



House Bill No.  968


BY: Committee


     Amend by striking all after the enacting clause and inserting in lieu thereof the following:


     SECTION 1.  Section 27-67-5, Mississippi Code of 1972, is amended as follows:

     27-67-5.  There is hereby levied, assessed and shall be collected from every person a tax for the privilege of using, storing or consuming, within this state, any tangible personal property or specified digital product possession of which is acquired in any manner.

          (a)  The use tax hereby imposed and levied shall be collected at the same rates as imposed under Section 27-65-20, and Sections 27-65-17, 27-65-18, 27-65-19, 27-65-24, 27-65-25 and 27-65-26 computed on the purchase or sales price, or value, as defined in this article.

          (b)  It shall be the duty of the tax collectors of the several counties, or the commissioner, as the case may be, to collect, remit and account for the tax on the use of all vehicles licensed or registered by the State of Mississippi for the first time, except when the Mississippi use tax was collected by an authorized out-of-state dealer at the time of purchase, or when the use thereof was exempt by Section 27-67-7.  The tax collector or the commissioner shall give to the person registering the vehicle a receipt in a form prescribed and furnished by the Department of Revenue for the amount of tax collected.

     The tax collector or the commissioner is expressly prohibited from issuing a license tag to any applicant without collecting the tax levied by this article, unless positive proof is filed, together with the application for the license tag, that the Mississippi tax has been paid, or that the sale was exempt by Section 27-67-7.

     Persons not engaging and continuing in business so as to be registered for payment of sales and/or use tax may pay use tax due on the first use of boats, airplanes, equipment or other tangible personal property and specified digital products to county tax collectors who are hereby authorized to accept such payments on behalf of the commissioner.  Receipts for all such payments shall be given to taxpayers in a form prescribed and furnished by the Department of Revenue.

     County tax collectors and the commissioner shall be liable for the tax they are required hereby to collect, and taxes which are in fact collected under authority of this section; and failure to properly collect or maintain proper records shall not relieve them of liability for payment to the commissioner.  Deficiencies in collection or payment shall be assessed against the tax collector or the commissioner in the same manner and subject to the same penalties and provisions for appeal as are deficiencies assessed against taxpayers.

     A dealer authorized to collect and remit the tax to the Department of Revenue shall give to the purchaser a receipt for the payment of the tax, in a form prescribed and furnished by the commissioner, which shall serve as proof of payment to the tax collector of the county in which the license is to be issued.

     Each tax collector of the several counties shall, on or before the twentieth day of each month, file a report with and pay to the commissioner all funds collected under the provisions of this article, less a commission of five percent (5%) which shall be retained by the tax collector as a commission for collecting such tax and be deposited in the county general fund.  The report required to be filed shall cover all collections made during the calendar month next preceding the date on which the report is due and filed.

     Any error in the report and remittance to the commissioner may be adjusted on a subsequent report.  If the error was in the collection by the tax collector, it shall be adjusted through the tax collector with the taxpayer before credit is allowed by the commissioner.

     All information relating to the collection of use tax by tax collectors and such records as the commissioner may require shall be preserved in the tax collector's office for a period of three (3) years for audit by the commissioner.

     SECTION 2.  Section 27-67-7, Mississippi Code of 1972, is amended as follows:

     27-67-7.  The tax levied by this article shall not be collected in the following instances:

          (a)  On the use, storage or consumption of any tangible personal property or specified digital products if the sale thereof has already been included in the measure of this tax or the tax imposed by Section 27-65-20 or Section 27-65-17, 27-65-19, 27-65-25 or 27-65-26, or has already been included in the measure of a sales tax imposed by another state in which the property or products were sold or use tax imposed by some other state in which the property was used.  If the rate of sales or use tax paid another state by the person using the property or products in Mississippi is not equal to or greater than the rate imposed by this article, then the user or purchaser shall apply the difference in these rates to the purchase price or value of the property or products and pay to the commissioner the amount of tax thus computed.  Persons using business property or products in this state which has been used by them in other states shall be entitled to a credit for sales and/or use tax paid to other states equal to the aggregate of all such state rates multiplied by the value of the property or products at the time of importation into this state.  Persons using business property or products in this state which were acquired from another person who used it in other states shall be entitled to a credit equal to the applicable rate in the state of last prior use multiplied by the value of the property or products at the time of importation into this state.  However, credit for use tax paid to another state shall not apply on the purchase price of tangible personal property or specified digital products that have been only stored or warehoused in the other state and the first use of the property or products occurs in Mississippi.  Provided further, that credit for sales or use tax paid to another state shall not apply on the purchase price or value of automobiles, trucks, truck-tractors, semitrailers, trailers, boats, travel trailers, motorcycles and all-terrain cycles imported and first used in Mississippi.

     Credit for sales or use tax paid to another state as provided in this paragraph (a) shall be evidenced by an invoice clearly and correctly showing the amount of the tax as a separate item, and no credit shall be allowed otherwise.

          (b)  On the use, storage or consumption of tangible personal property or specified digital products to the extent that sales of similar property or products in Mississippi are either excluded or specifically exempt from sales tax or are taxed at the wholesale rate.

     This exemption shall be confined to the use of property or products the sale of which is an itemized exemption in the Mississippi Sales Tax Law, or to use by persons who are listed in the Mississippi Sales Tax Law as being exempt from sales tax.

          (c)  On the use, storage or consumption of tangible personal property or specified digital products brought into this state by a nonresident for his or her use or enjoyment while temporarily within the state, but not including tangible personal property or specified digital products brought in for use in connection with a business activity.  This exemption shall not apply to property or products which remain situated in this state for the repeated use, storage or consumption by out-of-state visitors, or which is acquired by visitors and first used in this state.

          (d)  On the use of a motor vehicle for which a registration is required by the motor vehicle law, when such motor vehicle was purchased by a natural person for his personal or family use while such person was a bona fide resident of another state and who thereafter became a resident of this state, but not to include a motor vehicle which is transferred by the owner for commercial use or for use by another person within this state.

          (e)  On the use of personal and household effects by a natural person acquired while the person was a bona fide resident of another state, and who thereafter became a resident of this state.

          (f)  On the use or rental of motion picture film, video-audio tapes, phonograph records or specified digital products for exhibition either by a person paying Mississippi sales tax on gross income from admissions for the exhibitions or by a person operating a television or radio broadcasting station.

          (g)  On any vehicle purchased in another state for use outside of this state by a Mississippi citizen serving in the Armed Forces and stationed in another state who elects to license the vehicle in Mississippi.

          (h)  On the cost or value and on the use, storage and consumption of rail rolling stock and component parts thereof.

          (i)  On the use, storage or consumption of literature, video tapes, photographic slides or specified digital products used by religious institutions for the propagation of their creeds or for carrying on their customary nonprofit religious activities, and on the use of any tangible personal property or specified digital products purchased and first used in another state by religious institutions for the propagation of their creeds or for carrying on their customary nonprofit religious activities.  "Religious institution," for the purpose of this exemption, means any religious institution granted an exemption under 26 USCS Section 501(c)(3).  Any exemption under this paragraph obtained by fraud, misstatement or misrepresentation shall be cancelled by the * * * State Tax Commission department, and the person committing the fraud, misstatement or misrepresentation shall be liable for prosecution for fraud on the assessment, and, on conviction, shall be fined not less than One Thousand Dollars ($1,000.00), or punished by imprisonment in the State Penitentiary for a term not to exceed five (5) years, or both, within the discretion of the court.

          (j)  The tax on the cost or value of farm machinery used in the harvesting of agricultural products shall be limited to the ratio of use within this state to the life of the property.

          (k)  [Repealed]

          (l)  On the use of machinery and equipment; special tooling such as dies, molds, jigs and similar items treated as special tooling for federal income tax purposes; or repair parts therefor or replacements thereof; or repair services thereon; by a taxpayer other than the manufacturer when the manufacturer still holds title to the items and the items are purchased by the manufacturer as a part of a project as defined in Section 57-75-5(f)(iv)1, Section 57-75-5(f)(xxi) or Section 57-75-5(f)(xxii).

          (m)  On the use, storage or consumption of utilities purchased by a manufacturer described in Section 27-65-101(x).

          (n)  On the use, storage or consumption of utilities purchased by an enterprise described in Section 27-65-101(cc).

          (o)  On the use, storage or consumption of jet aircraft engines that are temporarily located within the State of Mississippi and are brought into the state for research and/or testing purposes at a jet aircraft engine research and testing facility.

     SECTION 3.  Section 27-67-11, Mississippi Code of 1972, is amended as follows:

     27-67-11.  (1)  Every person maintaining a place of business, or doing business, in this state, shall collect the tax imposed by this article from the purchaser and remit the tax to the commissioner as hereinafter provided.  Failure to collect the tax from the purchaser shall not relieve the seller of liability for payment of the tax.

     (2)  This section does not affect or impair the:

          (a)  Obligation of a purchaser in this state to remit use tax on any applicable transaction in which the seller does not collect and remit sales or use tax;

          (b)  Obligation of a seller, when the seller is transacting business in the state and tax is collected on the transaction, to remit all state and local taxes on any applicable transaction in which the seller provides goods or furnishes services within the state * * *.;

          (c)  Ability of a state entity to immediately collect the taxes described in this section.

     (3)  The department shall audit a marketplace facilitator solely for sales made by marketplace sellers and facilitated by the marketplace facilitator.  The department shall not audit marketplace sellers for sales facilitated by a marketplace facilitator except to the extent the marketplace facilitator seeks relief from liability under subsection (5) of this section.

     (4)  A marketplace facilitator that collects and remits the taxes imposed by this chapter shall collect taxes on sales through its marketplace based upon the address where the tangible personal property or specified digital products taxable under this chapter are shipped or delivered; provided, however, that taxes on services sold through its marketplace shall be collected as otherwise provided.

     (5)  A marketplace facilitator is relieved of liability under this section for failure to collect and remit the correct amount of tax under this section to the extent that the failure was due to incorrect or insufficient information given to the marketplace facilitator by the marketplace seller, provided that the marketplace facilitator can demonstrate it made a reasonable effort to obtain correct and sufficient information from the marketplace seller.  This subsection does not apply if the marketplace facilitator and the marketplace seller are related.

