2024 Regular Session

To: Appropriations A

By: Representative Carpenter

House Bill 1012



     SECTION 1.  Section 25-11-103, Mississippi Code of 1972, is amended as follows:

     25-11-103.  (1)  The following words and phrases as used in Articles 1 and 3, unless a different meaning is plainly required by the context, have the following meanings:

          (a)  "Accumulated contributions" means the sum of all the amounts deducted from the compensation of a member and credited to his or her individual account in the annuity savings account, together with regular interest as provided in Section 25-11-123.

          (b)  "Actuarial cost" means the amount of funds presently required to provide future benefits as determined by the board based on applicable tables and formulas provided by the actuary.

          (c)  "Actuarial equivalent" means a benefit of equal value to the accumulated contributions, annuity or benefit, as the case may be, when computed upon the basis of such mortality tables as adopted by the board of trustees, and regular interest.

          (d)  "Actuarial tables" mean such tables of mortality and rates of interest as adopted by the board in accordance with the recommendation of the actuary.

          (e)  "Agency" means any governmental body employing persons in the state service.

          (f)  "Average compensation" means the average of the four (4) highest years of earned compensation reported for an employee in a fiscal or calendar year period, or combination thereof that do not overlap, or the last forty-eight (48) consecutive months of earned compensation reported for an employee.  The four (4) years need not be successive or joined years of service.  In computing the average compensation for retirement, disability or survivor benefits, any amount lawfully paid in a lump sum for personal leave or major medical leave shall be included in the calculation to the extent that the amount does not exceed an amount that is equal to thirty (30) days of earned compensation and to the extent that it does not cause the employee's earned compensation to exceed the maximum reportable amount specified in paragraph (k) of this subsection; however, this thirty-day limitation shall not prevent the inclusion in the calculation of leave earned under federal regulations before July 1, 1976, and frozen as of that date as referred to in Section 25-3-99.  In computing the average compensation, no amounts shall be used that are in excess of the amount on which contributions were required and paid, and no nontaxable amounts paid by the employer for health or life insurance premiums for the employee shall be used.  If any member who is or has been granted any increase in annual salary or compensation of more than eight percent (8%) retires within twenty-four (24) months from the date that the increase becomes effective, then the board shall exclude that part of the increase in salary or compensation that exceeds eight percent (8%) in calculating that member's average compensation for retirement purposes.  The board may enforce this provision by rule or regulation.  However, increases in compensation in excess of eight percent (8%) per year granted within twenty-four (24) months of the date of retirement may be included in the calculation of average compensation if satisfactory proof is presented to the board showing that the increase in compensation was the result of an actual change in the position held or services rendered, or that the compensation increase was authorized by the State Personnel Board or was increased as a result of statutory enactment, and the employer furnishes an affidavit stating that the increase granted within the last twenty-four (24) months was not contingent on a promise or agreement of the employee to retire.  Nothing in Section 25-3-31 shall affect the calculation of the average compensation of any member for the purposes of this article.  The average compensation of any member who retires before July 1, 1992, shall not exceed the annual salary of the Governor.

          (g)  "Beneficiary" means any person entitled to receive a retirement allowance, an annuity or other benefit as provided by Articles 1 and 3.  The term "beneficiary" may also include an organization, estate, trust or entity; however, a beneficiary designated or entitled to receive monthly payments under an optional settlement based on life contingency or under a statutory monthly benefit may only be a natural person.  In the event of the death before retirement of any member who became a member of the system before July 1, 2007, and whose spouse and/or children are not entitled to a retirement allowance on the basis that the member has less than four (4) years of membership service credit, or who became a member of the system on or after July 1, 2007, and whose spouse and/or children are not entitled to a retirement allowance on the basis that the member has less than eight (8) years of membership service credit, and/or has not been married for a minimum of one (1) year or the spouse has waived his or her entitlement to a retirement allowance under Section 25-11-114, the lawful spouse of a member at the time of the death of the member shall be the beneficiary of the member unless the member has designated another beneficiary after the date of marriage in writing, and filed that writing in the office of the executive director of the board of trustees.  No designation or change of beneficiary shall be made in any other manner.

          (h)  "Board" means the board of trustees provided in Section 25-11-15 to administer the retirement system created under this article.

          (i)  "Creditable service" means "prior service," "retroactive service" and all lawfully credited unused leave not exceeding the accrual rates and limitations provided in Section 25-3-91 et seq., as of the date of withdrawal from service plus "membership service" and other service for which credit is allowable as provided in Section 25-11-109.  Except to limit creditable service reported to the system for the purpose of computing an employee's retirement allowance or annuity or benefits provided in this article, nothing in this paragraph shall limit or otherwise restrict the power of the governing authority of a municipality or other political subdivision of the state to adopt such vacation and sick leave policies as it deems necessary.

