of medical cannabis;

               (ii)  Assists no more than five (5) registered qualifying patients with their medical use of medical cannabis, unless the designated caregiver's registered qualifying patients each reside in or are admitted to a health care facility or facility providing residential care services or day care services where the designated caregiver is employed;

               (iii)  Is at least twenty-one (21) years of age unless the person is the parent or legal guardian of each qualifying patient the person assists; and

               (iv)  Has not been convicted of a disqualifying felony offense.

          (t)  "Disqualifying felony offense" means:

               (i)  A conviction for a crime of violence, as defined in Section 97-3-2;

              (ii)  A conviction for a crime that was defined as a violent crime in the law of the jurisdiction in which the offense was committed, and that was classified as a felony in the jurisdiction where the person was convicted; or

              (iii)  A conviction for a violation of a state or federal controlled substances law that was classified as a felony in the jurisdiction where the person was convicted, including the service of any term of probation, incarceration or supervised release within the previous five (5) years and the offender has not committed another similar offense since the conviction.  Under this subparagraph (iii), a disqualifying felony offense shall not include a conviction that consisted of conduct for which this chapter would likely have prevented the conviction but for the fact that the conduct occurred before February 2, 2022.

          (u)  "Edible cannabis products" means products that:

               (i)  Contain or are infused with cannabis or an extract thereof;

               (ii)  Are intended for human consumption by oral ingestion; and

              (iii)  Are presented in the form of foodstuffs, beverages, extracts, oils, tinctures, lozenges and other similar products.

          (v)  "Entity" means a corporation, general partnership, limited partnership or limited liability company that has been registered with the Secretary of State as applicable.

          (w)  "MMCEU" means Mississippi Medical Cannabis Equivalency Unit.  One unit of MMCEU shall be considered equal to:

               (i)  Three and one-half (3.5) grams of medical cannabis flower;

               (ii)  One (1) gram of medical cannabis concentrate; or

               (iii)  One hundred (100) milligrams of THC in an infused product.

          (x)  "MDOH" means the Mississippi Department of Health.

          (y)  "MDOR" means the Mississippi Department of Revenue.

          (z)  "Medical cannabis" means cannabis, cannabis products and edible cannabis that are intended to be used by registered qualifying patients as provided in this chapter.

          (aa)  "Medical cannabis dispensary" or "dispensary" means an entity licensed and registered with the MDOR that acquires, possesses, stores, transfers, sells, supplies or dispenses medical cannabis, equipment used for medical cannabis, or related supplies and educational materials to cardholders.

          (bb)  "Medical cannabis establishment" means a cannabis cultivation facility, cannabis processing facility, cannabis testing facility, cannabis dispensary, cannabis transportation entity, cannabis disposal entity or cannabis research facility licensed and registered by the appropriate agency.

          (cc)  "Medical cannabis establishment agent" means an owner, officer, board member, employee, volunteer or agent of a medical cannabis establishment.

          (dd)  "Medical use" includes the acquisition, administration, cultivation, processing, delivery, harvest, possession, preparation, transfer, transportation, or use of medical cannabis or equipment relating to the administration of medical cannabis to treat or alleviate a registered qualifying patient's debilitating medical condition or symptoms associated with the patient's debilitating medical condition.  The term "medical use" does not include:

              (i)  The cultivation of cannabis unless the cultivation is done by a cannabis cultivation facility; or

               (ii)  The extraction of resin from cannabis by mechanical or chemical extraction unless the extraction is done by a cannabis processing facility.

          (ee)  "Nonresident cardholder" means a person who:

               (i)  Has been diagnosed with a debilitating medical condition by a practitioner in his or her respective state or territory, or is the parent, guardian, conservator or other person with authority to consent to the medical use of medical cannabis by a person who has been diagnosed with a debilitating medical condition;

              (ii)  Is not a resident of Mississippi or who has been a resident of Mississippi for less than forty-five (45) days; and

              (iii)  Has submitted any documentation required by MDOH rules and regulations and has received confirmation of registration.