     (6)  Nothing herein shall prohibit the marketplace facilitator and the marketplace seller from contractually agreeing to have the marketplace seller collect and remit all applicable taxes and fees where the marketplace seller:

          (a)  Has annual United States gross sales over One Billion Dollars ($1,000,000,000.00), including the gross sales of any related entities, and in the case of franchised entities, including the combined sales of all franchisees of a single franchisor;

          (b)  Provides evidence to the marketplace facilitator that it is registered under Section 27-65-27 or Section 27-67-9 in this state; and

          (c)  Notifies the department in a manner prescribed by the department that the marketplace seller will collect and remit all applicable taxes on its sales through the marketplace and is liable for failure to collect or remit applicable taxes on its sales.

     (7)  Any person selling tangible personal property or specified digital products that does not maintain a place of business in this state may be authorized by the commissioner to collect the tax from customers in Mississippi who are liable for its payment, and such person shall remit the tax to the commissioner in the same manner and subject to the same requirements as a person maintaining a place of business or doing business within this state.  Such authority may be cancelled at any time when, in the judgment of the commissioner, the tax can be collected more effectively from the purchaser in this state.  When the tax has been collected from the purchaser, the seller shall be liable for payment of the tax to the commissioner.

     (8)  Every person required or authorized to collect the tax shall add to the sales price of tangible personal property, services or specified digital products the amount of the tax imposed on purchaser for the use, storage, or consumption thereof, and, when so added, the tax shall be a debt from the purchaser to the seller until paid, and shall be collectible at law in the same manner as other debts.  It shall be unlawful for any person to advertise, hold out, or state to the public or to any customer that the tax herein imposed will be assumed or absorbed by the seller or that any part thereof will be refunded.  Said tax shall be stated separately from the sales price on the sales invoice and shown separately on the seller's records.  The purchaser shall pay the tax to the seller as trustee for and on account of the state.

     SECTION 4.  Section 27-65-3, Mississippi Code of 1972, is brought forward as follows:

     27-65-3.  The words, terms and phrases, when used in this chapter, shall have the meanings ascribed to them herein.

          (a)  "Tax Commission" or "department" means the Department of Revenue of the State of Mississippi.

          (b)  "Commissioner" means the Commissioner of Revenue of the Department of Revenue.

          (c)  "Person" means and includes any individual, firm, copartnership, joint venture, association, corporation, promoter of a temporary event, estate, trust or other group or combination acting as a unit, and includes the plural as well as the singular in number.  "Person" shall include husband or wife, or both, where joint benefits are derived from the operation of a business taxed hereunder.  "Person" shall also include any state, county, municipal or other agency or association engaging in a business taxable under this chapter.

          (d)  "Tax year" or "taxable year" means either the calendar year or the taxpayer's fiscal year.

          (e)  "Taxpayer" means any person liable for or having paid any tax to the State of Mississippi under the provisions of this chapter.  A taxpayer is required to obtain a sales tax permit under Section 27-65-27 before engaging in business in this state.  If a taxpayer fails to obtain a sales tax permit before engaging in business in this state, the taxpayer shall pay the retail rate on all purchases of tangible personal property and/or services in this state, even if purchased for resale.  Upon obtaining a sales tax permit, a previously unregistered taxpayer shall file sales tax returns for all tax periods during which he engaged in business in this state without a sales tax permit, and report and pay the sales tax accruing from his operation during this period and any applicable penalties and interest.  On such return, the taxpayer may take a credit for any sales taxes paid during the period he operated without a sales tax permit on a purchase that would have constituted a wholesale sale if the taxpayer had a sales tax permit at the time of the purchase and if proper documentation exists to substantiate a wholesale sale.  This credit may also be allowed in any audit of the taxpayer.  Any penalties and interest owed by the taxpayer on the return or in an audit for a period during which he operated without a sales tax permit may be determined based on the sales tax accruing from the taxpayer's operation for that period after the taking of this credit.

          (f)  "Sale" or "sales" includes the barter or exchange of property as well as the sale thereof for money or other consideration, and every closed transaction by which the title to taxable property passes shall constitute a taxable event.

     "Sale" shall also include the passing of title to property for a consideration of coupons, trading stamps or by any other means when redemption is subsequent to the original sale by which the coupon, stamp or other obligation was created.

     The situs of a sale for the purpose of distributing taxes to municipalities shall be the same as the location of the business from which the sale is made except that:

              (i)  Retail sales along a route from a vehicle or otherwise by a transient vendor shall take the situs of delivery to the customer.

              (ii)  The situs of wholesale sales of tangible personal property taxed at wholesale rates, the amount of which is allowed as a credit against the sales tax liability of the retailer, shall be the same as the location of the business of the retailer receiving the credit.

              (iii)  The situs of wholesale sales of tangible personal property taxed at wholesale rates, the amount of which is not allowed as a credit against the sales tax liability of the retailer, shall have a rural situs.

              (iv)  Income received from the renting or leasing of property used for transportation purposes between cities or counties shall have a rural situs.

          (g)  "Delivery charges" shall mean and include any expenses incurred by a seller in acquiring merchandise for sale in the regular course of business commonly known as "freight-in" or "transportation costs-in."  "Delivery charges" also include any charges made by the seller for delivery of property sold to the purchaser.

          (h)  "Gross proceeds of sales" means the value proceeding or accruing from the full sale price of tangible personal property, including installation charges, without any deduction for delivery charges, cost of property sold, other expenses or losses, or taxes of any kind except those expressly exempt by this chapter.

     "Gross proceeds of sales" includes consideration received by the seller from third parties if:

              (i)  The seller actually received consideration from a party other than the purchaser and the consideration is directly related to a price reduction or discount on the sale;

              (ii)  The seller has an obligation to pass the price reduction or discount through to the purchaser;

               (iii)  The amount of the consideration attributable to the sale is fixed and determinable by the seller at the time of the sale of the item to the purchaser; and

              (iv)  One (1) of the following criteria is met:

                   1.  The purchaser presents a coupon, certificate or other documentation to the seller to claim a price reduction or discount where the coupon, certificate or documentation is authorized, distributed or granted by a third party with the understanding that the third party will reimburse any seller to whom the coupon, certificate or documentation is presented;

                   2.  The purchaser identified himself or herself to the seller as a member of a group or organization entitled to a price reduction or discount (a "preferred customer" card that is available to any patron does not constitute membership in such a group); or

                    3.  The price reduction or discount is identified as a third-party price reduction or discount on the invoice received by the purchaser or on a coupon, certificate or other documentation presented by the purchaser.

     Where a trade-in is taken as part payment on tangible personal property sold, "gross proceeds of sales" shall include only the difference received between the selling price of the tangible personal property and the amount allowed for a trade-in of property of the same kind.  When the trade-in is subsequently sold, the selling price thereof shall be included in "gross proceeds of sales."

     "Gross proceeds of sales" shall include the value of any goods, wares, merchandise or property purchased at wholesale or manufactured, and any mineral or natural resources produced, which are withdrawn or used from an established business or from the stock in trade for consumption or any other use in the business or by the owner.  However, "gross proceeds of sales" does not include meals prepared by a restaurant and provided at no charge to employees of the restaurant or donated to a charitable organization that regularly provides food to the needy and the indigent and which has been granted exemption from the federal income tax as an organization described in Section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986.

     "Gross proceeds of sales" shall not include bad check or draft service charges as provided for in Section 97-19-57.

     "Gross proceeds of sales" does not include finance charges, carrying charges or any other addition to the selling price as a result of deferred payments by the purchaser.

          (i)  "Gross income" means the total charges for service or the total receipts (actual or accrued) derived from trades, business or commerce by reason of the investment of capital in the business engaged in, including the sale or rental of tangible personal property, compensation for labor and services performed, and including the receipts from the sales of property retained as toll, without any deduction for rebates, cost of property sold, cost of materials used, labor costs, interest paid, losses or any expense whatever.

     "Gross income" shall also include the cost of property given as compensation when the property is consumed by a person performing a taxable service for the donor.

     However, "gross income" or "gross proceeds of sales" shall not be construed to include the value of goods returned by customers when the total sale price is refunded either in cash or by credit, or cash discounts allowed and taken on sales.  Cash discounts shall not include the value of trading stamps given with a sale of property.

          (j)  "Tangible personal property" means personal property perceptible to the human senses or by chemical analysis as opposed to real property or intangibles and shall include property sold on an installed basis which may become a part of real or personal property.

          (k)  "Installation charges" shall mean and include the charge for the application of tangible personal property to real or personal property without regard to whether or not it becomes a part of the real property or retains its personal property classification.  It shall include, but not be limited to, sales in place of roofing, tile, glass, carpets, drapes, fences, awnings, window air-conditioning units, gasoline pumps, window guards, floor coverings, carports, store fixtures, aluminum and plastic siding, tombstones and similar personal property.

          (l)  "Newspaper" means a periodical which:

              (i)  Is not published primarily for advertising purposes and has not contained more than seventy-five percent (75%) advertising in more than one-half (1/2) of its issues during any consecutive twelve-month period excluding separate advertising supplements inserted into but separately identifiable from any regular issue or issues;

              (ii)  Has been established and published continuously for at least twelve (12) months;

              (iii)  Is regularly issued at stated intervals no less frequently than once a week, bears a date of issue, and is numbered consecutively; provided, however, that publication on legal holidays of this state or of the United States and on Saturdays and Sundays shall not be required, and failure to publish not more than two (2) regular issues in any calendar year shall not exclude a periodical from this definition;

              (iv)  Is issued from a known office of publication, which shall be the principal public business office of the newspaper and need not be the place at which the periodical is printed and a newspaper shall be deemed to be "published" at the place where its known office of publication is located;

              (v)  Is formed of printed sheets; provided, however, that a periodical that is reproduced by the stencil, mimeograph or hectograph process shall not be considered to be a "newspaper"; and

              (vi)  Is originated and published for the dissemination of current news and intelligence of varied, broad and general public interest, announcements and notices, opinions as editorials on a regular or irregular basis, and advertising and miscellaneous reading matter.

     The term "newspaper" shall include periodicals which are designed primarily for free circulation or for circulation at nominal rates as well as those which are designed for circulation at more than a nominal rate.

