2023 Regular Session

To: Gaming

By: Senator(s) Polk

Senate Bill 2188



     SECTION 1.  Section 61-3-15, Mississippi Code of 1972, is amended as follows:

     61-3-15.  An authority shall have all the powers necessary or convenient to carry out the purposes of this chapter (excluding the power to levy and collect taxes or special assessments) including, but not limited to, the power:

          (a)  To sue and be sued, to have a seal and to have perpetual succession.

          (b)  To purchase general liability insurance coverage, including errors and omissions insurance, for its officials and employees.

          (c)  To employ an executive director, secretary, technical experts, and such other officers, agents and employees, permanent and temporary, as it may require, and to determine their qualifications and duties, and to establish compensation and other employment benefits as may be advisable to attract and retain proficient personnel.  For regional airport authorities organized under Section 61-3-7, such employment benefits may include payment for all or part of dependent health insurance coverage.

          (d)  To execute such contracts and other instruments and take such other action as may be necessary or convenient to carry out the purposes of this chapter.

          (e)  To plan, establish, develop, construct, enlarge, improve, maintain, equip, operate, regulate and protect airports and air navigation facilities within this state and within any adjoining state, including the acquisition, lease, lease-purchase, construction, installation, equipment, maintenance and operation of such airports or buildings, equipment and other facilities or other property for the servicing of aircraft or for the comfort and accommodation of air travelers or for any other purpose deemed by the authority to be necessary to carry out its duties; to develop, operate, manage or own and maintain intermodal facilities to serve air and surface cargo and multimodal facilities to serve highway and rail passenger transportation needs to ensure interface and interaction between modes for cargo and passengers; to construct, improve, and maintain means of ingress and egress to airport properties from and over off-airport sites with approval of the city or county in which the off-airport site is located; to market, promote and advertise airport properties, goods and services; and to directly purchase and sell supplies, goods and commodities incident to the operation of its airport properties without having to make purchases thereof through the municipal governing authorities, and with the authority to utilize design-build and construction manager at-risk methods of construction in accordance with Sections 31-7-13.1 and 31-7-13.2.  For all the previously stated purposes, an authority may, by purchase, gift, devise, lease, eminent domain proceedings or otherwise, acquire property, real or personal, or any interest therein, including easements in airport hazards or land outside the boundaries of an airport or airport site, as are necessary to permit the removal, elimination, obstruction-marking or obstruction-lighting of airport hazards, to prevent the establishment of airport hazards or to carry out its duties.

          (f)  To acquire, by purchase, gift, devise, lease, lease-purchase, eminent domain proceedings or otherwise, existing airports and air navigation facilities.  However, an authority shall not acquire or take over any airport or air navigation facility owned or controlled by another authority, a municipality or public agency of this or any other state without the consent of such authority, municipality or public agency.

          (g)  To establish or acquire and maintain airports in, over and upon any public waters of this state, and any submerged lands under such public waters, and to construct and maintain terminal buildings, landing floats, causeways, roadways and bridges for approaches to or connecting with any such airport, and landing floats and breakwaters for the protection thereof.

          (h)  To establish, enact and enforce ordinances, rules, regulations and standards for public safety, aviation safety, airport operations and the preservation of good order and peace of the authority; to prevent injury to, destruction of or interference with public or private property; to protect property, health and lives and to enhance the general welfare of the authority by restricting the movements of citizens or any group thereof on the property of the authority when there is imminent danger to the public safety because of freedom of movement thereof; to regulate the entrances to property and buildings of the authority and the way of ingress and egress to and from the same; to establish fire limits and to hire firemen, including aircraft fire and rescue and similar personnel, and to establish and equip a fire department to provide fire and other emergency services on any property of the authority; to regulate, restrain or prohibit construction failing to meet standards established by the authority; to appoint and discharge police officers with jurisdiction limited to property of the airport authority and authorization to enforce the ordinances, rules and regulations of the authority, as well as the laws of the State of Mississippi, and to issue citations for infractions of all of such ordinances, rules, regulations, standards and laws of the State of Mississippi returnable to the court of appropriate jurisdiction.

          (i)  To develop and operate an industrial park or parks and exercise all authority provided for under Chapter 7, Title 57, Mississippi Code of 1972.

          (j)  To attach, pursuant to the power and procedure set forth in Chapter 33, Title 11, Mississippi Code of 1972, the equipment of debtors of the authority.

          (k)  To enter into agreements with local governments pursuant to Section 17-13-1 et seq.