          (j)  "Child" means either a natural child of the member, a child that has been made a child of the member by applicable court action before the death of the member, or a child under the permanent care of the member at the time of the latter's death, which permanent care status shall be determined by evidence satisfactory to the board.  For purposes of this paragraph, a natural child of the member is a child of the member that is conceived before the death of the member.

          (k)  "Earned compensation" means the full amount earned during a fiscal year by an employee not to exceed the employee compensation limit set pursuant to Section 401(a)(17) of the Internal Revenue Code for the calendar year in which the fiscal year begins and proportionately for less than one (1) year of service.  Except as otherwise provided in this paragraph, the value of maintenance furnished to an employee shall not be included in earned compensation.  Earned compensation shall not include any amounts paid by the employer for health or life insurance premiums for an employee.  Earned compensation shall be limited to the regular periodic compensation paid, exclusive of litigation fees, bond fees, performance-based incentive payments, and other similar extraordinary nonrecurring payments.  In addition, any member in a covered position, as defined by Public Employees' Retirement System laws and regulations, who is also employed by another covered agency or political subdivision shall have the earnings of that additional employment reported to the Public Employees' Retirement System regardless of whether the additional employment is sufficient in itself to be a covered position.  In addition, computation of earned compensation shall be governed by the following:

              (i)  In the case of constables, the net earnings from their office after deduction of expenses shall apply, except that in no case shall earned compensation be less than the total direct payments made by the state or governmental subdivisions to the official.

              (ii)  In the case of chancery or circuit clerks, the net earnings from their office after deduction of expenses shall apply as expressed in Section 25-11-123(f)(4).

              (iii)  In the case of members of the State Legislature, all remuneration or amounts paid, except mileage allowance, shall apply.

               (iv)  The amount by which an eligible employee's salary is reduced under a salary reduction agreement authorized under Section 25-17-5 shall be included as earned compensation under this paragraph, provided this inclusion does not conflict with federal law, including federal regulations and federal administrative interpretations under the federal law, pertaining to the Federal Insurance Contributions Act or to Internal Revenue Code Section 125 cafeteria plans.

              (v)  Compensation in addition to an employee's base salary that is paid to the employee under the vacation and sick leave policies of a municipality or other political subdivision of the state that employs him or her that exceeds the maximums authorized by Section 25-3-91 et seq. shall be excluded from the calculation of earned compensation under this article.

              (vi)  The maximum salary applicable for retirement purposes before July 1, 1992, shall be the salary of the Governor.

              (vii)  Nothing in Section 25-3-31 shall affect the determination of the earned compensation of any member for the purposes of this article.

              (viii)  The value of maintenance furnished to an employee before July 1, 2013, for which the proper amount of employer and employee contributions have been paid, shall be included in earned compensation.  From and after July 1, 2013, the value of maintenance furnished to an employee shall be reported as earned compensation only if the proper amount of employer and employee contributions have been paid on the maintenance and the employee was receiving maintenance and having maintenance reported to the system as of June 30, 2013.  The value of maintenance when not paid in money shall be fixed by the employing state agency, and, in case of doubt, by the board of trustees as defined in Section 25-11-15.

              (ix)  Except as otherwise provided in this paragraph, the value of any in-kind benefits provided by the employer shall not be included in earned compensation.  As used in this subparagraph, "in-kind benefits" shall include, but not be limited to, group life insurance premiums, health or dental insurance premiums, nonpaid major medical and personal leave, employer contributions for social security and retirement, tuition reimbursement or educational funding, day care or transportation benefits.

          (l)  "Employee" means any person legally occupying a position in the state service, and shall include the employees of the retirement system created under this article.

          (m)  "Employer" means the State of Mississippi or any of its departments, agencies or subdivisions from which any employee receives his or her compensation.

          (n)  "Executive director" means the secretary to the board of trustees, as provided in Section 25-11-15(9), and the administrator of the Public Employees' Retirement System and all systems under the management of the board of trustees.  Wherever the term "Executive Secretary of the Public Employees' Retirement System" or "executive secretary" appears in this article or in any other provision of law, it shall be construed to mean the Executive Director of the Public Employees' Retirement System.

          (o)  "Fiscal year" means the period beginning on July 1 of any year and ending on June 30 of the next succeeding year.

          (p)  "Medical board" means the board of physicians or any governmental or nongovernmental disability determination service designated by the board of trustees that is qualified to make disability determinations as provided for in Section 25-11-119.