     The term "newspaper" shall not include a publication or periodical which is published, sponsored by, is directly supported financially by, or is published to further the interests of, or is directed to, or has a circulation restricted, in whole or in part, to any particular sect, denomination, labor or fraternal organization or other special group or class or citizens.

     For purposes of this paragraph, a periodical designed primarily for free circulation or circulation at nominal rates shall not be considered to be a newspaper unless such periodical has made an application for such status to the department in the manner prescribed by the department and has provided to the department documentation satisfactory to the department showing that such periodical meets the requirements of the definition of the term "newspaper."  However, if such periodical has been determined to be a newspaper under action taken by the department on or before April 11, 1996, such periodical shall be considered to be a newspaper without the necessity of applying for such status.  A determination by the Department of Revenue that a publication is a newspaper shall be limited to the application of this chapter and shall not establish that the publication is a newspaper for any other purpose.

          (m)  "MPC" or "Material Purchase Certificate" means a certificate for which a person that is liable for the tax levy under Section 27-65-21 can apply and obtain from the commissioner, and when issued, entitles the holder to purchase materials and services that are to become a component part of a structure to be erected or repaired with no tax due.  Any person taxable under Section 27-65-21 who obtains an MPC for a project and purchases materials and services in this state that are to become a component part of a structure being erected or repaired in the project and at any time pays sales tax on these purchases may, after obtaining the MPC for the project, take a credit against his sales taxes for the sales tax paid on these purchases if proper documentation exists to substantiate the payment of the sales tax on the purchase of component materials and services.  This credit may also be allowed in any audit of the taxpayer.  Any penalties and interest owed by the taxpayer on the return or in the audit where this credit is taken may be determined based on the sales tax due after the taking of this credit.

     SECTION 5.  Section 27-65-7, Mississippi Code of 1972, is brought forward as follows:

     27-65-7.  "Retailer" shall apply to a person making retail sales through vending machines, by maintaining a store, or operating as a transient vendor, or renting or leasing tangible personal property.  Retailer also includes persons who facilitate the sale of services or tangible personal property that belongs to a third party.

     "Retail sales" shall mean and include all sales of tangible personal property except those defined herein as wholesale and those made to a wholesaler, jobber, manufacturer or custom processor for resale or for further processing.

     "Retail sale" shall include the value of any tangible personal property manufactured or purchased at wholesale which is withdrawn from the business or stock in trade and is used or consumed within this state in the business or by the owner or by any other person, whether or not in the regular course of business or trade.

     "Retail sale" shall also include a sale invoiced to a retailer but delivered to another person who pays for the merchandise upon taking possession.

     "Retail sale" shall also include a sale made or facilitated by a person regularly engaged in the sale or facilitation of sales of services or tangible personal property.  "Retail sale" does not include a sale by a third-party food delivery service that delivers food from an unrelated restaurant to a customer, regardless of whether the customer orders and pays for the food through the delivery service or whether the delivery service adds fees or upcharges to the price of the food.

     SECTION 6.  Section 27-65-9, Mississippi Code of 1972, is brought forward as follows:

     27-65-9.  (1)  "Business" shall mean and include all activities or acts engaged in (personal or corporate), for benefit or advantage, either direct or indirect, and not exempting subactivities in connection therewith.  Each of such subactivities shall be considered business engaged in, taxable in the class in which it falls.

     (2)  "Business" shall include activities engaged in by exempt organizations or political entities in competition with privately owned business subject to the provisions of this chapter; however, the term "business" shall not include the following activities:

          (a)  Sales of prepaid student meal plans by public or private universities, colleges and community or junior colleges;

          (b)  Sales of prepared meals by any public or private school to students in kindergarten through Grade 12; and

          (c)  Retail sales of prepared meals when:

              (i)  Sold on the campus of a public or private university, college or community or junior college in this state to a student enrolled at such university, college or community or junior college; and

              (ii)  Payment for the sale is made through the use of a prepaid declining balance account or similar instrument or account issued to such student by the university, college or community or junior college that may be used only to purchase prepared meals.

     (3)  "Business" shall include the activity or activities of a person in this state performing a service under contract or agreement with another person when the service performed is taxable under the provisions of this chapter.

     (4)  "Doing business" shall include any person owning personal property located in this state under lease or rental agreement or any person installing personal property within this state.

     (5)  "Doing business" shall include any person represented in this state by salesmen taking or soliciting orders to be filled from points outside this state for subsequent delivery of the merchandise in equipment owned or leased by the seller to customers located in this state.

     (6)  "Doing business" shall include any person selling or facilitating the sale of services or tangible personal property.

     SECTION 7.  Section 27-65-17, Mississippi Code of 1972, is brought forward as follows:

     27-65-17.  (1)  (a)  Except as otherwise provided in this section, upon every person engaging or continuing within this state in the business of selling any tangible personal property whatsoever there is hereby levied, assessed and shall be collected a tax equal to seven percent (7%) of the gross proceeds of the retail sales of the business.

          (b)  Retail sales of farm tractors and parts and labor used to maintain and/or repair such tractors shall be taxed at the rate of one and one-half percent (1-1/2%) when made to farmers for agricultural purposes.

          (c)  (i)  Retail sales of farm implements sold to farmers and used directly in the production of poultry, ratite, domesticated fish as defined in Section 69-7-501, livestock, livestock products, agricultural crops or ornamental plant crops or used for other agricultural purposes, and parts and labor used to maintain and/or repair such implements, shall be taxed at the rate of one and one-half percent (1-1/2%) when used on the farm.

              (ii)  The one and one-half percent (1-1/2%) rate shall also apply to all equipment used in logging, pulpwood operations or tree farming, and parts and labor used to maintain and/or repair such equipment, which is either:

                   1.  Self-propelled, or

                   2.  Mounted so that it is permanently attached to other equipment which is self-propelled or attached to other equipment drawn by a vehicle which is self-propelled.

     In order to be eligible for the rate of tax provided for in this subparagraph (ii), such sales must be made to a professional logger.  For the purposes of this subparagraph (ii), a "professional logger" is a person, corporation, limited liability company or other entity, or an agent thereof, who possesses a professional logger's permit issued by the Department of Revenue and who presents the permit to the seller at the time of purchase.  The department shall establish an application process for a professional logger's permit to be issued, which shall include a requirement that the applicant submit a copy of documentation verifying that the applicant is certified according to Sustainable Forestry Initiative guidelines.  Upon a determination that an applicant is a professional logger, the department shall issue the applicant a numbered professional logger's permit.

          (d)  Except as otherwise provided in subsection (3) of this section, retail sales of aircraft, automobiles, trucks, truck-tractors, semitrailers and manufactured or mobile homes shall be taxed at the rate of three percent (3%).

          (e)  Sales of manufacturing machinery or manufacturing machine parts when made to a manufacturer or custom processor for plant use only when the machinery and machine parts will be used exclusively and directly within this state in manufacturing a commodity for sale, rental or in processing for a fee shall be taxed at the rate of one and one-half percent (1-1/2%).

          (f)  Sales of machinery and machine parts when made to a technology intensive enterprise for plant use only when the machinery and machine parts will be used exclusively and directly within this state for industrial purposes, including, but not limited to, manufacturing or research and development activities, shall be taxed at the rate of one and one-half percent (1-1/2%).  In order to be considered a technology intensive enterprise for purposes of this paragraph:

              (i)  The enterprise shall meet minimum criteria established by the Mississippi Development Authority;

              (ii)  The enterprise shall employ at least ten (10) persons in full-time jobs;

              (iii)  At least ten percent (10%) of the workforce in the facility operated by the enterprise shall be scientists, engineers or computer specialists;

              (iv)  The enterprise shall manufacture plastics, chemicals, automobiles, aircraft, computers or electronics; or shall be a research and development facility, a computer design or related facility, or a software publishing facility or other technology intensive facility or enterprise as determined by the Mississippi Development Authority;

              (v)  The average wage of all workers employed by the enterprise at the facility shall be at least one hundred fifty percent (150%) of the state average annual wage; and

              (vi)  The enterprise must provide a basic health care plan to all employees at the facility.

     A medical cannabis establishment, as defined in the Mississippi Medical Cannabis Act, shall not be considered to be a technology intensive enterprise for the purposes of this paragraph (f).

          (g)  Sales of materials for use in track and track structures to a railroad whose rates are fixed by the Interstate Commerce Commission or the Mississippi Public Service Commission shall be taxed at the rate of three percent (3%).

          (h)  Sales of tangible personal property to electric power associations for use in the ordinary and necessary operation of their generating or distribution systems shall be taxed at the rate of one percent (1%).

          (i)  Wholesale sales of beer shall be taxed at the rate of seven percent (7%), and the retailer shall file a return and compute the retail tax on retail sales but may take credit for the amount of the tax paid to the wholesaler on said return covering the subsequent sales of same property, provided adequate invoices and records are maintained to substantiate the credit.

          (j)  Wholesale sales of food and drink for human consumption to full-service vending machine operators to be sold through vending machines located apart from and not connected with other taxable businesses shall be taxed at the rate of eight percent (8%).

          (k)  Sales of equipment used or designed for the purpose of assisting disabled persons, such as wheelchair equipment and lifts, that is mounted or attached to or installed on a private carrier of passengers or light carrier of property, as defined in Section 27-51-101, at the time when the private carrier of passengers or light carrier of property is sold shall be taxed at the same rate as the sale of such vehicles under this section.

          (l)  Sales of the factory-built components of modular homes, panelized homes and precut homes, and panel constructed homes consisting of structural insulated panels, shall be taxed at the rate of three percent (3%).

          (m)  Sales of materials used in the repair, renovation, addition to, expansion and/or improvement of buildings and related facilities used by a dairy producer shall be taxed at the rate of three and one-half percent (3-1/2%).  For the purposes of this paragraph (m), "dairy producer" means any person engaged in the production of milk for commercial use.

     (2)  From and after January 1, 1995, retail sales of private carriers of passengers and light carriers of property, as defined in Section 27-51-101, shall be taxed an additional two percent (2%).

     (3)  A manufacturer selling at retail in this state shall be required to make returns of the gross proceeds of such sales and pay the tax imposed in this section.