          (ff)  "Practitioner" means a physician, certified nurse practitioner, physician assistant or optometrist who is licensed to prescribe medicine under the licensing requirements of their respective occupational boards and the laws of this state.  In relation to a nonresident cardholder, the term means a physician, certified nurse practitioner, physician assistant or optometrist who is licensed to prescribe medicine under the licensing requirements of their respective occupational boards and under the laws of the state or territory in which the nonresident patient resides.  For registered qualifying patients who are minors, "practitioner" shall mean a physician or doctor of osteopathic medicine who is licensed to prescribe medicine under the licensing requirements of their respective occupational boards and the laws of this state.

          (gg)  "Public place" means a church or any area to which the general public is invited or in which the general public is permitted, regardless of the ownership of the area, and any area owned or controlled by a municipality, county, state or federal government, including, but not limited to, streets, sidewalks or other forms of public transportation.  Such term shall not mean a private residential dwelling.

          (hh)  "Qualifying patient" means a person who has been diagnosed by a practitioner as having a debilitating medical condition and has been issued a written certification.

          (ii)  "Registry identification card" means a document, in either physical or electronic format, issued by the MDOH that identifies a person as a registered qualifying patient, nonresident registered qualifying patient or registered designated caregiver.

     MDOH shall develop and implement such registry identification card in electronic format as an additional option for cardholders. Acceptable electronic formats include display of electronic images on a cellular phone or any other type of electronic device.

          (jj)  "School" means an institution for the teaching of children, consisting of a physical location, whether owned or leased, including instructional staff members and students, and which is in session each school year.  This definition shall include, but not be limited to, public, private, church and parochial programs for kindergarten, elementary, junior high and high schools.  Such term shall not mean a home instruction program.

          (kk)  "Scope of practice" means the defined parameters of various duties, services or activities that may be provided or performed by a certified nurse practitioner as authorized under Sections 73-15-5 and 73-15-20, by an optometrist as authorized under Section 73-19-1, by a physician as authorized under Section 73-25-33, or by a physician assistant under Section 73-26-5, and rules and regulations adopted by the respective licensing boards for those practitioners.

          (ll)  "THC" or "Tetrahydrocannabinol" means any and all forms of tetrahydrocannabinol that are contained naturally in the cannabis plant, as well as synthesized forms of THC and derived variations, derivatives, isomers and allotropes that have similar molecular and physiological characteristics of tetrahydrocannabinol, including, but not limited to, THCA, THC Delta 9, THC Delta 8, THC Delta 10 and THC Delta 6.

          (mm)  "Written certification" means a form approved by the MDOH, signed and dated by a practitioner, certifying that a person has a debilitating medical condition.  A written certification shall include the following:

                    (i)  The date of issue and the effective date of the recommendation;

                    (ii)  The patient's name, date of birth and address;

                    (iii)  The practitioner's name, address, and federal Drug Enforcement Agency number; and

                    (iv)  The practitioner's signature.

     SECTION 2.  Section 63-1-19, Mississippi Code of 1972, is amended as follows:

     63-1-19.  (1)  (a)  Every applicant for a license or permit issued pursuant to this article, or for renewal of such license or permit, shall file an application for such license, permit or renewal, on a form provided by the Department of Public Safety, with the commissioner or an official license examiner of the department.  All persons not holding valid, unexpired licenses issued in this state shall be required to secure an original license, except those specifically exempted from licensing under Section 63-1-7.  The application shall state the name, date of birth, the social security number of the applicant unless the applicant is not a United States citizen and does not possess a social security number issued by the United States government, sex, race, color of eyes, color of hair, weight, height and residence address, and whether or not the applicant's privilege to drive has been suspended or revoked at any time, and, if so, when, by whom, and for what cause, and whether any previous application by him has been denied, and whether he has any physical defects which would interfere with his operating a motor vehicle safely upon the highways.