          (q)  "Member" means any person included in the membership of the system as provided in Section 25-11-105.  For purposes of Sections 25-11-103, 25-11-105, 25-11-109, 25-11-111, 25-11-113, 25-11-114, 25-11-115 and 25-11-117, if a member of the system withdrew from state service and received a refund of the amount of the accumulated contributions to the credit of the member in the annuity savings account before July 1, 2007, and the person reenters state service and becomes a member of the system again on or after July 1, 2007, and repays all or part of the amount received as a refund and interest in order to receive creditable service for service rendered before July 1, 2007, the member shall be considered to have become a member of the system on or after July 1, 2007, subject to the eight-year membership service requirement, as applicable in those sections.  For purposes of Sections 25-11-103, 25-11-111, 25-11-114 and 25-11-115, if a member of the system withdrew from state service and received a refund of the amount of the accumulated contributions to the credit of the member in the annuity savings account before July 1, 2011, and the person reenters state service and becomes a member of the system again on or after July 1, 2011, and repays all or part of the amount received as a refund and interest in order to receive creditable service for service rendered before July 1, 2011, the member shall be considered to have become a member of the system on or after July 1, 2011.  For purposes of Section 25-11-111, if a public safety employee withdrew from state service and received a refund of the amount of the accumulated contributions to the credit of the member in the annuity savings account before July 1, 2024, and the person reenters state service and becomes a member of the system again on or after July 1, 2024, and repays all or part of the amount received as a refund and interest in order to receive creditable service for service rendered before July 1, 2024, the member shall be considered to have become a member of the system on or after July 1, 2024.

          (r)  "Membership service" means service as an employee in a covered position rendered while a contributing member of the retirement system.

          (s)  "Position" means any office or any employment in the state service, or two (2) or more of them, the duties of which call for services to be rendered by one (1) person, including positions jointly employed by federal and state agencies administering federal and state funds.  The employer shall determine upon initial employment and during the course of employment of an employee who does not meet the criteria for coverage in the Public Employees' Retirement System based on the position held, whether the employee is or becomes eligible for coverage in the Public Employees' Retirement System based upon any other employment in a covered agency or political subdivision.  If or when the employee meets the eligibility criteria for coverage in the other position, then the employer must withhold contributions and report wages from the noncovered position in accordance with the provisions for reporting of earned compensation.  Failure to deduct and report those contributions shall not relieve the employee or employer of liability thereof. The board shall adopt such rules and regulations as necessary to implement and enforce this provision.

          (t)  "Prior service" means:

              (i)  For persons who became members of the system before July 1, 2007, service rendered before February 1, 1953, for which credit is allowable under Sections 25-11-105 and 25-11-109, and which shall allow prior service for any person who is now or becomes a member of the Public Employees' Retirement System and who does contribute to the system for a minimum period of four (4) years.

              (ii)  For persons who became members of the system on or after July 1, 2007, service rendered before February 1, 1953, for which credit is allowable under Sections 25-11-105 and 25-11-109, and which shall allow prior service for any person who is now or becomes a member of the Public Employees' Retirement System and who does contribute to the system for a minimum period of eight (8) years.

          (u)  "Regular interest" means interest compounded annually at such a rate as determined by the board in accordance with Section 25-11-121.

          (v)  "Retirement allowance" means an annuity for life as provided in this article, payable each year in twelve (12) equal monthly installments beginning as of the date fixed by the board.  The retirement allowance shall be calculated in accordance with Section 25-11-111.  However, any spouse who received a spouse retirement benefit in accordance with Section 25-11-111(d) before March 31, 1971, and those benefits were terminated because of eligibility for a social security benefit, may again receive his or her spouse retirement benefit from and after making application with the board of trustees to reinstate the spouse retirement benefit.

          (w)  "Retroactive service" means service rendered after February 1, 1953, for which credit is allowable under Section 25-11-105(b) and Section 25-11-105(k).

          (x)  "System" means the Public Employees' Retirement System of Mississippi established and described in Section 25-11-101.

          (y)  "State" means the State of Mississippi or any political subdivision thereof or instrumentality of the state.

          (z)  "State service" means all offices and positions of trust or employment in the employ of the state, or any political subdivision or instrumentality of the state, that elect to participate as provided by Section 25-11-105(f), including the position of elected or fee officials of the counties and their deputies and employees performing public services or any department, independent agency, board or commission thereof, and also includes all offices and positions of trust or employment in the employ of joint state and federal agencies administering state and federal funds and service rendered by employees of the public schools.  Effective July 1, 1973, all nonprofessional public school employees, such as bus drivers, janitors, maids, maintenance workers and cafeteria employees, shall have the option to become members in accordance with Section 25-11-105(b), and shall be eligible to receive credit for services before July 1, 1973, provided that the contributions and interest are paid by the employee in accordance with that section; in addition, the county or municipal separate school district may pay the employer contribution and pro rata share of interest of the retroactive service from available funds.  "State service" shall not include the President of the Mississippi Lottery Corporation and personnel employed by the Mississippi Lottery Corporation.  From and after July 1, 1998, retroactive service credit shall be purchased at the actuarial cost in accordance with Section 25-11-105(b).