     SECTION 8.  Section 27-65-19, Mississippi Code of 1972, is brought forward as follows:

     27-65-19.  (1)  (a)  (i)  Except as otherwise provided in this subsection, upon every person selling to consumers, electricity, current, power, potable water, steam, coal, natural gas, liquefied petroleum gas or other fuel, there is hereby levied, assessed and shall be collected a tax equal to seven percent (7%) of the gross income of the business.  Provided, gross income from sales to consumers of electricity, current, power, natural gas, liquefied petroleum gas or other fuel for residential heating, lighting or other residential noncommercial or nonagricultural use, and sales of potable water for residential, noncommercial or nonagricultural use shall be excluded from taxable gross income of the business.  Provided further, upon every such seller using electricity, current, power, potable water, steam, coal, natural gas, liquefied petroleum gas or other fuel for nonindustrial purposes, there is hereby levied, assessed and shall be collected a tax equal to seven percent (7%) of the cost or value of the product or service used.

               (ii)  Gross income from sales to a church that is exempt from federal income taxation under 26 USCS Section 501(c)(3) of electricity, current, power, natural gas, liquefied petroleum gas or other fuel for heating, lighting or other use, and sales of potable water to such a church shall be excluded from taxable gross income of the business if the electricity, current, power, natural gas, liquefied petroleum gas or potable water is utilized on property that is primarily used for religious or educational purposes.

          (b)  (i)  There is hereby levied, assessed and shall be collected a tax equal to one and one-half percent (1-1/2%) of the gross income of the business from the sale of naturally occurring carbon dioxide and anthropogenic carbon dioxide lawfully injected into the earth for:

                   1.  Use in an enhanced oil recovery project, including, but not limited to, use for cycling, repressuring or lifting of oil; or

                   2.  Permanent sequestration in a geological formation.

              (ii)  The one and one-half percent (1-1/2%) rate provided for in this subsection shall apply to electricity, current, power, steam, coal, natural gas, liquefied petroleum gas or other fuel that is sold to a producer of oil and gas for use directly in enhanced oil recovery using carbon dioxide and/or the permanent sequestration of carbon dioxide in a geological formation.

          (c)  The one and one-half percent (1-1/2%) rate provided for in this subsection shall not apply to sales of fuel for automobiles, trucks, truck-tractors, buses, farm tractors or airplanes.

          (d)  (i)  Upon every person providing services in this state, there is hereby levied, assessed and shall be collected:

                   1.  A tax equal to seven percent (7%) of the gross income received from all charges for intrastate telecommunications services.

                   2.  A tax equal to seven percent (7%) of the gross income received from all charges for interstate telecommunications services.

                   3.  A tax equal to seven percent (7%) of the gross income received from all charges for international telecommunications services.

                   4.  A tax equal to seven percent (7%) of the gross income received from all charges for ancillary services.

                   5.  A tax equal to seven percent (7%) of the gross income received from all charges for products delivered electronically, including, but not limited to, software, music, games, reading materials or ring tones.

              (ii)  A person, upon proof that he has paid a tax in another state on an event described in subparagraph (i) of this paragraph (d), shall be allowed a credit against the tax imposed in this paragraph (d) on interstate telecommunications service charges to the extent that the amount of such tax is properly due and actually paid in such other state and to the extent that the rate of sales tax imposed by and paid in such other state does not exceed the rate of sales tax imposed by this paragraph (d).

              (iii)  Charges by one (1) telecommunications provider to another telecommunications provider holding a permit issued under Section 27-65-27 for services that are resold by such other telecommunications provider, including, but not limited to, access charges, shall not be subject to the tax levied pursuant to this paragraph (d).

               (iv)  For purposes of this paragraph (d):

                   1.  "Telecommunications service" means the electronic transmission, conveyance or routing of voice, data, audio, video or any other information or signals to a point, or between points.  The term "telecommunications service" includes such transmission, conveyance or routing in which computer processing applications are used to act on the form, code or protocol of the content for purposes of transmission, conveyance or routing without regard to whether such service is referred to as voice over Internet protocol services or is classified by the Federal Communications Commission as enhanced or value added.  The term "telecommunications service" shall not include:

                        a.  Data processing and information services that allow data to be generated, acquired, stored, processed or retrieved and delivered by an electronic transmission to a purchaser where such purchaser's primary purpose for the underlying transaction is the processed data or information;

                        b.  Installation or maintenance of wiring or equipment on a customer's premises;

                        c.  Tangible personal property;

                        d.  Advertising, including, but not limited to, directory advertising;

                        e.  Billing and collection services provided to third parties;

                        f.  Internet access service;

                        g.  Radio and television audio and video programming services regardless of the medium, including the furnishing of transmission, conveyance and routing of such services by the programming service provider.  Radio and television audio and video programming services shall include, but not be limited to, cable service as defined in 47 USCS 522(6) and audio and video programming services delivered by commercial mobile radio service providers, as defined in 47 CFR 20.3;

                        h.  Ancillary services; or

                        i.  Digital products delivered electronically, including, but not limited to, software, music, video, reading materials or ring tones.

                   2.  "Ancillary services" means services that are associated with or incidental to the provision of telecommunications services, including, but not limited to, detailed telecommunications billing, directory assistance, vertical service and voice mail service.

                        a.  "Conference bridging" means an ancillary service that links two (2) or more participants of an audio or video conference call and may include the provision of a telephone number.  Conference bridging does not include the telecommunications services used to reach the conference bridge.

                        b.  "Detailed telecommunications billing service" means an ancillary service of separately stating information pertaining to individual calls on a customer's billing statement.

                        c.  "Directory assistance" means an ancillary service of providing telephone number information and/or address information.

                        d.  "Vertical service" means an ancillary service that is offered in connection with one or more telecommunications services, which offers advanced calling features that allow customers to identify callers and to manage multiple calls and call connections, including conference bridging services.

                        e.  "Voice mail service" means an ancillary service that enables the customer to store, send or receive recorded messages.  Voice mail service does not include any vertical services that the customer may be required to have in order to utilize the voice mail service.

                   3.  "Intrastate" means telecommunications service that originates in one (1) United States state or United States territory or possession, and terminates in the same United States state or United States territory or possession.

                   4.  "Interstate" means a telecommunications service that originates in one (1) United States state or United States territory or possession, and terminates in a different United States state or United States territory or possession.

                   5.  "International" means a telecommunications service that originates or terminates in the United States and terminates or originates outside the United States, respectively.

              (v)  For purposes of paragraph (d), the following sourcing rules shall apply:

                   1.  Except for the defined telecommunications services in item 3 of this subparagraph, the sales of telecommunications services sold on a call-by-call basis shall be sourced to:

                        a.  Each level of taxing jurisdiction where the call originates and terminates in that jurisdiction, or

                        b.  Each level of taxing jurisdiction where the call either originates or terminates and in which the service address is also located.

                   2.  Except for the defined telecommunications services in item 3 of this subparagraph, a sale of telecommunications services sold on a basis other than a call-by-call basis, is sourced to the customer's place of primary use.

                   3.  The sale of the following telecommunications services shall be sourced to each level of taxing jurisdiction as follows:

                        a.  A sale of mobile telecommunications services other than air-to-ground radiotelephone service and prepaid calling service is sourced to the customer's place of primary use as required by the Mobile Telecommunication Sourcing Act.

                             A.  A home service provider shall be responsible for obtaining and maintaining the customer's place of primary use.  The home service provider shall be entitled to rely on the applicable residential or business street address supplied by such customer, if the home service provider's reliance is in good faith; and the home service provider shall be held harmless from liability for any additional taxes based on a different determination of the place of primary use for taxes that are customarily passed on to the customer as a separate itemized charge.  A home service provider shall be allowed to treat the address used for purposes of the tax levied by this chapter for any customer under a service contract in effect on August 1, 2002, as that customer's place of primary use for the remaining term of such service contract or agreement, excluding any extension or renewal of such service contract or agreement.  Month-to-month services provided after the expiration of a contract shall be treated as an extension or renewal of such contract or agreement.

                             B.  If the commissioner determines that the address used by a home service provider as a customer's place of primary use does not meet the definition of the term "place of primary use" as defined in subitem a.A. of this item 3, the commissioner shall give binding notice to the home service provider to change the place of primary use on a prospective basis from the date of notice of determination; however, the customer shall have the opportunity, prior to such notice of determination, to demonstrate that such address satisfies the definition.

                             C.  The department has the right to collect any taxes due directly from the home service provider's customer that has failed to provide an address that meets the definition of the term "place of primary use" which resulted in a failure of tax otherwise due being remitted.

                        b.  A sale of postpaid calling service is sourced to the origination point of the telecommunications signal as first identified by either:

                             A.  The seller's telecommunications system; or

                             B.  Information received by the seller from its service provider, where the system used to transport such signals is not that of the seller.

                        c.  A sale of a prepaid calling service or prepaid wireless calling service shall be subject to the tax imposed by this paragraph if the sale takes place in this state.  If the customer physically purchases a prepaid calling service or prepaid wireless calling service at the vendor's place of business, the sale is deemed to take place at the vendor's place of business.  If the customer does not physically purchase the service at the vendor's place of business, the sale of a prepaid calling card or prepaid wireless calling card is deemed to take place at the first of the following locations that applies to the sale:

                             A.  The customer's shipping address, if the sale involves a shipment;

                             B.  The customer's billing address;

                             C.  Any other address of the customer that is known by the vendor; or

                             D.  The address of the vendor, or alternatively, in the case of a prepaid wireless calling service, the location associated with the mobile telephone number.

                   4.  A sale of a private communication service is sourced as follows:

                        a.  Service for a separate charge related to a customer channel termination point is sourced to each level of jurisdiction in which such customer channel termination point is located.

                        b.  Service where all customer termination points are located entirely within one (1) jurisdiction or levels of jurisdiction is sourced in such jurisdiction in which the customer channel termination points are located.

                        c.  Service for segments of a channel between two (2) customer channel termination points located in different jurisdictions and which segments of a channel are separately charged is sourced fifty percent (50%) in each level of jurisdiction in which the customer channel termination points are located.

                        d.  Service for segments of a channel located in more than one (1) jurisdiction or levels of jurisdiction and which segments are not separately billed is sourced in each jurisdiction based on the percentage determined by dividing the number of customer channel termination points in such jurisdiction by the total number of customer channel termination points.

