Not Germane




House Concurrent Resolution No.   61


BY: Senator(s) Blackmon


     AMEND below line 24 by inserting the following language:

     BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, BY THE SENATE OF THE STATE OF MISSISSIPPI, THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES CONCURRING THEREIN, That the Joint Rules of the Senate and the House are hereby suspended for the purpose of requesting the drafting, introduction, consideration and passage, regardless of any deadlines imposed by said rules, of a bill introduced because of the Mississippi Senate finding that on March 29, 2023, during the confirmation process for the State Superintendent of the Department of Education that because the candidate had received further education outside of the State of Mississippi and had enjoyed successful employment outside of the State of Mississippi that was criteria to reject the candidate's nomination; such bill to be entitled "AN ACT TO PROVIDE THAT ANY APPOINTMENT TO A GOVERNMENT AGENCY OR POLITICAL SUBDIVISION THAT THE SENATE IS REQUIRED TO ADVISE AND CONSENT SHALL POSSESS THE FOLLOWING QUALIFICATIONS: MUST BE A RESIDENT OF THE STATE OF MISSISSIPPI; MUST NOT HAVE ATTENDED ANY SCHOOL OR COLLEGE OUTSIDE OF THE STATE OF MISSISSIPPI; MUST NOT HAVE ENJOYED SUCCESSFUL EMPLOYMENT OUTSIDE OF THE STATE OF MISSISSIPPI; MUST NOT HAVE TRAVELED OUTSIDE OF THE STATE OF MISSISSIPPI EVER IN THEIR LIFE; AND FOR RELATED PURPOSES."

     FURTHER AMEND the title to conform.