          (b)  Every applicant for an original license shall show proof of domicile in this state.  The commissioner shall promulgate any rules and regulations necessary to enforce this requirement and shall prescribe the means by which an applicant for an original license may show domicile in this state.  Proof of domicile shall not be required of applicants under eighteen (18) years of age.

          (c)  Unless the applicant is not a United States citizen and does not possess a social security number issued by the United States government, each application or filing made under this section shall include the social security number(s) of the applicant in accordance with Section 93-11-64, Mississippi Code of 1972.

     (2)  No person who is illegally in the United States or Mississippi shall be issued a license.  The application of a person who is not a United States citizen and who does not possess a social security number issued by the United States government shall state the name, date of birth, sex, race, color of eyes, color of hair, weight, height and residence address, and whether or not the applicant's privilege to drive has been suspended or revoked at any time, and, if so, when, by whom, and for what cause, and whether any previous application by him has been denied, and whether he has any physical defects which would interfere with his operating a motor vehicle safely upon the highways.  The commissioner shall adopt and promulgate such rules and regulations as he deems appropriate requiring additional documents, materials, information or physical evidence to be provided by the applicant as may be necessary to establish the identity of the applicant and that the applicant is not present in the United States or the State of Mississippi illegally.

     (3)  Whenever a person who has applied for or who has been issued a license or permit under this article moves from the address listed in the application or on the permit or license, or whenever the name of a licensee changes by marriage or otherwise, such person, within thirty (30) days thereafter, shall notify, in writing, the Department of Public Safety, Driver Services Division, and inform the department of his or her previous address and new address and of his or her former name and new name.  The department shall not change the name of a licensee or permittee on his or her license or permit unless the applicant appears in person at an office of the department and provides a certified copy of his or her marriage license, court order, birth certificate or divorce decree changing the licensee's or permittee's name.

     (4)  (a)  Any male who is at least eighteen (18) years of age but less than twenty-six (26) years of age and who applies for a permit or license or a renewal of a permit or license under this chapter shall be registered in compliance with the requirements of Section 3 of the Military Selective Service Act, 50 USCS Section 3802, as amended.

          (b)  The department shall forward in an electronic format the necessary personal information of the applicant to the Selective Service System.  The applicant's submission of the application shall serve as an indication that the applicant either has already registered with the Selective Service System or that he is authorizing the department to forward to the Selective Service System the necessary information for registration.  The commissioner shall notify the applicant on, or as a part of, the application that his submission of the application will serve as his consent to registration with the Selective Service System, if so required.  The commissioner also shall notify any male applicant under the age of eighteen (18) that he will be registered upon turning age eighteen (18) as required by federal law.

     (4)  If an applicant requests that his or her license indicates that he or she holds a registry identification card as provided under the Mississippi Medical Cannabis Act, such applicant must show proof of a valid registry identification card by providing a certified copy of such card with his or her application in person at the Mississippi Department of Public Safety Driver's License Station, along with all other requirements as provided in this article.

     SECTION 3.  Section 63-1-35, Mississippi Code of 1972, is amended as follows:

     63-1-35.  (1)  The Commissioner of Public Safety shall prescribe the form of license issued pursuant to this article which shall, among other features, include a driver's license number assigned by the Department of Public Safety.  A licensee shall list his or her social security number with the department which shall cross reference the social security number with the driver's license number for purposes of identification.  Additionally, each license shall bear a full-face color photograph of the licensee in such form that the license and the photograph cannot be separated.  The photograph shall be taken so that one (1) exposure will photograph the applicant and the application simultaneously on the same film.  The department shall use a process in the issuance of a license with a color photograph that shall prevent as nearly as possible any alteration, counterfeiting, duplication, reproduction, forging or modification of the license or the superimposition of a photograph without ready detection.  The photograph shall be replaced by the department at the time of renewal.  Drivers' licenses, including photographs appearing thereon, may be renewed by electronic means according to rules and regulations promulgated by the commissioner in conformity to Section 27-104-33.