                   5.  A sale of ancillary services is sourced to the customer's place of primary use.

              (vi)  For purposes of subparagraph (v) of this paragraph (d):

                   1.  "Air-to-ground radiotelephone service" means a radio service, as that term is defined in 47 CFR 22.99, in which common carriers are authorized to offer and provide radio telecommunications service for hire to subscribers in aircraft.

                   2.  "Call-by-call basis" means any method of charging for telecommunications services where the price is measured by individual calls.

                   3.  "Communications channel" means a physical or virtual path of communications over which signals are transmitted between or among customer channel termination points.

                   4.  "Customer" means the person or entity that contracts with the seller of telecommunications services.  If the end user of telecommunications services is not the contracting party, the end user of the telecommunications service is the customer of the telecommunications service.  Customer does not include a reseller of telecommunications service or for mobile telecommunications service of a serving carrier under an agreement to serve the customer outside the home service provider's licensed service area.

                    5.  "Customer channel termination point" means the location where the customer either inputs or receives the communications.

                   6.  "End user" means the person who utilizes the telecommunications service.  In the case of an entity, "end user" means the individual who utilizes the service on behalf of the entity.

                   7.  "Home service provider" has the meaning ascribed to such term in Section 124(5) of Public Law 106-252 (Mobile Telecommunications Sourcing Act).

                   8.  "Mobile telecommunications service" has the meaning ascribed to such term in Section 124(7) of Public Law 106-252 (Mobile Telecommunications Sourcing Act).

                   9.  "Place of primary use" means the street address representative of where the customer's use of the telecommunications service primarily occurs, which must be the residential street address or the primary business street address of the customer.  In the case of mobile telecommunications services, the place of primary use must be within the licensed service area of the home service provider.

                   10.  "Post-paid calling service" means the telecommunications service obtained by making a payment on a call-by-call basis either through the use of a credit card or payment mechanism such as a bank card, travel card, credit card or debit card, or by charge made to a telephone number which is not associated with the origination or termination of the telecommunications service.  A post-paid calling service includes a telecommunications service, except a prepaid wireless calling service that would be a prepaid calling service except it is not exclusively a telecommunications service.

                   11.  "Prepaid calling service" means the right to access exclusively telecommunications services, which must be paid for in advance and which enables the origination of calls using an access number or authorization code, whether manually or electronically dialed, and that is sold in predetermined units or dollars of which the number declines with use in a known amount.

                   12.  "Prepaid wireless calling service" means a telecommunications service that provides the right to utilize mobile wireless service as well as other nontelecommunications services, including the download of digital products delivered electronically, content and ancillary service, which must be paid for in advance that is sold in predetermined units or dollars of which the number declines with use in a known amount.

                   13.  "Private communication service" means a telecommunications service that entitles the customer to exclusive or priority use of a communications channel or group of channels between or among termination points, regardless of the manner in which such channel or channels are connected, and includes switching capacity, extension lines, stations and any other associated services that are provided in connection with the use of such channel or channels.

                   14.  "Service address" means:

                        a.  The location of the telecommunications equipment to which a customer's call is charged and from which the call originates or terminates, regardless of where the call is billed or paid.

                        b.  If the location in subitem a of this item 14 is not known, the origination point of the signal of the telecommunications services first identified by either the seller's telecommunications system or in information received by the seller from its service provider, where the system used to transport such signals is not that of the seller.

                        c.  If the location in subitems a and b of this item 14 are not known, the location of the customer's place of primary use.

              (vii)  1.  For purposes of this subparagraph (vii), "bundled transaction" means a transaction that consists of distinct and identifiable properties or services which are sold for a single nonitemized price but which are treated differently for tax purposes.

                   2.  In the case of a bundled transaction that includes telecommunications services, ancillary services, Internet access, or audio or video programming services taxed under this chapter in which the price of the bundled transaction is attributable to properties or services that are taxable and nontaxable, the portion of the price that is attributable to any nontaxable property or service shall be subject to the tax unless the provider can reasonably identify that portion from its books and records kept in the regular course of business.

                   3.  In the case of a bundled transaction that includes telecommunications services, ancillary services, Internet access, audio or video programming services subject to tax under this chapter in which the price is attributable to properties or services that are subject to the tax but the tax revenue from the different properties or services are dedicated to different funds or purposes, the provider shall allocate the price among the properties or services:

                         a.  By reasonably identifying the portion of the price attributable to each of the properties and services from its books and records kept in the regular course of business; or

                        b.  Based on a reasonable allocation methodology approved by the department.

                   4.  This subparagraph (vii) shall not create a right of action for a customer to require that the provider or the department, for purposes of determining the amount of tax applicable to a bundled transaction, allocate the price to the different portions of the transaction in order to minimize the amount of tax charged to the customer.  A customer shall not be entitled to rely on the fact that a portion of the price is attributable to properties or services not subject to tax unless the provider elects, after receiving a written request from the customer in the form required by the provider, to provide verifiable data based upon the provider's books and records that are kept in the regular course of business that reasonably identifies the portion of the price attributable to the properties or services not subject to the tax.

     (2)  Persons making sales to consumers of electricity, current, power, natural gas, liquefied petroleum gas or other fuel for residential heating, lighting or other residential noncommercial or nonagricultural use or sales of potable water for residential, noncommercial or nonagricultural use shall indicate on each statement rendered to customers that such charges are exempt from sales taxes.

     (3)  There is hereby levied, assessed and shall be paid on transportation charges on shipments moving between points within this state when paid directly by the consumer, a tax equal to the rate applicable to the sale of the property being transported.  Such tax shall be reported and paid directly to the Department of Revenue by the consumer.

     SECTION 9.  Section 27-65-23, Mississippi Code of 1972, is brought forward as follows:

     27-65-23.  Upon every person engaging or continuing in any of the following businesses or activities there is hereby levied, assessed and shall be collected a tax equal to seven percent (7%) of the gross income of the business, except as otherwise provided:

          Air-conditioning installation or repairs;

          Automobile, motorcycle, boat or any other vehicle repairing or servicing;

          Billiards, pool or domino parlors;

          Bowling or tenpin alleys;

          Burglar and fire alarm systems or services;

          Car washing — automatic, self-service, or manual;

          Computer software sales and services;

          Cotton compresses or cotton warehouses;

          Custom creosoting or treating, custom planing, custom sawing;

          Custom meat processing;

          Electricians, electrical work, wiring, all repairs or installation of electrical equipment;

          Elevator or escalator installing, repairing or servicing;

          Film developing or photo finishing;

          Foundries, machine or general repairing;

          Furniture repairing or upholstering;

          Grading, excavating, ditching, dredging or landscaping;

          Hotels (as defined in Section 41-49-3), motels, tourist courts or camps, trailer parks;

          Insulating services or repairs;

          Jewelry or watch repairing;

          Laundering, cleaning, pressing or dyeing;

          Marina services;

          Mattress renovating;

          Office and business machine repairing;

          Parking garages and lots;

          Plumbing or pipe fitting;

          Public storage warehouses (There shall be no tax levied on gross income of a public storage warehouse derived from the temporary storage of tangible personal property in this state pending shipping or mailing of the property to another state.);

          Refrigerating equipment repairs;

          Radio or television installing, repairing, or servicing;

          Renting or leasing personal property used within this state;

          Services performed in connection with geophysical surveying, exploring, developing, drilling, producing, distributing, or testing of oil, gas, water and other mineral resources;

          Shoe repairing;

          Storage lockers;

          Telephone answering or paging services;

          Termite or pest control services;

          Tin and sheet metal shops;

          TV cable systems, subscription TV services, and other similar activities;

          Vulcanizing, repairing or recapping of tires or tubes;

          Welding; and

          Woodworking or wood-turning shops.

     Income from services taxed herein performed for electric power associations in the ordinary and necessary operation of their generating or distribution systems shall be taxed at the rate of one percent (1%).

     Income from services taxed herein performed on materials for use in track or track structures to a railroad whose rates are fixed by the Interstate Commerce Commission or the Mississippi Public Service Commission shall be taxed at the rate of three percent (3%).

     Income from renting or leasing tangible personal property used within this state shall be taxed at the same rates as sales of the same property.

     Persons doing business in this state who rent transportation equipment with a situs within or without the state to common, contract or private commercial carriers are taxed on that part of the income derived from use within this state.  If specific accounting is impracticable, a formula may be used with approval of the commissioner.

     A lessor may deduct from the tax computed on the rental income from tangible personal property a credit for sales or use tax paid to this state at the time of purchase of the specific personal property being leased or rented until such credit has been exhausted.

     Charges for custom processing and repairing services may be excluded from gross taxable income when the property on which the service was performed is delivered to the customer in another state either by common carrier or in the seller's equipment.

     When a taxpayer performs unitary services covered by this section, which are performed both in intrastate and interstate commerce, the commissioner is hereby invested with authority to formulate in each particular case and to fix for such taxpayer in each instance formulae of apportionment which will apportion to this state, for taxation, that portion of the services which are performed within the State of Mississippi.

     SECTION 10.  Section 27-65-93, Mississippi Code of 1972, is brought forward as follows:

     27-65-93.  (1)  The commissioner shall, from time to time, promulgate rules and regulations, not inconsistent with the provisions of the sales tax law, for making returns and for the ascertainment, assessment and collection of the tax imposed by the sales tax law as he may deem necessary to enforce its provisions; and, upon request, he shall furnish any taxpayer with a copy of the rules and regulations.

     (2)  All forms, necessary for the enforcement of the sales tax law, shall be prescribed, printed and furnished by the commissioner.