          (l)  To render emergency assistance to other airports within the United States at an aggregate cost of less than Twenty Thousand Dollars ($20,000.00) per emergency.  The assistance authorized in this paragraph must be rendered within ninety (90) days after a state of emergency has been declared by the federal government, or by the local or state government that has jurisdiction over the area where the airport needing assistance is located.

          (m)  To enter into joint use or similar agreements with any department or agency of the United States of America or the State of Mississippi, including any military department of the United States of America or the State of Mississippi, with respect to the use and operation of, or services provided at, any airport or other property of the authority on the terms and conditions as the authority may deem appropriate, including provisions limiting the liability of the United States of America or the State of Mississippi for loss or damage to the authority if the authority determines that the limitation of liability is reasonable, necessary and appropriate under the circumstances.

          (n)  To enter into mutual aid agreements with counties and municipalities for reciprocal emergency aid and assistance in case of emergencies too extensive to be dealt with unassisted; to participate in the Statewide Mutual Aid Compact (SMAC) in accordance with Section 33-15-19.

          (o)  To authorize the use of slot machines, as defined in Section 75-76-5, in the airport under its jurisdiction, if that airport offers passenger service.  A licensee placing slot machines in an airport under this paragraph shall be subject to the Mississippi Gaming Control Act.

     SECTION 2.  Section 75-76-183, Mississippi Code of 1972, is amended as follows:

     75-76-183.  (1)  Each applicant for a license to conduct gaming aboard a vessel or cruise vessel, or to place slot machines in an airport under Section 61-3-15, shall pay an application fee of Five Thousand Dollars ($5,000.00).

     (2)  Each licensee who is licensed to conduct gaming aboard a vessel or cruise vessel, or to place slot machines in an airport under Section 61-3-15, shall pay an annual license fee of Five Thousand Dollars ($5,000.00).

     SECTION 3.  Section 67-1-71, Mississippi Code of 1972, is amended as follows:

     67-1-71.  The department may revoke or suspend any permit issued by it for a violation by the permittee of any of the provisions of this article or of the regulations promulgated under it by the department.

     Permits must be revoked or suspended for the following causes:

          (a)  Conviction of the permittee for the violation of any of the provisions of this article;

          (b)  Willful failure or refusal by any permittee to comply with any of the provisions of this article or of any rule or regulation adopted pursuant thereto;

          (c)  The making of any materially false statement in any application for a permit;

          (d)  Conviction of one or more of the clerks, agents or employees of the permittee, of any violation of this article upon the premises covered by such permit within a period of time as designated by the rules or regulations of the department;

          (e)  The possession on the premises of any retail permittee of any alcoholic beverages upon which the tax has not been paid;

          (f)  The willful failure of any permittee to keep the records or make the reports required by this article, or to allow an inspection of such records by any duly authorized person;

          (g)  The suspension or revocation of a permit issued to the permittee by the federal government, or conviction of violating any federal law relating to alcoholic beverages;

          (h)  The failure to furnish any bond required by Section 27-71-21 within fifteen (15) days after notice from the department; and

          (i)  The conducting of any form of illegal gambling on the premises of any permittee or on any premises connected therewith or the presence on any such premises of any gambling device with the knowledge of the permittee.

     The provisions of paragraph (i) of this section shall not apply to gambling or the presence of any gambling devices, with knowledge of the permittee, on board a cruise vessel in the waters within the State of Mississippi, which lie adjacent to the State of Mississippi south of the three (3) most southern counties in the State of Mississippi, or on any vessel as defined in Section 27-109-1 whenever such vessel is on the Mississippi River or navigable waters within any county bordering on the Mississippi River.  The department may, in its discretion, issue on-premises retailer's permits to a common carrier of the nature described in this paragraph.

     The provisions of paragraph (i) of this section shall not apply to the operation of any game or lottery authorized by Chapter 115, Title 27.

     The provisions of paragraph (i) of this section shall not apply to the use or presence of slot machines in an airport in which slot machines are authorized under Section 61-3-15.