     (2)  The commissioner shall prescribe the form of license issued pursuant to this article to licensees who are not United States citizens and who do not possess a social security number issued by the United States government.  The license of such persons shall include a number and/or other identifying features.

     (3)  Any new, renewal or duplicate driver's license, temporary driving permit or commercial driver's license issued to a person required to register as a sex offender pursuant to Section 45-33-25 shall bear a designation identifying the licensee or permittee as a sex offender.

     (4)  The commissioner is authorized to provide the new, renewal or duplicate driver's license, temporary driving permit or commercial driver's license to any honorably discharged veteran as defined in Title 38 of the United States Code, and such license or permit shall exhibit the letters "Vet" or any other mark identifying the person as a veteran.  The veteran requesting the "Vet" designation shall present his DD-214, Military Retiree Identification Card, United States Department of Veterans Affairs Medical Identification Card, United States Department of Veterans Affairs Identification Card or National Guard Form NGB 22.  The veteran requesting the "Vet" designation may present his DD-214, Military Retiree Identification Card, United States Department of Veterans Affairs Medical Identification Card, United States Department of Veterans Affairs Identification Card or National Guard Form NGB 22 in person at the Mississippi Department of Public Safety Driver's License Station.

     (5)  Not later than July 1, 2021, the commissioner shall develop and implement a driver's license or driving permit in electronic format as an additional option for license or permit holders.  Acceptable electronic formats include display of electronic images on a cellular phone or any other type of electronic device.

     (6)  The commissioner shall develop and implement a driver's license which indicates that a license holder possesses a valid registry identification card as provided under the Mississippi Medical Cannabis Act, as an additional option for license holders upon request.  The license of such persons shall include a designation and/or other identifying features.

     (7)  If false documents are provided by an individual for purposes of obtaining a veteran driver's license, such action shall be considered fraudulent use of identity under Section 97-19-85, Mississippi Code of 1972, and shall be punishable, upon conviction, as a felony pursuant to the provisions of that section.

     SECTION 4.  Section 45-35-3, Mississippi Code of 1972, is brought forward as follows:

     45-35-3.  (1)  Any person six (6) years of age or older may be issued an identification card by the department which is certified by the registrant and attested by the commissioner as to true name, correct age and such other identifying data as required by Section 45-35-5.

     (2)  The new, renewal or duplicate identification card of a person required to register as a sex offender pursuant to Section 45-33-25 shall bear a designation identifying the cardholder as a sex offender.

     (3)  The commissioner is authorized to provide the new, renewal or duplicate identification card to any honorably discharged veteran as defined in Title 38 of the United States Code, and such identification card shall exhibit the letters "Vet" or any other mark identifying the person as a veteran.  The veteran requesting the "Vet" designation shall present his DD-214 or equivalent document that includes a notation from the State Veterans Affairs Board that the applicant is a veteran.

     (4)  Not later than July 1, 2021, the commissioner shall develop and implement an identification card in electronic format as an additional option for card holders.  Acceptable electronic formats include display of electronic images on a cellular phone or any other type of electronic device.

     SECTION 5.  Section 45-35-5, Mississippi Code of 1972, is brought forward as follows:

     45-35-5.  Data for the issuance of an identification card shall include a birth certificate or other document to establish the age and identity of the applicant, the social security number of the applicant, and such other identifying data as is required on an application for issuance of a driver's license.

     SECTION 6.  Section 45-35-11, Mississippi Code of 1972, is brought forward as follows:

     45-35-11.  All identification cards shall be centrally issued by the department, adequately describe the registrant, bear a color photograph of the registrant, and include other such identifying data as required by Section 45-35-5.

