2023 Regular Session

To: Rules

By: Representative Ford (73rd)

House Concurrent Resolution 27


     WHEREAS, the United States of America is an exceptional nation whose people have always aimed to form a more perfect union based upon our founding principles and the unalienable rights endowed to us by our Creator; and

     WHEREAS, America's constitutional republic, informed by our founding principles of liberty and equality, is a glorious achievement and the source of our ever-advancing victories against hatred and oppression; and

     WHEREAS, our Founding Fathers, including George Washington and Thomas Jefferson, as well as leaders like Abraham Lincoln, Frederick Douglass and Reverend Martin Luther King, Jr., were among the greatest Americans to ever live, and they deserve to be honored, and we should teach our children the truth about their lives and achievements; and

     WHEREAS, September is the traditional back to school month, and the month in which we annually commemorate the signing of the United States Constitution on September 17, 1787, and celebrate our founding principles of liberty and equality; and

     WHEREAS, our children and grandchildren should be taught to take pride in their country, to respect our founding principles of liberty and equality, and to have a sense of American history that is both truthful and inspiring; and

     WHEREAS, we encourage all Mississippians to celebrate America's glorious founding principles of liberty and equality with appropriate festivities and activities, and proudly display the flag outside their homes, businesses, workplaces and on their social media accounts throughout the month of September as a symbol of unity, equality, solidarity and hope; and

     WHEREAS, it is the policy of the Legislature to encourage the citizens of this state and elected officials at every level of government to proudly reaffirm the ideals and principles of our country in pursuit of greater opportunity and freedom for all:

     NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES OF THE STATE OF MISSISSIPPI, THE SENATE CONCURRING THEREIN, That we do hereby designate the month of September 2023 as Patriotic Education Month.

     BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That copies of this resolution be furnished to the members of the Capitol Press Corps.