          (aa)  "Withdrawal from service" or "termination from service" means complete severance of employment in the state service of any member by resignation, dismissal or discharge.

          (bb)  "Public safety employee" means a law enforcement officer, firefighter or emergency management agency personnel, which terms are defined as follow:

              (i)  "Law enforcement officer" means municipal police officers and narcotics agents, sheriffs, deputy sheriffs, constables, conservation officers, enforcement officers of the Department of Marine Resources, agents and inspectors of the Alcoholic Beverage Control Division of the Department of Revenue, inspection station employees, enforcement officers and inspectors of the Department of Public Safety, state correctional facility guards and enforcement officers of the Department of Corrections, and any other full-time officer or employee of the state or any agency, department, institution, county or municipality thereof who is authorized to carry a firearm while in the performance of his or her official duties and who has met the minimum educational and training standards established by the Board on Law Enforcement Officer Standards and Training for permanent, full-time law enforcement officers and has received a certificate from that board.

              (ii)  "Firefighter" means an individual who is trained for the prevention and control of loss of life and property from fire or other emergencies, who is assigned to fire-fighting activity, and is required to respond to alarms and perform emergency actions at the location of a fire, hazardous materials or other emergency incident.

              (iii)  "Emergency management agency personnel" means a person who is involved in performing emergency management functions that provide for the health and safety of persons and property in the State of Mississippi by responding to hazards and other emergency incidents, and who is employed by an emergency management agency that is duly authorized and empowered under state or federal law to engage in emergency management activities in the State of Mississippi.

          ( * * *bbcc)  The masculine pronoun, wherever used, includes the feminine pronoun.

     (2)  For purposes of this article, the term "political subdivision" shall have the meaning ascribed to such term in Section 25-11-5 and shall also include public charter schools.

     SECTION 2.  Section 25-11-111, Mississippi Code of 1972, is amended as follows:

     25-11-111.  (a)  (1)  Any member who became a member of the system before July 1, 2007, upon withdrawal from service upon or after attainment of the age of sixty (60) years who has completed at least four (4) years of membership service, or any member who became a member of the system before July 1, 2011, or any public safety employee who became a member of the system on or after July 1, 2024, upon withdrawal from service regardless of age who has completed at least twenty-five (25) years of creditable service, shall be entitled to receive a retirement allowance, which shall begin on the first of the month following the date the member's application for the allowance is received by the board, but in no event before withdrawal from service.

          (2)  Any member who became a member of the system on or after July 1, 2007, upon withdrawal from service upon or after attainment of the age of sixty (60) years who has completed at least eight (8) years of membership service, or any member who became a member of the system on or after July 1, 2011, or any public safety employee who became a member of the system on or after July 1, 2011, and before July 1, 2024, upon withdrawal from service regardless of age who has completed at least thirty (30) years of creditable service, shall be entitled to receive a retirement allowance, which shall begin on the first of the month following the date the member's application for the allowance is received by the board, but in no event before withdrawal from service.

     (b)  (1)  Any member who became a member of the system before July 1, 2007, whose withdrawal from service occurs before attaining the age of sixty (60) years who has completed four (4) or more years of membership service and has not received a refund of his accumulated contributions, shall be entitled to receive a retirement allowance, beginning upon his attaining the age of sixty (60) years, of the amount earned and accrued at the date of withdrawal from service.  The retirement allowance shall begin on the first of the month following the date the member's application for the allowance is received by the board, but in no event before withdrawal from service.

          (2)  Any member who became a member of the system on or after July 1, 2007, whose withdrawal from service occurs before attaining the age of sixty (60) years who has completed eight (8) or more years of membership service and has not received a refund of his accumulated contributions, shall be entitled to receive a retirement allowance, beginning upon his attaining the age of sixty (60) years, of the amount earned and accrued at the date of withdrawal from service.  The retirement allowance shall begin on the first of the month following the date the member's application for the allowance is received by the board, but in no event before withdrawal from service.

