2023 Regular Session

To: Rules

By: Representative Bell (65th)

House Resolution 139


     WHEREAS, Edward Earl Wilson, Jr., a senior at Jackson Preparatory School, has achieved many phenomenal accomplishments during his time as a student, a true testament to his academic excellence and dedication to greatness; and

     WHEREAS, Edward, the son of Mr. Edward and Mrs. Juanita Wilson, serves at Jackson Prep as a "Pathfinder" tour guide for prospective students, writes for both the school newspaper, The Sentry, and the school alumni magazine, The Patriot, is active in the French Club, plays in the Chess Club, and is a member of the State Championship Quiz Bowl team; and

     WHEREAS, remarkably, Edward played the auctioneer in the second-ever, high school production of Andrew Lloyd Webber's The Phantom of the Opera, and has twice finished second at the Mississippi Finals of the American Legion Oratorical Contest; and

     WHEREAS, additionally, Edward has been a finalist in the school Poetry Out Loud contest for four years, finishing first at both the Regional and State-wide Finals in 2023, and as first place winner for the state, he will now go on to represent Mississippi in the National Poetry Out Loud contest in Washington D.C. on May 9-10, 2023, and he has been selected by the school faculty to represent Jackson Prep at several summer institutes; and

     WHEREAS, a four-year member of the Speech and Debate team, Edward has served as captain of the team since 2021, and has competed in Congressional Debate, Declamation, Extemporaneous Debate, Extemporaneous Speaking, Impromptu Speaking, Informative Speaking, Lincoln-Douglas Debate, Original Oratory, Poetry Interpretation, Policy Debate, Program Oral Interpretation, Prose Interpretation, and Public Forum Debate, and he is a multi-time qualifier for National Championship tournaments, made finals, and has earned the National Speech and Debate Association highest student rating of "Premiere Distinction" with 5 rubies, and consistently ranks as the top speech and debate student in Mississippi, and in the top 40 in the nation; and

     WHEREAS, Edward has received the following honors, awards and recognitions:  Speech and Debate Award (2020); Hugh O'Brien Youth Foundation Leadership Seminar at Millsaps College (Summer 2021); Governor's School (Summer 2022); Lott Leadership Institute at Ole Miss (Summer 2022); National French Exam (French III), finishing 9th in Mississippi and 28th in the nation; American Legion Oratorical Contest, Regional Champion and 2nd in State (2022), 2nd in State (2023); Poetry Out Loud, school finalist (2020, 2021, 2022, 2023); and Regional and State Champion (2023); and

     WHEREAS, it is the policy of the House of Representatives to recognize exceptional Mississippi students, especially those such as Edward, whose hard work and dedication to achieving excellence brings honor to the State of Mississippi:

     NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES OF THE STATE OF MISSISSIPPI, That we do hereby recognize and commend Edward Earl Wilson, Jr., for his outstanding achievements, and extend best wishes for continued success in all his future endeavors.

     BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That copies of this resolution be furnished to Edward Earl Wilson, Jr., and to the members of the Capitol Press Corps.