     (3)  The commissioner may adopt rules and regulations providing for the issuance of permits to manufacturers, utilities, construction contractors, companies receiving bond financing through the Mississippi Business Finance Corporation or the Mississippi Development Authority, and other taxpayers as determined by the commissioner, and the commissioner shall adopt rules and regulations providing for the issuance of a permit to any qualified business or industry, which is certified as such by the Mississippi Development Authority pursuant to the Mississippi Flexible Tax Incentive Act and awarded any mFlex tax incentive amount for such qualified business's or industry's qualified economic development project, certified as such by the Mississippi Development Authority pursuant to the Mississippi Flexible Tax Incentive Act, to purchase tangible personal property taxed under Section 27-65-17, items taxed under Section 27-65-18, items taxed under Section 27-65-19, services taxed under Section 27-65-23, items taxed under Section 27-65-24, and items taxed under Section 27-65-26 without the payment to the vendor of the tax imposed by the sales and use tax laws, and providing for persons to report and pay the tax directly to the commissioner in instances where the commissioner determines that these provisions will facilitate and expedite the collection of the tax at the proper rates which may be due on purchases by the permittee.  Under the provisions of this chapter, the vendor is relieved of collecting and remitting the taxes specified hereunder and the person holding the permit shall become liable for such taxes instead of the seller.  The full enforcement provisions of the sales tax law shall apply in the collection of the tax from the permittee.

     SECTION 11.  Section 27-65-101, Mississippi Code of 1972, is brought forward as follows:

     27-65-101.  (1)  The exemptions from the provisions of this chapter which are of an industrial nature or which are more properly classified as industrial exemptions than any other exemption classification of this chapter shall be confined to those persons or property exempted by this section or by the provisions of the Constitution of the United States or the State of Mississippi.  No industrial exemption as now provided by any other section except Section 57-3-33 shall be valid as against the tax herein levied.  Any subsequent industrial exemption from the tax levied hereunder shall be provided by amendment to this section.  No exemption provided in this section shall apply to taxes levied by Section 27-65-15 or 27-65-21.

     The tax levied by this chapter shall not apply to the following:

          (a)  Sales of boxes, crates, cartons, cans, bottles and other packaging materials to manufacturers and wholesalers for use as containers or shipping materials to accompany goods sold by said manufacturers or wholesalers where possession thereof will pass to the customer at the time of sale of the goods contained therein and sales to anyone of containers or shipping materials for use in ships engaged in international commerce.

          (b)  Sales of raw materials, catalysts, processing chemicals, welding gases or other industrial processing gases (except natural gas) to a manufacturer for use directly in manufacturing or processing a product for sale or rental or repairing or reconditioning vessels or barges of fifty (50) tons load displacement and over.  For the purposes of this exemption, electricity used directly in the electrolysis process in the production of sodium chlorate shall be considered a raw material.  This exemption shall not apply to any property used as fuel except to the extent that such fuel comprises by-products which have no market value.

          (c)  The gross proceeds of sales of dry docks, offshore drilling equipment for use in oil or natural gas exploration or production, vessels or barges of fifty (50) tons load displacement and over, when the vessels or barges are sold by the manufacturer or builder thereof.  In addition to other types of equipment, offshore drilling equipment for use in oil or natural gas exploration or production shall include aircraft used predominately to transport passengers or property to or from offshore oil or natural gas exploration or production platforms or vessels, and engines, accessories and spare parts for such aircraft.

          (d)  Sales to commercial fishermen of commercial fishing boats of over five (5) tons load displacement and not more than fifty (50) tons load displacement as registered with the United States Coast Guard and licensed by the Mississippi Commission on Marine Resources.

          (e)  The gross income from repairs to vessels and barges engaged in foreign trade or interstate transportation.

          (f)  Sales of petroleum products to vessels or barges for consumption in marine international commerce or interstate transportation businesses.

          (g)  Sales and rentals of rail rolling stock (and component parts thereof) for ultimate use in interstate commerce and gross income from services with respect to manufacturing, repairing, cleaning, altering, reconditioning or improving such rail rolling stock (and component parts thereof).

          (h)  Sales of raw materials, catalysts, processing chemicals, welding gases or other industrial processing gases (except natural gas) used or consumed directly in manufacturing, repairing, cleaning, altering, reconditioning or improving such rail rolling stock (and component parts thereof).  This exemption shall not apply to any property used as fuel.

          (i)  Sales of machinery or tools or repair parts therefor or replacements thereof, fuel or supplies used directly in manufacturing, converting or repairing ships, vessels or barges of three thousand (3,000) tons load displacement and over, but not to include office and plant supplies or other equipment not directly used on the ship, vessel or barge being built, converted or repaired.  For purposes of this exemption, "ships, vessels or barges" shall not include floating structures described in Section 27-65-18.

          (j)  Sales of tangible personal property to persons operating ships in international commerce for use or consumption on board such ships.  This exemption shall be limited to cases in which procedures satisfactory to the commissioner, ensuring against use in this state other than on such ships, are established.

          (k)  Sales of materials used in the construction of a building, or any addition or improvement thereon, and sales of any machinery and equipment not later than three (3) months after the completion of construction of the building, or any addition thereon, to be used therein, to qualified businesses, as defined in Section 57-51-5, which are located in a county or portion thereof designated as an enterprise zone pursuant to Sections 57-51-1 through 57-51-15.

          (l)  Sales of materials used in the construction of a building, or any addition or improvement thereon, and sales of any machinery and equipment not later than three (3) months after the completion of construction of the building, or any addition thereon, to be used therein, to qualified businesses, as defined in Section 57-54-5.

          (m)  Income from storage and handling of perishable goods by a public storage warehouse.

          (n)  The value of natural gas lawfully injected into the earth for cycling, repressuring or lifting of oil, or lawfully vented or flared in connection with the production of oil; however, if any gas so injected into the earth is sold for such purposes, then the gas so sold shall not be exempt.

          (o)  The gross collections from self-service commercial laundering, drying, cleaning and pressing equipment.

          (p)  Sales of materials used in the construction of a building, or any addition or improvement thereon, and sales of any machinery and equipment not later than three (3) months after the completion of construction of the building, or any addition thereon, to be used therein, to qualified companies, certified as such by the Mississippi Development Authority under Section 57-53-1.

          (q)  Sales of component materials used in the construction of a building, or any addition or improvement thereon, sales of machinery and equipment to be used therein, and sales of manufacturing or processing machinery and equipment which is permanently attached to the ground or to a permanent foundation and which is not by its nature intended to be housed within a building structure, not later than three (3) months after the initial start-up date, to permanent business enterprises engaging in manufacturing or processing in Tier Three areas (as such term is defined in Section 57-73-21), which businesses are certified by the Department of Revenue as being eligible for the exemption granted in this paragraph (q).  The exemption provided in this paragraph (q) shall not apply to sales to any business enterprise that is a medical cannabis establishment as defined in the Mississippi Medical Cannabis Act.

          (r)  (i)  Sales of component materials used in the construction of a building, or any addition or improvement thereon, and sales of any machinery and equipment not later than three (3) months after the completion of the building, addition or improvement thereon, to be used therein, for any company establishing or transferring its national or regional headquarters from within or outside the State of Mississippi and creating a minimum of twenty (20) jobs at the new headquarters in this state.  The exemption provided in this subparagraph (i) shall not apply to sales for any company that is a medical cannabis establishment as defined in the Mississippi Medical Cannabis Act.  The Department of Revenue shall establish criteria and prescribe procedures to determine if a company qualifies as a national or regional headquarters for the purpose of receiving the exemption provided in this subparagraph (i).

               (ii)  Sales of component materials used in the construction of a building, or any addition or improvement thereon, and sales of any machinery and equipment not later than three (3) months after the completion of the building, addition or improvement thereon, to be used therein, for any company expanding or making additions after January 1, 2013, to its national or regional headquarters within the State of Mississippi and creating a minimum of twenty (20) new jobs at the headquarters as a result of the expansion or additions.  The exemption provided in this subparagraph (ii) shall not apply to sales for any company that is a medical cannabis establishment as defined in the Mississippi Medical Cannabis Act.  The Department of Revenue shall establish criteria and prescribe procedures to determine if a company qualifies as a national or regional headquarters for the purpose of receiving the exemption provided in this subparagraph (ii).

          (s)  The gross proceeds from the sale of semitrailers, trailers, boats, travel trailers, motorcycles, all-terrain cycles and rotary-wing aircraft if exported from this state within forty-eight (48) hours and registered and first used in another state.

          (t)  Gross income from the storage and handling of natural gas in underground salt domes and in other underground reservoirs, caverns, structures and formations suitable for such storage.

          (u)  Sales of machinery and equipment to nonprofit organizations if the organization:

               (i)  Is tax exempt pursuant to Section 501(c)(4) of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986, as amended;

               (ii)  Assists in the implementation of the contingency plan or area contingency plan, and which is created in response to the requirements of Title IV, Subtitle B of the Oil Pollution Act of 1990, Public Law 101-380; and

              (iii)  Engages primarily in programs to contain, clean up and otherwise mitigate spills of oil or other substances occurring in the United States coastal and tidal waters.

     For purposes of this exemption, "machinery and equipment" means any ocean-going vessels, barges, booms, skimmers and other capital equipment used primarily in the operations of nonprofit organizations referred to herein.

          (v)  Sales or leases of materials and equipment to approved business enterprises as provided under the Growth and Prosperity Act.

          (w)  From and after July 1, 2001, sales of pollution control equipment to manufacturers or custom processors for industrial use.  For the purposes of this exemption, "pollution control equipment" means equipment, devices, machinery or systems used or acquired to prevent, control, monitor or reduce air, water or groundwater pollution, or solid or hazardous waste as required by federal or state law or regulation.

          (x)  Sales or leases to a manufacturer of motor vehicles or powertrain components operating a project that has been certified by the Mississippi Major Economic Impact Authority as a project as defined in Section 57-75-5(f)(iv)1, Section 57-75-5(f)(xxi) or Section 57-75-5(f)(xxii) of machinery and equipment; special tooling such as dies, molds, jigs and similar items treated as special tooling for federal income tax purposes; or repair parts therefor or replacements thereof; repair services thereon; fuel, supplies, electricity, coal and natural gas used directly in the manufacture of motor vehicles or motor vehicle parts or used to provide climate control for manufacturing areas.

          (y)  Sales or leases of component materials, machinery and equipment used in the construction of a building, or any addition or improvement thereon to an enterprise operating a project that has been certified by the Mississippi Major Economic Impact Authority as a project as defined in Section 57-75-5(f)(iv)1, Section 57-75-5(f)(xxi), Section 57-75-5(f)(xxii) or Section 57-75-5(f)(xxviii) and any other sales or leases required to establish or operate such project.