     No permit shall be suspended or revoked until after the permittee has been provided reasonable notice of the charges against him for which suspension or revocation is sought and the opportunity to a hearing before the Board of Tax Appeals to contest such charges and the suspension or revocation proposed.  Opportunity to a hearing is provided without an actual hearing if the permittee, after receiving reasonable notice, including notice of his right to a hearing, fails to timely request a hearing.  The permittee may also at any time waive his rights to reasonable notice and/or to the opportunity to a hearing by agreeing to a suspension or revocation offered by the department.  Notwithstanding the requirement above that a permit may not be suspended without notice and opportunity to a hearing, sales of alcoholic beverages by a permittee under a permit for which the bond under Section 27-71-21 has been cancelled shall be suspended from and after issuance of the notice provided in paragraph (h) above and shall continue to be suspended until the bond is reinstated, a new bond is posted or sufficient cash or securities as provided under Section 27-71-21 are deposited with the State Treasurer for this permit.

     In addition to the causes specified in this section and other provisions of this article, the department shall be authorized to suspend the permit of any permit holder for being out of compliance with an order for support, as defined in Section 93-11-153.  The procedure for suspension of a permit for being out of compliance with an order for support, and the procedure for the reissuance or reinstatement of a permit suspended for that purpose, and the payment of any fees for the reissuance or reinstatement of a permit suspended for that purpose, shall be governed by Section 93-11-157 or 93-11-163, as the case may be.  If there is any conflict between any provision of Section 93-11-157 or 93-11-163 and any provision of this article, the provisions of Section 93-11-157 or 93-11-163, as the case may be, shall control.

     SECTION 4.  Section 75-76-33, Mississippi Code of 1972, is amended as follows:

     75-76-33.  (1)  The commission shall, from time to time, adopt, amend or repeal such regulations, consistent with the policy, objects and purposes of this chapter, as it may deem necessary or desirable in the public interest in carrying out the policy and provisions of this chapter.  The commission shall comply with the Mississippi Administrative Procedures Law when adopting, amending or repealing any regulations authorized under this section or under any other provision of this chapter.

     (2)  These regulations shall, without limiting the general powers herein conferred, include the following:

          (a)  Prescribing the method and form of application which any applicant for a license or for a manufacturer's, seller's or distributor's license must follow and complete before consideration of his application by the executive director or the commission.

          (b)  Prescribing the information to be furnished by any applicant or licensee concerning his antecedents, habits, character, associates, criminal record, business activities and financial affairs, past or present.

          (c)  Prescribing the information to be furnished by a licensee relating to his employees.

          (d)  Requiring fingerprinting of an applicant or licensee, and gaming employees of a licensee, or other methods of identification and the forwarding of all fingerprints taken pursuant to regulation of the Federal Bureau of Investigation.

          (e)  Prescribing the manner and procedure of all hearings conducted by the commission or any hearing examiner of the commission, including special rules of evidence applicable thereto and notices thereof.

          (f)  Requiring any applicant to pay all or any part of the fees and costs of investigation of such applicant as may be determined by the commission under paragraph (g) of this subsection (2).

          (g)  Prescribing the amounts of investigative fees only as authorized by regulations of the commission under paragraph (f) of this subsection, and collecting those fees.  The commission shall adopt regulations setting the amounts of those fees at levels that will provide the commission with sufficient revenue, when combined with any other monies as may be deposited into the Mississippi Gaming Commission Fund created in Section 75-76-325, to carry out the provisions of this chapter without any state general funds.  In calculating the amount of such fees, the commission shall:

              (i)  Attempt to set the fees at levels that will create a balance in the Mississippi Gaming Commission Fund that does not exceed, at the end of any state fiscal year, two percent (2%) of the projected amount of funds that will provide the commission with such sufficient revenue; and

              (ii)  Demonstrate the reasonableness of the relationship between a fee and the actual costs of the investigative activity for which the fee is being prescribed.

          (h)  Prescribing the manner and method of collection and payment of fees and issuance of licenses.

          (i)  Prescribing under what conditions a licensee may be deemed subject to revocation or suspension of his license.

          (j)  Requiring any applicant or licensee to waive any privilege with respect to any testimony at any hearing or meeting of the commission, except any privilege afforded by the Constitution of the United States or this state.

          (k)  Defining and limiting the area, games and devices permitted, and the method of operation of such games and devices, for the purposes of this chapter.

          (l)  Prescribing under what conditions the nonpayment of a gambling debt by a licensee shall be deemed grounds for revocation or suspension of his license.

          (m)  Governing the use and approval of gambling devices and equipment.

          (n)  Prescribing the qualifications of, and the conditions under which, attorneys, accountants and others are permitted to practice before the commission.

          (o)  Restricting access to confidential information obtained under this chapter and ensuring that the confidentiality of such information is maintained and protected.