     (c)  Any member in service who has qualified for retirement benefits may select any optional method of settlement of retirement benefits by notifying the Executive Director of the Board of Trustees of the Public Employees' Retirement System in writing, on a form prescribed by the board, of the option he has selected and by naming the beneficiary of the option and furnishing necessary proof of age.  The option, once selected, may be changed at any time before actual retirement or death, but upon the death or retirement of the member, the optional settlement shall be placed in effect upon proper notification to the executive director.

     (d)  Any member who became a member of the system before July 1, 2011, or any public safety employee who became a member of the system on or after July 1, 2024, shall be entitled to an annual retirement allowance which shall consist of:

          (1)  A member's annuity, which shall be the actuarial equivalent of the accumulated contributions of the member at the time of retirement computed according to the actuarial table in use by the system; and

          (2)  An employer's annuity, which, together with the member's annuity provided above, shall be equal to two percent (2%) of the average compensation for each year of service up to and including twenty-five (25) years of creditable service, and two and one-half percent (2-1/2%) of the average compensation for each year of service exceeding twenty-five (25) years of creditable service.

          (3)  Any retired member or beneficiary thereof who was eligible to receive a retirement allowance before July 1, 1991, and who is still receiving a retirement allowance on July 1, 1992, shall receive an increase in the annual retirement allowance of the retired member equal to one-eighth of one percent (1/8 of 1%) of the average compensation for each year of state service in excess of twenty-five (25) years of membership service up to and including thirty (30) years.  The maximum increase shall be five-eighths of one percent (5/8 of 1%).  In no case shall a member who has been retired before July 1, 1987, receive less than Ten Dollars ($10.00) per month for each year of creditable service and proportionately for each quarter year thereof.  Persons retired on or after July 1, 1987, shall receive at least Ten Dollars ($10.00) per month for each year of service and proportionately for each quarter year thereof reduced for the option selected.  However, such Ten Dollars ($10.00) minimum per month for each year of creditable service shall not apply to a retirement allowance computed under Section 25-11-114 based on a percentage of the member's average compensation.

     (e)  Any member who became a member of the system on or after July 1, 2011, or any public safety employee who became a member of the system on or after July 1, 2011, before July 1, 2024, shall be entitled to an annual retirement allowance which shall consist of:

          (1)  A member's annuity, which shall be the actuarial equivalent of the accumulated contributions of the member at the time of retirement computed according to the actuarial table in use by the system; and

          (2)  An employer's annuity, which, together with the member's annuity provided above, shall be equal to two percent (2%) of the average compensation for each year of service up to and including thirty (30) years of creditable service, and two and one-half percent (2-1/2%) of average compensation for each year of service exceeding thirty (30) years of creditable service.

     (f)  Any member who became a member of the system on or after July 1, 2011, or any public safety employee who became a member of the system on or after July 1, 2011, and before July 1, 2024, upon withdrawal from service upon or after attaining the age of sixty (60) years who has completed at least eight (8) years of membership service, or any such member upon withdrawal from service regardless of age who has completed at least thirty (30) years of creditable service, shall be entitled to receive a retirement allowance computed in accordance with the formula set forth in subsection (e) of this section.  In the case of the retirement of any member who has attained age sixty (60) but who has not completed at least thirty (30) years of creditable service, the retirement allowance shall be computed in accordance with the formula set forth in subsection (e) of this section except that the total annual retirement allowance shall be reduced by an actuarial equivalent factor for each year of creditable service below thirty (30) years or the number of years in age that the member is below age sixty-five (65), whichever is less.

     (g)  No member, except members excluded by the Age Discrimination in Employment Act Amendments of 1986 (Public Law 99-592), under either Article 1 or Article 3 in state service shall be required to retire because of age.

     (h)  No payment on account of any benefit granted under the provisions of this section shall become effective or begin to accrue until January 1, 1953.

     (i)  (1)  A retiree or beneficiary may, on a form prescribed by and filed with the retirement system, irrevocably waive all or a portion of any benefits from the retirement system to which the retiree or beneficiary is entitled.  The waiver shall be binding on the heirs and assigns of any retiree or beneficiary and the same must agree to forever hold harmless the Public Employees' Retirement System of Mississippi from any claim to the waived retirement benefits.

          (2)  Any waiver under this subsection shall apply only to the person executing the waiver.  A beneficiary shall be entitled to benefits according to the option selected by the member at the time of retirement.  However, a beneficiary may, at the option of the beneficiary, execute a waiver of benefits under this subsection.

          (3)  The retirement system shall retain in the annuity reserve account amounts that are not used to pay benefits because of a waiver executed under this subsection.

          (4)  The board of trustees may provide rules and regulations for the administration of waivers under this subsection.

     SECTION 3.  This act shall take effect and be in force from and after July 1, 2024.