          (z)  Sales of component materials and equipment to a business enterprise as provided under Section 57-64-33.

          (aa)  The gross income from the stripping and painting of commercial aircraft engaged in foreign or interstate transportation business.

          (bb)  [Repealed]

          (cc)  Sales or leases to an enterprise owning or operating a project that has been designated by the Mississippi Major Economic Impact Authority as a project as defined in Section 57-75-5(f)(xviii) of machinery and equipment; special tooling such as dies, molds, jigs and similar items treated as special tooling for federal income tax purposes; or repair parts therefor or replacements thereof; repair services thereon; fuel, supplies, electricity, coal and natural gas used directly in the manufacturing/production operations of the project or used to provide climate control for manufacturing/production areas.

          (dd)  Sales or leases of component materials, machinery and equipment used in the construction of a building, or any addition or improvement thereon to an enterprise owning or operating a project that has been designated by the Mississippi Major Economic Impact Authority as a project as defined in Section 57-75-5(f)(xviii) and any other sales or leases required to establish or operate such project.

          (ee)  Sales of parts used in the repair and servicing of aircraft not registered in Mississippi engaged exclusively in the business of foreign or interstate transportation to businesses engaged in aircraft repair and maintenance.

          (ff)  Sales of component materials used in the construction of a facility, or any addition or improvement thereon, and sales or leases of machinery and equipment not later than three (3) months after the completion of construction of the facility, or any addition or improvement thereto, to be used in the building or any addition or improvement thereto, to a permanent business enterprise operating a data/information enterprise in Tier Three areas (as such areas are designated in accordance with Section 57-73-21), meeting minimum criteria established by the Mississippi Development Authority.  The exemption provided in this paragraph (ff) shall not apply to sales to any business enterprise that is a medical cannabis establishment as defined in the Mississippi Medical Cannabis Act.

          (gg)  Sales of component materials used in the construction of a facility, or any addition or improvement thereto, and sales of machinery and equipment not later than three (3) months after the completion of construction of the facility, or any addition or improvement thereto, to be used in the facility or any addition or improvement thereto, to technology intensive enterprises for industrial purposes in Tier Three areas (as such areas are designated in accordance with Section 57-73-21), as certified by the Department of Revenue.  For purposes of this paragraph, an enterprise must meet the criteria provided for in Section 27-65-17(1)(f) in order to be considered a technology intensive enterprise.

          (hh)  Sales of component materials used in the replacement, reconstruction or repair of a building or facility that has been destroyed or sustained extensive damage as a result of a disaster declared by the Governor, sales of machinery and equipment to be used therein to replace machinery or equipment damaged or destroyed as a result of such disaster, including, but not limited to, manufacturing or processing machinery and equipment which is permanently attached to the ground or to a permanent foundation and which is not by its nature intended to be housed within a building structure, to enterprises or companies that were eligible for the exemptions authorized in paragraph (q), (r), (ff) or (gg) of this subsection during initial construction of the building that was destroyed or damaged, which enterprises or companies are certified by the Department of Revenue as being eligible for the exemption granted in this paragraph.

          (ii)  Sales of software or software services transmitted by the Internet to a destination outside the State of Mississippi where the first use of such software or software services by the purchaser occurs outside the State of Mississippi.

          (jj)  Gross income of public storage warehouses derived from the temporary storage of raw materials that are to be used in an eligible facility as defined in Section 27-7-22.35.

          (kk)  Sales of component building materials and equipment for initial construction of facilities or expansion of facilities as authorized under Sections 57-113-1 through 57-113-7 and Sections 57-113-21 through 57-113-27.

          (ll)  Sales and leases of machinery and equipment acquired in the initial construction to establish facilities as authorized in Sections 57-113-1 through 57-113-7.

          (mm)  Sales and leases of replacement hardware, software or other necessary technology to operate a data center as authorized under Sections 57-113-21 through 57-113-27.

          (nn)  Sales of component materials used in the construction of a building, or any addition or improvement thereon, and sales or leases of machinery and equipment not later than three (3) months after the completion of the construction of the facility, to be used in the facility, to permanent business enterprises operating a facility producing renewable crude oil from biomass harvested or produced, in whole or in part, in Mississippi, which businesses meet minimum criteria established by the Mississippi Development Authority.  As used in this paragraph, the term "biomass" shall have the meaning ascribed to such term in Section 57-113-1.

          (oo)  Sales of supplies, equipment and other personal property to an organization that is exempt from taxation under Section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code and is the host organization coordinating a professional golf tournament played or to be played in this state and the supplies, equipment or other personal property will be used for purposes related to the golf tournament and related activities.

          (pp)  Sales of materials used in the construction of a health care industry facility, as defined in Section 57-117-3, or any addition or improvement thereon, and sales of any machinery and equipment not later than three (3) months after the completion of construction of the facility, or any addition thereon, to be used therein, to qualified businesses, as defined in Section 57-117-3.  This paragraph shall be repealed from and after July 1, 2025.

          (qq)  Sales or leases to a manufacturer of automotive parts operating a project that has been certified by the Mississippi Major Economic Impact Authority as a project as defined in Section 57-75-5(f)(xxviii) of machinery and equipment; or repair parts therefor or replacements thereof; repair services thereon; fuel, supplies, electricity, coal, nitrogen and natural gas used directly in the manufacture of automotive parts or used to provide climate control for manufacturing areas.

          (rr)  Gross collections derived from guided tours on any navigable waters of this state, which include providing accommodations, guide services and/or related equipment operated by or under the direction of the person providing the tour, for the purposes of outdoor tourism.  The exemption provided in this paragraph (rr) does not apply to the sale of tangible personal property by a person providing such tours.

          (ss)  Retail sales of truck-tractors and semitrailers used in interstate commerce and registered under the International Registration Plan (IRP) or any similar reciprocity agreement or compact relating to the proportional registration of commercial vehicles entered into as provided for in Section 27-19-143.

          (tt)  Sales exempt under the Facilitating Business Rapid Response to State Declared Disasters Act of 2015 (Sections 27-113-1 through 27-113-9).

          (uu)  Sales or leases to an enterprise and its affiliates operating a project that has been certified by the Mississippi Major Economic Impact Authority as a project as defined in Section 57-75-5(f)(xxix) of:

              (i)  All personal property and fixtures, including without limitation, sales or leases to the enterprise and its affiliates of:

                   1.  Manufacturing machinery and equipment;

                   2.  Special tooling such as dies, molds, jigs and similar items treated as special tooling for federal income tax purposes;

                   3.  Component building materials, machinery and equipment used in the construction of buildings, and any other additions or improvements to the project site for the project;

                   4.  Nonmanufacturing furniture, fixtures and equipment (inclusive of all communications, computer, server, software and other hardware equipment); and

                   5.  Fuel, supplies (other than nonmanufacturing consumable supplies and water), electricity, nitrogen gas and natural gas used directly in the manufacturing/production operations of such project or used to provide climate control for manufacturing/production areas of such project;

              (ii)  All replacements of, repair parts for or services to repair items described in subparagraph (i)1, 2 and 3 of this paragraph; and

              (iii)  All services taxable pursuant to Section 27-65-23 required to establish, support, operate, repair and/or maintain such project.

          (vv)  Sales or leases to an enterprise operating a project that has been certified by the Mississippi Major Economic Impact Authority as a project as defined in Section 57-75-5(f)(xxx) of:

               (i)  Purchases required to establish and operate the project, including, but not limited to, sales of component building materials, machinery and equipment required to establish the project facility and any additions or improvements thereon; and

              (ii)  Machinery, special tools (such as dies, molds, and jigs) or repair parts thereof, or replacements and lease thereof, repair services thereon, fuel, supplies and electricity, coal and natural gas used in the manufacturing process and purchased by the enterprise owning or operating the project for the benefit of the project.

          (ww)  Sales of component materials used in the construction of a building, or any expansion or improvement thereon, sales of machinery and/or equipment to be used therein, and sales of processing machinery and equipment which is permanently attached to the ground or to a permanent foundation which is not by its nature intended to be housed in a building structure, no later than three (3) months after initial startup, expansion or improvement of a permanent enterprise solely engaged in the conversion of natural sand into proppants used in oil and gas exploration and development with at least ninety-five percent (95%) of such proppants used in the production of oil and/or gas from horizontally drilled wells and/or horizontally drilled recompletion wells as defined in Sections 27-25-501 and 27-25-701.

          (xx)  (i)  Sales or leases to an enterprise operating a project that has been certified by the Mississippi Major Economic Impact Authority as a project as defined in Section 57-75-5(f)(xxxi), for a period ending no later than one (1) year following completion of the construction of the facility or facilities comprising such project of all personal property and fixtures, including without limitation, sales or leases to the enterprise and its affiliates of:

                    1.  Manufacturing machinery and equipment;

                    2.  Special tooling such as dies, molds, jigs and similar items treated as special tooling for federal income tax purposes;

                    3.  Component building materials, machinery and equipment used in the construction of buildings, and any other additions or improvements to the project site for the project;

                    4.  Nonmanufacturing furniture, fixtures and equipment (inclusive of all communications, computer, server, software and other hardware equipment);

                    5.  Replacements of, repair parts for or services to repair items described in this subparagraph (i)1, 2 and 3; and

                    6.  All services taxable pursuant to Section 27-65-23 required to establish, support, operate, repair and/or maintain such project; and

                (ii)  Sales or leases to an enterprise operating a project that has been certified by the Mississippi Major Economic Impact Authority as a project as defined in Section 57-75-5(f)(xxxi) of electricity, current, power, steam, coal, natural gas, liquefied petroleum gas or other fuel, biomass, nitrogen or other atmospheric or other industrial gases used directly by the enterprise in the manufacturing/production operations of its project or used to provide climate control for manufacturing/production areas (which manufacturing/production areas shall be apportioned based on square footage).  As used in this paragraph, the term "biomass" shall have the meaning ascribed to such term in Section 57-113-1.