          (p)  Prescribing the manner and procedure by which the executive director on behalf of the commission shall notify a county or a municipality wherein an applicant for a license desires to locate.

          (q)  Prescribing the manner and procedure for an objection to be filed with the commission and the executive director by a county or municipality wherein an applicant for a license desires to locate.

     (3)  Notwithstanding any other provision of law, each licensee shall be required to comply with the regulation that no wager may be placed by, or on behalf of, any individual or entity or group, not present on a licensed vessel or cruise vessel.  This subsection does not apply to a licensee authorized by an airport authority under Section 61-3-15 to place slot machines in an airport.

     (4)  From and after July 1, 2016, the expenses of this agency shall be defrayed by appropriation from the State General Fund and all user charges and fees authorized under this section shall be deposited into the State General Fund as authorized by law.

     (5)  From and after July 1, 2016, no state agency shall charge another state agency a fee, assessment, rent or other charge for services or resources received by authority of this section.

     SECTION 5.  Section 87-1-5, Mississippi Code of 1972, is amended as follows:

     87-1-5.  If any person, by playing at any game whatever, or by betting on the sides or hands of such as do play at any game, or by betting on any horse race or cockfight, or at any other sport or pastime, or by any wager whatever, shall lose any money, property, or other valuable thing, real or personal, and shall pay or deliver the same or any part thereof, the person so losing and paying or delivering the same, or his wife or children, may sue for and recover such money, property, or other valuable thing so lost and paid or delivered, or any part thereof, from the person knowingly receiving the same, with costs.  However, this section shall not apply to betting, gaming or wagering:

          (a)  On a cruise vessel as defined in Section 27-109-1 whenever such vessel is in the waters within the State of Mississippi, which lie adjacent to the State of Mississippi south of the three (3) most southern counties in the State of Mississippi, including the Mississippi Sound, St. Louis Bay, Biloxi Bay and Pascagoula Bay;

          (b)  In a structure located in whole or in part on shore in any of the three (3) most southern counties in the State of Mississippi in which the registered voters of the county have voted to allow such betting, gaming or wagering on cruise vessels as provided in Section 19-3-79, if:

              (i)  The structure is owned, leased or controlled by a person possessing a gaming license, as defined in Section 75-76-5, to conduct legal gaming on a cruise vessel under paragraph (a) of this section;

              (ii)  The part of the structure in which licensed gaming activities are conducted is located entirely in an area which is located no more than eight hundred (800) feet from the mean high-water line (as defined in Section 29-15-1) of the waters within the State of Mississippi, which lie adjacent to the State of Mississippi south of the three (3) most southern counties in the State of Mississippi, including the Mississippi Sound, St. Louis Bay, Biloxi Bay and Pascagoula Bay, or, with regard to Harrison County only, no farther north than the southern boundary of the right-of-way for U.S. Highway 90, whichever is greater; and

              (iii)  In the case of a structure that is located in whole or part on shore, the part of the structure in which licensed gaming activities are conducted shall lie adjacent to state waters south of the three (3) most southern counties in the State of Mississippi, including the Mississippi Sound, St. Louis Bay, Biloxi Bay and Pascagoula Bay.  When the site upon which the structure is located consists of a parcel of real property, easements and rights-of-way for public streets and highways shall not be construed to interrupt the contiguous nature of the parcel, nor shall the footage contained within the easements and rights-of-way be counted in the calculation of the distances specified in subparagraph (ii) * * *.;

          (c)  On a vessel as defined in Section 27-109-1 whenever such vessel is on the Mississippi River or navigable waters within any county bordering on the Mississippi River; * * * or

          (d)  Through slot machines in an airport in which slot machines are authorized under Section 61-3-15; or

          ( * * *de)  That is legal under the laws of the State of Mississippi.

     SECTION 6.  Section 97-33-1, Mississippi Code of 1972, is amended as follows:

     97-33-1.  Except as otherwise provided in Section 97-33-8, if any person shall encourage, promote or play at any game, play or amusement, other than a fight or fighting match between dogs, for money or other valuable thing, or shall wager or bet, promote or encourage the wagering or betting of any money or other valuable things, upon any game, play, amusement, cockfight, Indian ball play or duel, other than a fight or fighting match between dogs, or upon the result of any election, event or contingency whatever, upon conviction thereof, he shall be fined in a sum not more than Five Hundred Dollars ($500.00); and, unless such fine and costs be immediately paid, shall be imprisoned for any period not more than ninety (90) days.  However, this section shall not apply to betting, gaming or wagering:

          (a)  On a cruise vessel as defined in Section 27-109-1 whenever such vessel is in the waters within the State of Mississippi, which lie adjacent to the State of Mississippi south of the three (3) most southern counties in the State of Mississippi, including the Mississippi Sound, St. Louis Bay, Biloxi Bay and Pascagoula Bay, and in which the registered voters of the county in which the port is located have not voted to prohibit such betting, gaming or wagering on cruise vessels as provided in Section 19-3-79;

          (b)  In a structure located, in whole or in part, on shore in any of the three (3) most southern counties in the State of Mississippi in which the registered voters of the county have voted to allow such betting, gaming or wagering on cruise vessels as provided in Section 19-3-79, if:

              (i)  The structure is owned, leased or controlled by a person possessing a gaming license, as defined in Section 75-76-5, to conduct legal gaming on a cruise vessel under paragraph (a) of this section;

              (ii)  The part of the structure in which licensed gaming activities are conducted is located entirely in an area which is located no more than eight hundred (800) feet from the mean high-water line (as defined in Section 29-15-1) of the waters within the State of Mississippi, which lie adjacent to the State of Mississippi south of the three (3) most southern counties in the State of Mississippi, including the Mississippi Sound, St. Louis Bay, Biloxi Bay and Pascagoula Bay, or, with regard to Harrison County only, no farther north than the southern boundary of the right-of-way for U.S. Highway 90, whichever is greater; and

              (iii)  In the case of a structure that is located in whole or part on shore, the part of the structure in which licensed gaming activities are conducted shall lie adjacent to state waters south of the three (3) most southern counties in the State of Mississippi, including the Mississippi Sound, St. Louis Bay, Biloxi Bay and Pascagoula Bay.  When the site upon which the structure is located consists of a parcel of real property, easements and rights-of-way for public streets and highways shall not be construed to interrupt the contiguous nature of the parcel, nor shall the footage contained within the easements and rights-of-way be counted in the calculation of the distances specified in subparagraph (ii);

          (c)  On a vessel as defined in Section 27-109-1 whenever such vessel is on the Mississippi River or navigable waters within any county bordering on the Mississippi River, and in which the registered voters of the county in which the port is located have not voted to prohibit such betting, gaming or wagering on vessels as provided in Section 19-3-79; * * * or

          (d)  Through slot machines in an airport in which slot machines are authorized under Section 61-3-15; or

          ( * * *de)  That is legal under the laws of the State of Mississippi.

     SECTION 7.  Section 97-33-7, Mississippi Code of 1972, is amended as follows:

     97-33-7.  (1)  Except as otherwise provided in Section 97-33-8, it shall be unlawful for any person or persons, firm, copartnership or corporation to have in possession, own, control, display, or operate any cane rack, knife rack, artful dodger, punch board, roll down, merchandise wheel, slot machine, pinball machine, or similar device or devices.  Provided, however, that this section shall not be so construed as to make unlawful the ownership, possession, control, display or operation of any antique coin machine as defined in Section 27-27-12, or any music machine or bona fide automatic vending machine where the purchaser receives exactly the same quantity of merchandise on each operation of said machine.  Any slot machine other than an antique coin machine as defined in Section 27-27-12 which delivers, or is so constructed as that by operation thereof it will deliver to the operator thereof anything of value in varying quantities, in addition to the merchandise received, and any slot machine other than an antique coin machine as defined in Section 27-27-12 that is constructed in such manner as that slugs, tokens, coins or similar devices are, or may be, used and delivered to the operator thereof in addition to merchandise of any sort contained in such machine, is hereby declared to be a gambling device, and shall be deemed unlawful under the provisions of this section.  Provided, however, that pinball machines which do not return to the operator or player thereof anything but free additional games or plays shall not be deemed to be gambling devices, and neither this section nor any other law shall be construed to prohibit same.

     (2)  No property right shall exist in any person, natural or artificial, or be vested in such person, in any or all of the devices described herein that are not exempted from the provisions of this section; and all such devices are hereby declared to be at all times subject to confiscation and destruction, and their possession shall be unlawful, except when in the possession of officers carrying out the provisions of this section.  It shall be the duty of all law enforcing officers to seize and immediately destroy all such machines and devices.