     SECTION 7.  Section 45-35-53, Mississippi Code of 1972, is brought forward as follows:

     45-35-53.  (1)  The Department of Public Safety shall issue personal identification cards to persons with disabilities who make application to the department in accordance with rules and regulations prescribed by the commissioner by filing with the Secretary of State under the Administrative Procedures Act.  The identification card for persons with disabilities shall prominently display the international handicapped symbol and, in addition to any other information required by this article, may contain a recent color photograph of the applicant and the following information:

          (a)  Full legal name;

          (b)  Address of residence;

          (c)  Birth date;

          (d)  Date identification card was issued;

          (e)  Date identification card expires;

          (f)  Sex;

          (g)  Height;

          (h)  Weight;

          (i)  Eye color;

          (j)  Location where the identification card was issued;

          (k)  Signature of person identified or facsimile thereof; and

          (l)  Such other information as required by the department.

     (2)  The identification card for persons with disabilities shall bear an identification card number which shall not be the same as the applicant's social security number.  The commissioner shall prescribe the form of identification cards issued pursuant to this article to persons who are not United States citizens.  The identification cards of such persons shall include a number and any other identifying information prescribed by the commissioner.

     SECTION 8.  Section 45-35-71, Mississippi Code of 1972, is brought forward as follows:

     45-35-71.  The Department of Public Safety shall be the state agency with responsibility for regulating a digital wallet for state agency credentials.  The Commissioner of Public Safety may promulgate rules and regulations regarding such digital wallet technology.

     SECTION 9.  Section 41-137-23, Mississippi Code of 1972, is brought forward as follows:

     41-137-23.  (1)  No later than one hundred twenty (120) days after February 2, 2022, the MDOH shall begin issuing registry identification cards to qualifying patients who submit the following:

          (a)  A written certification issued by a practitioner within six (6) months immediately preceding the date of the application;

          (b)  The application or renewal fee;

          (c)  The name, address, social security number, and date of birth of the qualifying patient;

          (d)  The name, address, and telephone number of the qualifying patient's practitioner issuing the written certification;

          (e)  The name, address, social security number, and date of birth of the designated caregiver, or designated caregivers, chosen by the qualifying patient; and

          (f)  If more than one (1) designated caregiver is designated at any given time, documentation demonstrating that a greater number of designated caregivers is needed due to the patient's age or medical condition.

     (2)  If the qualifying patient is unable to submit the information required by subsection (1) of this section due to the person's age or medical condition, the person responsible for making medical decisions for the qualifying patient may do so on behalf of the qualifying patient.

     (3)  Except as provided in subsection (5) of this section, the MDOH shall:

          (a)  Verify the information contained in an application or renewal submitted under this section and approve or deny an application or renewal within ten (10) days of receiving a completed application or renewal application; and

          (b)  Issue registry identification cards to a qualifying patient and his or her designated caregiver(s), if any, within five (5) days of approving the application or renewal.  A designated caregiver must have a registry identification card for each of his or her qualifying patients.

     (4)  (a)  The MDOH shall require criminal background checks in order to carry out this section.

          (b)  The MDOH shall require that the prospective designated caregiver or caregiver's applicant apply for or authorize the division to obtain state and national criminal background checks to be conducted by the Mississippi Justice Information Center of the Department of Public Safety and the Federal Bureau of Investigation.

          (c)  Such criminal background checks shall conform to the applicable federal standards, and shall include the taking of fingerprints.

          (d)  The applicant shall authorize the release of such criminal background checks to the MDOH, and shall be responsible for the payment of any fee associated with the criminal background checks.

          (e)  Upon completion of such criminal background checks, the Mississippi Justice Information Center of the Department of Public Safety shall forward to the MDOH all information obtained concerning the applicant.

     (5)  The MDOH shall not issue a registry identification card to a qualifying patient who is younger than eighteen (18) years of age, unless:

          (a)  The qualifying patient's practitioner has explained the potential risks and benefits of the medical use of medical cannabis to the custodial parent or legal guardian with responsibility for health care decisions for the qualifying patient; and

          (b)  The custodial parent or legal guardian with responsibility for health care decisions for the qualifying patient consents in writing to:

              (i)  Acknowledge the potential harms related to the use of medical cannabis;

              (ii)  Allow the qualifying patient's medical use of medical cannabis;

              (iii)  Serve as the qualifying patient's designated caregiver; and

              (iv)  Control the acquisition of the medical cannabis, the dosage and the frequency of the use of medical cannabis by the qualifying patient.