     (2)  Sales of component materials used in the construction of a building, or any addition or improvement thereon, sales of machinery and equipment to be used therein, and sales of manufacturing or processing machinery and equipment which is permanently attached to the ground or to a permanent foundation and which is not by its nature intended to be housed within a building structure, not later than three (3) months after the initial start-up date, to permanent business enterprises engaging in manufacturing or processing in Tier Two areas and Tier One areas (as such areas are designated in accordance with Section 57-73-21), which businesses are certified by the Department of Revenue as being eligible for the exemption granted in this subsection, shall be exempt from one-half (1/2) of the taxes imposed on such transactions under this chapter.  The exemption provided in this subsection (2) shall not apply to sales to any business enterprise that is a medical cannabis establishment as defined in the Mississippi Medical Cannabis Act.

     (3)  Sales of component materials used in the construction of a facility, or any addition or improvement thereon, and sales or leases of machinery and equipment not later than three (3) months after the completion of construction of the facility, or any addition or improvement thereto, to be used in the building or any addition or improvement thereto, to a permanent business enterprise operating a data/information enterprise in Tier Two areas and Tier One areas (as such areas are designated in accordance with Section 57-73-21), which businesses meet minimum criteria established by the Mississippi Development Authority, shall be exempt from one-half (1/2) of the taxes imposed on such transaction under this chapter.  The exemption provided in this subsection (3) shall not apply to sales to any business enterprise that is a medical cannabis establishment as defined in the Mississippi Medical Cannabis Act.

     (4)  Sales of component materials used in the construction of a facility, or any addition or improvement thereto, and sales of machinery and equipment not later than three (3) months after the completion of construction of the facility, or any addition or improvement thereto, to be used in the building or any addition or improvement thereto, to technology intensive enterprises for industrial purposes in Tier Two areas and Tier One areas (as such areas are designated in accordance with Section 57-73-21), which businesses are certified by the Department of Revenue as being eligible for the exemption granted in this subsection, shall be exempt from one-half (1/2) of the taxes imposed on such transactions under this chapter.  For purposes of this subsection, an enterprise must meet the criteria provided for in Section 27-65-17(1)(f) in order to be considered a technology intensive enterprise.

     (5)  (a)  For purposes of this subsection:

              (i)  "Telecommunications enterprises" shall have the meaning ascribed to such term in Section 57-73-21;

              (ii)  "Tier One areas" mean counties designated as Tier One areas pursuant to Section 57-73-21;

              (iii)  "Tier Two areas" mean counties designated as Tier Two areas pursuant to Section 57-73-21;

              (iv)  "Tier Three areas" mean counties designated as Tier Three areas pursuant to Section 57-73-21; and

               (v)  "Equipment used in the deployment of broadband technologies" means any equipment capable of being used for or in connection with the transmission of information at a rate, prior to taking into account the effects of any signal degradation, that is not less than three hundred eighty-four (384) kilobits per second in at least one (1) direction, including, but not limited to, asynchronous transfer mode switches, digital subscriber line access multiplexers, routers, servers, multiplexers, fiber optics and related equipment.

          (b)  Sales of equipment to telecommunications enterprises after June 30, 2003, and before July 1, 2025, that is installed in Tier One areas and used in the deployment of broadband technologies shall be exempt from one-half (1/2) of the taxes imposed on such transactions under this chapter.

          (c)  Sales of equipment to telecommunications enterprises after June 30, 2003, and before July 1, 2025, that is installed in Tier Two and Tier Three areas and used in the deployment of broadband technologies shall be exempt from the taxes imposed on such transactions under this chapter.

     (6)  Sales of component materials used in the replacement, reconstruction or repair of a building that has been destroyed or sustained extensive damage as a result of a disaster declared by the Governor, sales of machinery and equipment to be used therein to replace machinery or equipment damaged or destroyed as a result of such disaster, including, but not limited to, manufacturing or processing machinery and equipment which is permanently attached to the ground or to a permanent foundation and which is not by its nature intended to be housed within a building structure, to enterprises that were eligible for the partial exemptions provided for in subsections (2), (3) and (4) of this section during initial construction of the building that was destroyed or damaged, which enterprises are certified by the Department of Revenue as being eligible for the partial exemption granted in this subsection, shall be exempt from one-half (1/2) of the taxes imposed on such transactions under this chapter.

     SECTION 12.  Section 27-67-3, Mississippi Code of 1972, is brought forward as follows:

     27-67-3.  Whenever used in this article, the words, phrases and terms shall have the meaning ascribed to them as follows:

          (a)  "Tax Commission" or "department" means the Department of Revenue of the State of Mississippi.

          (b)  "Commissioner" means the Commissioner of Revenue of the Department of Revenue.

          (c)  "Person" means any individual, firm, partnership, joint venture, association, corporation, estate, trust, receiver, syndicate or any other group or combination acting as a unit and includes the plural as well as the singular in number.  "Person" shall also include husband or wife, or both, where joint benefits are derived from the operation of a business taxed hereunder or where joint benefits are derived from the use of property taxed hereunder.

          (d)  "Taxpayer" means any person liable for the payment of any tax hereunder, or liable for the collection and payment of the tax.

          (e)  "Sale" or "purchase" means the exchange of properties for money or other consideration, and the barter of properties or products.  Every closed transaction by which title to, or possession of, tangible personal property or specified digital products passes shall constitute a taxable event.  A transaction whereby the possession of property or products is transferred but the seller retains title as security for payment of the selling price shall be deemed a sale.

          (f)  "Purchase price" or "sales price" means the total amount for which tangible personal property or specified digital product is purchased or sold, valued in money, including installation and service charges, and freight charges to the point of use within this state, without any deduction for cost of property or products sold, expenses or losses, or taxes of any kind except those exempt by the sales tax law.  "Purchase price" or "sales price" shall not include cash discounts allowed and taken or merchandise returned by customers when the total sales price is refunded either in cash or by credit, and shall not include amounts allowed for a trade-in of similar property or products.  "Purchase price" or "sales price" does not include finance charges, carrying charges or any other addition to the selling price as a result of deferred payments by the purchaser.

          (g)  "Lease" or "rent" means any agreement entered into for a consideration that transfers possession or control of tangible personal property or specified digital products to a person for use within this state.

          (h)  "Value" means the estimated or assessed monetary worth of a thing or property.  The value of property or products transferred into this state for sales promotion or advertising shall be an amount not less than the cost paid by the transferor or donor.  The value of property or products which have been used in another state shall be determined by its cost less straight line depreciation provided that value shall never be less than twenty percent (20%) of the cost or other method acceptable to the commissioner.  On property or products imported by the manufacturer thereof for rental or lease within this state, value shall be the manufactured cost of the property and freight to the place of use in Mississippi.

          (i)  "Tangible personal property" means personal property perceptible to the human senses or by chemical analysis, as opposed to real property or intangibles.  "Tangible personal property" shall include printed, mimeographed, multigraphed matter, or material reproduced in any other manner, and books, catalogs, manuals, publications or similar documents covering the services of collecting, compiling or analyzing information of any kind or nature.  However, reports representing the work of persons such as lawyers, accountants, engineers and similar professionals shall not be included.  "Tangible personal property" shall also include tangible advertising or sales promotion materials such as, but not limited to, displays, brochures, signs, catalogs, price lists, point of sale advertising materials and technical manuals.  Tangible personal property shall also include computer software programs.

          (j)  "Person doing business in this state," "person maintaining a place of business within this state," or any similar term means any person having within this state an office, a distribution house, a salesroom or house, a warehouse, or any other place of business, or owning personal property located in this state used by another person, or installing personal property in this state.  This definition also includes any person selling or taking orders for any tangible personal property, either personally, by mail or through an employee representative, salesman, commission agent, canvasser, solicitor or independent contractor or by any other means from within the state.  "Person doing business in this state" also includes any marketplace facilitator, marketplace seller, or remote seller with sales that exceed Two Hundred Fifty Thousand Dollars ($250,000.00) in any consecutive twelve-month period.  A sale made through a marketplace facilitator is a sale of the marketplace facilitator and not the sale of a marketplace seller for purposes of determining whether a person exceeds Two Hundred Fifty Thousand Dollars ($250,000.00) in sales.

     Any person doing business under the terms of this article by reason of coming under any one or more of the qualifying provisions listed above shall be considered as doing business on all transactions involving sales to persons within this state.

          (k)  "Use" or "consumption" means the first use or intended use within this state of tangible personal property or specified digital product and shall include rental or loan by owners or use by lessees or other persons receiving benefits from use of the property or product.  "Use" or "consumption" shall include the benefit realized or to be realized by persons importing or causing to be imported into this state tangible advertising or sales promotion materials.

          (l)  "Storage" means keeping tangible personal property or specified digital product in this state for subsequent use or consumption in this state.

          (m)  "Specified digital products" shall have the meaning ascribed to such term in Section 27-65-26.

          (n)  "Marketplace facilitator" means any person who facilitates a retail sale by a seller by:

              (i)  Listing or advertising for sale by the retailer in any forum, tangible personal property, services or digital goods that are subject to tax under this chapter; and

              (ii)  Either directly or indirectly through agreements or arrangements with third parties collecting payment from the customer and transmitting that payment to the retailer regardless of whether the marketplace provider receives compensation or other consideration in exchange for its service.

          (o)  "Marketplace seller" means a seller that makes sales through any physical or electronic marketplace owned, operated, or controlled by a marketplace facilitator, even if such seller would not have been required to collect and remit sales tax had the sale not been made through such marketplace.

          (p)  "Remote seller" means a person, other than a marketplace facilitator, that does not maintain a place of business in this state and that through a forum sells tangible personal property, taxable services or specified digital products, the sale or use of which is subject to the tax imposed by this chapter.

     SECTION 13.  This act shall take effect and be in force from and after July 1, 2023, and shall stand repealed on June 30, 2023.

     Further, amend by striking the title in its entirety and inserting in lieu thereof the following:


     AN ACT TO AMEND SECTIONS 27-67-5, 27-67-7 AND 27-67-11, MISSISSIPPI CODE OF 1972, TO MAKE MINOR TECHNICAL CHANGES; TO BRING FORWARD SECTIONS 27-65-3, 27-65-7, 27-65-9, 27-65-17, 27-65-19, 27-65-23, 27-65-93, 27-65-101 AND 27-67-3, MISSISSIPPI CODE OF 1972, FOR THE PURPOSE OF POSSIBLE AMENDMENT; AND FOR RELATED PURPOSES.