     (3)  A first violation of the provisions of this section shall be deemed a misdemeanor, and the party offending shall, upon conviction, be fined in any sum not exceeding Five Hundred Dollars ($500.00), or imprisoned not exceeding three (3) months, or both, in the discretion of the court.  In the event of a second conviction for a violation of any of the provisions of this section, the party offending shall be subject to a sentence of not less than six (6) months in the county jail, nor more than two (2) years in the State Penitentiary, in the discretion of the trial court.

     (4)  Notwithstanding any provision of this section to the contrary, it shall not be unlawful to operate any equipment or device described in subsection (1) of this section or any gaming, gambling or similar device or devices by whatever name called while:

          (a)  On a cruise vessel as defined in Section 27-109-1 whenever such vessel is in the waters within the State of Mississippi, which lie adjacent to the State of Mississippi south of the three (3) most southern counties in the State of Mississippi, including the Mississippi Sound, St. Louis Bay, Biloxi Bay and Pascagoula Bay, and in which the registered voters of the county in which the port is located have not voted to prohibit such betting, gaming or wagering on cruise vessels as provided in Section 19-3-79;

          (b)  In a structure located, in whole or in part, on shore in any of the three (3) most southern counties in the State of Mississippi in which the registered voters of the county have voted to allow such betting, gaming or wagering on cruise vessels as provided in Section 19-3-79, if:

              (i)  The structure is owned, leased or controlled by a person possessing a gaming license, as defined in Section 75-76-5, to conduct legal gaming on a cruise vessel under paragraph (a) of this subsection;

              (ii)  The part of the structure in which licensed gaming activities are conducted is located entirely in an area which is located no more than eight hundred (800) feet from the mean high-water line (as defined in Section 29-15-1) of the waters within the State of Mississippi, which lie adjacent to the State of Mississippi south of the three (3) most southern counties in the State of Mississippi, including the Mississippi Sound, St. Louis Bay, Biloxi Bay and Pascagoula Bay, or, with regard to Harrison County only, no farther north than the southern boundary of the right-of-way for U.S. Highway 90, whichever is greater; and

              (iii)  In the case of a structure that is located in whole or part on shore, the part of the structure in which licensed gaming activities are conducted shall lie adjacent to state waters south of the three (3) most southern counties in the State of Mississippi, including the Mississippi Sound, St. Louis Bay, Biloxi Bay and Pascagoula Bay.  When the site upon which the structure is located consists of a parcel of real property, easements and rights-of-way for public streets and highways shall not be construed to interrupt the contiguous nature of the parcel, nor shall the footage contained within the easements and rights-of-way be counted in the calculation of the distances specified in subparagraph (ii);

          (c)  On a vessel as defined in Section 27-109-1 whenever such vessel is on the Mississippi River or navigable waters within any county bordering on the Mississippi River, and in which the registered voters of the county in which the port is located have not voted to prohibit such betting, gaming or wagering on vessels as provided in Section 19-3-79; * * * or

          (d)  Through slot machines in an airport in which slot machines are authorized under Section 61-3-15; or

          ( * * *de)  That is legal under the laws of the State of Mississippi.

     (5)  Notwithstanding any provision of this section to the contrary, it shall not be unlawful (a) to own, possess, repair or control any gambling device, machine or equipment in a licensed gaming establishment or on the business premises appurtenant to any such licensed gaming establishment during any period of time in which such licensed gaming establishment is being constructed, repaired, maintained or operated in this state; (b) to install any gambling device, machine or equipment in any licensed gaming establishment; (c) to possess or control any gambling device, machine or equipment during the process of procuring or transporting such device, machine or equipment for installation on any such licensed gaming establishment; or (d) to store in a warehouse or other storage facility any gambling device, machine, equipment, or part thereof, regardless of whether the county or municipality in which the warehouse or storage facility is located has approved gaming aboard cruise vessels or vessels, provided that such device, machine or equipment is operated only in a county or municipality that has approved gaming aboard cruise vessels or vessels.  Any gambling device, machine or equipment that is owned, possessed, controlled, installed, procured, repaired, transported or stored in accordance with this subsection shall not be subject to confiscation, seizure or destruction, and any person, firm, partnership or corporation which owns, possesses, controls, installs, procures, repairs, transports or stores any gambling device, machine or equipment in accordance with this subsection shall not be subject to any prosecution or penalty under this section.  Any person constructing or repairing such cruise vessels or vessels within a municipality shall comply with all municipal ordinances protecting the general health or safety of the residents of the municipality.