     (6)  If a designated caregiver is an entity licensed to provide health care services, residential care services or day care services, then:

          (a)  The MDOH may provide a single registry identification card to the entity, regardless of the number of registered qualifying patients the entity serves; and

          (b)  The MDOH may issue individual registry identification cards for employees of the entity that may transport medical cannabis.

     (7)  The MDOH shall provide an electronic or physical list of registered qualifying patients who have designated the entity as their caregiver.  This list shall be updated with each additional designation.

     (8)  The MDOH may deny an application or renewal of a qualifying patient's registry identification card only if the applicant:

          (a)  Did not provide the required information or materials;

          (b)  Previously had a registry identification card revoked;

          (c)  Provided false information; or

          (d)  Failed to meet the other requirements of this chapter.

     (9)  The MDOH may deny an application or renewal for a designated caregiver chosen by a qualifying patient whose registry identification card was granted only if the applicant:

          (a)  Does not meet the definition of "designated caregiver" under Section 41-137-3;

          (b)  Did not provide the information required;

          (c)  Previously had a registry identification card revoked;

          (d)  Provided false information;

          (e)  Is younger than twenty-one (21) years of age and is not the parent or legal guardian of the qualifying patient who the designated caregiver would assist; or

          (f)  Failed to meet the other requirements of this chapter.

     (10)  The MDOH shall give written notice to the qualifying patient of the reason for denying a registry identification card to the qualifying patient or to the qualifying patient's designated caregiver.

     (11)  Denial of an application or renewal is considered a final MDOH action, subject to judicial review in accordance with Section 41-137-59.

     SECTION 10.  Section 41-137-25, Mississippi Code of 1972, is brought forward as follows:

     41-137-25.  (1)  Registry identification cards must contain all of the following:

          (a)  The name of the cardholder;

          (b)  A designation of whether the cardholder is a qualifying patient, a designated caregiver or a nonresident;

          (c)  The date of issuance and expiration date of the registry identification card;

          (d)  A random ten-digit alphanumeric identification number, containing at least four (4) numbers and at least four (4) letters, that is unique to the cardholder;

          (e)  If the cardholder is a designated caregiver, the random identification number of the qualifying patient the designated caregiver will assist;

          (f)  A photograph of the cardholder;

          (g)  The toll-free phone number or internet address where the card can be verified;

          (h)  A notice of the potential harm caused by medical cannabis; and

          (i)  A notice of the MMCEU daily, monthly and possession limit.

     (2)  The expiration date shall be visible on the registry identification card.  Except as provided in subsection (3) or subsection (4) of this section, the expiration date for registry identification cards for residents shall be one (1) year after the date of issuance.  The expiration date for registry identification cards for nonresidents shall be fifteen (15) days after the date of issuance, except as provided in subsection (4) of this section. 

     (3)  If the practitioner stated in the written certification that the qualifying patient would benefit from the medical use of medical cannabis until a specified earlier date, then the registry identification card shall expire on that date, except as provided in subsection (4) of this section.

     (4)  (a)  The expiration date for registry identification cards for residents that are issued not later than one hundred fifty (150) days after February 2, 2022, shall be one (1) year after the initial one-hundred-fifty-day period.

          (b)  If the practitioner specified an earlier date for the expiration of the registry identification card as provided under subsection (3) of this section, then the registry identification card shall be valid for the period specified by the practitioner, which shall begin after the initial one-hundred-fifty-day period.

          (c)  The expiration date for registry identification cards for nonresidents that are issued not later than one hundred fifty (150) days after February 2, 2020, shall be fifteen (15) days after the initial one-hundred-fifty-day period.

     SECTION 11.  This act shall take effect and be in force from and after July 1, 2024.