     SECTION 8.  Section 97-33-17, Mississippi Code of 1972, is amended as follows:

     97-33-17.  (1)  All monies exhibited for the purpose of betting or alluring persons to bet at any game, and all monies staked or betted, shall be liable to seizure by any sheriff, constable, or police officer, together with all the appliances used or kept for use in gambling, or by any other person; and all the monies so seized shall be accounted for by the person making the seizure, and all appliances seized shall be destroyed; provided, however, this section shall not apply to betting, gaming or wagering on:

          (a)  A cruise vessel as defined in Section 27-109-1 whenever such vessel is in the waters within the State of Mississippi, which lie adjacent to the State of Mississippi south of the three (3) most southern counties in the State of Mississippi, including the Mississippi Sound, St. Louis Bay, Biloxi Bay and Pascagoula Bay, and in which the registered voters of the county in which the port is located have not voted to prohibit such betting, gaming or wagering on cruise vessels as provided in Section 19-3-79;

          (b)  In a structure located in whole or in part on shore in any of the three (3) most southern counties in the State of Mississippi in which the registered voters of the county have voted to allow such betting, gaming or wagering on cruise vessels as provided in Section 19-3-79, if:

              (i)  The structure is owned, leased or controlled by a person possessing a gaming license, as defined in Section 75-76-5, to conduct legal gaming on a cruise vessel under paragraph (a) of this subsection;

              (ii)  The part of the structure in which licensed gaming activities are conducted is located entirely in an area which is located no more than eight hundred (800) feet from the mean high-water line (as defined in Section 29-15-1) of the waters within the State of Mississippi, which lie adjacent to the State of Mississippi south of the three (3) most southern counties in the State of Mississippi, including the Mississippi Sound, St. Louis Bay, Biloxi Bay and Pascagoula Bay, or, with regard to Harrison County only, no farther north than the southern boundary of the right-of-way for U.S. Highway 90, whichever is greater; and

              (iii)  In the case of a structure that is located in whole or part on shore, the part of the structure in which licensed gaming activities are conducted shall lie adjacent to state waters south of the three (3) most southern counties in the State of Mississippi, including the Mississippi Sound, St. Louis Bay, Biloxi Bay and Pascagoula Bay.  When the site upon which the structure is located consists of a parcel of real property, easements and rights-of-way for public streets and highways shall not be construed to interrupt the contiguous nature of the parcel, nor shall the footage contained within the easements and rights-of-way be counted in the calculation of the distances specified in subparagraph (ii) * * *.;

          (c)  A vessel as defined in Section 27-109-1 whenever such vessel is on the Mississippi River or navigable waters within any county bordering on the Mississippi River, and in which the registered voters of the county in which the port is located have not voted to prohibit such betting, gaming or wagering on vessels as provided in Section 19-3-79; * * * or

          (d)  Through slot machines in an airport in which slot machines are authorized under Section 61-3-15; or

          ( * * *de)  That is legal under the laws of the State of Mississippi.

     (2)  Nothing in this section shall apply to any gambling device, machine or equipment that is owned, possessed, controlled, installed, procured, repaired or transported in accordance with subsection (4) of Section 97-33-7.

     SECTION 9.  Section 97-33-25, Mississippi Code of 1972, is amended as follows:

     97-33-25.  If any person shall sell or buy, either directly or indirectly, any chance in what is commonly called pool, upon any event whatever, or shall in any manner engage in such business or pastime, he shall be fined not more than Five Hundred Dollars ($500.00) or shall be imprisoned in the county jail not more than ninety (90) days; provided, however, this section shall not apply to betting, gaming or wagering:

          (a)  On a cruise vessel as defined in Section 27-109-1 whenever such vessel is in the waters within the State of Mississippi, which lie adjacent to the State of Mississippi south of the three (3) most southern counties in the State of Mississippi, including the Mississippi Sound, St. Louis Bay, Biloxi Bay and Pascagoula Bay, and in which the registered voters of the county in which the port is located have not voted to prohibit such betting, gaming or wagering on cruise vessels as provided in Section 19-3-79;

          (b)  In a structure located in whole or in part on shore in any of the three (3) most southern counties in the State of Mississippi in which the registered voters of the county have voted to allow such betting, gaming or wagering on cruise vessels as provided in Section 19-3-79, if:

              (i)  The structure is owned, leased or controlled by a person possessing a gaming license, as defined in Section 75-76-5, to conduct legal gaming on a cruise vessel under paragraph (a) of this section;

              (ii)  The part of the structure in which licensed gaming activities are conducted is located entirely in an area which is located no more than eight hundred (800) feet from the mean high-water line (as defined in Section 29-15-1) of the waters within the State of Mississippi, which lie adjacent to the State of Mississippi south of the three (3) most southern counties in the State of Mississippi, including the Mississippi Sound, St. Louis Bay, Biloxi Bay and Pascagoula Bay, or, with regard to Harrison County only, no farther north than the southern boundary of the right-of-way for U.S. Highway 90, whichever is greater; and

              (iii)  In the case of a structure that is located in whole or part on shore, the part of the structure in which licensed gaming activities are conducted shall lie adjacent to state waters south of the three (3) most southern counties in the State of Mississippi, including the Mississippi Sound, St. Louis Bay, Biloxi Bay and Pascagoula Bay.  When the site upon which the structure is located consists of a parcel of real property, easements and rights-of-way for public streets and highways shall not be construed to interrupt the contiguous nature of the parcel, nor shall the footage contained within the easements and rights-of-way be counted in the calculation of the distances specified in subparagraph (ii) * * *.;

          (c)  On a vessel as defined in Section 27-109-1 whenever such vessel is on the Mississippi River or navigable waters within any county bordering on the Mississippi River, and in which the registered voters of the county in which the port is located have not voted to prohibit such betting, gaming or wagering on vessels as provided in Section 19-3-79; * * * or

          (d)  Through slot machines in an airport in which slot machines are authorized under Section 61-3-15; or

          ( * * *de)  That is legal under the laws of the State of Mississippi.

     SECTION 10.  Section 97-33-27, Mississippi Code of 1972, is amended as follows:

     97-33-27.  If any person shall bet on a horse race or a yacht race or on a shooting match, he shall be fined not more than Five Hundred Dollars ($500.00), and, unless the fine and costs be immediately paid, he shall be imprisoned in the county jail not more than ninety (90) days; provided, however, this section shall not apply to betting, gaming or wagering:

          (a)  On a cruise vessel as defined in Section 27-109-1 whenever such vessel is in the waters within the State of Mississippi, which lie adjacent to the State of Mississippi south of the three (3) most southern counties in the State of Mississippi, including the Mississippi Sound, St. Louis Bay, Biloxi Bay and Pascagoula Bay, and in which the registered voters of the county in which the port is located have not voted to prohibit such betting, gaming or wagering on cruise vessels as provided in Section 19-3-79;

          (b)  In a structure located in whole or in part on shore in any of the three (3) most southern counties in the State of Mississippi in which the registered voters of the county have voted to allow such betting, gaming or wagering on cruise vessels as provided in Section 19-3-79, if:

              (i)  The structure is owned, leased or controlled by a person possessing a gaming license, as defined in Section 75-76-5, to conduct legal gaming on a cruise vessel under paragraph (a) of this section;

              (ii)  The part of the structure in which licensed gaming activities are conducted is located entirely in an area which is located no more than eight hundred (800) feet from the mean high-water line (as defined in Section 29-15-1) of the waters within the State of Mississippi, which lie adjacent to the State of Mississippi south of the three (3) most southern counties in the State of Mississippi, including the Mississippi Sound, St. Louis Bay, Biloxi Bay and Pascagoula Bay, or, with regard to Harrison County only, no farther north than the southern boundary of the right-of-way for U.S. Highway 90, whichever is greater; and

              (iii)  In the case of a structure that is located in whole or part on shore, the part of the structure in which licensed gaming activities are conducted shall lie adjacent to state waters south of the three (3) most southern counties in the State of Mississippi, including the Mississippi Sound, St. Louis Bay, Biloxi Bay and Pascagoula Bay.  When the site upon which the structure is located consists of a parcel of real property, easements and rights-of-way for public streets and highways shall not be construed to interrupt the contiguous nature of the parcel, nor shall the footage contained within the easements and rights-of-way be counted in the calculation of the distances specified in subparagraph (ii) * * *.;

          (c)  On a vessel as defined in Section 27-109-1 whenever such vessel is on the Mississippi River or navigable waters within any county bordering on the Mississippi River, and in which the registered voters of the county in which the port is located have not voted to prohibit such betting, gaming or wagering on vessels as provided in Section 19-3-79; * * * or

          (d)  Through slot machines in an airport in which slot machines are authorized under Section 61-3-15; or

          ( * * *de)  That is legal under the laws of the State of Mississippi.

     SECTION 11.  This act shall take effect and be in force from and after July 1, 2023.